NEWSFLASH Who Cares? Scotland’s Members’ Newsletter
very month we send out a digital newsletter called Newsflash to our members. However, we know that not all of our members will have an email account or access to the internet. That’s why we are including a roundup of important headlines from the last couple of months and sharing
New Annual Participation Programme Theme Launched In October we launched another APP theme - Care Experienced Parents. We wanted to know about the support Care Experienced parents feel they have received, including experiences with professionals and services. We’ll have our report on this topic ready to feedback to you in the New Year.
Impact Arts Creative Pathways This is a 12 week art focussed course for 16-26 year olds not in education, training or employment, supporting them to feel more confident and to overcome hurdles. Participants will increase their employability skills, leave with the SQA accredited Employability Award and be supported into education and/or employment afterwards. Courses start in January 2022 and everything needed to take part will be provided. To find out more visit www. or scan the QR code.
Our Renfrewshire Team has Moved! Our Renfrewshire office has moved to: 25 St James Street Paisley PA3 2HQ 14
them again, here in SpeakOut, so you don’t miss out! If you haven’t been receiving NewsFlash but have a working email address, just email membership@ and we’ll update your details.
Vice Chair Megan Speaks at the UN Day of General Discussion Our Vice Chair Megan spoke at the UN Day of General Discussion with a focus on accessing justice for those who have grown up in care. Using evidence from The Promise, Megan highlighted the lifelong impact of alternative care on children and asked the question how can the UN use the international rights treaty system to lead to something radical, lifelong and founded in love?
#WinterWishes In November we launched our #WinterWishes Christmas offer to members. Since then we have received and delivered on over 250 wishes across the country. This includes food boxes from Hello Fresh, Just Eat vouchers, handmade quilts and gifts for our members and their loved ones. Some of our members also asked for a check in on Christmas Day, so those are still to come. If you weren’t able to make a winter wish, the Christmas Parcel that this magazine came in is to show you we were still thinking of you. We’ve sent out over 2,500 parcels to all our members we have addresses for. We hope you enjoy what’s inside and have an amazing holiday! If you know of a member who hasn’t received their parcel, you can let us know by emailing membership@