Welcome back to SpeakOut Junior, Who Cares? Scotland’s magazine forour younger members.
This issue we’ll look back at all the fun we had over Care Experienced Week in October, share the winners of our Birthday and Christmas card competitions, plus have you ever wanted to make ‘Gingerbread Playdough’? Now’s your chance!
Then test yourself on our tricky Father Christmas picture round in the Quiz Pages!
Merry Christmas from me and everyone and Who Cares? Scotland! See you in 2025!
For a chance to appear in the next issue of SpeakOut Junior, photograph or scan your creations and email them to: membership@ whocaresscotland.org or post to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ. Don’t forget to add your name, age and address.
Buddy Bear 12 Bear Street Beartown
If you’d like your own copy of SpeakOut Junior posted to you, then make sure you sign up as a Member by visiting www.whocaresscotland.org
If you would like to opt out of receiving SpeakOut Junior please email membership@ whocaresscotland.org. You must have the permission of a parent or guardian to enter competitions and for any letters or pictures you send us – by sending something you agree to let us publish a copy in SpeakOut Junior and promise you are the creator and owner (unfortunately we are not able to return it). We will only use data provided to contact winners in relation to competitions or letters, you can see our privacy policy here https://www. whocaresscotland.org/whatwe-do/privacy-notice/.
pages 2-3
Care Experienced Week 2024
pages 6-9
Christmas Quiz Pages Welcome Pages
The Phone Book in this issue… Find out what’s Cracking Cards
pages 4-5
Mini Makers –Gingerbread Playdough
pages 10-11
pages 12-13
pages 14-15
Christmas WinnerToby 3 and a half
Our annual Birthday and Christmas Card Design competitions were a huge success this year, with so many incredible entries! We were truly impressed by the creativity, talent, and festive spirit each submission showcased. It was no easy task selecting the winners, as every design brought something unique and special to the table. A big thank you and well done to everyone who took part and congratulations to the winners!
We look forward to seeing even more amazing entries next year!
Hear all about what we got up to celebrating Care Experienced Week this year! If you made it along to any of our events, see if you can spot yourself in our photos!
On Saturday 19th of October, 190 Care Experienced members, friends, staff and volunteers gathered at the C7 Conference Centre for our sixth annual Time to Shine festival. Members came from all over Scotland in ‘TV character’ themed costumes, with the Simpsons Family, the Peaky Blinders and Scooby Doo all joining the party!
In one room, inflatables provided hours of fun, including a mini bouncy castle for wee ones. There was also face painting, glitter tattoos and a photobooth here to make sure everyone shone and felt their best.
For those wanting a slightly quieter atmosphere, there were plenty of options too. A cinema room provided films and popcorn, while the Mini Zoo room was very popular. Our animal attendees included a chicken, lizards, a rabbit and a tarantula, and members had the chance to hold some animals and learn more about them.
“Amazingevent everyyear! WeloveTime toShine”
“Had a lot of fun for myfirsttime here”
To finish celebrating Care Experienced week, over 300 Care Experienced children, young people and adults and all of their friends marched through the streets of Glasgow to demand a lifetime of love for all Care Experienced people!
It was a lovely sunny day and a drumming band played music for us to march and dance to! Everyone had made beautiful signs with messages about love and care, which Buddy enjoyed reading as he walked with people, giving out hugs to those who wanted them.
At the end of the rally, 5 amazing Care Experienced people spoke about why feeling like they belong and connecting with each other is important! Everyone cheered and clapped them for being brave and speaking in front of hundreds of people.
We already can’t wait till next year!
St Peter’s Primary School held their own mini–Love Rally, which our Buddy the Bear also attended!
For a fun scented playdough Christmas activity, try this simple Gingerbread playdough recipe! This easy recipe takes 5 minutes to prep and 5 minutes to make.
Here are the ingredients you’ll need:
• 1 cup of flour
• ½ a cup of salt
• 2 tsp cream of tartar – this helps keep the playdough soft and makes it last longer.
• 1 tbsp of cinnamon
• 1 tbsp of ginger
• Water
• Oil
• Vanilla Equipment
• Saucepan
• Gingerbread Cookie Cutters (to make the fun shapes!)
All activities should be supervised by a trusted adult.
Step 1: Step 2:
Mix the flour, salt and cream of tartar and whisk well.
Add in the ginger and cinnamon and whisk well.
Step 3:
In a pan or pot, add the water, oil and vanilla and mix.
Step 4:
Slowly add in the dry ingredients (flour, salt, cream of tartar, cinnamon, ginger) to the pot and mix well. Cook on low to medium heat.
Because of the cinnamon, this playdough takes a little longer to come together and cook. Keep mixing well and spread out in the pan if possible so that the salt mixes well with the water to dissolve.
Step 7:
Take off the heat and let cool.
Step 5: Step 9:
looks fully cooked.
Step 8:
Knead for 10 minutes to make the dough
Make some festive gingerbread figures and share your pictures with us!
