Junior! Junior!
Catch up with what our members have been up to this summer, including taking part in the Care Cup!

Catch up with what our members have been up to this summer, including taking part in the Care Cup!
Welcome back to SpeakOut Junior, Who Cares? Scotland’s magazine for our younger members.
This issue we’ll find out about the fun you lot have been having by taking part in our Summer Programme. We also catch up with our Mini Champs in West Lothian who have been learning about what to do in an emergency and I’ll be explaining about human and children’s rights.
I hope you are all enjoying your summer holidays, even though it’s been rainy. I’m wishing for some sunny days.
P.S. See you for the next issue of SO Junior which will be the Winter issue in December.
For a chance to appear in the next issue of SpeakOut Junior, photograph or scan your creations and email them to: membership@ whocaresscotland.org or post to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ. Don’t forget to add your name, age and address.
Buddy Bear
12 Bear Street Beartown
If you’d like your own copy of SpeakOut Junior posted to you, then make sure you sign up as a Member by visiting www.whocaresscotland.org
If you would like to opt out of receiving SpeakOut Junior please email membership@ whocaresscotland.org. You must have the permission of a parent or guardian to enter competitions and for any letters or pictures you send us – by sending something you agree to let us publish a copy in SpeakOut Junior and promise you are the creator and owner (unfortunately we are not able to return it). We will only use data provided to contact winners in relation to competitions or letters, you can see our privacy policy here https://www. whocaresscotland.org/whatwe-do/privacy-notice/.
Asking questions helps us understand the world around us. On this page, I’ll do my best to answer your questions! If you are still not sure, you can ask a grown up you trust or someone who works for Who Cares?
Scotland to read over this page with you.
Rights are things that people have agreed must be looked after for every single person in the world from when they are born to when they die. It doesn’t matter your age, race, sex, or religion everyone should be treated the same.
Rights are there to make sure people are treated equally, fairly, respectfully, and kindly. They protect us in our day-to-day lives.
As well as human rights, which are available to everyone, there are some rights that apply only to children. Children need extra rights to make sure they are cared for and supported, to make sure their voices and opinions are heard and listened to, and, to make sure that people making decisions think about what differences they will make to children’s lives.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is a document that sets out all of the rights that children like you have.
You have the right to
These are just a few of your rights, to find out more of them, ask a grown up to help you visit www.cypcs.org.uk/rights/uncrc/articles/.
To make sure that we can all enjoy our rights, we need to look after the rights of others too.
On the 13th of April, our West Central team took a group of members to the CinemaEveryman to watch The Greatest Showman. Young people tucked into popcorn and their choice of drink while they sang along to the film!
Up in Aberdeen, nearly 50 young people enjoyed a day of trampolining, pizza and fun at Jump In.
Some of you were particularly busy over the Spring holidays taking part in our ProgrammeSpring of activities!
Our Lanarkshire team were also busy over spring as they took 9 young people from their Mini and Junior Champs groups, the Crafty Foxes and the Mad Middles, to a local fire station, where they were given a tour around the station.
And our Renfrewshire lot enjoyed days out to Dalkeith Country Park, Go Ape tree climbing centre a series of Judo taster classes with Clyde Judo.
Care Experienced author, Emma Norry’s new book, Fablehouse, is based on a real children’s home in England in the 1950s. It follows a group of Care Experienced children on a magical adventure.
At the beginning of the story, we meet our brave main character, Heather, who comes to Fablehouse after her mother becomes ill and is unable to care for her. At first, Heather doesn’t want to fit in or make friends because she is worried she will be moved again. It’s difficult for her to call anywhere home when she expects to be whisked away at any minute. All this changes when she has an argument with some children from the nearby village and three Fablehouse kids come to her rescue. They become best friends and call themselves “the roamers”.
Friendship is important in the book. The roamers’ friendships and loyalty are tested when strange things begin to happen, and a portal is opened into a dark and magical land. They must work together to save Fablehouse and stop the evil forces at work.I would recommend this book to anyone aged 8+ that has an interest in history, fantasy, or adventure. What I loved about the book was that it showed the importance of friendship and finding people that will accept you for who you are. The book does deal with some difficult topics such as racism and the loss of a parent so you might want to ask an adult to read it with you.
