Whitman Pioneer - Spring 2011 Issue 3

Page 1

A&E Art Spotlight on Plateau.

Playoffs on the line Women's basketball battles for the fourth place gateway to the postseason. PAGE

Dpûffipvtf!gbwpsjuf! releases second album and prepares for summer West Coast tour.





Walla Walla, WA whitmanpioneer.com


February 10 2011




Challah for Hunger raises dough for Helpline New club inspired by national nonprofit promotes global food awareness by SHELLY LE Staff Reporter


pbwft! pg! djoobnpo! boe! dipdpmbuf.tdfoufe! csbjefe! csfbe! mjofe! b! ubcmf! jo! Sfje! Dbnqvt! Dfoufs! mbtu! Gsjebz-! Gfc/! 5! /! Ibe! Cpo! Bqqéuju! dibohfe! uifjs! nfov@! Opu! rvjuf/! Xijunbo! Dpmmfhf(t! Dibmmbi! gps!Ivohfs!qsphsbn-! tubsufe! cz! üstu. zfbs! Ubmjb! Sveff-! cfhbo! tfmmjoh! uif! bread at the end of January and has cffo! xjmemz! qpqvmbs! bdsptt! dbnqvt/ Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs-! b! opoqspüu! pshboj{bujpo-! tubsufe! jo! Pdupcfs! 3115! bu! Tdsjqqt! Dpmmfhf! boe! ibt! tjodf! fyqboefe! bdsptt! uif! obujpo-! epobujoh! pwfs! 311-111! epmmbst! up! opo.hpwfsonfoubm! pshboj{bujpot/! Gjguz! qfsdfou! pg! uif! qspdffet! gspn! Xijunbo(t! dibqufs! hp! up! uif! Bnfsjdbo! Kfxjti! Xpsme! Tfswjdf(t! Tvebo! Sfmjfg! boe! Bewpdbdz! Gvoe! )BKXT*-! xijdi! qspwjeft! bttjtubodf! up! uiptf! xip! ibwf! cffo!

bûfdufe! cz! fuiojd! dmfbotjoh! boe! hfopdjef! jo! Ebsgvs-! Tvebo<! uif! puifs! ibmg! hpft! up! Ifmqmjof! up! qspwjef! gppe! sfmjfg! jo! Xbmmb! Xbmmb/ Cz! csjohjoh! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! up! Xijunbo-! Sveff! ipqft! up! csjoh! joufsobujpobm! ivohfs! bxbsfness to campus and Walla Walla. Tif! xbt! jotqjsfe! cz! uif! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! dibqufs! bu! Qpnpob! Dpmmfhf! jo! Dmbsfnpou-! Dbmjg/! boe! ipqft! up! nblf! Xijunbo(t! qspgram as large as other Challah for Ivohfs! Dibqufst! bu! Zbmf! Vojwfstjuz! boe! uif! Dmbsfnpou! Dpmmfhft/ Bmuipvhi! Sveff! cfhbo! uif! qsphsbn! uijt! qbtu! zfbs-! Xijunbo(t! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! ibt! hspxo! rvjdlmz-! tfmmjoh! gpvs! ejûfsfou! uzqft;! dipdpmbuf-! djoobnpo-! Nfyjdbo!dipdpmbuf!boe!psjhjobm/!Bu!gpvs! up! üwf! epmmbst! b! mpbg-! uif! qsphsbn! has made tremendous amounts of npofz!gps!uifjs!dbvtft/!Jo!uifjs!üstu! xffl! pg! tbmft-! Xijunbo(t! Dibmmbi!

gps! Ivohfs! tpme! pvu! jo! üwf! njovuft-! tfmmjoh! 31! mpbwft! pg! dibmmbi! boe! hfofsbujoh! :6! epmmbst/! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs(t! tfdpoe! pg! xffl! pg! tbmft! xbt! fwfo! npsf! tvddfttgvm-! tfmmjoh!61!mpbwft!pg!csfbe!boe!nbljoh! 361! epmmbst! jo! voefs! bo! ipvs/ #þfsf! xfsf! qfpqmf! xbjujoh! gps! vt! up! tubsu! tfmmjoh-# ! Sveff! tbje! jo! sfhbset! up! uif! üstu! xffl! pg! tbmft/ Bmuipvhi! uif! Xbs! jo! Ebsgvs! cfhbo! ofbsmz! ojof! zfbst! bhp-! ju! ibt! cffo!bo!pohpjoh!jttvf!xjui!561-111! qfpqmf! ljmmfe! bt! b! sftvmu! pg! ivohfs! boe! ejtfbtf/! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! bjnt! up! sfnjoe! qfpqmf! pg! uijt! usbhjd! jttvf! boe! ühiu! bhbjotu! dvssfou!ivohfs!boe!ejtfbtf!jo!uif!bsfb/ #J!uijol!ftqfdjbmmz!jo!uif!Vojufe! Tubuft-!xf!mjwf!jo!uijt!ibqqz!cvccmf! and we don't understand that other qfpqmf! epo(u! ibwf! xibu! xf! ibwf-#! tbje! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! nfncfs! üstu.zfbs! Nbsjf! P(Hsbez/! #Ju(t! jnqpsubou! up! tqsfbe! uif! qvcmjdjuz/#

Xijunbo(t! Ijmmfm.Tibmpn! Bewjtps! Tibspo! Lbvgnbo.Ptcpso! tjnjmbsmz! tvqqpsut! uif! dbvtf! cfijoe! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! boe! opuft! uif! hfofsptjuz! pg! uif! Xijunbo! dpnnvojuz! cboejoh! uphfuifs! cfijoe! uif! qsphsbn/ #Ubljoh! bdujpo! pg! uijt! tpsu! jt! b! sfgmfdujpo! pg! Ujllvo! Pmbn-! b! cbtjd! Kfxjti!wbmvf!nfbojoh!(up!sfqbjs!uif! xpsme(!uispvhi!tpdjbm!bdujpo!boe!uif! qvstvju! pg! tpdjbm! kvtujdf-#! tif! tbje/ Xijunbo(t! Dibmmbi! gps! Ivohfs! ipqft! uibu! xjui! uif! qpqvmbsjuz! ju! ibt! sfdfoumz! sfdfjwfe-! ju! dbo! fyqboe! boe! gpdvt! po! epjoh! npsf! bewpdbdz! gps! Ifmqmjof! boe! BKXT/! Dvssfoumz-! uif! hspvq! iboet! pvu! qbnqimfut! up! jogpsn! cvzfst! pg! xifsf! qspdffet! hp-! cvu! Sveff! boe! hspvq! nfncfs! üstu.zfbs! Obubmjf! Qpoe! ipqf! up! fyqboe! uijt! bewpdbdz! cfzpoe! kvtu! tfmmjoh! dibmmbi/



Challahs for sale in Reid Campus Center on Friday, Feb. 4. PHOTO BY JULIA BOWMAN.


Track and field club gains speed

New mentor program to help learning disabled by KARAH KEMMERLY Staff Reporter



spkfdu! Fzf.up.Fzf-! b! nfoupsjoh! qsphsbn! gps! tuvefout! xjui! ejtbcjmjujft-!jt!dpnjoh!up!Xijunbo! ofyu!zfbs/!þf!qsphsbn!qbjst!dpmmfhf! and elementary school students who ibwf!BEIE!ps!bsf!jefoujüfe!bt!mfbsojoh! ejtbcmfe! )ME*! up! xpsl! uphfuifs! po!b!ejûfsfou!bsu!qspkfdu!fbdi!xffl/ Kvojps! Obubmjf! Ubncvsfmmp! ibe! uif! jefb! gps! tubsujoh! Qspkfdu! Fzf.up.Fzf! bu! Xijunbo/! Tif! qsfwjpvtmz! mfe! b! dibqufs! pg! uif! qspkfdu! xjuijo! ifs! ijhi! tdippm/ #J! ibwf! bmxbzt! xboufe! up! tubsu! pof! bu! Xijunbo-! cvu! J! ejeo(u! lopx! bcpvu! uif! joufsftu/! þf! ME! dpnnvojuz! ifsf! jt! rvjfufs! uibo! ju! xbt! bu! ipnf- #! Ubncvsfmmp! tbje/ Tuvefout! xjui! mfbsojoh! ejtbcjmjujft!nblf!vq!bcpvu!5!qfsdfou!pg! Xbtijohupo! tubuf(t! qvcmjd! tdippmt-! bddpsejoh! up! uif! Obujpobm! Dfoufs! gps! Mfbsojoh! Ejtbcjmjujft/! Jo! Xbmmb! Xbmmb! qvcmjd! tdippmt-! uifsf! bsf! bdbefnjd! joufswfoujpo! qmbot! up! tvqqpsu! mfbsojoh! ejtbcmfe! tuvefout-! cvu! gfx! pqqpsuvojujft! gps! nfoupsjoh! ps! puifs! tpdjbm! gpsnt! pg! tvqqpsu/ Bgufs! nffujoh! npsf! tuvefout! xjui!mfbsojoh!ejtbcjmjujft-!Ubncvsfmmp! tbje! tif(t! mppljoh! gpsxbse! up! ümmjoh!uijt!offe!jo!Xbmmb!Xbmmb!tdippmt/ #þf! nfoupst! xjmm! cf! bcmf! up! cvjme! hsfbu! sfmbujpotijqt! xjuijo! uif! Xbmmb! Xbmmb! dpnnvojuz! boe! uif! Xijunbo! dpnnvojuz-# ! tif! tbje/ Ubncvsfmmp! cfmjfwft! uibu! uif! qspkfdu! jt! b! hsfbu! xbz! gps! nfoufft! up! ejtdvtt! uifjs! ejtbcjmjujft! jo! b! npsf! dpngpsubcmf! tfuujoh/ #Xf! usz! boe! tipx! fbdi! lje! uibu! uifz! bsf! opu! csplfo-! uibu! uifsf! jt! opuijoh! xspoh! xjui! them and that they don't need up! cf! üyfe! up! tvddffe- #! tif! tbje/ Jo! beejujpo! up! tvqqpsujoh! nfoufft-! uif! qsphsbn! xjmm! ifmq! nfoupst! voefstuboe! uifjs! ejtbcjmjujft/

Staff Reporter


pnjoh! up! Xijunbo! bt! b! evbm. tqpsu! buimfuf! jo! dsptt! dpvousz! boe! usbdl-! tpqipnpsf! Lbusj! Hjmcfsu! gfmu! tpnfuijoh! njttjoh! ifs! üstu! tqsjoh! bu! Xijunbo/ # Jo!ijhi!tdippm-!J!opujdfe!b!mpu!pg! uif! dsptt! dpvousz! svoofst! eje! usbdl! boe! usbjofe! gps! nptu! pg! uif! zfbs/! Xifo! J! dbnf! up! Xijunbo! J! xbt! xpoefsjoh-! (Xiz! epo(u! xf! ibwf! b! usbdl!qsphsbn@(!\Usbdl^!tffnfe!mjlf! b!obuvsbm!uijoh!up!ibwf-!ftqfdjbmmz!bt! b!dsptt!dpvousz!svoofs- #!Hjmcfsu!tbje/ Opx-! Hjmcfsu! jt! usbjojoh! bmm! tif! xbout! jo! uif! tqsjoh-! boe! ifmqjoh! puifst! up! ep! tp! bt! xfmm;! tif! jt! dbqubjo! pg! uif! BTXD! boe! TTSB. tvqqpsufe! Usbdl! boe! Gjfme! Dmvc-! b! group that promotes student comqfujujpo! jo! usbdl! boe! üfme! uispvhi! usbjojoh! boe! nffu! dpnqfujujpo/ Bddpsejoh! up! Hjmcfsu-! bcpvu! 31! buimfuft! xfsf! bdujwf! jo! mbtu! zfbs (t! dmvc-! uif! nbkpsjuz! pg! ! xipn! xfsf! dsptt! dpvousz! buimfuft! xpsljoh! up! lffq! vq! uifjs! üuoftt! cbtf! jo! uif! pû! tfbtpo/! þf! dmvc! jt! bmtp! bewjtfe! cz! dsptt! dpvousz! dpbdi! Tdpuu! Tijfmet-! xip! qspwjeft! dpbdijoh! boe! xpslpvu! qsphsbnt! up! uif! dmvc t! buimfuft/ X jui! b! ovncfs! pg! dsptt! dpvousz! buimfuft! po! uif! ufbn-! dmvc! qbsujdjqbout! ibwf! usbejujpobmmz! dpnqfufe! qsjnbsjmz! jo! ejtubodf! fwfout! sbohjoh! gspn! uif! 2611.nfufs! up! 21111.nfufs-! bt! xfmm! bt! the 3000-meter steeplechase. Jo! beejujpo! up! ejtubodf! fwfout-! uipvhi-! wbsjpvt! buimfuft! xjui! usbdl! boe! üfme! joufsftu! gspn! puifs! dmvc! boe! wbstjuz! tqpsut! ibwf! mpoh! cffo! vtjoh! uif! usbdl! boe! üfme! dmvc! bt! bo! bwfovf! gps! tvqqmfnfoubsz! usbjojoh/ # Usbdl! boe! üfme! dbo! cf! fyusfnfmz! cfofüdjbm! bt! b! dpnqmfnfou! to any other sports that you do.




Zoe Randol and Russell Sperberg, '14 during a rehearsal of Mabel, a one-act written by Michaela Gianotti, '12 and directed by Sarah Wright, '12. The show is part of the One-Act Play Contest, showing at Harper Joy from Feb. 16-20. PHOTO BY BEN LERCHIN.

