Welcome back to SpeakOut Junior, Who Cares? Scotland’s magazine for our younger members.
This issue I’ll be telling you all about Refugee Week and how we can welcome refugees into our community. We’ll be making a paper mâché volcano and looking back at all the

fun we had at Summer Camp! I know the weather hasn’t been great this summer, but I hope you managed to have at least one BBQ or picnic. Bears love picnics!
Send us your art, poems and jokes!
For a chance to appear in the next issue of SpeakOut Junior, photograph or scan your creations and email them to: membership@ whocaresscotland.org or post to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ. Don’t forget to add your name, age and address.
Buddy Bear 12 Bear Street Beartown
If you’d like your own copy of SpeakOut Junior posted to you, then make sure you sign up as a Member by visiting www.whocaresscotland.org
If you would like to opt out of receiving SpeakOut Junior please email membership@ whocaresscotland.org. You must have the permission of a parent or guardian to enter competitions and for any letters or pictures you send us – by sending something you agree to let us publish a copy in SpeakOut Junior and promise you are the creator and owner (unfortunately we are not able to return it). We will only use data provided to contact winners in relation to competitions or letters, you can see our privacy policy here https://www. whocaresscotland.org/whatwe-do/privacy-notice/.

Camp Summer
This year 28 young people aged 12 – 15 joined us at Auchengillan Outdoor Centre for three action-packed days! It was a magical experience where new friendships were made, people tried out activities like archery and abseiling for the first time and put their teamworking ability to the test with the raft-building challenge. Take a look at the highlights brought to you by WC?S member, Lorenzo!

We all arrived, got settled in our rooms, went for a tour of the grounds and enjoyed pasta Bolognese for dinner. After dinner we played games and sang songs around the campfire. It was good to meet other members, staff and volunteers.

Day two was a busy one choosing between activities and then covering ourselves in temporary tattoos and glitter ready for the colour run. The colour run is an assault course where campers get covered head to toe in chalk paint before sliding down the slip-in-slide to reach the finish line. Even WC?S staff were turned into smurfs…

favourite activities
were the climbing wall, colour run and the slip n slide. The slide was absolutely amazing!”

To top things off, we had a visit from the First Minister, John Swinney. Being picked to welcome the First Minister was exciting. I wish I had longer to chat with him.
At nighttime campers wowed everyone with their singing, artwork, dancing, and comedy in the talent show. I made everyone laugh with my impersonations of different accents. Everyone was cheering each other on, and it was hard to get to sleep because we were so happy and excited!

We had to say goodbye which was sad but not before a game of Camouflage where we had to try and disguise ourselves to remain unseen by the person in the middle or risk being knocked out of the game.
I would recommend camp to anyone. Everyone was so nice. I can’t wait to be back next year!
Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus

Lorenzo rates camp 6 out of 5!!!
Ask Buddy
Asking questions helps us understand the world around us.
On this page, I’ll do my best to answer your questions! If you are still not sure, you can ask a grown-up you trust or someone who works for Who Cares? Scotland to read over this page with you.
Refugee Week?
Held every year in June, Refugee Week is a festival celebrating the achievements, art, and strength of refugees.
What is a Refugee?
Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their home countries and have crossed an international border to find somewhere safe to live in another country.
Why might they be unsafe in their own countries?
There are many reasons, but the most common reasons are war, natural disasters, violence, or being punished for being who they are. It is too dangerous for them to live in their own country, and they need to find safety elsewhere.

How can I make refugees feel welcome?
During Refugee Week people around the world make a special effort to celebrate the talents and contributions refugees have made to their communities, but we should try to make people feel welcome and valued all year round.
If there’s a new person in your class be kind to them and try to include them, even though it might be hard because they don’t speak the same language as you. You could try games that don’t involve talking like tig.
Draw a picture for a refugee and send it to the charity, Refuweegee They will send it to a new refugee as part of their welcome pack! Their address is: 249 W George St, Glasgow G2 4QE, UK.
Read stories about refugees to help you understand why they have come here and imagine how you would feel walking in their shoes. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
This year we celebrated Refugee Week with a joint event with The Scottish Guardianship Service and another charity called Standing Tall. We welcomed around 70 young refugees to watch the launch of a music video which they had worked on. There was food, music, tote-bag printing and dancing. It was lovely to try some African food and bring so many nationalities into one room!

