elcome fellow food lovers! We hope you enjoy this month’s offerings--from an interview with the founder of the Urban Homestead, to visiting with master macrobiotic chefs, and the personal satisfaction of one gardener’s community experiences. Also, beginning with this issue there’s a food column dedicated to healthy, natural recipes. Call it “the slow food movement”, the grow your own, or the gourmet sustainability revolution--our intention is to bring you tasty tidbits of info each month about the foods we love to eat and to grow--- especially in our own backyards or from local, organic providers. The Whole Person Calendar is committed to sharing the things we hope are most important to you, dear reader. As we expand our vision for the magazine, we hope you too will continue to expand your own sense of possibility. More than ever before, to live as a truly conscious being has become inseparable with how we work, how we vote, how we care for others, and how we eat. This is an exciting time for of all us at The Whole Person; thank you for being part of it. -The Whole Person Team THE
Calendar of Events in Southern California
P.O. Box 2667 Santa Barbara, CA 93120 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersoncalendar.com www.wholepersoncalendar.com
In This Issue
Pasadena Homestead - Part I: An Interview with Jules Dervaes
One Garden at a Time - Building regional food networks
Going to Seed: An Interview with Eric & Sanae
The Harvest of Our Lives - Sacred Tours in England
The Mystical Wisdom of Tarot
The Healthie Foodie - A New Column!
TM 2009
Typeset by Connie Kudura, Prototype, Eugene, Oregon
Issue 9
THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR is devoted to supporting activitieand events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles,and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness. wellness.
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Event Listings
Each event listed is $20.00 or FREE with paid display advertising. Please submit one listing for each event (typewritten copy preferred). If you wish to send multiple entries, EACH LISTING must include an address and/or telephone number. Any activity which is conducted on an ONGOING basis need only be listed once, if you prefer (i.e. Ongoing Mondays, Tuesdays, etc. or in Ongoing Everyday for “by appointment” entries). CLOSING DATE is the 15th of the month prior to the cover date of the issue in which the listing is to appear. As this is a monthly publication, the cover date is the 1st of each month. When preparing your submission, the following information is requested: Date, title, and time of the event, a 20 word description, the name of the individual or organization, address, contact phone, email and website.
$25.00 / 12 issues
Please enclose a check or money order with your name and address to: P.O. Box 2667, Santa Barbara, CA 93120.The current issue is sent to you FREE. Subscriptions start with the first of the following month.
The entire content of THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is copyright by Farris Design. The trademark, THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable its accuracy is not guaranteed. Photo reproduction and copying is prohibited.
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PREREGISTRATION – FUTURE EVENTS – THE AMAYA CENTER PRESENTS AN AFTERNOON OF PROFOUND SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT, on Nov. 7, 4-7:30 pm. World renowned spiritual teacher, channel and hands-on healer, Amaya will be leading a Group Channeling at a home in Pacific Palisades. Amaya has a sterling reputation built over 27 years of connecting her clients with their own divinity. Workshop includes a spiritual lesson from the archangels and Ancient Ones, along with Q&A’s and personal healings. $40/person. For info and/or to reserve your space, contact Georgea, 310/7028233, grm626@aol.com, or visit www.amayacenter.com/tours.
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SOUND HEALING WEEKEND INTENSIVE workshop takes place Dec. 5 and 6, with Wayne Perry, Sound Healer, Toning Channel and host of radio and TV’s Heart Touch Show. Only $249 with this ad if registered by Oct. 15 (regularly $375). Sound Therapy Center, 618 N Orlando #6, West Hollywood 90048, 323/655-7781 for info and registration; or visit www.wayneperry. com. PREREGISTRATION OPEN FOR: SELACIA’S FREE INTRO SEMINAR, “Responding to the Changes of the 2012 Window, on Oct. 10, 7:309:30 pm. Attend this experiential seminar to receive spirit’s view of today’s unique times. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W. Hollywood 90069. Preregistration required online: www.Selacia. com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, Nov. 27-29, 9 am-6 pm. Join accomplished Medical & Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose. Free intro night on Nov. 9, 6:30-9 pm. Learn to look inside the body and heal it, how to cultivate a Theta brain wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, opening psychic senses, remote viewing, body scanning, and much more. For testimonials visit www.dnathetahealing.com. Held at School of DNA Theta Healing™, 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. Call 877/DNA-THETA to register. INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS WITH AMAYA, a renowned spiritual healer, channel and teacher. Available for appts Nov. 1, 2, 6, 8 and 9 in WLA. Amaya will be offering some of the following: channelings, healings, past life regressions hypnosis and breathwork sessions, $125/person. Amaya has a sterling reputation of 28 years connecting individuals with their own divinity. She is a gifted healer and intuitive counselor and her work has been transformational to many. Contact Georgea for info/reservations: 310/702-8233, grm626@aol.com, or visit www. amayacenter.com/tours. PREREGISTER FOR: FEMALE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH RETREAT, to be held Oct. 10, 9 am-8 pm, in Palos Verdes. Every woman is welcome to this intuitive female retreat to discover how to tap into their own fountain of youth. We will be clearing “aging” energy, restoring “youth” energy, replenishing “beauty” energy. Includes intuitive classes, healings, breakfast and lunch. Held at Mary & Joseph Retreat Center. $130 with early registration. For more information and to register call 702/245-2099 or email info@IntuitiveSpirits.com. Taught by clairvoyant healer Karin Fogerty. THE RAINBOW PATH RETREAT, preregister for this Nov. 5-8 event at Sunburst Sanctuary. Learn the liberating Sunburst Kriya II meditation technique. Discover the healing power of your
own inner rainbow. Create a fulfilling, loving life with the Eightfold Path of Conscious Living. Meditation, Transformation, Illumination. Prerequisite: At least 6 months Kriya 1 practice. Sunburst Sanctuary, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org, email ContactUs@SunburstOnline.org. PREREGISTER FOR: THE ART AND SCIENCE OF RAJA YOGA, a 12-week class series Nov. 3Jan. 26, 7:30 pm, $299. This series offers complete overview and immersion into Patanjali’s Yoga. Learn philosophy, meditation, postures, diet, affirmations, and much more. Ananda Los Angeles, West Hollywood, 310/396-9900, ananda@anandala.org, www.anandala.org. PREREGISTER FOR PUBLIC DARSHAN WITH MIRABAI, to be held Nov. 1, 2:30 pm, at Soul of Yoga. At Soul of Yoga, 681 Encinitas Blvd. #305, Encinitas 92024, North County San Diego. Info: 760-216-1029, www.mirabaidevi.org. PREREGISTER: ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL SOUND HEALERS TRAINING WORKSHOP, Dec. 12-14 with Wayne Perry, Sound Healer, Toning Channel and host of radio and TV’s Heart Touch Show. Prerequisite: attendance in the Sound Healing Weekend Intensive within the last 3 years. For info and registration: 323/655-7781, www.wayneperry.com. MEDICAL MARIJUANA EVALUATIONS available in Lancaster, Northridge, Chico and Santa Barbara. Call to preregister for upcoming clinics. Use cannabis legally. 24/7 phone and online verifications and doctor-patient confidentiality. Call toll-free for info and appointments. Natural Care for Wellness, 888/420-NATURAL or see our website for clinic dates and more info at www.naturalcare4wellness.com. PREREGISTRATION OPEN FOR: SELACIA’S FREE INTRO SEMINAR, “Responding to the Changes of the 2012 Window”, Oct. 26, 7-8:30 pm. Attend this experiential seminar to receive spirit’s view of today’s unique times. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. At Co-opportunity, Santa Monica. Preregistration required online: www. Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. PREREGISTER FOR: LIGHT AND RENEWAL RETREAT, Dec. 31-Jan. 3 at Sunburst Sanctuary. Learn the liberating art and science of meditation. Awaken to the divine light and presence within you. Refresh your spirit amidst abundant natural beauty and project your intentions for the new year. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. A SPIRITUAL EVENING WITH AMAYA, A “Healing the Healers” workshop, on Nov. 4, 7:30-10 pm. A special class for those who practice the healing arts or interested in doing so. Amaya will teach about energy blocks in the body and how to release them. Participants will get a chance to learn new techniques, have questions answered, along with personal sharings. Amaya has a sterling reputation of 27 years of connecting individuals with their own divinity through channeling, bodywork and intuitive counseling. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave., W. Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. Free, valet parking $5. Individual sessions for $125 also available. Info/reservations: Georgea 310/7028233, grm626@aol.com, or visit www.amayacenter.com/tours. PREREGISTER FOR UPCOMING REFLEXOLOGY CLASSES, offered by the American Academy of Reflexology, near Santa Monica: Condi-
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DESERET TAVARES, celebrity psychic, is one of the nation’s most gifted intuitive life coaches. Her distinctive, highly cultivated skills have led her to open an outpost of spiritual growth in the City of Angels, where she offers instruction in the arts of meditation, tarot, energy healing, spell crafting and psychic development. The M YSTIC ’ S ALTAR features a wide array of altar tools and services geared to helping others create the lives they desire. Appointments are available for Deseret’s highly sought after coaching sessions, readings, and workshops.
Pasadena Homestead - Part I
For the Children: An Interview I met with the Dervaes family on a sultry sunny day. Our surroundings were something to behold; every bit of earth bursting with life, no ground left unplanted. Bees and butterflies hovered over everything from gourmet lettuces destined for local restaurants, to twisting vines of an Italian heritage squash, grown on arbors creating much-needed shade. We sat on a porch surrounded by fruit trees, flowers, and the sound of contented chickens proudly announcing newly-laid eggs. All of this—including two pygmy goats and several ducks — supported, maintained, and held to organic and sustainable standards by the hard work and passionate love of Jules Dervaes and his grown children. Those familiar with the slow food and sustainable-practices movement are probably already aware of Pasadena’s Urban Homestead. The micro-farm, established in pursuit of a low-impact lifestyle within the city, has gained a following of those who appreciate the Dervaes’ quest for self-sufficiency. Supporters will have even more to look forward to, as the family has produced Homegrown Revolution, a film being shown at festivals as far away as Rhodes, and as close to home as the Blue Planet Film Festival in Santa Monica. The whole family will travel further this year, taking their film as far as Italy and New Delhi. But the Dervaes family has had more time in front of the camera than you would expect — the homestead is also the subject of Homegrown, Robert McFall’s documentary that focuses on daily life at the micro-farm, and the reality of living almost completely off the grid. The Whole Person Calendar had a rare and wonderful opportunity to visit and talk to the Dervaes about their lives. What follows is the first of a two-part interview— a conversation with Jules Dervaes, next month, a talk with Anais, Justin and Jordan, the rest of the family.
Sharon Hall: How did the homestead first start? When did you decide you wanted to live a different way? Jules Dervaes: Well, it was out of college, reading Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and seeing the mess we were in. There was a lot of acid rain in New Orleans, where I was. The motivator was the Vietnam War. There were people leaving the country, not only because of the draft, but because of the consumer mentality too. Everybody was about ‘me, me, me.’ I thought about going back to the old ways; the harmony, tranquility, even the slowness. I didn’t really like the fast-paced world. Figured I was a ‘born in the wrong century’ type of person.
I bought this land close by so I could walk, but I thought it was just a residence, and I would leave after I figured out what I wanted to do. I began to look for a place where I could find what I needed —and settled on New Zealand because it felt like people were living in the old days. I was there less than two years. After a twenty-five year detour, I reintroduced my family to what I had learned and that lifestyle. SH: What was it like in New Zealand? JD: I owned a piece of land, became a bee-keeper, brought in chickens, ducks and goats and had an outdoor toilet. Well, actually, I moved it inside but it was still a five-gallon bucket. My first carpentry work I ever did was to make a toilet seat! That was my carpentry experience; I had to have somebody actually teach me, you know, because when you’re born and raised in America, you’re not a carpenter. I learned from people there — how to do woodwork and gardening, beekeeping and mechanical work. It was like a new birth. SH: So, why did you come back? JD: Because of our baby, Anais. We experienced two floodings. Right before we left, I was in the process of building a
cement wall, trying to keep the water out of my place. Without it, I didn’t think I would be able to hold back the river. Hearing it in the middle of the night, it was a real roar--water rushing down like you’d see on TV. Every time it rained I was on edge because it really poured; it wasn’t like the drizzle here. It was a big motivator to leave. Also, both sets of grandparents were in the states, and nobody was willing to make that trip. We went back for a vacation and my dad convinced me, my mother didn’t want to let go of the little baby — her only grandchild at the time. My dad helped get me started in Florida, where I tried to do the same thing I was doing over in New Zealand, but it never really panned out. Florida isn’t the same. SH: How did you end up in California? JD: There was a school I wanted to go to in Pasadena. They needed someone to manage and maintain all the fountains, streams and pools. I bought this land close by so I could walk, but I thought it was just a residence, and I would leave after I figured out what I wanted to do. But this was a rich, really nice area — it was an adventure. I took my kids to the parks. We’d take goats for walks down Arroyo Seco, under the Colorado Bridge. Someone said, “That’s a funny looking dog.” SH: I understand that you started growing your own because Monsanto was going to genetically alter the food? JD: At the time, we were buying taco shells from Vons, and they had gotten into the Taco Bell. Starling corn was only supposed to be fed to animals, but you can’t tell with corn. Somehow the shipments got mixed; it was in the papers. I hit the roof because I couldn’t believe I was doing that to my children. I’m responsible for what goes into their mouths. Everything that’s given by a parent to a child, the child accepts. I said to heck with that, I’m not going to be stuck with a nightmare on my conscience. I’m not a scientist — I can’t investigate everything that comes into the house. I said, I’m going to grow as much as I can here. So I did the best I could, and we started growing food in the back yard, where I had already been growing and selling edible flowers.
with Jules Dervaes SH: Were they—the vegetables--a hard sell? JD: Initially we said we’ll just make up a sample of our tomatoes, whatever we have, and drop it off. After we dropped the samples, people called and said, “Can you bring me more of those?” It wasn’t a hard sell once people had tasted. SH: How many restaurants would you now say are using the produce from your property? JD: We had more, for a while we had a lot. We dropped down to just the locals, so now we have three restaurants that are regulars, and then a few come in seasonally or they have special orders. Then one place asked us to pay insurance when we weren’t making anything, anyway. SH: That brings up another question; I know that you don’t have insurance…that is a huge issue for people right now. JD: It’s scary if you think about how sick everybody is. But I choose to invest on the (continuedon on page page 54) (continued )
The Dervaes family, from left to right: Jules, Jordan, Anais, and Justin; butterfly enjoying a sip; solar panels on the roof; “Lady Fairlight”, our Nigerian Dwarf doe; eggs from happy chickens and ducks.
One Garden At A Time by Dulanie Ellis-La Barre
he green revolution certainly does mean something different today than it did 50 years ago. The first “Green Revolution” was directly after World War II, when the government decided that agriculture could benefit from better living through chemicals….and a highly subsidized Industrial Agri-business was created to cure world hunger by eliminating pests and producing bumper crops. And they did it…..for a little while anyway. I say ‘a little while’ because 50 years is merely a hiccup of time in the thousands of years that we humans have cultivated crops. However, little did anyone anticipate what unintended environmental consequences would arise from the chemical, and fossil fuel dependent, monocropping food system – that we’d develop superbugs needing ever more potent poisons, or Monsanto patents for “terminator” seeds that won’t reproduce, or dead zones where nothing can live in the ocean from agricultural runoff, or food trucking thousands of miles, or 10 calories of energy required for every 1 calorie of food …. and a world burning up. Clearly, we need a new model. Good news -- there are many new models springing up. In fact, there is a worldwide food revolution going on, and we are right smack in the middle of it! People are reclaiming their own food sovereignty, demanding their basic human right to eat delicious, nutritious, affordable, culturally appropriate food. Epicureans are joining the Slow Food culture in defiance of fast food, indigenous farmers are joining the international peasant movement Via Campesina, public seed exchanges in India are flaunting patent
laws, urban families are supporting small farmers through membership shares in the farm, and a resurgence of the Victory Garden movement is sweeping our country. When the Ojai Valley Green Coalition got started a couple of years ago, Food & Agriculture became one of the committees along with watershed, energy, transportation, green building and others. It took us about a year of wondering how to get people to do what they “should” to eat right and steward the land. How were we ever going to really manifest any kind of effective change? Everything just seemed so dire and hopeless. Then it dawned on me….. I wanted to have FUN. I wanted more friends I wanted to grow lots of food and transform my yard and I wanted help doing it. As it turned out, so did others. So we started meeting in each others’ gardens. We brought delicious food to share with our questions and our wisdom and our laughter. Once a month wasn’t enough, so we started gathering every two weeks and the group took off! Then we hooked up with a fellow who had started the Grow Food Party Crew, assisting people to install vegetable gardens and edible landscaping. Designed like an old-fashioned barn-raising, we invite friends and neighbors to come with tools to dig, music to set the pace, potluck meals to fuel us and a party attitude. Voila! The garden is a done deal in about 2-3 hours, start to finish, and new friendships bloom amidst the rows. New people are inspired to put in their own garden, or
volunteer to team-garden someone else’s. The only caveat to receiving a garden is that you agree to be a Party Crew member for someone else, so it’s neighbors helping neighbors, paying it forward. One by one, gardens started going in. Then we got together with our local youth foundation and had a marathon-planting day, with teams spreading out all over the Valley, and a robust 20 gardens were in by sunset! You can’t imagine the high that comes with that kind of group energy and intention. The day before installation, we all met for a quick class in Gardening 101 and plant distribution. It was Christmas in July, as we lay out stacks of tomato cages, bean trellises, bags of soil amendment, tomatoes, cukes, eggplant, squash, beans, herbs, and beautiful flowers. It was a madhouse of happy, giggling adults and children loading up their cars with the booty. Talk about a party. One place had about 20 people, ages 3 to 73, all grooving to reggae, wheelbarrowing loads of compost, digging holes, nestling plants, mulching with straw, watering the beds and each other in hose fights and transforming an entire front yard to edibles. The Culinary Club was born to hold cooking workshops and socials. After all, if you’re going to grow all that fresh food, you better learn how to prepare it. The first Recipe Swap & Tasting Social was held as a picnic in a shady backyard. Twelve feet garden fresh delicacies for tasting, with 20 copies of the recipes ready to take home. Someone played guitar. It was such a rave success, we decided it must be a quarterly event featuring the crops from each season. (continued page50)) (continued on on page
���� OPEN ���� HOUSES ����� Feb 1 & ������ March 1 ������� • 150-hour Massage Technician • 550-hour Massage Therapist • 250-hour Package
tion Specific Foot Hand Ear Reflexology, Oct. 17-18; Beginning Foot Reflexology, Nov. 7-8; Beginning Hand & Ear Reflexology, Nov. 14-15; and Advanced Ear Reflexology, Dec. 5-6. For complete schedule of classes call toll-free 866/588-8885. AAReflex@aol.com. www. AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com. PREREGISTRATION FOR SELACIA’S WORLDWIDE GROUP CHANNELING and Circle of Healing on Oct. 17 with The Council of 12. Attend in person (Santa Monica) or call in from any location. Receive personal healing while helping to heal y our world. Preregistration and $30 prepayment required at http://www.Selacia.com (EVENTS). Info: 310/915-2884, Selacia@Selacia.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 1 METAPHYSICAL TRUTH CLASS, a New Thought look at 11 aspects of life and Spirituality including man, faith, prosperity and love. Based on the book Foundation Stones of Truth by Gladys Grief, this 6-week class is taught by Rev. Mary Ann McAfee on a free-will offering basis. Meets Thursdays through Nov. 5, 7-9:30 pm. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regressions services for first-time clients, $50 off single sessions, $100 off packages of 4 sessions. Services include Past Life Regression & Ancestral Soul Healing, Shamanic & Traditional Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Spiritual Counseling and Clairvoyant Readings. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. COME JOIN US AT THE CRYSTAL STONE GAL-
LERY and get a bit of earth’s energy for your spirit. Grand Opening Oct. 1 in Woodland Hills. 21908 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, 818/3355362. IPSB OPEN HOUSE—FREE TO THE PUBLIC, at LA’s most innovative body therapy school, come meet the staff, see a demonstration and learn about opportunities in the field of bodywork. Starts 7:30 pm sharp. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www. ipsb.com. SOUL DANCE CLASS, dance to the rhythm of the Soul. Have a deep experience of yourself through movement. Have fun discovering your Spirit. Contact Alisha Hayes, alisha@soulsdance.org. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BREAST THERMOGRAPHY AT TAO OF VENUS HEALING CENTER. Go Pink and prevent cancer before it begins. Be part of our Community of Change and change breast cancer statistics, prevent cancer with the women in your life. $50 off for each person for groups if 8. Breast Thermography can detect physiological patterns of breast cancer up to 8 years before cancer cells are large enough to be detected by mammography. For info visit www. gopinkpreventcancer.com, www.taoofvenus. com, or call 310/775-3388. THE TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, lecture by Etan Boritzer, 7:30-9:30 pm, donations welcome. Info: 310/621-2144, www.veronicalanebooks.com. A review of the basic principles which Siddatha Gotama himself taught to the order of monks, nuns and laity. Basic Buddhist concepts derived directly from the canonical discourses (suttas) of the Buddha himself. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
7:30 PM
VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $1200 OFF INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/822-3833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com. ACHIEVE SACRED BALANCE by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, 5 miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www. SunburstOnline.org. FOR CONES AND FREE EAR CONING INSTRUCTIONS, call 310/455-8623 or visit www. coningcompany.com. Credit cards accepted. DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net.
FRIDAY, OCT. 2 ARE YOU IN OR OUT OF BALANCE? An MSIA video presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA, who asks, “How do you get assistance from the Divine?” The answers are in this fun, deeply moving and informative seminar. 7:30-9 pm, Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA
10 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org.
