The Crossover Special Edition | Traditional Chinese OCTOBER 2012
editors’ letters Dear Readers,
Warwick Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society與China Public Affairs and Social Service Society首次通力合作,為大家 呈上合刊《PASSTIMES X Visibility》,主題為 「從神州看世界」,也算是圓了我一個心願,深 層次矛盾甚麼的請先靠邊站。
Welcome for the latest issue of Visibility/PASSTIMES, co-produced by members of China Public Affair and Social Service Society and Hong Kong Public Affair and Social Service Society. In lieu of the many recent events at a scale affecting the entire world, this issue is going to revolve around the theme of globalisation. 《PASSTIMES》發行四期以來,從沒沒無聞到少 有名聲,多多少少被我糟蹋至今,也是時候拱手 Allow me to start this issue with an age old joke. It is 讓賢了。但退位之前,還不免想故作高深地表白 said that princess Diana’s death is the perfect depiction 一下對此刊物之我見,像炫耀畢生才華一般,只 of globalisation at work. An English Princess with an 為贏得看官寥寥掌聲。虛榮感這東西,在沒有份 Egyptian boyfriend, crashes in a French tunnel, driv- 量的人心中,愈是重要。 ing a German car with a Dutch engine, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi on Japanese motorcycles. That, 說到底,《PASSTIMES》之所以得以發行,可能 只不過是一群喜歡執筆,自命不凡的「文豪」們 my friend, is Globalisation. 偶爾聚集起來後產生的化學作用,自娛目的居 Like it or not, we are all victims of globalisation. I 多,那些甚麼知行合一的偉大崇高的理念,說說 have travelled to a dozen countries, non of which do 便好。不過,就便是自娛又有何不可?大學生的 not play cliche MTV music in shopping malls; non of 刊物,讓大學生來執筆就好,這樣才來得單純, which do not have KFC and McDonald; non of which 來得有血有肉,讓參與者透過自娛來肯定自己, go without the familiar products from the global fac- 也肯定他人。為了更優雅的文筆,為了更廣博的 tory- China. It was a huge embarrassment when I 知識,為了更深邃的哲理,為了更悅目的設計, bring fancy souvenirs from Singapore for my family 為了自我滿足,才會去學習,去吸收。進步,就 only to be sneered at for being made in China. This 是這麼簡單的一回事。 trend is exactly what shaped China Public Affair and Social Service Society. We aim to help the students in 感謝CPASS的社團成員,特別是CPASS主席趙躍及 the University of Warwick to become better equiped 副主席游斯彬,感謝一眾作者、編輯、設計師。 當然還有首朝總編輯Sam Hang以身作前浪,為我 in this globalised world. 這個沒出色的後浪開路。歲歲年年人不同,今當 In this issue, learn to take advantage of this globalised 遠離,還願《PASSTIMES》及《Visibility》依 world from our exclusive interview with your senior, 舊笑春風。 Paul Lam, giving guidance on how students should embrace the global community in the bubble. To illus- Alex Fok, Co-cheif Editor of WHKPASS, 2012-2013 trate the interconnection between major powers in the world, we bring you the age old discussion on how the US presidential election is affecting China, again. On a more relaxed tone, we bring you the hippest, hottest and the most exhilarating tourist spots for you to take advantage of in your university days. We hope you will enjoy our magazine and have a blast in the post-apocalyptic 2012. Zhao Yue, President and Co-chief Editor of CPASS, 2012-2013
school life 雲南義工之旅
06 王銘宇 Interview with Paul Lam, the Founding President of WHKPASS 09 Avery Yeung Volunteering Trip to Morroco 11 Tracy Cheung
social commentary 世界人民眼中的中國 周盈盈
換個戰場談就業 趙躍
奧運雜談 游斯彬
蘇寧京東價格戰淺析 孫夢
Hattie Tsoi
訪問:談電影,說社會,與年青導演的一席話 世說新語
lifestlye & arts Why Do We Fall? 27 Victor Luk 私奔。到遠方
29 周羽 走入尋常百姓家─「色」食香港 30 Ah Yu
Editorial Team: Mandy Wong, Tsai Wong Designer: Arthur Lam, Alex Fok
An Encounter with Simon Shen Kastie Leung
, S S A P r u O
雲南義工之旅 2012年7月13日起華威CPASS社團開始了為期10日的關於拉市海濕地及麗江古 城的環境保護和清潔能源沼氣的開發的調查。
通過這次的義工活動,首先要提到的是古城發展體現出的獨特魅力,無論是 納西與藏族與眾不同的生活方式還是當地引人入勝的自然風景都深深的吸引 了每一個到此地的游客。可以說這裡的發展離不開06年政府提出的“文化立 市,旅游強市,水能富市,和諧興市,人才推動,全面開放”。我們很欣喜 的看到從06年發展之初政府就看到了麗江文化和水能的特點,並以此推動 發展,最終在“十一五”期間取得了年均增長18.1%的告訴發展。與此相對 應,我們也發現在城市化推動麗江發展及人民生活富足的同時,旅游業所遺 留下的一系列問題,如:垃圾的增加引發的市容下降和環境惡化,對城市用 水的驟然上升導致了大量從拉市海引水從而引發的水品面下降和水質的下降 (後面再拉市海的介紹中會著重提到)。 通過在麗江古城的3天調查,我們發現影響麗江的環境質量的垃圾及污染主 要來源於生活,據了解在寧蒗瀘沽湖邊,由於處理大量的生活垃圾的垃圾場 遲遲沒有動工,每年40多萬游客留下的大量垃圾都傾倒在山溝。另外由於排 污管道的不完善古城內的玉河水質已從原來的可飲用的一二級降低為三四類 水,在古城內可以清楚的看到水渠裡藻類滋生,不到30釐米深的水渾濁時已 然看不到底。在攀登玉龍雪山時,據當地人說“在旺季雪山每天要接受1000 人次以上的游客,有關部門曾發言海拔4500米以上的冷空地區出現了溫室效 益,造成冰雪消融,冰川地貌大幅度退化。” 正是注意到了環境的劇烈變化,為了促進麗江更好更快的發展麗江政府特聘 專家進行討論,最後專家一致認為麗江旅游應該堅持“自然為本,特色為 根,文化為靈魂,市場為導向”的思路來發展。此後為了實現保護麗江的自 然風光的目的,政府放棄了對玉龍雪山一線已探明的一條20多公裡長的白金 礦帶的開采。除此以外還下令關閉了重度污染的企業並下令全市改用清潔能 源。