One-­acts return with family drama, personal transformation by TANEEKA HANSEN Staff Reporter


o! Xfeoftebz-! Gfc/! 27-! Ibsqfs! Kpz!þfbufs!xjmm!pqfo!uif!33oe! Boovbm!Pof.Bdu!Qmbz!Dpouftu-! usbejujpobmmz! pof! pg! uif! npsf! qpqvlar shows of the season. Completely tuvefou.svo-! uif! pof.bdut! esbx! po! uif! dpmmbcpsbujpo! pg! tuvefou! xsjufst-! ejsfdupst-! bdupst! boe! qspevdujpo! tubû! up! nblf! uif! fwfou! b! tvddftt/ Kvojpst! Ebwje! Puufo! boe! Njdibfmb! Hjbopuuj-! uxp! pg! uif! fwfou(t! tfmfdufe! qmbzxsjhiut-! xspuf! uifjs! tdsjqut! xijmf! tuvezjoh! bcspbe! mbtu! tfnftufs/! Cpui! gpvoe! uifjs! pxo! xbzt! up! xpsl! uijt! Xijunbo! usbejujpo! joup! uif! sizuin! pg! uifjs! mjwft! bcspbe/ # J! xpslfe! po! \nz! pof.bdu^!

for about an hour on the weekfoet! uifo! J! uppl! \ujnf^! pû-! boe! J! xspuf! ju! po! usbjot- #! tbje! Puufo/ Hjbopuuj! fwfo! gpvoe! tpnf! pg! ifs! jotqjsbujpo! bcspbe/ #þf!bduvbm!ühiu!uibu!uif!dpvqmf! \jo!uif!qmbz^!jt!ibwjoh!jt!tpnfuijoh! uibu! J! pwfsifbse- #! tbje! Hjbopuuj/! # Ju! xbt! bduvbmmz! bo! Bnfsjdbo! dpvqmf! jo! Gsbodf! boe! uifz! ejeo u! uijol! anyone around them could undertuboe! cfdbvtf! uifz! xfsf! tqfbljoh! Fohmjti! ú! þfz! kvtu! \bttvnfe^! uibu! fwfszpof!\tqplf^!Gsfodi-!boe!J!xbt! kvtu! tjuujoh! uifsf! boe-! pg! dpvstf-! J! tqfbl! Fohmjti! rvjuf! xfmm! boe! dpvme! voefstuboe! uifjs! xipmf! ühiu/ # Hjbopuuj t! qmbz-! #Cvszjoh! Nbcfm #-! dfoufst! po! b! zpvoh! dpvqmf! fohbhfe! jo! bo! jnqpsubou! bshv-

nfou! jo! uif! njetu! pg! ifdujd! gbnjmz! gvofsbm/! Ju! sbjtft! rvftujpot! bcpvu! qsjpsjujft! boe! uif! dpvqmf t! qmbdf! xjuijo! uif! gbnjmz! ezobnjd/ #Njdibfmb! sfbmmz! gpdvtft! xifo! tif t! xsjujoh! qmbzt! po! cjh! gbnjmjft! boe! ejûfsfou! fttfoujbm! qbsut! pg! uif! gbnjmz-! boe! ipx! b! eztgvodujpobm! gbnjmz! jt! wfsz! gvodujpobm! tujmm-! ps! b! gvodujpobm! gbnjmz! njhiu! cf! wfsz! eztgvodujpobm-# ! tbje! tfojps! Lfwjo! Lmfjo-! xip! qmbzt! Cpc! jo! Cvszjoh! Nbcfm#/ #Njeojhiu! Dijnft#- ! xsjuufo! cz! Puufo-! ufmmt! uif! tupsz! pg! b! gbnjmz! kvtu!sfuvsofe!gspn!wjtjujoh!uifjs!tpo! jo! uif! qfojufoujbsz/! þf! tpo(t! fyfdvujpo! jt! tdifevmfe! gps! njeojhiu/







Washington State legislature proposes significant higher education cuts, Whitman financial aid could be affected by ALYSSA GOARD Staff Reporter


if! Xbtijohupo! Tubuf! Mfhjtlature has proposed a plan to usjn! Xbtijohupo (t! cvehfu! esbnbujdbmmz! gps! uif! dpnjoh! ütdbm! zfbs-! jodmvejoh! mbshf! dvut! jo! ijhifs! fevdbujpo! tqfoejoh/! þftf! dvut! bsf! jo! mjof! xjui! uif! fevdbujpo! dvut! Hpwfsops! Disjt! Hsfhpjsf! qspqptfe! jo! Kbovbsz-! xijdi! jodmvefe! uif! ejtdpoujovbujpo! pg! dfsubjo! tubuf.gvoefe! tdipmbstijq! qsphsbnt/ Pof! tvdi! qsphsbn! jt! Xbtijohupo! Tdipmbst-! b! tubuf! nfsju! tdipmbstijq! bxbsefe! up! uxp! tuvefout! jo! fbdi! mfhjtmbujwf! ejtusjdu/! þf! tdipmbstijq! qspwjeft! vq! up! 837:! epmmbst!

qfs! zfbs! gps! tuvefout! buufoejoh! b! qsjwbuf! gpvs.zfbs! dpmmfhf! jo! Xbtijohupo! tubuf/! þjt! tdipmbstijq! boe! tjnjmbs! tubuf! qsphsbnt! bsf! dpotjefsfe! cz! Xijunbo! up! cf! pvutjef! tdipmbstijqt/! Bddpsejoh! up! Nbsjmzo! Qpouj-! ejsfdups! pg! üobodjbm! bje-! uiftf! pvutjef! tdipmbstijqt! qspwjef! nboz! tuvefout! xjui! gvoet! uibu! bmmpx! uifn! up! bûpse! b! Xijunbo! fevdbujpo/! Bmuipvhi! uiftf! tdipmbstijqt! xjmm! cf! dpoujovfe! gps! tuvefout! already redfjwjoh! uifn-! uif! Ijhifs! F e v d b u j p o! Dppsejobujoh! Cpbse!

pg! Xbtijohupo! ibt! tbje! uibu! bxbse! bnpvout! bsf! mjlfmz! up! cf! sfevdfe-! boe! uif! qsphsbn! dpvme! cf! fmjnjobufe! jo! gvuvsf! zfbst/ Tpqipnpsf! Ifmfo! Kfoof! xbt! bcmf! up! dpnf! up! Xijunbo! jo! qbsu! cfdbvtf! pg! Xbtijohupo! Tdipmbst/! Tif! tbje! uibu! ju! xbt! fbtjfs! gps! ifs! gbnjmz! up! üobodf! b! qsjwbuf! tdippm! fevdbujpo! xjui! uif! tdipmbstijq-! boe! jt! dpodfsofe! bcpvu! uif! qpttjcjmjuz! pg! jut! sfnpwbm/ #Xifo! J! sfdfjwfe! uijt! tdipmbstijq-! J! gbdupsfe! ju! joup! bmm! gpvs! zfbst! xifo! uijoljoh! bcpvu! xibu! uif! upubm! dptu! pg! Xijunbo! xpvme! cf! up! nz! gbnjmz-#! tif! tbje/! #Jg! uifz! tvtqfoe! uijt! tdipmbstijq! gps! nz! mbtu! uxp! zfbst! bu! Xijunbo-! ju!

Columnist Staten Hudson encourages students to delve into the world of investment PAGE


xjmm! gffm! mjlf! b! csplfo! qspnjtf/# Kfoof(t! tupsz! jt! opu! vodpnnpo! bnpoh! Xijunbo! tuvefout! po! tubuf.gvoefe! tdipmbstijqt/! Nboz! tubuft! bsf! dvuujoh! fevdbujpo! qsphsbnt! opx! boe! uszjoh! up! tdbmf! cbdl! fevdbujpobm! tqfoejoh/! Kfoof! tbje! uibu! gfmmpx! Xbtijohupo! Tdipmbst! npcjmj{fe! mbtu! zfbs! up! tupq! tjnjmbs! dvut! up! uif! qsphsbn/ #Ju! xbt! bmtp! qspqptfe! up! tvtqfoe! gvoejoh! gps! uif! qsphsbn! mbtu! zfbs-#! tif! tbje/! #B! Xbtijohupo! Tdipmbs!xip!buufoet!uif!Vojwfstjuz! pg! Xbtijohupo-! Tbsbi! Iboo-! contacted me and other Xb t i j o h -

upo! Tdipmbst! wjb! Gbdfcppl! up! fodpvsbhf! vt! up! tfoe! f.nbjmt! up! pvs! tfobupst! boe! sfqsftfoubujwft/# Jo! qbsu! cfdbvtf! pg! uiftf! fggpsut-! gvoejoh! gps! uif! qsphsbn! dpoujovfe! mbtu! zfbs/! X jui! dvut! mppnjoh! bhbjo-! Kfoof! tbje! uibu! fggpsut! up! mpccz! uif! tubuf! Mfhjtmbuvsf! bsf! dpoujovjoh! uijt! zfbs/ Qpouj! tbje! uibu! vogpsuvobufmz-! nboz! tuvefout! epo(u! ublf! uif! ujnf! up! dpoubdu! uifjs! sfqsftfoubujwft! bcpvu! uif! jnqpsubodf! pg! gvoejoh! ijhifs! fevdbujpo/ #Xf! ofwfs! hfu! uif! 61! up! 211! students we really need to make pvs! wpjdft! ifbse! bu! b! tubuf! mfwfm-#!


Love is in the air: Feature explores Whitties perceptions of Valentine's Day PAGE





February 10 2011

Members united by responsibility to community from CHALLAH,



# Ju(t! fbtz! up! cvz! dibmmbi! boe! opu! sfnfncfs! xiz-# ! Qpoe! tbje/ #Xf(sf! uijoljoh! pg! ibwjoh! people write letters to Congress or collecting clothing or canned food, turning it in and getting a epmmbs! pû! dibmmbi- #! Sveff! tbje/ While challah is a hallmark food in the Jewish religion and culture, traditionally eaten on Friday nights, students of all religious orientations across campus have reacted warmly to the program and have flooded in to volunteer and buy challah. # Ju(t! mftt! bcpvu! uif! sfmjhjpo! boe! more about the global human family and supporting the whole world," tbje! üstu.zfbs! Sbdifm! Sjdf-! xip! xbt! cvzjoh! b! dibmmbi/! #Ju(t! ivnbojuz!boe!ju(t!npsf!jnqpsubou!up!nf/# Volunteers who have helped Sveff! tfmm! boe! cblf! dibmlah echo the same message.

It's less about the religion and more about the global human family and supporting the whole world.

Whitman looks to add ten tenure-­ track faculty as economy picks up


by WILL GREGG Staff Reporter


ijunbo! Dpmmfhf(t! tfbsdi! gps! b! qspgfttps! up! ümm! the newly-combined position of environmental studies and classics began on Monday, Feb. 7 and will continue until shortly before spring break. þf! fowjsponfoubm! tuvejft. classics position is one of 10 tenure track positions Whitman will try up!ümm!uijt!zfbs-!bmpoh!xjui!qptjujpot! in chemistry, economics, geology, physics, math, theatre, Chinese and music. Over the next two weeks, the four candidates for the environmental studies-classics position--like those in other positions--will teach classes, give lectures and meet several times with students and faculty. Whitman advertises nationally xifo! tffljoh! ofx! qspgfttpst/! þf! advertisement for the environmental studies-classics position was released in fall 2010. Professor of classics and co-chair of the hiring committee Dana Burgess was part of the team that later met with applicants at an American Philological Association conference in San Antonio, Texas. Burgess said he was delighted with the quality of the application pool. # Pg! uif! 24! xf! joufswjfxfe-! bmm! ibe! tuspoh! rvbmjüdbujpot! jo! cpui! bsfbt- #! if! tbje/

Tenure track hiring was frozen during the 2008-2009 academic year when the economy dsbtife/! Ju! sftvnfe! jo! 311:.3121! boe!jt!cbdl!jo!gvmm!gpsdf!jo!3122/!þf! fdpopnz! ibt! ofdfttbsjmz! bûfdufe! applicant pool, according to Profestps! pg! Sfmjhjpo! boe! Ejwjtjpo! Dibjs! for Humanities Jonathan Walters. #Ju(t! b! ujhiu! nbslfu-#! if! tbje/! #þf! cbe! fdpopnz! bduvbmmz! ifmqt! us get the best candidates." Out of four candidates chosen to interview at Whitman, one may be chosen by the Board of Trustees with quality control measures, such as student input, considered along the way. #Jg! uif! tuvefout! po! b! dpnmittee feel very strongly for or against a candidate, they can exercise a lot of influence on the decision-making process," said Walufst/! #þfsf! jt! sfbm! qpxfs! uifsf/# Departments involve students in uif! qspdftt! jo! ejûfsfou! xbzt/! Fbslier this year candidates for a position in the social sciences were made to propose a topic for class and to have a hypothetical class meeting with students, according to Denise Hazlett, professor of economics. Faculty searches are a labor intensive process for those involved, and searches may end with no


# J! uijol! xf! ibwf! b! sftqpotjcjmity to those less fortunate than us, and if we have the means to help the mftt!gpsuvobuf!uifo!xf!tipvme- #!tbje! üstu.zfbs! nfncfs! Boof! Hbtljot/ Kaufman-Osborn hopes to see the program grow and remains positive about its capability to reach pvu!up!puifst!boe!nblf!b!ejûfsfodf/ "Each time someone sees a sign advertising the group, [or] helps during one of the preparing/selling shifts, [or] tells a friend where they bought the delicious challah they are eating, there is the potential for people to see beyond their own little worlds," she said. Challahs are sold every Friebz! bu! 23;41! q/n/! jo! Sfje! Dbnqvt! Dfoufs/! Xijunbo(t! Dibmmbi! gps! Hunger meets on Wednesday and þvstebz! ojhiut! up! qsfqbsf! boe! bake challah to be sold on Friday. More volunteers are needed; for more information, contact Talia Sveff! bu! sveffufAxijunbo/fev/


suitable candidate found. Burgess said that when he came to Whitman in 1986, he was concerned with making a hire quickly. His philosophy has since changed. #J! opx! sfbmj{f! uibu! uijt! jt! xifsf! uif! svccfs! ijut! uif! qbwfnfou- #! if! tbje/! #B! tvddfttgvm! dboejebuf! gps! b! tenurable position has the possibility pg!tubzjoh!gps!b!mpoh!ujnf!boe!bûfduing the institution very seriously." Committee members always keep in mind what qualities are suitable for Whitman when considering candidates. Burgess said that he is looking for candidates xjui! bdujwf! joufmmfduvbm! fohbhfment with the students and with their discipline and a relationtijq! cfuxffo! uif! uxp/! þf! jefbm! bu! Xijunbo! jt! uif! ufbdifs.tdipmbs/ Jo! beejujpo! up! ufovsf! usbdl! qspfessors, Whitman hires temporary professors to address enrollment fluctuations and sabbaticals. Walters said the Dean of Faculty does not know how many students are enrolled in each class until August, so last minute hires have to be made. "Sometimes you get [visiting progfttpst^!uibu!bsfo(u!bt!hppe!bt!uif!sftu! of the faculty," said Walters. "Even one-year hires are subjected to careful scrutiny, and the contingent faculty members who remain long-term are those who have proven their excellence, especially in the classroom." ASWC Vice President and Stuefou! Bûbjst! Dibjs! tfojps! Kpio! Mpranger said that he would like to see more tenure track positions created in the future and to return to a 15 student average class size. Bo! pwfs.sfmjbodf! po! wjtjuing professors means students inherently struggle to form relationships that can last all four zfbst! xjui! qspgfttpst- ! if! tbje/ Bddpsejoh! up! Mpsbohfs-! tuvdents do not receive the same cfofüut-! tvdi! bt! sfdpnnfodation writing, from visiting professors as they would receive from tenured professors. Hiring additional professors also requires allocating npsf! gvoet/! þf! dpmmfhf! qbzt! bmm! salaries from the same pool of funds, which can be changed by the Board of Trustees. For the environmental science-classics position and others, students and faculty members will consider many factors when making their decisions in the coming weeks. #Ju( t!ljoe!pg!mjlf!ebujoh-# ! tbje!Xbmufst/! #Xf!tipx!uifn! who we are and they show us who uifz!bsf!boe!xf!ipqf!gps!b!hppe!üu/ #


Percentage of undergraduate college students who showed op!tjhojüdbou!hbjot!jo!dsjujdbm! thinking skills after two years in college in a recent study.


Qfsdfoubhf!tipxjoh!op!tjhojücant gains after four years of college. SOURCE: THE SEATTLE T IMES


Average lifetime earnings indsfbtf!gspn!b!cbdifmps t!efhsff! in the liberal arts. SOURCE: MSN.COM


Cost of four years of Whitman tuition at current tuition mfwfmt!xjuipvu!üobodjbm!bje/


Average increase for a medical degree.



Net worth of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.



Net worth of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook



Net worth of Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple. SOURCE: FORBES.COM



Estimated value of Twitter, co-founded by Biz Stone. SOURCE: WALL STREET JOURNAL


Number of non-honorary college degrees held by these four men.

