1 minute read
Take Part in this Year’s Annual Membership Survey
Who Cares? Scotland’s Annual Membership Survey was launched on the 31st of August. We currently have over 2,800 members and want to hear from as many of you as possible.
Your feedback will help us to build on what we’re doing well at the moment and get better in areas you’d like us to improve. The survey is completely anonymous and should only take about 15 minutes to complete.
The survey will stay open until Friday 16th October. What happens with the survey results?
Once we’ve gathered all the survey results, we’ll share them with our staff so that they can ensure members’ views are included in their plans for 2021 and beyond. The survey will help them work out what areas to focus their efforts on. We’ll share the overall results with members in early 2021.
We may also include some comments and figures from the survey in our reports to funders and materials for Care Experienced people who want to find out about Who Cares? Scotland membership.
You can find the survey here
https://tinyurl.com/ whocares-membership2020
If you need support to complete this survey, your Who Cares? Scotland worker will be able to help. Otherwise please contact
or call 0141 226 4441.