我們認為對於麗江的開發,生態環境是裡才有的前提,旅游的發展對生態環境有 著較強的依賴性;同時環境是脆弱的需要在游客的關愛,換句話說旅游者需要提 高環境保護意識,不然和國內大多數旅游地一樣開發到哪污染到哪,不到十年當 地環境破壞旅游業也隨之萎縮,又開發新的旅游地點,周而復始;同時政府也要 加強監管和起到導向性作用,可持續發展不是口號而是行動。 拉市海 所謂拉市海其實是一片濕地,它距離麗江古城只有8公里,但也就是這區區的8公 里造就了與麗江古城的天然之別。“落後,農村,蒼蠅,馬糞”構成了我們對拉 市海的第一印像。在這裡我們認識了美國康奈爾大學的教授陳老師,他著重給我 們講述了符合當地實情的能源沼氣,和當地孩子的教育問題,及他對拉市海地區 未來環境保護的展望。此後我們圍繞這3個問題展開了7天的濕地保護和義工教 育。 “沼氣”在大多數人看來是新型能源,其實不然,早在解放後毛澤東就曾明言“ 沼氣很好嘛”隨後的幾十年裡也陸續有人使用過,只是沒有流傳開來。直到98年 的長江大洪水的爆發,國家才注意到了環境保護的重要性,同期發布了禁伐令, 並指出了可替代能源沼氣來取代木材成為中西部地區的主要能源。此後沼氣才逐 步擺上了領導人的桌前並走入的尋常百姓眼中。 在和陳老師的交流中我們逐步 揭開了沼氣神秘的面紗,簡而言之沼氣就是由有機的人畜糞便通過厭氧消化細菌 轉變為人類可用的資源甲烷和肥料。另外我們還發現在拉市海的旅游項目中騎馬 是必不可少的一項活動,每天都有大量的馬糞(約有3000匹馬)被隨地排放在了 道路上,但是卻沒有有效的清理更別說利用了。這些馬糞絕大數隨著雨水被衝刷 到了拉市海,並造成了水質污染(下文會具體講述),而這些馬糞正好是沼氣池 的原料。並且據我們的了解雖然在雲南政府的統計下每年有2億的啟動資金用於 沼氣池的推廣,並且沼氣的使用率已經高達80萬戶,占農民數量的60%。但是, 經過問們對當地農民的問詢和采訪了解到,原本有20年壽命的沼氣池在很多人家 只用了4年不到就放棄使用了。也就是說這60%的使用率是一個不具實際意義的理 想數據,而現實是當地農民寧可上山砍柴也不願使用這種環保的綠色能源。
經過討論和探究我們認為:造成這種結果的原因是多方面的,首先沼氣池也有其 先天的不足如:每日都需要新加入原料,並且每天都必須使用沼氣防止內部壓力 過大而損壞沼氣池,據了解1個6立方的沼氣池能用4口之家一天的用量,但如果 超量就必須要其他能源的輔助,這都將浪費不少勞動力。其次農民對沼氣的使用 僅限於了解,常常會有錯誤的使用並造成沼氣池的損壞,而如果讓一個字都不認
識的農民去看懂說明書又或者深究其原 理這顯然又不現實。久而久之農民們會 發現沼氣的使用並沒有方便他們的生 活,所以轉而使用其他便捷能源如電能 代替也情有可原。第三我們還發現當地 農民最缺乏的是對為什麼使用沼氣替代 電能的原因的意識,這可以歸結於對農 民環保意識教育的缺失。綜上所述我們 認為要解決沼氣使用的問題還要以教 育為根本,以便捷生活為核心來發展推 廣,而不是一味的擴大虛高沼氣的使用 率。 接著我們還對拉市海水質進行了深入的 探究,為此我們還與當地漁民一起前往 湖中心收網捕魚,在拉市海邊我們發現 了大量的亂扔的垃圾,但是卻沒有發現 一個明顯標志的垃圾桶,在隨後上船的 時候發現了一些游客隨手拋到湖上的垃 圾飄在水面上,刺眼而又發人深醒“拉 市海的水質能全怪游客嗎,誠然他們是 水質破壞的直接造成者,但有多少人又 是自願願意生活在髒亂的環境的呢?” 隨後漁民告訴我們這兩年隨著拉市海的 開發不光水質迅速下降,水量也減少到 了往年的最低點連帶著他們每年捕魚的 數量也大幅下滑,造成這一現像的原因 是多方面的。首先每年麗江古城都需要 大量的水來保持清潔,水衝何處來呢? 顯然玉河的水是不夠的,於是拉市海成 了他們的首選,每年都要大量的引用拉 市海的水。這也是造成海平面下降的直 接原因,當然游客數量的激增並超過拉 市海環境承載量的極致也是造成這一現 像的原因之一。拉市海水面下降是清晰 可見的。原本的海岸線上我們要多走近 50米才能停船,而它水質下降也是顯而 易見的,水葫蘆這種對水環境要求很高 的植物原本在拉市海是一種很常見的植 物,如今,隨著我們深入到了湖心才能 看見稀稀落落的幾株。 談到孩子的教育問題陳老師認為這是這 一切問題的核心解決辦法,我們也深以 為然,只有孩子們的文化水平高了,才 可能和他們談環保的問題,不然一切都 是空中樓閣,但是 現實是殘酷的。這裡 的納西族小孩很多還在為了找一本好看 的課外書而嘆息,我們不禁好奇那些捐 贈的書籍哪去了?
的歡 色家園
小朋友們告訴我們因為學校的老師把捐來的 圖書全都鎖起來了,就是怕他們損壞。我們 不禁為此又氣憤又悲哀,書本就是閱讀的, 當地老師為了怕損壞而不讓小朋友借閱者本 就破壞了書本身的意義,但轉念一想,可見 這些地方的書又是多麼稀缺呢,所以說教育 的任務任重而道遠,卻非寒暑之功。也許要 十年甚至數十年才能見成效。 現實是殘酷的,但理想是美好的,我們相信 只要有心拉市海將展現未來。
文: 王銘宇
Interview with Paul Lam, the
A: What is Warwick Hong Kong PASS society and the purpose and aim of this society? How was it set up? P: Back in 2009, a small group of us held a small weekly discussion forum, where we talked about public issues in the Learning Grid. After having several gatherings, we all had the same intention and interest of setting up a new society that would provide a platform for more Hong Kong students to become more aware and knowledgeable of public affairs. We believe that not only are most Hong Kong people ignorant and insensitive to current affairs, some are even disinterested, almost apathetic towards politics. So we felt very much that we should do our little by starting from our university. A: You mentioned political apathy; do you have any particular methods or ways of raising the interest of other students in public affairs? P: Raising interest in current affairs, particularly for Hong Kong students. Firstly, the most effective way of achieving this is when students are able to relate an issue to them personally. We have come across many barriers and difficulties in the early stages. For example, the people who attended these discussion forums were mainly students reading PAIS (Politics and International Studies), Politics or Philosophy, and not in the likes of Business, Maths and Engineering students. Therefore one of our most important goals was to expand the current affairs topics into covering all different subject areas and fields. For example, after a series of discussion in political issues, we have picked a more diverse choice of subjects ranging from cultural issuestoeconomics. I am convinced that this is the most effective way in raisingpeople’s interest in current affairs. Most people do not have an interest in all fields, however when people are able to relate current affairs to them, naturally they will realise how it can affect them. A: I know you have plenty of work experience, would you mind sharing with us some?
