Whole Living Journal NovDec13

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Living Living Happy Living Healthy

W h o l e Journal

FREE Nov/Dec 2013

Whatážżs Your Creative Personality Type?

Stay Healthy This Winter 8 Tips on How to Beat the Cold

Avoid 6 Traps of Overabundance

Consciousness with a Swag Infusion Cincinnati - Nov. 12th & Dec. 10th

Eckhart Tolle Brings His Message to the Big Screen

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Yoga for All 200-Hour teacher certification Program that exceeds the requirements set by yoga alliance 

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Living W h o l e Journal


November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


November December 2013

Living Living Happy Living Healthy

W h o l e Journal


7 8 10 12 14 18 21 25

6 Traps of Overabundance

Publisher Life Dynamics, llc

BY Sara Wiseman

8 Tips for Staying Healthy During Winter

BY Kac Young, PhD

Holiday Giving Inspired Painting for a Purpose Your Creative Personality

BY David B. GoldStein

Did the Pope Really Wear Prada?

BY Jennifer Annenberg

A Tale of Synchronicity and Grace Nurturing Art

BY Louisa A. Dyer

BY Laura Lander

by C. Pic Michel.

by pama mitchell & mary ann barnes, MD

by mimi tagher, L.ac. by francine haydon & patricia garry

Our Community 24 Community Spotlight 26 Resource Directory 29 Event Calendar

Advertising & Promotions Tara L. Robinson

Events Calendar Darlene Robinson

BY Kent S. Edwards

Columns 6 EnlightenMeant Cartoon 16 Nutrition and Recipes 20 Herbs ‘n Such 23 Intuitive Insights

Editorial Consultant & Contributor Heidi Bright Parales

Design & Layout Jon Robinson

BY Rita Loyd

Stone Path Poem

Editor Tara L. Robinson

Departments 6 Infusion Cincinnati 19 Book Review 25 CD Review

Distribution Teri Dettone Kendra Koch Dana Boll Mimi Tagher Francine Haydon Carl & Bev Fisher Contact Us 10663 Loveland-Madeira Rd, Ste 162 Loveland, Ohio 45140 513.752.9288 info@wholelivingjournal.com Advertising Rates and Submission Guidlines Available Online at www.wholelivingjournal.com Find us on:

Next Deadline: DEC 1 for Jan/Feb issue


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Whole Living Journal is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.

Š 2013 Life Dynamics, LLC. All rights reserved. The information in WLJ is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of your physician. WLJ is not responsible for misinformation, typographical errors, omissions, or inaccuracies contained herein. The views expressed by our writers may not be shared by WLJ.


Living W h o l e Journal


Letter from the Editor

Tara L. Robinson, editor@wholelivingjournal.com

A New Renaissance “You say you want a revolution. Well, you know, we all want to change the world.” ~ The Beatles


t’s a revolution. A full out revival is happening. It᾿s The New Renaissance: A Renaissance of the Heart. People everywhere are filled with a sense of passion, purpose, and a depth of essence in unprecedented proportions. Every generation has had their “enlightened ones” but now, if you know where to look, you can find one on almost every street corner. The secret is out. The work has been done for thousands of years to bring us to this point. We understand the psychology of spirituality. We get that our minds can be trained to be sharp instruments and our most powerful tools. But the shift that is now occurring is a movement from the mind into the heart. We’re beginning to feel the effects of the work we’ve been doing. It’s no longer just a cranial experience, it’s becoming an experience felt with our whole being. What does this mean? It means our hearts are opening, and the walls of our hearts are expanding like never before. It means that love and grace are flowing through us into the person next to us who needs healing and acceptance. It means we’re feeling the creative power of the universe surge through our bodies and out of our mouths as we speak and sing, out of our pens and paintbrushes as we express our love on paper, out of our feet as we worship through dance. We are being re-birthed into heart centered beings of light. We are remembering what’s truly important. We are taking responsibility for our lives and our own sense of peace and happiness. We understand we can no longer rely on others to be the source of flowing water that must come from within. But we also understand that through this state of consciousness we can, and will, change the world. As we continue to do the work of collecting the fragments of our spirits, from the pain of the past and the anxiety of the future, all the places where we’ve left a piece of ourselves, as we gather these fragments and breathe them into the core of our being and welcome them home, as we show up fully with all these pieces in tact in the space of the present moment, as we remember who we are, and cultivate an internal system based on truth, we become stronger. We are able to endure more and more of the force of love as it enters our lives in wave after wave in almost every moment. This is not the work of cowards, this is the work of peaceful warriors. To live fearlessly, knowing that who you really are cannot be destroyed. It’s not easy to build a soul with stamina. A soul that is strong enough to be a channel for grace. But not just any grace, hot grace. Grace that is hot enough to heal. Building a soul with stamina that has developed the capacity to be a channel for grace that is hot enough to heal is a calling of the highest order. And it can look

like anything. No longer are only doctors, massage therapists and reiki masters the healers. Musicians are healers. Writers are healers. Computer programmers are healers. Finance managers are healers. Anyone breathing in this world has the power to be a healer by channeling grace through his or her presence. This Renaissance is about bringing the heavens to the earth. It’s about channeling light to a single point of focus so powerful that it contains the brilliance of the stars. We each are a radiant, shining star right here on earth. It’s no longer just about looking up to see the majesty of creation, it’s about looking around. It’s about walking around and allowing that hot fiery light from above to be channeled through us as divine vessels. This is the work of the masters. Where we don’t have to say or do anything, we simply have to show up and radiate from within. With hearts wide open, on the verge of exploding with love for creation, for nature, for humanity. But our hearts don’t explode, because we’ve done the work necessary to strengthen them so that they can contain this immense love. However, make no mistake, our work isn’t done. We’re in the beginning stages of this revolution. We gotta keep breaking down those barriers of illusion between ourselves and truth. This time is about looking deeper. What’s not real cannot exist here. It cannot, and it will be burned out of us in the alchemical fire of transformation. So what is your expression of love in the world? What lights you up from the inside out? When is the power of your presence the most potent? What do you love to do? American playwright Tennessee Williams offered this for thought, “You said, ‘They’re harmless dreamers and they’re loved by the people.’ ‘What,’ I asked you, ‘is harmless about a dreamer, and what,’ I asked you, ‘is harmless about the love of the people?’ Revolution only needs good dreamers who remember their dreams.” What are your dreams? This is a personal journey. No one else can answer these questions or do this work for you. This is not new news. Social activist Dorothy Day said, “The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us.” Singer Jim Morrison said, “The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are…There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.” And Marianne Williamson says, “Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” The movement doesn᾿t move if we don᾿t move. Please join us at Infusion...and move!

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


NEXT MEETINGS: NOV 12 & DEC 10 Infusion Cincinnati, affectionately dubbed ‟Consciousness with a Swag,” rocked the house with music by Doug Kreitzer and The Peace at the meeting in October. An inspirational message was given by Matt Schweppe, author of Taking a Stand and Equanimity. A full article about Infusion᾿s mission is featured on the Cincinnati Enquirer᾿s website. Please visit this link to read. http://local.cincinnati.com/share/story/209416 Infusion᾿s November meeting features Colleen Herman, owner of CoCo Creative Wellness. Colleen will be sharing information and facilitating discussion about Balance. Tara L. Robinson will speak on The New Renaissance. Infusion meets every 2nd Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm at Rohs Street Cafe, 245 W. McMillan St, 45219 in Clifton. The next meetings are November 12 and December 10. Be a part of the movement & be inspired to let YOUR light shine! Donation basis. Facebook: “Infusion Cincinnati” Twitter: @InfusionCincy www.infusioncincinnati.com

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“Whole Living Journal”


Living W h o l e Journal


Re-Imagining the Holidays How to Escape the 6 Traps

of Overabundance by Sara Wiseman re you dreading it, already? You know… the whole shopping-gifting-cooking-cleaning-eatingdrinking-socializing-relatives-traveling season just ahead? Instead, what if you could create holidays that were a time of true relaxation and joy? What if the traditions you chose filled you with gratitude at the deepest level? And what if this approach continued long past the holidays, so that you could live in a state of joy—not just some of the time, but always? You can, says author Sara Wiseman, when you choose to escape the Six Traps of Overabundance, and create a whole new kind of holiday complete with traditions brimming with joy.


2. Overabundance of Gifts

Excessive consumerism is out of control. The sheer energetic reality of involving ourselves with material objects or “stuff” during the holidays—even when disguised as gifts—can be overwhelming, especially when we understand that every object has its own frequency, vibration or energetic signature depending on where it came from, how it was made, who made it and so forth. Decide for yourself if you really want to give or receive gifts this year. You may find you feel much better deciding to opt out, do less or give to charity instead.

3. Overabundance of Socializing Create Holidays With Real Connection

Far from being bah-humbug, Wiseman shares how to create holidays filled with real connection, by first becoming aware of the six traps, then learning how to opt out of the stress fest—and celebrate the holidays with true relaxation, appreciation and connection to the ones you love in her new book Living a Life of Gratitude (2013, Llewellyn). The following is from her new book. From Thanksgiving to New Year's, it’s hard to stay clear of the cycle of overabundance—the state of having too much. As in: more than we can use, more than we can process. The cup not just full, but over flowing. It’s gotten worse in recent years, starting with Christmas decorations at Halloween to the frenzy of Black Friday. We’ve become a culture of excess and a society of waste, moving from the next new thing to the next…we have so much, and it’s arriving so fast, that we can’t use or even experience it all. We’re trapped in the endless circle of want-get-want-get. This ῾having more than we really need᾿ creates stress, lowers vibration and zaps energy from mind, body and spirit. Here are six ways to break the cycle and create your own traditions of joy.

