SpeakOut Junior Autumn 2022

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Junior! AUTUMN 2022 FunP12-13Pages Director Diaries P6-7 Ask Buddy P4-5 Care Cup P8-9


Welcome back to SpeakOut! Junior, Who Cares? Scotland’s magazine for our younger members.

This issue I’ll be telling you all about our big football match, our newest director at Who Cares? Scotland and how to tell what we’re feeling. I hope you all had

fun going back to school after a busy summer holidays. Now that it is autumn, I am looking forward to having warm mugs of hot chocolate, the leaves changing colour and going trick-or-treating!


Send us your art, poems and jokes!

For a chance to appear in the next issue of SpeakOut Junior, photograph or scan your creations and email them to: membership@whocaresscotland.org or post to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ. Don’t forget to add your name, age and address.

If you’d like your own copy of SpeakOut Junior posted to you, then make sure you sign up as a Family Member by visiting www.whocaresscotland.org

If you would like to opt out of receiving SpeakOut Junior please email membership@ whocaresscotland.org. You must have the permission of a parent or guardian to enter competitions and for any letters or pictures you send us – by sending something you agree to let us publish a copy in SpeakOut Junior and promise you are the creator and owner (unfortunately we are not able to return it). We will only use data provided to contact winners in relation to competitions or letters, you can see our privacy policy here https:// www.whocaresscotland.org/ what-we-do/privacy-notice/.

3 in this issue… Find out what’s In It To Win It������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11 Fun Pages ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12-13 The WC?S Phone Book ����������������������������������������������������� 14-15 Ask Buddy pages 4-5 pages 6-7 pages 8-9 The Street Soccer Care Cup ���What is Mental Health? The Director Diaries page 10 Mini Makers


Asking questions helps us understand the world around us. On this page, I’ll do my best to answer your questions! If you are still not sure, you can ask a grown up you trust or someone who works for Who Cares? Scotland to read over this page with you.

What is ‘Mental Health’?

We all have mental health. It’s what makes you happy, sad, angry or scared - it’s about how you’re feeling and your emotions.

Sometimes we feel well, and sometimes we don’t. And that’s okay.

Just like we take care of our bodies when we get a cut or a cold. It’s important to take care of our mental health as well. When our mental health is good, we feel happy and excited to do new things and experiences. When it’s not good, we can find things much harder and can feel down.

It’s important to talk about how you’re feeling. When we feel all mixed up by our emotions this can be hard.


Here are some emotions I experience and what they feel like to me���

Happiness Sadness

This feels like a big ray of warm sunshine. I laugh, dance, smile and play.

When I’m sad it feels like a rainyday where I am all alone. I wantto hide from everyone andsometimes I cry.

This burns red like a fire that I can’t put out. When I’m angry, I sometimes want to take it out on those around me.

There are lots of different emotions that you can feel, sometimes at the same time. We can all have good days and bad days. But if negative emotions, like fear and sadness, start to get in the way of what you enjoy, this means you might need some help with your mental health.

When I’m scared, I feel fear.It makes me feel small, like amouse instead of a bear, andlike I don’t have any courage.

If you want to talk about yourmental health and how youare feeling, you should speakto a trusted adult or your WhoCares? Scotland advocate, ifyou don’t have one, you can callour helpline on 0330 107 7540between 12 and 4pm, Mondayto Friday.


The Director

Shannon, from our National Representative Body*, sat down with Kay, our Assistant Director of Independent Advocacy, to find out more about her, what she does at Who Cares? Scotland and what her dreams are for the Care Experienced community.

Can you tell us about yourself?

I’m Kay, I’m the Assistant Director of Independent Advocacy and I started in June. I live in Orkney with my husband, my son who is just about to turn six and my three cats and two dogs. My cats are called Bear, Luna and Misha and my dogs are Monty and Mac.

What is your job?

Part of my job is helping Denny (who you read about in the last issue) so he can focus on other bits of work. I help our advocates’ managers in the North, North East and South East parts of Scotland. I make sure our advocacy is the best in Scotland and let everyone know about it.

What made you decide to join Who Cares? Scotland?

I first heard about Who Cares? Scotland in my old job. I was at a committee meeting and we were listening to a Care Experienced young person and their advocate talk about their experiences.

I thought “wow that advocacy worker and that young person have done so much in that one moment.”

When I saw the job advert, I really liked the description. So, I researched Who Cares? Scotland and liked everything I found. I really wanted to be able to make a difference. So, I applied.

Director Diaries

*The National Representative Body, is a group of Care Experienced people who were voted to be a part of it by our members. They are a mix of boys and girls, of all different ages and different care experiences. It is their job to act on behalf of you and our members at events and when speaking to people in power.