Inner Silence & Soul Awakenings Presents
Michelle Francine Nephew Intuitive Counselor Practitioner Conscious Channel / Angel Shaman
Michelle is a natural intuitive born with all her gifts from Source. What she offers is years of knowledge and a clear connection to spirit to bring pure guidance and learning to assist in awakening your consciousness. Michelle has been called to offer the following:
Spirit Sessions
In these group sessions you will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of modalities from our panel of intuitive counselor practitioners. The panel will consist of conscious channels, healers, astrologers and more. The panel will consist of 3 panelists up to 6. In the sessions our intuitive practitioners will connect and communicate with different energies such as angels, masters, teachers, celestial energies, spirit guides or your Akashic record. During the sessions our practitioners will be guided to random individuals to bring to them specific messages and possibly conduct energy shifts for persons’ spirit wants to touch. Pre-register to guarantee a seat and for discounted price Cost: $40 per person (pre-registered) $50 per person (day of event; after 4 pm) To reserve your space call 1-800-530-6926 Panel Hostess: Michelle Francine Dates: October 9 & October 23, 2009 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (check-in 6:15 pm)
Awakening Consciousness “Developing Your Awareness”
This class helps you learn and build your understanding of your intuitive abilities. Each class will practice various techniques such as Psychometry, Photometry and how to use divination tools. You are not required to have previous experience but do need to have an open mind. This is a hands-on class so be ready to use your intuition. Location: Akashic Bookshop & Center 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, Ca. 805-495-5824
For more information about Michelle and class days and times go to:
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CRANIOSACRAL UNWINDING I, an introduction to the craniosacral rhythm and its manifestation. Students acquire skills for palpation and evaluation of fascial restrictions and learn various sacral and cranial techniques for energetic release. No prerequisite. Fri, Sat & Sun, 9:306:30 pm, $360. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. NEW AGE BIBLE INTERPRETATION, Vol. 7, by Corinne Helene, 7-8 pm, class every other Friday (Oct. 2 & 16), donation. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. VICKI REINER’S WORKSHOP, for more information on this and other workshops, visit www. true-insight.com. 7:30-9 pm. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211. FREE CLASS! INTRODUCTION TO MODALITIES, 6:30-8:30 pm. Come and learn about Hands on Healing’s Craniosacral and Massage Therapy Jobs courses. Earn 2 free CE clock hours. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi. org. SPIRITUAL CINEMA NIGHT, showing “The Shadow Effect.” Dinner 6:30 pm, movie 7 pm, all for $10. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. We dine together, watch this fabulous new Debbie Ford movie and discuss it afterwards. Bring a friend, have a great date night! Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com. QUANTUM-TOUCH CONFERENCE & DEMO, Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. All participants will get a chance to try out a mini Quantum-Touch session (demo) during the conference. Includes a discussion of the underlying principles and concepts regarding QT healing energy and its origins. $15, a marvelous evening of energetics. Info: www.healing-energetics. net, 310/775-3388. ANGELIC ALCHEMY workshop with Mark Mezadourian, 7:30-9:30 pm, $20, $17/students and seniors. Info: 310/220-5455, www.MarkMezadourian.com. Angelic Alchemy is the process of transforming your experience from fear to love. Gently guided by Saint Germain and the Angelic Realm, we release tar-like qualities of fear and cease playing by the rules of time and space. The peace that emerges from these insights is pervasive and powerful. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 3 PEOPLE & PET COMMUNICATION AND HEALING FAIR, everyone welcome, free healings for people and pets. Bring your pets on a leash or in a cage so that they are comfortable; bring a
picture if you can’t bring them in person or just bring yourself! 1:30-3:30 pm. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. WOMEN’S GROUP led by Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. This gathering of women is a time of sharing and discussion on women’s issues and spiritual growth. This month’s topic: “Juicy Living.” Meets on the 1st Saturday of the month, 1011:30 am, no charge. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. BASIC INTEGRATED ENERGY HEALING TRAINING (IET), 10 am-6 pm, Glendale, $188. Everything you need to do a powerful Integrated Energy Therapy® session on yourself or another person. A wonderful complement to other holistic techniques such as massage, Reiki and Therapeutic Touch. Includes 26-page guide and official Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic Level Certificate upon completion of training. Visit our website for a full description and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us at 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. THE ABUNDANCE® OF THE FEMININE & MASCULINE ESSENCE, workshop with Jaquelin Levin, pioneer of Biodanza®, Dances of Life, open to women and men, 1:15-4:45 pm. $50/ person, advance registration required. Open your sense of joy, awaken your essential instincts for a healthy life, release our bodily arguments resulting from the stresses of modern life. No dance experience required. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. EMPOWERING INTENTION, viewing of DVD featuring Nick Arizza, 10 am. With Dr. Margie Ann. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. BREAK THRU YOUR MONEY BLOCKS & ATTRACT MONEY LIKE CRAZY, 11 am-3 pm, Westlake Village. The top 50 money blocks will be removed and replaced with your personal manifestation. With Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. For info and registration call 805/5069460, or visit www.help-healing.com. THE MUSICAL BODY: THE ISON METHOD, discover your musical body for deep relaxation, insight and life changing access to your essential self. David Ison (www.themusicalbody.com) is an internationally recognized pioneer in the use of sound and meditation for healing. Learn to balance your emotional, mental and physical bodies. Half-day workshop includes organic lunch and a copy of his Chakra based program. 10:30 am-2:30 pm, space limited, $75. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www. soulcentered.com. RHYTHM OF SPIRIT WORLD HEALING CEREMONY, with Ikakiaayo, shaman and teacher of the ancient ways, speaking on “Shamanic Vision Quest & Altered States,” with the Wild Rose Drum Team. 6:55-8:55 pm, $10 suggested donation. Spiritual Unity Movement, 9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills (previously Sepulveda). Info: Patrick Harbula, 866/204-2261, www.spiritualunitymovement.org. EMF BALANCING TECHNIQUE Personal Growth Training, learn this powerful yet gentle energy healing system to use on oneself, family and friends. Introductory class today, Universal
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Church of Truth “Let your light so shine”
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12 Calibration Lattice, $90; Phase I follows Oct. 4, Balancing Head & Heart. 9 am-4 pm, preregistration required. Facilitator: Mary Jayne Collins, Ph.D., angelbridge.maryjayne@gmail.com. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. ANTI-AGING & LONGEVITY LIFE-FORCE ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM: Vital Energetic Balancing, with Mony Vital, Ph.D., 3-5 pm, free demonstration and presentation. Info: 888/2257501, www.VitalBalancing.com. Learn about an advanced quantum physics technology unlike anything you have ever experienced. See how it works and receive a free energetic evaluation chart (normally $300). Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. TRANSFORMING FEAR: Reclaiming the Ability to Trust, with Linda P. Brown, workshop, 7:309:30 pm, $40. Info: 909/621-2816, www.LindaPBrown.net. Trust is a need and once this need is understood, felt and accepted, trust becomes a way of living, enriching and enhancing every area of one’s life. Linda will teach esoteric knowledge, then finish with a beautiful guided meditation. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.
SUNDAY, OCT. 4 VERY, VERY PSYCHIC DAY: Got questions? Ojai’s finest psychics are here to answer them from 11 am-5 pm. Advanced sign-ups are welcome. Free lectures as well. (If you have something to share/teach, this is an opportunity to come speak for 20 minutes in the Dome. Please write your proposals to diane@soulcentered. com.) Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/6408222, www.soulcentered.com. 818.956.0125
403 S. Central Ave., Glendale, CA 91204
FREEDOM FROM FEAR! Thousands helped by author Vernon Howard’s marvelous message. Find relief at last! Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org. NAVIGATING THE GREAT TRANSITION, with Robert Wilkinson, author, lecturer and metaphysical astrologer. 11 am service. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. FENG SHUI 101, 3-4 pm, Glendale, free. Join our resident Feng Shui expert, Tess Whitehurst, to transform your relationship with your home through learning basic Feng Shui principles to bring harmony and balance into your living space. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline. com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. FREEDOM FROM NOT ENOUGH, with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth. org. EAR CONING CLASS is offered on the 1st Sun-
day of each month by Valerie Anne Kirkgaard, PhD. www.coningcompany.com. Since 1992, coning and manufacturing premium quality rose cones. For details call 310/455-8623. FULL MOON with Robert Wilkinson. The full moon energies and radiations are important for attunement as they bring fresh impulses to man and nature. Full moon charts for LA and Washington DC will be presented. 10 am, New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Donation. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. 8TH ANNUAL WEST HOLLYWOOD BOOK FAIR, 10 am-6 pm, at West Hollywood Park, 647 N. San Vicente Blvd., CA 90069. Info: www. WestHollywoodBookFair.org. Free, with free parking at the Pacific Design Center. Come and enjoy a celebration of books and visit The Bodhi Tree’s booth! Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY HEALING, 4-5 pm, Glendale, free. Join Lauren Serna, energy healing practitioner and trainer, to learn about what energy healing is and how you can use it bring about healing in y our life. Learn about the steps necessary to become a certified energy healing practitioner and a qualified instructor. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. THE COMING SPIRITUAL RENAISSANCE, free workshop with Barbara Y. Martin, 3-4:30 pm. Info: 818/353-1716, www.SpiritualArts.org. Discover how to better tune into your life’s purpose and make your contribution to the Divine plan and the spiritual renaissance that is unfolding. Barbara is an internationally renowned clairvoyant, author and spiritual teacher. Her book, The Power of Your Aura, is the recipient of the Benjamin Franklin award. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. VIBRATIONAL ENERGY HEALING CIRCLE, 56:30 pm, Glendale, $11 donation. An experiential evening of teaching, learning and giving and receiving energy healing treatments. Open to people with all levels of experience, all healing modalities are accepted. Children free with an adult or guardian. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/9560125, info@indigorisingonline.com.
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YES, IT IS BODY, MIND & SPIRIT! It is What You Read and Hear Repeatedly… A free workshop with Dr. Kam Yuen, 7-9 pm. Info: 818/347-4382, www.YuenMethod.com. Tired of hearing the same information? Dr. Yuen’s presentation is not the same information. How about getting better every time so you don’t have to wait for and expect a miracle to get you better? After all, a miracle is an accident that comes once in a while. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com.
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OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4
14 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910 LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed.
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THETA HEALING at HEAVEN ON EARTH *Theta Healing Basic DNA Oct. 16, 17 & 18 *Theta Healing Advanced DNA Oct. 23, 24 & 25 7122 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles
call to reg. (310) 804-3093 www.heavenonearthla.com
PSYCHICROBIN.COM, PsychicMom.com is internationally known as RobinZodiac.com, and hosts a ‘live’ Cable Radio Network show 8-9 am every Sunday PST. For your on-air sample reading, the station number is 800/336-2225. You can chat during the show ‘live’ at http://psychicdomain.com/chat.html and listen at http://www. CRNTalk.com. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at www.eckharttolle.com, visit http://etolle.meetup.com/258/. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE: Realize Your Potential, a Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www. MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, OCT. 5 SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides participants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. SUCCESS, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY IN 5 MINUTES A DAY! Reprogram the most powerful part of your mind to achieve success, happiness and prosperity in less than 5 minutes per day. This workshop explains in easy to follow steps the Mental Bank Program. This program puts you in the driver’s seat for success. 7-9 pm, a free class offered by HMI’s nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy. Call Romy to reserve your seat, 818/758-2747, www.hypnosis. edu. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL:
10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/9889006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, workshop series with Kelly Morgan, meets Mondays through Dec. 14, 7-10 pm, $385. Info: 310/8393424, www.creativelife.com. Dramatically improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com.
TUESDAY, OCT. 6 THE CRAFT CONNECTION with Lady Deberah, open to the public, for women and men, 7:30-10 pm, $8/person. The Circle of the Craft invites you to our open circle for an eve filled with magick and spiritual enlightenment as we celebrate the Goddess and God in our sacred space between the worlds. Info: 949/716-9004. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. T.M. KNOWINGNESS HEALINGS, 7:30-8:30 pm, please arrive by 7:30 pm. The cleaning of energies that would interfere or inhibit the natural ability of the spirit to heal the body. Everyone welcome. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. A MYSTICAL JOURNEY IN 22 STEPS, learn to use the power of the 22 major arcane tarot cards to align your spiritual path and co-create the highest, best, present and future you are meant to express. Meets once a month, 7-9 pm, $40/ session, includes materials costs. Facilitator: Donna. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. BRIDGING THE AFTERLIFE WITH THOSE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD, psychic readings and healings, discussion, with John J. Oliver and A. J. Barrera, 7:30-9:30 pm, $99. Info: www.JohnJOliver.com, visit www.brownpapertickets.com/
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Spiritual Learning & Healing Center
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event/74406. Open your mind, open your senses, and experience the afterlife in this one-time event with 2 of America’s premier psychic intuitives. They will engage audiences with riveting messages from the spirit world, provide intuitive counseling, personal readings, and psychic healing. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a studentteacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal. com.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7 CANCEL MISTAKES & GRIEFS! Thousands helped by author Vernon Howard’s marvelous message. Find relief at last! Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed.
True Insight
Spiritual Learning & Healing Center
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“Everyone is Welcome!” ������������������ ����������������� ��������������������������
CHAKRA FOODS FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH: A Guide to the Foods That Can Improve Your Energy, Inspire Creative Changes, Open Your Heart, and Heal Body, Mind and Spirit, author Deanna M. Minich, Ph.D., C.N. discusses and signs her book, 7:30 pm. Info: www.RedWheelWeiser.com. This book takes the approach of changing your relationship with food to heal not only your physical ailments but your emotions, thoughts and subtle energy. The book can be quickly flipped through for the advice you need, or can be worked through chakra by chakra. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
Special Lectures & Events
Sunday Get-Together
“What makes you Happy?” Celebrating Druidism Sunday, Oct. 11, 10:45 am-1 pm “Everyone is Welcome” ������������������������
Communication & Healing Nights!
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T.M. Knowing Healings ��������� �������������� ������������ �����������������
pm, $15. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/6408222, www.soulcentered.com. DAYS OF HEALING, free lecture presented by Alexander & Carolin Toskar, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: www.AlexanderToskar.com/LA.html, email loveall@me.com. “Divine Straightening” with spine healing aligns the spirit, cleanses the soul, straightens the spine, corrects scoliotic pelvis and creates harmony. Alexander and Carolin support people around the world to align their spirit and create access to their souls. (Healing sessions available by appt. on Oct. 9 and 11.) Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org.
DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net.
METAPHYSICAL TRUTH CLASS, a New Thought look at 11 aspects of life and Spirituality including man, faith, prosperity and love. Based on the book Foundation Stones of Truth by Gladys Grief, this 6-week class is taught by Rev. Mary Ann McAfee on a free-will offering basis. Meets Thursdays through Nov. 5, 7-9:30 pm. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
CARDS OF YOUR DESTINY, an ancient science blending astrology, numbers and “playing” cards. Use Destiny Cards to learn more about yourself, your relationships and others. Radio personality Lisa Osborne leads this fun class where you learn about your personal cad as well as how to start doing your own readings. 7:30-9
HOW CLOSE ARE YOU TO GOD? An MSIA video presentation in English and Spanish featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA, who points out that God is in everything and everywhere. Join us as we hear sto-
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ries that exemplify this spiritual law. 7:30-9 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137,registrar@peacelabyrinth.org,www.peacelabyrinth.org. BOOK SIGNING: “THE NEW MEDITATION HANDBOOK: Meditations to Make Our Life Happy and Meaningful,” 7-9 pm. Book signing and discussion with Angie Kane of the Prajnaparamita Kadampa Buddhist Center, on the new book by the Center’s director, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. A simple, sincere guide to Buddhist philosophy and meditation techniques, providing 21 contemplative meditations to systematically guide a seeker to enlightenment. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. PREGNANCY/INFANT MASSAGE, 16 hours, meets 2 Fridays, 10 am-7 pm. This course for CMTs, taught by John McEnany, covers the physiological changes the contraindications for massage during each trimester of pregnancy. A full-body routine will be taught, as well as postpartum techniques and a massage routine for infants. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. SPIRIT SESSIONS, an opportunity to experience a wide range of modalities from a panel of intuitive counselor practitioners, including conscious channels, healers, astrologers and more. Our intuitive practitioners will connect and communicate with different energies (angels, masters, celestial energies, teachers, spirit guides, Akashic record). 6:30-8:30 pm. Preregister to guarantee a seat and for discounted price, $40 preregistered, $50 day of event (after 4 pm). Call
1-800-530-6926. Panel hostess: Michelle Francine. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. Visit www.iinnersilence.com. REIKI HEALING NIGHT, in Glendale (La Crescenta). Experience Reiki in an experimental and relaxed atmosphere. Discover how Reiki helps your health and stress concerns. All welcome. 6:30-9:30 pm, $10 suggested donation, no preregistration required. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 10 INTERPLANETARY PROCESSION & DOVE RELEASE, 2-3 pm, a highlight of the Conclave celebration, at Balboa Park Organ Pavilion in San Diego. The colorful procession culminates in a proclamation for world peace and the release of 33 white doves. This exciting event is open to the public. For more info call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. FEMALE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH RETREAT, 9 am-8 pm, in Palos Verdes. Every woman is welcome to this intuitive female retreat to discover how to tap into their own fountain of youth. We
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will be clearing “aging” energy, restoring “youth” energy, replenishing “beauty” energy. Includes intuitive classes, healings, breakfast and lunch. Held at Mary & Joseph Retreat Center. $130 with early registration. For more information and to register call 702/245-2099 or email info@IntuitiveSpirits.com. Taught by clairvoyant healer Karin Fogerty. BODY SPIRIT PROGRAM, 1:30-3:30 pm. Body and Spirit communication coming together. For detailed info visit www.true-insight.com. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211. AWAKENING THE INNER GODDESS: Women’s Healing Weekend, Oct. 10-11, 10 am-6 pm, Glendale, $188/one day or $366/both days. An incredible opportunity to grow, bond with Spirit and make new and powerful connections with self and others. An amazing line-up of workshops including Mudra Circle, Spiritual Dance for Weight Loss, Feng Shui, Intuitive Art workshop, Awakening the Inner Goddess meditation and healing circle, Belly Dancing, Crystal Bowl Chakra Clearing, and much more. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. OPEN HOUSE AT UNARIUS, 4-6 pm. Featuring a performance by the Unarius choralliers, And the Angels Sing, an enlightening film about the Interplanetary Confederation, a visionary art exhibit and displays depicting Earth’s positive future. This event is open to the public and takes place at the Unarius Academy in El Cajon. Info: 800/475-7062, or visit www.unarius.org. CONCERT WITH STEPHANIE BERTUCCI & FRIENDS, 7 pm. An evening of music and stories, love songs, Broadway show tunes and
Going to Seed: Together, let’s experience the beautiful ocean, blue sky, and good food here at Seed…and may this enliven and inspire you to plant your own seeds of change. From the SeedKitchen Mission Statement-by Eric Lechasseur and Sanae Suzuki
t had been a long day. I’d flown into LAX late, hungry, and exhausted. I was on my way to a small macrobiotic restaurant in Venice Beach, owned and operated by Chef Eric Lechasseur and his wife, Sanae Suzuki. I’d spoken with the couple via phone, but had yet to meet them, or to experience the food. I had read about his fame as the pastry chef at M Café de Chaya. I knew of Senae’s illness and subsequent healing from cancer due to Eric’s macrobiotic cuisine. My publisher had lunched there recently. She’d told me that when she put the food in her mouth, it was beyond delicious; she’d felt an alive quality in every bite. I had yet to experience Seed for myself. In our phone conversation a week earlier, Eric, Sanae and I had talked about mugen, their retreat near Yosemite in North Fork, and about their personal journeys, food wise and spiritually: Sharon Hall: Tell me about mugen. I haven’t seen too much publicity, just what’s on the website. I think that would be good information for people to have. Eric: That actually came from Sanae, mugen. That’s also our company name. Sanae: In Japanese, mugen means infinity. We’re going to the infinity. When I started learning macrobiotic, this was one of the big things I learned; nothing stays same; constantly things change. SH: Constant change, yes—the law of the universe. S: Exactly. We are coming from infinity and we’re going back to infinity; we’re just here traveling. When I decide to put together business with Eric, I brought the name, mugen. We decided to name our place in North Fork, mugen . We may cook for people who stay; and we may give some
An Interview with Eric & Sanae kind of a class. I also do macrobiotic counseling when I’m there. SH: Do you cook there, Eric, and do classes? E: I’m not doing classes, although there have been requests…it’s mostly like a bed and breakfast. Sometimes they just stay in the kitchen with us if they want to cook, be around and help…They just want to be around and see how we live day to day.
change my diet. People are surprised; they think we just cook this way at the restaurant, but we’re really eating something else at home. But this is everyday food for us; sometimes it’s more wide and open—I do make Italian pasta—but other times its brown rice and beans and gomashio {a delicious macrobiotic condiment}. For us, the restaurant food is a little bit fancier…but it’s always vegan, basic food.
SH: Let’s publish it in the Whole Person, so everyone reading will know:
For the record, Eric and Senae are not moving Seed anytime in the near future!
SH: Wow. Was that a difficult adjustment for you—being a classically trained French chef and all? E: Kind of. Not just the cooking, but giving up animal food because that was a big part of my diet. But, I had a big problem; either I had to take medicine all the time, or I had to
SH: You have a background in Japanese cooking as well, right?
SH: Isn’t macrobiotics like the traditional Japanese diet? E: Yes, but even in Japan you don’t see too much of traditional ingredients like kudzu or umeboshi paste anymore. When we went there to teach cooking classes, a lot of people realized this was stuff their grandmothers were using.
SH: By the way, I read in a blog something about moving. You’re not moving anytime soon are you? E/S: Wow. That’s news to us!
SH: I’d like to talk about your switch to macrobiotics, Eric. I know Sanae’s been macrobiotic for many years, but how long have you been strictly macrobiotic? E: Almost 17 years.
SH: That’s astonishing. Most people can’t do it like that. E: I wanted to see results.
E: Yes. I went to cooking school in Japan, and I learned the basics of Japanese cooking.
SH: I’m very impressed by your commitment to green living (see their impressively green mission statement at: www.seedkitchen.com) S: You know, we’re not trying to do anything perfectly. Our compost is really nothing special. We throw stuff into this container outside. It’s kind of just sitting there, so some people might say that’s not really great compost. But, we use organic vegetables; why should we just throw the leftovers in the trash? So we put it in the compost.
E/S: We may open another one at some point, but we are not moving.
went cold turkey. One day I just stopped— meat, butter—I stopped everything; the dairy, eggs—that was it; I never went back.