P: My first internship was taken after HKCEE as a webpage designer. I signed a two-month contract and was supposed to design a webpage. After the two months,I left without really completing the website. It was a very bad experience, as I didn’t really fulfil my job. After that I tried to look for another proper job and this one I had spent four years finding it. It was based on Marketing in an IT-related firm. I worked at the Hong Kong Computer Fair annually and was the top seller out of 26 workers in the first year. Some of them are university students; others have just finished secondary education. So I had built a good relationship with this company and eventually worked for them for another 3 years. Now I have got promoted from
Founding President of WHKPASS the seller to being responsible for leading a team. These are the two experiences I would like to share with others because they changed my life the most. Later on I had worked in an Investment Bank. I see them as a financial experience rather than life experience. After I have failed to complete my work as webpage designer, I reflected and realised what went wrong with my working attitude. Being a seller at the Computer Fair, you will have to negotiate prices smartly with customers. This is an important day-to-day experience and an important asset. There are many people working as bankers, lawyers, accountants who will all have their own stories behind it. At my first year of University I wanted to try and do something special or something original. That’s another reason and incentive for setting up WHKPASS. I think the younger you are, the smaller the opportunity cost you will have to pay for trying new things. Think about it, you probably won’t be washing dishes when you have a master degree! A: What is your view on graduates being so eager to work in the Investment Banking industry in today’s society? P: I don’t have any problems with that at all and I am actually hoping to become one of them as well. What I would say is that one should not have to follow completely the general trend of society; you should just make sure you are not falling behind it. PASS does not have a fixed agenda each year so long as they are consistent with the core values of PASS. Every year, the new Committee should have its own ideas for PASS. It is an organic organisation, but not one that will repetitively do the same things. It doesn’t matter if we hold a charity concert this year and a non-charity concert the year after; as long as the spine and the core of the society’s vision remains the same. This is what I expect from the WHKPASS. A: Who is the inspirational figure in your life? P: Many people have influenced my life. But a more recent one who has inspired me was Simon Sinek. He is a TED speaker. He talked about how great leaders inspire and initiate actions. He demonstrated a diagram with three layers of circles. The first core one was labelled ‘‘why’’, the second one around it was labelled ‘‘how’’ and the most outer ring was ‘‘what’’. Many businesses think from the outside towards the centre, like from “What we do”, “How we do” to “Why we do it”. For example Nokia nowadays make new phones by first looking at how they can do it rather than why should they make a new one. But when Nokia began selling the first few models of mobile phones, they started from the “Why” question, and that’s exactly what Appleis doing right now. Their Marketing Strategy is about getting it right at why customers buy their products. Once you get why they buy it correct, you can sell your products well because they cohere with what and how customersthink. They are not only buying the products; they are buying your idea, buying what you believe. Simon Sinek inspired me the most because not only did he explain to me what leadership is, but he also delivered the message that it is not just what you do that’s important, but why you do it. And I think his message pretty much answers and sums up all the questions in this interview. A: Avery P: Paul JUNE 2012
Volunteering Trip to Morroco It has been an amazing and rewarding 2 weeks in Marrakech, Morocco. At first I was a bit frustrated and confused about the purpose of the whole voluntary trip. That was certainly not the kind of volunteering that I was expecting and in fact I felt like we were bringing so much troubles to the teachers working in the orphanage and to other people. However, after talking to our local coordinator Fatine, I was convinced that it is not about how much we have contributed but bringing the kids happy childhood memories, even if we were only there for 2 hours. Kids in Morocco are definitely the most adorable and lovable kids I have ever seen. Their smiles just melt your heart away and they are all so eager to get closer to you by holding your arms and they kiss you on the cheeks because they like you. Only if we have the chance to spend more time with the same group of kids we can get to know them more. However we have too many projects and too little time. I was trying to find a picture that best represents this city yet a picture is always not enough when I have more than a thousand words to tell. The reason why I chose this picture is