Did you know these things were made by refugees?

by Sir Alec Issigonis, a Turkish refugee who fled war in 1923. was born in Turkey in 1906. The Mini is Britain’s best-selling car in history!
Toilet paper
Soft toilet paper was first manufactured by German Jewish refugees in the 1930s. 7
The Mini

Celebrating YOU

Care Cup 2024
We welcomed over 100 Care Experienced people to take part in our annual Care Cup football tournament in July. Congratulations to our Under 15’s winning team, Renfrewshire Rocks and to the runners-up, Kickers. Everyone played great and lots of fun was had!
This is the part of SpeakOut Junior where we get to hear from you about all the exciting things you have been up to. If you’d like to see yourself in the next magazine, ask a grown-up to emailorgcomms@whocaresscotland. to send us your photos, artwork or stories. Or send them to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ.

Art Attack
14-year-old Max shared their amazing artwork with us at Summer Camp. Max would like to go on to become a designer or character artist for games and films. With talent like this we’re sure they will achieve their dreams!
Take Me Out to the Circus
Our West and West Central team took a bus load of excited members to see Zippo’s Circus in Glasgow in August. Highlights include La Loka the clown and the Globe of Death motorbike act.

Animal Madness!
The Chill Out and Wee Diamonds groups from Renfrewshire enjoyed a day at Blair Drummond Safari Park. Their favourite animals were the penguins and the farm animals. Take a look at this cracking photo of a goat taken by Kayla.

Mini Makers

An Experiment to rock your world!

You will need:

Erupting Paper Mâché Volcano

• An empty plastic bottle
• Cardboard
• Sticky tape


• Foil
• Paints (red, orange, yellow, green, blue)
• Paintbrush
• 2-3 tsps bicarbonate of soda
• Red food colouring
• Vinegar

Mix together 1 mug of sifted flour and 1 mug of warm water in a large bowl. The paste should be smooth and batter- like with no lumps. If the mixture is too stiff, add a little tap water. Add a pinch of salt.

Step 1:
Attach a plastic bottle to a large square of cardboard using sticky tape.

Step 2:
Scrunch up foil and create a mountain shape around the bottle.

Step3: Step 4:

Once fully dry, paint the volcano. We added green grass, grey rock, and red and yellow spewing lava. Make the papier mâché mixture and apply layers of newspaper strips with a paintbrush. Dip newspaper strips into the paste, using the side of the bowl to get rid of any excess. Stick the strips to your make and use a paintbrush to smooth down the paper. Add a layer of white paper last to help the paint stand out. Leave to dry for 2 days before painting.

Step 5:

Now for the exciting part! Add 2-3 tsps of bicarbonate of soda, and a few drops of red food colouring. Pour in the vinegar, then stand back and watch the volcano erupt!

Make sure you send us pictures and videos of your exploding volcanos!


We have 2 x Build Your Own Volcano kits to give away! To claim yours tell us which city in Scotland is home to an extinct volcano? Ask a grown up to send your answers in to membership@ whocaresscotland.org or message us on social media. Good luck!

In It To Win It
Once you have completed the IN IT TO WIN IT pages please return them to us by Thursday 26th November 2024 to be in with a chance of winning a £25 voucher of your choice. You can do this by giving the page to your Who Cares? Scotland worker or by asking a grown-up to email a photo of your entry to membership@whocaresscotland.org or post it to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ.
Good luck!
Can you find all 10 of these Olympic Sports?
Archery, Athletics, Cycling, Golf, Gymnastics, Javlin, Netball, Shotput, Swimming & Polo

Which sport would you use each of these items for?

In archery, archers shoot from 70 meters away from the target – that’s a long way!
Look at the target and tell us how many points the archer would receive if: YELLOW = 10 POINTS, RED = 5 POINTS, BLUE = 2 POINTS, BLACK = 1 POINT
How many points did the archer SCORE?