SH: Suffering can sometimes actually help people when they need to make changes. E: Yes--I felt that I didn’t really have a choice. The medicine that I was taking just didn’t work anymore. My problem was getting worse, and I couldn’t even do my day to day life. My hands had fungus all over; I was bleeding, dry—I couldn’t work well. SH: Was it Sanae who first turned you on to macrobiotics? E: Yes, because she was already doing it. Actually, I was cooking for her; I just didn’t eat it. I mean, I had some here and there, but I was still cooking at a restaurant—eating butter, and all the rest. A year later I had to decide: okay, I’m doing this for me, or not. I
S: My next book--love, Senae-- has a section of macrobiotic Japanese food. It’s not really macrobiotic. It’s Japanese food. Still Japanese culture has retained a bit of the traditional Japanese way of eating. That’s why Japanese food is still the basic form of the macrobiotic diet. When I teach my cooking classes, of course 80% of my ingredients tend to be in the Japanese style. When Eric does a class, he does it more Western. But, he does a traditional way of using the ingredients—no preservatives, fresh, organic whenever possible. SH: I’m drawn to the fact that you intended this as a healing cookbook. S: Yes. love, Sanae is most of the foods I ate when I was trying to recover from cancer, and from when I had a car accident and was bed ridden for a year. It’s different from the restaurant food. My main clients and students…they want to learn the basics. If they want the gourmet style, they might find it a little bit boring, but when you learn something, you learn from the basics. When you learn to play the piano… (continued on page 60)
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more. Love-offering basis. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. REIKI ART/MASTERY, Oct. 10-12. Deepen your Reiki connection. Create healing grids, aura clearing, more. Repeated reattunements strengthen your energy, learn to teach others. 9:15 am-7 pm (1 pm lunch), $875. Prerequisite: 6 months of Reiki 2, register at www.ReikiMastery.com. Videos on YouTube, Nursing & NCBTMB CEs. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com. RETHINKING NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES, viewing of DVD featuring Dr. Raymond Moody. 10 am, Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. ADVANCED CIRCULATORY MASSAGE CLASS, mastery and expansion of foundational circulatory massage skills is this class’ objective. Includes discussion of cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, and application of tai chi principles at the massage table. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training + Core Skills for transfer students. Meets Saturdays through Oct. 24, 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $360. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. PENDULUM PARTY CLASS, 12-4 pm (includes lunch break), $30 plus $10 materials fee. A pendulum is a tool used to access the higher mind
and read subtle energy frequencies. You will create a unique and personal high-quality crystal point and stone bead pendulum that will assist you in accessing your intuition. Hands-on workshop with Tracey Boyer, Awakening Consciousness Seminars (www.traceyboyer.com). At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. SELACIA’S FREE INTRO SEMINAR, “Responding to the Changes of the 2012 Window, 7:309:30 pm. Attend this experiential seminar to receive spirit’s view of today’s unique times. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W. Hollywood 90069. Preregistration required online: www.Selacia. com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. SATSANG IN MALIBU, 2:30-4:30 pm. A genuine Guru comes to Malibu. Meet Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Bring your spiritual questions, life problems and thorny addictions, and get real answers. By donation. Malibu Library, 23519 W. Civic Center Way. The Bodhi Center,
310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. BOOKSIGNING: “BRIAN’S LIST: 26-1/2 Easy to Use Ideas on How to Live a Fun, Balanced, Healthy Life,” with G. Brian Benson. His book was the winner of a 2009 Next Generation Indie Book award for best self-help book. 1 pm. Visit his website at www.brianslistbook.com or www. gbrianbenson.com. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. BEING PSYCHIC workshop with Margaret Mary Fitzgerald, author of The Lost Gateways, 3-5 pm, $7. Info and RSVP: 213/880-2119, www.ThePathoftheHeart.com. Mary will share her experiences of living as a psychic in our modern culture. How does one live with psychic talent? How does one deal with friends when you see things you cannot share? Select readings will be given as time allows. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.
SUNDAY, OCT. 11 SELF-HEALING WORKSHOP, discover how by changing yourself through past-life awareness you can help bring peace on Earth. This participatory, self-healing workshop takes place at the Unarius Academy in El Cajon, 2-4 pm, $15. For info: 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org.
SPIRITUAL HEALING ON THE TELEPHONE with Master KHOI VU In the last ten years, hundreds of patients have recovered from their incurable diseases. Thousands have found Peace of Mind, by listening to the Self Healing Kit at home and from healing on the telephone. Master Khoi Vu uses the Power of Mind to cure patients from far away without the use of any drug or medicine. Visit www.healingbyspirit.com to see more “miracle’ healing stories of the patients all over the world!
For information call: 714-454-4571 or email to:
(See The Ongoing section in this magazine for a description of this spiritual healing.)
‘BEYOND SELF’ EVENING, 7:30-9:30 pm. This satsang with Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya includes profound meditation and deep de-conditioning work. By donation. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter. net.
LIVE YOUR OWN FREE LIFE! Thousands helped by author Vernon Howard’s marvelous message. Find relief at last! Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org.
SUNDAY SERVICE: HOMECOMING!! “We’ve Only Just Begun!” with Rev. Dr. Dona Byrns. Today is the 85th Anniversary of the Church of Truth in Pasadena. Join us for this very special event; the Church has not only been at the same location for 85 years, it is also a City of Pasadena Cultural Heritage Landmark. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
IN MEMORY OF FOX NGANDU, Teacher, Lecturer and Astrologer. 11 am service, New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346.
SUNDAY GET-TOGETHER & WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? This month we focus on the Druidism Faith. 10:45 am-1 pm. Everyone welcome. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/6402211, www.true-insight.com. DETACHMENT AND FREEDOM WORKSHOP, join us and explore how attachment to a point of view, old habit, or behavior can lock us into something that no longer serves us. Learn how to experience the true freedom that resides within you. 2-5 pm, free, refreshments served. Contact Debbie Roth at 323/737-4055, ext. 1179 or email debbieroth@msia.org. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.
LYMPH DRAINAGE INTRO, 8 CEUs, with Dan Cohen. At IPPT in North Hollywood, 10 am-6 pm. To register call 888/988-IPPT (4778). OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910 LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. PSYCHICROBIN.COM, PsychicMom.com is internationally known as RobinZodiac.com, and hosts a ‘live’ Cable Radio Network show 8-9 am every Sunday PST. For your on-air sample reading, the station number is 800/336-2225. You can chat during the show ‘live’ at http://psychicdomain.com/chat.html and listen at http://www. CRNTalk.com. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at
Master Khoi Vu healing on the radio in Southern California
www.eckharttolle.com, visit http://etolle.meetup.com/258/. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE: Realize Your Potential, a Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www. MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net.
The lotus ower is a symbol of spirituality; with its roots deep in earthly mud, it grows upward towards the sky, its petals opening at dawn to receive our star, our sun. The lotus is my totem ower, always reminding me to rise from the mud & reach for the stars - fullling the sacred work of our soul; healing as above & so below.
Past Life Regression & Ancestral Soul Healing Shamanic & Traditional Hypnotherapy Intuitive Spiritual Counseling & Clairvoyant Readings
All classes are RSVP only/Email/call to reserve
Learn to write from your spirit self, hypnotic suggestion & chakra opening exercises. Release the idea of a writersí block, & communicate harmoniously with your inner critic. For experienced writers AND newly emerging writers. RSVP only! Sunday, October 18th / 6:00-9:00 / $35
See the answers all around you and divine answers through nature. Nature spirits are compassionate beings in an intimate co-existence with us. Learn the language of nature & how to interpret the signs to receive powerful answers. This is an experiential, outdoor/indoor workshop (light walking required). RSVP only! Sunday, October 25th / 6:00-9:00 / $35
RenÈe Starr, CH /CI, takes hypnotherapy to a new depth with her unique & powerful techniques: Shamanic Hypnotherapy & Ancestral Soul Healing Regressions.
Former proprietress of ALKIMI, she is certied as a; hypnotherapist, instructor of hypnotherapy, and past life regression counselor. She is also a shamanic practitioner, crystal/pyramid energy healer, clairvoyant medium & reader, intuitive spiritual counselor & offers her services, classes & retreats in the US & throughout the world.
323.632.0947 / lotustarr@hotmail.com / www.lotustar.net
at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides participants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org.
Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097.
MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN MAN, 7-8:30 pm. A 4-week course in ancient Buddhist mindfulness, as interpreted and adapted for today’s fast-paced scientific world. Experience “The Profound” and “The Ultimate” directly though these unique and original one-hour guided journeys of contemplation and deep seeing. Ideally suited for the modern mind and available exclusively at The Bodhi Center. Registration required, $99. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net.
FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
INTERMEDIATE TAROT, hone your skills as a tarot reader. New layouts will be introduced and demonstrated on student volunteers every night. Prerequisite: Beginning Tarot or a knowledge of the tarot cards. 3-weeks series (Oct. 12, 19 & 26), 7-9 pm, $34/session or $93 paid in advance, plus $8 materials fee. Facilitator: Wendy. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996.
BOOKSIGNING: “ARCHANGELS SPEAK,” and discussion with author Margaret Doner, 7-9 pm. Margaret is a remarkably gifted channel and spokesperson for the angelic realm. All in her presence receive both personal teachings and beautiful and radiant angelic healing light. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com.
JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation.
QIGONG CLASS: GENTLE MOVEMENTS FOR PEACE & HEALTH at Burbank Occupational Health Center, 3413 Pacific Ave. #104, Burbank. Every Tuesday, 9:30-10:30 am, $5. Contact Antoinette, 818/378-3396, Antoinette@movingintopeace.com.
THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, workshop series with Kelly Morgan, meets Mondays through Dec. 14, 7-10 pm, $385. Info: 310/8393424, www.creativelife.com. Dramatically improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month pro-
GARUDA EMPOWERMENT & TEACHING WITH DUNGSE RIGDZIN DORJE RINPOCHE, presented by the Zangdokpalri Foundation, 7:309:30 pm, lecture, $40 donation. Info: 323/8645503, www.zangdokpalri.org. The King of Birds, Garuda, is the wrathful manifestation of pure
IPSB MASSAGE TECHNICIAN COURSE, become a professional massage practitioner, learn holistic bodywork techniques, state approved, CE units for RNs. Meets Monday-Thursday 9 am-1 pm, ends December 17. Advance registration required. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly
gram integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/9889006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell).
Open first to the bounty of loving within you and access the divine blessings alive and present all around you. A Live Internet Broadcast event with John Morton, MSIA’s Spiritual Director & co-facilitated by Emmy Award winning actress Leigh Taylor-Young
S O , : PDT Or be a part of the live audience at 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica Registration starts an hour before the event. Refreshments will be served. This free broadcast is based on John Morton’s book, You are the Blessings a practical guide on finding the blessings in everyday life. Available at Amazon.com
For more information visit: www.msia.org, or call: 323-737-4055 or email: tonie@pts.org The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Visit www.msia.org/archives to view past Internet Broadcasts on topics such as happiness, peace, prosperity, forgiveness, and loving.
awareness. The profound practice of Garuda allows one to access the power of their own awareness to purify and eliminate ignorance. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a studentteacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal. com.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14 CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. END SUFFERING & HEARTACHE! Thousands helped by author Vernon Howard’s marvelous message. Find relief at last! Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT with Rev. Jan Storm, 7:30-9 pm. Allow your inner beauty to open up
and flower, become the magnificent being you were meant to be. Studying Universal Laws, we will become more spiritual and enlightened. Info: 714/357-0144. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. ANTI-AGING & HORMONES, 7 pm. Are you wondering why your get-up-and-go got up and went? If you are low on energy, turning gray, moody, losing hair, gaining weight, or have osteoporosis, you may have a hormone imbalance. Proper hormone balance can prevent or reverse many of the effects we associate with aging. If you bristle at the idea of toxic prescriptions and their side effects, come and learn how Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils may be able to help you restore your vitality. By RSVP only. Redondo Beach, 310/540-6640. 5TH ANNUAL “A TASTE OF THE FUTURE” FUNDRAISER, featuring Michael Pollan, awardwinning author of In Defense of Food and The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Gourmet fundraiser dinner at the beautiful Rancho Arroyo Grande. A celebration of Central Coast food and farming, and an exploration of some of today’s most challenging issues in food production. Proceeds benefit sustainable agriculture programs at Cal Poly. For information on tickets and sponsor opportunities, contact the Sustainable Agriculture Resource Consortium, 805/756-5086, www.sarc.calpoly.edu. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness www.msia.org
previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 15 5TH ANNUAL “A TASTE OF THE FUTURE,” featuring Michael Pollan, award-winning author of In Defense of Food and The Omnivore’s Dilemma. A celebration of Central Coast food and farming, and an exploration of some of today’s most challenging issues in food production. Today: A special public event at Cal Poly Performing arts Center, plus Sustainability Fair at 10 am. Proceeds benefit sustainable agriculture programs at Cal Poly. For information on tickets and sponsor opportunities, contact the Sustainable Agriculture Resource Consortium, 805/756-5086, www.sarc.calpoly.edu. HARMONY CIRCLE LUNCHEON, MEETING, 12 noon. This special group formed in 1926 and continues to meet in warm fellowship and loving support of the Church of Truth. There are no dues, and we invite all interested to join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month for a smorgasbord luncheon, business meeting and program. Cost: $4 for luncheon. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all world religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905. Website: www.churchoftruth.org. LEARN THE ART OF NOURISHING, BALANCED & ORGANIC VEGAN MACROBIOTIC CUISINE with Diane Addison. 6 pm, $35, includes dinner and recipes. At Westlake Yacht Club, 32123 W. Lindero Canyon Rd., Westlake Village. Please RSVP by Oct. 12 to Diane@DianeAddison.com or 818/706.1888. For complete menu visit www.DianeAddison.com. Mail check to 4607 Lakeview Canyon Rd. #101, Westlake Village, CA 91361.
Effectively Evolve Negative Thought Patterns
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SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BREAST THERMOGRAPHY AT TAO OF VENUS HEALING CENTER. Go Pink and prevent cancer before it begins. Be part of our Community of Change and change breast cancer statistics, prevent cancer with the women in your life. $50 off for each person for groups if 8. Breast Thermography can detect physiological patterns of breast cancer up to 8 years before cancer cells are large enough to be detected by mammography. For info visit www. gopinkpreventcancer.com, www.taoofvenus. com, or call 310/775-3388. VIBRATIONAL HEALING OPEN HOUSE, Q&A, Toning Circle. Presented by Wayne Perry, internationally renowned sound healer and host of TV’s Heart Touch show. 7-9:30 pm, must RSVP in advance. The Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, West Hollywood. 323/655-7781, www. wayneperry.com. PREREGISTRATION DISCOUNT through today for: Sound Healing Weekend Intensive workshop which takes place Dec. 5 and 6, with Wayne Perry, Sound Healer, Toning Channel and host of radio and TV’s Heart Touch Show. Only $249 with this ad if registered by Oct. 15 (regularly $375). Sound Therapy Center, 618 N Orlando #6, West Hollywood 90048, 323/6557781 for info and registration; or visit www. wayneperry.com. RAW FOOD FOR REAL PEOPLE: Living Vegan Food Made Simple by the Chef and Founder of Leaf Organics, author Rod Rotondi discusses and signs his book, 7:30 pm. Info: www.LeafOrganics.com. In his book he melds social activism and award-winning cuisine to change the world one bite at a time. He offers simple and delicious eco-friendly recipes for dishes field-
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tested in his restaurants. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org.
FRIDAY, OCT. 16 THETA HEALING BASIC DNA COURSE, Oct. 16, 17 & 18, 9 am-5 pm. Theta Healing is a powerful energy healing technique that has helped people achieve miraculous instant healings and profound life transformations. Learn this miraculous tool to create health, wealth and happiness for yourself and others. Students will be certified as ThetaHealing practitioners. Cost: $550 if preregistered by 10/9; $595 thereafter; $100 deposit holds your space and locks in your price. Call for more information and to register: 310/804-3093, or email stahsha@aol.com. Heaven on Earth Holistic Living Center, 7122 Beverly Blvd., Suite E upstairs, LA 90036, www. heavenonearthla.com. KINGDOM OF HEAVEN: LET’S GO GET IT! An MSIA video presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. His talk captures the essence of practical spirituality and puts it out there so we can practice it. 7:309 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. QIGONG CLASS: GENTLE MOVEMENTS FOR
PEACE & HEALTH in Studio City. Every Friday, 10:30 am-12 noon, $10. Contact Antoinette, 818/378-3396, Antoinette@movingintopeace. com. HOW TO WALK THE EARTH AS A GODDESS, booksigning and discussion with author Sharon Rose Washington, 7-9 pm. Her book is an inspiring guide for women of all ages, a timely publication that responds to crucial issues of women’s self-esteem and personal empowerment during one of the most challenging times in women’s history/herstory. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. REIKI HOLISTIC HEALING DEMONSTRATION at SMC, 6:30-9:30 pm, $20 preregister or at door. Experience Reiki in an experimental and relaxed atmosphere. Discover how Reiki helps your health and stress concerns. All welcome. At Santa Monica College, 3171 S. Bundy Dr., Room 123 (building on long driveway just south of Airport Ave. on Bundy Dr.). Register at 310/434-3400, http://commed.smc/edu under Stress Reduction. Questions: Reiki Master/ Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. GUARDIANS OF BEING, author Patrick McDonnell discusses and signs his book, 7:30 pm. Info:
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TRANSFORM EVERYTHING WITH LOVE Mirabai Devi in Southern California, Fall 2009 Friday, October 23, 2009 • 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 24 • 7 p.m.
Sunday, November 1 2:30 p.m.
in Santa Barbara An Evening of Healing, Kirtan, Experiential Learning and Joy! $35 in advance; $40 at the door Yoga Soup, 28 Parker Way , Santa Barbara, CA 93101 To register, contact: events@yogasoup.com Info: www.howardwills.com, 805-965-8811
at a beautiful home in Ventura, CA For more information, please contact: honoringspirit@yahoo.com or info@mirabaidevi.org 760-216-1029 or 805-760-8399
Public Darshan
Mirabai Devi & Howard Wills
Public Darshan
Soul of Yoga 681 Encinitas Blvd. #305 Encinitas, CA 92024 North County San Diego
For more information, please contact: info@mirabaidevi.org or call 760-216-1029 www.NewWorldLibrary.com, or www.EckhartTolle.com. This wonderfully unique collaboration brings together 2 masters of their fields, joining original words by Eckhart Tolle with delightful illustrations by Patrick McDonnell, the creator of the comic strip “Mutts.” The book celebrates the wonder and joy to be found in the present moment. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 17 UNIQUE ENERGY BALANCING, 6:30-8:30 pm, held on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Join Sandi Duncan and the Quantum Energy Workers to experience this dynamic approach to holistic health. $25 suggested love offering; limited to 20 clients per session. Call church office for instructions and to reserve your space, reservations necessary. Church of Truth, inclusive of all world religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905. Website: www.churchoftruth.org. NEW MOON DRUMMING for women, with Liz Prall, 7-9 pm, doors open 6:30 pm. $10/person or 2 for $10 if you arrive at the door with a friend.
Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. FINDING YOUR TRUE SPIRITUAL PATH, 10:30 am-5 pm. A life-changing all-day workshop with Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Registration required, $99. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. PSYCHIC FAIRE, 11 am-5 pm, readings 15 minutes/$25, 30 minutes/$35. Call starting at 10 am on Oct. 16 to book appointments. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. akashicbookshopandcenter.com. NEW MOON CRYSTAL BOWL MANIFESTATION CIRCLE, 4-6 pm, Glendale, $22. Harness the power of the New Moon to bring your dreams and visions into your reality through the use of ancient and powerful vibrations of crystal bowls. Includes a deep meditation to move your mindbody into an optimal healing state and clear chakra energy centers. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www. indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. LEARN TO MEDITATE, 10 am-1 pm, $50. Learn how to reduce stress, develop intuition, improve health and explore your spiritual self. Expert instructors give you personalized attention. Ananda Los Angeles, location to be announced, 310/396-9900, ananda@anandala.org, www. anandala.org. HOW TO TALK TO YOUR ANGELS, 11 am-3 pm, with Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT, in Redondo Beach. This class offers Healings and Con-
nections with your Spirit Guides and Angels. Tamra is a Certified Master Practitioner in Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP Success Coach, Time Technique. She is also an Angel and Psychic Reader. 805/506-9460, www.help-healing.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. KARIN FOGERTY’S 2 WORKSHOPS, 11 am-1 pm and 2-4 pm. For details visit our website at www.true-insight.com. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight. com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appoint-
Upcoming Events Light and Renewal Retreat Dec. 31, 2009-Jan. 3, 2010 Learn the liberating art and science of meditation - awaken to the divine light and presence within you. Refresh your spirit amidst abundant natural beauty, and project your intentions for the New Year.
The Rainbow Path Retreat November 5-8, 2009
Meditation • Transformation • Illumination
Private Retreats - Any time Immerse yourself in a private retreat to heal your body, mind and soul. Refresh your spirit in the abundant peace and quiet of our sanctuary.
Learn Kriya II Meditation Technique Discover the healing power of your own inner rainbow. Create a fulfilling, loving life with the Eightfold Path of Conscious Living. Prerequisite: At least six months Kriya 1 practice. Realize who you truly are, and the power you have to create heaven on earth again. Sunburst was founded by Norman Paulsen, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. The Sanctuary is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, California. Please call for reservations and suggested donation rates.
ment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at info@ clearsightaura.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com, email info@clearsightaura.com. SELACIA’S WORLDWIDE GROUP CHANNELING and Circle of Healing with The Council of 12. Attend in person (Santa Monica) or call in from any location. Receive personal healing while helping to heal your world. Preregistration and $30 prepayment required at http://www. Selacia.com (EVENTS). Info: 310/915-2884, Selacia@Selacia.com. EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP, 10 am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. With Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/7129400. RAINBOW ALCHEMY, a special 2-day course, Oct. 17-18, 12-6 pm, Glendale. $222 ($44 discount for registration and payment by 10/1). Join Spiritual Alchemist Malin for the transformational training course. Learn about the Alchemy of The Rainbow Rays, as well as the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Elohim, the representatives of the Rainbow Rays. Participants will make their own signature anointing oil, tone and chant the frequencies of each ray, learn the mystical properties of essential oils and crystals, and much more. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline. com.