If you’d like to read the book, we have copies available through our Book Club. Ask a grown up to email comms@whocaresscotland.org to get your own copy. We’d love to hear what you think of the book too!
East Renfrewshire's Mini Champs group were delighted to welcome a special visitor - the one and only Vicky from Mini First Aid.
Mini First Aid provides special first aid training for children and families, teaching life-saving skills.
A big thanks to Vicky who was fun, patient, and easy to talk to, and had a lovely way of teaching. The wee folk had a great time learning how to treat cuts, broken bones, and more.
How do I call for help?
• If there is an emergency you can dial 999 or 112 to get the emergency services.
• The call operator will ask, “Which service do you require?
• Fire, Police or Ambulance?
• You will need to tell them which service you need.
• It is really important that you give information to help them arrive at the correct location i.e. address.
Remember LIONEL
Location. Tell them where the emergency is and where you want them to arrive.
Incident. Tell them what has happened.
Other services. Do you need more than one?
Number of people that are involved.
Extent of the injuries. What types of injuries do people have?
L I O N E L 1. 2. 3.
Practice calling for help with the grown-ups you live with.
Check for dangerAlways make sure the area is safe
If it is an emergency, call 999 or 112. Remember LIONEL to give them important details.
Keep the injured person calm and stay with them until help arrives
This summer we’re having the most amount of fun and building memories that will last a lifetime. Across the country, our members have been taking part in our 2023 Summer Programme and getting together for lots of different activities – from watersports in Dundee to animal spotting in Blair Drummond Safari Park, plus July saw the return of our national football tournament – The Care Cup. We’re having so much fun, we don’t want the summer to end!
We brought together 20+ Members from Stirling and Clackmannanshire who had a great time visiting Briarlands Farm and meeting all the animals, including some pigs, chickens and most surprisingly some guinea pigs. They had a blast driving tractors and jumping on the giant beanbags.
We’ve had multiple trips to Blair Drummond Safari Park where members were able to take tours around the animal enclosure seeing the lions, camels and monkeys who were sitting on top of people’s cars.
The Renfrewshire Wee Diamonds had a cracking day out at Kelburn Castle and Largs seafront. A great day of exploring, amusement, and togetherness was had by all, with the perfect ending of a muchneeded chippy at the seaside.
From the swinging pirate ship to the giant water slide plus all the arcade games, there was something there for everyone to enjoy. A large group of us also watched the pirate diving show, where some pirates did gymnastics, including somersaulting over one of our members.
Members from South and East Ayrshire, Argyll and Bute and Glasgow had some fun in the sun at Heads of Ayr Farm Park. A fantastic day, feeding animals, playing in the park and making new friends. There were even some members who braved the big slide, not once but twice!
It was a grey, drizzly morning on the 27th of July but that didn’t stop over 100 Care Experienced children and young adults from across Scotland making their way to Glasgow to take part in the 2023 Care Cup. This year we ran 2 leagues, one for 15s and under and another for 16+. Both leagues were highly competitive and saw some amazing talent throughout the day.
Both finals were close, as every player gave it their all, but when the final whistles blew, we could only be left with 2 winning teams... Hillside FC and Guardians 1! And the crowd went wild!
You will need:
• Toilet roll tubes
• Rainbow tissue paper
• Glue stick
• Acrylic paint
• Scissors (Be careful!)
Use blue acrylic paint to paint your toilet roll tube all over. Leave to dry. Make sure you put a tablecloth or bin bag down on the surface you are using to avoid any mess!
Once your blue coat is dry apply your white clouds onto the tube. Leave to dry.
Cut your tissue paper into long strips using scissors.
Once you have completed the IN IT TO WIN IT pages please return them to us by Thursday the 30th November 2023 to be in with a chance of winning a £25 voucher of your choice.