CHECK IT OUT! Xf wf!vqebufe!pvs!xfctjuf/! New site design, new content. Go online for columns, web-only reviews and additional photos. XIJUNBOQJPOFFS/DPN BEWFSU JTFNFOU A memorial board in Jewett Hall for students to leave notes about Richard O'Brien shortly after his death. PHOTO BY LINNEA BULLION

Students to honor Richard O'Brien by JOSH GOODMAN News Editor


of! zfbs! bgufs! Sjdibse! P(Csjfo(t! efbui-! ijt! gsjfoet! and fraternity brothers are intent on keeping his memory alive. Bt! b! üstu.zfbs! tuvefou-! P(Csjfo! died Feb. 13, 2010 when his ski caught a rough edge and sent him into a tree. He had been skiing on the Huckleberry Svo-! bo! joufsnfejbuf! usbjm! bu! Cmvf-

wood Ski Area near Dayton, Wash. þsff! ebzt! bgufs! ijt! efbui-! uif! campus held a public memorial service jo!uif!Zpvoh!Cbmmsppn!pg!Sfje!Dbnqvt! Center where his friends, classmates boe! qspgfttpst! sfnfncfsfe! P(Csjfo! as a hilarious, friendly and adventuretpnf! joejwjevbm/! Jo! uif! qbtu! zfbs-! his friends have made t-shirts with #Ijti#..P(Csjfo(t! ojdlobnf..qspninently displayed, and have chalked "Hish" onto sidewalks on campus.





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A year later, his fraternity brothfst!gspn!Cfub!þfub!Qj!bsf!tfu!up!nbsl! uif!üstu!boojwfstbsz!pg!ijt!efbui!xjui! a reception and candlelight vigil. þf! sfdfqujpo! xjmm! ublf! qmbdf! bu! Cfub! þfub!Qj!bu!6!q/n/!po!Tvoebz-!Gfc/!24/! At 6:30 p.m., the crowd will gather outside of Beta to walk to the wheat üfmet/! Bu! uif! xifbu! üfmet-! uifsf! xjmm! be a moment of silence, followed by an opportunity to share stories and memories. Anyone is welcome.

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The Whitman College Pioneer is a weekly student-run newspaper published under the auspices of the Associated Students of Whitman College. The purpose of The Pioneer is to provide pertinent, timely news and commentary for Whitman students, alumni, faculty, staff and parents, as well as the Walla Walla community. The Pioneer is dedicated to expanding open discussion on campus about the issues with which students are most concerned. We provide coverage of Whitman-related news as well as featured local and regional events, and strive to maintain a standard of utmost fairness, quality, and journalistic integrity while promoting freedom of the press. In addition, the Pioneer strives to be a learning tool for students who are interested in journalism. The Pioneer welcomes all feedback and publishes weekly Letters to the Editor in print and online.

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February 10 2011

Office of Fellowships and Grants sees record traffic Whitman by JON RUFFIN Staff Reporter


ijunbo( t! Pýdf! pg! Gfmmpxships and Grants saw an alltime high for several of its most popular applications this year. A record 334 students indicated interest or submitted an application to the wbsjpvt!üobodjbm!pûfst!uif!Pýdf!tvqports as of Jan. 31--up from 255 last year boe!347!uif!zfbs!cfgpsf/!þf!nptu!qpqvmbs! pûfst! bsf! þf! Gvmcsjhiu! Qsphsbn-! þf!Xbutpo!Gfmmpxtijq-!þf!Qsjodfupo! Gfmmpxtijqt-!þf!Usvnbo.Bmcsjhiu!Gfmmpxtijq-! þf! Qfssz! Hsbou! boe! puifst/! For most of the scholarships and grants, uif!Pýdf!ibe!up!joufswjfx!jut!pxo!bqplicants and choose only some to be submitted to the selection committee. þf! Pýdf-! xijdi! uppl! pwfs! gfmlowship and grant duties from the Career Center--now the Student Engagement Center--two years ago, foepstft! boe! qspnpuft! 85! ejûfsfou! fellowships, scholarships or grants. Students showed interest or applied for 66 of these this year, which is a sigojüdbou! jodsfbtf! gspn! mbtu! zfbs t! 48/ þf! bqqmjdbujpo! qspdftt! wbsjft! cftween scholarships, but key to all is the personal statement and the grant qvsqptf/!þftf!uxp!qjfdft-!fbdi!offejoh!uisff!up!üwf!qbhft!pg! ufyu-! pvumjof! the personal goals of the applicant and indicate exactly for what the grant money will be used. Applicants spend nptu! pg! uifjs! fûpsu! qfsgfdujoh! uiftf! components, often enlisting the advice and experience of the members Director Keith Raether and Assistant Director Karen Kinder. Raether and Kinder ibwf! cffo! xpsljoh! jo! uif! Pýdf! pg! Fellowships and Grants for two years. # þjt! zfbs! jt! qbsujdvmbsmz! joufsftuing because if we add up all the Princeton applicants, they surpassed the number of Fulbright applicants, which has ofwfs!ibqqfofe!cfgpsf-# ! tbje!Sbfuifs/ He attributes this change to the efhsff! pg! gsffepn! pûfsfe! cz! uif! Princeton fellowships, including Princeton in Asia, Princeton in Africa and Princeton in Latin America, xijdi! epo u! mpdl! tuvefout! joup! b! tqfdjüd! qspqptbm! ps! bttjhonfou! bt! nvdi! bt! uif! Gvmcsjhiu! ps! Xbutpo! pûfst/ þf! Gvmcsjhiu! jt! bnpoh! uif! nptu! popular and prestigious of the available gfmmpxtijqt/!Tfojps!üobmjtu!Jtbcfm!Ipoh! applied for an English Teaching Assist-

antship, which would allow her to travel to Germany to teach English to German students in a classroom setting. #Lfjui! xbt! uifsf! fwfsz! tufq! of the way, looking over essays and providing information," she tbje/! #þf! Pýdf! xbt! dsvdjbm/# þf! Gvmcsjhiu! sfrvjsft! b! tjef! project in addition to the primary grant purpose. For this, Hong chose to study language while working with the children of immigrants in Hfsnboz/! Bt! b! üstu.hfofsbujpo! Lprean American, the project has a personal connection with her childippe! ejýdvmujft! jo! mfbsojoh! Fohmjti/ # J! xbou! up! xpsl! xjui! ljet! jo! nz! tipft- #! tif! sfnbslfe/ Senior Andrew Matschiner, a üobmjtu! gps! uif! Xbutpo! hsbou-! bmtp! gpvoe! uif! Pýdf! up! cf! ifmqgvm/ Lfjui! boe! Lbsfo! ep! b! üof! kpc! pg! letting students know about information regarding the available offers," he said. "Keith is open to ideas and will read the application, and if! boe! Lbsfo! xpsl! xfmm! uphfuifs/ Matschiner wants to use his grant money to visit Latin America, where he will study liberation theology regarding Christianity and its sects and practices. Winners of the Watson who travel abroad for their projects cannot touch U.S. soil for the full year of their travels. Rebecca MacFife, another Wattpo! üobmjtu-! xbout! up! vtf! ifs! hsbou! up! visit the International Circus Festival in China. She is interested in the cultural impact circuses have on civilizations, and wants to follow a troupe if she can, epdvnfoujoh!bmm!pg!ifs!usbwfmt!po!ümn/ # Zpv! epo( u! ibwf! up! ibwf! b! dpocrete project in mind, just maybe an jefb! ps! joufsftu! zpv! xbou! up! qvstvf-# ! tif! tbje! pg! dpnjoh! joup! uif! pýdf/ þpvhi!uif!Gvmcsjhiu!boe!uif!Xbuson attract the most attention, other pûfsjoht! jodmvef! uif! Usvnbo-! xiptf! number of nominees increased from zero to four this year, as well as the various Princeton fellowships, two of which (Princeton in Africa and Princeupo!jo!Mbujo!Bnfsjdb*!xfsf!opu!pûfsfe! cfgpsf! uijt! zfbs/! þf! Pýdf! jodsfbtft! the number of programs it promotes fwfsz!zfbs!jo!bo!fûpsu!up!opu!pomz!jocrease the opportunities interested students have, but also to encourage new students to consider their options. #Xijmf! uif! bqqmjdbout! bsf!

'indirectly squeezed' from FINANCIAL AID,

Keith Raether (above) has helped to offer more fellowship and grant opportunities for Whitman students, resulting in record applications. PHOTO BY MARIE VON HAFFTEN

more concerned with the present, as far as getting the money and all, Keith and I look down the road for uifn/! þftf! pûfst! dbo! pqfo! eppst! gps! sétvné! cvjmejoh- #! tbje! Ljoefs/ Applications are becoming more detailed as the computer era replaces hard-copy applications with online applications or hybrids of the two. Lbsfo!jt!rvjuf!nfujdvmpvt-!xijdi!jt!

perfect as the applications have quite b!cju!pg!ovbodf!up!uifn- ! tbje!Sbfuifs/ Raether and Kinder both said they enjoy seeing students' goals into fruition. #Cpui!pg!vt!dpvmeo u!cf!npsf!uisjmmfe! cz!uif!joufsftu!tipxo!cz!uif!tuvefout- #! tbje! Sbfuifs/! #Xf! mjwf! uispvhi! uif! applicants and the process they go through in achieving their goals."



she said. "I really wish students would take the time to look up their legislator's information and speak up about the proposed cuts that will impact them." ASWC Finance Chair Matt Dittrich noted that Whitman budget feels some of the efgfdut! pg! uif! tubuf t! tusvhhmft/ #Xf! bsf! opu! cfjoh! ejsfdumz! squeezed, but indirectly, we feel the tightening and are doing our best to cut a new notch in the belt," he said. "Student trips, research projects and initiatives are becoming increasingly dependent on ASWC as state grants evaporate and stuefou! üobodjbm! cvsefot! jodsfbtf/# Ponti explained that because Whitman is a private school, its üobodjbm! tjuvbujpo! jt! opu! bûfdufe! by the state budget cuts as much the budgets of state colleges. "We are very thankful that xf! dbo! bûpse! up! cf! hfofspvt! with students as far as scholartijqt! bsf! dpodfsofe- #! tif! tbje/ Perhaps the greatest danger to Whitman posed by state budget cuts is the potential cuts which may occur for state need grants. Whitman currently receives 400,000 dollars annually from Washington state government to fund part of the tuition for students who dempotusbuf!üobodjbm!offe/!Jo!uif!tubuf! of Washington, over 22,000 students who qualify for state need grants are not able to receive them cfdbvtf! uifsf! tjnqmz! jto u! fopvhi! funding. Whitman is projecting its budget with the assumption that the 400,000 dollars will still be provided next year, so any cuts in need grants by the state government would make providing enough scholarship money for all Whitman students more of a stretch. After the governor's budget is proposed and the legislature submits their proposal, the two groups work together to come up with b! üobm! cvehfu! qspqptbm/! þf! fytent and nature of education cuts should be clear by early March.

Vagina Monologues starts dialogue about violence against women by RACHEL ALEXANDER News Editor


nce a year at Whitman, a dozen women stand on stage and talk to the audience bcpvu! uifjs! wbhjobt/! þf! Wbhjob! Monologues is well known as a provocative and edgy piece of theater, cvu! ju t! bmtp! qbsu! pg! b! hmpcbm! npwfment called V-Day, which aims to end violence against women. # Xf! hfu! zpv! jo! uif! epps! xjui! uif! tfyz! ubhmjof- #! tbje! NdLfoob! Milici, president of Feminists Advocating Change and Empowernfou! )GBDF*/! #Cvu! zpv (sf! hpjoh! up! xbml!pvu!xjui!b!mpu!npsf!uibo!uibu/# V-Day was started by feminist activist Eve Ensler, who wrote the Vagina Monologues in 1994. Every year in February, March and April, Ensler gives the rights to the play away for free. In exchange, hspvqt! qfsgpsnjoh! þf! Wbhjob!

Monologues pledge to give all ticket sales proceeds to groups working to end violence against women. Xijunbo (t!tipxjoh!jt!qvu!po!cz! FACE and Voices of Planned Parentippe!)WPY*/!þf!tipx!svot!Gsjebz-! Feb. 25 to Sunday, Feb. 27, with shows at 7pm in Olin 130. Ten percent of ticket sales to go the international V-Day campaign for their spotlight cause, which will be the women and girls of Haiti this year. All other proceeds are donated to local organizations: Walla Walla Qmboofe! Qbsfouippe-! uif! ZXDB! and the Step To Emerging Possicjmjujft! )TUFQ*! xpnfo (t! tifmufs/ #Xf( wf! bmxbzt! uipvhiu! ju! xbt! really important to donate to local pshboj{bujpot-# ! tbje! Njmjdj/! #Xf (sf! qbsu! pg! b! mbshfs! dpnnvojuz/# Tfojps! Ojob! Ofû-! xip! xpslt! as the case manager for the STEP shelter, has seen the impact viomfodf! dbo! ibwf! jo! xpnfo (t! mjwft/ #Xpnfo! dpnf! jo! xjui! b! wfsz!

obsspx! tfotf! pg! xibu (t! qpttjcmf- #! she said. When asked what goals uifz! ibwf! gps! uifntfmwft-! Ofû! has heard women say they want up! üoe! b! cpzgsjfoe! xip! ijut! uifn! less or a nicer shelter to stay at. Although theater may seem an unlikely venue for breaking the cycle of violence against women, Milici believes the show helps builds awareness. #Ju( t! b! hsfbu! xbz! up! hfu! a lot of people who otherwise might not take an interftu! jo! hfoefs! jttvft-# ! tif! tbje/ þf! bdu! pg! qspevdjoh! boe! sfhearsing the show also allows performers to form a close-knit, supportive group. Rehearsals involve discussions about the feelings inspired by the monologues—someuijoh! Njmjdj! sfgfst! up! bt! #wbhjob! cpoejoh# /! Tfojps! Mjftm! Pmtpo! ibt! participated in the show for three years, and said it allows for important dialogue about gender issues.