CONDITION SPECIFIC FOOT HAND EAR REFLEXOLOGY class with Bill Flocco, American Academy of Reflexology, Oct. 17-18. The American Academy of Reflexology offers a dynamically presented, highly effective training program offering full certification, private sessions also available. Offering California’s first 200 hour reflexology certification. For complete schedule of classes call toll-free 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS at SMC, Oct. 17-18. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm (1 pm lunch), $350 preregister or at door. Nursing and NCBTMB CEs. Register at 310/434-3400, http:// commed.smc.edu under Stress Reduction. At Santa Monica College, 3171 S. Bundy Dr. #123 (building on long driveway just south of Airport Ave. on Bundy Dr.). Questions: Reiki Master/ Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. THE SURPRISING CREATIVITY OF GRIEF: A Seminar for the Bereaved and the Curious, 3-5 pm. The Kamlak Center presents Dr. Betty J. Kovacs. Workshop, $20. Contact Kim Saavedra at 909/282-2455, www.kamlak.com, email ksaavedra@kamlak.com. This gifted speaker, writer, and author will discuss how grief can transform our lives in surprising and creative ways, focusing on methods of working creatively with grief. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. KRISHNAMURTI FRIENDS OF LOS ANGELES presents a Program of Video and Dialogue, 7-10
805.736.6528 www.SunburstOnline.org
pm, $10 suggested donation, for info call 310/650-5079 or email kdialogue@roadrunner. com. The evening includes a video of Krishnamurti (approximately 1 hour), then seeks to investigate, develop and explore the topic of the video via the medium of dialogue. This group has no affiliation with the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.
SUNDAY, OCT. 18 GROUP MEDITATION & CHANTING GATHERING with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, MA, directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of meditation and ancient Sanskrit chants from India in a powerful group setting. Gathering includes brief talk on vedic teachings, guided meditation, and 3rd eye opening by Professor Sasi, followed by Sanskrit mantra chanting and sound healing experience. No experience with meditation or chanting needed. 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, or visit www.vedichealinginstitute.com, www.professorsasi.com. CREATIVE SPIRIT WRITING WORKSHOP, learn to write from your spirit self with hypnotic suggestion and heart, throat & third eye chakra opening exercises. Release the idea of a writer’s block and communicate harmoniously with your inner critic. Open to experienced writers and newly emerging writers, no previous writing experience required. RSVP only, 6-9 pm, $35. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below,
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� � � � � � �� � � � ���� � � � 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. HUNGRY MIND BOOKS is opening their warehouse up to the public. Now wholesale to the public: all titles 40-70% off publishers’ retail price. Featuring bestselling New Age and metaphysical books at wholesale prices. Today 11 am-4 pm and by appt only at other times. 20928 Osborne St. #E, Canoga Park 91304, 818/5853257. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at info@ clearsightaura.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com, email info@clearsightaura.com. BEGINNING WOMEN’S HEALING, 12-2 pm. Come learn about your female energy and how you can heal, nourish and replenish yourself with your own vital energy. Each month is a different female intuitive topic and energetic exercises to clear and restore your female energy. Beginners as well as trained intuits welcome. Held every 3rd Sunday of the month at Tara’s Garden, 1848 S. Elena, Suite A, Redondo Beach 90277. Taught by clairvoyant healer Karin Fogerty, $25/class. Call to confirm, 702/245-2099 or email info@intuitivespirits.com. BODHI CENTER REIKI CIRCLE, 3-5 pm. Join The Bodhi Center’s Reiki Circle, for all levels, from beginners to advanced. Experience the healing energy. $20. The Bodhi Center, 310/4971899, www.thebodhicenter.net. WHAT’S CALLING YOU? with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth
with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. YOUR POWER TO SAY NO! Learn to say NO and watch years of guilt and worry fall away. Save time, money and energy. Discover this new way with Vernon Howard’s powerful principles. Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www. anewlife.org. LIVING YOUNG, Secrets to Longevity & Ageless Beauty, with Daniel Bushnell, filmmaker, health coach and Wisdom teacher. 11 am Sunday service, New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. BASICS OF ENERGY HEALING, an experiential workshop with Marilyn Salas (www.ojaihealingcircle.com). She will discuss and demonstrate healing techniques, including self-cleansing, opening chakras, releasing blocked energies, use of crystals and healing tools. 10:30 am-6 pm, $95. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com, www. loveshealingenergy.com. A SPIRIT TOUCH CIRCLE, workshop with Hollister Rand, Medium, 2:45-5:15 pm, $75/$125 special price for 2 people purchasing together. Info and tickets: 800/838-3006, www.HollisterRand.com. Hollister Rand is a clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient medium. Her presentations with leading researchers in afterlife science have encouraged collaboration between scientific and metaphysical communities. Her messages on KOST and K-Big have
touched the lives of thousands of people. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. MOVEMENTS OF LOVE: Multidimensional Healing Constellations, an introductory evening with Marina McDonald and Daniel Salisbury, 7:309:30 pm, $20 suggested donation. Info: 541/4821714, www.MovementsOfLove.org. Movements of Love is a profound, multidimensional healing modality with a wide range of applications. Our commitment is to restoring the flow of love wherever it has been blocked or forgotten in our bodies, our relationships, our communities, our businesses, our Earth. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4 pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910 LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. PSYCHICROBIN.COM, PsychicMom.com is internationally known as RobinZodiac.com, and hosts a ‘live’ Cable Radio Network show 8-9 am every Sunday PST. For your on-air sample reading, the station number is 800/336-2225. You can chat during the show ‘live’ at http://psychicdomain.com/chat.html and listen at http://www. CRNTalk.com. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at
28 www.eckharttolle.com, visit http://etolle.meetup.com/258/. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400.
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TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE: Realize Your Potential, a Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www. MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, OCT. 19 IN THE MOMENT IMPROV: For Adults Who Want to Play Again! Rediscover y our inner “goof ball!” Join us for an evening of wild and crazy fun, using tricks of improvisational theater games to unleash your creativity. Wear comfortable clothing, bring water, and be prepared to move. With Sharon Hall, graduate of American Conservatory Theatre. 7:30-9 pm, $15. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www. soulcentered.com. SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASSES, 7:30 pm. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. With Rev. Lee, DMC, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www. silentmiracles.net. ‘BEYOND SELF’ TRAINING PROGRAM, 7-9 pm. First class meeting of The Bodhi Center’s ‘Beyond Self’ Training Program, a breakthrough 13-week Course in Consciousness. Registration required. Call or visit the website for info. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at info@ clearsightaura.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com, email info@clearsightaura.com. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides participants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-
9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). PAST LIFE REGRESSION, 7-9 pm. Are you curious about your possible past lives? Could unresolved conflicts in a past life be affecting your present life? HMI’s Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers a free class to help you learn and explore the fascinating world of Past Life Regression. Call Romy to reserve your seat, 818/758-2747, www.hypnosis.edu. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, workshop series with Kelly Morgan, meets Mondays through Dec. 14, 7-10 pm, $385. Info: 310/8393424, www.creativelife.com. Dramatically improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com.
TUESDAY, OCT. 20 AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS, Developing Your Awareness. This class helps you learn and build your understanding of your intuitive abilities. Each class practices various techniques such as Psychometry, Photometry and how to use divination tools. No previous experience required, but you do need an open mind. Handson class, so be ready to use your intuition. Facilitator: Michelle Francine. $33/class. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. 800/530-6926 for details or visit www. iinnersilence.com. WISE MIND, OPEN MIND: Finding Purpose & Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss & Change, author Ron Alexander, Ph.D. discusses and signs his book, 7:30 pm. Alexander is a pioneering psychotherapist and director of the OpenMind Training® Institute. In his book he combines ancient Buddhist practices and tools with leadingedge positive psychology to guide readers pas pain to create fresh personal visions for joy,
29 contentment and vitality. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837.
“If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain.” —Alan Cohen
A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a studentteacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal. com.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21 FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534. YOUR POWER TO SAY NO! Learn to say NO and watch years of guilt and worry fall away. Save time, money and energy. Discover this new way with Vernon Howard’s powerful principles. Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. A SPIRITUAL SHORT-CUT HOME presented by Yudhishtara, 7:30-9:30 pm. Free Satsang, no donations accepted. Info: 949/262-5252. Yudhishtara has the ability to cut through spiritual and emotional complexities that hold us at bay and release us to our heart’s true desire. Truth is spoken straight from the heart with no strings attached. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 22 TRUE INSIGHT OPEN HOUSE, 7:30-9:30 pm (please arrive at 7:30 pm), everyone welcome. Free Communication and Healings. A mini lecture on what True Insight has to offer. Includes a drawing for 1 free 1-1/4 hour communication. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/6402211, www.true-insight.com. MUSIC, MANTRA & MEDITATION, free workshop with Sujantra McKeever, 7:30-9:30 pm.
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SPIRITUAL WORKSHOPS WITH AMAYA ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������� ����������������������� �����������������������������������
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Heal Your Past Free Your Spirit
Info: 619/865-7480 or Sujantra@aol.com. Learn the ancient art of meditation. Find calm and harmony amidst your daily activities. Learn techniques for concentration, relaxation, visualization and meditation. McKeeverhas studied with Sri Chinmoy since 1970 and is a certified Group Fitness Instructor. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org.
MASSAGE THERAPY JOBS: Where Do You Begin? 6 hours, 10 am-4:30 pm. Create a career and get any job you seek by learning skills that will wow potential employers. Taught by Bozena Barton, an experienced massage therapist and spa consultant. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org.
BOOKSIGNING: “WISE MIND, OPEN MIND: Finding Your Purpose in Times of Crisis, Loss and Change,” with author Dr. Ronald Alexander. Dr. Alexander is director of the Open Mind Training Institute in Santa Monica. Learn how to build your mindstrength in uncertain times. Dr. Alexander combines ancient Buddhist practices, creative thinking and tools with leading-edge positive psychology to guide readers past their pain and create fresh personal visions for joy, contentment and vitality. 7-9 pm. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com.
WHAT IS PERFECT ALIGNMENT? An MSIA video presentation featuring John Morton, Spiritual Director of MSIA, who shares what it looks like, feels like and is like to be in perfect alignment with God’s will, with Spirit, and with all that is. 7:30-9 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/7374055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org.
ON-SITE MASSAGE CLASS, learn to utilize massage skills for new environments. Chair and table work is taught to be done in public settings, or to introduce bodywork to people without the need for them to disrobe. Increase versatility, revitalize a practice and potentially build clientele. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $120. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com.
MIRABAI DEVI & HOWARD WILLS in Santa Barbara, An Evening of Healing, Kirtan, Experiential Learning & Joy. 7:30 pm, $35 advance, $40 at the door. At Yoga Soup, 28 Parker Way, Santa Barbara 93101. To register please contact events@yogasoup.com. Info: www.howardwills. com, www.mirabaidevi.org, 805/965-8811.
DRUMMING CIRCLE, 7-8:30 pm, $10 includes refreshments. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. Bring your drum or use ours. Facilitated by Burl Bolerjack. A great meditation. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com.
T’AI CHI, QI GONG & ZEN RETREAT, Oct. 2325. Taught by Sifu Lana Spraker, master teacher of T’ai Chi for over 37 years. A serene weekend of moving and still meditation in the pristine forest beauty of Yokoji Zen Mountain Center near Idyllwild. For beginning and experienced students. Learn the movements and wisdom of Traditional Yang Style T’ai Chi Ch’uan, in-depth healing practice of Qi Gong, and Zazen. $280 ($265 if paid in full by Oct. 5). Reserve your place before Oct. 17 by sending a non-refundable check for $50 payable to “Lana Spraker” to: Sifu Lana Spraker, PO Box 25654, LA 90025. Info: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com.
OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES & PERSONAL EVOLUTION: Keys to Development and Benefits, workshop presented by the International Academy of Consciousness, 7:30-9:30 pm, $5. Info: 310/482-0000, www.IACworld.org. The OBE (Out of Body Experience) is a self-awareness tool, providing extensive benefits, including inner and spiritual growth through direct personal experience. The mechanism of the OBE will be explained, as well as the benefits and the main methods available. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
shamanic journeys Travel Beyond Ordinary States of Consciousness Explore the hidden depths of your soul and psyche. Get unstuck! Get results where mainstream therapy fails. Break through unconscious blocks to self-fulfillment, loving relationships.
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the Basic Class. Deepen your knowledge of this miraculous tool to create health, wealth and happiness for yourself and others. $550 if preregistered by Oct. 16; $595 thereafter; a $100 deposit will hold your space and lock in your price. To register call Stahsha at 310/804-3093 or email stahsha@aol.com. At Heaven on Earth Holistic Living Center, 7122 Beverly Blvd., Suite E upstairs, LA 90036. www.heavenonearthla. com.
DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. SPIRIT SESSIONS, an opportunity to experience a wide range of modalities from a panel of intuitive counselor practitioners, including conscious channels, healers, astrologers and more. Our intuitive practitioners will connect and communicate with different energies (angels, masters, celestial energies, teachers, spirit guides, Akashic record). 6:30-8:30 pm. Preregister to guarantee a seat and for discounted price, $40 preregistered, $50 day of event (after 4 pm). Call 1-800-530-6926. Panel hostess: Michelle Francine. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. Visit www.iinnersilence.com. THETA HEALING ADVANCED DNA COURSE, 9 am-5 pm, Oct. 23, 24 & 25. The Advanced ThetaHealing™ Course expands the information of
FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 24 PUBLIC DARSHAN WITH MIRABAI DEVI, 7 pm, at a home in Ventura, CA. Receive the blessing of the divine light transmitted through Mirabai’s loving embrace, experience unconditional love and bliss. For details contact honoringspirit@yahoo.com or info@mirabaidevi.org, 760/216-1029 or 805/760-8399. www.mirabaidevi.org. CHANNELING OWEN GROUP, 4-6 pm, Glendale, $22. Owen is a collective, communicative energy that answers an array of questions for
Dates: November 27, 28 & 29, 2009
Date: November 9, 2009
Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Time: 6:30–9:00 PM
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34 those seeking their own energetic awareness. Each session is unique, including sending angels and healing light to those emotionally and/ or physically in pain, connecting to loved ones who have passed over, allowing communication between the physical and nonphysical. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. ENERGETIC HEALING, Chantal Benedict will communicate with your body at the quantum level to help it effortlessly realign itself for optimal health. 2-5 pm. Sponsored by the Bridge of Light Holistic Healing Center in Westlake Village. Register at: www.TheBridgeofLight.com or call 805/373-7861. BRITAIN’S “ANGEL LADY,” DIANA COOPER, will be featured at The Imagine Center on “Angel Day” today. Her latest book, A New Light on Angels, will be available for signing. Angel Day also features Angel readings, Angel healings, Angel cards, jewelry and other merchandise. Call 818/345-1100 to reserve reading and healing sessions. Diana Cooper is scheduled to appear from 11 to 1. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. The Imagine Center, the Valley’s reborn oasis for the soul…new ownership, new energy. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. NEW MEDITATION & VISUALIZATION GROUP FOR WORLD SERVICE, 12-2 pm, $10 donation at door. People with positive intent are invited to help materialize secure environments throughout the planet by using meditation and visualization techniques. Facilitated by Carole, at Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. AN AFTERNOON WITH CRYSTAL BOWLS, an excursion into your mind and the vibrations of the universe; it is the true nature of our being. Come enjoy, 3:30-4:30 pm, $35/person or $30 per couple. Facilitator: Richard Dubuc, 805/2414038. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. CHANNELING WITH ASCENDED MASTERS, 24 pm, Glendale, $22. Workshop begins with chanting and a powerful healing ceremony. Bring questions, as Angela takes her time with each person in this intimate workshop to share messages, healing and communication from a group of ascended masters. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline. com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain pro-
found empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com.
Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.
SHAMANIC JOURNEY WORKSHOP, 1:30-4:30 pm. An introduction to core shamanism, practiced for thousands of years by indigenous cultures. Learn the basic practices of Shamanic Journey. Experience the world of spirits and guides. Learn how to put these practices to use in your life. $25, call Terry Acuna at 909/3050451. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com.
DRUMMING CIRCLE, 6:30-8 pm, Glendale, $11. Express yourself and release emotional pain and suffering with a powerful meditative drumming circle. We provide the drums, no experience necessary. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www. indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com.
HARVESTING THE BLESSINGS, a live internet broadcast event with John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director, and co-facilitated by Emmy Award winning actress Leigh Taylor-Young. Open first to the bounty of loving within you and access the divine blessings alive and present all around you. Tune into the webcast online at www.msia. org/live at 1 pm PDT. Or be a part of the live audience at 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica (registration starts one hour before the event). Refreshments served. Info: www.msia.org or call 323/737-4055, email tonie@pts.org. FREE PSYCHIC READINGS FOR ANIMALS with Karen Gonzales, 11 am-2 pm, at the front porch of the Bodhi Tree Used Books Store. Appts recommended, walk-ups also welcome. Info: 818/486-4737, or www.beyondthisworld.com. What is your pet thinking? Find out free with medium and pet psychic Karen Gonzales. She enjoys sharing messages from Spirit that provide a deeper understanding of the conscious mind of animals. It is not necessary for your pet to be present; Karen also can read for pets who have passed away. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. GETTING OVER IT! Moving On and Getting Free ASAP, with Rev. Jennifer Hadley, workshop, 3-5 pm, $33 or preregister online now for $22. Info: 323/848-8786, www.JenniferHadley.com. Do you feel like you’re trying to get over someone or something and it just isn’t working? This workshop provides tools so that if you really want one, you can have a breakthrough. The first 20 people to register will receive a free download of the audio workshop, “Healing What Was.” Rev. Hadley’s license and training is from the Agape Intl. Spiritual Center. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. LIVING WITH TOLLE, a 10-part series exploring Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” chapter-by-chapter, workshop with Greg Larsen, 7:30-9:30 pm, $20/$15 advance. Info and preregistration: 310/971-7223, www.HappyAsHumanlyPossible. com/Events. In this highly participatory and interactive workshop, we explore Chapter 2 and what Tolle’s teachings say about the “voice in the head” and the ego’s search for identification with things. Greg is co-host for the iTunes podcast, Living with Tolle. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details.
TRIUMPH OVER ANXIETY! Thousands helped by author Vernon Howard’s marvelous message. Find relief at last! Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/8999300, www.anewlife.org. MONSTERS IN THE ATTIC with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service, Jr. Church. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. SHAMANIC DIVINATION WORKSHOP, explore a method that will teach you to see the answers all around you in an urban or natural setting and to divine answers through nature. Shamanic practice teaches that nature spirits are compassionate beings in an intimate co-existence with us and assist us when we seek their wisdom. Learn the language of nature and how to interpret the signs to receive answers. Experiential, outdoor/indoor workshop, light walking required. RSVP only. 3-7 pm, $45. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. STRESS SOUL-UTIONS energy healing in a group setting. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. Call Sandi Duncan to reserve space, 818/249-1605. A unique and transformative experience, $30, 7-9 pm. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com. “I SAY SUNRISE,” with Fred Ruffell, minister, lecturer and student of religion and philosophy. 11 am service, New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. MORE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE: A Healing Playshop with Bernadette Luckett and Jennifer Waldburger, 3-5 pm, $30. Info and RSVP: 818/325-9693, www.SQ-Wellness.com. A powerful healing playshop where you will enter a powerful healing vortex to support you and help you strip away that which you no longer need to carry. Hear engaging stories and take personal journeys with channeled meditations and inspirational music. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. DAMIEN: THE ONE MAN PLAY, by Aldyth Morris, performance by Casey Groves, 7:30-9 pm, $20. Info: 917/969-8698, https://caseygroves. backpackit.com/pub/705567. “Damien” is the true story of the Catholic priest who was a fountain of light for those suffering the darkness of leprosy on Molokai in the 1800s. Casy Groves has had 2 Off Broadway productions of this play and has performed it for the remaining patients at the leprosy settlement. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. OPEN TOURS, LABYRINTH & GARDENS at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 12-4
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our introductory classes listed below to get a taste of what we are talking about..
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For more info: please call Bob @ 310-930-2450 Victor @ 310-930-2452 or Pat @ 310-567-3265. Sant Baljit Singh, pictured to the right, is the teacher of the meditation practice we enjoy. He teaches this meditation to anyone who is sincerely interested in making their life better through living it better.
Work * Body * Life balance
���������������������������������� Channeled guidance removes blocks to optimal creativity, health and abundance. Create change by exposing your blocks to the light. Make dreams a reality – create balance through right and purposeful work, a healed body and creativity that makes your heart sing.