When you receive an invite, take a moment before you automatically RSVP. Office parties, school events, the annual party you’ve gone to every year for ten years… these have a certain clamor of “must attend” attached. But in reality, you’re in charge of your schedule. If what really feeds your soul is a long winter’s walk, quiet time with a book or crafting decorations, do that instead.

4. Overabundance of Family Relationships

Returning home and the family stomps can be challenging— the old wounds, past hurts and misunderstandings are often still waiting right where we left them. If the thought of going home for the holidays, or spending a lot of time with family members stresses you out, allow yourself the possibility of doing it differently this year. If it’s just too much, visit at a less emotionally loaded time.

5. Overabundance of Tradition

This year, why not see what happens if you break free from the rigid traditions you’ve "always done" and see what else sparks a sense of joy for you and yours?

6. Overabundance of Group Thought 1. Overabundance of Food

Rich, sweet, fatty holiday food lowers physical vibration, which affects energy and emotional balance. Alcohol from frequent social events adds to this mix. Before sampling party food and cookie platters, ask yourself these questions first: What is the energetic signature of this food? Will it make me feel good? Does my body really want this? Listen to your body, and let it tell you what it truly needs.

During the holidays, do you feel edgy and anxious for no reason? You’re probably picking up on collective thought as it swirls in the stressed-out cycle of want-get-want-get consumption. Set aside time each day to disconnect from fear-based group thought—and connect with your own higher truth. Meditation, prayer, movement, music all offer ways to experience gratitude and joy. Visit author Sara Wiseman at www.sarawiseman.com

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Tips for 8 Staying Healthy

During Winter by Kac Young PhD, ND, DCH inter comes and many of us still have our flip flops by the door. Where did the time go? The best way to stay healthy in body, mind and soul is to know what the seasonal changes bring and how to turn them into a plus for your health.


The Hazards

We᾿re indoors more when the temperature drops. This means we are less active. Less sunlight means there are fewer fresh fruits and vegetables available. We can experience ”cabin fever,” and become irritable from breathing recycled air. We tend to snack more and indulge in comfort foods which are salty, sugary, or high in saturated fats. We are around people in confined areas where bacteria and viruses can spread. Holidays, travel and guests can be stressful for us even though they are fun. We are tempted by a season of party foods, late nights and the added efforts of shopping and wrapping gifts. All this can wear a body out! (Not to mention the mind and the soul.) So what can we do?

The Solutions

Here are eight things you can do to stay happy and healthy during the winter season.

1) SOUP it up! Pass on the beef and pork stews, the creamy or cheesy chowders and elect lighter, healthier soups with plenty of vegetables, beans, garlic, leeks and spinach.


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Living W h o l e Journal

2) DRINK and be merry with water! Offset the effects

of heat and dryness indoors and hydrate your body and your skin. Drink water room temperature or heat it up if a cool glass makes you shiver. Make herbal teas. Add lemon, lime, cucumber or tangerine slices. Hydrate your skin with a chemical-free lotion to keep it supple.

3) GO LIGHT and pass on the starchy comfort foods. Cut

out the sugary treats and reduce your intake of sodium-laden foods.

4) MAMA SAID wash your hands. Do it frequently because she was right about preventing germ spread. Cover your nose and mouth with a scarf when you are in public places, crowded elevators and places where there are lots of people. 5) WALK & TALK! Exercise routines often get neglected in winter. Call a friend, go to a mall and walk, walk, walk. Catch up and get your exercise at the same time. 6) S.O.S. Stress on stress is rampant during the winter season. Supplement your food intake with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and possibly calcium and magnesium. For your nerves try Bach Flower Rescue Remedy and be sure to get plenty of sleep. 7) LIGHT IS MIGHT. During the winter we can suffer from lack of exposure to sunlight. This can cause hormonal imbalance and depression. Get outside as often as you can. Try for 20 minutes a day and look for full spectrum lighting instruments to avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

8) LAUGH. We underestimate the values of a good laugh

fest. Put humor in your life by visiting a comedy club, watching comedy movie classics, inviting the class or office clown to dinner or by buying a funny book. Keep your insides jiggling with chuckles and you'll survive the winter cold in top form.

About the author: Kac Young has a PhD in Natural Health, a Doctorate in Naturopathy and a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She is a television producer/director, a licensed Religious Science Minister and the author of several books. www.spiritualgenius.com or www.HeartEasy.com


November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Holiday Giving Inspired Painting for a


by Louisa A. Dyer, MA ast year’s holiday season marked the beginning of something purposeful and powerful for local artist Mari Knight. “It was just before Christmas of 2012 when my honey, Lou, asked me what I would like for Christmas. I said I didn’t need anything. Why don’t we use the money we would have spent on each other and help our friends who are struggling right now?” explains Mari.


The Beginning of Something Wonderful

That’s how Mari and her partner, Lou Denning, began Purposeful Painting, a non-profit that has since become her life’s mission. Mari says her love of community, art, and yoga inspired her to begin helping the hard working, positive, beautiful women she saw who were having a tough time. Having been there herself a few years ago, she understood their struggle. At first, they focused on those in their own circle. As they told their friends, however, donations spontaneously began and this year they’ve given away over $14,000 to women in need, many of whom Mari has never met. They are a designated 501(c)3 and all contributions are tax deductible. A board decides who receives money, but everyone is invited to contribute and have lots of fun in the process. Who are the women they help? The working woman, the mom who works two jobs, the breast cancer survivor, the grandmother caring for her grandchildren, the suddenly unemployed trying to find another job - all who are working to better themselves and their families. Do you know someone in need? Anyone can recommend a recipient and/or donate through the Purposeful Painting website www.purposefulpainting.org A desire to give partnered with Mari Knight’s love of painting and Co-Creation Artworks became part of the mission. It offers unique classes to aspiring artists that some call

‘meditation with a paintbrush.’ The artist has a choice to take their artwork home or donate it for a Purposeful Painting fundraiser.

‟I would rather paint than do anything!”

Mari laughingly declares, “I would rather paint than do anything!” She describes her classes as lessons in letting go. “We are all artists in some way and some of us have a hard time letting go of what we perceive the outcome should be. Some call the classes a spiritual experience. It’s certainly co-creation at its finest.” Purposeful Painting’s fundraisers feature refreshments, entertainment, a silent auction co-creation pieces, and a live auction of CoCreation Masterpieces. At one event, three were painted then sold for over $500 each. All proceeds go to the mission. Mari’s philosophy is simple. “We are here to co-create together, each and everyone of us. We give a little extra money to ease a working woman’s worries and lessen her stress. Donations create a brighter future for special women. I am deeply grateful and appreciative for everyone who has helped and who wishes to help in the future.” She had no idea that what began between her and Lou last Christmas would become a passion, her life’s mission. A small act of kindness blossomed into an incredible amount of fun that is truly helpful. You’re invited to visit www.purposefulpainting.org and let your giving spirit change someone’s life today. About the author: Rev. Louisa A. Dyer, MA is an author with a Masters in Holistic Psychology. She is a spiritual life coach, a metaphysical minister, the creator of The WOW Process, and co-host of the radio show Inner Divinity Wednesdays 2-3pm on WAIF 88.3FM. 513.248.0069. www.LouisaDyer.com


Living W h o l e Journal


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November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Your Creative

Personality by David B. Goldstein

Myth #8: Creative people are starving artists. There are creative people working in engineering, science, design, and marketing who can also pay their bills.

Creativity and Personality Types reativity and the creative process are cloaked in a veil of mystery and awe, ordained only for those “touched” by the muse. Myths attempt to explain the unexplainable, and creativity can certainly seem beyond explanation. But, there are some commonly held misconceptions about creativity that are actually holding us back from blasting off into the stratosphere of our creative stardom.


Common Myths About Creativity Myth #1: I don’t have a creative bone in my body. You are unknowingly creative all the time. Myth #2: There is only one type of creativity. Did Henry Ford have the same kind of creative style as Picasso? Myth #3: Creativity can’t be learned. Anyone can learn to recognize what they see is unique and has creative potential. Myth #4: Creative people are weird. People are generally happy when they’re creating. Myth #5: Creative people are untimely, spontaneous, and unstructured. Creative people can be planners, orderly, and deadline oriented. Myth #6: I’m too old to start being creative. Grandma Moses began painting in her seventies. Many people don’t discover their passion until retirement. Myth #7: Creativity is driven by money. Creativity is fueled by passion, not money.


Living W h o l e Journal

The more you know about your personality type, the more expanding it becomes. You’ll find a collection of specialized tools unique to fit your personal creative style.


Question 1: Do you become more energized when you are with a group of people or when you have time alone? • With a group = Extrovert (E) • Alone = Introvert (I) Question 2: When gathering information, do you prefer to look for the details of what is practical, or do you prefer to look at generalities and consider theories? • What is Practical = Sensing (S) • Generalities and Consider Theories = Intuition (N) Question 3: When you are making a decision, is it more important for you to consider what is logical and fair, or do you foremost consider how the decision will affect people and promote harmony? • What is logical and fair = Thinking (T) • How the decision will affect people and promote harmony = Feeling (F) Question 4: Do you prefer to make final decisions and reach closure, or do you prefer to continue to gather information and leave things open? • Make final decisions and reach closure = Judging (J) • Continue to gather information and leave things open = Perceiving (P)


16 Creativity Types ISTJ (The Organizer): Creative in solving problems using practical solutions. ISFJ (The Facilitator): Creative behind the scenes and inspired by the act of helping others. INTJ (The Visionary): Imaginative from behind the curtain, and always has a contingency plan. INFJ (The Inspirer): Creative style driven by the possibilities seen in people. ISTP (The Crafter): Creative solutions that don’t follow rules and disregard plans. ISFP (The Dreamer): Inspiration via deep emotions and inner passions. INTP (The Idea Mill): Creativity from love of pondering infinite possibilities. INFP (The Muster): Vivid imagination, autobiographical, and poetic in fine arts. ESTJ (The Realist): Solves real-world problems in practical, no-nonsense ways. ESFJ (The Teacher): Organized, and people oriented, creativity often looks rich in detail, and highly personal. ENTJ (The Commander): Creativity is shown by strategically executing plans to reach goals. ENFJ (The Persuader): Leads missions for causes relating to humanity. ESTP (The Adventurer): Creatively senses all the facts then takes action on the spur of the moment. ESFP (The Entertainer): “Artwork” isn᾿t what they create since “work” isn’t how they describe what they love to do. ENTP (The Brainstormer): The word “impossible” is the word that inspires. ENFP (The Socializer): Creativity is centered on people and human behavior. An online version of this quiz and detailed descriptions of each type are available at www.beyondword.com/creativeyou/ Based on the book Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive by David B. Goldstein and Otto Kroeger.