because I think the pinkish-brown color of the concrete wall and the blue sky are in my opinion the colors of Morocco. Not to mention the green palm trees and the bright shining sun that make the whole picture of Morocco complete. When we first arrived, we were so cautious about food we eat. We had KFC on the first night and I swore to my friends and family that I will NEVER EVER eat any street food however the truth is… we had street food every single day after day 2 and we found the food so delicious and irresistible. You cannot imagine how much we love tagines and couscous because the amount we had was possibly as tall as a 10-floor building if you try to pile up the dishes. Mint tea is the local’s favorite; it’s the smell of the Wrigley’s double mint chewing gum (the same herb actually), most of us found it too sweet though. The 2 weeks in Marrakech was bittersweet (it was very SWEET most of the time). A lot of us were sick and some even had to come back to England earlier. It has been an unforgettable 2 weeks with the 18 of you. We have been insulted by the trader in the night market as ‘crazy woman! Go back to China’ and also restaurant owners trying to rip us off by charging 2 40dirhams dishes 800dirhams. We learnt that bargaining is very important in this country and we got used to be the center of attention because every man on the street look/talk to you like you are a super star. I am glad to have met all the wonderful people and thankful to have all of you in this trip. Most importantly, we have all gained some great experience and brought a lot of happy memory back home with us.
Tracy Cheung
我在國內上大學時, 認識的來自德國、俄羅 斯、韓國等地的留學生;當我 變身留學生穿梭於英國高校校 園裡,結識英國土著民以及來 自世界各地的外來人口;當我 以一個旅行者的身份,觀望歐 洲、美洲、非洲。我不曾問外 國人對中國的看法,但在我們 的交談中,不可避免的折射出 他們眼中的中國。這些觀點如 此自然流露、不加絲毫掩飾, 從中我也窺見了中國的世界形 像。
外國人對中國最有興趣的,以我看來在於三點:一來為歷史,二來為功夫,三來為 美食。在外國人看來,正是中國人引以為豪的五千年歷史長河,造就了這個神秘的 國度。很多外國朋友到達中國,最感興趣也是歷史文化勝地。其二,使中國名揚世 界的功夫,成為了這一神秘國度的另一層面紗。英國青少年興奮雀躍的告訴我他們 風靡著功夫巨星成龍。就連部分成年人也籠罩在中國功夫暗藏民間的想法之中。初 到中國的俄羅斯小伙曾經略有膽怯的問我,“是不是每一個中國人都會功夫?”想 想現如今的孩子練習武術強身健體的數量並不在少數,我籠統的回答道:“有的會 呀”。不想此言激發了另一初到中國的德國小伙,他便是如得到了武林秘籍真傳般 的悠悠說道:“但你永遠也不知道,誰會誰不會。”最後,中國的美食受到了廣大 世界人民的一致好評,他們聽聞著中國菜的美味和神奇,一定讓我帶他們去往中餐 館,真真正正的感受和贊揚偉大的中華美食。然而美食的材料做法等卻沒有得到世 界人民的認可,本人在廚房的所作所為,早已無數次的令歐洲室友感到驚異。 而最為受到外國人爭議的要屬一些政治話題了。比如,人權和言論自由、獨生子女 政策、藏獨等。我遇到過東歐人認為政府會限制我們閱讀聖經,愛爾蘭人認為中國 人沒有任何自由可言,華裔英國人認為現在在中國還是不能說半點關於毛澤東的壞 話的。當然在不是那麼發達的地區,這些政治話題被遠遠的拋在了腦後,中國人受 到了極大的歡迎。當我旅行於埃及,遇到許許多多埃及人歡喜於用一丁點兒蹩腳中 文激動熱情的跟我們打招呼,歡喜於拍下與亞洲姑娘的合照,歡喜於不勝枚舉的“ 中國制造”。 我讀到過很多出版的、未出版的、網上流傳的外國人眼中的中國形像。我會贊同、 會反對。所以我知道,當我寫下這樣的一篇文字,收獲到的也會是有共鳴、有抵 觸。無奈每一個人接觸到的都只是一個片面的世界,而我們又總是那麼輕而易舉的 就不小心把片面當成了全部。因而我不斷提醒自己,我所接觸到的外國人能代表的 僅僅僅僅是部分外國人的觀點。在每一個國度,都會有那麼一群人素質高尚思想 卓越,在同一個國度,也總會有人氣焰囂張無惡不作,彼此是那麼的格格不入,但 都在同一片藍天下共同生長。所以,這裡的“世界人民”代表不了所有的“世界人 民”,而所謂“世界人民”,也從來都不會有完全同樣的意見。這裡的“中國形 像”也不是所有“中國形像”,而所謂“中國形像”,本就是一個復雜的多元體。 文:周盈盈
作者是華威大學校友,現已畢業。文章記錄了她在華威大學一年研究生課程之餘的 所見所聞和個人感想。
提起中國,北京、上海是首當其衝迎風招展的旗幟。這是所有人都知道的兩座城 市,每當我被問及你來自中國的哪裡時,對方的期望總會是北京或者上海。然後我 說不是。少數人會繼續說出廣州、杭州、蘇州,然後告訴我他們去中國旅行過。中 國現如今成為了世界的焦點之一,越來越多的外國人到達過、或將啟程中國,他們 或者是在國內大學半年一年時間的交換生,或者前往北京上海參加大半個月的某國 際項目,或者在跨國公司的中國分部工作,又或者在中國擔任短期或長期的英語老 師。這些到達過中國的人群,可能大都算是歐洲社會中國際化的新一代。但當我拜 訪英國的敬老院,也有老人給我的答復卻還是,“中國,那是個很遙遠很遙遠的國 度哪。”
換個戰場談就業 四年一度的美國大選投票又要開始了。按照慣例,在競選期間就業問題又被拿到台面上 大肆渲染。現今美國失業率仍然保持在8%且高居不下,IMF與經合組織對美國的消極經 濟預測更是提高了解決就業問題的重要性。歷屆大選中,只有在競選期內提出有效就業 方案的一方才有可能最終登上美國總統的寶座。而在無法找到有效的出路的情況下,埋 怨他國搶走美國的工作就稱為每一個競選者的終極法寶。 但事情卻沒那麼簡單,美國公司面對本土高昂的人工費唯一的解決方式就是到海外尋找 廉價的生產力,Levi’s的成功就是一個絕好的例子。上個世紀,不斷上漲的開銷迫使 這家著名的牛仔褲生產商將工廠開到了墨西哥並慢慢遍布全世界。最後是有效的尋找境 外的廉價資源整救了在破產邊緣的Levi’s,如此的例子在發達國家裡比比皆是。所謂 的工作流失正是因為這樣才出現的。從微觀經濟學的角度來看,利益最大化是每一個企 業的基本目的。而也只有最大化了收益,企業才能在當今如此激烈的競爭環境中占有一 席之地。為國家創造就業機會本來就不是辦企業的目的。 既然到海外尋找便宜的生產方式使每個國際企業生存的要素,那為什麼近年來對中國的 反應如此之大呢?因為最開始美國公司選擇在世界各地建廠,但是隨著市場的淘汰和產 量的增加,中國的外包市場占有率越來越大。所以並不是美國人的工作被中國搶去了, 而是外包產業漸漸地聚集到中國。不知情者看起來就好像是美國把所有的生產工作都轉 移到了中國。正是因為這樣,中國才成為眾矢之的。 但是美國人民真的想要回這些工作嗎?並不是這樣,即使假設美國立即立法禁止從中國 入口任何商品,那麼這些生產商只會轉移到越南、柬埔寨甚至非洲國家,而不是美國, 因為美國人工費與海外的價差依然沒有改變。事實上,隨著中國因為人均工資增長導致 的競爭力下降,已經又許多大公司選擇把工廠轉移到上述的國家。其實美國選戰就業問 題的矛頭也許完全指錯了。 21世紀是全球化的世紀,工作崗位在全球範圍內的流通已經從一個趨勢變成了一個現 象。真正的戰場應該是在需要高能力、高增值的創新和綠色產業,例如,節能汽車、太 陽能利用和醫療產業。索尼正在一步一步侵蝕著蘋果公司的智能手機市場;豐田汽車已 經逐漸取代通用和福特開進美國人的家中;中國更在多個綠色能源產業的研發和大有 作為。這些都是美國長期以來領先於世界的產業呀。隨著中國的產業轉型,Made-inChina變成Created-in-China已經不是夢想。在發展中國家積極開拓新發展方向的時候 如果美國仍然看著那些低端的工作崗位早晚會喪失世界超級大國的地位。 當然,大家已經適應了拿中國當就業的替罪羊。也許我們要等到選舉秀過後才能看到更 多的中美合作,創造出更多的真正有質量的工作。 文: 趙躍
從記事兒起,就不斷的聽家中的長輩們歌頌著那些奧運的健兒,從許海峰零的突破,到 鄧亞萍等人奠定的乒乓霸主,一次次的為祖國增添新的光輝。自申奧成功後,奧運似乎 就更成了一股子風潮,電視媒體的宣傳更是如滔滔江水,連綿不斷。鼓氣、加油之聲不 絕於耳,一批批新的健兒又在悄然崛起。
不錯,文無第一,武無第二,體育就是這樣的殘酷,當你會當凌絕頂之時,你可以一覽 眾山小,當你見到一山還有一山高時,又有誰還會記得你曾經的輝煌,只能落的個此恨 綿綿無絕期。有人說“健兒們,你們代表了國家,國家培養了你們,你們理應取得成 績”,似乎國家的榮辱全在這些健兒的肩上承擔。我不禁想問,一個國家一個民族體育 的興衰,真的是一個人能承擔的了的嗎? 姑且不論劉翔二次退賽造假與否,無論他最後失利退賽亦或是重登榜首,中國人的身體 素質會有絲毫的變化嗎?我們說國家培養了奧運參賽者,不如說,舉國體制制造了奧運 冠軍。每一個健兒要從5、6起接受非人的魔鬼訓練,在此期間忽略學習,忽略成本,十 年磨一劍。帶來的結果,只有位於頂點者,方能有所成就,其余的只能碌碌一生。今 天,我們在批評劉翔愧對祖國的同時,是不是也該想一想,究竟應不應該賦予奧運健兒 太多的國家榮辱呢? 我泱泱13億人口的大國的體育榮辱卻要讓幾名選手承擔,不覺得有些脆弱嗎?舉國體制 帶來的精英奧運,以專業打非專業,以政府打個人,只眾精英不重百姓,帶來的結果就 是中國雖然能在金牌總數上領先世界,卻永遠只能在非主流非商業的小項目上小露風 頭,卻和三大球等主流大項無緣。縱使有緣,也不過是少數精英苦練的結果,於我大國 何益?所以,我以為當今國民,大力發展群眾體育,而少做什麼精英教育,正所謂,民 強則國強。 文: 游斯彬
隨著年齡的增進,不禁產生了一些小小的反思。今天我們賦予這些冠軍英雄的光環,他 日若他們賽場失利,我們又當如何呢?我們可以在奧運賽場上勇奪第一,可是我們真 的是體育的強國了嗎? 在劉翔12秒88取得奧運冠軍的一刻,我們說“劉翔你創造了歷 史,你證明了中國乃至亞洲,在田徑歷史上不會是空席的”;在他北京奧運傷退的一 刻,我們又說“劉翔你是個騙子,你是個懦夫,你應該勇敢的站起來!”