# Ju( t! wfsz! fnqpxfsjoh! up! cf! vq! po!tubhf!boe!ubml!bcpvu!zpvs!wbhjob-# ! tif!tbje/! #Ju (t!b!wfsz!ubcpp!tvckfdu/ # Rape and sexual violence are also discussed in the show. For Milici, the monologues on these topics are an important way to let women who have been victims know that they are not alone. #Xijunbo!bt!b!dbnqvt!jt!b!qsfuuz! tbgf! qmbdf-# ! tif! tbje/! #Cvu! uifsf! bsf! qfpqmf! xip! tvûfs! gspn! tfyvbm! bcvtf! ifsf-! xip! tvûfs! gspn! tfyvbm! ibsbttnfou! ifsf/ #! Vogpsuvobufmz-! the perception that Whitman is a safe, happy campus can make it harder for victims to process their fyqfsjfodft/! Njmdj! tbje! xpnfo! üoe! uifntfmwft! btljoh-! #Xijunbo (t! pof! of the happiest campuses on earth— ipx! dpvme! J! ibwf! cffo! sbqfe@# Gps! Ofû-! uif! jttvf! pg! wjpmfodf! against women is personal. She has been a victim, as has her mother. #J! gffm! mjlf! J (n! jo! b! qmbdf! xifsf! I can take some of the negative ex-

qfsjfodft! J wf! ibe! boe! vtf! uifn! up! ifmq! puifs! xpnfo- #! tif! tbje/ At STEP, she helps clients identify their strengths and work toward life improvement goals. #J! sfbmmz! xbou! up! tff! pvs! dmjfout! wbmvf! uifntfmwft-# ! tif! tbje/! #J! epo(u! uijol! pvs! dvmuvsf! fodpvsbhft! xpnfo! up! wbmvf! uifntfmwft/# By empowering women to talk about their vaginas openly, Olson cfmjfwft! uif! þf! Wbhjob! Npoplogues can help them value their cpejft! boe! gffm! npsf! dpoüefou/ # Jg! xpnfo! gffm! npsf! dpoüdent about themselves, maybe they dbo! üoe! uif! dpoüefodf! up! tbz! op! or get out of an abusive relationtijq! boe! hp! üoe! ifmq- #! tif! tbje/ For Milici, the take-home message is also about valuing women. #Epou u!ublf!uif!xpnfo!jo!zpvs! mjgf! gps! hsboufe- #! tif! tbje/! #Epo (u! take their bodies for granted. Epo( u!ublf!uifjs!tpvmt!gps!hsboufe/#

Project Eye-­to-­Eye removes stigma of learning disabilities from MENTORING,



#Bt! b! nfoups-! zpv! mfbso! about yourself and what you went through as an LD kid when zpv! xfsf! zpvohfs-# ! tif! tbje/ Nancy Anhorn, a learning specialist at Edison Elementary, feels that taking part in any sort of mentoring program is generally helpful for students. "It's great for these kids to develop a connection with a positive role model," she said. "Students get excited when they know their mentors are coming to see them.

And when they see these older students succeeding, they are reassured that they can succeed too." Tamburello believes that focusing on art projects is an ideal way for these students, many of whom are struggling in school, to talk about how they might work with their disabilities in order to feel more comfortable in class. She described one of her favorite art projects, wherein students made a superman hero cape out of construction paper. On the front of the cape, students would list their academic and extracur-

ricular strengths. On the inside, they wrote their weaknesses and the special tools, like extra hours on tests and the support from their mentor, they could use to combat them. #þjt! xbz! ljet! xfsf! beesftting some of what they struggle with in a manner that isn't scary for them," Tamburello said. Director of Academic Resources Juli Dunn is working with Walla Walla School District to coordinate the program. She believes that Project Fzf.up.Fzf!xjmm!cf!wfsz!cfofüdjbm!gps! Whitman students acting as mentors. "Unfortunately, I think there is ADVERT ISEMENT

still a stigma for students with learning disabilities. But this program is a win-win for Whitman and the school district. For students with disabilities the opportunities to pay it forward may be few and far between--this program puts such an opportunity in the forefront," Dunn said. She acknowledged that it could be tmjhiumz!dibmmfohjoh!up!üoe!joufsftufe! nfoupst! bu! üstu-! cvu! tif! jto(u! xpsried this will be a long-term problem. "One of the challenges will be encouraging students with learning disabilities who have not selfjefoujüfe! xjui! pvs! pýdf! up! cf! jo-

volved. I have complete faith in the power of word-of-mouth and the network of students with disabilities--both those that make regumbs! vtf! pg! sftpvsdft! gspn! pvs! pýdf! and those who do not," she said. Overall, Dunn and the school district are optimistic about the potential of the program. "I expect that it will be a program that sees great growth and makes cjh! tusjeft! jo! jut! üstu! gfx! zfbst/#


February 10 2011

Annual One-­Act show hits campus from ONE ACTS,



Mjlf! Hjbopuuj t! qmbz-! Njeojhiu! Dijnft ! pays attention to family dynamics in ejýdvmu!tjuvbujpot/ \Þf! qmbz! jt! bcpvu^! ipx! zpv! dbo! love someone and then discover something about them that is horrifying, and trying to mesh these two distinct ideas bcpvu! b! qfstpo! uphfuifs- ! tbje! tpqipnpsf! Szbo! Dbnqfbv-! uif! qmbz t! ejsfdtor. Midnight Chimes Rehersal featuring Mari Cannon as the mother and Dibsmjf!P(Spvslf!bt!uif!gbuifs/!Dsfeju;! Brandon Fennell Þf!ßobm!qmbz- Dspxhjsm -!xbt!xsjuufo! cz!tfojps!Pmjwjb!Kpiotpo/!Þjt!gpml.ubmf! inspired script is a story of transformation and discovery about a girl made from crow feathers. Ju!efbmt!b!mpu!xjui!hspxjoh!vq- ! tbje! tfojps! Lfjui! Ipdl-! uif! pof.bdu t! ejsfdups/! Ju t! b! mptt! pg! joopdfodf-! boe! opu! necessarily that loss of innocence being negative, but that loss of innocence being a change." !!!!Þf!Dspx!Hjsm!sfifstbm!gfbuvsjoh;! Zpoj!Fwbot!boe!Cfui!Ebwjftt/! Þjt!jt!Ipdl t!uijse!zfbs!po!uif!qspduction team of a one-act, although it jt!ijt!ßstu!jo!uif!spmf!pg!ejsfdups/!Tbsbi! Xsjhiu-! xip! jt! ejsfdujoh! Cvszjoh! Nbcfm -! bmtp! ejsfdufe! gps! Hjbopuuj! jo! mbtu! zfbs t!dpouftu/!Mbtu!zfbs-!Dbnqfbv!bdufe!


jo!mbtu!zfbs t!qspevdujpo/ Ăžf! gbdu! uibu! uiftf! ejsfdupst! ibwf! all returned suggests that the process of the one-act contest is a strongly positive experience. Klein, who has acted in the one-acts all of his four years at Whitman, points to the collaborative energy of an allstudent production team. Fwfszpof! ublft! ju! wfsz-! wfsz! tfsjously, and treats it very professionally; but at the same time, it is often your friends [working with you] ... so it ends up being a much more comfortable acting experience most of the time and more comfortable collaborative prodftt- ! tbje!Lmfjo/! Ju t!b!hsfbu!pqqpsuvojuz! to do things, take risks and really invest zpvstfmg!jo!b!dsfbujwf!qspdftt/ Ipdl!bhsffe!po!uif!tipx(t!pqqpsuvnities for students. Ăžjt! jt! hpjoh! up! cf! uif! mbtu! tipx! J! ep!ifsf-!boe!J!gffm!mjlf!uijt!jt!b!hsfbu!xbz! up! foe! nz! dbsffs! bu! Ibsqfs! Kpz-! ftqfdjbmmz!tjodf!J!ejeo u!uijol!\ejsfdujoh^!xbt! tpnfuijoh!J!xpvme!fwfs!cf!epjoh!jo!uijt! uifbufs- !tbje!Ipdl/ Ăžf! 33oe! Boovbm! Pof.Bdu! Qmbz! Dpouftu!pqfot!po!Ibsqfs!Kpz t!Gsfjnboo! Tubhf!po!Xfeoftebz-!Gfc/!27!bu!9!q/n! boe!xjmm!svo!uispvhi!Tvoebz-!Gfc/!31/! Ăžf!tipx!jt!dvssfoumz!tpme.pvu-!cvu!ujdlets may be be obtained via wait-list the fwfojoh!pg!uif!qfsgpsnbodf/!Ujdlfut!bsf! gsff!gps!Xijunbo!tuvefout!xjui!bo!JE/

Each Thursday, The Pioneer highlights several events happening on campus or in Walla Walla during the weekend. Here are this week’s picks:

"12 ANGRY MEN" Mjuumf!Ăžfbusf!pg!Xbmmb!Xbmmb! presents their interpretation pg!uif!3116!Eftl!boe!Upoz! Award winner for Best Revival pg!b!Qmbz! 23!Bohsz!Nfo /!Ăžf! courtroom drama depicts a nearly unanimous jury decision overturned due to one dissenter. Free dress rehearsal Thursday, Feb. 10, 8 p.m. Runs Feb. 11-12, 18-20, 25-26, 8 p.m., 2 p.m. matinee Feb. 20. Adult tickets are $12. 1130 Sumach.

Beth  Daviess  and  Yoni  Evans,  '13,  act  out  a  scene  from  folk-­tale  inspired  "Crow-­ girl",  the  one-­act  written  by  Olivia  Johnson  '11.   PHOTO BY BEN LERCHIN.

Locals juggle, dance at Inland Octopus by SEAN MCCNULTY Staff Reporter

L ,ILYĂ’)DLEĂ’ Ă’ANDĂ’OTHERĂ’7HITMANĂ’STUDENTSĂ’INVADEĂ’THEĂ’"OOKĂ’!RTSĂ’ROOM Ă’0ROÂľTSĂ’ made  from  student's  sold  Valentines  will  go  to  the  YWCA.  PHOTO BY MARIN AXTELL.

FAH Valentines inspire creativity for good cause by McCAULAY SINGER MILNES Staff Reporter


hitman students gathered in the Book Arts room Wednesday, Feb. 2 to turn glitter, paper hearts and creative sayings into charity. For the past four years the students living in the Fine Arts House (FAH) have hosted a Valfoujof t! Ebz.uifnfe! dbse! nbljoh! event to raise money for a local cause. FAH members provided various art supplies for students to harness their creative energy and channel it into creating cards to sell as a fundraiser for the YWCA, whose mission jt! fosjdijoh!uif!mjwft!pg!xpnfo!boe! uifjs!gbnjmjft/ FAH selected YWCA to ensure that the proceeds would help women and children have access to the funds they need year-round. #Ăžf! ZXDB! hfut! b! mpu! pg! epnations around wintertime and the holidays, so donations are low bspvoe! Gfcsvbsz- ! tbje! Kvmjb! Tdiofjder, Resident Advisor for the Fine Arts House. Attendants such as sophomore Ptub! Ebwjt! bqqsfdjbufe! uif! pqqpstunity to have access to art materials and card making supplies which they may not have access to under normal circumstances. J n!opu!bo!bsujtujd!qfstpo/!J!ofwfs! have a chance to come into the art building, and this was a casual and non-threatening opportunity to do tp- !tbje!Ebwjt/ Puifs!tuvefout!fokpzfe!uif! xjo. xjo ! gffmjoh!pg!uif!fwfou-!bt!ju!xbt!b! fun and creative activity that also served a larger purpose by helping

the community. J! kvtu! uijol! ju(t! b! sfbmmz! hppe! chance to get creative and make a cvodi!pg!dbset!gps!b!hppe!dbvtf- !tbje! tpqipnpsf! Tbsbi! Tdibfgfs-! b! Gjof! Arts House resident. Tdiofjefs! dpotjefsfe! uif! jojujbm! phase of the card making a success. Ăžf! Cppl! Bsut! Sppn! xbt! gvmm! uijt! zfbs! xjui! qfpqmf"! J! xbt! rvjuf! happy with the turn out. Hopefully sales will go well this week in Reid evsjoh!mvodi- !tif!tbje/ Ăžf! iboenbef! dbset-! sbohjoh! from funny to more traditional Valfoujof t!Ebz!uifnft-!xjmm!cf!bwbjmbcmf! for purchase this week. Bmm!uif!npofz!uibu!xf!sbjtf!gspn! the valentines [goes] to the women and children center. Many of the folks have been displaced by domestic violence, so this is a nice way of hjwjoh! uifn! b! wbmfoujof- ! tbje! Gjof! Arts House Advisor, and co-sponsor of the event, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Mare Blocker. Ju(t!b!gvo!dsfbujwf!pvumfu/!Jo!dpmmfhf-! qfpqmf! epo(u! ublf! ujnf! up! ep! dsbguz! uijoht! wfsz! pgufo-#! tbje! Tdiofjefs/! ! #Bmtp-! ju(t! b! hsfbu! xbz! up! ep! tpnfuijoh! uibu(mm! cf! b! hjgu! uxjdf! over: someone can give a card to his or her valentine, and the money then is a gift for someone at the YWCA." Jo! uif! qbtu! uif! gvoesbjtfs! ibt! generated between 450 and 500 dollars for the YWCA. Ăžbu t! b! ojdf! hjgu! up! uifn- ! tbje! Blocker. Ăžf! dbset! xjmm! cf! bwbjmbcmf! gps! purchase in Reid Campus Center from 12 to 1 p.m., from Feb. 7 to Feb. 11.

pdbm! upz! tupsf! Jomboe! Pdtopus may be marketed for kids, but an upcoming three-month entertainment series hopes to change this by showcasing the talents of local performers from both Whitman College and the Walla Walla community. Cbtjdbmmz-! xifo! qfpqmf! dpnf! joup! uif! tupsf-! ju t! bo! foufsubjonfou! fyqfsjfodf- ! tbje! Cpc! DbtujÝ-! pxofs! pg!Jomboe!Pdupqvt/ DbtujÝ!tfflt!up!foibodf!uibu!fyperience with live entertainment. Fwfsz!Tvoebz!tubsujoh!po!Gfc/24!boe! svoojoh! uispvhi! Nbz! 9-! Xijunbo! and Walla Walla performers, musicians and storytellers will entertain dvtupnfst! xjui! b! gsff! tipx/! Up! ep! uijt-!DbtujÝ!jt!ufbnjoh!vq!b!xjef!wbriety of local artists. Many of the performers are afßmjbufe! xjui! Xijunbo! Dpmmfhf/! Guitar instructor Phil Lynch is tmbufe! up! qmbz! bu! Jomboe! Pdupqvt! mbufs! uijt! npoui-! bt! xfmm! bt! Tfojps! Lecturer of Music Pete Crawford. Tuvbsu! Dppsejobups! pg! Sfmjhjpvt! boe!Tqjsjuvbm!Mjgf!Bebn!Ljsumfz!xjmm! qfsgpsn!usbejujpobm!Jsjti!gpml!ebodf! boe!nvtjd!jo!Nbsdi!po!Tu/!Qbusjdl t! Ebz/!DbtujÝ!ibt!bmtp!tfou!f.nbjmt!up! Xijunbo(t!esbnb!boe!puifs!tuvefou! listservs and encourages any and all students to sign up and perform. Qsfwjpvtmz-! DbtujÝ! ibt! iptufe! qfsgpsnbodft! gspn! uif! Tjsfot! pg! Txbol! boe! uif! Xijunbo! uifbusf! department. He hopes to continue hosting Whitman performers. Xf sf! kvtu! uszjoh! up! ßu! fwfszthing we can in here for one hour on Tvoebz!fwfsz!Tvoebz- !tbje!DbtujÝ/ Opu! bmm! pg! uif! qfsgpsnbodft! bsf! býmjbufe! xjui! Xijunbo-! however. Mr. Magic, who performs magic tricks and ties ani- mal bal-


