2021 Volunteeri 2021 has been a busy year for our volunteers – from digital events during lockdown to supporting our Get Into Summer programme. We asked 4 volunteers to share their favourite moments with you guys from this year. Lynda Grieg – Care to Connect Group The purpose of our summer activity to meet for lunch was to support our members to get out of the house and back into a social situation after lock down. This was important because it was the first chance we had to get together in person since starting the group last year and it was really important for all of us, volunteers included. The members enjoyed being back in each other’s company and one member was even able to use this time to get some support for an interview she had. Being able to speak face-to-face to get this support was so important for her. The activity also gave one member a chance to get out of the house, which she wanted to do whilst her daughter was at nursery and was so important for her wellbeing. This activity also allowed us to reflect on how we could take the group forward now that things are opening up more. There was an open and
honest discussion that although circumstances have changed, members still feel this group is important to them and that they would like it to continue in some form. Dealing with a new normal has been difficult for everyone and having this group has given us, the volunteers, drive to continue and given us purpose in a crazy world of uncertainties.
Heather Tyeson – Lapwing Lodge Trip Meeting at on a sunny Wednesday at Lapwing Lodge with members and their families, from both the Renfrewshire ‘Wee Diamonds’ and ‘Chill Out’ groups, there was an air of excitement and uncertainty of what was to come! However, after a few short minutes with the instructors, the enjoyment of learning how to pitch a tent successfully (despite a few bent tent pegs) was clear. The younger children loved playing inside the tent, hiding from one another and zipping up the doors to create their own safe haven to enjoy! Meanwhile, the older ones took on leadership roles in instructing both volunteers and staff how to correctly insert various tent poles and pegs. After pitching the tents, we were all able to enjoy some hot chocolate with water boiled directly from a Trangia camping stove! We then enjoyed lunch, followed by an exciting game of ‘Sniper’ in the woods, which resulted in a few muddy knees but mostly smiling faces! The highlight of the day then came when the young people got to make a fire of their own! Using a range of different dry
materials, they were shown how make sparks with their own fire-steels. Setting fire to hay and wee twigs was great fun! After a few short minutes, a bit of teamwork and wood collected from the surrounding trees, a roaring fire was lit, and the marshmallows were opened! Toasting the marshmallows on their own fire was a scrumptious treat and well deserved after all the hard work! Happy faces (and bellies) all round