Young Life at Whitworth Whitworth University and Young Life share a long and rich history dating back to the late 1940s, when Young Life founder Jim Rayburn sent three of his high school students from Texas to attend Whitworth and to establish Young Life in the region. Those first leaders from Texas were soon joined by a dozen more, and, 70 years later, Young Life has grown in the Spokane metro area to serve more than 20 schools and ministries.
Purpose An ongoing and unique partnership with Young Life enables Whitworth to offer students in-depth training and development in youth ministry as well as opportunities to serve in a variety of community contexts. Young Life and Whitworth have worked together for over 70 years and have enjoyed a formal partnership since 1991. The program is led by Kent McDonald, regional trainer for Young Life and lecturer in practical theology at Whitworth.
“Build a strong spiritual foundation for Christian leadership”
Opportunities Students who choose to participate in Young Life at Whitworth have many opportunities to serve:
Young Life Work with students in a local high school club Wyld Life Work with students in a local middle school Capernaum Connect with students and young adults with intellectual and physical impairments YoungLives Provide support and an atmosphere of fun and love for teen moms and their babies Summer Staff Volunteer at one of the many Young Life camps across the country Summer YL Mission Trips Opportunities every other summer to experience ministry in other parts of the world, including Central America, Eastern Europe and Africa
TH 172/173 Foundations for Christian Leadership
This course is specifically designed to help potential Young Life students build a strong spiritual foundation for Christian leadership as they consider their call to serve. Students reflect on different aspects of Christian leadership, theology, spirituality, personal growth and relational skills as a vital aspect of their ministry.
TH 334 Youth Ministry
This course develops a theology of youth ministry as well as tools in analyzing virtually all aspects of youth ministry, youth culture and the church. This is relevant to those who will work both within the context of the local church or as Young Life/parachurch workers.
TH 380 Young Life Leadership/Student Staff
A two-year discipleship/training program that allows motivated and ministry-minded college leaders to understand the heart of service and learn how to effectively minister through Young Life.
Whitworth offers one-year, $1,000 scholarships for incoming students who plan to participate in Young Life leadership as a part of their college experience.
Contact Young Life Coordinator Kent McDonald at kmcdonald@whitworth.edu or 509.777.3241.
Students who indicate on their Whitworth enrollment application that they are interested in Young Life leadership and are admitted will be directed to an online scholarship application. The priority deadline for scholarship applications is Feb. 1.
Requirements Students who receive the Young Life Leadership Scholarship are required to enroll in Foundations for Christian Leadership (TH 172/173), a two-credit course that is taught each semester and is designed to help students build a strong spiritual foundation for Christian leadership as they consider service opportunities in a local Young Life club, campus ministry, church youth groups or other community ministry organizations.