Whole Food Living - Autumn 2023

Page 62

Books to Consider

British family doctor Gemma Newman explores how a simple change in diet helps many common chronic illnesses - from diabetes and heart disease to obesity - and the science that explains why it works. Contains over 60 delicious meal ideas.

Lisle and Goldhamer offer unique insights into the factors that make us susceptible to dietary and lifestyle excesses and present ways to restore the biological processes designed by nature to keep us running at maximum efficiency and vitality.

T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell University, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. Their results still astound.

Why rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease when the right decisions prevent you from falling ill to begin with? How Not to Die gives effective, scientifically proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers.

Suzy Amis Cameron environmental advocate, former actor, and mom of five, presents an easy guide for you to improve your health and shrink your personal carbon footprint. Just swap one meat- and dairy-based meal for a plant-based one.

From the groundbreaking results of his twenty-year nutritional study, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn illustrates that a plantbased, oil-free diet not only prevents the progression of heart disease but can also reverse its effects.

The film's companion cookbook, The PlantPure Nation Cookbook brings a powerful, science-based approach to nutrition from the big screen to your kitchen with some of the same mouthwatering recipes that kick-started a revolution.

Dr Dean Ornish's research has proven that lifestyle changes can reverse undo! The progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases and even begin reversing ageing at a cellular level. Several insurance companies cover his programme.

Neal Barnard, MD, a leading authority on nutrition and health, offers insight into how dietary changes can alleviate years of stress, pain, and illness. What's more, he also includes delicious and easyto-make hormone-balancing recipes.

Sophie Steven's stunning cookbook is packed with over 100 delicious, vibrant plant-based, gluten-free and refined-sugar-free recipes. Some great recipes and taste sensations to try. A book that will benefit the whole family.

This is a book that will let you live longer, reduce your need for medications, and improve your health dramatically. It is a book that will change the way you want to eat. Follow the Eat to Live diet, you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible.

Colin T Campell's Whole is an absolutely eye-opening, paradigm-changing journey through some cutting-edge thinking on nutrition. It is a scientific tour de force, that has powerful implications for our health and for the future of our world.

Want to eat healthily, but worried it will cost too much? Looking to save on grocery bills, without compromising on nutrition value or flavour? This book will answer all your questions. Great if you need to keep the food bill tight. Great inspiration here.

Before Dr Barnard's scientific breakthrough, most health professionals believed that once you developed diabetes, you were stuck with it. We know now that this is simply not true. Barnard has shown it is possible to tackle type 2 diabetes.

Rip Esselstyn arms readers with the knowledge they need to win any argument with those who doubt the health benefits of a plant-based diet and to convince any number of curious carnivores to change their diets once and for all.

62 wholefoodliving.life | Autumn 2023

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Articles inside

WFPB's Food Groups

page 67

Movies to Watch

page 63

Books to Consider

page 62

Back Issues Available Previous issues now on sale!

pages 58-62

Climate housing bubble is expected to pose big trouble in coming years

pages 55-57

Solar geoengineering looks like the next scientific dust-up

page 54


pages 51-53

STOP PRESS Research paper looks set to establish new healthcare benchmark

page 49

Cyclones highlight legacy of poor land management

pages 48-49

Is plant-based best for sporting endurance?

pages 44-45, 47-48

Garden to Table Preparations for autumn and beyond

pages 43-44

Plant-based nutrition from birth to senior years

pages 40-42

Pecan Nuts: the health benefits significantly outweigh the cost

pages 38-40

Buying Local, Growing Vocal

pages 30-38


page 29

A t a s t e o f I n d i a

pages 25-28

Take mind matters into your own hands

pages 22-23

Food change enlightens & dismays retired GP

pages 18-21

Food for Life course opens new doors

pages 14-18

DFN Health in Nutrition Conference 2023

pages 10-11, 13


page 9

WFPB ADVOCATES International

pages 8-9

Rapid and radical change a must

page 5

Where we stand

page 4
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