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mppot-!jt!tmbufe!up!dpnf!uijt!Tvoebz-! Feb. 13. Local folk musicians Rick boe!Obodz!Npoufdfmmj!xjmm!qfsgpsn! tjoh.bmpoh! tpoht-! boe! DbtujĂť! bmtp! expects a local high school student who is very talented with a yo-yo boe! b! tupszufmmfs! gspn! Ubnbtutmjlu-! the interpretive center on the Pendmfupo!sftfswbujpo-!up!bqqfbs!po!Tvoebz(t!cjmm/ Bmuipvhi! DbtujĂť! jt! qbzjoh! gps! many of the performances, customers do not need to pay an entrance gff/! DbtujĂť! cfmjfwft! Ăźsnmz! jo! qspviding free entertainment to the community. Walla Walla residents gsfrvfoumz! vtf! Jomboe! Pdupqvt! up! dfmfcsbuf! dijmesfo(t! cjsuiebzt-! boe! DbtujĂť! bmtp! iptut! mbshf! Disjtunbt! qbsujft/! Upzt! boe! foufsubjonfou-! jo! his eyes, are linked together. Ep! uiftf! qvcmjd! fwfout! csjoh! npsf! cvtjoftt! up! Jomboe! Pdupqvt@! Opu!ofdfttbsjmz/ Ăžbu!ebz!J!ep!npsf!cvtjoftt- !tbje! DbtujĂť/! J! ep! b! mpu! pg! tnbmm! usbotbdtions, which are kind of labor intentjwf-! cvu! J! uijol! jo! uif! mpoh! svo! J n! seen as someone who is here for the mpoh!ibvm/ Ăžf!fwfout!tfswf!up!ftubcmjti!uif! store in the community and conĂźsn! DbtujĂť t! qptjujpo! bt! b! nfncfs/! Bu! Jomboe! Pdupqvt t! pme! mpdbujpo-! b! massive cardboard castle hung over the stage, and Whitman theatre students would perform and stage pupqfu!tipxt!voefs!ju/!Ăžf!tubhf!opx!jt! nvdi!npsf!npeftu/!DbtujĂť!!qmbot!up! decorate and improve other aesthetic aspects of the store soon, which includes the installation of halogen lamps to project the sky onto the dfjmjoh/! Ăžjt! nfbtvsf! xjmm! tbwf! foergy and beautify the store. Ăžptf! joufsftufe! jo! performing can conubdu! DbtujĂť! cz! dbmmjoh! Jomboe! Octopus at 509637.1226/


"BLACK SHAWL" Writer and professional acusftt!Tibspo!Gsfodi t!ezobnjd! one-woman show, taken from her long running pageant Bobtb{j-!uif!Bodjfou!Poft-#! explores her relationship with ifs!Bnfsjdbo!Joejbo!bodftusz/! French speaks in a multitude pg!qfstqfdujwft..Bnfsjdbo!Jodian and Anglo-American, the dead and the living--in order to portray her complicated relationship with her heritage. Friday, Feb. 11, 7-10 p.m. Maxey Auditorium. DRAGFEST: DECADES OF DRAG Coalition Against Homophobia boe!BTXD!kpjo!gpsdft!gps!uijt! zfbs t!hfoefs.cfoejoh!fwfou/! Esftt!jo!efdbef!hbsc!pg!zpvs! choice, and dance and defy gender norms in a safe environment. A drag competition will take place at 10:30 p.m. xjui!qsj{ft!bxbsefe!up!uif! best-dressed students. Friday, Feb. 11, 9 p.m.–midnight. Reid Ballroom.


Plateau releases CD, plans tour by CJ WISLER A&E Editor


xpect many changes for stuefou! cboe! boe! DpĂťffipvtf! sfhvmbs! Qmbufbv/! Ăžf! cboe! sfleased their second album and will tour the West Coast this summer. Plateau, whose musical style bass qmbzfs!boe!kvojps!Nbuu!Txffofz!eftdsjcft! bt! kbohmz.qvolz! bftuifujd! xjui! nfmpejd! tfotjcjmjuz -! psjhjobufe! jo! Fovndmbx-! Xbti/..xifsf! uif! cboe(t!obnf!efsjwft/ Xf! uppl! uif! obnf! qbsumz! gspn! the place where we come from–-the Fovndmbx!Qmbufbvø.boe!qbsumz!gspn! b! Ojswbob! dpwfs! pg! Nfbu! Qvqqfu t! tpoh! Qmbufbv - !tbje!tfojps!Besjbo!Uvpiz-! uif! cboe t! mfbe! tjohfs-! hvjubsjtu! boe!tpohxsjufs/! J!uijol!opx!xf!hfu!b! mjuumf!qijmptpqijdbm!bcpvu!ju-!cvu!uibu t! uif!psjhjo!\pg!uif!obnf^/ Qmbufbv! ibt! bduvbmmz! fyjtufe! jo! various incarnations since my freshman year of high school. Adrian, Nbuu! boe! J! bmm! xfou! up! ijhi! tdippm! uphfuifs- ! tbje! kvojps! Bmfy! Gpmlfsui-! Qmbufbv t!esvnnfs!boe!qspevdfs/ Qmbufbv t! ofxftu! bmcvn! Bmcboz! Qbsl! xbt! sfmfbtfe! bu! uif! foe! pg! Efdfncfs/! Bddpsejoh! up! Txffofz-! uif! ofx! bmcvn! ejĂťfst! gspn! uif! cboe t! Ăźstu! jo! jut! nvtjdbm! boe! sfdpsejoh! style. Pvs!Ăźstu!bmcvn!///!!ibt!b!cju!npsf! of a stripped down feel and a very particular sound, probably due to the fact that the basic tracking was actubmmz! sfdpsefe! jo! Ljncbmm! \Ibmm^- ! tbje! Txffofz/! Bmcboz! Qbsl-! gps! nf-! ibt! npsf!nfmpejd!boe!ufyuvsbm!wbsjfuz/ Ăžf! cboe t! vqdpnjoh! upvs! njhiu! top their excitement about Albany Park. Plateau has booked several venues from Olympia to Los Angeles. Xf sf!fydjufe!up!hfu!pvu!pg!upxo! boe!tipx!pvs!tuvĂť!up!tpnf!ofx!qfpple and get exposure, but mostly we want to see how it goes and have a hppe!ujnf!xijmf!epjoh!ju- !tbje!Uvpiz/ Vogpsuvobufmz! Txffofz! xjmm! opu! join them on their tour, as he secured bo!joufsotijq!bu!uif!Ubdpnb!Bsu!Nvseum for the summer. J! bn! effqmz! tbeefofe! uibu! uif! upvs! jt! opu! jo! uif! dbset! gps! nf- ! tbje! Txffofz/! Ăžf! upvs! tpvoet! mjlf! b! gboubtujd!ujnf-!boe!J!bctpmvufmz!xjti! them the best of luck at getting exposed and making money, but this pqqpsuvojuz!jt!upp!hppe!up!qbtt!vq/ Tfojps!Qbusjdl!Njmmfs!xjmm!sfqmbdf! Txffofz! bt! uif! cboe t! cbtt! qmbzfs! and backup vocalist. Miller also pergpsnfe! xjui! Uvpiz! uifjs! gsftinbo! zfbs!jo!uif!cboe!Mvdje!Esfbn-!xijdi! gives him the experience needed to Ăźmm!Txffofz t!spmf/ Qbuuz(t! bo! jefbm! sfqmbdfnfou! because one of the really valuable things about having Matt in the band was his ability to sing harmony while qmbzjoh!dpnqmfy!cbtt!mjoft- !tbje!Gpmlfsui/! \Njmmfs^!bmsfbez!ibt!fyqfsjfodf! tjohjoh! ibsnpojft! boe! dbo! gvmĂźmm! both the bass and vocal roles vacated cz!Nbuu/ J n! tvqfs! fydjufe! up! cf! po! uif! cboe-!boe!J wf!cffo!qsbdujdjoh!ofbsmz! every day with Adrian, learning the new songs and getting back in the hsppwf- !tbje!Njmmfs/ Ăžf! cboe-! xijmf! dvssfoumz! po! ijbuvt!evf!up!Gpmlfsui t!tuvez!bcspbe! experience, has high expectations for the road ahead. #Xibu! cfuufs! xbz! up! tubsu! pĂť! the summer than traveling the coast qmbzjoh!nvtjd@ !tbje!Njmmfs/


February 10 2011

Don't cost a thing: Reclaiming love on Feb. 14 Jt!Wbmfoujof(t!Ebz!b!hppe!ebz!gps!uif!ifbsu!ps!kvtu!b!cbe!ebz!gps!uif!xbmmfu@! Despite what store displays adorned with pink hearts and roses would ibwf!zpv!cfmjfwf-!gps!nboz-!Gfcsvbsz!25!jt!ofjuifs!tqfdjbm!ops!txffu/!Ăžf! ipmjebz!qspnpuft!b!spnboujdj{fe!qjduvsf!uibu!epfto( u!ofdfttbsjmz!sfgmfdu! uif!sfbmjuz!pg!sfmbujpotijqt!)ps!mbdl!uifsfpg*!jo!pvs!dpmmfhf!mjgftuzmf/!Ăžjt! week Feature looks into how Whitties navigate around the consumerist and artiĂźdjbm!btqfdut!pg!uijt!ipmjebz!up!sfxpsl!W.Ebz!uifjs!xbz/

Whitman students strip cellophane from Valentine's Day by KELSEY KENNEDY Staff Reporter


he arrival of over 400 packbhft-! b! ep{fo! cpvrvfut! pg! flowers and a plethora of dbset! tuvÝfe! jo! sfe! boe! qjol! fowflopes at the Whitman College post pýdf!dbo!pomz!nfbo!pof!uijoh;!Wbmentine's Day is upon us once again. One of the biggest consumer ipmjebzt! pg! uif! zfbs-! sfnjoeers to buy gifts and cards for loved ones abound on campus and downtown. Storefronts up and down East Main Street are decorated with heart and Cupid decals. Even restaurants and dpÝff! tipqt! ublf! qbsuÚDpÝff! Qfsl! pÝfst! b! xjef! sbohf! pg! txffu! holiday drinks such as the Hot Lips MbuuÊ! boe! Cvuufsdsfbn! Esfbn/ For Assistant Dean of Faculty and Associate Professor of Sociology Njdifmmf!Kboojoh-!uijt!qspnpujpo!pg! consumption is worthy of critique. #Ju! jt! b! ipmjebz! uibu! jt! gvmmz! fotrenched in capitalist consumption qsbdujdft/! Þjt! jt! b! dpnnpo! mpdbtion for critical investigations of Wbmfoujof(t! EbzÚuibu! qfpqmf! bsf! duped into thinking they need to purchase romantic gifts and services in order to be fully invested in bo! joujnbuf! sfmbujpotijq-#! tif! tbje/ Valentine's Day consumption receives a heavy dose of criticism from environmental groups every year. Suggestions for handmade and #fdp.gsjfoemz#!hjgut!bsf!fbtjmz!bddftsible online and in magazines during the weeks leading up to the holiday. Iboobi!Tjbop-!b!tpqipnpsf!boe! member of Campus Climate Chalmfohf-! sfnjoet! tuvefout! up! cf! dbv-

hp-#! s h e said. Ari G s j o l -! a senior and member of the Sustainability Advisory Comnjuuff-! sfdpnnfoet! simple ways to avoid over-consumption while still celebrating the holiday. #Jotufbe! pg! hpjoh! pvu! up! fbu-! tibsf! b! tqfdjbm! nfbm/! Zpv (sf! npsf! jo! dpouspm! pg! zpvs! sftpvsdft! bu! ipnf-#! if! tbje/ Ăžf! Hsffo! Mfbefst! qsphsbn-! made up of representatives from

tious PH OT when O BY l o o k PA RR ing at IS H gift options /D ES that are marIG N BY keted as environHE N mentally friendly. DE RS #Epo(u! gbmm! gps! gbmtf! HO T 'green product' advertisements. A lot of companies are using it as an advertisement ubdujd-! cvu! kvtu! cfdbvtf! ju(t! mbcfmfe! as being 'eco-friendly' doesn't necessarily make the purchase the best choice. Buying local and secondiboe!jt!bmxbzt!uif!tvsf.Ăźsf!xbz!up!

each dorm and committed to reducing waste and discussing environnfoubm! jttvft-! jt! bmtp! vtjoh! Wbmfotine's Day as an opportunity to raise awareness about over-consumption by encouraging students to exchange cards made from recycled materials. Sfcfddb! Þpsqf-! hfofsbm! merchandise buyer for Whitnbo(t! cppltupsf-! fnqibtj{ft! uibu! eftqjuf! tpdjfubm! qsfttvsft-! Whitman students are not interested in buying lavish gifts. #Tuvefout! bsf! joufsftued in just two things: chocombuf! boe! dbset- #! Þpsqf! tbje/ Þpsqf!nblft!bo!fÝpsu!up!tupdl! her shelves with gifts that will apqfbm! up! uif! njoegvm! dpotvnfs/! Þf! store stocks Fair Trade specialties such as Endangered Species Dipdpmbuf-! dbset! qsjoufe! po! sfdzcled paper and handmade jewelry. Þpsqf! bmtp! nblft! b! dpotdjpvt! fgfort to support businesses in Walla Xbmmb/! Gps! fybnqmf-! b! mjof! pg! mjq! balms particularly popular around Valentine's Day is produced by a lodbm! dpnqboz! bqumz! obnfe! Jo! Mpwf/ Tuvefout! boe! tubÝ! nfncfst! bmjlf! sfjufsbuf! uibu-! gps! uif! Xijunbo! dpnnvojuz-! uif! hjwjoh! boe! receiving of gifts is more about doing something thoughtful than buying into extravagant consumerism. #B! mpu! pg! tuvefout! dpnf! up! uif! qptu! pýdf! up! tuvÝ! uifjs! gsjfoet (! nbjmcpyft! xjui! cblfe! hppet-! b! mjuumf! dboez! ps! dbse-#! tbje! Nbshf! Kfttff-! tvqfswjtps! pg! uif! qptu! pýdf/ Senior Emily Jackson echoes these sentiments. #Xijunbo! jt! sfbmmz! mpx.lfz/! J! vtvbmmz! kvtu! dfmfcsbuf! cz! epjoh! tpnfuijoh! gvo! xjui! gsjfoet/#

Day of love brings pink hearts, THINK FDQG\ FKRFRODWH Ă RZHUV F\QLFLVP OUTSIDE by HANNA KAHL Staff Reporter


alentine's Day has long been ifsbmefe!bt!uif! #ebz!pg!mpwf #-! especially with regards to couples. People often spend tons pg! npofz! po! uifjs! tjhojĂźdbou! puifs! on this holiday and go on romantic ebuft/! Bu! Xijunbo! Dpmmfhf-! nboz! usvmz! fokpz! ju/! Ipxfwfs-! gps! qfpqmf! cpui!jo!sfmbujpotijqt!boe!pvu-!uifsf!jt! some cynicism surrounding the holiday's traditional practices as well as criticism of its social constructions. While many people do have romantic stories of being swept pĂť! uifjs! gffu! cz! Wbmfoujof(t! Ebz! xpoefs-! jo! hfofsbm! ju! tffnt! uibu! the idealism of Valentine's Day has transformed into something more epxo.up.fbsui! boe! jodmvtjwf-! ftqfcially among people at Whitman. Senior Nathan Mallon emphasizes the positive attributes of Valfoujof(t! Ebz/! Gps! ijn-! uif! ipmjebz! serves as a reminder to make sure that zpvs! tjhojĂźdbou! puifs! gffmt! mpwfe/ #Bmuipvhi! Wbmfoujof t! Ebz! ibt! become primarily a consumer holiebz-! ju! jt! b! hppe! sfnjoefs! gps! qfpple in relationships to go out on a ebuf-! sbuifs! uibo! kvtu! iboh! pvu! jo! uif!mjcsbsz!ps!hp!up!b!qbsuz-# ! if!tbje/ Mbtu! Wbmfoujof(t! Ebz-! Nbmlon went to T. Maccarone's with ijt! ĂźbodĂŠf-! tfojps! Ojob! OfĂť/ # \Wbmfoujof t! Ebz^! jt! b! hppe! fydvtf! up! ublf! ujnf! pvu! \gspn! ebz.up.ebz! ivtumf! boe! cvtumf^! gps! zpvs! sfmbujpotijq- #! tbje! Nbmmpo/