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November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Did the Pope

wondrous pleasures of the physical world and all its creative forces. There is a childlike joy that emanates from embracing our physical presence. We are experiencing ourselves in form, yet we deny ourselves this innate power that affects us and everything around us.

Really Wear Prada?

Express Yourself

by Jennifer Annenberg


e live in a vibrational world, everything is a moving, vibrating reality, most of which we cannot see. Yet it᾿s all there, everything from thoughts to physical objects are energetic frequencies that are unique unto themselves. And, as conscious beings, we sense the energetic components of whatever comes into our awareness. We are walking three-dimensional vibrational realities. We emit our own unique messages every second. Everything we think, feel, and put onto our bodies sends a clear message about who we are. This is felt by everyone we encounter and has the potential to be the most powerful force we possess. Our physical presence makes a powerful impact. It᾿s about fully accepting that physical presence that longs and yearns to be expressed. And even though, we are composed of mind, body, and spirit, there are old teachings that misguide us into thinking one is better than the other. Many believe that to be truly good or w-holy is to disown the physical body and all its pleasures. As a result, we feel guilty for enjoying our lives and the wondrous pleasures of the world. We often downplay an entire piece of ourselves, and become unbalanced as a whole.

Accept ALL of Who You Are

To be truly whole one must surrender to ALL parts of oneself with acceptance and compassion. Only by accepting all the parts of yourself, can you experience true freedom, peace, and contentment like never before. You are then empowered to use your mind, spirit, and body to be of service. You are the peacock, the majestic butterfly who in its splendor, can spread its wings and accept its rightful place on the earth, unapologetically, without reservation, guilt or second-guessing. You have the potential to lift others up and inspire greatness by the very presence you exude. You radiate an essence of wholeness, balance and happiness when in harmony with the totality of who you are. This experience is translated into form by how you choose to present yourself physically to the world. Then others are reminded of their own potential to heal and accept the unloved, unaccepted parts of themselves. When we tune into celebrating and expressing our divinity thru our physical form we are capable of tapping into the


Living W h o l e Journal

There may be old wounds or thoughts around your physicality that has you stuck. You may feel unworthy of owning your light, or believe that your image doesn’t measure up to some subjective cultural standard. Or you may feel it’s superficial to spend time on your looks at all. These are all ego thoughts that are designed to keep you small. But you are not small, and did not come here to conform. We came here to express ourselves, to create and reflect the beauty that emanates from within. It’s a total package, one that should be free from judgment, from our own judgment and from that of the outside world. Each one of us has a unique frequency to play in the song of life. How dull the symphony would be if we all tried to conform and be the same. Imagine a symphony with all the same notes!

Become the Masterpiece You are Meant to Be

We have been given a distinct opportunity to remember our divinity and reflect it. When the inside and the outside match as a loving harmonious whole, an authentic powerful essence is radiated that has the potential to bring joy to ourselves and others. So choose to put on that dazzling smile, that flower in your hair, or that amazing necklace. Your body is a living canvas. What you decide to paint on it will determine its benefit to society. Give yourself permission to become the masterpiece you are meant to be. Like anything that is whole, you are free to express and create. Remember, you are Divine, you are Royal simply by birth. Whether black, white, short or tall, you have been perfect all along. By making peace and owning the totality of your existence, you radiate the truth of who you are to the world. This celebration of wholeness, joy and loving acceptance heals in ways you never knew possible, transforms the places you go, and completely magnetizes others into the innate wholeness they too have forgotten. P.S. Whether or not the Pope wore designer shoes remains a controversey. It᾿s up to us to decide why this would still be an issue and what this says about us. If we want to feel free to paint with wild abandon on our living canvases we must also allow others this same privledge. “I will remind you of your magnificence, until you are utterly, completely, unapologetically, able to see it in Yourself.” xoxo Jennifer About the author: Jennifer Annenberg is Creative Director for Jennifer Annenberg Productions. Join the conversation and leave your feedback at www.jenniferannenberg.com. Facebook: Jennifer Annenberg Productions. Twitter: @jenannenberg. Email: Jennifer. annenberg@icloud.com.


Eckhart Tolle Brings His Message to the

BIG Screen

VANCOUVER, BC (October 16, 2013) -- Best known for his ground-breaking, New York Times bestselling books, The Power of Now and A New Earth and recognized for his regular appearances on Oprah, beloved spiritual author and teacher Eckhart Tolle is now bringing his transformational message to the big screen in a movie about compassion and bullying with the supporting sponsorship of The Dalai Lama Center. Milton᾿s Secret stars Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner, Peter Fonda and will be directed by Barnet Bain (What Dreams May Come and The Celestine Prophecy). Hulo Films have teamed with Eckhart Tolle to create a progressive story about mindfulness and compassion in an equally progressive way, turning to Indiegogo᾿s crowdfunding platform to the protect the integrity of the message. “Milton᾿s Secret matters because the world can be a scary place. Now is the moment for new images and models to meet the stresses and challenges of our increasingly chaotic world,” explains Bain, who also co-wrote the script. Hulo Producer, Stephen Huszar adds, “We’re making a dif-

ferent kind of film in a different kind of way. We are fortunate to be associated with thought leaders like Eckhart Tolle and organizations such as The Dalai Lama Center with this new form of audience engagement allowing fans the opportunity to get involved with something that matters to them.” Tolle is a film lover who has spent time talking to Hollywood on the merits of using film to expand awareness and transform consciousness. According to Tolle “Movies really have replaced what traditionally were mythologies--every culture had their mythological beliefs and their collective ‘stories’ and there is now the possibility for movies to embody that arising new state of consciousness.” www.miltonssecretmovie.com.

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


nutrition and recipes from the kitchen of

The Healthy Foodies by Pama Mitchell and Mary Ann Barnes, MD

Cooking with Wine lthough we urge moderation when it comes to alcohol, we happen to love wine – a glass of it, and as an ingredient in healthy cooking. In many recipes for cooking or baking, wine actually makes a good substitute for some of the fat: it adds moisture and flavor for significantly fewer calories than butter, oil, cheese, and so forth. For instance, in the delicious cake recipe below we cut back on cooking oil and boosted the amount of sherry wine. You can substitute wine for oil in marinades, sautés, stews and other sweet and savory dishes. The rule of thumb in selecting what wine to use is never cook with wine that you wouldn’t drink – that is, if it’s over the hill and/or tastes bad in your glass, it’s not going to en-


hance your cooking one bit. On the other hand, we don’t recommend using your best stuff, either. And never buy anything labeled as “cooking wine,” which is always horrid, low-end alcohol with salt and perhaps other ingredients added. By the way, some alcohol does remain in a dish after cooking, but the longer you cook/bake it, the less alcohol is left behind. For this cake, the remnants should not worry anyone who eats an alcohol-free diet. It uses convenience products – cake and pudding mixes – and produces a party-appropriate dessert that is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, without too much effort.

Sherry Wine Cake (Serves 12-14) Ingredients:

1/2 cup cooking oil

For the cake:

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 package yellow cake mix (Note: Select a mix with no partially-hydrogenated oil; look in the natural foods section of your grocery store) 1 package (large) instant vanilla pudding mix

For the frosting: 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt 1 cup confectioner’s (powdered) sugar 2 T no trans-fat soft margarine, at room temperature

4 eggs, or equivalent egg substitute or egg whites 1 cup sherry wine (Note: Sherry comes in many styles, from very dry to very sweet. For best results, go with the medium-dry Amontillado style)

1/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional) Colored sprinkles or other decoration (optional)


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Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and prepare a bundt or angel-food cake pan by coating it with oil and dusting lightly with flour. Combine all the cake ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly, preferably with an electric mixer. Do not over-mix. Spoon or pour the batter into your prepared cake pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes, then remove cake onto a rack with wax paper underneath. When cake is still slightly warm, put it on a serving plate, for frosting. While the cake is baking, combine the yogurt, sugar and margarine in a mixing bowl. Refrigerate until the cake has cooled and is on the serving plate. Spoon the frosting on top of the cake and add nuts and colored candies, if desired.


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Holiday Eating Tips Holiday parties and family gatherings can challenge our health habits, but mindful eating and advanced planning help avoid unintended weight gain. Here are a few tips to help you make smart food choices through the upcoming holidays.

• Focus on fresh vegetables. Vegetables have a prominent position in the food pyramid because they are rich in vitamins and minerals AND have few calories.

• Survey the dishes offered at parties before you choose what to eat, to make certain to satisfy your appetite without adding the calories of foods that are not your favorites. • Hang out away from the food, so that you aren’t tempted to continue eating. • Place all the food you want on a small plate. Take a few moments before you eat to enjoy the sight and smells to make the food more satisfying.

• Limit alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can impair your inhibitions, making overeating more likely.

• Plan lighter meals on the days before and after parties and dinners to help maintain a healthful weekly total caloric intake. With a little forethought and planning, you can thoroughly enjoy your family and friends and maintain optimal health, too.