蘇 寧 京 東 價 格 戰 淺 析
月14日由京東商城CEO劉強東 的一條微博開啟的一場的大 家電的血拼價格戰正式拉開帷 幕,這是一場被媒體稱為“沒 有猜到開頭,也猜不到結局”的 價格戰。劉強東在微博中公開 宣稱:“京東大家電零毛利,京 東所有大家電保證比國美,蘇寧 連鎖店便宜至少10%以上。”不 久後,蘇寧易購執行總裁李斌回 應稱如果有任何人發現蘇寧的價 格高過京東,經核實後,京東都 會進行及時調價並賠付。隨後, 劉強東再次連發六條微博回應 道:“如果蘇寧敢賣1元,那京 東的價格一定是0元。”於是, 這場由口水戰伴隨的大家電價格 戰便在眾多媒體及公眾的關注下 出現了。 乍看之下,這似乎對消費者來講 是一次超低價的享受,然而“蘇 東價格戰”上演後消費者卻似乎 並沒有得到如期的實惠。很多貨 物處於無貨狀態,有一些貨物甚 至出現了先漲價後降價的情況, 與此同時,由於此次降價主要集 中於線上貨物降價,網頁訪問量 的急速上升使得其網頁加載速度 慢並且商品價格浮動大。根據數 據顯示,僅有占總貨物4.2%的 5000多件商品價格下降。並且商 品降幅最高的也僅有10%。就缺 貨率來講,京東商城缺貨率高居 榜首,達到了29.63%。
基於此些數據,部分業內人士稱此 次的價格戰實際上是一個欺瞞消 費者的營銷騙局。而作為此次價格 戰的挑起者劉強東也利用微博使京 東電器作了一次免費廣告。眾所周 知,如果一個公司要宣傳其產品或 者是有促銷打折的活動,是需要花 錢在報紙上打廣告的;然而劉強東 卻僅僅用了幾條微博就賺足了眼 球,吸引了大量媒體和公眾的目 光。這不得不讓人懷疑這是一個以 價格戰為噱頭的炒作商業行為。 然而,“蘇東”之間爆發的這場價 格戰除了“口水多於實踐”外,部 分業內人士稱其本身實為京東針對 蘇寧47億元的定向增發與發放的80 億元公司債券的一場資本博弈。對 於這種說法,筆者認為此說法不無 道理,畢竟劉強東曾多次指出蘇寧 是目前京東的最大競爭對手。在京 東作出向公眾籌集款項,資金周轉 活躍時期向其發出挑戰,一旦蘇寧 招架不住,便有可能出現資金鏈斷 裂,股價暴跌的危險。這對蘇寧來 說是一個致命的打擊。對於我國大 家電這種寡頭壟斷特征明顯的市場 來講,此次的價格戰對於參戰的電 商企業來講表面上似乎都是背水一 戰。因為我國的大家電市場已經處 於一個近乎飽和的狀態,各種電器 的利潤率也偏低,各個電商近年的 營銷狀況也不盡人意。因此寡頭壟 斷者之間的惡性價格戰實質上是一 場資本消耗戰。中國大家電市場的 寡頭壟斷者,蘇寧,京東,國美等 電商以低於成本價甚遠的賣價出售 商品,其本身是不能長久的,並且 最後終會以兩敗俱傷收場,因此背 上全部身家打一場極其消耗資本的 價格戰,可以說是生死存亡之戰, 誰贏了誰就將獲得剩下的市場份 額,成為中國大家電市場的領導 者。
此次價格戰的最終受益者我們無從知曉, 然而由它牽連的最大受害者供應商們確是 敢怒不敢言。供應商對售貨渠道的依賴性 使得他們的不滿反擊軟弱無力。許多供應 商擔心一旦離開銷售渠道商,銷售額就會 明顯下降,尤其是溢價程度較低的品牌。 劉強東曾經在回應海爾電子商務因京東價 格壓得太低而決定與其終止合作的消息時 說道:現在家電廠商誰不跟電商合作,誰 就在走下坡路。”隨後海爾便出面辟謠, 稱沒有說過要終止合作。供應商的軟弱無 力以及電商的強勢顯露無遺。
“蘇東”價格大戰將於9月1日以3C產品 為主戰場拉開第二場大戰。蘇寧與京東 各自與《中國好聲音》和《北京青年》 進行合作開始了新一輪的價格戰。筆者 認為,在市場經濟的控制下,零售商之 間的價格戰本身是其生存能力的體現。 因此筆者並不反對適當的價格戰,而通 過炒作引起公眾媒體的關注也是營銷者 的策略智慧所在,我們並不能完全否 定。但是如果盲目炒作,把消費者當作 愚人玩弄於股掌之間,將對企業的信譽 這個硬指標產生深遠的不良影響,這對 企業的長期發展有害而無利。企業盲目 追求銷售額,企圖在短期大出血售出自 身不能長期承載的售貨量,使得商品的 售後服務根本跟不上,那麼所謂的優勝 劣汰的市場經濟體系又將置消費者的合 法權益於何處呢? 文: 孫夢
然而就筆者看來,京東發動的此次價格戰 是有深遠預謀的,並且就算敗了也是雖 敗猶勝。首先是其宣傳性,如之前所提到 的“蘇東戰”的炒作力度以及廣告效應, 使沉寂已久的大家電重新回歸人們的視 線。其次是京東選擇的時機性:他選擇了 蘇寧資金鏈活躍卻同時又較弱的情況下宣 戰,使其首先處於優勢地位;與此同時, 近期正是蘇寧線下顧客轉型線上的過渡期 間,也正是劉強東發起線上價格戰的最好 時機,劉強東說:“我們打價格戰,不是 為了把國美蘇寧的用戶拉到京東來,而是 為了把線下的用戶拉到線上來。用戶到了 線上,無論是去國美還是蘇寧,都無所 謂。只要用戶來了線上,我們就有機會, 現在還有很多用戶根本不在線上。這部分 用戶到了線上,至少我們有機會把這些用 戶轉換成京東用戶。”因此劉強東稱京東 股東無一反對此次價格戰,並且高呼:“ 我們除了錢什麼都沒有,你就放心打吧, 往死裡打。”因此,如果此次京東勝利 了,他將成為我國家電市場的巨頭,即便 是失敗了,他所贏得的廣告效益和對蘇寧 內部資金周轉的影響也不容小覷。但是劉 強東似乎有些小看蘇寧的實力。畢竟蘇寧 的大家電業務占其總業務的60%以上,而 京東只占了不到20%。因此蘇寧生產線的 供貨狀況以及其融資能力是相當可觀的。 同時,劉強東在為股東強烈支持其價格戰 的言語下似乎必須認識到又有 多少股東 能夠有足夠的耐心來支撐這個燒錢模式般 的價格戰呢?