Do you have anything you’d like to say to our members?

I’m here to make sure Who Cares? Scotland is the best it can be for you and I am totally open to hearing how you think it’s going. If you think there is something I should be doing that I’m not doing, get in touch and let me know.

‘If the young person you’re reading this with, would like to send a message to Kay email membership@whocaresscotland.org.

What did you do before joining Who Cares? Scotland?

I have done quite a lot of different things like learning to be a solicitor (someone who helps people with the law). In Orkney, I focused on child and adult protection and became an expert in social work law. I helped with other things like fostering and adoption.

What would you like to achieve in your role?

I really want to make sure that all our advocacy workers feel really strongly supported. That they know a lot about what they are doing, they are working for an organisation that fully supports them in their development and they are confident that they are doing a really good job.

I want to make sure that as an organisation we are keeping all our workers really happy and supported.

What are your hopes and aspirations for the Care Experienced community?

I really do hope for the aims of The Promise. I’m back and forth with my love hate relationship with it. I love everything that it calls for and I hate it because I worry that it will fail. I hope that all its promises will be kept.

Street Soccer

This summer we held our second Street Soccer Care Cup football tournament in Glasgow and we had over 100 people taking part. Susie, from our Events team, shares a breakdown of how the day went.

18 teams showed up to show us their skills and compete against each other in a full day of five-a-side matches. There were teams from all over the country including East Lothian, East Ayrshire, Inverness, and Argyle. People who arrived on their own were put into teams and left with new friends, even a team of refugees who had never met before decided to keep playing together!

The weather was amazing and it was sunny all day long. Our volunteers had to get the

sun cream out to make sure no one got burnt!

At the start of the day, our Director of Advocacy, Denny welcomed everyone. Then the teams were split into four groups. It was amazing to watch everyone cheer each other on from the little hill at the side of the pitches. Everyone tried really hard and had loads of fun.

In the afternoon we stopped for some lunch. There were sandwiches, crisps and water for everyone – people really enjoyed the sandwiches with jam in them! Once everyone was full, new groups were made for the afternoon games so that it was fair and all the teams could play people who were as


Soccer Care Cup

At the end of the day, the winners were announced, and Sparkelona, Bught Boys, Unathletica Madrid & Intertroopers all got trophies. Everyone who took part also got a nice medal, even me! The best player on the day and the fairest player also got special prizes.

For me, it was really amazing to see everyone happy and having fun. I’d like to say congratulations to everyone that showed up, tried their best, and supported their team. And thank you to Street Soccer and all our amazing staff and volunteers, who helped make the day as fun as it was. I look forward to seeing you all at more fun events soon.


Mini Makers

What you will need:

A roll of cling film

PVA glue

Sticky tape

And the best part – all the beautiful leaves you have collected this autumn!

Roll out your clingfilm to the size you would like your window to be. Don’t cut it off the roll yet as you will be folding it over later.

Coat the leaves in glue and placed them onto our cling film leaving an inch gap around the edges.

Easy AutumnLeaf Window

This is a super easy decoration to makeand the finished product is beautiful�


You could make the edges cleaner by using coloured card to create a frame for your design.


Once you are happy with your design, fold the cling film back over itself so the leaves are enclosed.


Use sticky tape to secure the edges and tape it onto your window for a beautiful autumn display.

Step 1 Step 2 Step

In It To Win It

Once you have completed the IN IT TO WIN IT page please return it to us by Tuesday the 22nd of November to be in with a chance of winning a £25 voucher of your choice. You can do this by giving the page to your Who Cares? Scotland Advocate or asking a grown-up to email a photo of your entry to membership@whocaresscotland.org or post it to 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow G2 6HJ. Good luck!

Wicked Word Puzzle!

Can you unscramble the Halloween words?

voucher Autumn Crossword Puzzle

Can you find the words hidden in the crossword?

How many leaves?

Can you count how many of each type of leaf there are?






WORKER: Last Issue’s Winner: David (10)

Wina £25

Fun Pages Colour me in!

We’d love to see yourfinished pictures. Ask a grown-up or yourWho Cares? Scotland Advocate to helpsend in your picture.They can email usat membership@ whocarescotland.org. Don’t forget to includeyour name and age!


Help the squirrel find his way home!

Pick a pumpkin!

matchCanyoueach itspumpkinto shadow?

