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SO Junior

NEWS & EVENTS SO JUNIORSO JUNIOR Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020Speak Out Magazine | SUMMER 2020Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020 SO JUNIORBuddy the Bear loves finding out what our younger members have been up to! Make sure you let him know!


A Collection of Monster Short Stories The Film By Tom, 11

The Drama Queen

Once upon a Monster time, there was a monster that went to drama class. The monster went crazy and was kicked out of the class. Then suddenly the monster became a Drama Queen and made friends with a boy named Tom. And they created a lovely friendship. The End. Once upon a time, there was a monster who dreamed about being on TV. One day he turned on his TV and he was on the news next to a tower! The End. The Book Monster Once upon a time, there were a collection of monsters that were put into a story book by a boy called Tom. They were very happy. The End.

My Lockdown Hobby I love playing Fortnite, it has really kept me busy during Aiden, 12

lock down and I have become pretty good at it.

Fortnite is a shooting computer game where you aim to come first place and get the Victory Royal, I have got it over a 100 times!

The best thing about the game is finding cool items and playing with your friends, especially when you can’t see them because of the lock down.

I would rate the game 5/5

Sneaky tip – Watch out for the henchmen halfway through the game as they fly out the sky.

Spot the Differences


It’s autumn which means one thing…PUMPKINS!

Autumn and Halloween is my favourite time of the year and it’s all thanks to the changing leaves and the bright coloured pumpkins that we carve every year.

In 2018 I travelled to Boston and visited their annual pumpkin festival which had over 100,000 pumpkins! These were all carved into thousands of different shapes such as dinosaurs, motorbikes and skeletons! I also visited a big Halloween maze which was a lot of fun!

Every year in October I visit Arnprior Farm in Stirling which is Scotland’s biggest pumpkin patch. Put your wellies on, grab a warm coat and head down to pick your very own pumpkin!

I’m growing my own pumpkins this year so hopefully I will have them in time for Halloween!

Make sure to send in pictures of your pumpkins and the scary faces you carve on to them. Just email membership@whocaresscotland.org and we’ll share them on our social media pages and in the next issue of Speak Out!


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