訪問:談電影,說社會, Fredie陳浩倫是一位「80後」獨立電影導演。在06年從嶺南大學研究系畢業後就 到了香港電台電視部的頭條新聞任職。雖然在報道新聞時他是一位記者,但同時 在拍攝新聞片時已擔任起「導演」的角色。Fredie發現新聞片需要高度客觀,令 他感覺拍攝時跟他人總是有一段距離。所以他決定帶著攝錄機闖天涯,走進人群 堆中,拍下他直正感興趣的社會紀錄片,亦不其然成為社運的一份子。
學生:你會如何定義「80後」? Fredie:記得「80後」這種稱呼開始出現應該是六四事件二十周年的時候吧。那 時港大學生會會長就六四事件作出的言論引起廣大關注,令香港一群年青人站出 來爭取自主性。在高鐵事件中,他們不僅不怕提出反對政府的意見,亦身體力行 參與社運活動。我認為這一群較為有政治活力的年青人才能被稱為「80後」,因 為這稱呼本身就離不開現今的社會政治議題。 學生:獨立電影與主流電影有甚麼分別,又,你覺得香港的創作自由在進步嗎? Fredie:獨立電影的主題大多是導演個人關注的事件和題材,並透過捕捉或紀錄 事件當中人們的思想和感受來達到目的,導演對該事件的主歡表達反而是其次, 所以相較主流電影,獨立電影少了一分劇情,多了一分真實。而且主流電影不免 會被商業化,不免會以金錢為最終目的而拍攝,內容多少會受資方限制。獨立電 影也需要金錢,卻不會依賴金錢,所以在不用申請撥款的情況下,民間創作活動 可以說是日趨旺盛自由。但若制作不得不涉及政府撥款時,限制其實還頗多的。 學生:可否分享你印像較深刻的制作? Fredie:兩輯「反高鐵」的短片對我特別深刻。在反高鐵一連串事件中,我開始 去了解和紀錄這件事的發展,繼而成為我想創作短片的契機。作為一個拍攝者, 不用回避,並成為民眾的一份子,是一個很有意思的經驗。在其中一段話劇短片 「反高鐵劇場:吹雞」中的一幕,有一班人在分食蛋糕,暗示商人借建高鐵間接 炒賣房地產,「吃」走香港人的金錢。 高鐵事件刺激了很多創作靈感,又用新穎而又簡明的方式去表達不同的意見及訊 息,用有創意的非主流藝術去挑戰一般人的常識,在主流電影裡是很難達成的。
學生:對希望投身拍攝電影的年青人有甚麼建議? Fredie:我認為這些年青人應該要清楚想表達的意念,想與甚麼人溝通,並擁有獨立 的思想。拍電影應該是一個表達自己的行為,就像作曲,寫詩一樣。所以他們要問一 問自己為甚麼特別要用電影作為一個媒界?
談笑間,一只乖巧的貓咪在兩位學生和Fredie間鑽來鑽去,好不可愛。整個辦公室亦 給人一種悠然自得的感覺,與街外的繁囂形成有趣的對比,卻又十分地道。生活態 度,原來也是一種藝術。
文:Hattie Tsoi
Fredie:我看過很多堅盧治(Ken Loach)的作品,是我很喜歡的導演之一。他的編劇 手法非常獨特,當我想將一些關於弱勢社群的民生議題改寫成短編電影時,經常能 從他身上找到靈感。另外一位導演是荷索(Werner Herzog),我特別鍾情他的作品選 提,以及透過旁白將自己本人也放進電影的手法,會令人感覺到他真的是參與於其 中,使觀眾與導演產生互動,這也是獨立電影之所以引人入勝的特點吧。
新 我
們動物園向來是一個很規矩 的動物園。每天供餐定點定 量,獅子只給供肉,猴子只給供水 果。在這樣一個按部就班的圈子 裡,亂子就像現在外面可以食用的 油一樣稀有。今天事情的問題很嚴 重,我被叫去開會。 我走進會議室的時候,所有人都在 看著我。他們的眼神很奇怪,感覺 是在觀察一個來自遠古時期的動 物。園長看見我,示意我到前排坐 下。他的目光溫柔卻充滿穿透力, 我基本上已經猜到這次自己有麻煩 了。 “五區猴山裡的小猴子偷吃了隔壁 狒狒的水果。”果然。園長講話總 是那麼直接,待我坐下後他不經不 慢地吐出上述這句話。每一字都像 是精心雕琢的,為了避免任何的誤 解。因為,我正是五區猴山的保育 員。 這樣一件事在別的動物園可能就是 一件小事,但是我們的園長卻不那 麼認為。每次他談及對各類事件的 處理方法的時候,他總會提起我們 園多年前引進的這套規矩體系。 “我們園好多年前向西方借鑒了這 套規規矩矩的體系,一方面節約資 源,另一方面符合我們園現階段情 況。可能一開始會不適應,但是現 在才剛推行嘛,屬於初級階段,總 會好的。過個十幾年,我想我們園 一定會變成最優秀的動物園!” 所以我們每個人身上都有一個時間 表,表明了每天喂食時間,喂食量 (精確到個數),喂食種類。而今 天,我負責的一只小猴子在吃了自 己定額的三個桃子之外,還偷了隔 壁狒狒的一個。在院長看來,這是 我的失職。
“我不明白,院長。” “沒有什麼可不明白的,五區猴山 裡的小猴達芬奇從隔離帶的破洞鑽 到了狒狒山,偷吃了本來屬於狒狒 安迪的一顆桃子。” “可是——”我身邊狒狒山的保育 員示意我住嘴,這樣對我的情況更 有利。 院長本來很想舉出很多論據來反駁 我,可是見我主動靜音,他也不 再反駁我了。這是整個會場少有的 安靜。幾秒鐘後,院長說:“這次 會議主要是要討論我們如何對這件 事進行處理,因為它此前從未發生 過,屬於突發情況” 安保科的李安全是個大個子保安, 他平時話很少,這次是他看見猴子 偷桃的,並且當場抓了這只小猴現 形,他站起來,向大家敬了個禮, 說:“我覺得我們應該按照園區管 理條例來辦。盜竊者應當送交公安 處理。” “可是它是一只猴子——”天鵝區 的保育員劉慈心是一名中年婦女, 她平日裡待人和她的名字一樣,“ 或許它只是餓了,你就不能通融一 下嗎?雖然有園區條例,可是法外 也是可以容情的嘛,況且它只是一 只猴子,而且它只偷了一顆桃子而 已啊。” 被帶來當做證人的狒狒安迪此時咆 哮起來,似乎在說:今天偷我一個 桃子,明天就會偷我兩個。一個可 以容忍,兩個呢?三個呢?到時候 我就要沒有桃子可以吃了。
語 看
“別再折磨他們啦!”宣傳部門的 艾姜華是一個十足的動物保護主義 者,“你們這樣給動物強加人的規 則有意思嗎?每天讓動物准時作 息,每天只給他們吃定量的食物, 他們餓了你知道嗎?我們講人權人 權,動物也有自己的權力啊!我覺 得我們現在這套制度有很大的問 題,或者說我們的管理層在決策上 有很大的問題。請園長對我們是否 繼續采用這套從德國引進的管理方 法三思。” “我們這套系統在海外有很多實踐 的先例啊!西伯利亞動物園——” “西伯利亞動物園早就倒閉了。” 艾姜華冷笑道。 “有問題就要處理,犯了錯誤就要 接受懲罰!園長先生,我覺得我 們必須殺雞儆猴,哦不,殺猴儆 雞!” “不不不,它只是一只猴子,你們 能夠有些人性嗎?你們保衛科的就 沒有一點人性嗎?野獸!” “這是制度的問題,我們必須換一 個更好的系統!” 我不記得我坐了多久,只知道自從 我主動住口以後,就在再沒有人來 討論如何修補隔離帶的漏洞這件事 了。
哦,對了,過兩天以後動物園唯一 的修理工被開除了,理由是私自修 好了隔離帶的漏洞,破壞了作案現 場。 文:張一聞
見狒狒安迪這麼激動,狒狒山 保育員甄芳心連忙起身去安慰 它,通常動物園裡保育員安慰暴躁 的動物都是用食物,可我們園食物 定量,所以此時甄芳心只能通過給 安迪打鎮定劑的方式來讓它安靜下 來。甄小姐一邊小心地將針頭插入 安迪厚厚的皮膚內,安迪在呻吟中 睡著了。
An Encounter with Simon Shen On the first Wednesday of September, representatives of WHKPASS were honoured to have a meeting with Dr Simon Shen. During the meeting, we had discussions on the National Education in Hong Kong and the affairs of Diaoyu Islands on the relationship between China and Japan. As the issues on the introduction of National Education have been in the news for quite a while, and at the time of the interview, there were plans for strikes in schools. Simon was busy with having meetings with other professors from Hong Kong Institute of Education, and had only 2 hours sleep the night before. I have never thought that he would be involved in this matter as his major is in International Relations, and has this habit of not quite willing to be involved in things outside his fields. I was surprised to find out that he is into this matter of National Education in Hong Kong, and is even involved in drafting teaching materials that are going to be used in the strike if that happens. Simon shared with us his thought on the National Education that has been proposed, and compared that with the one in US. It has been said by the government representatives that every country has its own National Education, but Simon said that for example in the US, National Education has been implemented in every subject, and teaches the core values of the country. Hong Kong’s, rather than values, is based on culturing positive feelings towards China in children, which has been said to be improper as it is not based on history. One interesting