What a session can reveal: • DNA strand imbalances • Physical and energetic imbalances • Ability to set and maintain boundaries • Ability to live within your reality ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������
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pm. Experience the subtle power of the Labyrinth, enjoy the peace and seclusion of our “East Meets West” meditation gardens. Tour this 1910 LA Historical Cultural Monument. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Call Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. PSYCHICROBIN.COM, PsychicMom.com is internationally known as RobinZodiac.com, and hosts a ‘live’ Cable Radio Network show 8-9 am every Sunday PST. For your on-air sample reading, the station number is 800/336-2225. You can chat during the show ‘live’ at http://psychicdomain.com/chat.html and listen at http://www. CRNTalk.com. THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle DVD and meditation. At Dancing Shiva Yoga, 7466 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (corner of Beverly & Gardner). Contact Victoria, 805/208-0484. $7 suggested donation. Group registered at www.eckharttolle.com, visit http://etolle.meetup.com/258/. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. TRANSFORM YOUR WORKING LIFE: Realize Your Potential, a Sunday lecture series presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Info: 323/223-0610, www. MeditateinLA.org. Explore how our mind affects our work and our life. Discover how you can make the hours you spend at work the most meaningful time in your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, OCT. 26 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY I, 24 hours, meets 5 Monday evenings, 6:30-10 pm plus 1 Sunday, 105. In this hands-on course, learn to perform a full Craniosacral session to enhance the body’s natural healing process to treat a wide range of problems associated with pain and dysfunction. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS, Developing Your Awareness. This class helps you learn and build your understanding of your intuitive abilities. Each class practices various techniques such as Psychometry, Photometry and how to use divination tools. No previous experience required, but you do need an open mind. Handson class, so be ready to use your intuition. Facilitator: Michelle Francine. $33/class. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. 800/530-6926 for details or visit www. iinnersilence.com. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, spend an hour at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens doing a guided meditative process, as shared by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Workshop guides participants through inner attunement to Spirit and their own divinity. 7:30-8:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. HYPNOSIS & WEIGHT LOSS, 7-9 pm. The sub-
conscious mind can be your most powerful partner and motivator to help you achieve your weight loss goals. HMI’s Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this free class to get you started immediately using hypnosis to achieve your weight loss goals. Call Romy to reserve your seat, 818/758-2747, www.hypnosis. edu. SELACIA’S FREE INTRO SEMINAR, “Responding to the Changes of the 2012 Window,” 7-8:30 pm. Attend this experiential seminar to receive spirit’s view of today’s unique times. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. At Co-opportunity, Santa Monica. Preregistration required online: www. Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. “SOUL SISTERS” WOMEN’S GROUP, 7-8:30 pm, $10 includes refreshments. Meet and spend some sacred time with like-minded people. Fun, food, sacred ritual and ceremony, great discussions. Women of all ages. Tree of Life Center, 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214, 626/353-3802, www.tlctreeoflifecenter.com. MEDITATION & INNER-HEALING, a weekly Community Class, 7-8:30 pm. Looking for inspiration? Want to have more fun? We will explore ways to find the inner support necessary to help you on your path. Meditation, chanting, gentle free-form movement and writing. Class size limited, please come early, start time is punctual. For info on class or private coaching, call John Strelko, 310/430-5625, www.nature-allhealing. com/1.html. At Tao Healing Arts, 2309 Main St., Santa Monica 90405, 310/581-0097. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. JOEL GOLDSMITH TAPE GROUP, led by John Drewery, 7:15-8:30 pm. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. Class is held in back classroom, enter back gate from alley, 4th bldg. north of Wilshire Blvd. Donation. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/9889006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, workshop series with Kelly Morgan, meets Mondays through Dec. 14, 7-10 pm, $385. Info: 310/8393424, www.creativelife.com. Dramatically improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. Bodhi
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The Harvest of Our Lives by Meredith Flanagan
hen we think of “harvest,” we turn to autumn and its bounty. Every year, as the summer season turns to fall, mother earth provides us with a cornucopia of plenty. We “harvest” and consume the crops, which nourish our body. Indeed, the bounty is nature’s abundance. Nothing feels as warming and nurturing as homebaked bread with a big bowl of autumnal pumpkin soup. In esoteric or mystical thought, “harvest” is understood at another level — to show forth the bounty on a spiritual level. We sow to the spirit, and we reap spiritual reward; soul food. And yes indeed, it nourishes. There is a biblical saying “Manna falls from heaven.” What is manna? Food that feeds the inner you. In today’s world, many of us are caught up in the “daily grind” making ends meet. There is little time for an ‘inner’ life. Our spirits are starving. We tell ourselves that this is what we have to do to survive. This is the way “it” is. Generally, as long as the mortgage is paid, food is on the table, we can more or less purchase the latest consumer trend, and our loved ones are healthy, well…we are content. Or are we? Inevitably, a crisis comes along, personal or economic. That is when we start to ask questions. What is the meaning of this all? Surely there has to be more to life than this? At this point, if economics allow, we usually decide we need to get away, have a vacation. For most, there is only a couple of weeks holiday a year (if that). We may be lucky enough to get onto a beach somewhere, delve into a good book, have a swim, perhaps a few cocktails. It takes half the holiday to finally relax, and before long, back to the same old. Yes, we are a little rested, yes we had a good time, but nothing has really changed. We have successfully escaped our minds for a while, but we have not grown, and if we are honest, nagging thoughts have plagued us the entire week. The nagging thought is usually “How can I fix this, how can I get out of that? How can I control this situation?” Sooner or later, we are forced to realize that control is an illusion. It is this ultimate realization of our lack of control that we reach out or reach in.
So how exactly does one sow to the spirit or soul? There is a way to find peace, to challenge our thinking, to move through the patterns and blockages that prevent us from experiencing true happiness. Pilgrimage. A sacred journey to a power place is a good start. By taking the action of travel, we will go through an inner and outer journey, which can end in harvest of self-awareness, growth, and nourishment of the soul. There are places on the planet that have been power sites from the beginning of human history. When approached in the right manner, the doorways through the different dimensions are open, allowing that consciousness and awareness to permeate three dimensional or human life. As above so below. Result is, you go to these places your consciousness changes. We are all aware of pilgrimages such as the hajj or journey to Mecca for a Muslim, or Jerusalem for a Christian. What is less obvious is that any journey set forth with
intent to a holy place is equally as powerful, and available to all faiths and belief systems. And nowhere is more open and energised right now, then the sacred sites of southwest England. Thousands of tourist/ pilgrims are coming every year, and the numbers are growing. These isles are rich with history, and mysticism, and have been sacred places of worship since before Neolithic times. The landscape is littered with stone circles, barrows, dolmens, and holy wells… evidence of ancient civilization with complex beliefs. There is now a resurgence of the old ways, and many modern druids and pagans perform ceremonies and practice the ancient arts, at monuments such as Stonehenge, on the Salisbury plane, especially at festival times, like the autumn equinox, which marks the time of year when hours of light and dark are equal. From this time on, the dark is overcoming the light. It is also the time of the second harvest of fruits and nuts. Leaves are
running at a constant velocity and unchanging temperature every day of the year, from an unknown source. It has been a place of pilgrimage for thousands of years. Glastonbury Abbey was the major superpower of its day until destroyed by Henry the VIII. It is the burial site of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere. It is also the site of the first Christian Church of the western world, built by Jesus’ uncle Joseph of Aramathea. Jesus is reputedly to have come to Glastonbury in his ‘lost years’ (the seven years in the bible that are missing) to learn the mysteries. He was on
Glastonbury is one of the few places on earth where people of all belief systems live side by side in peace.
Glastonbury Tor starting to fall from the trees, lush greenness is turning to brown, “life” seems to be leaving the land. During the equinox, many of the Pagan legends and myths are associated with descent into the Underworld. Nowhere exists a more ‘otherworldly’ or underworldy place than Glastonbury, the Isle of Avalon, in the southwest of England. Glastonbury is a treasure trove of sacred sites, including the foreboding and powerful Tor, built where major ley lines on earth cross, making it hugely transformational, and very open. Ley lines are energy streams, or veins of the earth, which traverse the globe, meeting and crossing with each other. Most places of worship appear where they meet or cross. Dowsing has allowed us to locate these points, and you will find that many sacred sites are built on the same ley lines connecting each site with the other. Glastonbury’s Chalice Well Garden has the curative waters of the “red spring”
pilgrimage. Joseph supposedly planted his staff into wearyall hill where it still grows as the holy thorn tree blooming twice a year at Easter and Christmas. A cutting is sent to the Queen every year. Glastonbury is sacred to people of all faiths, and is one of the few places on earth where people of all belief systems live side by side in peace. The latest phenomena are the crop circles: temporary temples that appear every summer in the harvests of wheat, and rapeseed. Nowhere on earth are they more prevalent than in the southwest of England, dotted across the plains surrounding ancient Stonehenge and Avebury stone circles. Arriving in a crop within minutes, these geometric masterpieces seem to unlock our hidden wisdom, letting us know that the season of self-awareness is now. People testify to having heartopening experiences. Mobile phones and cameras temporarily stop, batteries go dead. The mystery is there for you to decipher, and to experience. The Avebury stone circle, located in Wiltshire,an enormous complex of twenty-eight acres, has the highest number
of crop circle formations within a two mile radius, than any other place on earth. Consisting of one big outer circle, two inner circles, an avenue and prossessional, it, like Stonehenge, served as a ceremonial place honouring the winter and summer solstices. The energy of all these sacred places seems to be increasing in frequency as consciousness is rising. It’s as if these sites have been waiting for us to evolve and become receptive. The ancients who built these circles were very attuned to the earth‘s energies and frequencies and could feel the ley lines and knew where to put these monuments, so even today 5,000 years later, they are still coming into their own. Somerset has the most beautiful natural landscape, from rolling hills that rival teletubby land, to the Somerset Levels, a national heritage wetlands, home to hundreds of bird species. Dorset’s fossil- rich Jurrasic Coast of Lyme Regis was the backdrop to the haunting film “French Lieutentant’s Woman”, and the rugged windswept jagged Cornish Coast is the birthplace of King Arthur at Tintagel Castle. Devon is home of chocolate box villages, windy lanes, and lovely English tea rooms, with homemade scones, clotted cream and jam. The English countryside is Merchant Ivory. It is the Bluebell wood. Let us not forget the pubs, meeting places of olde, where you sit with the ghosts of pub brawls past whilst drinking pints of ale. Pilgrimage can be fun you know! So, in short, in ancient times, a bountiful harvest proved that all the ritual and ceremonies at sacred sites certainly pleased the nature Gods. Walk the paths of the ancient ones now. Prepare the way for your future. Go on pilgrimage. Go on a transformational journey. Make your precious time count, and this will surely be the harvest of your life. John and Meredith Flanagan operate Divine Light Tours, www.divinelighttours. com, specialising in sacred journeys to England and Great Britain, which focus on ritual and ceremony to facilitate self-awareness and change. Tours run all year, for individuals and groups. Bespoke journeys available.
40 Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com.
TUESDAY, OCT. 27 AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS, Developing Your Awareness. This class helps you learn and build your understanding of your intuitive abilities. Each class practices various techniques such as Psychometry, Photometry and how to use divination tools. No previous experience required, but you do need an open mind. Handson class, so be ready to use your intuition. Facilitator: Michelle Francine. $33/class. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. 800/530-6926 for details or visit www. iinnersilence.com. EMOTIONAL WISDOM: Daily Tools for Transforming Anger, Depression & Fear, with authors Mantak Chia and Dena Saxer discussing and signing their book, 7:30 pm. Info: www.Universal-Tao.com. Their book reveals powerful ancient tools for transforming our painful emotions into happiness and health. These Taoist authors explain the messages that anger, depression, fear, worry and stress offer us. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a studentteacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal. com.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 CONDUCTED IN SPANISH, an experiential workshop based on the teachings of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie, 323/737-4055, ext. 1148, tonie@pts.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. Free, donations welcomed. CONQUER DEPRESSION! Thousands helped by author Vernon Howard’s marvelous message. Find relief at last! Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT with Rev. Jan Storm, 7:30-9 pm. Allow your inner beauty to open up and flower, become the magnificent being you were meant to be. Studying Universal Laws, we will become more spiritual and enlightened. Info: 714/357-0144. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. THE BRONNIKOV METHOD: Activate Up to 80% of Your Brain, lecture and interactive demonstration presented by Neurovision Academy, 7:30-9:30 pm, free, donations welcome. Info: 888/928-7333, www.neurovisionacademy.com. Extreme ancient Tibetan secrets are revealed. Can you imagine activating 1,000 atomic generators inside your own body? You can increase your brain potential, regenerate your vision, immune & digestive systems, develop the 5 phan-
41 tom senses, and much more. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 29 THE ANCIENT MESSAGES OF CREATIVE To Prepare You For the 5th Dimensional Paradise, workshop with Victoria of Light, New Zealand’s Channel, and Danny Hughes, Los Angeles local artist, 7:30-9:30 pm, $20. Info: 310/254-5146, 310/254-5146, www.VictoriaOfLight.com, www. DannyHughes.net. At this workshop the following will be channeled: interdimensional light languages; Aramaic messages of God; sacred sounds; Hathors’ “Love Song of Remembrance”; sacred works of art, 72 “Names of God. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com. VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org.
FRIDAY, OCT. 30 HEARING GOD’S MESSAGE, an MSIA video presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA, who speaks about how to really listen, how to hear what’s next on our path, how to tune into God in a personal, intimate way. 7:30-9 pm. Free, donations welcome. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org.
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HALLOWEEN PARTY AT THE DOME! Calling the mystical and the magical. Come dance and play in the Dome. Music, dance, food, costumes, prizes and fun. 7:30-9:30 pm, $10. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www. soulcentered.com.
MASSAGE REGULATIONS AND UPDATES, a conference for Massage Schools & Massage Therapists, 9 am-4 pm. RSVP to 818/700-0286. Held at Airtel Plaza Hotel, Van Nuys. 6 CEUs available. California Massage Schools Association, www.camsa4u.com.
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HALLOWS HOLY NIGHT (for women), 6 pm gathering, 7 pm ritual begins, 7:15 pm doors lock. $10 at the door. Move into the depths of your soul on this sacred night. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com.
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JAYLA’S LIVE TO INSPIRE ACOUSTIC SHOW, presented by Avalon Vision Entertainment, 7:30-9:30 pm, concert, $10. Info: 818/564-4098, www.JaylaMusic.com. JAYLA is a positive, inspiring female pop rock duo who will perform songs off their current CD, “Faithfully Alive.” Diane Rose Kelly will be signing copies of her new book, Reflections on a Visionary’s Path. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com.
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DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 31 IHC: GRANDMOTHERS, Ojai, Wisdom and Healing Faire. Come and support a major fundraising event featuring the wisdom and love of grandmother psychics and tarot readers, including grandmother alternative healing practitioners. This group is a non-profit; your contributions are tax deductible. Advanced sign-ups are welcome. 11 am-5 pm. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com. EAR/HAND/FOOT REFLEXOLOGY, 28 hours, now enrolling for November course that meets Tuesday and Wednesday nights and includes 14 hours of Foot Reflexology and 7 hours each of Hand and Ear Reflexology. CEUs available. Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811, www.gotohhi.org. ALL HALLOWS EVE CHILDREN’S DRUMMING CIRCLE, 11 am-12 noon, Glendale, $11. All children and adults encouraged to come and drum in costume. Drum circles teach children about teamwork and discipline, listening skills, and builds self-confidence. They can also provide an expressive outlet for kids, including those with behavior problems or ADHD. Adults free with paid admission of a child. No experience necessary, we provide the drum. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. IPSB MASSAGE TECHNICIAN COURSE, register now for class starting Nov. 16. Become a professional massage practitioner, learn holistic bodywork techniques, state approved, CE units for RNs. Advance registration required. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. HALLOWEEN WICCAN SAMHAIN CEREMONY, with White Witch, Morgana Kinsley. Dress up as your Higher Self, Spirit Guide, Angel, etc. Edwing Sankey will provide live music. 6:55-8:55 pm, $10 suggested donation. Spiritual Unity Movement, 9550 Haskell Ave., North Hills (previously Sepulveda). Call Paul Harbula, 866/2042261, www.spiritualunitymovement.org. SPIRITUAL SPA DAY ON HALLOWEEN? All Saints Day Eve: Have fun with those dusty old Halloween masks that we put on year after year. Let’s laugh, love, and forgive ourselves and others as we realize the absurdity of our illusions. 10 am-3 pm, brunch $15, workshop portions free. Labyrinth walk included. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Judy, 323/737-4055, ext. 1137,registrar@peacelabyrinth.org,www.peacelabyrinth.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chi-
nese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.
ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Sunday classes are live streamed via the Internet. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com,emailprofessorsasi@earthlink.net. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAY MEDITATION, 10:30 am. We invite you to join together in the Silence of Meditation to experience the Living Presence of God, to raise consciousness and to prepare our Sanctuary for the service to follow. Doors open at 10:50 am for regular service. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, The Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius, 800/475-7062 for information on class sessions, fees, and a supply list. AKADUA FREE HEALING CLINICS & CIRCLES, 1 pm, free. AkaDua is an energetic substances transmitted into the body. When activated, it creates energy field for healing, art, spiritual work. Info: The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ akadua.html. BEGINNING WOMEN’S HEALING, 12-2 pm. Come learn about your female energy and how you can heal, nourish and replenish yourself with your own vital energy. Each month is a different female intuitive topic and energetic exercises to clear and restore your female energy. Beginners as well as trained intuits welcome. Held every 3rd Sunday of the month at Tara’s Garden, 1848 S. Elena, Suite A, Redondo Beach 90277. Taught by clairvoyant healer Karin Fo-
“I’ve seen at least 20 chiropractors, 10 surgeons, 18 medical doctors, 15 physical therapists, 4 acupuncturists, 18 massage therapists and spent thousands of dollars over 38 years. No one has ever suggested I try Upper Cervical Care”
Upper Cervical Care The Best Kept Secret In Healthcare Here is a little bit about myself...
Upper Cervical Advocate
I practice a procedure called Upper Cervical. It deals with the top two bones in the neck and their relationship to the brainstem. These two bones are the most freely moveable bones in the spine and as a result are the most susceptible to misalignment. In the middle of those two bones sits the brainstem. The brainstem controls most functions in the body. As a result, a misalignment of the atlas (first cervical vertebra) can cause dysfunction in any part of the body. To give you a little more background on myself... I am currently the president of the Blair Chiropractic Society,(www.blairchiropractic.com). I also train students who have recently graduated from Chiropractic school who are interested in the Upper Cervical procedure. Currently, there are only 500 people in the world that practice this procedure. As we speak, I have two students learning in the office and also an Associate doctor who has been with me for three years. It is my mission in life to give others their life back. I was dropped on my head while wrestling at age 17 and for two years, I suffered from a myriad of health problems; Insomnia, chronic headache, fatigue, low back and neck pain, depression, anxiety, nausea, you get the point. It was Upper Cervical that changed my life. In our office we typically see the patient that has been everywhere else. We pride ourselves in our office at being able to provide a result with a unique procedure, UPPER CERVICAL CARE, that is unknown to most of the public. However, soon the public will hear of this special procedure that is transforming lives across the nation.
“I called it sane suicide because you cannot live in that kind of endless torture. There was no quality of life and no medication strong enough to help, nor Doctors who had empathy, because they could not find anything wrong with me.” Cristina Barretta Former Sufferer
Recently, a colleague of ours was featured on Good Morning America for research that was published on Blood pressure and Atlas adjustment. The outcomes from the C-1 Upper Cervical correction that is only delivered by a few doctors who practice the technique in the nation dropped blood pressure on average of 18 points in just six weeks. The link to this story on Youtube is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YYL_xN_gys. Also in April of 2008, a documentary short was developed about our work called, “The Power of Upper Cervical”. It was filmed and produced by Storyville Studios. There is a teaser clip on Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH711pGGXiI. I was one of the doctors featured in this documentary. And now the exciting news! Storyville Studios is now working on a feature length documentary to follow up this awareness DVD.
Upper Cervical Care is a little known procedure, but soon, you people WILL KNOW! In Health, Dr Drew Hall
Dr. Drew Hall, Upper Cervical Chiropractor 550 East Carson Plaza Dr., Ste 122, Carson, CA 90746
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gerty, $25/class. Call to confirm, 702/245-2099 or email info@intuitivespirits.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. EMPOWERMENT CIRCLE, 4-5:30 pm. Empower yourself to experience what you desire in life. Imagine managing your personal energy field to manifest a life you love. Bring your desires to the session and hold them silently in your mind as you learn how to apply conscious use of mental, spiritual and physical energy to manifest their outcome. At the newly renovated Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Reservations: 818/345-1100 (capacity limited, register early). $10 suggested donation. SUNDAY SERVICES AT THE GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County. Temple doors open 10 am for Silent Sanctuary Meditation. Main Sunday Goddess Service takes place 11 am-12:30 pm with focus on different theme and goddess each Sunday (call for upcoming schedule). Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com. BURNING BOWL CEREMONY, held each Sunday after service at Unity West Santa Monica. This Unity tradition, started in the 1940s, is for release, a time for forgiving ourselves and others, so healing and the new journey can begin.
HOURS: NEW: 10 am-11 pm Every Day USED: 10 am-7 pm Every Day Wheelchair Accessible
Without peace in our hearts, there can be no peace in the world. Follows Sunday service that begins 9:10 a.m. Rev. Lee Lakso, minister. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome. Sunburst Sanctuary and Retreat Center invites you to Sunday service at 10:30 am. Includes spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, meditation and prayer, followed by homemade brunch. Personal and group retreats also offered. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www. SunburstOnline.org. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH. Fun, challenging lessons that are based on spiritual psychology. Children all ages share stories, music and artwork and talk about real-life situations and real-life solutions. 10:30 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. CORE BELIEF INTRO WORKSHOP with Selacia, discover beliefs about your relationship with yourself that prevent you from living a joyful life. Ongoing monthly evening intro seminars (focused on DNA healing & core beliefs) on the Westside by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. To be invited to the next one, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup).
310-659-1733 1-800-825-9798
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GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Sunday 11 am, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: http:// www.gnosis.org. CIRCLE OF HEALING & GROUP CHANNELING with Selacia and The Council of 12. Participate for personal and planetary healing, self-renewal and increased clarity about today’s oftentimes confusing world. Evening includes world peace process and guided channeled meditation. Advance sign-up required. In Santa Monica, 7:30 pm Saturdays, 7 pm Sundays, $25, call for dates. Private channeling sessions also available. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (workshops). To receive announcements, email Selacia@Selacia.com.
MONDAYS SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. TANTRIC DANCE OF FEMININE POWER with Nita Rubio, 11 am-2 pm. For women of all levels of experience to deepen into the mystery of the Divine Feminine. Contact instructor for cost, must be registered in advance to attend, 310/560-6225. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty.com.
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THE BEACON is a recapitulation (Soul Retrieval) device using radio waves tuned to a shamanic frequency and natural crystal grips. Used also for prosperity. Sessions available Monday through Friday (11 am-7 pm), Saturday (10 am-4 pm), and by appt, $5/session. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua.html.
informative class that will introduce tarot and oracles in a user-friendly way. Taught by tarot pals Eannah Wildish, Metaphysician Extraordinaire, and Diane Silvester, owner of Soul Centered. Last half hour everyone does readings-—really! 7-8:30 pm, $15. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com.
WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for appt, Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
DROP IN ASTROLOGY CLASS, with Robert P. Blaschke, astrologer since 1979 and author of Astrology of Life series. 7-9 pm, by donation. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/394-0020.
MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com.
TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the Tuesday Evening Service. An evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. BEGINNER TAROT, led by Wendy Kashefi. Now you can read too! Learn to interpret the cards, how to ask questions and bring it all together. 7-9 pm at The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Call 818/345-1100 to register and for more information. $35/lesson. The Imagine Center, the Valley’s reborn oasis for the soul—new ownership, new energy. CRYSTAL LAYOUT CLASS, 11-week series, 7-9 pm, with Nick Newmont. This introductory metaphysical Healing Class teaches in-depth techniques of soul-level work on the aura and chakras. Learn how to access your client’s soul codes and expand the aura and chakras into the fifth dimension. Includes detailed information about specific healing properties of crystals and their applications. $40/session or $400
paid in advance. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: pray@churchoftruth.org or A Center for Awakening Consciousness, the Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. ONGOING CLASSES FOR LIGHT WORKERS & MINISTERIAL STUDENTS, 7 pm. Call for titles and info about upcoming classes. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and commu-
46 nicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm (call for upcoming start dates). Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu. WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
WEDNESDAYS DREAMS 101, (held every other Wednesday). Learn basic techniques on how to recognize dream symbols, how to maneuver through a dream, points to look for and how to record your dreams. Help decipher fellow group members’ dreams; bring personal dreams for others to help interpret. 7-8:30 pm, $20/person, with Michelle Francine. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824, 800/530-6926. www. iinnersilence.com, www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. ANGEL CITY HEALING SPECIAL: 10% off all treatments on Wednesdays. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). HEALING NIGHT, HEALING MUSIC, laying on of hands, full-body healing, done by experienced healers. 6:30-8:30 pm at New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. In back classroom, enter by back gate of parking lot in alley, 4th building north of Wilshire Blvd. Info: Bertha Taylor, 310/836-2768. Donation. Call to confirm. INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION & HEALING CLINIC, everyone is welcome. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive Communication. 7:30-9 pm, RSVP. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDITATION GROUP, 7 pm, free. Practice meditation, plus other spiritual techniques, and connect with other likeminded souls, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Meditation Group of the San Gabriel Valley, Masonic Temple, 204 W. Foothill Blvd., Monrovia 91016, , 7122 Beverly Blvd., LA 90036, 310/396-9900 ext. 3, sgvmeditation@gmail.com, www.anandala.org. NVC (NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION) PRACTICE GROUP, a Compassionate Communication Practice Group meets every Wed., 7-9 pm, with Tom Armbruster. Geared to those who have attended at least one of the Basic NVC workshops with Rodger Sorrow or Kathi Aich-
ner, and want to meet on a weekly basis. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, a new workshop presented by Peace Theological Seminary. Core focus is on free-form writing, an essential, simple and very effective technique taught by John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Free-form writing, described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior, helps clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. 7:30-9 pm at Prana West, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: PTS, 323/737-1534.
cate impacts self-perception and influences all intimate relationships. Facilitator: Chris Canaan, $35, 7-9 pm. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
BASIC ASTROLOGY CLASS led by Eva Montealegre. Class provides the tools to understand the Zodiac and interpret charts. Bring your birth date plus time and place of birth as accurately as you can determine them. The stars will point the way and Eva will guide the starship! 7-8:30 pm, $30/lesson. Call 818/345-1100 to register and for info. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. The Imagine Center, the Valley’s reborn oasis for the soul—new ownership, new energy.
SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
TANTRIC DANCE OF FEMININE POWER with Nita Rubio, 6:30 pm. For women of all levels of experience to deepen into the mystery of the Divine Feminine. Contact instructor for cost, must be registered in advance, 310/560-6225. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/651-0564, www. goddesstempleoforangecounty.com.
DARSHAN THURSDAYS, 7:30-9 pm. Talks by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya on the subject of spiritual awakening, how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation, The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net.
CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. (Sunday classes are live streamed via the Internet.) For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. MEDITATION GROUP, West Hollywood/Hancock Park, 7:30 pm, free. Practice meditation, plus other spiritual techniques, and connect with other like-minded souls, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Meditation Group of West Hollywood/Hancock Park, 7122 Beverly Blvd., LA 90036, 310/3969900 ext. 4, paul@anandala.org, www.anandala.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
THURSDAYS SPIRITUAL WRITING, discover new ways to tap into your creative center. Workshop is based on the tradition of the Chinese proverb, “Words are the keys to the heart.” The power to communi-
NOON TIME MEDITATION, open to all faiths, noon-1 pm, in the Library of Yale Hall. Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Commons, who is also available for Spiritual Counseling from 1-3 pm. this weekly hour of various types of meditation takes place at A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION & HEALING CLINIC, everyone is welcome. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive Communication. 7:30-9 pm, RSVP. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. JOURNEY OF YOGA WITH SHANTHI, Shanthi was trained in India for many years with several yoga masters. Deepen your practice, improve your health and find inner peace. 6-7 pm: Yoga for Health, Beginner to Intermediate. 7-8 pm: Yoga for Power, prepare to work hard. Info: 805/657-8861. At Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minute session, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or email unegbudrj@gmail.com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. A NEW EARTH by Eckhart Tolle. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. PRAYER AND SHARE READING GROUP at
THE MYSTICAL WISDOM OF TAROT Copyright © 2009 by Renée Starr, CH/CI. All Rights Reserved
O, Tarot! Mysterious, unbound book of the ages; we call upon you to reveal our story. Shuffling hopefully, we seek to know the journey of the Mystical Fool. Choosing loose pages wisely, we hold our breath and wait for the words of prophecy. We close our eyes to watch and open our mouths in silence as we pick just... one...card. The third card in the book of Tarot is The Empress; mother queen of heaven, mother Eve of earth and she graciously hails the daily union of the sun, the sky and the land. She is loving Venus shining in her exquisite beauty and heavenly Isis come to earth offering sweet milk from her divine, perfect breast. She is the indwelling Shekinah, dripping nectarous honey onto our lips while we dream. She is the worried Demeter suffering her daughters’ torrid descent and she is the great mother Kali flaming with passion and dark as the new moon. She is The Revelation, warmed by the sun and crowned by the twelve adoring stars of the zodiacal wheel. Atop her scepter sits a jeweled globe of precious earth, her home. With her feminine, creatrix ways she commands the crescent moon to rest, hidden at her feet thus indicating her cyclical power over all earthly and cosmic things.
Once she was the ivoryskinned, virginal high priestess whispering the ancient words of power to feverish seekers. Having heard the mysteries, tasted the fruits, and bore the pain of lunar tides, she is now the womanly, earthy, lusty queen and desirous consort to the emperor. Together, they perform the sacred marriage, the Hieros Gamos, harmonizing the opposites and blessing the world with their fertile promise. The Empress’ throaty voice opens the gate doors of Eden as she sings the seed sound daleth to the rising, bursting wheat in the
fields. And when the autumn wheat is cut down, bundled and baked, the world knows of her generous plenitude. All things born come through her, as all things are born through the feminine. She is the hot electric spark that stirs the plant seeds to life, she is the cellular insight and the primitive code of our own soul, she is the knowing of how and when to manifest from the divine dream into the material realm. The Empress is the 3, the wise woman healer, she-shaman and tribal muse. She is the sovereign triple of above, middle and below. She is the holiest of trinities, she is the beginning, the middle, the end, the past, the present and the future. She is the conception, the pregnancy and the birth. Look for The Empress as you heal your ancestry, as you create and just as you are about to reap the rewards for all of your hard work. Find her in the first words you read, throughout the story and again just as you close the book. She is the May queen, with the scent of fragrant flowers on her breath, the heat of the windswept desert on her skin, and her salt-crisped hair blowing in the ocean air. Her smile is sun-baked grain, and her enclosed garden is luxuriously moist and cool to the touch, as is the mossy forest floor. Her eyes are paradise, verdant and deep. And when the time is right, her maternal ocean waters break, clearing a path for our most human experience: physical love. She is teeming with life, hugely pregnant with possibilities, and carries to term your most precious projects. What she delivers to you is fullness, sweetness, pleasure and manifestation. The Empress is nourishment for our souls, abundance in all earthly things, and a powerful partner for us in the harvesting of The Great Work.
Renée Starr, CH,CI, writes often of the sacred mysteries, honoring the ancient ways. She takes hypnotherapy to a new depth with her unique and powerful techniques: Shamanic Hypnotherapy & Ancestral Soul Healing Regressions. Former proprietress of ALKIMI, she is a certified hypnotherapist/instructor and past life regression counselor, shamanic practitioner, crystal/pyramid energy healer and clairvoyant intuitive spiritual counselor. She offers her services, classes and retreats in the US & throughout the world. She can be reached at 323.632.0947 / lotustarr@hotmail.com / www.lotustar.net Illustration by Vanessa Chandler
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Unity West Church meets 7-8 pm. Join us for this ongoing group. This month we are reading Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth, a valuable guide for all who are seeking a truly full way of life. Newcomers welcome, love offering basis. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. ON DEATH (THE TELLING), Toltec Master Koyote the Blind guides participants on a journey through the higher dimensional chambers of the Afterlife. An invocational performance, 7:30 pm, by donation. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/ akadua.html. And live on www.justin.tv/koyote93. SANTA MONICA MEDITATION GROUP, 7:30 pm, free. Practice meditation, plus other spiritual techniques, and connect with other likeminded souls, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Ananda Meditation Group of Santa Monica, location to be announced, 310/396-9900, ext. 5, rose@anandala.org, www.anandala.org. FREE ENERGY HEALING CLINIC, 3-7 pm, Glendale. Healing on an energetic level can bring tremendous shifts physically, mentally and emotionally. Come and experience an energy healing treatment with one of our trained practitioners. Visit our website for a full description of classes and to register: www.indigorisingonline.com. Or call or email us: 818/956-0125, info@indigorisingonline.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation
Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. 4 consecutive weeks, Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
FRIDAYS BRUNO GROENING CIRCLE OF FRIENDS, spiritual healing through the teachings of Bruno Groening. 7:30-9:30 pm, meets every 3 weeks on a Friday (this month: Oct. 9 & 30). Led by Barbara Neustadt. New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346. FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-
healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/9278687 (cell). SPIRITUAL SERVICE: ALL SOULS IN REVERENCE, for women, men, families. Be a “soul in reverence” as we honor Mother Earth together. Gather at 6 pm for personal prayer in Sanctuary; service 7-8 pm; social time 8-8:30 pm. Love offering. Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir. #A, Irvine 92614, 949/6510564, www.goddesstempleoforangecounty. com. YOUR POWER TO SAY NO! Learn to say NO and watch years of guilt and worry fall away. Save time, money and energy. Discover this new way with Vernon Howard’s powerful principles. Classes every Friday at 8 pm, New Life Foundation, 5779 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www. anewlife.org. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45minute session, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or email unegbudrj@gmail.com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five
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miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
SATURDAYS YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve and sustain your health by learning this gentle, stressreducing Meditation in Movement. Beginner instruction 9-10:30 am; includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. Individualized attention and correction, promoting improved posture, strength, balance and coordination. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire and Chelsea, 2 blocks W of 26th St.). Sifu Spraker has taught internationally for over 37 years. For info, fees & enrollment: 310/4793646. www.alexandertaichi.com. PARAYANA: THE WAY BEYOND, workshop series with Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon. Workshop $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10. Info: 310/278-9668. This series covers from Jesus’ Way with Resurrection seed Mary Magdalene through St.
Thomas to the Mahayana; from Hermetic, Celtic, and Arthurian Mysteries to the Vajrayana in India, China, Japan and Tibet; and from Renaissance Art of Persons and contemporary science to the new, our Parayana. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. SANSKRIT MANTRA CHANTING CLASS with Psychic Palmist of India Professor Sasi Velupillai and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of sacred sound meditation through ancient Sanskrit chants from India for empowerment, manifestation, prosperity and spiritual growth. Includes instruction, manual, time working with mantras, video and audio recordings, and traditional vedic initiation into mantras. Info: 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.vedic-
healinginstitute.com. CIRCLE OF HEALING & GROUP CHANNELING with Selacia and The Council of 12. Participate for personal and planetary healing, self-renewal and increased clarity about today’s oftentimes confusing world. Evening includes world peace process and guided channeled meditation. Advance sign-up required. In Santa Monica, 7:30 pm Saturdays, 7 pm Sundays, $25, call for dates. Private channeling sessions also available. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (workshops). To receive announcements, email Selacia@Selacia.com. WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, Reiki Master, Teacher. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena and Santa Monica. 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery. com, email jess@ReikiMastery.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com.
EVERYDAY Bodywork / Massage REDUCE PAIN, REGAIN MOBILITY. Holistic Health Care offers bodywork and energywork to remove congestion, restoring wellness. To
50 Garden (continued from page 8)
For environmental reasons, The Culinary Club has chosen to share and teach only plant-based cooking – fruits, vegetables and grains, because it has come to our attention from a United Nations report, that livestock production accounts for more pollution and a larger carbon footprint than all forms of transportation combined. For the health of our planet, and our bodies, the choice was easy. A month later, all the stone fruit landed. Why does all the fruit come in at the same time? You’re waiting, waiting, waiting for a fresh backyard peach and then suddenly, you’re awash in every fruit possible. It was time for a “Canning & Food Preservation” get-together. The 15-seat limit class filled up in 24 hours of notice. Ya gotta be quick in this crowd. We spent a morning learning the ins-andouts of an age-old tradition of “putting up” summer harvest. Those peaches and the green-tomato relish are going to be mighty fine in the chill of January. Now, I’m old enough to have been required to take Home Economics in high school, and I take great pleasure in the art and taste of home-cooking. But my daughter is the only one in her circle of friends that knows there’s more to having a meal than talking into a box and driving to a window. But beyond the lack of knowledge, there’s the time factor. Let’s face it, cooking with garden fresh produce is time consuming compared to microwaving a pizza. So one of the key goals of The Culinary Club is to offer time-efficient techniques for preparing a week’s worth of food on a Sunday afternoon. Or learning how ethnic spices can make chicken or tofu taste like twelve countries. Or what to do with all that zucchini. Where the hell is all that zucchini going to go? To your non-profit food banks of course, or to local food exchanges. And who’s going to pick it, transport it, distribute it? The harvest gleaning program of course. “Gleaning” is a chic term for picking. So we’re imagining that by next summer, we need to have Harvest Helpers ready to go, with some leaders who will train teams of volunteers how to pick and package fruit without damaging it, so we can start re-distributing the resources to those programs that deal with food justice issues. Harvesting backyard fruit is perfect part-time work for teenagers, especially in the summer when they’re out of school and all the fruit trees are exploding with sugar sweet munchies. I know, I know, getting
teenagers to volunteer their time is dicey… but there are always a few who turn up and have a great time in the garden, whether it’s planting or harvesting. Those few are exactly the ones we want to give internships to, to train with job skills that are going to be increasingly necessary as the industrial agriculture model starts imploding. In my grandmothers time, about 30% of the population was involved with farming. Now only 1% of us farm. We need to reverse that back again. One of our local private schools has built a terrific greenhouse, which they use in their garden learning program. That greenhouse lies dormant all summer. Can’t we train and pay some teens to grow seedlings for our winter gardens for us?
Building a regional food network is simply the most basic and eternal gift that we can give ourselves and each other. This isn’t rocket science, it’s common sense. How can we use what we’ve got to do more? What about spinning off micro-businesses that develop “value-added” products? That’s agri-talk which means taking plums and turning them into chutney, or avocados into guacamole. As more people (especially stay-at-home moms or lowwage income earners) begin to get creative in the kitchen, new revenue streams can open up in the local economy. But wait, you say, you need a certified kitchen to manufacture food products. Exactly. So now we’re looking for a county approved commercial kitchen we can rent to do just that. You see, there’s no end to the possibilities, starting with one garden at a time. Now that we’ve got a sizeable membership in Food & Ag (about 150 at last count), there’s no end to the ideas for get-togethers. This Saturday we’re hosting a Pancake Breakfast, BYOF (bring your own fruit) and Seed Exchange. You can never use all the seeds in one of those packages from the nursery, so we’ll be sharing with one another in order to bring more vegetable varieties to our winter gardens. An organic seed company catalogue will be standing by for inspiration and more seeds to buy.
Even though our Indian Summer lasts through October now, autumn will eventually come. November is time for a workshop on fruit tree pruning. February is fruit tree planting time here in Southern California. So then it will be time to contact all our new garden owners to see who wants the next layer of self-reliant food production? Oh boy, more parties, planting trees. Who needs the gym when you’ve got a garden? Last month we had a film screening of the wacky documentary “Mad City Chickens” about urban chicken raising, at the local theater. A whopping 150 people came and stayed for Q&A afterwards with the speaker about how to get started with a few chicks. A chicken social group got going of those who already had poultry pals and those who wanted some. I’m telling you, once you get started, it’s unstoppable! And this is how a local food system gets established: one garden, one block, one neighborhood, one valley at a time. A startling fact is that most North American cities (U.S. & Canada) have a 2-3 day \supply of food in the markets. That’s it folks, a couple of days. Then what? Remember Katrina? So this is how our valley’s bio-region is strengthening its food security. This is how a community builds its resilience to sudden shocks such as weather events, grocery strikes, global food shortages, and other surprises. Do we expect to grow all our own food? Nope. Do we expect to stop importing food? Nope. We do, however, enjoy the taste of a sun-warm, vine-ripened, juicy tomato and the satisfaction that comes from regaining ancient knowledge and sharing it amongst our growing circle of friends and neighbors. There is a stunning amount of shared wisdom that emerges when you dig in the earth, or gather round the stove, or teach something or find a new book. More than any doomsday insurance, building a regional food network is simply the most basic and eternal gift that we can give ourselves and each other. Just remember to….keep it fresh…. keep it fun! Dulanie Ellis-La Barre is a documentary
filmmaker. Her company, Walk Your Talk Productions, has produced three short films about sustainable agriculture topics (www.walkyourtalkproductions.com) . She serves on the Ventura County Ag Futures Alliance, and is the Chairperson for the Food & Agriculture committee of the Ojai Valley Green Coalition.
51 make an appt with Dan, call 818/761-3988. Ask about our Touch of Jade Facial Class. Holistic Health Care, 11318 Ventura Blvd, Studio City. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE taught by Lana Spraker, MA, AmSAT certified teacher. Lessons in self-mastery wherein you improve your overall appearance, postural alignment, coordination and professional skills. The Technique is taught through gentle hands-on guidance that brings about physical re-education. Clinical studies report the Alexander Technique as the preferred method for long-term relief from chronic pain. For enquiries about private instruction call 310/479-3646 or visit www. alexandertaichi.com.
ACUPRESSURE THERAPY, stress relieving, available from Antoinette Rohner, 818/3783396. www.movingintopeace.com. EAR REFLEXOLOGY: BEGINNING HANDS-ON WORKSHOP. The ears are amazing for relief of pain and musculoskeletal problems. Learn the latest from China, France and USA. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com. REIKI HEALING INTRO NIGHTS with Jessica Miller in Santa Monica, Glendora, Pasadena, Glendale/La Crescenta area, $20 donation. Stress reduction and relaxation through Ki healing energy. Relaxed, casual atmosphere, questions welcomed. See me on YouTube! www. ReikiMastery.com. For info call 626/963-3533 or email jess@ReikiMastery.com. HAND REFLEXOLOGY: BEGINNING HANDSON WORKSHOP. Hand Reflexology is as effective as Foot Reflexology for relief of many internal health problems. Learn the latest knowledge and techniques from around the world. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. Visit www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com.
