5 minute read
Every month we send out a digital newsletter called NewsFlash to our members. However, we know that not all of our members will have an email account or access to the internet. That’s why we have decided to start including a roundup of important headlines from the last couple of months and sharing them again, here in
SpeakOut, so you don’t miss out! If you haven’t been receiving NewsFlash but have a working email address, just email membership@ whocaresscotland.org and we’ll update your details.
Landmark Changes
Hfor Sibling Rights
The Children (Scotland) Bill was passed into law in August in the Scottish Parliament. This new law includes some landmark legal protections for relationships between brothers and sisters in care and covers a range of other important issues relating to family law (including new rights in relation to Contact and Residence Orders). Some of you contributed to this process by sharing your views and experiences. Without you, this new legislation wouldn’t have happened. You can find out H more by visiting this page on our website. https://www.whocaresscotland.org/who-we-are/ blog/influencing-the-children-scotland-bill/ Consultation on Care Experienced Representation in the Media In August, some of our members joined us in talking to Emma Reeves -the writer of the TV adaptation of My Mum Tracy Beaker- continuing conversations we have had in the past about the portrayals of Care H H Experienced people in media. Discussions revolved around the return of Tracy Beaker to CBBC screens and ensuring more accurate and fair representation of Care Experienced lives, particularly Care Experienced parents. We look forward to continuing involvement in this type of consultation so that Care Experienced people can see their input realised. You can find out more about our Who We Are campaign by visiting our website.
https://www.whocaresscotland.org/what-we-do/ campaigns/whoweare/

Advice and Support Line

On Monday 13th July, we launched our new Advice and Support Line. The Covid-19 helpline we maintained during the lockdown period showed us the necessity of a similar service on a more constant basis. Our new helpline is this evolution and is open to all Care Experienced people across Scotland.
This number 0330 107 7540, alongside the help@whocaresscotland.org email address will be held by the Lifelong Opportunities Team. They will provide support on areas such as finance, budgeting, education, employment and more from 12-4pm every working day. If mobile phone credit is a problem you can even text us on 0775 604 7389 and we will call you back.
Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020H HHSpeak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020 H Our New National Office As of July 1st we officially moved from Oswald Street to our new address at 40 Wellington Street in Glasgow. We are confident the new space will better meet our needs and provide an atmosphere in line with our identity as an organisation. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we aren’t fully functioning out of the new office but we look forward to welcoming you to the new space once we are able so you can help us truly make it our own. Look out for updates on our social media about when we can open our doors. In the meantime, check out these photos of how the new place is shaping up.

The Kiltwalk has been a huge recurring event for Who Cares? Scotland – both for Fundraising and also because of the fun many of us have together marching through various cities for a great cause. In July, the Kiltwalk took place virtually for the first time ever. The isolated setting meant that people had the chance to get creative and think of different ways to get active, it could be a walk as normal or something like running round the back garden – fundraisers could get involved in any way they wanted.
Our Fundraising Manager Gavin walked twenty miles, some of it in the rain. One of our members, Bobby Jo walked eleven miles and one of our Board of Directors did essentially a full marathon, walking a massive 24 miles. Many more of our staff and members put on their hiking boots for us. Thanks to everyone’s efforts and the 100% top-up by Sir Tom Hunter a huge £18,455.38 was raised for Care Experienced people across that weekend alone.
Due to its success, another Virtual Kiltwalk took place over the weekend of the 11th-13th September. This time we Jeanette, Tony, Carly and Rachel took part to raise money for us. A big thank you to everyone for all their hard work and donations on behalf of Who Cares? Scotland. NEWS & EVENTS HHNEWS & EVENTS

Interim CEO – Claudia Macdonald H “From Monday 31st August, I have been trusted motivated as possible, so they can continue to with leading our great organisation as Interim do their very best for you, our members. Whilst Chief Executive. As we have prepared over stepping temporarily into the shoes Duncan the past few months to share our heartfelt has left behind would be daunting for many, farewells and thanks to Duncan, we all knew I don’t feel that way. I know this organisation this meant entering a period of change too. I inside out, have played a huge part in the know change can feel unsettling, even more architecture behind the scenes to ‘run the so as we navigate a global pandemic. My place’. Most importantly though, I love our priority therefore for this interim period is to organisation and will do anything to take care make sure our staff feel as stable, sure and of it, our people and our members.” HH H H WHO CARES? SCOTLAND 19H H