point is that Simon kept on mentioning to us that he has to stay neutral on his position, even if he has very strong feelings on them! For the affairs of Diaoyu Islands, Simon thought that the Chinese government will lose the court case if it is to be put to the International Court for legal judgement, since historical factors are not considered very heavily, but which country is acting as if it has the ownership of it is more heavily considered. And as it is Japan who is now protecting the islands, Simon’s opinion is that the court has a higher chance of giving the ownership of the islands to Japan instead of China. But as he said, things are not that simple as they appear on the news, and we should have a deeper understanding in order to construct our own arguments. To me, the demonstrations in China during the past few weeks have somewhat shown to the world that China is using the pressure from its people to fight against the Japanese. It was not until very recently that Chinese government representatives started to mention on their position to Japan on this matter. Besides these so-called heavy issues, we have also discussed issues on our lives, such as where he wants to stay for the rest of his life if this is not Hong Kong, and his plans for the near future. Although I had encountered Simon before, I had never had a chance to get to know him personally. This visit has allowed me to deepen my understanding on international affairs and on him, and to have great fun with my buddies! Kastie Leung
hristopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy came to a conclusion this July, seven years after his first attempt to reboot the famous DC comics’ hero in 2005. The director reunited with the majority of the cast - Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, all reprising their roles, along with some new faces - Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Tom Hardy, collaborators from Inception (2010). The Dart Knight Rises follows the realistic, grim style that Nolan adopted, very different from any other previous Batman TV series or films. The trilogy brings a new sight to the superhero genre, leaving the fantasyall-action cinematic pleasure behind, but tends to replicate a more down-to-earth society like ours. The first film Batman begins did not have to best start in box-office figures, but it proved the capability of Nolan in the Bruce Wayne project. Its sequel The Dark Knight probably caught most people’s attention due to the tragic death of Heath Ledger and his posthumous Oscar for the Best Supporting Actor. The biggest challenge for Nolan would be to create an even better film than the nearly perfect The Dark Knight. But did he succeed? There are a lot of similarities of how the film is presented to the audiences and how the narrative unfolds. Bane (Tom Hardy) was introduced in the opening plane
hijack scene and was known as a mysterious homicidal villain. Hardy’s voice was found too hard for the audiences to understand in the IMAX preview in Christmas that his voice had to be redubbed, but still better than the marble-chewing murmur of Batman. Compared to the Joker, Bane is less charismatic, less fun to watch, but it is exactly why Bane looks terrifying- the mask. We don’t see ‘You know howI got these scars?’ again, but more like the opposite - Bane is covered with his HannibalLecter-like mask, giving the focus on his cold-blooded stare. He is the more straightup brutal guy, the kind of people that just want to watch the world burns. Bane’s ultimate plan is to destroy Gotham. Throughout, he has set up chaos in Wall Street and a football stadium, but not as spectacular in the previous film and somehow would be considered as Transformerslevel. But the horror and fear they inflicted matched the post 9-11 days in America. For a superhero movie, we didn’t get enough of ‘The Batman’. It is all serious drama about how a rejected-hero-billionaire-playboy came out of retirement to ‘save the world’. Bruce Wayne’s injuries proved to be his biggest obstacle in his comeback, as he was easily beaten up by Bane and got sent to the hell on Earth, a prison where Bane grew up in. The binary oppositions of ‘Good vs Evil’ represented by Batman and Bane was