About the Healthy Foodies: Pama Mitchell (right) is a journalist and associate professor of communication and journalism at the University of Cincinnati. Mary Ann Barnes, M.D., practices family and complementary medicine, and teaches nutrition, at St. Elizabeth Family Practice Center in Edgewood, KY. Please visit www.healthyfoodie.com and Pama’s blog at www.healthyfoodies.blogspot.com.

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


A Tale


Synchronicity & Grace by Laura Lander

“We are all just walking each other home.” ~ Ram Dass

ike many women of my generation, I embraced my fiftieth birthday as a rite of passage, a kind of springboard from the first half of my life into the second half. It was an occasion to acknowledge my accomplishments while embarking with enthusiasm into the unknown adventure of what was yet to come. My life’s journey up to that point had not been altogether uncommon, filled with the usual ups and downs, unforeseen twists and unexpected turns. For me, these included raising three daughters, the ending of my first marriage, the challenges of being a working, single parent, and entering into a second marriage.


An Evolving Inner Presence

As well, the years leading up to my 50-year milestone were spent consciously deepening my awareness of self, of life, of reality and of spirit. The navigational system that guided me was my choice to live and act with integrity and consciousness. My compass was my practice of daily centering meditation.

Out of necessity, I learned to draw from this evolving inner presence during the second half of my life when faced with the decision to end my second marriage and the resulting need to find a new place to live.

‟You need to write this down.”

On one of the first days after moving to my newly rented farmhouse, I was sitting on the front porch with a friend who had come to help with the unpacking. We were taking a lunch break. Over the chicken salad and fruit, I told her the remarkable story of how I had come to find the house, and of the other synchronicities that had brought me to that place and time. Her response to me was, “Laura, you need to write all of this down. Other people need to hear this. It will give encouragement and inspiration.” Our conversation led me to write my recently published book, Chapters From the Farmhouse Journal, Tales of Synchronicity and Grace. I believe that when we listen to each other’s stories, we gain insight for our own. My intention in writing this book was and is to offer inspiration and encouragement to others who are navigating challenging life transitions of their own. This is not a story of unhappy endings, but rather of embracing metamorphasis touched by grace and love. It is about how circumstances and events both challenged and enabled me to grow in inner strength, confidence, and self-reliance, as well as honesty, interconnectedness and the healing discovery of what it truly means to love oneself. (The photo that appears with this article is from the farmhouse.) About the author: Laura Lander currently resides at the end of a gravel lane surrounded by farm fields in northern Kentucky in the farmhouse featured in Chapters from the Farmhouse Journal. To read a free excerpt of her book, or to sign up to receive her free weekly email Morning Coffee Meditation, visit www.LauraLanderAuthor.com Read her blog, From the Bottom Half of the Hourglass, at www.lauralandermassage.blogspot.com Laura is a self-employed massage therapist in Florence. www.LauraLanderMassage.com


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Book Reviews Chapters From the Farmhouse Journal: Tales of Synchronicity and Grace by Laura Lander (2013) Chapters From the Farmhouse Journal, Tales of Synchronicity and Grace written by local author Laura Lander is an encouraging and inspirational personal narrative of the process of decision, affirmation and providence surrounding the transition of divorce. Relating this part of her life’s journey, Lander describes her slowly growing awareness that her marriage was over and that it was time to let go. Unable to face being the initiator of the pain of such a break-up, she undergoes months of indecision and uncertainty. On a quest to find her own truth she commits to spending time each day in centering meditation. This deepening practice is what leads her to find the answers to her own questions within. In addition to the emotions of the unbraiding of a relationship, she tells the story of the practical details of finding a new home, packing and moving, of negotiating the legal division of marital assets, and of ongoing financial survival on a single modest income. Each of these challenges, when surmounted

with a practiced effort at balance and centered presence, surprisingly becomes an occasion of grace and gratitude. She shares her repeated experience of being surrounded by loving support from others as well as learning what it means to truly love and value herself. Her prayer for help in finding a new home is answered with remarkable detail. Practical assistance appears when needed. New opportunities arise at just the right time and place. And personal growth occurs as she learns to steer the process of self-healing by allowing emotions and memories to surface and be attended to rather than ignored or denied. This brings balance and wholeness. New insights evolve. In a writing style that is both frank and personal, Chapters From the Farmhouse Journal treats the doubts and fears, choices and hopes entailed in the experience of the end of a relationship and the beginning of a new chapter in life. It serves to demonstrate how to let go with love and respect, and how to start over with a healthier self love and self respect. Featured in this true story are references to the real-life aids that enabled and accompanied the author during this passage of her life, including titles of specific books, the practice of centering meditation, the experiential, body-centered Hakomi method of psychotherapy, and two Cincinnati based organizations, Women Writing For a Change, and Life Success Seminars. For more information about the book as well as an opportunity to “browse” through free excerpts and a photo album, please visit www.LauraLanderAuthor.com Available to order or as an ebook at http://booklocker.com/books/6849.html

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


Winter Blues? Herbs ‘n Such, by Mimi Tagher

o you get the winter blues? Less light and colder temperatures naturally bring feelings of hibernation, but many people are affected much more than the average bear when winter starts settling in. During fall and winter the lack of light causes over ten million people to experience a drop in both mood and energy. Most commonly the onset of depression begins in the fall and lessens in the spring. While everyone gets “the blues” from time to time, the winter months are more blue than usual for those with seasonal affective disorder (SAD).


You Don᾿t Have to Feel SAD

While we all regret losing those daylight hours, those with SAD are particularly sensitive to a lack of exposure to sunlight. Along with a depressed mood, one can experience irritability, headaches, extreme fatigue and lethargy, increased appetite, carbohydrate cravings, an inability to concentrate, and decreased libido. Though the exact cause of SAD is not known, it is thought that decreased melatonin levels arising from the limited exposure to sunlight in the winter is somehow involved. Other factors that may contribute to SAD include hormones (more than twice as many women as men are affected), stress, and genetics.

Acupuncture Balances the Body

Current Western Medical treatment relies mainly on antidepressant drugs to treat depression and SAD. The newer drugs, called serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), come with many side effects, and studies show they do little to help. On the other hand, some complementary and alternative therapies have proven safe and much more effective. For example, acupuncture causes the release of serotonin and noradrenalinenorepinephrine - the same chemicals that are targeted by anti-


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depressant drugs, but without the side effects. Acupuncture also balances the body and the body's rhythms. When the body is more balanced it takes better care of itself, resulting in an increase in energy and a more positive mood.

Herbs and Supplements - Safe and Effective

Herbs and supplements have also been shown to be helpful in the treatment of SAD. Recent studies at Harvard Medical School clearly show that essential fatty acids from flax, fish, and some plants are more effective than SSRI drugs. These omega 3's can also be taken in supplement form. Another study at the University of British Columbia showed that supplementing with tryptophan (found in nutritional yeast or 5 HTP) and vitamin D3, along with morning light therapy, achieved a 64% improvement in symptoms. Multiple studies show that St. John's Wort improved the condition of those who regularly experience winter depression. This herb also produces improvements in anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Light Therapy

Many people show improvement with the use of a light box. Bright light therapy is a fluorescent light box that produces an intensity of 2,500 to 10,000 lux at a comfortable distance (1-2'). Eighty five percent of sufferers usually respond to this treatment within 3-5 days. Dawn stimulators are another type of light therapy that is helpful, as is changing all the lighting at home and in the office to full spectrum bulbs and tubes.

And By All Means, Don᾿t Lose Sleep Over It!

Accompanying difficulties with sleep can be related to the suppression of the hormone melatonin. You can get this naturally in nutritional yeast or by mixing ¼ cup ricotta cheese with dark cherries. Melatonin can also be taken in supplement form.

About the author: Mimi Tagher, LAc, LMT is nationally board certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbology and Oriental Medicine. She practices at Synergy Holistic Health Center in Florence, Ky., and in Blue Ash. 859.525.5000, www.synergyholistichealth.com


Nurturing Art An Interview with Rita Loyd

What inspired you to create your Unconditional SelfLove Message card deck? Rita: It was a matter of one thing leading me to the next. First, I began to paint art in 1996, as a way to cope with chronic illness and depression. My intention was to paint art that would lift my spirit and bring hope and encouragement to my life. Six months later, I began to write affirmations with my art as a way to deepen the healing experience and to verbally express the messages inside of the art. I was pleased with my art and others liked it as well so I decided to share my art publically through art exhibits, a greeting card line and magazine covers. In 2005, I had a major epiphany WLJ about my art. I discovered thatAD my creative process was teaching me how to love myself and my art was a reflection of that journey. As people saw my artwork in various places, some would July/August 2013 suggest that I create a tarot card deck. My response was that if I ever created a card deck, it would be a self-love deck because that is what my art is about. But for now, my focus was on other projects. I created an art video entitled In Search of Self-Love. I created a1/8 set page of therapeutic line 3.5 drawings full color: x 2 that are being used by therapists in art therapy. And in 2010, I selfpublished my book Unconditional Self-Love: What It Is, Why Any Problems with file please call Itឿs Important and How to Nurture It In Your Life. Now, fast forward to dp this Design, year, whereDiana for twoPuppin years I have been 513.389.1335 helping my father care for my mother who has Alzheimer’s disease. Caring for my mother is a sacred experience but one that is also stressful. And this stress was something I needed a distraction from. Then one day this spring, I received another email suggesting I create a card deck. I almost dismissed the idea again when something on my desk caught my eye. It was one of my jumbo-sized business cards with my art on the front. The card was printed by Zazzle.com and they had done such a beautiful

job printing the bright colors. This gave me an idea! I could create a self-love deck and use Zazzle.com as the printer. Each card could have a different painting on the front and self-love advice on the back. I felt this would be the perfect project because I needed a positive and healing distraction in my life and one that would fit my limited schedule and energy level. How has this project been healing for your life? Rita: First of all, it combined several of my favorite things: inner reflection, spiritual thought, writing and helping others. It was fun to choose and condense what I thought were the fifty most important things to remember about self-love. And then once the decks were printed, people responded in such a positive way, that it brought new joy and new purpose to my life. How did your creative process teach you to love yourself? Rita: It created a space in my life; a reason and a setting in my life: to slow down, to ask questions, to listen for the answers, to search for new solutions, to be patient with myself, to be positive with myself, to set aside the inner critic, to give myself a voice, and to allow myself to speak. Once I realized that the creative process was teaching me how to love myself, at least within the boundaries of creating art, I was inspired to explore the meaning of self-love further and in doing so I taught myself how to incorporate self-love into all areas of my life. And that is where the advice in my book and deck comes from. Loydážżs unique deck contains fifty healing art images with a message of unconditional self-love on the back of each card. Message titles include: Empower yourself, Encourage yourself, Respect yourself, Trust yourself, and more. www.NurturingArt.com