You can do this by giving the page to your Who Cares? Scotland Advocate or by asking a grown-up to email a photo of your entry to membership@ whocaresscotland.org or post it to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow G2 6HJ.
Last Issue’s Winner: Destiny (9)
What’s your favourite summer activity? Draw a picture of a place you like to visit or something you like to do in summer. We love to see your completed works of art so ask a grown-up to send it in to us and we’ll share it in the next issue of SpeakOut Junior.
Morag Cantwell Advocacy Coordinator (Forth Valley) 07523 512 612
Mary Bateman APW Falkirk and Stirling 07739 078 247
Caroline Ironside APW Stirling 07849 084 996
Jemma Kane Advocacy Coordinator (Kibble) 07540 823 286
Ellie Barrow APW Edinburgh & Harmeny 07970 515 440
Sophie Morris APW East Lothian 07985 046 739
Lisa Fleming
APW Midlothian 07712 872 078
Denise McMillan APW East Ayrshire 07932 101 076
Lindsay Cook APW East Renfrewshire 07973 801 709
Fiona Simpson APW Glasgow 07787 560 472
Caroline Breen
APW Renfrewshire 07394 418 025
Donald Walker Advocacy & Participation Coordinator 07712 865 958
Sophie Edwards APW West (Peripatetic) 07849 086 432
Karen Kearney APW West Lothian 07523 512 796
Ellie Crozier APW Edinburgh 07712 870 390
Keira Kerracher APW Edinburgh & Sycamore 07849 083 003
Ellie Barrow APW Edinburgh & Harmeny 07970 515 440
Kieran Platts Development Officer Edinburgh 07841 033 104
Kim Campbell APW Glasgow 07712 870 343
Sheryl Kay APW South Ayrshire 07738 195 692
Corran Russell Development Officer South West 07849 087 461
Pamela Hynes APW Argyll & Bute, Crossreach 07739 078 244
Heather Nailard APW Argyll & Bute 07769 325 000
Morag Cantwell APW West Lothian 07523 512 612
Sharon Edwards
APW West Lothian 07779 451 117
Aimee Fraser Youth Worker 07849 090 685
Rachel Outram APW Renfrewshire 07985 089 947
Zoey Hillman Development Officer Renfrewshire 07484 089 832
Martha Simms Youth Worker 07849 085 041
Ray MacLean
Advocacy Coordinator
North Lanarkshire 07523 512 800
Brenda Ann Murphy APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 141
Elle Scott APW North Lanarkshire (Mat Cover) 07849 086 188
Jacqueline McLachlan
APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 020
Kerry Connor APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 019
Katie Kennedy APW Highland 07841 878 953
Jantine Van Loon APW Highland 07850 852 708
Kirsteen Wood APW Highland 07523 512 610
Lynne Williamson
APW Aberdeenshire 07712 869 576
Abigail Pass APW Angus/Siblings CHS Aberdeenshire 07810 570 222
Lisa Allan APW North Lanarkshire 07790 341 265
Mags Corr APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 018
Russell Stewart APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 248
Laura Campbell Development Officer North Lanarkshire CB 07849 086 191
Ewen Kerr Advocacy Coordinator South Lanarkshire 07970 515 442
Lynne Morris APW South Lanarkshire 07786 068 138
Michelle McAtear APW South Lanarkshire 07841 033 107
Callum Holt Development Coordinator South Lanarkshire 07769 325 162
Paula Campbell APW Moray 07712 870 335
Kayleigh Griffin Advocacy & Participation Development Officer Moray CB & Schools 07841 032 885
Sian Wild APW Shetland and Participation and Project Coordinator
Donna Mcleod Bray APW Western Isles 07764 290 921
Jessica Varney APW Rossie YP Trust 07849 083 246
Paul Lamont APW Dundee 07787 436 681
40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ.
Tel: 0141 226 4441
e.mail: membership@whocaresscotland.org
11 Castle Street, Dundee DD1 3AA Tel: 01382 202888
25 St James Street, Paisley, PA3 2HQ
IRVINE OFFICE: Sovereign House, Academy Road, Irvine, KA12 8RL