Spring Term 2021
Back to School Guide Important Information for Students
Table of Contents 2
A Message From President Beck A. Taylor
Guiding Values: A Shared Responsibility for All Students
Back to School: An Overview 6
Actions to Take Before Arriving on Campus
Move-In and Entry Testing Program
Living On Campus
Living Off Campus
Learning the WhitworthFLEX Way
Procedures for Identifying and Managing Cases
Personal Preventive Measures
Navigating Common Spaces
Events and Co-Curricular Offerings
More Resources
Back to School Guide
A Message From President Beck A. Taylor Dear Students and Families, I would like to extend a special welcome to our new students who will be joining us on campus this spring. You are beginning your Whitworth education during an academic year that has been unlike any other in the university’s history. For 130 years, Whitworth has equipped graduates to respond to God’s call on their lives with intellectual competence, moral courage and deep compassion. This year is requiring our campus community to rally together around these three vital virtues – intellect, courage and compassion – in order to face a faceless, yet very real, challenge in the COVID-19 virus. Our greatest priority is to ensure the welfare of students and employees. Your health and wellness are critical components of this welfare, along with our students’ education. Whitworth has a core responsibility to give all students a chance to succeed and flourish in their education, and it is my belief that in-person education is the best way to deliver upon this mission. This past fall, we demonstrated that we can manage this virus in order to sustain residential education, but it took all of us – it will take all of us – to change our behaviors in ways that contribute to our success. This is why we have instituted the WhitworthFLEX model this year. WhitworthFLEX gives students and faculty members the flexibility to make the best decisions for their needs. It prioritizes in-person education while also incorporating hybrid and remote modes of learning to meet public health requirements. It ensures that no matter what method of learning students encounter, they will have access to the faculty and staff members who make Whitworth’s Christ-centered, mind-and-heart education possible. We have seen this year that students are grateful for WhitworthFLEX. They appreciate the chance to take many of their classes in person – an opportunity that students at many other universities do not have right now. Likewise, the option to attend classes remotely has been a relief for students who have needed to isolate or quarantine, as well as for students with health concerns that prevent them from being in the classroom at this time. WhitworthFLEX has enabled students to maintain their academic progress regardless of their circumstances. Students, I know this is a tough year. But we – the faculty members, staff members, coaches and administrators – are with you. I challenge you to show courage and compassion – courage as you start or continue your educational endeavors in a tumultuous year, and compassion
Back to School Guide
toward your fellow Whitworth Pirates. Let’s look out for each other’s well-being, paying careful attention to the public health guidelines that protect us all. This Back to School Guide outlines those guidelines and provides an overview of many of the changes we have made on campus this year. For more details and updates, visit the WhitworthFLEX webpage.
Grace and peace,
Beck A. Taylor, Ph.D. President
Back to School Guide
Guiding Values: A Shared Responsibility for All Students Acknowledgment of Student Risk Each student deciding to participate in academic, student life, residence life and/or athletic programs at Whitworth University will do so with the acknowledgment of risk outlined here: “I understand that COVID-19 is a contagious and potentially life-threatening illness. I understand that Whitworth University is implementing COVID-19 safety protocols to mitigate the risk of exposure to and transmission of COVID-19 on campus, but that despite these protocols, participating in student life, residential life, and/or in-person or hybrid instruction at Whitworth could expose me to COVID-19. I further acknowledge that Whitworth has offered me options for online instruction, deferring my enrollment or taking a leave of absence this semester. I have carefully considered my options and, with full acknowledgment of the risks involved, including those described here, I am voluntarily, and for my benefit, choosing to participate in student life, residential life, and/or in-person or hybrid instruction. My participation in any such activities constitutes my acknowledgment and acceptance of the risks of being exposed to COVID-19 during such activities.”
Guiding Principles and Campus Values “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 Whitworth’s guiding principles are informed by its mission: to provide our diverse student body an education of the mind and the heart, equipping our graduates to honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity. This mission is carried out by a community of Christian scholars committed to excellent teaching and to the integration of faith and learning. In an effort to continue to pursue our educational mission during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Whitworth has developed the following guiding principles: •
Whitworth will strive to establish a campus culture of personal safety and responsibility, wherein we acknowledge that mitigating the risks of COVID-19 requires individual and collective efforts. Whitworth will continue to deliver excellent mind-and-heart education throughout the pandemic, prioritizing in-person learning to the extent possible while offering the flexibility and adaptability needed to reduce the risk of exposure to and transmission of COVID-19 on campus.