a bit of a disappointment. For several times in the film they are merely involved in oneon-one fistfights, which kind of differs from Joker’s “You didn’t think I’d risk losing the battle for Gotham’s soul in a fist fight with you?” What does Bane really want, after cutting off Gotham from the rest of the world, then taking down the government and releasing prisoners to create anarchy? One thing that Nolan did well is that he made the audiences just like the people outside Gotham. We associate with them and the question is that if Gotham should be left destroyed. Batman has given Gotham everything and yet the people have been ungrateful - some are selfish, some are greedy, some rage because they want whole wheat bread instead of regular bread in their sandwich delivery. Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway), or the Cat woman, is the first enigmatic woman in the film. Her living mainly relies on burglary, and well, stealing the Lamborghini. Her personalities changes from time to time sometimes she is innocent, sometimes flirty. It is hard to say what she really is, but it is certain that two things terrify her. The first is Bane, and the second is her past. It is not sure when she falls for Bruce or Batman, because of his heroism or wealth, or actually she feels guilty betraying Batman by collecting Bruce’s fingerprints and
leaving him alone with Bane that she has to repay him. The other woman is Miranda Tate (Marion Cotillard), who has been built up as the ‘good one’ taking over Wayne Enterprises, and the charitable woman who wishes the best for the world. It came quite surprising that she is behind the whole plan with Bane, but it is all part of Nolan’s unique narrative treatment since his previous works like Momento (2002) and The Prestige (2006). Alfred (Michael Caine) serves as the emotional side of the film where he brings a more tragic quality to the film - first by leaving Bruce, and later burying him, and most interestingly and importantly in the ending sequence of the film. From the director’s last film Inception (2010), you can see him opting for this open- ended conclusion. There is no absolute correct interpretation, just like the half-full/halfempty glass, which is a much-needed satisfying finishing touch to Nolan’s masterpiece trilogy. The Dark Knight Rises could well be in the same rank as Nolan’s best films, but it lacks the perfection in both the narrative and the villain. It lacks the joy of watching super villains showing off their abilities and their twisted evil personalities. Will this become the new era of superhero films? We await the reboot of Superman, Man of Steel, a script written by Christopher Nolan, and see how this genre will develop. Victor Luk
為什麼會喜歡上旅行?一百個人有一百種答案。 於我,曾經喜歡忙碌而有規劃的行程,仿佛看遍世界的每 個角落是旅行的意義。而如今,卻更鐘情懶散的行程,或 許那不經意的驚喜,深呼吸進身體的大自然,才是在旅行 途中,最彌足珍貴的。
私 奔 。到 遠 方
第一個去的是意大利,由於害怕因為迷路導致錯過哪怕一 個景點,我和好友在出發前把每一天甚至於每一分鐘的行 程都計劃好。於是,旅途便成了一個求證的過程。或許是 事先看了太多的照片,當坐上羅馬機場通往市區的火車的 時候,心中那份美好的憧憬,隨著火車的緩緩前行,消失 殆盡。眼前的羅馬,並不如想像中的色彩斑斕,精致復 古;相反,一排排破破的樓房,布滿了歪歪扭扭的塗鴉, 在稀稀落落的陽光照耀下,我不禁有一點晃神。 之後的幾天裡,我們都照著事先做的功課,按部就班地 移動著。於是,旅途中出現得最頻繁的對話,便成了 “ 哇,這個我在照片上看到過。” “我也看到過呢,當時 是這個角度拍攝的吧。” “是啊是啊,我們也在那裡拍 一張吧。” 的確,我們收獲了不少與網絡上相類似的精 美相片,它們證明了我曾到此一游,卻並不屬於我。 在意識到了並不想重蹈覆轍別人的路途之後,我試著放下 了所有擔心,不再緊緊拽住外衣口袋裡磨毛了邊的地圖, 只帶上行囊和不安分的心,私奔到遠方。我試圖拉長了旅 行天數,減少了前往城市的數量,這樣做或許是冒險的, 但我卻感受到了之前旅行中前所未有的欣喜和幸福感。由 於下一步將會踏上怎樣的風景都是未知的,一路上,我不 斷接收到新鮮訊息,好奇心達到了沸點。 在巴塞羅那的一個傍晚,不小心迷了路,來回張望之際, 卻意外發現不遠處波光粼粼的大海連接著夕陽,分外絢 爛。心情豁然開朗了,臉上像陽光下的水珠,要反射出夕 陽的光芒那樣,反射出內心抑制不住的喜悅。這些,是相 機無論如何也記錄不下來的。 旅行的意義,就藏匿在這不期而遇的瞬間裡。或許在很久 很久的以後,經過某個街角的咖啡廳,某個在樹蔭下彳亍 的老人,某個雨後滴滴答答的屋檐,內心突然地隱隱觸 動,悄悄提醒我翻開微微泛黃的記憶,曾經的那個片刻, 在尋常的生命歲月中,微微發光。
30 宮廷賜宴肴饌滿桌,但照例不能舉箸,少 坐起,謝恩出,假的。當時有這樣的口 號:「光祿茶湯,武備院刀槍,翰林院文 章,大常寺笙簧,欽天監陰陽,太醫院藥 方」,全是樣子貨!民以食為天,民間吃 的比天子吃的要美味得多。─《董橋.文 字下酒,吃得風流 》 香港早就被國際冠以「美食天堂」,如此 一說可見香港成了民間:因為美食種類五 花八門。如此吸引的民間,對於身處現今 的我們實在忍不住回首,窺探不同的百 姓家。然後把食物當 中的悲悲喜 喜,百家中 的珍饈,逐 一收於文字 中。 若說一家一 戶,大概重 慶大廈是香港 自成一角的一 戶。就此,筆 者決定到那裡一 走。由於重慶大 廈本身為印巴籍 人士的聚居地, 故最出名 為咖喱。當我們揚步至咖喱店後,我們先 後點了三道菜。分別是素咖喱角、特色香 料雞及洋蔥烤餅。先來一份咖喱角。在這 裡的咖喱角與街外小吃店的咖喱角不同。 當中以薯仔蓉作餡料,而薯蓉中滲著濃郁 的咖喱味,大概是薯仔早被濃郁的咖喱汁 浸透;然後,再將它加上青豆等素菜制成 咖喱角。咖喱角的口感有點像酥皮質地, 不論在口感及味覺上皆有層次,先食出松 化,後有厚實的咖喱。雖然筆者並非無辣 不歡之士,但即管咖喱當中有花椒及八角 等香料,其麻辣也被素菜及椰奶中和,故 此容易入口,是比較FRIENDLY的一種咖喱 味。
接著,就送上特色香料雞及洋蔥烤 餅。這個配搭,是該店的印巴籍哥哥 向我們推介的。先說特色香料雞。雖 然這道咖喱雞比咖喱角稍辣一點,但 仍然是FRIENDLY的。(考慮到筆者怕辣 關系)那是因為,咖喱配合了大量的蕃 茄及紅蘿白,故辣中帶甜,而且帶有 creamy口感。因此,筆者一試後禁不 住口,想一試再試。 然而,雞肉更沒有被over-cooked而變 得粗糙。當紅咖喱, 紅蕃茄及紅蘿白, 令雞肉味道全被「 三紅」吞噬了,每 口雞肉也能使舌頭 徘徊於或甜或辣。 最後配上洋蔥烤 餅,使烤餅的香氣 將「三紅」的味 道滲入一些烤香 味。如此配搭, 令整道咖喱雞如 虎添翼,多了一 份味覺衝擊。 值得一提,是前菜的胡椒餅。 入鄉隨俗,來到重慶大廈,筆者沒有 抗拒眼前一碟青青綠綠的醬料。一試 之後,倒有驚喜,醬料中的八角及微 微的青咖喱味,再配上胡椒餅,令它 的鹹鹹小辣不至孤寡。 文: Ah Yu 圖: Jason Yan
」 食 港 色 香 「 走入尋常百姓家
貳零壹貳/拾月 合刊
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PASSTIMES is the official publication of the Warwick Hong Kong Public Affairs & Social Service Society VISIBILITY is the official publication of the Warwick China Public Affairs & Social Service Society