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Ancient Traditions Winter Solstice

Intuitive Insights, by Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry

hrough time eternal, humankind has marked the passage of various solar and astronomical events with celebration. Our ancestors’ very existence depended on having enough sun and water to grow crops and to provide warmth and hydration to live. The winter solstice marked the passing of the shortest day and the weakest sun. It was a time to celebrate the gradual return of the sun and the lengthening of daylight with fresh meat and newly fermented wine and beer. Winter solstice signaled that they had survived the dark times and were returning to the light. The trinity of life, death and rebirth continued as the year and hope were reborn once again. Ancient monuments, such as New Grange in Ireland and Stonehenge in Britain, stand as everlasting tributes to the importance of this annual midwinter event. In New Grange, the morning sunlight gradually seeps through an opening in the roof over the entrance to illuminate the tiny interior chamber of the huge earthen and rock structure. This occurs at dawn for a mere 17 minutes each day from December 19th to 23rd. Many people still flock to Stonehenge as well to see the winter solstice sunset as it fills this monument. Each culture had its own midwinter celebration, such as the lesser known Roman Saturnalia, the Chinese and East Asian Dongzhi Festival, and the Persian Shab-e Chelleh Festival. Of course, the most well known of these are the Jewish Hanukkah/Chanuka, and Christmas which is celebrated by Christians worldwide.


Winter Solstice - December 21, 2013

In 2013, winter solstice occurs on December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. So in the middle of the holiday hustle and bustle, here’s your chance to make a comeback! You can use the solstice

Patricia Garry • Spiritual Coaching • Reiki Energy Healing • Intuitive Tarot Reading • Dream Interpretation • Teaching Personal Growth Classes

(513) • patricia@patriciagarry.com (513)281-6864 281-6864 ~ patriciagarry.com

energy to start over and fill your world with light and love. This is gradual, sustained growth and change. Every day after the solstice, there are a few more seconds of light - which will eventually bring spring. You can work with that building energy and bring your own spring. How about a few seconds each day spent visualizing yourself being happy – smiling or grinning or humming to yourself, feeling the way you do when you’re having fun? Your body remembers how that feels. You can do this when you wake up, or as you’re about to drift into sleep. Or while you’re washing your face – remember that happy smile for no reason. Then, after a few days, add in another minute or two, this time with a goal in mind. Imagine and “feel” yourself at your desk at your new job. Or wearing that skinny new dress you’re about to buy. How about successfully giving that TED Talk in front of an ideal audience? So if you blow it today or tomorrow – just start again the day after. Tenacity is modeled in nature and we would do well to follow our Mother’s example. Everything starts here, with a commitment / intention to change, held for even just a few seconds a day. About the authors: Francine Haydon and Patricia Garry are the authors of Right Brain/Left Brain: Use Everything You’ve Got to Create a Great Life! They facilitate workshops based on their popular book. Francine is an intuitive tarot and palm reader, energy worker, teacher, and owner of Sea Angels Cruise and Inner Wellness Conference. francine.haydon@ fuse.net, 513.248.8772, www.foresthouseofhealing.com Patricia is a spiritual reader, teacher, healer, and writer. patricia@patriciagarry.com , 513.281.6864, www.patriciagarry.com

Rev. Francine Haydon

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November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal



Sp tlight Synergy Holistic Health Center welcomes Jennifer Drews, C.Ac. to their dynamic and growing team. Jenn is an NCCAOM board certified acupuncturist and clinical herbalist. She has a B.S. in psychology and graduated from the Chicago School of Massage. She completed her graduate training in acupuncture at The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Jenn practiced in Chicago by integrating multiple modalities and teaching at the school she attended. She currently utilizes acupuncture and herbal therapies to treat a wide variety of conditions including orthopedic complaints, reproductive health, digestive disorders, pain, anxiety, and more. See the Synergy ad in this issue for special offers. 859.525.5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com The New Thought Spiritual Cooperative has a new time and longer program to delve deeper into topics of spirituality, metaphysics and consciousness. The time has been changed to 10-11:30am. The group will now meet once a month. Spiritual seekers in the Greater Cincinnati area are invited to become involved in bring new programs and leadership to the Co-op. The Co-op, a 501(c)3 founded in 2005, meets at Wright Brothers, Inc., 7829 Cooper Rd. in Montgomery. Lauriea@cinci.rr.com. Relationship Coach Joshua Barfelz is starting a Relationship Chat group which will be meeting the first Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at the Covington library starting Nov 6. This group is free and open to anyone wanting to have more connection and passion in their intimate relationships. Joshua is also hosting the first Four Courses of Connection, a romantic dinner paired with relationship-building exercises that reignite romance. This special evening is happening at Orchids on Friday, Nov 15th at 6pm. Cost is $225, space is limited. Find out more about Joshua’s services and these events at www.UnearthThePassion.com. Dingledoddies, a local online editorial launches to connect, inspire, and promote greater consciousness. This cosmic and creative online experience is written by freelance writer and artist, Jessica Dyer. The content will update weekly under six main columns covering a breadth of topics. Jessica aims to bring inspired thought-provoking material to those seeking greater depth in their lives and spiritual practice. Dingledoddies, subtitled Mad to Live an Authentic, Connected Life, offers it᾿s readers a holistic perspective on personal and cultural evolution while celebrating and encouraging a sense of connectedness for the growing community. Please visit www.dingledoddies.com to engage or for more information email Jessica Dyer at dingledoddies@gmail.com


Living W h o l e Journal

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training is being offered at Holistic Connections Healing Center. This transformational 220 hour course is for everyone, whether to become a certified teacher or just to deepen one’s own personal experience of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This course provides a lifelong foundation for a successful yoga practice and the opportunity to gain the knowledge and self-confidence to make a difference in yourself and the world. Course Schedule: Monthly January 24-November 23, 2014, Fridays: 6-9pm Saturdays: 7am-6pm Sundays: 7am-3pm. Cost: $3395. Payment Plans Available. www.HolistiConnectionsHealingCenter.com Now at Blyss Studio in Old Milford, Kristin Henderson, MFA, MA, LMT, is beginning to receive clients. Kristin has been licensed as a Massage Therapist by the Ohio State Medical Board and Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork since 2003. She has worked in private practice, at The Woodhouse Day Spa, the Alliance Institute for Integrative Medicine and SIA Spa. A graduate of SHI Integrative Medical Massage School, Kristin has training in a number of modalities including: Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Ayurvedic Therapies, Craniosacral Therapy, Hot Stone Massage, Fertility and Prenatal Massage, and Reflexology. She is also a Level 1 practitioner of Reiki and Healing Touch. www.blyssyogastudio.com CoCo Creative Wellness is now open for business. Located in Historic Columbia Tusculum, just minutes from The Precinct, this spa offers services in hair, nails, skincare, body/energy work. Holiday promotions are being offered for new clients. 4021 Eastern Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45226. 513.713.1448. www.facebook.com/CoCoCreativeWellness Mary Kraemer, RN, Founder and CEO of Gotta Get Balanced, LLC has earned the following distinction, Certification as a Medical Meditation & Stress Management Consultant. Mary is looking for a small to mid-size company in which to test a Beta Program for Stress Management; Creative Solutions for ‘Success with Less Stress’. To schedule a private consultation or discuss the Beta Program please email mary@gottagetbalanced.com or call 513.271.3525. NatValNa Skincare Studio has just introduced an innovative approach to skincare. Nestled in the Hyde Park community of Cincinnati, they offer custom facials, facial waxing, cosmetic tinting, and body treatments. They invite everyone to experience their organic skin cuisine masks collection that is formulated with herbs, fruits or vegetables and is easy to use at home. Clinical aloe vera based products remove dead skin cells while activating collagen production – the skin’s natural rejuvenation process. Visit them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Natvalna


The World Rests at Night “The world rests in the night. Trees, mountains, fields, and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back into its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Nighttime is womb- time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night.” ~ John O᾿Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom Wishing you and yours a peaceful holiday season. ~ WLJ

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Stone Path by Kent S. Edwards

CD Review Golden World by Lee Harris (Golden World Music, 2011) Lee Harris is an English singer songwriter who has been creating and releasing music since 1998. “I began writing songs quite suddenly, overnight, and they poured out of me at first. This was a surprise and an amazing experience to have at age 21. I love working to create music that others might enjoy, as I know how much the songs and music I’ve heard through my life has enhanced my world,” says Harris. His second album, Golden World, is born from a personal journey. The songs re-imagine universal themes and the fears, loves and hopes of a world in transition. Two and a half years in the making, Golden World was released in October 2011 and is a warm mix of acoustic and electronica which Lee co-produced with Dan Burke. “For me, the crux of this album is a lyric in ῾Time᾿ – ‘Life is dark some days but sunlight will break through.’ Even with the songs where you are looking at difficulties, there is a message of hope, of ‘keep going’ and sonically we aimed to capture that feeling in the productions.” Lee was interviewed by Judy Peace on Waves of a New Age. A link to the full recording of this interview can be found on Waves᾿ Facebook page.