Just For Fun Colour Me In
Cut this page out and send us your finished picture! We love seeing your artwork. Ask a grown up to either email us at membership@whocaresscotland.org or post it to 40 Wellington Street Glasgow, G2 6HJ.
Did you know that Olympic gymnast, Simone Biles is Care Experienced? Colour her in and share your art with us!

The WC?S Phone Book
Find out if we have an advocate in your area
West Central

Morag Cantwell
Advocacy Coordinator (Forth Valley) 07523 512 612

Mary Bateman
APW Falkirk and Stirling 07739 078 247

Caroline Ironside
APW Stirling 07849 084 996

Jemma Kane
Advocacy Coordinator (Kibble) 07540 823 286
South East

Sophie Morris
APW East Lothian 07985 046 739
Lisa Fleming
APW Midlothian 07712 872 078
Ellie Crozier
APW Edinburgh 07712 870 390
South West

Denise McMillan
APW East Ayrshire 07932 101 076
Lindsay Cook
APW East Renfrewshire 07973 801 709
Fiona Simpson
APW Glasgow 07787 560 472
Kim Campbell
APW Glasgow 07712 870 343

Rachel Outram
APW West Lothian 07985 089 947
Sharon Edwards
APW West Lothian 07779 451 117
Sophie Edwards
APW West Lothian 07849 086432
Sarah Herbert
APW Kibble and East
Dunbartonshire 07849 086 681

Joanne Hunter Development Officer (Clackmannanshire) 07715 312 015

Sorcha Tams
APW Falkirk and Good Shepherd Centre 07598 580 320

Sherril Wright APW Falkirk and Clackmannanshire 07849 090 688

Johanna Kaz
APW Stirling and Seamab 07971 474 168

Keira Kerracher
APW Edinburgh & Sycamore 07849 083 003

Josh Gilbert
APW Edinburgh & Scottish Borders (Mat Cover) 07849 083 003

Kieran Platts Development Officer
Edinburgh 07841 033 104

Keith Ward Development Officer – South East (CB/ Communities that Care) 07712 870335

Sheryl Kay
APW South Ayrshire 07738 195 692
Pamela Hynes
APW Argyll & Bute, Crossreach 07739 078 244
Heather Nailard
APW Argyll & Bute 07769 325 000
Claire Campbell
Lifelong Advocate 0330 107 7540

Carolelynne Cameron
Lifelong Advocate 07748 145 955
Caroline Breen
APW Renfrewshire 07394 418 025
Donald Walker Advocacy & Participation Coordinator 07712 865 958

Ray MacLean
Advocacy Coordinator North Lanarkshire 07523 512 800

Brenda Ann Murphy
APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 141

Elle Scott
APW North Lanarkshire (Mat Cover) 07849 086 188
Jacqueline McLachlan
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 020
Kerry Connor
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 019

Jantine van Loon
APW Highland 07850 852 708
Karen Monkman
APW Orkney 07849 087 753
James Cameron Coordinator 07583 050 179
North East

Lynne Williamson
APW Aberdeenshire 07712 869 576

Abigail Pass
APW Angus 07810 570 222

Lisa Allan
APW North Lanarkshire 07790 341 265
Mags Corr
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 018
Russell Stewart
APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 248
Laura Campbell
Development Officer North Lanarkshire CB 07849 086 191
Ewen Kerr
Advocacy Coordinator
South Lanarkshire 07970 515 442

Leanne Goodlad
APW Shetland 07702 662 817
Florence Jansen
APW Western Isles 07743 943782
Carrie Anderson
APW Moray 07743 943 776

Jessica Varney
APW Rossie YP Trust 07849 083 246
Paul Lamont
APW Dundee 07787 436 681

Lynne Morris
APW South Lanarkshire 07786 068 138
Michelle McAtear
APW South Lanarkshire 07841 033 107
Louise Murdoch
APW South Lanarkshire 07849 090 684

Karen McDiarmid
APW Highland 07743 943 779
Eszter Biro
APW Highland 07743 943 778

Ashley Donaldson
APW North East 07743 936 550
Ewan Duthie
APW North East
Peripatetic 07825 269 678