Books / Music / Media FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: SUCCESS, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY in Less Than 5 Minutes Per Day! Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.MyMentalBank.com. Introducing the Mental Bank Program, a dramatic demonstration of how all luck, good and bad, is a product of the powerful forces of your subconscious mind. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www. hypnosis.edu. FREE SAMPLES OF MP3 AUDIO RECORDINGS from The Gnostic Society, with Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller. Visit www.bcrecordings.net. Info: The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. WAYNE PERRY’S VOCAL TONING & SOUND HEALING MUSIC, four sound healing music recordings available: “The Cosmichoir, Sounds for Healing,” “In Chantment,” “Tantra Mantra,” and “Remember the Future.” Available on CD or cassette. Contact Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, 618 N. Orlando Ave., Suite 6, West Hollywood 90048, 323/655-7781, www.wayneperry.com. THE SECRETS TO HEALING WITH SOUND AND TONING, empower yourself and transform your life with internationally renowned sound healer Wayne Perry. Step-by-step instructional
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series teaches how to heal anything using the natural healing power of the voice. 6 hours of exercises and instructions, no musical experience necessary. Set of 4 cassettes $49.99; 4 CD’s $59.99. Call 323/655-7781 to order. www. wayneperry.com. FREE BOOK: JOURNEY OF A SOUL explores tangible ways to experience Soul Transcendence, an awareness of yourself as a Soul and as one with God. For your free copy of Journey of a Soul call 80/899-2665 or email servicedesk@msia.org. This book is a gift from MSIA, there is no cost or obligation. SOUND MEDICINE: The Complete Guide to Healing with the Human Voice, Wayne Perry’s new book is now available, $21.95. For details contact Wayne Perry, internationally renowned sound healer. The Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, West Hollywood. 323/655-7781, www. wayneperry.com. FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIPS, The Subconscious Connection. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? What role does the subconscious mind play in who we choose in relationships? Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.UnderstandMyRelationship.com. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/4799464, www.hypnosis.edu. “REMEMBER THE FUTURE,” VIBRATIONAL HEALING MUSIC, renowned sound healer and overtone singer Wayne Perry’s latest release, “a truly epic work that stands as his masterpiece... mesmerizing and inspiring...” (P.J. Birosik of The Monthly Aspectarian). Almost an hour of healing music, compact disc for $17.99, audiotape
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(continued from page 7)
front side…my health insurance is here. We were blessed growing up; my mom bought bananas that still had blemishes on them; that meant they were ripe. They didn’t get gassed. I was raised healthier than kids are today. So, my money is invested on the health insurance front right here. SH: In the plants. JD: On the ground floor. SH: From the soil up. JD: That is my investment. SH: It’s not the easiest way to earn a living. What people don’t realize is that you’re not being paid for all these films about your life, that you share this information freely. JD: That is a hard thing. It’s been about being neighborly; a community. I don’t think we should just hold this information; we should share it. When we started, it was just about us, the family. Then the Compton High School garden club contacted us and they asked if they could come over and see the garden. I thought to myself, maybe I have a responsibility that’s about more than just taking care of my family. We are all in the same boat; I’ve got to help where I can. I started giving tours to the kids and then other people. But it doesn’t pay—not money anyways. That kind of stuff doesn’t pay. We are always on the short end. And we don’t take grants. SH: Because of government involvement? JD: If you depend on grants, when the grants aren’t there, then what do you do? I have to learn to stand on my own two feet. I actually tell people I stand on eight feet because I’ve got three other kids. The family has to be able to stand on its own. That is what makes strong families--which make strong countries. I am determined to be self reliant and do what the Americans did a long time ago, and which we don’t do much anymore. This is my form of patriotism; to make myself stronger, my family strong, but you don’t get paid for it. It doesn’t turn out to be a job it turns out to be a lifestyle. SH: What about the future? JD: Anais and Jordan did the website last year; Jordan taught herself code. They did the Freedom Gardens.org. It’s a social network site, and we have helped others get together online. The Freedom Gardens is using us like a hub; they find out where the other people live and then people find others in their own backyard, not necessar-
ily neighbors but in the area. It’s about growing food where you live; it’s not meant to be about farming. These are gardeners, not farmers, and they are helping each other with blogging and forming groups. SH: Look—there’s one of those giant June bugs. JD: They should be hatching now and laying eggs in June—that’s why they give them the name. When you see them in September you know something is off. The temperature is supposed to be ideal for
I think religion went off the deep end when it forgot the simple premise that you start with the number one thing, the earth-and stewardship. them to be coming out and whoever eats those things or what they eat in the ground is off, too. I would say that people going back and forth out there wouldn’t know this, but a gardener would and maybe someone who is aware notices this is wrong. SH: So, this is about climate change. JD: I’d say we are on the front lines of climate change. For the last three years we have had a rough go of it. We have more bugs than we have ever seen before and we have had to change our planting schedules. I have to figure it out now. We are in September and. that bug doesn’t know what is going on. So where’s the end of this? People are having really bad tomato seasons in the summer; they are getting better tomatoes earlier. SH: Our best tomatoes came in May. JD: Our best came in December. The ones in the summer couldn’t do anything. We just scratched them. That hurt. Our income stream was the heirlooms but now that the climate change is running amuck we are trying to figure out how to get
enough to sell. Heirlooms bring in the money we need because we can’t compete in volume, but we can compete with unique varieties and freshness. SH: What about famer’s markets? JD: We don’t have any produce left over for that. All our stuff is pre-sold. 30-40% is the sales, 10% goes to the animals. We are okay, except we don’t get the varieties and numbers we used to have. We are trying to figure out the seasons now, while it used to be a given. Last year we planted tomatoes on five different occasions. Most years I’m able to pass the information on and say, “This is what I do”, but now--if you are blinded you can’t lead the blind. SH: Are there conferences about this? Like how the climate changes are affecting gardeners and growers? JD: Yes, and we have outreach at our place here. We just screened “Seed Hunter”. It’s about people doing the same things we are; they are looking for diversity. You’d be surprised how many people are in the same boat. Even in the furthest, farthest reaches of the world, these people talk like we’re talking now. I thought there had to be some place safe; someone’s got it together somewhere! But the seed hunter couldn’t find stability, either. Farmers live for the stable times. It used to be once every ten years they had a wacko year but they lived only because there is a stable period between wacky ones. If there’s no pattern; if every year is different…well, the only way we know something is if a pattern exists. If you can’t find a pattern, then every year is a crap shoot. SH: And that just doesn’t work for farmers and gardening. JD: No. People are going to get ticked. If I had to start all this start now; if this was my first year, I wouldn’t know what to think. When I get back from a presentation, people will say to me, ‘I like to hear that’ because then they know their failure is not just their own. So, when I say this is the worst year I have ever had, they feel encouraged by my failure; it means they’re not alone. SH: Jules, a lot of people who read our magazine are involved in spirituality of different kinds. One thing that’s struck me is how people tend to separate spirituality from this process we’re talking about. JD: That’s what it appears to have been like for a long time; that this is religion, and then this is what you do outside of
say, “This is broken.” Why would you give something to your child that’s broken? SH: I wonder how many people are asking themselves what do I really want to pass along to my children. JD: If people were serious about that it would make a big difference.
religion. Well that is baloney. SH: How do you see it? JD: I tell my kids the American Indians had it right. They understood religion to be about the whole scheme. We in the West have separated religion by time and date and place and group. No, it’s the whole thing. I think religion went off the deep end when it forgot the simple premise that you start with the number one thing, the earth--and stewardship. If you tie it all together, then you have a real religion. Splits begat splits and now we have split ourselves off from the planet. Steven Hawkins, the physicist, had a contest for people to write in and tell him what the solution would be for the mess we are in. He had 10,000 people reply and they asked him what his solution would be and he said to go and live on another planet. And do what? You don’t give a guy who crashed a car and hasn’t got a clue, another car--unless he figures out how to drive, and even then they send him to go to traffic school. Well we need to go to school. We crash a planet and we are going to get another planet? It doesn’t make any sense. It is a humbling thing. For the indigenous person, religion is a humbling religion. This other religion we are talking about is a proud religion. That is a mistake. All religion by definition should be a humbling experience. SH: I agree with that. As I was coming here, I kept thinking “What is he really doing?” and I thought, “He’s being a good steward,” a term that has almost been lost. This is the planet that we have been given. We are not here forever, we don’t own it. We’re just passing through. JD: And we are passing it on, passing our waste to the next generation. How do you feel if I give you a mess? Something is wrong. That is why I say I can’t pass that along. As a parent you can’t pass that along to someone and have them look at you and
SH: Can it change? JD: It had better change; the only way I can do this is to hope that I still have a part to play because otherwise, what do you wake up to if you don’t have hope? Even when they talk about tipping points; even if you do everything possible and it’s too late, you’ve got to have hope that something good will happen if you do this, if you keep trying.. Once you lose hope— that’s the destruction. First it happens internally; you destroy the possibilities. You give up. SH: This is the house of hope right here. JD: To me, it’s the garden of hope. I think that is what we feel when we are here. People want to come and stay. SH: Who’d want to leave Eden? JD: We really do have to screen out everything else sometimes. Because the world encroaches even into the sacred places, even into your own place, and it shouldn’t be that way; we need to have a wall to keep some of that out.. SH: I want to thank you for this visit Jules; for letting The Whole Person into your life, and letting me into your garden.
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TIME FOR A CAREER CHANGE? For more information visit the following websites: www.PathtoFreedom.com www.PeddlarsWagon.com www.FreedomGardens.org www.FreedomSeeds.org www.HomegrownRevolutionFilm.com This interview was conducted and written by Sharon Hall forThe Whole Person Calendar.
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tact Hands on Healing Institute, 6708 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, 818/951-5811. Website: www. gotohhi.org. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR NO CHARGE, Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) offers the professional Hypnosis 101 Course to qualified applicants at no charge (normally costs $495). If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis. edu. GET CERTIFIED, CHANGE LIVES & START YOUR OWN BUSINESS for less than $500. www.ConingCompany.com. We were the first on the internet with candling. Buy our cones online. Call 310/455-8623 for info on classes, appointments and cone specials. Email customerservice@coningcompany.com. REIKI CLASSES in Glendale (La Crescenta) area, with Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training. Reiki 1 & 2, ART/Master, Karuna Reiki®, Japanese Reiki Techniques. Call 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery.com. See me on YouTube! REFLEXOLOGY: PROFESSIONAL 200 HOUR CERTIFICATION COURSE in the integration of Foot, Hand and Ear Reflexology. Learn to get the best results possible by working on all three. We have taught thousands to get remarkable results. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com.
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SELACIA’S WORKSHOPS, sign up now for workshops forming on DNA intuitive healing, the nonphysical realms, animal communications. Offered by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. Accelerate your journey to wholeness and health by participating in teachings that you can apply to healing of yourself, pets, loved ones, clients. In Santa Monica. Call 310/915-2884 about upcoming workshops or visit www.Selacia.com. Email for info, Selacia@Selacia.com.
JOIN SELACIA’S MAILING LIST at www.Selacia.com to be informed of the latest news and activities related to DNA healing, development of intuitive gifts, working with crystals for healing, core beliefs, local classes and more. Hear news of the latest research and everyday life examples involving healing, consciousness and the shift to a new world paradigm. Call 310/9152884 or email Selacia@Selacia.com.
NOW OPEN! MYSTIC’S ALTAR, featuring amulets, books, candles, charms, chimes, crystals, incense, jewelry, readings, spells, statuary, tarot and much more. The Mystic’s Altar features a wide array of altar tools and services geared to helping individuals find their true path and create the lives they desire. Mystic’s Altar, 1746 Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/446-9100.
ESOTERIC BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE based on the 7 volumes of New Age Bible Interpretation by Corinne Heline. New Age Bible and Philosophy Center, 1139 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica, 310/395-4346.
Fitness T’AI CHI DVD WITH SIFU LANA SPRAKER, “The Way of T’ai Chi Ch’uan: Gentle Exercise for Health and Inner Peace.” Complete demonstration of the Long Form, Traditional Yang Style. Easy access to individual moves and sections, information on history and philosophy. Separate text enclosed for all 108 movement names. Clear slow-motion instruction. $29.95 plus tax, S/H. (Video format also available). T’ai Productions, PO Box 25654, LA 90025. 310/479-3646,
Gift Shops / Bookstores HUNGRY MIND BOOKS is opening their warehouse up to the public. Now wholesale to the public: all titles 40-70% off publishers’ retail price. Featuring bestselling New Age and metaphysical books at wholesale prices. Oct. 18, 11 am-4 pm and by appt only at other times. 20928 Osborne St. #E, Canoga Park 91304, 818/5853257.
THE IMAGINE CENTER in Tarzana offers intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. We offer books, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot and oracle cards. Beautiful Healing Room available for use by certified spiritual practitioners at attractive rates. Store hours: Tues-Fri 10-7 pm; Sat 11-5; Sun 11-3 (closed Mon). Call 818/345-1100 for info and to schedule services. Walk-ins welcome. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Bl., Tarzana 91356. CRYSTAL STONE GALLERY, opening October 1. Offering a large selection of crystals, minerals, fossils, beads, books, incense, and candles. Come and get a bit of earth’s energy for your spirit. 21908 Ventura Blvd., Woodland Hills, 818/335-5362.
Books • Readings Workshops • Gifts • Music
Thousands of Books • New Age • Buddhism • Shamanism • Love, Sex & Marriage Yoga • Children’s Books • Earth Consciousness • Wicca • Philosophy Meditation • Diet & Fitness Hundreds of Gifts • Singing Bowls • Carved Buddhas • Crystals Essential Oils • Jewelry • Incense Dozens of CDs & DVDs • Music • Movies • Guided Meditations 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, CA 90291 • 310 399 7070 HOURS: Sun-Thurs 11-9pm • Fri-Sat 11-11pm
info@mysticjourneybookstore.com • www.mysticjourneybookstore.com
by Sharon Hall Welcome to the Healthy Foodie! I’m hoping this will be a place to share recipes, and talk about food. My own personal interests in healthy eating grew side by side with my love of gardening. After learning all about organics back in the early 90’s, I have had an organic garden of some size or another, ranging from a few pots on a porch to one that encompassed close to a third of an acre. When I had very little money but lots of time to garden, I began to grow and cook about half of what I ate, inventing meals based only on what was available. I found this way of eating in harmony with the seasons not only satisfying, but it made me happy and healthy as well. I hope you enjoy this recipe; happy eating!
We’re so very fortunate to have the kind of weather in California that allows avocados almost year-round. In our house, our commitment to healthy foods, means we have been nourishing our soil for over 5 years with the compost we make from cuttings and kitchen scraps. The ingredients for great guacamole--
Sharon’s Ojai Guacamole Serves 8 to 10 4 to 6 extra large avocados, ripe but firm the juice of 2 limes, or up to 4 key limes 1 large tomato, chopped small ½ jalapeño, or whole for more heat half a diced red onion ½ cup chopped cilantro, or to taste sea salt to taste Peel then mash avocados in a large bowl. Add chopped tomato and onions ;mix together lightly to keep a chunky texture. Add the jalapeño and stir in half the lime juice. Add cilantro and salt to taste. If it still needs something, tweak with remaining lime juice and/or salt, or add more of the cilantro. Crispy baked strips
tomatoes, peppers, cilantro and onions—are all in abundance by late August . My companion, who sells citrus and avocados at the farmer’s market, brings the overflow home, so this recipe grew out of the fortunate dilemma of having too much of a good thing. Our small key lime tree contributes the tangy spark to this mole, but any good limes will do. Try serving with the baked whole wheat strips for a change from the more traditional corn.
1 bag whole wheat tortillas, preferably sprouted olive oil, at least ¼ cup sea salt. Pre-heat oven to 375. Stack tortillas, then cut into long, rough strips. Spread strips on a non-stick baking sheet (you might need 2) and drizzle with the olive oil. Sprinkle with the sea salt and bake until browning and crisp—5 to 8 minutes. Let sit for another 3 to 5 minutes after removing from oven before serving.
58 SOUL CENTERED METAPHYSICAL SHOPPE, set in the spiritual vortex of Ojai, it is more than a bookstore, but an invitation to explore. Browse through an extensive crystal selection. Come and experience our Geodesic Dome for a class or special event. Open 7 days, 10:30 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. MYSTIC JOURNEY BOOKSTORE, books, readings, workshops, gifts, music. Thousands of books, hundreds of gifts, dozens of CDs and DVDs. 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 310/3997070, www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. SunThurs 11 am-9 pm, Fri/Sat 11 am-11 pm. ALEXANDRIA II BOOKSTORE offers a wide selection of new and used books, music, videos, statuary, jewelry, incense, candles, cards and unique gifts. Hours: Mon-Thurs 10-9, Fri-Sat 1010, Sunday 10-7. 567 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101, 626/792-7885. www.alexandria2.com. LEARNING LIGHT FOUNDATION ANAHEIM, offering a wide range of best-selling authors, lecturers, workshops. So. Cal’s largest psychic fair, mediumship demos and festivals. Serving Orange County. 714/533-2311. 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim 92805. Website: www.learninglight. org.
Health & Wellness SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BREAST THERMOGRAPHY AT TAO OF VENUS HEALING CENTER. Go Pink and prevent cancer before it begins. Be part of our Community of Change and change breast cancer statistics, prevent cancer with the women in your life. $50 off for each person for groups if 8. Breast Thermography can detect physiological patterns of breast cancer up to 8 years before cancer cells are large enough to be detected by mammography. For info visit www. gopinkpreventcancer.com, www.taoofvenus. com, or call 310/775-3388. INTEGRATED BEING, Mind, Body, Spirit. The B.E.S.T. is a technique that has a spiritual, physical and a neurological component. It is an energy based technique that is non-forceful in nature and a neurological component that entails addressing the “feeling(s)” that come up during the application of the technique. To learn more about B.E.S.T., contact Dr. Donna Lee, Msc.D., N.H.D., 818/264-5426, www.integratedbeing. net.
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HEALING BY SPIRIT – MASTER KHOI VU. What is Spiritual Healing? The healer is the transmitter and mediator of cosmic energy, and the healed is the receiver. The spiritual harmony between the two is the absolute faith of one person toward the other. It is by this faith, the sick person will receive cosmic vibrations and this mysterious energy will neutralize the imbalance, healing the sickness in mind and body, bringing back health and quietness of the soul. Contact: 714/454-4571. BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Digital x-rays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/716-6722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. MEDICAL MARIJUANA EVALUATIONS IN SANTA BARBARA. Use cannabis legally. 24/7 phone and online verifications and doctor-patient confidentiality. Call toll-free for info and appointments. 888/420-NATURAL or see our website for clinic dates and more info at www.natural-
care4wellness.com. MASTER KHOI VU’S SELF HEALING KIT, thousands have found peace of mind by listening to Master Khoi Vu’s Self Healing Kit at home and from healing on the telephone. Master Khoi Vu uses the Power of Mind to cure patients from far away without the use of any drug or medicine. Visit www.healingbyspirit.com to see more “miracle” healing stories of the patients all over the world. Contact: 714/454-4571. DISTANT HEALING SESSIONS BY KURIAKOS, 7 sessions for $20! Heal your mind and body on all levels! www.DistantHealing.biz. LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE EVER! Dr. Donna Lee, Msc.D., NHD, is a B.E.S.T. Technique Elite Master, Passion Test Facilitator, Intuitive Life Coach, and Licensed Metaphysical Practitioner. Offering B.E.S.T. wellness care, classes, goal setting, coaching, and readings. 818/264-5426, www. integratedbeing.net. EXPERIENCE HEALING BEYOND ANYTHING you have read about, thought about, dreamed about. Reconnective Healing® with Jean Merritt. Reconnective Frequencies connect us to the natural energy gridlines, enable spiritual & evolutionary advancement, enhance & fuel renewal functions of the body, and increase vibratory levels for healing. Call 917/319-0184. COLON HYDROTHERAPY is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine. We offer supplements and nutritional programs tailored to your particular needs as well as gentle, professional colon irrigations. Call for brochure and appointment, Nora Sierra, CCH, CNHP, Healthy Options, 310/202-1682. 4232 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230. Credit cards accepted. Se habla espanol. PERSONALIZED HOLISTIC DENTISTRY, Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, Beverly Hills. Nonmetallic crowns, inlays and onlays with state-ofthe-art porcelain and composites. Safe removal and replacement of mercury fillings. Non-surgical gum treatment (laser). TMJ (jaw joint) treatment. And much more. Credit cards, payment plans, most insurance accepted. Your procedure may be covered by insurance. 8500 Wilshire Blvd. #505, Beverly Hills, 310/6522400. www.UnforgettableSmile.com. HEALING SESSIONS WITH JESSICA, powerful, personalized sessions incorporating all levels of Reiki, plus breath and sound healing, affirmations, healing of situations and health, past, present and future. Includes discussion time. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, www. ReikiMastery.com. LONGEVITY STARTS IN THE MOUTH, each tooth is related to certain points, meridians and organs in your body. Raveco Holistic Dental Center offers affordable Biological Dentistry, free preliminary dental consultation, evening and weekend hours appointments. Call 310/826-8418. 12381 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 103, WLA 90025, www.Ravecoholistic.com. JIN SHIN DO ACUPRESSURE HEALING, private sessions available with Antoinette Rohner. For details call Moving Into Peace, 818/3783396. www.movingintopeace.com. DENTAL ALTERNATIVES, offering Laser Diagnosis, a breakthrough in diagnosing cavities. Detect cavities at an early stage so you can treat teeth conservatively. Mercury-free fillings, all porcelain crowns available. Arthur B. Schlachtman, DDS, 8635 W 3rd St #250, LA 90048, 310/659-0522. FOOT REFLEXOLOGY: BEGINNING HANDS-
59 ON WORKSHOP. Foot Reflexology feels wonderful, is so good for you and your health. Learn to use reflexology on yourself and others. Classes conducted on the West Side. American Academy of Reflexology, state approved school. Bill Flocco, Director. Toll-free: 866/588-8885. ReflexologyEdu@aol.com. www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com.
a metaphysical shoppe
SUPERIOR GENERAL AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY. Come experience our gentle and thorough approach to superior cosmetic and general dentistry. Services include: safe removal and replacement of mercury fillings, nutritional counseling, material sensitivity testing, Invisalign, porcelain veneers. Credit cards, payment plans, most insurance accepted. Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, Beverly Hills, 8500 Wilshire Blvd. #505, Beverly Hills, 310/652-2400. www. UnforgettableSmile.com. HEALING SESSIONS WITH OMNASZTRA. Healing sessions are on the Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Levels and can be in person or long distance. Also: Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. FREE CONSULTATION AVAILABLE at office of Dr. Drew Hall, for Upper Cervical care. As an Upper Cervical doctor he specializes in finding out why your body is not working and then fixes it, understanding that the human body is designed to heal itself. Carson/Torrance 310/3246172, www.uppercervicalcare.com. AFFORDABLE HOLISTIC & COSMETIC DENTISTRY, offering safe silver (mercury) filling removal, low radiation x-rays, minimal invasive dentistry microabrasion, non-surgical gum treatment, and invisalign clear braces. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/8223833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www. makingusmile.com. DO YOU PASS THE SKIN-FITNESS TEST? Learn the secrets of healthy, vital skin the holistic way, free report, call the Vital Image, 310/8231996, or write 439 Talbert St, Playa del Rey 90293. DNA INTUITIVE HEALING WITH SELACIA, accelerate your growth with activation of your DNA and healing deeply-held obstacles to living a joyful life. Move out of emotional/physical pain and fear to clarity and self-empowerment. For people and pets. Private sessions are by phone. Free monthly intro seminars. Call for details, 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com, email Selacia@Selacia.com. IF YOUR LYMPH SYSTEMS NEED CLEANING, you have a stuffy nose, sinus problems or neck and jaw tension, coning makes a difference. You can have an appointment, take a class, or buy one of our kits. Visit www.coningcompany.com or call 310/455-8623, Val Kirkgaard. WHOLISTIC DENTISTRY, how to treat the “whole person” to stop tooth decay, pyorrhea (bone loss), gum problems, herpes. Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry, Beverly Hills, 8500 Wilshire Blvd, #505, Beverly Hills, 310/652-2400. www. UnforgettableSmile.com. PRIVATE SESSIONS AVAILABLE WITH WAYNE PERRY, voice assessments, Signature sound work, vibrational alignment, healing treatment, toning and sounding lessons, and more. Wayne Perry is a sound healer, toning channel, overtone singer, Signature Sound® Bio-Acoustic Technician, radio & TV talk-show host. For information call 323/655-7781.
Set in the Spiritual Vortex of Ojai, California, Soul Centered is more than a bookstore, it is an invitation to explore… Browse through an extensive Crystal selection–many unique and rare specimens. Local metaphysical artists, some well known, some waiting to be.
Oct. 30, 7:30-9:30 pm, $10 Music, Dance, Food, Costumes, Prizes & Fun! For Class/Event/Workshop schedule, please go to www.soulcentered.com Come experience our 1,018 square feet Geodesic Dome for a class or special event.
311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai • www.soulcentered.com • 805.640.8222 ����������������������������������
Female Fountain of Youth R E T R E A T
OCTOBER 10 TH, 9:00am-6:00 pm, PALOS VERDES
Every woman is welcome to this intuitive female retreat. Come discover how to tap into your own fountain of youth. We will be:
clearing “aging” energy replenishing “beauty” energy
restoring “youth” energy receiving a female healing
The day of respit includes intuitive classes, healings, breakfast and lunch. Retreat is located at the beautiful Mary & Joseph Retreat Center, 5300 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 $130 with early reg. For more information or to register, contact:
(702) 245-2099 or email: info@IntuitiveSpirits.com Taught by clairvoyant healer, Karin Fogerty.