Stone path of creek rock. Each stone has fossilized shadows of an ancient sea. Shard reflections of life that have passed their way. Meditation in making the path. Rejoice when finding the right stone for a puzzled place. Each greeted several times in different ways. Courted and intimate in the affair. Each of us compromising for the fit. Digging out from the sides to accommodate. Digging down to level or filling to lift. Turning in quarters, Turning around, Turning over. Whacking of rubber mallet to draw in tight or persuade. The stones and I relate. We fit. We both have found a place, right now. Some smoothed with muted fossils. Some dimpled and rubbed with time to texture. Bare feet find their confessions from Warm sun or cool from gauze of rain. Sand fills in the gaps. Each stone solid and sound. Proved by those virtues. Their purpose never questioned. They’ve always been a path.

November-December 2013

Living W h o l e Journal


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resource Directory

BERNITA WILSON. Certified Bowen Therapist. 859.750.6790. TUE/WED/THUR. ATimeforStillness.com bernita.wilson.stillness@gmail.com


GAY PURPURA. Certified Transformational BreathÂŽ Coach, 513.259.7284. www.breathe2000.com


ART C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Art Commissions, Murals, Illustration, Classes. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

SPACE AVAILABLE BEAUTIFUL, ENERGIZED SPACE FOR RENT. $15/hour for lovely consult room, classroom and therapy rooms at WholeCare. www.wholecarechiropractic.com 513.489.9515. lisahjames@yahoo.com ROOM(S) FOR RENT. Florence, KY. Appropriate for private sessions, meetings, classes, & gatherings. Spacious with wonderful energy. Please call 859.525.5000. Synergy Holistic Health Center.



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CLASSES & WORKSHOPS THE ELEMENTAL CLEANSE ECOURSE. Holistic cleanse in the comfort of your home. (See ad page 9) www.elementalom.com

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C. PIC MICHEL. Art and Creative Practice. 513.549.4607. www. enlightenmeant.com INNER COMPASS. Meditation, mediumship, manifestation, metaphysics. Joanne Franchina, guest instructors. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com (See ad page 11.)

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Mary Ellen Moore, VCSW, BCT MIMI TAGHER, LAc. Also Craniosacral, TCM. Cincy & N-Ky. 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com CAROL WENTZ RANDACI, L.Ac. Advanced Medical Acupuncture, Past Lives Regression & Energy Therapies. Doctor of Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture Physician (FL). WholeCare in Blue Ash. 513.286.8660.

ASTROLOGY SARAH ANN KOKENGE. Awakening Astrology. Chart readings and consultations. 513.503.3300. kokenge@fuse.net


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REV. FRANCINE HAYDON. Reiki, Kolaimni, Crystal Energy Work. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

Craniosacral practitioner & teacher

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com www.dynamicstillness.com

TESS OLSON. EFT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

directory – “energy healing�. Please place a box around it. PEGGE BURKLEY-SCHNEIDER. Matrix Energetics Practitioner. Reach out to new possibilities. 513.604.8909. backststudio@cinci.rr.com

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BRADEN TRAUTH. Offering Physical, Emotional and Soul healings through India’s hidden Dattatreya tradition and practices. Donation basis. 513.569.2579. ROBERT & LINDA VOGES. (Ro-Lin Pathways,LLC) Reiki Master/Teachers; ThetaHealing; Quantum Light Energy. 812.594.2705. rbtvoges@yahoo.com www.risingsunwellnessspa.com

FENG SHUI CONSULTANT ENERGY HEALERS & HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS ARE YOU SUFFERING? I can help you heal: Louisa Dyer, Metaphysical Minister w/ MA in Holistic Psychology. 513.248.0069 or Info@louisadyer.com. (See ad page 11) CONSCIOUS HOLISTIC HEALING, LLC. Regina Viars, Advanced Emotional Polarity Technique Practitioner (EPT). Gently eliminate that which no longer serves you. 513.520.6300. www.consciousholistichealing.com


A CHANGE OF CHI. Feng Shui Seminars, Parties or Consultations. 513.625.8888.

HEALING CENTERS FUTURE LIFE NOW. Acupuncture, Feldenkrais Method, NLP, Coaching, Massage. 4138 Hamilton Ave., Ste B, Cincinnati, OH 45223. 513.541.5720. www.futurelifenow.com STILLPOINT CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS. Massage Therapy,


Yoga, Shamanism, Counseling. 11223 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 302. 513.489.5302. www.stillpointtherapy.com WHOLECARE. Dr. Jack Armstrong, Holistic Chiropractor. Babies to grandparents. Blue Ash. 513.489.9515. www.wholecarechiropractic.com

Hiking Club CINCINNATI PARKS HIKING CLUB. Free Fitness Program. 513.604.8909. cincyhikingclub@gmail.com www.hikecincyparks.com

www.ahealingplacemassage.com ANDREW LANVERMAN, Licensed Massage Therapist, 513.325.1772. Jane Lanverman, Certified Reflexologist, 513.708.6104. Peaceful Gardens Massage & Reflexology Cincinnati, OH. www.peaceful-gardens.com KENDRA NIESE, LMT. Rejuvenating, deep, yet gentle. Blue Ash. 513.646.3689. ROBERT REPASKY, LMT. Oncology Massage. www.DancingHeartMassage.com 513.505.5737.

HYPNOTHERAPY Mary Ellen Moore, CCHt. Clinical Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing®

859-525-5000 www.synergyholistichealth.com

PEGGY GORSUCH BARKER, MSW, CCHt. 513.895.0384. peggybarker256@yahoo.com TESS OLSON, CCHT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com


NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING LARRY R. WELLS, MDiv, MSW, CADC. Tomorrow’s dreams today. Future Life Now, 4138 Hamilton Ave., Ste B, Cincinnati, OH 45223. www.futurelifenow.com 513.541.5720.

Nutrition JEN MOLITOR. Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, GAPS, holistic nutrition consultations, speaker. 513.226.5895. jen@livingwithmotion.com


JUDI A. WINALL, M.Div., CIH, CLYT. Awaken to the divine presence within you. 513.899.3115. www.SoulEmpowerment.com

PATTI LIGHTFLOWER. Palmistry. Tarot. www.iReadHands.com 513.228.2332.


JUDY PEACE-PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY & TAROT. Tools for transformation and self understanding. In service for 22 years. Available for personal sessions or entertainment. 859.491.7885. silvorwing@aol.com

RON ESPOSITO. Certified life coach. Enneagram teacher/trainer. Addiction recovery facilitator. 513.621.3600. www.GoConscious.com HEATHER GRAY. Martha Beck Certified Life Coach. 513.748.3365. Heather@Vibrant-LifeDesign.com INNER COMPASS. Intuitive life coaching, spiritual entrepreneurship. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com C. PIC MICHEL. Creative Intuitive, Toltec Master Teacher. 513.549.4607. www.enlightenmeant.com

MASSAGE GLORIA ESENWEIN, LMT. ReviveRestore. 513.481.7400.


JACCOLIN FRANCHINA. Certified regressionist; alsopast-life readings. 513.528.5185. www,jaccolin.com


PATTI KESSLER. TRUEHEART ESSENCES. 513.240.1602. www.PattiKessler.com

PSYCHICS & CLAIRVOYANTS INNER COMPASS. Evidential, insightful readings. Joanne Franchina. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

November-December 2013

Victor Paruta Psychic Medium “Accurate & compelling readings” -Cincinnati Magazine 513-929-0406 VictoryofLight.com

SIGNIFICANT HEALING Holisitc Well Care Practice. Karen Jean Berling. Intuitive psychic medium. Private readings, small groups, events, parties. 157 Lloyd Ave, Florence 41042. 859.282.0022. Karenjean@SignificantHealing.com ANNE STEFFEN-RUSSO. Readings, Intuitive energy practitioner, 513.473.7447, by appointment. www.EnergeticAnswers.com

PSYCHOTHERAPY J. CLARK ECHOLS, JR., licensed therapist. Mindfulness and archetypes workshops, anxiety, PTSD, anger, grief, mindfulness training, couples/premarital counseling, cognitive therapies, and support for one’s spiritual journey. 513.284.1236. www.clarkechols.com KAREN A. LEWIS, MAAT, ATRBC. Registered, Certified Art Therapist. 513.721.1454. References. www.TheArtMission.Org TERESA OLSON, PSY.D. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

RADIO PROGRAMs WAVES OF A NEW AGE, WAIF88.3FM. Hosts Tara L. Robinson and Judy Peace. Tuesdays, 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM or listen live at www.waif883.org. Soulfilled sounds and conscious conversation. “Like” us on FB! www.WavesofaNewAge.org

REIKI CARING TO HEAL. Carol Keeney, RN, Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki sessions, classes. 513.888.7622.


Living W h o l e Journal


TESS OLSON. RMT. 513.860.3156. www.teresaolson.com

SALON BACKSTREET STUDIO SALON & PERMANENT COSMETICS LLC. 3720 Woodbine Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45211. 513.662.6559. backststudio@cinci.rr.com www.backststudio.com MONA LISA’S PERMANENT MAKEUP AND TRAINING CENTER. Beautiful. 24 Hours A Day. Everyday. 513.892.1116 Save 50% with this ad.