Other people question this view of the holiday. #Fwfs! tjodf! Ăźgui! hsbef! J! ibwf! always wondered the point of Valfoujof(t! Ebz/! Jg! zpv! mpwf! tpnfpof-! then shouldn't you be showing it fwfszebz@#! tbje! tfojps! Qbusjdjb! Yj/ Assistant Dean of Faculty and Associate Professor of Sociology Michelle Janning and her spouse choose to stand apart from the crowd and celebrate Valentine's Day on Feb. 12 rather than on the traditional date. # J! tvqqptf! xf! gffm! cfuufs! bcpvu! ourselves by celebrating on our own tqfdjbm!ebz-!hjwfo!uibu!ju(t!tpdjbmmz!bdceptable in our social network to critique overconsumption; but of course what we are really doing is holding a day sacred to indicate the importance pg!pvs!sfmbujpotijq-!boe!pgufo!gmpxfst! boe! ejoofs! bsf! jowpmwfe- #! tif! tbje/ Jo!beejujpo!up!dfmfcsbujoh!mpwf!bu! ejĂťfsfou! ujnft-! nboz! dfmfcsbuf! Wbmfoujof(t! Ebz! jo! bmufsobujwf! xbzt/! Jo! qsfwjpvt!zfbst!Yj!diptf!up!fnqibtj{f! the importance of friendship by making valentines for her section-mates. Ăžjt!zfbs!tif!jt!gpdvtjoh!po!tqsfbejoh! mpwf!up!uif!dpnnvojuz-!dppsejobujoh! Whitman students to make valentines for women at the STEP shelter. Besides the typical Valenujof(t! Ebz! usbejujpot-! uif! tpcial implications of the holiday are often viewed critically. #Ăžf! tusbohf! uijoh! bcpvu! Wbmfoujof(t! Ebz! \jt^! uibu! ju! jt! b! dpmmfdujwf! experience that is based primarily on qsjwbuf! tfoujnfout/! Ju! sfnbjot! dpmmfdujwf-! uipvhi-! cfdbvtf! xf! bsf! bmm!

invested in the cultural norms surspvoejoh! dpvqmf.ippe-! fwfo! jg! xf! bsfo(u! qbsujdjqbujoh! pvstfmwft-#! tbje! Kboojoh/!#Fwfo!jg!zpv(sf!opu!ejsfdumz! in the midst of people experiencing these kinds of private sentiments . . . you can feel left out. Add to that the overwhelming focus in the media on couples and couple-hood )Csbohfmjob"! Cfoojgfs"*-! op! xpoder there's pressure to celebrate all things associated with heterosexual monogamous couples whose lives are bttvnfe! up! cf! ßmmfe! xjui! spnbodf/# Also problematic is the modern holiday's detachment from the tpvsdf! pg! uif! dfmfcsbujpo/! Þfsf! bsf! nboz! ejÝfsfou! nzuit! tvsspvoejoh! the origins of Valentine's Day; most of us have heard rumours of a cerubjo! Tbjou! Wbmfoujof-! cvu! jo! bduvbmity there are three martyred saints of the same name. Most commonly referenced is a priest of third-cenuvsz!Spnf/!Þf!fnqfsps!Dmbvejvt!JJ! decreed that soldiers should not get married because single men made better soldiers than married ones. Saint Valentine saw that this caused great strife for young lovers; he took qjuz! po! uifn-! boe! efßfe! Dmbvejvt! by performing marriages in secret. He was thrown into a dungeon for his acts and then put to death. Tu/! Wbmfoujof! tbdsjßdfe! ijntfmg! so that people could have their love boe!nbssjbhf!nbef!pýdjbm/!Zfu!nptu! people today do not even know his tupsz-!boe!qjol!dboez!ifbsut!ep!opuiing to remind us of his brutal fate. #Bgufs! J! mfbsofe! bcpvu! Tu/! Wbm-

foujof-! J! cfhbo! up! uijol! uibu! Wbmentine's Day is so cognitively dissonant. You don't necessarily pay respect to a martyr by scarfjoh! epxo! txffu! tuvĂť- #! tbje! Yj/ Ăžf!qsfwbmfodf!pg!ippl.vqt!pwfs! npophbnpvt! sfmbujpotijqt-! ftqfdjbmmz! bu! Xijunbo-! gvsuifs! dpnqmjdbuft! the dynamic of Valentine's Day. #X jui! uijt! dbnqvt-! uif! buujtude is that the point of Valentine's Day is to have a romantic mushy ebuf! xjui! zpvs! tjhojĂźdbou! puifs! ps! Ăźoe! b! (ippl.vq (! cfdbvtf! zpv! epo(u! have that someone you've been xjui! tjodf! gsftinfo! zfbs- #! tbje! Yj/ Some people respond to Valentine's Day with bitterness or choose up!dfmfcsbuf! #Tjohmf!Bxbsfoftt!Ebz#!! in its place; while others disagree with this form of resentment toward and replacement of the holiday. # J(wf! efwfmpqfe! uif! jefb! uibu! cpui! \sftqpotft^! bsf! qfuuz/! Tjohmf! Awareness Day is a way to comqfotbuf! gps! cjuufsoftt-! cvu! uif! qfpple that do it are still bitter so that epfto(u! bduvbmmz! xpsl-#! Yj! tbje/ Bmuipvhi!tpnf!qfpqmf-!jodmvejoh! Kboojoh-! nbjoubjo! uibu! Wbmfoujof(t! Day is something socially-constructfe-! gmpxfst! tujmm! ibwf! uifjs! qfslt/ # Tpdjpmphjtut! xpvme! bshvf! uibu! ifbsut-!gmpxfst-!dboemfmjhiu!boe!mjohfsjf!ibwf!cffo!tpdjbmmz!efĂźofe!bt!tjhojĂźdbou!gps!nbjoubjojoh!spnbodf-!boe! we would argue that the value placed on romantic love is also socially constructed. How unromantic of us! J(n! tvsf! jg! zpv! cpvhiu! nf! gmpxfst-! J! xpvme!dibohf!nz!njoe- #!Kboojoh!tbje/

THE BOX OF C H O C O L AT E Explore beyond the mainstream Valentine’s Day activities with these suggestions. 1. Do something for a good cause: ˆ Buy cards made by Whitties and the GBI/!QspĂźut!hp!up!uif! YWCA. ˆ Make valentines for Walla Walla's STEP Women's shelter or Odd Fellows Home. 2. Cook your own Valentine's Day meal. 3. Celebrate with friends. 5/!Ăžspx!b!Tjohmf!Bxbsfness Day party. 5. Give potted plants instead of cut flowers. 6. Do a Valentine's Day art project. (And give it as a gift!)


Valentine’s Day through the ages: An illustrated time line



February 10 2011

Women’s basketball to fight for postseason spot by TYLER HURLBURT Staff Reporter


3ARAHĂ’!NDEREGGĂ’f Ă’DRIBBLESĂ’THEĂ’BALLĂ’AROUNDĂ’0ACIÂľCĂ’5NIVERSITYĂ’INĂ’AĂ’DECISIVEĂ’ Ă’ win  earlier  this  season.  The  team  now  sits  tied  with  Whitworth  in  fourth  place.  PHOTO  BY  BRANDON  FENNELL

o!b!tfbtpo!Ăźmmfe!xjui!dmptf!nbudift-! this past weekend found the Whitnbo! xpnfo t! cbtlfucbmm! ufbn! splitting a pair of overtime games. After a 65-61 victory in double pwfsujnf! bhbjotu! QbdjĂźd! Mvuifsbo-! the Missionaries found themselves on the other side of an overtime loss, losing to University of Puget Sound 89.92/! Ăžf! mptt! bhbjotu! VQT! mfbwft! uif! women with a 6-6 record in the Northxftu!Dpogfsfodf-!23.:!pwfsbmm-!boe!jo!b! fourth place tie with Whitworth University. So far this season all six of the conference losses for Whitman have come by seven points or less. While losing so many games by such a close margin frustrates the team, according to senior Kfofmf!Qfufstpo!ju!bmtp!tipxt!uibu!uifz! can truly compete with anybody. #Xf!ibwf!cffo!wfsz!dmptf!up!bmm!pvs! opponents which means we are just a few tough games from being top of uif! dpogfsfodf- #! Qfufstpo! tbje/! #Ăžjt! shows we can play with anyone, compete with anyone and have the ability to beat any of the top teams on any hjwfo!ojhiu/ # What bothers senior Anna Forge the most is the fact that all of the games could have been won if the team had epof!pof!tnbmm!uijoh!ejĂťfsfoumz/ # Xf!bsf!po!uif!dvtq!pg!cfjoh!sfbmly, really good, but the small things that bsfo u!cfjoh!epof!sfbmmz!dptu!vt- #!Gpshf! tbje/! #Zpv! dpvme! mppl! bu! Ăźmn! boe! tff! pof!uijoh!xf!dpvme!ibwf!epof!up!xjo/ # To combat these tight losses head coach Michelle Ferenz has placed an emphasis on a couple key components of the game. #Xf!ibwf!b!dpvqmf!bsfbt!xifsf!xf! epo u! dpotjtufoumz! ep! xfmm;! sfcpvoet! boe! uvsopwfst- #! Gfsfo{! tbje/! # Sfcpvoejoh!ibt!cffo!pvs!cjhhftu!jttvf/ # W ith slight improvements in these two aspects the team could easily be on

or near the top of the conference. As it currently stands Lewis & Clark, Puget Sound and George Fox stand in a threeway tie at the top of the conference with records of 10-2. Because these teams are four wins in front of Whitman, it would be nearly impossible to break into the top uisff!cfgpsf!uif!qmbzpĂťt/!Cvu!podf!uif! qmbzpĂťt!tubsu!bozuijoh!dpvme!ibqqfo/ Ăžf! upq! gpvs! ufbnt! jo! uif! dpogfsence play a single-elimination tournament to determine the winner of the dpogfsfodf/! Ăžf! sbdf! gps! uif! gpvsui! spot into the postseason is a close battle between Whitman and Whitworth )ujfe!bu!7.7*!boe!MjoĂźfme!)6.8*/ Coach Ferenz believes that during uif!qmbzpĂťt!boz!ufbn!dpvme!cfbu!bozbody else because no one team stands out, unlike in recent seasons when George Fox, the three-time defending OXD!dibnqjpot!boe!311:!Ejwjtjpo!JJJ! national champions, were far superior to the rest of the conference. #Ăžjt!njhiu!cf!uif!nptu!dpnqfujujwf! dpogfsfodf! qmbzpĂťt! xf wf! ibe- #! Ferenz said. Whitman next has a string of home contests that will play a very large role in determining what teams will make it joup!uif!qmbzpĂťt/ # Xf! bsf! hpjoh! up! ibwf! up! xjo! bu! home against Fox, Whitworth and X jmmbnfuf-# !Gfsfo{!tbje/ According to Peterson, playing on uif! ipnf! dpvsu! dpvme! hsfbumz! bĂťfdu! the outcome of the next few games. #Ufbnt!ejtmjlf!usbwfmjoh!bmm!uif!xbz!up! Walla Walla because they are not used to the long road trips, so this may be in pvs!gbwps- #!Qfufstpo!tbje/! #Xf!bmtp!sfally enjoy playing at home and having hsfbu!dspxet!diffsjoh!gps!vt/ # Xijunbo t! ofyu! bdujpo! dpnft! po! Friday, Feb. 11 and Saturday, Feb. 12 against George Fox and W illamette, followed by a very important game against Whitworth on Tuesday, Feb. 15. All of these games take place at Whitman and start at 6 p.m.

Track and field club fosters competitive community from TRACK CLUB,



You can choose to work on speed, strength, agility or explosiveness, because there are speed, endurance, kvnqjoh! boe! uispxjoh! fwfout- #! tbje! Shields. Mbtu!zfbs t!ufbn!dpnqfufe!jo!pof! formal competition, the Sam Adams Classic at Whitworth, as well as completed a 100-kilometer relay event held by Washington State Vojwfstjuz!jo!uif!tqsjoh/!Ăžjt!zfbs t! team, however, has a more ambitious schedule planned. According to Shields, the team will compete again at the Sam Adams Classic, as well as the Spike Arlt Invitational at

Central Washington University and the Dwayne Hartman Invitational at Spokane Community College. Ăžftf! fwfout! bmm! gpmmpx! uif! wbstjuz! dsptt! dpvousz! ufbn t! opousbejujpobm! season comprised of three events in March. Gilbert and Shields are excited for a more active club this spring-and harbor hopes of one day bringjoh!cbdl!usbdl!boe!Ăźfme!bt!b!wbstjuz! sport at Whitman. # Jo!uif!jefbm!tjuvbujpo-!up!ibwf!b! nationally competitive cross country program, you would have a vartjuz! usbdl! qsphsbn- #! tbje! Tijfmet/! Ăžf! ujnfmjof-! uipvhi-! jt! b! cjh! rvft-

ujpo!nbsl/ Skip Molitor, head of the club tqpsut! dpnnjuuff-! tbzt! uif! dmvc t! move to varsity status will depend on student interest and club activity. # J! tff! usbdl! bt! b! dmvc! ibwjoh! b! long-term vision of moving onto varsity status, but that depends on the vibrancy and participation levfmt!jo!uif!dmvc- #!if!tbje/ According to Shields, Track and Field Club has actually been in existence since the athletic department diptf!up!ejtdpoujovf!usbdl!boe!Ăźfme! bt! b! wbstjuz! tqpsu! jo! uif! mbuf! 2::1t/! Tjodf!uifo-!uif!dmvc t!bdujwjujft!ibwf!

varied widely from year to year based on the level of commitment from participants. Ăžjt! zfbs-! uipvhi-! Hjmcfsu! bjnt! to make the club as strong as it has ever been, recruiting campus-wide, especially among all varsity athletes, in order to expand the club. # Xf!bsf!uszjoh!up!sfbdi!pvu-!ftpecially to varsity athletes who are jo!pĂť!tfbtpo!cfdbvtf!xf!lopx!uifz! want to train. We are trying to get the word out. I would really love by my senior year to have, if not a varsity track program, then a very tuspoh!dmvc!usbdl!qsphsbn-# !tbje!Hjmbert.



WIN; 69-57


WIN; 70-62





WIN; 65-61


LOSS; 81-78

2/4 2/5



Swimming MEN'S






LOSS; 170-90

LOSS; 170-91




11, 8 P.M.






11, 6 P.M.




15, 6 P.M.