Once you have completed the IN IT TO WIN IT pages please return them to us by Thursday 6th March 2025 to be in with a chance of winning a £25 voucher of your choice. You can do this by giving the page to your Who Cares? Scotland Advocate or by asking a grown-up to email a photo of your entry to membership@whocaresscotland.org or post it to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow G2 6HJ. Good luck!
1. Which Christmas movie features Swirly Twirly Gumdrops and Candy Cane Forest?
6. Merry Christmas you filthy animal’ is a quote from which popular movie?
2. In a famous Christmas song, what type of bird was sat in a pear tree?
7. What is the name of Kristoff’s reindeer in the Disney movie ‘Frozen’?
3. What are the two most popular items placed on top of a Christmas tree?
8. How many doors would you open on an advent calendar before Christmas Day arrives?
4. Which famous fizzy drinks company was the first to use Santa Claus in its advertisements?
5. True or false: there is a town called Santa Claus?
9. What three small words are the laughter of Father Christmas?
10. What’s the name for sausages wrapped in bacon traditionally eaten with the Christmas dinner?
Bring Rudolph to life by colouring him in!
Morag Cantwell
Advocacy Coordinator (Forth Valley) 07523 512 612
Mary Bateman
APW Falkirk and Stirling 07739 078 247
Caroline Ironside Clackmannanshire
Communities that Care 07849 084 996
Jemma Kane
Advocacy Coordinator (Kibble) 07540 823 286
Sophie Morris
APW East Lothian 07985 046 739
Lisa Fleming
APW Midlothian 07712 872 078
Keira Kerracher
APW Edinburgh 07849 083 003
Gill Penfold
APW Edinburgh 07787560471
Denise McMillan Coordinator and APW East Ayrshire 07932 101 076
Lindsay Cook
APW East Renfrewshire 07973 801 709
Fiona Simpson
APW Glasgow 07787 560 472
Kim Campbell
APW Glasgow 07712 870 343
Sorcha Tams
APW West Dunbartonshire 07598 580 320
Sherril Wright
APW Falkirk and Clackmannanshire 07849 090 688
Johanna Kaz
APW Stirling and Seamab 07971 474 168
Lynn Johnson
APW West Dunbartonshire & Kibble – no. TBC
Mrinalini Elliott APW Kibble & Good Shepherd 07701 224 001
Geraldine Whitson West Lothian APW (Mat Leave)
Rachel Heads West Lothian APW
Carey Ross
West Lothian APW 07743943773
Josh Gilbert
APW Edinburgh & Scottish Borders 07849 083 003
Kieran Platts Development Officer Edinburgh 07841 033 104
Keith Ward Development Officer – South East (CB/ Communities that Care) 07712 870335
Sheryl Kay
APW South Ayrshire 07738 195 692
Pamela Hynes
APW Argyll & Bute, Crossreach 07739 078 244
Heather Nailard
APW Argyll & Bute 07769 325 000
Claire Campbell
Lifelong Advocate 0330 107 7540
Carolelynne Cameron
Lifelong Advocate 07748 145 955
Neil Findlay
APW East Lothian 07970 515 440
Nicole Isherwood Participation Assistant East Lothian Champions Board 07743 934 598
Caroline Breen
APW Renfrewshire 07394 418 025
Donald Walker APW Renfrewshire 07712 865 958
Rachel Outram
APW West Lothian 07985 089 947
Hayley Cohen
APW Renfrewshire 07743934598
Ray MacLean
Advocacy Coordinator
North/South Lanarkshire 07523 512 800
Brenda Ann Murphy
APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 141
Elle Scott
APW North Lanarkshire (Mat Cover) 07849 086 188
Jacqueline McLachlan
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 020
Kerry Connor
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 019
Jantine van Loon
APW Highland 07850 852 708
Karen Monkman
APW Orkney 07849 087 753
James Cameron Coordinator 07583 050 179
Lynne Williamson
APW Aberdeenshire 07712 869 576
Abigail Pass
APW Angus 07810 570 222
Lisa Allan
APW North Lanarkshire 07790 341 265
Mags Corr
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 018
Russell Stewart
APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 248
Laura Campbell
Development Officer North Lanarkshire CB 07849 086 191
Ewen Kerr
Advocacy Coordinator
South Lanarkshire 07970 515 442
Leanne Goodlad
APW Shetland 07702 662 817
Florence Jansen
APW Western Isles 07743 943782
Carrie Anderson
APW Moray 07743 943 776
Jessica Varney
APW Rossie YP Trust 07849 083 246
Ashley Donaldson
APW North East 07743 936 550
Lynne Morris
APW North Lanarkshire 07786 068 138
Michelle McAtear APW South Lanarkshire 07841 033 107
Louise Murdoch
APW South Lanarkshire 07849 090 684
Karen McDiarmid
APW Highland 07743 943 779
Eszter Biro
APW Highland 07743 943 778
Ewan Duthie
APW North East
Peripatetic 07825 269 678