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Whitworth will aspire to build the trust of the university community by providing students and families with reliable, up-to-date information as the university navigates the evolving COVID-19 situation. Each member of the campus community will share in the responsibility of caring for self, others and our greater community.
Shared Responsibility and Expectations for All Students Whitworth University follows health and safety protocols for COVID-19 outlined by the state of Washington and Spokane County. As part of Whitworth’s comprehensive plan for resuming student life, residential life and in-person instruction on campus, Whitworth is implementing COVID-19 safety protocols intended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus and in the greater community. Whitworth’s continued ability to offer a residential experience and inperson instruction depends, in part, on students and employees following these safety protocols. This means that as members of the Whitworth community, each of us, individually and collectively, must do our part to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19. In addition to abiding by the policies, rules and expectations included in the Whitworth Student Handbook, each student who chooses to participate in student life, residential life, and/or inperson or hybrid instruction must commit to the following pledge: “Protect the Crew Pledge” It is my shared responsibility to do my part to take care of myself and others. Whitworth’s mission, to provide its diverse student body an education of the mind and the heart, compels me to remain flexible in ever-changing circumstances, adapt to new norms, and adhere to public health requirements in an effort to protect the most vulnerable among us. By doing so, I become equipped to honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity through these actions. This semester will be unlike any other, but the reward for embracing my shared responsibility will be the opportunity to be part of a mind-and-heart community striving together to thrive, learn and flourish in these challenging and unprecedented times. I commit to these actions and the protocols outlined in this guide.
Back to School Guide
Back to School: An Overview Actions to Take Before Arriving on Campus Self-quarantine for seven days ahead of arrival We recommend and ask all traditional undergraduate students to complete a seven-day selfquarantine prior to arrival on the Whitworth campus for Spring Term. This includes both domestic and international students. During this time, students should limit contact with others and stay home as much as possible. Students should also follow recommended practices for mask use and physical distancing when outside the home during the self-quarantine. If possible, we ask that family members who live with you or will be coming to campus with you also limit contact with others as much as possible and follow mask wearing and physical distancing practices throughout the week. Use the daily health check app for seven days before arriving on campus This semester, students are required to complete a health check each day by using a smartphone app before beginning their activities on campus. Students should download the LiveSafe app and begin to complete their daily health check on Feb. 3, seven days before arriving on campus for Spring Term. Information on how to download LiveSafe is available here. Note: Student-athletes will be following a separate procedure as communicated directly to those students by Whitworth Athletics. Students who do not have access to a smartphone may fill out this online form daily instead. See more information on Page 11.
Move-In and Entry Testing Program Residence life & housing is excited to welcome new and returning students to campus this spring. Whitworth has worked with the Spokane Regional Health District to modify the residence hall move-in process to keep everyone safe as they arrive. Important dates Feb. 10: Residence halls open to Spring Term students who were not on campus for Jan Term May 22: Residence halls close for students not graduating May 24: Residence halls close for graduating students Key things to know •
Whitworth will require on-campus students to be tested for COVID-19 upon their entry to campus. See information on next page.
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New students will be sent instructions from Associate Director of Housing Alan Jacob and Whitworth Housing prior to move-in. This email will give additional instructions on where to pick up your room key. Students and their families will be required to wear face coverings or masks in public, and hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout campus. Students are responsible for bringing their own face covering or mask and cleaning supplies for their room. For more information about what to bring, review our online checklist: whitworth.edu/whattobring. New students who have verified reasons to be on campus for Spring Term before Feb. 10 are permitted to move in early and will be directed by their supervisor or by Alan Jacob. This group will be made up almost entirely of student workers and studentathletes.
Entry testing program before Spring Term Required for on-campus students and encouraged for off-campus students Whitworth continues to make decisions that will protect our campus community and give us the best chance to continue to meet in person for classes. Students who will be living in residence halls are at higher risk of transmitting COVID-19 due to their close living quarters. Therefore, those who will live in residence halls for Spring Term are required to take part in our entry testing program. Whitworth has chosen to utilize saliva PCR pooled testing for this program. This technique is even less invasive than a nasal swab. Testing will be held Feb. 8 and 9 for all on-campus housing students already on campus and Feb. 10 and 11 for all on-campus housing students arriving to campus for Spring Term: Testing kit times/locations: • • • •
Feb. 8: noon-5 p.m., Hixson Union Building Multipurpose Room (HUB MPR) Feb. 9: noon-5 p.m., HUB MPR Feb. 10: 9 a.m.-6 p.m., HUB MPR Feb. 11: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Graves Gym
Please note: If a student has COVID symptoms, has pending COVID test results, or has been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID during the 10 days prior to arrival, they should not return to campus until cleared to do so by the COVID Care Team. Off-campus students: Testing will also be available to off-campus students on a first-come, first-served basis.