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Seed (continued from page 19) you don’t learn to play Beethoven first. SH: Right—learn the basics first. Eric, you have this great macrobiotic dessert cookbook, but the basics are still pretty important, aren’t they? S: We wanted to reach out. Eric loves desserts and I’m a sugar junkie. I make a joke to my students; I became macrobiotic, and then my French chef husband ended up becoming like a pastry chef. He’s so talented people get fooled and think he’s a professional pastry chef! E: I want to say something about Sanae’s book. People do want to learn the basics. You know, people have forgotten how to cook beans, how to cook rice, all those basic things. Nowadays people have no idea; everything is instant--just put it in the microwave, or put in water---5 minutes it’s ready. Of course it’s easy, but, if you want to eat healthy, then you have to learn how to cook basic stuff.
S: I want to go back to something you asked about the spiritual. When people say ‘spiritual’ they think that’s something exotic, something different. I can only speak from my own experience. When I had my car accident, and left my body, I thought when I came back, ‘oh I’m going to be so spiritual’, you know? But, now I’m back and living my everyday life, and I realized spiritual doesn’t really mean something so different then that, you know? I learned through macrobiotic and vipassana*, we have this body that we’ve
SH: Thank you so much Eric and Sanae; and thank you for your wonderful food and I look forward to meeting you in person.
I arrived at Seed late, to find Eric just finishing his lunch. Sanae had left unfortunately, but Eric was a gracious host. I ordered the kale salad; he suggested the seitan side. The food was so good, so clean-tasting and healthy, I felt my insides smile. At last! My body seemed to say; I forgive you for the airplane food. As I ate, we talked--about possibilities for the future, and Senae’s cookbook love, Senae coming out in October. About his commitment to keeping the high quality of the ingredients, and the higher costs of most of the organic produce available. We talked about the work of running and owning a restaurant, and one reviewer’s perspective that, because everything is packaged—sustainably—to go, something was off, thus completely missing the point of a small, mostly take-out place. Then, we walked to the dessert display. There was Madonna’s favorite SH: Eric, you’re getting a lot of coconut mousse, topped with berries awareness about macrobiotics out there, and a slice of kiwi. It looked fabulous, in part because of your connection to but I craved the dark chocolate cupcake various celebrities—which is good, I with its dairy queen-like swirl of think. Has that helped your business? chocolate mousse on top. Gifted the S: He has charisma, definitely. I think coconut mousse from Eric, I took it as it’s good that he’s connected with all a gift for the hostess at my next stop. I these people. ate my cupcake on the road, reveling in its luscious, creamy topping and the SH: It must have helped get information almost black chocolate cake, astonished Senae’s cookbook, love, Senae—about her own journey of into the popular media—otherwise, at Eric’s ability to take simple macrobihealing through macrobiotics and the recipes she used— people would never hear much about otic ingredients and magic them into is due out in October. macrobiotic cooking. something so satisfying to my sweet S: Yes, but our target is not really just tooth. Only the lack of indigestion late received this lifetime. So, the first practice the macrobiotic or vegan people. Our goal is, and the lack of a sugar rush reminded me: for us is to nurture the physical part, then if everybody in LA would come to eat at this dessert was not only good for my body, the mental part, then comes the spiritual. Seed once a week, or once a month, our it was good for the planet, and probably Because in order to really take care of the business is going to be doing just fine. good for my soul as well. spiritual, we have to take care of the body. I E: It’s been steady since we opened. Of *vipassana. From the Pali word for ‘insight’. More usually give this example: You drive a car, course, the neighborhood is very nice, and about vipassana meditation can be found at right? If you put in the cheapest oil and the people are very supportive. A lot of people in cheapest gasoline, it’s not going to work well www.dhamma.org Venice are very health-conscious, and have in the future! If you think about eating been for years. So, being in Venice— organic, or eating less processed food— SeedKitchen I think it’s a great opportunity for us. This doesn’t that make sense to you? Think of 1604 Pacific Ave. summer we had a lot of tourists, so that was your body as the earth; would you put Venice Beach a different kind of business. But overall, it’s chemicals onto the earth? Well, that’s what 310-394-1604 mostly local people. People drive—I can tell you’re doing to your body! www.seedkitchen.com on the weekend, people come from everyThis is the restaurant’s—and Eric and where-- But during the week, its local people, First is awareness; planting the seed of Sanaes’—main pathway and link to everything local business. awareness. Once people have that, then the about them. For an upcoming class in focus may be getting off bad food or drugs or November, go to www.healthclassics.com. SH: Is there anything else you’d like to add; medications. I also really believe the spiritual anything more you would like people to know path is there when we take the time and just This interview was conducted and written by about the two of you, or about Seed? sit in the silence. Sharon Hall forThe Whole Person Calendar.
Intuitive Arts CLEARSIGHT CLAIRVOYANT READINGS. If you’re wondering how to make sense of your life, how you’re going to get through our intense global situation, or you want to explore your psyche, try an intuitive reading from the professionals at Clearsight. It just might change your life. Visit us at www.clearsightaura.com, email info@clearsightaura.com, or call 310/395-1170 for info. THE BEACON is a recapitulation (Soul Retrieval) device using radio waves tuned to a shamanic frequency and natural crystal grips. Used also for prosperity. Sessions available Monday through Friday (11 am-7 pm), Saturday (10 am-4 pm), and by appt, $5/session. The Tequihua Foundation, 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside 92501, 951/686-3471, www.tequihuafoundation.org/akadua.html. “L.A.’S BEST & MOST ACCURATE PSYCHIC!” Psychic Heather Lansky is a no-nonsense psychic from San Francisco. Her accurate predictions are always made with an awake, present spirit and from a place of love. She works with high-profile clients nationwide and has assisted in police investigations. Readings by appt. only, 323/547-0901, email HeatherLansky@gmail. com. WORK-BODY-LIFE BALANCE with Andrea Dale, Certified Six-Sensory™ Practitioner. Channeled guidance removes blocks to optimal creativity, health and abundance. Create change by exposing your blocks to the light. A practical, down-to-earth approach to spiritual awareness. Call for an appt, 310/780-7984, 310/216-7388, www.andreadalebalance.com, or email andrea. dale@gmail.com. LOOKING FOR YOUR TWIN FLAME/SOULMATE? Contact Laura Geralyn Kline, Healer, Spiritual Messenger, specialist in Twin Flame/ Soulmate Reconnection. Call 773/354-6841 or email preciouspain4ever@comcast.net. WHAT IS SPIRITUAL HEALING? How can we heal from far away? To expedite the process, we need to have a spiritual connection between the healer and the healed, the sick person. The spiritual harmony between these two people is the absolute faith of one person toward another. That person can only receive the energy by keeping his or her spirit perfectly calm and believe. Spiritual Healing by telephone with Master Khoi Vu. Contact: 714/454-4571. PERSONAL RECONNECTION™ & RECONNECTIVE HEALING®. The Reconnection™ brings in new axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and ultimately, for our evolution. Reconnective Healing® utilizes new frequencies for the healing of body, mind and spirit, beyond any technique you have ever encountered. Call Jean Merritt at 917/319-0184 or visit ww.retreatforthemind.com. ANGEL & FUTURE READINGS with Tamra Oviatt, MHt, MNLP, MTT. Out of her quest to heal herself from her bipolar disorder, Tamra learned many ways to help people heal. She works with emotional as well as physical healing. Private sessions in Redondo Beach, Ventura and Westlake Village, or by phone. 805/506-9460, www. help-healing.com. DESERET TAVARES, CELEBRITY PSYCHIC, is one of the nation’s most gifted intuitive life coaches. Her distinctive, highly cultivated skills in the arts of meditation, chanting, energy healing, spell crafting and paranormal space clearing have led her to open an outpost of spiritual growth in the City of Angels: Mystics Altar, 1746
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The journey begins... Open your mind... to a place where Heaven meets Earth
Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/446-9100. See full page ad in this issue. READINGS WITH PSYCHIC LIFE COACH ARTHUR, mentored by Jeanne Dixon, “Psychic Life Coach to the Stars.” Call for appointment. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 310/499-1495, 323/4365238. www.objetsdartandspirit.com. RECONNECTIVE HEALING,® connect to the natural energy gridlines, enable spiritual and evolutionary advancement, enhance and fuel renewal functions of the body, increase vibratory levels for healing. Experience healing beyond anything you have read about, thought about, dreamed about. Call Jean Merritt, 917/319-0184. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL, Telephone Clearing, in the convenience of your own home. Introductory session only $75, money-back guarantee. With Val Kirkgaard, PhD (Honorary), retired MFCC and Psychological Consultant. Call 310/455-8623.
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You’ll always be glad you called today. Call now:
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PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. PUT 2009 ON THE RIGHT PATH WITH PSYCHIC ARTHUR, mentored by Jeanne Dixon, “Psychic Life Coach to the Stars.” Call for appointment. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 310/499-1495, 323/436-5238. www.objetsdartandspirit.com. LAURA GERALYN KLINE, Healer, Spiritual Messenger, Twin Flame/Soulmate Reconnection. 773/354-6841, preciouspain4ever@comcast. net. SPIRITUAL HEALING ON THE TELEPHONE with Master Khoi Vu. In the last 10 years, hundreds of patients have recovered from their incurable diseases. Thousands have found peace of mind by listening to the Self Healing Kit at home and from healing on the telephone. Visit www.healingbyspirit.com to see more “miracle” healing stories of patients all over the world. 714/454-4571, email vbqk1941@yahoo.com. LOTUSTAR: HEALING AS ABOVE AND SO BELOW, offers the following services on an ongoing basis: Ancestral Soul Healing, Shamanic Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy for Higher Self, Spirit Guide and Angelic Contact, Past Life Regression Parties, Intuitive Spiritual Counseling, Clairvoyant Readings. Call about our upcoming classes and retreats. 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. RECONNECTION™ FREQUENCY HEALING TO ACTIVATE YOUR DNA, balance the chakras and much more. Discount when you sign up for 3 healing sessions. Gift certificates available. Available through Aura Visions. Call for appt, Aura Visions, 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills, 818/992-6178. PSYCHICMOM.COM is conducting telephone readings and in-person readings every day at 24093 Lake Drive in Crestline, CA 92325. Between 6 am-9 pm PST Mon-Thurs, 6 am-6 pm Fri-Sat. You can call 877-ZODIAC-0 or 877/9634220 for a $3/minute Readings4U (10 minute minimum). CHANNELING SESSIONS by telephone, with
Selacia and The Council of 12, a group of wise and loving nonphysical Masters. Receive practical guidance for your next steps and tools for self-mastery. Group channeling evenings also scheduled, email Selacia@Selacia.com for dates. Call 310/915-2884. Visit www.Selacia. com (Channeling Sessions). SHAMANIC HYPNOTHERAPY & ANCESTRAL SOUL HEALING REGRESSIONS, with Renée Starr, CHT, former proprietress of ALKIMI. Renée is a certified Hypnotherapist, certified past life regression counselor, crystal/pyramid energy healer, clairvoyant medium and reader. She takes hypnotherapy to a new depth with her unique and powerful techniques. For info contact Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. PSYCHIC HEATHER LANSKY, born on the Hoopa Indian Reservation, has been blessed by clairvoyance from an early age. She began giving predictions and having visions at the age of 5. She also works as a Spiritual Advisor. Readings by appt only, 323/547-0901, email HeatherLansky@gmail.com. COUNCIL OF 12 ENERGIZED CRYSTALS, surround yourself with the high-vibrational energies of The Council of 12, infused into crystals selected by The Council as part of their work with Selacia, intuitive healer and channel for The Council of 12. Use to increase connection with spirit, benefit from Tibet/Wesak blessings, accelerate DNA healing and more. Call 310/9152884. Visit www.Selacia.com (crystals), Selacia@Selacia.com.
Meditation/Spirituality UNLOCKING THE DOOR TO YOU, providing inspiration, joy and soulful support. Energy, Focus, Goals. Classes and private sessions available with John Strelko. Visit www. nature-allhealing.com/1.html. 310/430-5625. PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH SWAMI PREMODAYA. Life-changing, one-on-one opportunity with a living Bodhisattva. You will never be the same. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www. thebodhicenter.net. TRANSMISSION MEDITATION FOR WORLD SERVICE and Personal Growth. Transmitted energies serve humanity and the lower kingdoms. Groups meet weekly Sunday-Friday in Bakersfield, Glendale, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Mar Vista, Montclair, Moorpark, Northridge, San Diego, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Van Nuys, and Ventura. Free. Info: 818/785-6300, www.transmissionmeditation. org. GOD IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR NEXT BREATH. The teachings of MSIA are based on loving, caring and sharing and are designed to support you on your unique journey back to the heart of God. MSIA offers home seminars, video presentations, and online classes. Also classes, seminars and retreats. Events are held throughout Southern California in Ojai, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Costa Mesa, Encinitas, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, LA, Hermosa Beach, Pomona, Santa Monica and Van Nuys. Visit www.msia. org for more info or call 800/899-2665. MEDITATION, REFLECTION, REJUVENATION at Sunburst Sanctuary. Enjoy solitude amidst 4000 acres of tranquil meadows and rolling hills on the Central Coast. Stay overnight in a cedar chalet, walk the labyrinth, tour an organic farm, hike, enjoy the fitness room. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/7366528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
63 FALUN DAFA, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese self-cultivation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Great for improvement of health and mental well-being. For info visit www.falundafa.org, http://falun.caltech.edu/.
riage ceremony as well as renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, infant blessings, or baptisms in an intimate and charming setting. Affordable and convenient. Visit our website for photos: www.unitywestchurch.org. 310/5770000.
OUR UNIQUE SANCTUARY IS AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS and Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, in Pasadena. We have 5 ministers who can do ceremonies on-site or on location. Services and ceremonies can be done in English, Spanish, French or German. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org.
AFRIQUE TRUCE SESSIONS. Enchanted Science, Fantanymph: Treasures, Adventures, Calling, Super Prayer for Talent & Health, Fatal Dream Biases. Available daily. Donation: oracles, omens, amulets. Elect Master, 2803 W. Arlington #414, Orlando, FL 32805-1107.
LEARN KRIYA MEDITATION at Sunburst Sanctuary, meditation, reflection, rejuvenation. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. WALK THE LABYRINTH at the Sunburst Sanctuary, or enjoy the fitness room. Slow down, breathe and reconnect. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. LOOK FOR A BRIGHT STAR, visible night & day around the world. It heralds the imminent television appearance in the U.S. of the World Teacher, Maitreya. Info: www.share-international.org, 888/242-8272. QIGONG AND MEDITATION CLASSES. QiGong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City and Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396. www.movingintopeace. com.
Other VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Reiki Practitioners, massage therapists, reflexologists wanted to work with terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers receive training, continuing education within hospice and the support of the hospice staff. For info contact Care Alternatives, 800/675-0232. AURA CHAKRA PHOTOGRAPHY AND READINGS, now available at Aura Visions, 20929 Ventura Blvd. #37, Woodland Hills, 818/992-6178. Please call for appointment. THE POWER OF UPPER CERVICAL is a documentary short featuring Dr. Drew Hall, Upper Cervical Chiropractor. View a teaser clip on YouTube. For more information on Upper Cervical Care, contact Dr. Hall at 310/324-6172, www. UpperCervicalCare.com. SOUND THERAPY SESSIONS WITH INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED SOUND HEALER WAYNE PERRY, services include diagnostic voice analysis, vibrational alignment, chakra balancing and clearing, emotional clearing, vocal toning lessons, vocal harmonics and overtones, vibrational feng shui and space clearing, and more. No musical experience necessary. The Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, 618 N. Orlando Ave. Suite 6, West Hollywood, 323/655-7781. www.wayneperry.com. YOU WANT YOUR WEDDING TO BE A SACRED and meaningful event for you. If you do not have a home church in which to have it, consider The Maple Street Wedding Chapel. We can help you create a Christian or non-denominational mar-
Products TIRED? LOW ENERGY? ACHES & PAINS? Protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation that lasts a lifetime. Fusion Excel’s Quantum Pendants are non-magnetic, non-electrical and require no maintenance. They emit a scalar energy field including the essential k40 resonance; they are inert and non-radioactive. Quantum Science BioTech Optimum Energy Program, email FusionexcelMidwest@gmail.com. THERAPISTS! GREAT PRICES ON OILS, Lotions and Massage Supplies. Biotone, Sombra, Bon Vital. Oil Blends, Carriers, Fixed Oils, Pump Holsters and more. Now available at Holistic Health Care, 11318 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, 818/761-3988. Open weekends and Wed. evening by appt. FOR CONES AND FREE EAR CONING INSTRUCTIONS, call 310/455-8623 or visit www. coningcompany.com. Credit cards accepted. Monthly coning classes, call for details. SOUND HEALER’S STARTER KIT, 4 CD’s and Healing Chart only $69 with this ad. Created by Wayne Perry, Sound Healer, Toning Channel and host of Heart Touch Show. The Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, West Hollywood. 323/655-7781 for more info. www.wayneperry.com.
Professional Services GREENSTUFF.BIZ, raised beds for edible vegetable gardens that add to the value of your home, provide free food and make you proud to show your granny! 1-661-265-9226. VIBRATIONAL ROOM CLEARING AND FENG SHUI, cleanse the energy of any home naturally, with the amazing vocal overtones and harmonics of sound therapist and vibrational healer Wayne Perry. Lifts and transforms heavy or negative energies. Call 323/655-7781 to schedule appointment for your home today. www. wayneperry.com. RESTFUL SLEEP IS HERE NOW. 70 million Americans are having difficulty sleeping today, are you one of them? Sleep Recovery Centers provides a lasting, non-drug, non-addicting alternative to using sleep medications. Results in 3 sessions or No Charge. 93% success rate. Offices in Manhattan Beach and Huntington Beach. 1-888-866-REST (7378), www.SleepRecoveryCenters.com. EMDR: EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND REPROCESSING is an innovative clinical treatment that has helped individuals who have survived trauma, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, combat, crime, and phobias. EMDR unlocks negative memories and emotions stored in the nervous system and helps the brain successfully process the experience. Shoshana Levine, Certified Hypnotherapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is certified in EMDR. For more info or for an appt call 310/9987253, or visit www.bestheartcenteredtherapy. com.
Ananda LA
A Spiritual Center for Inner Peace, Health, Joy & Success Learn to Meditate Saturday, Oct. 17th, 10am-1pm
The Art & Science of Raja Yoga Tuesdays, Nov. 3rd-Jan. 26th
FREE, Weekly Meditation Group Meetings in locations around LA— including Santa Monica, West Hollywood, San Gabriel Valley, Irvine, Lakewood, Westlake Village, and more. See website for times, dates, locations, and topics or call Sean & Brook for information. www.AnandaLA.org 310-396-9900
Ananda is non-profit, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of A Yogi
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Special Offers FREE COMPLIMENTARY INITIAL DENTAL CONSULTATION. Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. Services available include Invisalign, a metal-free alternative to traditional braces, digital x-rays, safe removal of mercury toxic feelings. With affordable payment program. Call 818/716-6722. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, visit www.PearlZadehDDS. com. 15% OFF ALL TREATMENTS on your first visit to Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering waxing, Reiki, Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, Energy Healing Facials, and much more. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: BREAST THERMOGRAPHY AT TAO OF VENUS HEALING CENTER. Go Pink and prevent cancer before it begins. Be part of our Community of Change and change breast cancer statistics, prevent cancer with the women in your life. $50 off for each person for groups if 8. Breast Thermography can detect physiological patterns of breast cancer up to 8 years before cancer cells are large enough to be detected by mammography. For info visit www. gopinkpreventcancer.com, www.taoofvenus. com, or call 310/775-3388. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regressions services for first-time clients, $50 off single sessions, $100 off packages of 4 sessions. Services include Past Life Regression & Ancestral Soul Healing, Shamanic & Traditional Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Spiritual Counseling and Clairvoyant Readings. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com.
HUNGRY MIND BOOKS is opening their warehouse up to the public. Now wholesale to the public: all titles 40-70% off publishers’ retail price. Featuring bestselling New Age and metaphysical books at wholesale prices. Oct. 18, 11 am-4 pm and by appt only at other times. 20928 Osborne St. #E, Canoga Park 91304, 818/5853257. FULL MOON SPECIAL: 3 spa treatments for the price of 2 every fully moon, with the Full Moon Spa package at Angel City Healing. Also: 25% off all Angel City healing teas every New Moon. Angel City Healing services include Energy Healing Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing, Reiki, Vibrational Sound Healing, Hot Stone Therapy, Reflexology. For a full list of our spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL, Telephone Clearing, in the convenience of your own home. Raise body frequency and alleviate stress, release past trauma, effective evolve negative thought patterns. Introductory session only $75, moneyback guarantee. With Val Kirkgaard, PhD (Honorary), retired MFCC and Psychological Consultant. Call 310/455-8623. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appt. only with students of the Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Advance registration necessary; call Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm to book appointment for readings (usually held on weekends). They will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See back cover ad.) Clearsight, 1640 5th St, Suite 200, Santa Monica 90401, 310/395-1170. Email: info@clearsightaura.com. www.clearsightaura. com. DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE until you read our free report about an Amazing Skin Care Break-
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through for men, women and all skin types. The Vital Image, 439 Talbert St., Playa Del Rey 90293. Call 800/414-4624 or visit www.thevitalimage.com. Report is free to Whole Person readers. FREE 15-MINUTE PHONE CONSULTATION WITH SELACIA, gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. She will explain her method of healing and answer your questions about how this potent work could benefit you. Ask about why it’s vital to clear your past by energetically changing the DNA where your pain originates. Call 310/915-2884, www.Selacia. com (Home page/Session Inquiries & Private Sessions page). To schedule your call, email Selacia@Selacia.com. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $1200 OFF INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/822-3833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com.
Travel / Retreats GLASTONBURY, U.K., RETREAT at Divine Light Centre B&B, a tranquil healing space in Glastonbury, U.K. Sacred Site Tours and Healing available. Visit www.divinelightcentre.co.uk. PERSONAL RETREATS, enjoy the peace and beauty of the sanctuary in a private cedar cabin. If you like, treat yourself to the deep sweetness of early morning group meditations, walk the Hopi labyrinth, or hike a pristine trail. 4,000 acres of rolling hills and wooded trails to explore. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.