SHAMANISM GARY MATTHEWS. Counseling, journey, soul retrieval, empowerment, bodywork. Call 513.722.1917 for appointment. www.ShamanicCounselor.com

TARA L. ROBINSON. Keynote Speaker. Corporate, Groups & Schools. Inspirational/Discover Your Passion and Purpose/Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners www.TaraLRobinson.com (New website)

SPIRITUAL CENTERS GARDEN PARK UNITY CHURCH. Rev. Kathy Engelhardt. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd. 45239. ALL ARE WELCOME. Sundays at 11am. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

TAROT CARD READINGS CELTIC TAROT CARD & PALM READINGS/PARTIES. Francine Haydon. 513.248.8772, francine.haydon@fuse.net www.foresthouseofhealing.com

WEDDINGS REV. TERI DODD. Any size wedding. Available also at my home. Ceremonies personalized to the couple. 513.625.8888. REV. FRIEDA HUGHES. Prayer support, weddings, baby blessings, life celebrations. 513.621.2060. www.greatweddingofficiant.com www.marriagechaplain.com

Yoga ELEMENTAL OM STUDIOS. Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, and so much more. Mention this ad to receive your first class FREE. Located in Montgomery and Lebanon. www.elementalom.com

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SPEAKER MARY KRAEMER, RN. Holistic Health & Wellness / Work-Life Balance / Stress Management. CE’s available. 513.271.3525.


n a ma a h t e r o m

DR. MARYANN BARNES. Offering a holistic approach to weight management and nutrition. www.maryannbarnes.com

next deadline: DEC 1 for Jan/Feb issue. Email listings to

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Living is On-Air!

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www.WavesofaNewAge.org. “LIKE” us on Facebook!

Find us at: Waves of a New Age

Tuesdays 3-5pm on WAIF 88.3FM and www.WAIF883.org.

Hosted by: Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace Scheduled Interviews:

Nov 5 - Gloria Charlier, RN/BSN Nov 12 - Brad Warner (author There is No God, And He is Always With You) Nov 19 - Victor Paruta (founder Victory of Light) Dec 10 - Cathy Thomas & Leslie Evelo, PhD. (Spiritual Prescriptions) Thank you to our partner Conscious Living Center!

Check out our website www.WavesofaNewAge .org & Conscious Con Soul-filled Sounds for more information & a complete program guide. RSVP to our weekly “Event” on our FB page.


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Tuesdays with Judy and Ron E

Streaming audio online at www.WaifStrea


calendar of Events NOVEMBER SAT • NOV 2

Dance Your Tata’s Off for Breast Cancer, w/ Barb Merchant, 9-11am, $25. Bank of Kentucky Cntr. 500 Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, KY 41099. 513.474.3685. www.stretchngrowcincinnati.com/AMC Soul Crafting Open House, hosted by Patti Lightflower & Sage Woman, 1-3pm, free refreshments. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com

MON ∙ NOV 4 – DEC 16

Bones for Life, w/Cynthia Allen, 7:30-8:45pm, $105. Future Life Now, 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

MON ∙ NOV 4 - 18

Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement, 7:30-8:45pm, $45. Neck, Jaw & Shoulder Freedom. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

Lightbody Activation & Crystal Bowls, w/ Charmian Redwood, 2:30-5pm, $20. 2434 Grandview Ave, Cincinnati, 808.344.9932. charmiangel40@hotmail.com

TUE ∙ NOV 12

Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. www.infusioncincinnati.com Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati (See page 6)

TUE ∙ NOV 12 & DEC 10

Pet Loss, Mid-month Social Gathering, w/ Tammy Wynn, 6-7:30pm, activity cost. Doing life, dinner, movie, etc. RSVP. 513.489.7297 X 4. www.angelspaws.com

THUR – SAT ∙ NOV 14, 15 & 16

Logical Lessons Workshop. w/Nancy Baxter & Deb Hackett. Thur/Fri 6:30-10pm, Sat 9-6:30pm. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Rd. 513.260.4225. 513.403.0648. nancy@nancyabaxter.com

FRI ∙ NOV 15

Third Friday Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, w/ Patti Lightflower & Sage Woman, 8-9:30pm, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com

SAT ∙ NOV 16

TUE ∙ NOV 5 - 19

Peace is Possible, 4-5pm, free. Video/finding meaning in one’s life/enjoying one’s existence. The Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, 4033 Gilmore Ave, Oakley. 513.981.0111.

TUE ∙ NOV 5 & DEC 3

SAT & SUN ∙ NOV 16 & 17

Rest Assured, w/Larry Wells, 7-8:30pm, $45. Future Life Now, 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com

Pet Loss Support Group, Adults, w/Tammy Wynn, 6-7:30pm, free. Angel's Paws, 11341 Grooms Rd. Blue Ash. RSVP 513.489.7297 X 4. www.angelspaws.com

Usui Reiki Master IIIb Teacher Training, w/ JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, $600. 16 Nursing contact hours. Louisville. 502.777.3865.

THUR ∙ NOV 7 & 21 & DEC 5 & 19

Drum Journey, w/Jayne Cardell, 6-8pm, $25. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com Full Moon Meditation & Crystal Bowls, w/ Charmian Redwood, 2:30-5pm, $20. 2434 Grandview Ave, Cincinnati. 808.344.9932. charmiangel40@hotmail.com Ho'oponopono with Crystal Bowls, w/Charmian Redwood, 10-11:30am, love offering. New Thought Spiritual Co-op, 7829 Cooper Rd. 45242. 513.891.4434. LaurieA@cinci.rr.com

A Course In Miracles, 7pm. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

SAT & SUN ∙ NOV 9 & 10

Spirit Speaks II, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Sat/10-5pm, Sun/1-5pm, $165. Pre-requisite Spirit Speaks I. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com

SUN ∙ NOV 10

1st Anniversary Open House, w/Brenda Ghantous & staff, 1-6pm. Body of Eden Healing Cntr. 2134 Alpine Pl. Lower level/enter fr parking lot. www.bodyofeden.com

SUN ∙ NOV 17

SUN ∙ NOV 17 & DEC 15

Energy Healing. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

November-December 2013

TUE ∙ NOV 19 & DEC 17

Pet Hospice Support Group, Adults, w/Tammy Wynn, 6-7:30pm, free. Angel's Paws, RSVP 513.489.7297 X 4. www.angelspaws.com

FRI ∙ NOV 22

NCGR Meeting, 7pm, 1st meeting free. Astrology-Ethics & Recent Eclipes & Transits. Maderia Municipal Bldg. ncgr.ohiovalley@gmail.com

SUN ∙ NOV 24

Last Sunday Guided Meditation, w/Sage Woman, 10:30-11:30, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com Sacred Union & Crystal Bowls, w/Charmian Redwood, 2.30-5pm, $20. 2434 Grandview Ave, Cincinnati. 808.344.9932. charmiangel40@hotmail.com


Soul Crafting, w/Patti Lightflower & Sage Woman, 1-3pm, $20. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com


Holiday Message Event, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Guest Mediums, 7-9pm, $15, student message event 6-6:30, free. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com Introduction to Positional Release, w/Denise Deig, 7-8:30pm, free. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com


Awakening Through Movement Arts, w/ Denise Deig, 10-5pm, $125. 4138 Hamilton Ave. 513.541.5720. www.FutureLifeNow.com Create an Altar Tray Craft Class, w/Joanne Franchina, 1-4pm, $60. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com Introduction to Drum Circle Facilitation Training, w/Jim Donovan, 11am, pre-reg reqd. $99. Sunova's Belly Dance Studio 1757 Chase Ave, Cincinnati, OH. 513 259 8259.


Bringing Meditation to Life, w/Mary O’Brien, 10-11:30am, love offering. New Thought Spiritual Co-op, 7829 Cooper Rd, 45242. 513.891.4434. LaurieA@cinci.rr.com Meeting Your Angel Guides & Crystal Bowls, w/Charmian Redwood, 2.30- 5pm, $20. 2434 Grandview Ave, Cincinnati. 808.344.9932. charmiangel40@hotmail.com

Living W h o l e Journal


TUE ∙ DEC 10

Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Rohs Street Café, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. www.infusioncincinnati.com Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati (See page 6)

SAT ∙ DEC 14

Inner Flame/Creative Breath & Art Workshop, w/Jayne Cardell & Kristin Henderson, 10-5pm, $90. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com

SAT & SUN ∙ DEC 14 & 15

Usui Reiki I & II, w/JoAnn Utley, 10-6pm, I-$135, II-$185. 8 Nursing contact hours daily. Louisville. 502.777.3865.

SUN ∙ DEC 15

Silent Auction/Soup Event, after service. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.889. www.gardenparkunity.org

FRI ∙ DEC 20

Wyld Womyn Drumming Circle, w/Sage Woman, 8-9:30pm, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com

SAT ∙ DEC 21

Peace is Possible, 4-5pm, free. Video/finding meaning in one’s life/enjoying one’s existence. The Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County, 4033 Gilmore Ave, Oakley. 513.981.0111.