Back to School Guide
Living On Campus Residence life & housing has provided guidance to students this year on how to balance socialization with safety recommendations. Students are encouraged to limit their in-person social interactions to two groups of people, their “Family Unit” and their “Crew.” When you arrive on campus, you will be given information on these terms, which are defined as: Family Unit: The person or people who live with you in your house, room or pod. These people would also be part of your “Crew.” Crew: People you spend considerable time with. In this case, “considerable” could be defined as interactions closer than 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes. Your Crew would most likely consist of the people on your residence hall floor and a few other people who are your closest friends. We recommend keeping your crew to fewer than 25 people. Students will be asked to wear face coverings and practice physical distancing when interacting with people outside their “Family Unit” in most cases. Exceptions will be made in spaces where masks cannot be worn, such as when eating in the dining hall. In this case, students are asked to only engage with people in their “Crew.” It’s important to remember you should be wearing your face covering whenever possible in any public area on campus. Other key things to know about living on campus this year: • • •
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Group activities will be conducted with public health guidelines in place. Students may interact with guests in most of their building’s lounges if they are wearing face coverings and can be physically distanced. Residents will not be permitted to have visitors on their floor or in their room during the spring semester. Visitors are defined as anyone not living on your current floor. Exceptions to visitor restrictions include residence hall leaders and staff or faculty members. Students who live on campus are expected to avoid attending large off-campus gatherings and then returning to the residence halls. Doing so creates additional risk for everyone in the building and could lead to policy violations. Cleaning protocols have been applied in all residence halls. Residents may be asked to clean common spaces, like bathrooms, kitchens and common rooms, after use. Couches have been removed from common spaces, and extra cleaning will take place around elevator usage. Area coordinators and resident assistants will provide new students information about kitchen use, general cleanliness, and amenities such as billiards and pingpong, etc., once students arrive on campus.
Back to School Guide
Living Off Campus Undergraduate and graduate students living off campus are expected to adhere to current public health practices with respect to physical distancing, masking and testing when ill. Offcampus students will be expected to quarantine and isolate themselves in their places of residence. Space may be available at Whitworth for isolation and quarantine, but that cannot be guaranteed as priority will be given to on-campus residents. Students who live off campus are expected to avoid attending large off-campus gatherings and then returning to campus or classes. Doing so creates additional risk for others and could lead to policy violations.
Learning the WhitworthFLEX Way The innovative WhitworthFLEX approach emphasizes in-person, hybrid and modular course designs. This approach allows students to engage with class activities and assignments no matter their individual circumstances. The specific implications of this approach depend upon class size, a faculty member’s ability to be in the classroom, and other particular needs of the course or discipline. General details •
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Students who for health reasons need to access all of their course content using remote methods will be able to do so. Students may make this request by filling out the “Request for Remote Instruction” form, available through the Master Forms List on Pirate Port under “Registrar.” Some faculty members who fall into high-risk categories will be approved to teach their entire course using remote methods. Arrangements and locations for courses are still being finalized. As instructors request accommodations to teach in a fully remote format, courses are updated in Self-Service to show “online” in the location field. Students may view their courses on Self-Service anytime to check if any have been changed to a remote format: whitworth.edu/selfservice. No more than 50 students will attend an in-person class at one time. Fortunately, the vast majority of Whitworth’s classes are much smaller than this limit. Because of classroom capacity constraints, many classes will employ a hybrid approach. For example, this may entail half of the class meeting in person on Tuesday and the other half of the class meeting in person on Thursday, while the half not attending class will be engaged remotely or with other components of the course’s curriculum.
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Should the public health situation deteriorate such that all in-person classes are suspended for a period of time, faculty members will be prepared to deliver course content exclusively through remote methods. Tuition and fees will cover the added cost of these adjustments and flexibility, including the university’s investments in technology upgrades, surveillance testing, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine spaces, and other needs. No tuition or fee refunds beyond the university’s stated tuition refund schedule will be given based upon how courses are completed.
