Food, food and more food - that's what we're all about! Autumn has arrived down under, and once again, Whole Food Living magazine has produced a veritable feast of great reading (and eating) value. Our Autumn 22 edition contains some in-depth articles on the power of food to control our bodies and minds. We have some great longer articles covering new research on phytonutrients, and we revisit one of WFPB'S more vexed questions – oil, and what do we do about it? As you will discover, on page 61, we present what we think is an excellent answer and encourage you to ask yourself, what's the point of ingesting such a flammable substance? On the food side, we urge you to join the hot pot movement, and Rebeca Stonor delivers a truly yummy mixed mushroom stroganoff with creamy mashed potatoes. Check it out because there's more – much more.