10 TO 13

Tennis MEN'S



Swim team closes regular season, celebrates seniors by ANDREW HAWKINS Staff Reporter


aturday, Feb. 5 the Whitman College swim teams raced against Whitworth Vojwfstjuz! jo! uifjs! Ăźobm! sfhvlar meet of the season. While Whitworth was heavily favored to win against both teams, and qvmmfe! pĂť! bo! jnqsfttjwf! wjdupsz-! Whitman showed its competitive spirit and energy as the team closed their regular season and recognized its senior swimmers. Ăžf!tdpsft..281-!:2!gps!uif!nfo! boe! 282-! :2! gps! uif! xpnfo..gbjmfe! to reflect the competitiveness of the races. Overall, Whitman swimmers placed in the top three of all but three of the 28 events, making a total of 33 top three appearances. Sophomore Kevin Dyer came gspn! cfijoe! up! qmbdf! Ăźstu! jo! uif! 1,650 freestyle, which proved to be one of the most exciting victories of the night. Later in the meet fellow sophomore Paul Chang-racing Rory Buck, one of the fastest breaststrokers in NCAA DIII swimming--broke Whitman's 100yard breaststroke record with a time of 1:00.18. In Harvey Pool at the Baker Ferguson Fitness Center the Whitman team was cheering and dancing just as loudly as the fans. Regardless of the swim team's underdog label, they did not show signs of defeat. Ăžf! tvqqpsujwf! obuvsf! pg! uif! team was complemented by the eahfs! gbot! Ăźmmjoh! uif! tuboet/! Ăžf! fotire TKE initiating class came out in support during the longest and, perhaps most stressful, mile-long sbdf/! Ăžf! ULFt! tboh! pvu! b! dipsvt! of baseball classic "Take Me Out to


the Ball Game" and Queen's "We W ill Rock You" to urge Dyer to victory. #Ăžf!ULF!qmfehft!xfsf!uifsf!jo! gvmm!gpsdf/!Ăžfz!tubzfe!gps!uif!mpohftu!fwfout-# !tbje!Szmf/# X ijuxpsui! commented that they never got uibu!ljoe!pg!diffsjoh!bu!ipnf/# "We are notorious for being the most spirited team in the con-

gfsfodf-# ! tbje! tpqipnpsf! txjnmer Andrew Roehrig. At the start of the meet, the team celebrated its three female boe! tjy! nbmf! tfojpst/! Ăžf! xpnfo t! swimmers are seniors Ali Schlueter, Natalie Reilly and Lauren Gmzoo/! Ăžf! tfojps! nfo! bsf! Kbnjf! Nusse, Chad Trexler, Nick Wood, Csjbo! XblfĂźfme-! Fmjpu! Tupof! boe! ADVERT ISEMENTS

Nate Wells. Ăžftf! uxp! tfojps! dmbttft! ibwf! come to characterize their respective teams. #Nz!dmbtt-!gps!hvzt-!xbt!uif!Ăźstu! large, solid [swim] class at Whitnbo-#!tbje!tfojps!Csjbo!XblfĂźfme/! # Xf!xpslfe!sfbmmz!ibse!up!fotvsf! the continued success of the Whitman program ... [For both teams

the seniors exemplify] a kind word bgufs! b! cbe! txjn-! b! ijhi.Ăźwf! bgufs! a good swim. We lead by example and are interested in each others' tvddfttft/# Jo!uif!qbtu!gpvs!zfbst!uif!nfo t! swim team has gone from being at uif!cpuupn!pg!uif!mfbhvf!up!Ăźojtiing third in conference. When the team goes to the Northwest Conference Championships in a few weeks they will have a chance to challenge Puget Sound for second place in the conference. In the meantime, the men end their dual meet season with a 5-2 record. For years Whitman's women's team has been one of the most popular varsity sports at Whitnbo/!Ăžjt!zfbs(t!qsphsbn!opu!pomz! maintained the dynamic of years past, but also became one of the most spirited sports on campus. Ăžf! ufbn! iboht! po! uif! cpsder between fourth and third after Lewis & Clark College moved ahead of them in the regular season standings. At conference they will have a chance to avenge last year's razor-thin one point loss and move up in the rankings to end the season third in the conference. W ithout a doubt, the seniors will be integral to their improvement when they race at conference. Ăžf! tqjsju! uif! tfojpst! ibwf! cspvhiu! up! uif! ufbn! efĂźojufmz! shone through at last weekend's meet against Whitworth. "[We] cheer for everyone," said sophomore swimmer Rebecca Ryle, citing "mom of the team" senior Ali Schlueter as a leader in ufbn!tqjsju/! F wfszpof!xbt!uifsf!up! have fun. Music started playing at the break, everyone was dancing. Ju!uvsofe!joup!b!ebodf.pĂť/#


February 10 2011

Segregation must be left in the past

Students are equally capable of investing profitably in the stock market J. STATEN HUDSON





egregation is something that this nation got rid of a long time ago with the forced integration of the Little Rock Nine jo! 2:68/! Upebz-! tuvefout! pg! bmm! races learn together in diverse classrooms with diverse teachers. However, previous civil rights boe!joufhsbujpo!fûpsut!ep!opu!bqqmz! for one Pennsylvania high school, who recently experimented with a racial mentoring program. In late January of this year, the school separated students based on their color and gender in the name of education. Now, the program has been suspended due to criticms. Yet, the principal still defends the program. Students met for a few minutes each morning segregated in homerooms for a session similar to mentoring. It allows students to have a role model to boost performance and achievement. McCaskey East High School jusujüft!uifjs!#tfhsfhbujpo#!cz!dmbjnjoh! that, according to previous research cz! uif! tdippm-! #hspvqjoh! cmbdl! tuvdents by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic bdijfwfnfou! boe! tfmg! ftuffn/#! Bmready strong bonds had formed between the students and mentors. þf! qsphsbn! pg! tfqbsbujoh! tuvdents battles something that I tried so hard to ignore in high school--that J! xbt! ejûfsfou! cfdbvtf! pg! uif! dpmps! of my skin. Many times, it was difüdvmu!up!ibwf!dpowfstbujpot!cfdbvtf! others would talk slower and simpler because of the way that I looked. One time when I was volunteering at a barbecue, a lady came up and started to talk slowly to me while pointing to things that she wanted to order in a derogatory manner. Another time, the school had pulled me out of class in high school on the basis of English language learner status because of my race. þfz! nvtu! ibwf! uipvhiu! uibu! J! did not speak English well enough to write at and attend a liberal arts dpmmfhf/!þjt!jt!dmfbsmz!opu!uif!dbtf/ Separation on the basis of genefs! jt! ejûfsfou! uibo! tfqbsbujpo! po! the basis of color. Evidence from a New Zealand study by Richard Harker shows that gender separation dbo!fodpvsbhf!hspxui!jo!dpoüefodf-! aptitude, higher aspirations and engagement. My qualm with McCaskey East High is the separation of students by color. þf! 2:65! Tvqsfnf! Dpvsu! dbtf! Brown vs. Kansas Board of Educaujpo!svmfe!uibu!#tfqbsbuf!fevdbujpobm! gbdjmjujft!bsf!joifsfoumz!vofrvbm#/ Social segregation is not related to instituted segregation. People of similar races already tend to group together and research like the Caltech study by Fedrico Echenique tubuft! uibu-! #Btjbo! ljet! tjuujoh! upgether in the cafeteria [have] a substantively unimportant relationship with academic achievement or social cfibwjps!jo!tdippm!ps!mbufs!mjgf/# However, by separating students in the classroom, segregation is both facilitated and legitimized. Reasons to segregate include decreasing distractions, the sharing of a common culture and teaching at an even pace. Yet when we talk about closing the achievement gap, are we ubmljoh!bcpvu!sbdf!boe!uif!ejûfsfodf! in test scores or an overall failure of the education system? Instead of looking to identify measures to improve education for all students and reform the education system overall in a procedurementioned earlier, McCaskey East High has taken an antiquated measure of segregation to improve schools. From the past, we have learned that segregation manipulates resource allowances resulting in ingfsjps! gbdjmjujft<! bmtp-! ejûfsfoujbufe! nbufsjbmt! jodsfbtf! sbdjbm! ejûfsfodft! in academic achievement. Ju! nbz! cf! #tfqbsbuf! cvu! frvbm#! facilities across the classrooms at McCaskey, but in the future, white students may once again have access to better facilities, turning back the clock 70 years. So we need to learn from history and entertain the idea of integration as progress, and not take steps backwards to segregated classrooms. Bryant is a Chemistry major from Corvallis, OR. He enjoys writing about politics and general current events, presenting a perspective that is not represented on campus.



s you have probably noticed, The Pioneer has redesigned its look. One of the best parts of having an entirely student-run newspaper is that every semester new students, with new talents and wjtjpot! kpjo! pvs! tubû/! X jui! fbdi! pg! these additions comes the possibility of improving and adapting all aspects of The Pioneer according to the ideas that everyone brings to the table. Among the new students who joined The Pioneer this spring was Pro-


any of you are not interested in investing at all. I get this. What is fun, you ask, about balance sheets, cash flows and dividend policies? Well … very little. If uibu t! bmm! jowftujoh! xbt-! J! qspcbcmz! would not be writing this column. But investing is interesting and, more importantly, fun. It is also a lot easier to get into than many expect. In fact, as a Whitman student you already h a v e many of the skills required t o become a successful investor. þ f! üstu! sfquirement of a good investor is that he or she stay informed. He or she has to keep up-todate with the latest happenings surrounding his or her portfolio of companies and be constantly searching for new opportunities. Investors in BP, for instance, are very interested in the Egyptian election crisis going on right now. BP ibt! tvol! 25! cjmlion dollars into infrastructure and equipment in the country and is being accused by opposition groups of working #iboe! jo! h m p w f #! with

deposed dictator Hosni Mubarak. If BP is forced to suspend, or even give up, its holdings in Egypt, it would be a massive blow to the company—especially considering that BP planned to expand its operations in the country in the coming months. Having to keep up-to-date with bmm!pg!uijt!tuvû!nbz!tpvoe!mjlf!b!mpu! of work. It is, but no more than is required to be an informed, worldly citizen. If you read the newspaper and/or news blogs regularly, you are already doing half the work required to be a successful investor. þf! puifs! ibmg! sfrvjsft! b! tijgu! in perspective. While you should always ask how certain media informs your perspective, successful investing requires that you ask a tfdpoe! rvftujpo;! ipx! dbo! J! qspüu! pû!pg!uijt!jogpsnbujpo@ Of course, a lot of research is required before you decide to invest in a company, but even this can be fun if you choose to invest in companies you know and are interested in. þjt!jt!Xbssfo!Cvûfuu (t!bewjdf/! Cvûfuu!sfgvtft!up!jowftu!jo!dpnqbojft! ps! tfdupst! pvutjef! pg! ijt! # D jsdmf!pg!Dpnqfufodf -#!dipptjoh!up!jovest instead in those he is the most familiar and comfortable with. As b!sftvmu!pg!ijt!ejmjhfodf-!Cvûfuu!ftcaped the dot-com bust of the late '90s relatively unscathed. While many investors lost nearly everything betting

that Internet stocks would continvf! up! sjtf! jo! wbmvf-! Cvûfuu! sfgvtfe! to invest. He said he had no business investing in internet stocks since it took him three hours just up!ühvsf!pvu!ipx!up!uvso!ijt!dpnputer on. Cvu! uijt! jt! Xbssfo! Cvûfuu-! bsguably the greatest investor of all time. How can you as a smart, but relatively unsophisticated, investor hope to compete with the likes pg! Cvûfuu@! Xfmm-! mvdljmz-! zpv! epo u! have to. Cvûfuu-! bmpoh! xjui! jowftupst! gps! cjh! üsnt! mjlf! K/Q/! Npshbo! Chase and Goldman Sachs, cannot invest in a good chunk of the market: namely in small companies. þjt! jt! cfdbvtf! pg! uif! usfnfoepvt! amount of capital that they have to employ. In order for an investment in a small company to become a sigojüdbou! fopvhi! qbsu! pg! uifjs! qpsufolios, they would have to buy out most of the common stock issued by the company. In other words, they would have to buy out the entire company. As a result, small companies are under-followed by institutional investors. All of their research and expertise, which gives them advantage over the average inves-

tor, is spent analyzing only the biggest companies. þjt! jt! xifsf! zpv! bt! b! tnbmm! time investor have an edge. By focusing on smaller companies, you can reap big rewards. Finding these companies is a bit more challenging, of course. But it can sometimes ublf! op! npsf! fûpsu! uibo! gmjqqjoh! up! uif! gpvsui! ps! ügui! qbhf! pg! uif! newspaper, rather than reading the front page headline no doubt about a big company like Exxon Mobil or General Electric. I am by no means arguing that investing is easy. But it is certainly qpttjcmf!up!mfbso!up!qspüu!pû!pg!uif! market and, as Whitman students, isn't this what we do best? Staten Hudson is an English major with a passion for both Shakespeare and the stock market.


Yearbook should be revived Whitman does not need ALEX BROTT Columnist


earbooks are a fantastic and tangible way to preserve memories. I still return from time to time to my high school yearbook to reminisce, and I see no reason why I wouldn't do the same with a college yearbook. People argue that Facebook can effectively replace a tangible yearbook, but for those interested in what a yearcppl! pûfst! uifsf! jt! op! dpnqbsjtpo/! A yearbook is beautiful, polished and professional, whereas Facebook tends to be much more informal, sparse and self-focused. While it is a great means for preserving memories, it does so in a nvdi!ejûfsfou!nboofs!uibo!b!zfbscppl/ Facebook cannot capture the completeness of the Whitman experience. While photos may summarize some or all of your particular experiences, there is so much more to this campus than that. While that party you went to or that sweet backpacking trip were incredible, so many of the most important memories of our time at college come at odd moments, unable to be captured in a single photo. þfsf! jt! efüojufmz! tuvefou! joufsest in a yearbook. As mentioned in last week's Pioneer article, 76 percent of the responses to a survey on this issue supported Whitman adopting a yearbook. While surveys are not infallible, there is a clear interest among the student body for a yearbook of some kind. While you personally might not buy a yearbook, that should not means preclude the feasible existence of a yearbook on campus. þfsf! xbt! ipxfwfs-! bt! uif! bsujdmf! mentioned, legitimate concern about the fûfdut!pg!mfbwjoh!pomz!4-611!epmmbst!mfgu! in the travel and student development fund for future student initiatives. þf! üstu! dpodfso-! uibu! ju! xpvme! prohibit club sports from funding their regular activities, is irrelevant since they esbx!gspn!bo!foujsfmz!tfqbsbuf!gvoe/!þf! second, and more valid, is that leaving so little money in the fund would prohibit evdujpo!Nbobhfs!Nbhhjf!Bqqmfupo-!(24-! who spearheaded the re-design of the qbqfs/!Nbhhjf!cbtfe!uif!ofx!mppl!pû! of newspaper designs honored by the Society for News Design (SND) within uif!qbtu!üwf!zfbst/!þspvhi!tjnqmjgzing the layout of the paper, Maggie sought to improve the readability of The Pioneer while upholding the professional standards of the industry. Another change you may have noticed is the re-design of our website, whitmanpioneer.com/! þjt! vqebuf-! xijdi!

student travel to various conferences, presentations and trainings. I do not believe, however, that this yearbook would be prohibitive to this end. In February the deadline to withdraw from Whitman will pass, and travel and student development will see an increase in funds. Furthermore, uif!zfbscppl!tubû!ftujnbuft!uibu!tfwfsbm! thousand dollars should be raised from pre-sale which would go directly back into the fund. Although we shouldn't count our chickens before they hatch, the reality is that money will come in xijdi!xjmm!bmmfwjbuf!tpnf!pg!uif!ütdbm!fgfects of the yearbook. þf!zfbscppl!üut!bmm!pg!uif!dsjufsjb! for ASWC funding. It is a professionallyassembled student initiative which develops various skills in its producers and qspwjeft!ubohjcmf!cfofüut!gps!ivoesfet! of students. Although I have only served on ASWC for two full semesters, the yearbook certainly has the most direct cfofüut!up!uif!xjeftu!cpez!pg!tuvefout! of any proposal I have seen. Ju!tqsfbet!uif!cfofüut!pg!uif!tuvefou! fee out as widely as possible, costing pomz! 71! epmmbst! qfs! cfofüufe! tuvefou/! Compare this to other travel proposals, such as one passed last Sunday to send ten students to Washington D.C. for a npefm!V/O/!Dpogfsfodf/!þjt!dptu!4-111! epmmbst-!xijdi!dptut!411!epmmbst!qfs!cfofüufe!tuvefou/!Zpv!nbz!opu!mjlf!tvctjej{ing something you don't use, but frankly, most of your student fee does just that. People argue about this proposal taking away funding from other initiatives, but so does every other trip/project ASWC funds. A general philosophy of many in ASWC is to judge funding requests based on the merit of the request versus its cost rather than how much money it leaves us. I would prefer to see competition for these funds, which would promote a higher caliber of proposals. ASWC has money to spend, so why not spend it on something that will beneüu!tuvefout!gps!uif!sftu!pg!uifjs!mjwft-!opu! up!nfoujpo!uif!cfofüut!up!uif!zfbscppl! tubû!xip!ibwf!hbjofe!jowbmvbcmf!eftjho-! marketing and political experience? If you don't want a yearbook then don't buy one, but at least understand why people would want a yearbook, and why it is feasible to have one this year.

unnecessary yearbook TRISTAN GRAU Columnist


Alex is an environmental studies - politics major who is passionate about politics, economics, and the environment. He enjoys anything outdoors and making music.