Classroom protocols • •
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Some instructors will use an assigned seating chart, which helps the university’s COVID Care Team with contact tracing. All syllabi will feature the instructor’s attendance policy. Students will need to be in regular communication with their instructors about any changes in their ability to attend class in person. Classrooms will be equipped with cleaning supplies for instructors and students to use to sanitize common touchpoints before and after class. Classrooms will be equipped with a movable plastic divider that can be used as a barrier between the instructor and students.
Procedures for Identifying and Managing Cases COVID Care Team Working closely with the Spokane Regional Health District, Whitworth’s COVID Care Team is alerted to positive and potential COVID-19 cases on campus and is instrumental in the process of testing and contact tracing. The team is made up of representatives from the health center, student life, human resource services, academic affairs, athletics and spiritual life. Each person on campus can help prevent the spread of COVID by communicating information and needs to the COVID Care Team. Let the team know if you or someone in the Whitworth community (student, faculty member or staff member) is being tested for or diagnosed with COVID or has been notified of exposure to someone with COVID. You can reach the team at covidcareteam@whitworth.edu. Whitworth’s COVID Care Team maintains an online dashboard to inform our community about the number of known COVID-19 cases on campus as well as the number of known COVID-19 cases that were positive but are no longer considered active cases. These numbers are updated weekly.
Back to School Guide
Required daily health check All students are required to conduct a daily health check via the LiveSafe app before beginning their activities on campus each day throughout the semester. Students who are unable to download the LiveSafe app may complete the daily health check online here. Individuals who answer “Yes” to any of the questions concerning their current health status will be asked to stay home and connect with the COVID Care Team or their healthcare provider. For more information and to download the LiveSafe app, visit: whitworth.edu/dailyhealthcheck. Testing Whitworth partners with a local lab to ensure that any full-time undergraduate student with a known exposure to COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19 can be tested. Testing is authorized after the student has a screening appointment with the health center and the clinician determines testing is needed. In almost all cases, private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid will pay for such tests and results are expected to be back within 24 to 48 hours. Continuing studies students, graduate students and employees will be directed to their primary care providers or a local urgent care if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or are a close contact of someone who has tested positive. Contact tracing Whitworth’s COVID Care Team employs its own contact tracers. Contract tracers collect information about individuals who may have been in close contact (defined as within 6 feet for a cumulative time of at least 15 minutes) with someone who is infected with COVID-19. Guidance will be provided to close contacts regarding their next steps, such as quarantining and/or testing. Compliance with recommendations is expected. Quarantine and isolation Whitworth has set aside about 80 beds from its campus theme houses for isolation and quarantine purposes for students who have been exposed to the virus, have COVID-19 symptoms with test results pending, or have tested positive for COVID-19. These spaces are equipped with amenities, including WiFi, so that students can participate in their classes remotely. Meal service and medical support is also provided. The duration of isolation and quarantine for students will be in accordance with federal, state and local health department guidelines. Surveillance testing Whitworth conducts COVID-19 surveillance testing (i.e., randomized testing) of full-time undergraduate students throughout the year. Some populations of students, like studentathletes, may be tested often. This will be of no cost to the student and is voluntary.
Back to School Guide
Personal Preventive Measures Students are asked to follow these guidelines, which will help to protect their health and the health of those around them. Wear a face covering or mask • • • •
Face coverings or masks are required in classrooms, in laboratories and for indoor activities. Face coverings or masks should be worn outdoors whenever in groups and when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Face coverings do not need to be worn when students are alone with a roommate in a residence hall room or working alone in an office. Reasonable exceptions will be made for those with certain health exemptions. Students should contact Associate Provost Brooke Kiener (bkiener@whitworth.edu) regarding mask exemption requests. Student employees are subject to Department of Labor face covering/mask requirements. Student employees with accommodation requests of this nature must contact Health & Safety Manager August Weil (aweil@whitworth.edu).
Practice physical distancing • • • •
Students should maintain physical distancing of 6 feet or more from others whenever applicable. Students are asked to avoid gathering in large groups per directives from the Spokane Regional Health District and the Washington State Department of Health. Classroom and lab seating will allow for physical distancing. Directions for physical distancing are provided by floor markers, directional signage, and other signs in buildings and outdoor spaces.
Wash or sanitize your hands often • • •
Do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands. Wash your hands often, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds at a time. Follow the hand-washing and safety guidelines posted in restrooms and throughout campus. If you cannot wash, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Sanitizer is available in classrooms and common areas on campus.