The WC?S Phone Book

Find out if we have an advocate in your area

Prajapa Seneviratne

Advocacy Coordinator North Lanarkshire 07849 087 753

Ray MacLean

Advocacy Coordinator North Lanarkshire 07523 512 800

Brenda Ann Murphy

APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 141

Elle Scott

APW North Lanarkshire (Mat Cover) 07849 086 188

Jacqueline McLachlan

APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 020

Jantine Van Loon

APW Highland 07850 852 708

Kirsteen Wood APW Highland 07523 512 610

Paula Campbell APW Moray 07712 870 335


Lynne Williamson

APW Aberdeenshire 07712 869 576

Jo McLeod

APW Aberdeen/ Aberdeenshire 07598 580 316

Jessica Varney

APW Rossie YP Trust 07849 083 246

Kerry Connor

APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 019

Lisa Allan APW North Lanarkshire 07790 341 265

Mags Corr

APW North Lanarkshire 07841 033 018

Suzanne Niven

APW North Lanarkshire 07849 083 248

Laura Campbell Development Officer North Lanarkshire CB 07849 086 191

Ewen Kerr

Advocacy Coordinator South Lanarkshire 07970 515 442

Lynne Morris

APW South Lanarkshire 07786 068 138

Michelle McAtear

APW South Lanarkshire 07841 033 107

Callum Holt Development Coordinator South Lanarkshire 07769 325 162

Kayleigh Griffin

Advocacy & Participation Development Officer Moray CB & Schools 07841 032 885

Judith King

APW Highland and Moray 07583 050 179

Angelina Maytum

APW Orkney 07849 087 478

Sian Wild

APW Shetland and Participation and Project Coordinator

Donna Mcleod Bray APW Western Isles 07764 290 921

Paul Lamont

APW Dundee 07787 436 681

Tracy Maxwell Development Officer, Aberdeen 07849 083 246

Connie Ross APW CHS Aberdeen/CHS Aberdeenshire 07748 494 341

Emma Mackintosh

APW CHS Aberdeen/CHS Aberdeenshire 07515 330 681

Abigail Pass

APW Angus/Siblings CHS Aberdeenshire 07810 570 222

North North

Grown ups, you can find out more about our advocacy referral process by visiting our website whocaresscotland�org

West Central

Heather Nailard

APW Argyll & Bute 07769 325 000

Pamela Hynes

APW Argyll & Bute, Crossreach 07739 078 244

Sorcha Tams

APW Falkirk and Clackmannanshire 07598 580 320

Morag Cantwell Advocacy Coordinator (Forth Valley) 07523 512 612

South East

Sophie Morris

APW East Lothian 07985 046 739

Lisa Macrae Development Officer (East Lothian CB & Ed Schools) 07980 956 139

Ellie Crozier APW Edinburgh 07712 870 390

South West West

Denise McMillan

APW East Ayrshire 07932 101 076

Lindsay Cook APW East Renfrewshire 07973 801 709

Mary Bateman

APW Falkirk and Stirling 07739 078 247

Caroline Ironside

APW Stirling 07849 084 996

Jemma Kane Advocacy Coordinator (Kibble) 07540 823 286

Amy Goodwin APW Spark of Genius 07971 474 168

Sherril Wright

APW Falkirk and Clackmannanshire (mat cover) 07849 090 688

Joanne Hunter

APW Good Shepherd, Sycamore and W. Dunbartonshire (mat cover) 07522 557 050

Sarah Herbert

APW Kibble and East Dunbartonshire 07849 086 681

Lesley-Ann Rafferty

APW Edinburgh 07787 560 471

Kieran Platts Development Officer Edinburgh 07841 033 104

Josh Gilbert

APW Edinburgh & Scottish Borders (Mat Cover) 07849 083 003

Barbara Gubbins APW Midlothian 07712 872 078

Fiona Simpson APW Glasgow 07787 560 472

Kim Campbell APW Glasgow 07712 870 343

Sheryl Kay

APW South Ayrshire 07738 195 692

Corran Russell Development Officer South West 07849 087 461

Lynsey Emery Development Coordinator West 07980 956 140

Caroline Breen APW Renfrewshire 07394 418 025

Donald Walker APW Renfrewshire 07712 865 958

Karen Kearney

APW West Lothian 07523 512 796

Morag Cantwell

APW West Lothian 07523 512 612

Sharon Edwards APW West Lothian 07779 451 117

Lauren Hall

Development Officer Communities that Care (Renfrewshire) 07731 153 702

Rachel Outram

APW Renfrewshire 07985 089 947

Zoey Hillman Development Officer Renfrewshire 07484 089 832

Geraldine Whitson

APW West Lothian 07712 870 345



Castle Street, Dundee DD1



St James Street, Paisley, PA3



NATIONAL OFFICE: 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ. Tel: 0141 226 4441 e.mail: membership@whocaresscotland.org DUNDEE
3AA Tel:
Sovereign House, Academy
Irvine, KA12 8RL www.whocaresscotland.org

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