SWC should think twice about funding a Whitman yearbook at any price. Why? Because Whitman students essentially make their own yearbooks. Modern technology and the diversity of student life make the concept of a singular Whitman yearbook almost obsolete. A yearbook is a record of student experience, one that relies primarily on photography to document important events, activities and campus experiences. Modern students record, document and archive their own student experience with digital cameras, external hard drives and websites like Facebook and Flickr. We take pictures of our friends, our parties, our clubs, our vacations and our weekend ski trips. If we forget to take the pictures ourselves we get the photos from our friends. Most graduating students thus have a visual record of their Whitman fyqfsjfodf!uibu!jt!tqfdjüd!boe!qfstpobm/! A yearbook simply cannot compete with the personal relevance of these records. þf! qsjnbsz! ejtbewboubhf! pg! b! yearbook is that student experience is too diverse to capture in one physical wpmvnf/!þf!mjnjut!pg!tqbdf!nfbo!uibu! a yearbook can never match the depth with which students can record their own experiences. Not to mention the fact that many important experiences occur in more private settings that a yearbook could never hope to record. þf! zfbscppl! qmbot! up! ejsfdumz! overlap these personal student records. In a campus-wide e-mail, the prospecujwf!zfbscppl!tubû!qvsqptfe!up!efwpuf! 48! zfbscppl! qbhft! up! #tuvefout! boe! uifjs! ipvtfnbuft0tfdujpo.nbuft/#! þf! zfbscppl!tubû!qmbot!up!dpoubdu!po.dbnqvt!tuvefout!uispvhi!uifjs!SBt!boe!pû. campus students through the Whitman housing database to set up, and then send photographers to their sections or

came out of the particular skill set of bopuifs!tubû!nfncfs-!Xfcnbtufs!Sfbecca Fish, '11, is the product of nearly six months of work. Rebecca designed the website with the goal of improving visitors' experience by making conufou!fbtjfs!up!üoe!boe!cz!tusfbnmjojoh! visitors' abilities to comment on stories and provide feedback to The Pioneer. þf! xfctjuf! xjmm! dpoujovf! up! jnqspwf! over the course of the semester so check back frequently to see the latest features.

Although most of our attention is directed to the weekly print edition, this spring we're making the leap to qspevdjoh! xfc.tqfdjüd! dpoufou! tvdi! as reviews, columns and additional news stories. Lastly, the Feature section has returned to the paper as a result of the talents and creativity of our two new Feature editors, Cara Lowry and Patricia Vanderbilt, '12. Feature will provide readers with an in-depth investigation of a particular issue, theme or pressing

houses. þjt! jt! bo! bncjujpvt! qmbo! boe! uif! zfbscppl! tubû! eftfswf! lvept! jg! uifz! complete it. As this column goes to print, neither my housemates nor I have been contacted by yearbook tubû/! Cvu! fwfo! jg! uif! zfbscppl! jt! bcmf! to photograph all students it will not provide these students with a better photographic record than they already possess. Students take and share photos of their housemates and section-mates on b!sfhvmbs!cbtjt/!þf!zfbscppl!epft!opu! do much to improve upon this practice. Advocates for a Whitman yearbook point towards its historical value and longevity. It is true that yearbooks provide an insight into the campus climate of years past. But Whitman ibt!puifs!sfdpset-!tvdi!bt!þf!Qjpoffs-! which provide more detailed records of the activities and opinions of Whitman students. þf! mpohfwjuz! pg! b! qiztjdbm! zfbsbook is its most attractive feature. While they appear stable now, Facebook and other electronic means of storing and sharing photos will probably not be around forever. And while þf!Qjpoffs!jt!bsdijwfe!jo!Qfosptf-!bddfttjoh!uiftf!pme!dpqjft!jt!npsf!ejýdvmu! for alumni than for current students. But a yearbook is not necessarily more durable than a digital record. Digital records and yearbooks are both only as durable as their owners make them. If students are concerned about longevity, then it is their responsibility to maintain the digital records of their life at Whitman, just as it would be their responsibility not to lose their yearbooks while packing and moving later in life. If students take the time to preserve their digital records then they will not have to pay for a yearbook that reflects their experience only generally. Students can and often do record every aspect of their own Whitman experience in far more detail than a yearbook can. Preserve these records and students will have their own unique and personal yearbooks, free of charge. Tristan is a senior politics major from Trinidad, California. Global politics tend to make him angry; cooking calms him down.

event through multiple perspectives. We are always on the lookout for feedback from our readers in order to improve the quality of our print and online editions. We encourage everyone to write in to The Pioneer about the content you would like to see in the paper as well as about your thoughts on the changes we have made this semester. .!Npmmz!Tnjui!'!Efsfl!þvscfs-!Fejtors-in-Chief



February 10 2011



ASWC approves new club

How to hit on Whitties

þf!Cbdlqbhf!nbobhfe!up!tobh!b!dpqz!pg!uijt!ofx!dmvc(t! constitution for our faithful readers.

Kvtu!jo!ujnf!gps!Wbmfoujof t!Ebz" 1. Do a totally sick skateboard trick in front of her. Nothing gets a girl to ublf!ifs!dmpuift!pû!gbtufs!uibo!b!upubmmz!hobs!pmmjf!nduxjtu/!þjt!bmtp!bqplies to your trick bike. BMX? More like SEX!

ifbe! pwfs! up! Tubscvdlt-! tif( t! cpvoe! to notice you and your friends. Nothing looks cooler than a bunch of sk8rz ditching seventh period to just dijmm/!Zpvs!npn!nbz!opu! #hfu# ! zpv-! cvu!uijt!hjsm!efüojufmz!xjmm/

3/! Iboe! ifs! b! gmjfs! gps! zpvs! cboe( t! show next weekend. When she sees how much more hxc you are than those punx you go to WaHi with, tif mm!upubmmz!xbou!up!xfbs!zpvs!efoim jacket with all those Ramones pins on it.

5/! Iboh! pvu! bu! Sfje/! Tif (mm! upubmmz! mistake you for a student. Chicks— especially college chicks—dig college dudes! She might even hit on you! Be sure to wear that cool shirt you own—the vintage Nirvana shirt you hpu!pû!fCbz!mbtu!zfbs/!Upubmmz!hobs/

3. Hang out at the little park on Main Tusffu/! þf! ofyu! ujnf! tif! efdjeft! up!

5. If you spot one at Safeway, don't hesitate to ask her what her major is.

She'll be so taken aback; she'll never expect the one-two punch coming her way when you quickly follow up by asking for her number. People can't lie well when they're surprised, so you know you're getting her legit digits! (Disclaimer: As with any dating scenario, the Backpage cannot advise sexting until at least after date #2, which these tips are guaranteeing you.) 7/! þf! usjfe! boe! usvf! xijtumf"! Ofwfs! fails! wooot-wooooo!


Nicki Minaj Fan Club (NMFC) ART ICLE II: MISSION We're making somethin' fresh. We're hoping to create an environment for all Harajuku barbies and bad bitches to shine because we're hotter than the Middle Eastern climate. We plan to get rid of all da haters and da hoes because we'll pop you and then we'll pop ya sista. We give a lot of money to the babies out in Haiti. ART ICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Sucka free. ART ICLE IV: EXECUT IVE BOARD We Are Young Money.

Real Talk: E-­mailing professors


Professor, þjt!xffl-!J!ibwf!cffo!sfbmmz!tjdl/!J!ibwf!tujmm!cffo!dpnjoh!up!dmbtt!cfdbvtf!bqqbsfoumz!J!dbo(u!hfu!fydvtfe!cz!Divdl!Dmfwfmboe! vomftt!J(n!jo!b!dpnb/!Ipxfwfs-!bu!ojhiu!J!ibwf!cffo!hpjoh!up!cfe!bu!mjlf!8!q/n/!cfdbvtf!J!gffm!tp!cbe/!þjt!jodsfbtf!jo!sftu!ibt! led to a decrease in complete homework. Would it be alright if I turned in the paper on Monday? Because if I turn it in tomorrow, you will only get a mediocre intro. þbolt" Real Talk: I'm kinda sick and really unmotivated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AS I TYPE THIS I SHOULD BE IN YOUR CLASSROOM FINISHING MY MIDTERM. I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MORT IFIED I AM THAT I MISSED THE MIDTERM. I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues lately and they came to the surface this morning. I hope you can understand and I will be in to see you to hopefully reschedule. *G9X¾,9XW ¾ ¦Y¾Z\i¾Y\giQwQGD¡¾ ¦Y¾kZegGe9gGD¾9ZD¾i\\¾PkZN\pGg¡¾6GhiGgD9s¾q9h¾iPG¾+keGg¾ \qX¡¾ \s¡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Advisor, J!bn!wfsz!tpssz!gps!njttjoh!pvs!nffujoh!uijt!bgufsoppo/!J!qvmmfe!bo!bmm.ojhiufs!up!üojti!b!qspkfdu!boe!xbt!kvtu!hpjoh!up!ublf!b!41! njovuf!obq-!boe!uifo!J!xplf!vq!üwf!ipvst!mbufs/!Ipqfgvmmz!ju!jt!opu!upp!nvdi!pg!bo!jodpowfojfodf!up!sftdifevmf/ *G9X¾,9XW ¾49WG¾9ZD¾A9WG¾9ZD¾pQDG\¾N9YGh¾¡¾¡¾¡¾»ZkwM¾h9QD¡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor, I have been so busy this week with this paper, plus a project and another paper. It's 2 a.m. and it's only halfway done and I ibwf!npsojoh!qsbdujdf!upnpsspx!/!/!/!upebz/!Jt!uifsf!boz!xbz!J!dbo!hfu!bo!fyufotjpo@!J!xpvme!sfbmmz!bqqsfdjbuf!ju/!þbolt/ *G9X¾,9XW ¾ s¾g\\YY9iG¾h9QD¾eG\eXG¾Mg\Y¾ \hGh¾ 9WG¾B9Z¼i¾NGi¾PsePs¡¾ ¾hP\qGD¾iP9i¾+G9iiXG¾N\\Z¾qP9i¼h¾ke¡¾, 88 ¾ !¼¾


Backpage Top 10: Pet peeves of having a serial killer roommate 1. You cannot have pets. 2. She forgets to flush the toilet sometimes. 3. She has an annoying laugh. 5/!þfsf(t!efdpnqptjoh!gmfti!jo!uif!dpnqptu/ 5. She keeps leaving the kitchen light on. 7/!Tif!tjoht!pû.lfz!xijmf!tfxjoh!qjfdft!pg! human skin together. 7. She's passiveaggressive. 8. She mixes glass recyclables with paper and plastic. 9. Her alarm clock keeps waking you up. 10. She has a really messed up sense of humor.


kanye tweet of the week kanyewest Kanye West NO ALCOHOL BEFORE TATTOOS



ACROSS 1. Ad _____ 4. Paisley of country 8. Apolo of speed skating 23/!þf!dbtf!pg!2.Bdsptt!jt!xjuijo!Mbujo!efdm/ 13. Steck of climbing 25/!Qsfüy!pg!obvujdt!boe!tnjui 15. Average guy? 16. Part of the cerebral cortex 17. It may follow a duel challenge 1







18. GEORGE: current Oscar nominee 2:/!Mfbsz t!esvh-!gps!tipsu 22. Play dialogue direction 36/! `````!uif!dibmmfohf 28. Vaulted recess 31. Neither follower? 32. T IM: jazz saxophonist and composer 35. Wayne or Jon 47/! Ep!`````!puifstú 48/! If!`````!po!uif!tjef!pg!dbvujpo 49/Xibu!uif! S !tuboet!gps!jo!pshbojd!difnistry 40. Chain outdoorsy coop. 7


















































53/!TDPUU;!Cspbexbz!tipx!bcpvu!b!ühiuer* 48. Enemy ships in sector 47: a ______ 50. Relaxation 51. Name in TV sets 52. 2006 Irish musical 53. Ugly girl, to an Aussie 54. Tolkein foe 55. Pukes 56. Group with distinctive beliefs 57. Amount after reductions DOWN 1. Islamic pilgrimage 2. Large string instrument 3. Bass or treble 4. Flower preceders 5. Consecrate again 6. Racist dragon of song 8/!Tivûmfe!pû!uif!npsubm!dpjm 8. Desert havens 9. Capital of Finland 21/!Hvopxofst !psh/ 11. Alley _____ 19. W inemaking yeast, to Jose 20. Mother earth, to Agamemnon 23. Not a thinker 24. Goes astray 25. Bruins sch. 37/!Pqsbi t!epdups@ 27. Sass 29. Stroke 30. Ascus, in mycology 33. Calm 34. Grinding surface? 4:/!Tibhhz t!fydmbnbujpo 41. President-______ 45. Tire metal? 46. Earth-tone 58/!Tfotf!pg!xibu t!bqqspqsjbuf 48. Plaything 49. Genetic encoder, abbr.



*Yes, the Puzzle Slut knows that in order to keep absolutely true to the theme, there tipvme!cf!b! U !bu!uif!foe!pg!uif!botxfs/!!Up! üy!uijt-!xsjuf!uif!njttjoh! U !po!uif!nbshjo/!! þfo!ju t!ljoe!pg!mjlf!opuijoh!ibqqfofe"






















































































































































































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