Stay home if you are sick •
Students are expected to stay in their place of residence on or off campus when they are ill.
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On-campus students who have COVID-19 symptoms/diagnosis or a COVID-19 exposure will not be able to stay in their residence hall during quarantine/isolation and will temporarily reside in a designated theme house as spacing allows. Students are not required to share confidential, personal health information with their instructors, resident advisors, faculty advisors, etc. However, students are encouraged to communicate with faculty and staff about concerns regarding how to access care and the next steps they should take, so they can be guided in the right direction.
Get a flu shot • •
It is important for students to get a flu vaccine this year. The flu and COVID-19 have similar symptoms. Students should contact a local pharmacy or healthcare provider about obtaining a flu shot if they have not done so already.
Limit travel •
Students are strongly encouraged to limit and avoid nonessential travel off campus. A number of cases from the fall were traced to travel within Spokane or visits with family members outside the area. If students choose to travel, they should take extra precautions when arriving back on campus to keep roommates and community members safe.
Navigating Common Spaces Dining hall The campus dining hall is open for in-person dining but at a limited capacity to ensure physical distancing guidelines can be met. This means students need to utilize grab-and-go options more frequently. Key things to know: • • •
Students are free to come to the dining hall when it’s open. Specific mealtimes will not be scheduled. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Food stations and tables and chairs in the dining hall are arranged to follow physical distancing guidelines. Floor decals, signs and barriers have been added to aid with physical distancing. Students should maintain physical distancing whenever possible while eating on campus. They should also eat with a consistent group of people (your “Crew”) throughout the week. See a definition of “Crew” on Page 8. Self-service is unavailable.
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Menus include additional grab-and-go options, and food in the dining hall is served on to-go products so students may take their meal and eat elsewhere if they so choose. Heat-mapping technology shows how busy each room in the dining hall is in real time. This information is displayed online and on a monitor in Lied Square.
Hixson Union Building (HUB) All normal facilities within the HUB will be open, but capacity limits are in place in each space, including HUB common areas, to allow for physical distancing. The Mind & Hearth Coffee Shop and campus bookstore will be open. The campus post office is operating on slightly reduced hours this year. Students are required to maintain physical distancing procedures when picking up their packages or mailing items. There are clearly delineated markings on the floor to direct the flow of lines. Students are no longer signing for packages they pick up. By receiving a package, you are acknowledging that the package belongs to you and you have accepted the campus post office’s signature on your behalf. Library Students need to use their I.D. card to gain entry to the library, which will be operating under these reduced hours for spring semester: Spring Term Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday: Closed Sunday: 1-8 p.m. Details of note: • • • • •
The checkout desk will be open, as will computer labs. Students are encouraged to utilize digital resources over print resources. Librarians will be available in a variety of capacities, but remote contact is encouraged. Study tables will be limited to one person at a time; study rooms will not be available. Students should be prepared to use their own cleaning supplies to wipe down tables and chairs as desired; the library will provide special cleaning supplies for the scanners.
More information is available at: libguides.whitworth.edu/COVID-19. University Recreation Center (U-Rec) The University Recreation Center (U-Rec) is open. However, there are COVID-related policies and procedures in place that must be followed. Whitworth students, staff and faculty must make reservations to access assigned spaces in the U-Rec, which include the cardio equipment Back to School Guide
area, weights area, court space, the climbing wall and the indoor track. Upon arrival, make sure you have both your I.D. card and LiveSafe/Sway app ready to show a member services employee. The state has imposed a 45-minute limitation per area (which we call zones), and masks are required at all times within the building. The only exception to the mask mandate is if a patron is engaging in a cardiovascular workout on a treadmill, elliptical, row machine or bicycle. Facility hours and additional COVID-related policies and procedures are listed here. See details about intramurals and outdoor recreation on Page 16.