TUE ∙ DEC 24

Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service, 6pm. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Road. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org

SUN ∙ DEC 29

Last Sunday Guided Meditation, w/Sage Woman, 10:30-11:30, free. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com


Palmistry for Self-Awareness, w/Patti Lightflower, 7-9pm, $125/5 weeks. Elemental Om, Lebanon. 513.317.1535. www.ireadhands.com

SAT & SUN ∙ JAN 18 & 19

Awakening the Divine Feminine/Embrace the Goddess Within, w/Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Sat/10-4 pm, Sun/101pm, $155. 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com


Living W h o l e Journal


513.248.9642. www.WholesomeResources.com



At Ease With You, Yoga Spa for you, w/Anelè Woo, 7-8pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio, 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 7pm. Florence/Union. 859.384.4476. cskyrm@fuse.net Spiritually Focused Radio Show, Inner Divinity/ Knowing the Source Within, w/Rev. Louisa Dyer, MA; & co-host Sage Women, 2-3pm, 88.3 FM & live on www.waif883.org. Empower Yourself/Archived shows at www.louisadyer.com Yoga, Anusara, w/Gloria Siry, 7pm, $60/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Yoga, w/BevySue, 6:30-7:30pm. Elisha Morgan Mansion in Gilbert Farms Park, Ross Rd. Fairfield, Oh. 513.867.5348. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, RYT, 10-11:30am, 5:30-7pm & 7-8:30pm. Milford / Miami Township. 513.248.9642. www.WholesomeResources.com


Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 9:30am. Baker Hunt, Covington. 859.384.4476. cskyrm@fuse.net Mediumship Development Circle, w/Joanne Franchina, 7-9pm, $15. Inner Compass, 10901 Reed Hartman, Blue Ash. Pre-reg reqd. 513.587.9855. www.YourInnerCompass.com Yoga, w/BevySue Hammons, 6-7:15pm. Mother Earth, 5158 Pleasant Ave, Fairfield, Oh. 513.894.1131. Yoga, Vinyasa & Meditation, w/Jayne Cardell, 9:15 & 10:30am, $66/6wks. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com

Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 10am. Florence/Union. 859.384.4476. cskyrm@fuse.net Kundalini Yoga, w/Pat Schultz, 6:30-8pm, $54/6wks or $12/drop in. Alexandria, KY. 859.781.6505. Monday Night Delving into Divination, w/Patti Lightflower & guest, 7:30-9pm, $20. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.ireadhands.com Vinyasa Flow, w/Angela Sena, 7-8pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com Yoga, w/BevySue, 10-11:15am. Fitton Cntr. for Creative Arts, 101 Monument, Hamilton, Oh. 513.863.8873. Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, R/CYT, 7-8:30pm. Anderson Sr. Center. 513.248.9642. www.WholesomeResources.com Yoga, Pranayama to Asana, w/Jayne Cardell, 7:15-8:15pm, $66/6wks. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com


Chair Yoga, w/Claudia López, 10-11am. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com Goddess Chakra Playshop, w/Sage Woman, 7-8:30pm, $25. Elemental Om, Lebanon. www.soulcraftings.com sagewomen61@gmail.com Goddess Manifestation Circle, 12-1pm. Elemental Om, Lebanon Studio. Call Sage Woman 513. 490.4693. Kundalini Yoga, w/Catherine Skyrm, 7pm. Baker Hunt, Covington. 859.384.4476. cskyrm@fuse.net Religious Recovery, 7-8pm, free. 13-Step program for those hurt by Religion. 4800 Holiday Drive, Fairfield, Ohio. Wayne@ReligiousRecovery.org Tai Chi for Health, w/Betty Lubrecht, 1pm beginner, 2:30pm intermediate, $66/6 wks. Synergy Holistic Health Ctr. RSVP 859.525.5000. www.synergyholistichealth.com Waves of a New Age, WAIF/88.3FM, w/Tara L. Robinson & Judy Peace, 3-5pm. Interviews with leading authors and teachers. Listen online: www.WAIF883.org Call show to join the conversation. 513.961.8900. www.WavesofaNewAge.org “Like” us on Facebook! Yoga, w/BevySue, 6-7:15pm, 1st class free, 1/$9-3/25-6/50 to be used anytime. Mother Earth, 5158 Pleasant Ave, Fairfield, Oh. 513.894.1131. Yoga, Hatha & Chanting, w/Jayne Cardell, 9 & 10:30am, $66/6wks. Blyss Studio, Old Milford. 513.516.7366. www.blyssyogastudio.com Yoga, w/Julie Lusk, M.Ed, RYT, 10-11:30am & 7-8:30pm Miami Township / Milford.



Guided Meditation & Crystal Bowls w/Charmian Redwood, 7-9:30pm, $20. 2434 Grandview Ave, Cincinnati. 808.344.9932. charmiangel40@hotmail.com


Qigong Classes, 9-10am. Samara Yoga, 907 W North Bend Rd. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com DivineEnergyWorks@gmail.com Yoga, w/BevySue, 10-11:15am. Fitton Cntr. Creative Arts, 101 S. Monument Ave, Hamilton, Oh. 513.863.8873.


Adult Learning & Sharing Mastermind Prayer Group, 9:30-10:40am. Garden Park Unity Church, 3581 West Galbraith Rd. 513.385.8889. www.gardenparkunity.org Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cinti, 10:30am. See ad. 5701 Murray Ave. 45227.

H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S 513.218.2128. www.cslgc.org Divinity Spiritual Church Service, 11:30am. 4800 Holiday Dr. Fairfield, OH 45014. 513.892.0623. Garden Park Unity Church, w/Rev. Kathy Engelhardt, 11am. All are welcome. See ad. 3581 W. Galbraith Rd, 45239. 513.385.8889. www.GardenParkUnity.org New Thought Unity, 10:30am service. All welcome. 1401 E. McMillan, E. Walnut Hills. 513.961.2527. www.ntunity.org Sunday Service, 9:50-10:20am/healing, 10:30am/service. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church (USCL). 9772 Princeton - Glendale Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45246. www.uscl.org Worship, w/Clark Echols, Preacher, Christian Swedenborgian. All Welcome. Glendale New Church, 845 Congress. 513.772.1478.


Yoga in Portuguese, w/Claudia L贸pez, 5-6pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com


Infusion Cincinnati, 6:30-7:30pm, free, donations accepted. Talk + Music + Connection. Join

the brightest game-changers in town to light up the city! Rohs Street Caf茅, 245 W. McMillan St. 45219. www.infusioncincinnati.com Facebook: Infusion Cincinnati (See page 6)


Laughter Yoga/Joyful Healing LY Club, w/Judi A. Winall & Pam Hall, 7pm, free. www.laughteryoga.org Sharonville Library 513.899.3115. www.joyfulhealinglaughter.com


Meditation class, w/Gary Matthews, 7-8:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Fri. Shamanic Journey class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302, Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


Shamanic Journey class, w/Gary Matthews, 6:30-8:30pm, $20/class, $30/incl. 2nd Thurs. Meditation class. Stillpoint, 11223 Cornell Park Dr. Ste 302. Blue Ash. 513.489.5302. www.StillpointTherapy.com


A Course in Miracles Study Group, w/Jeanne Uhl & Mary Claybon, 6-7:30pm. Montgomery

November-December 2013

Let Us help with your advertising needs! Affordable graphic design Ads start at $59 513.752.9288 ads@wholelivingjournal.com

area. Info. 309.8377. Yoga in Italian, w/Claudia L贸pez, 5-6pm. Samara Yoga, 907 West North Bend Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224. 513.305.5463. www.samara-yoga.com


All Message Service, 7-9pm, $10. Messages from the Spirit World. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church (USCL). 9772 Princeton - Glendale Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. http://www.uscl.org/


Read-N-Feed, 12:30-2:30pm, $10/lunch/reading, $5/ additional reading. United Spiritualists of the Christ Light Church (USCL). 9772 Princeton - Glendale Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. http://www.uscl.org/

next deadline: DEC 1 for JAN/FEB issue.Email listings to events@wholelivingjournal. com. Format: day of week, month date, title, presenter, time, cost, location, contact info. We will list 5 events, up to 20 words ea., for FREE as part of our commitment to support our community.

Living W h o l e Journal


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        COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE ontgomery Dental Medicine is like no dental office you’ve visited. Dedicated to your total wellbeing, our staff forms long-term relationships with you and your family built on open, honest dialogue and a thorough knowledge of all the factors that impact everyone’s health. Our approach is successful because it’s a more sensitive process of listening to your thoughts, questions and concerns.


AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER HEALTH o you wake up exhausted? Are you fatigued during the day even though you get a “good night’s sleep”? Do you suffer Insomnia and CFS? Do you wake up with a headache? Do you have head, neck or jaw pain? For 27 years, Dr. Bosma has enjoyed marked success relieving headaches and migraine symptoms, TMJ pain and dysfunction, stiff and painful neck and shoulder muscles, and an extremely successful natural sinus regimen to ease nasal breathing effort. Our integrated approach combines multiple preventative medicine disciplines. Since our healthcare professionals have over 60 years of combined experience, we’re able to exceed your expectations and achieve our goal of improving your quality of life.



Living W h o l e Journal

BREATHE MORE LIFE INTO YOUR BODY noring and sleep apnea lead to low oxygen levels in the body. In turn, this leads to physical problems people don’t usually associate with sleep issues. They affect your life at home, on the job, and your relationships. Dr. Bosma helps patients who snore through a unique system of evaluation and treatment called Oral Systemic Balance. Breathe more life into your body! Call us for information or to schedule your sleep evaluation.




oes your smile make you feel confident and attractive? Or, do you cringe when you have your photo taken? Have you lived with discolored teeth, chips or cracks, or mottled coloring for long enough? Transform your smile in as few as one or two visits to Montgomery Dental Medicine. Find new confidence and take years off your looks!

New Patient Offer

We’ll repair your older bridgework (cracks, chips and discoloration), and we can close up gaps between teeth. We are committed to making you feel and look your best. WHY CHOOSE MONTGOMERY DENTAL MEDICINE? ur practice is different. Yes, you’ll see us for routine checkups, cleanings, x-rays, whitening, fillings and, yes, sometimes for serious work. But we also are laying the groundwork for a long-term relationship with you and your family—one that will help you all enjoy better health for life. We’re treating you, not just your teeth!


Go south out of Old Montgomery. Cross over Ronald Reagan Hwy. Turn left at 1st light into Montgomery Station Office Condos. Right at 1st stop sign into our lot. Still not sure? Please feel free to call us for directions. 513-891-5860.

New Patient Offer

Free Consult

$159.00 VALUE

$125.00 for Exam

Headache, Jaw & Neck Pain, Snoring, Sleep Apnea and

Cleaning and 4 Bitewing X-Rays

C-PAP Intolerance Some restrictions may apply.

Free Home Care Kit Some restrictions may apply.


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