Events and Co-Curricular Offerings Events All on-campus events are adhering to state and federal health guidelines. For information about events taking place this year, visit whitworth.edu/universityevents or email questions to events@whitworth.edu. Associated Students of Whitworth University (ASWU) ASWU will continue to offer events and activities for students both in-person and virtually to help build community on and off campus. Students can expect the same level of fun and interactive events ASWU has offered in the past. ASWU meetings will be livestreamed so that the community still has an opportunity to provide feedback, ask questions and stay informed. Student clubs Clubs will continue to be able to meet and host events as long as they are approved in advance. Clubs will also have the opportunity to livestream events by borrowing equipment from ASWU. Campus ministry Campus ministry is planning a variety of Spring Term opportunities for students to connect in community and grow with Jesus on campus, with in-person and virtual options that align with our community health protocols: •
The community will gather for Chapel Community Worship on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-11:30 a.m. We plan on worshipping in the fieldhouse until weather permits us to move outdoors in The Loop for (physically distanced and masked) community worship. Services will also be livestreamed on YouTube and Instagram (@whitworthcampusministries). Hosanna student-led worship will be available only via livestream on Tuesdays at 9:45 p.m. AWAKE will be gathering in the chapel at 8 p.m. on Wednesdays for students who are seeking a space to engage in a community and explore who God is, who we are and why that matters in our lives.
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Zoom or in-person Life Groups led by staff and faculty members will be offered to students as an opportunity for meaningful Christian community connection. There will also be small groups led by campus ministry coordinators in each of the residence halls, so on-campus students can engage in their Christian faith with members of their Crew.
These are a few examples of the opportunities that will be available this spring. More information, opportunities for connection and updates are available at: whitworth.edu/chapel. Campus pastors are also available to chat and pray, virtually or in person. Email Stephy at sbeans@whitworth.edu; Forrest at fbuckner@whitworth.edu; or Lauren at laurentaylor@whitworth.edu. We encourage you to continue connecting with local churches and forming Christian mentor/fellowship relationships at Whitworth. Intramurals The spring intramural season will kick off in February. The offerings will be activities that are classified as “no share” to “minimal share” activities. Offerings may include eSports, cornhole, 3-on-3 volleyball, badminton and more. Registration and sign-ups will be available at: urecservices.whitworth.edu. Information about the intramurals program is available here. Outdoor recreation Whitworth Outdoors will be offering various local excursions throughout the spring semester. The student trip leaders are excited to engage the Whitworth community with unique and creative offerings that will take advantage of local outdoor sites limited to Spokane County. The schedule of trips and participation details is at whitworthoutdoors.com.
Athletics The Northwest Conference is moving ahead with competition in all sports. Winter sports (basketball and swimming) began competing in January. Fall sports (football, volleyball and soccer) will begin competing in the middle of February. The winter and spring sports will feature modified NWC schedules with games against Washington-member schools only. Spring competition will start in late March. In order to provide the best care possible, Whitworth athletic training is operating on an appointment-based system. Appointments can be made with individual athletic trainers on this webpage: whitworthpirates.com/information/insideathletics/sportsmed1. The Scotford Strength & Conditioning Center is open for use, but capacity is limited due to state and local COVID-19 restrictions.
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More Resources COVID Care Team Students should seek medical guidance from their healthcare provider if they are ill or have concerns about COVID-19. Health center-eligible students can contact the health center during the academic year. Notify the COVID Care Team at covidcareteam@whitworth.edu regarding COVID exposures, testing or confirmed diagnoses. This team will enact follow-up processes specific to the situation. Counseling resources for students • •
Whitworth Counseling Center: 509.777.3259, press 2 to make an appointment or for other routine calls Emotional Support Helpline for COVID-19: 866.342.6892
Students who are experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency should call 911. If a student is having a mental health crisis, they should call: •
Whitworth 24/7 Mental Health Access: 509.777.3259, press 1
Technology support The university is committed to supporting student learning be it online, face-to-face or hybrid and offers many helpful resources for students. Information on how to use Blackboard, Panopto, Webex, Zoom and more is available here. Additional questions may be directed to the Whitworth Help Desk at helpdesk@whitworth.edu or 509.777.3911. Contact information for campus offices • • • • • • • • • • • • •
COVID Care Team: covidcareteam@whitworth.edu Health & Counseling Center: 509.777.3259 Office of International Education: 509.777.4596 Student Success & Equity: 509.777.4215 Computer Help Desk: 509.777.3911 Student Life: 509.777.4655 Residence Life & Housing: 509.777.4533 Student Financial Services: 509.777.4495 Alumni & Parent Relations: 509.777.3772 Student Success: studentsuccess@whitworth.edu Student Activities: 509.777.4565 Chapel: 509.777.4506 Campus Security: 509.777.4444
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Report COVID exposure, testing and diagnosis by either sending an email to covidcareteam@whitworth.edu or sending a notification through the “Report a COVID Concern� function on the LiveSafe app.
Back to School Guide