Whole Person Calendar - November 2014

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novembeR 2014


Whole PeRson maG a Zine



to exCavate, elevate, illuminate

Rupert Sheldrake



Relieving Holiday Stress

Author, Biologist, Courageous Visionary

Pg. 14

CreAting rituAl Pg. 20

Will AnimAls sAve the World?

Psychological Astrology Pg. 40

Pg. 32



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ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH with over fifty years of community enrichment, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are.

The greaTesT gifT is Love. It is also mankind’s most difficult gift to give. One must love God first and find inner peace and divine placement before one can love another. Love is not of need. It is not of control. It is not of ownership. Love supports without changing direction. Love is born of an inner grace that sees the good in another and allows that good to express when and how it must. Love is the gift of freedom without qualification. Love does not require a return on its investment. Love simply loves because to do so pleasures the soul. No one loses when Love is present.

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UPCOMING EVENTS SAturDAy, NoveMber 8tH - 10AM Where Did We Come From? SAturDAy, NoveMber 15tH - 10AM Edgar Cayce Discussion Group SAturDAy, NoveMber 22ND - 10AM Philosophy - From Plato to Deepak

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In This Issue: Cover Story: Rupert Sheldrake By Tony Camacho.......................................6

Medical Intuitive Corner By Robin Sage......................................................10 Relieving Holiday Stress with Spirit By Medium Hollister Rand....................14


Habit - Man is a Creature of Habit By Ed Spina .....................................19 Ancient Knowledge Returns Part 8 By Juleann Bukovchik Boyce ...................16 Creating Ritual in 7 Easy Steps By Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood.........20 AstroFlash for November 2014 By Joseph Barclay Ross................................24

Will Animals Save the World? By Lori Spagna...........................................32 Making Your Mind Your Beloved Friend Part 2 By Charlie Pacello...........36

Astrological Psychology By Swaha Ron..........................................................40

Calendar Event Listings Future Events............................................5

Contributing Writers - Tony Camacho, Swaha Ron, Juleann Bukovchik Boyce, Hollister Rand, Lori Spagna, Joseph Barclay Ross, Marina Rose, Robin Sage, Charlie Pacello and Marina Rose

Team Whole Person

Executive Editor & Publisher - Tony Camacho Assistant Manager - Cintra Leela Charbonnet Assistant to the Publisher - Nicole Taylor Art Direction & Production - Elissa Sturgess

November Events.....................................5 On Going Events & Opportunities..........34 Arts & Entertainment Bodywork/Massage Books/Music/Media Counseling/Life Coaching Education/Training Gift Shops/Bookstores Health & Wellness

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Contributing Writers - Tony Camacho, Swaha Ron, Juleann Bukovchik Boyce, Hollister Rand, Lori Spagna, Robin Sage, Joseph Barclay Ross, Charlie Pacello, Ed Spina, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood Cover Photo - Etienne Gilfillan Web Editing - Mark Wilkinson Distribution - LA Area: News To GoÂŽ www.NewsToGo.net 310-838-6397 Outside LA: Eve Kirchman Display Advertising/Listings - 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersonmagazine.org Sales - Marie Towler The trademark THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.

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emy. With 25 years experience, reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; http://www.reikiacademy.org; http:// www.vedichealinginstitute.com DAy oF tHe DeAD ~ HALLoWeeN PArty An evening of expanded Consciousness ~With SPeCIAL GueSt ~ eINSteIN the ANCIeNt CryStAL SKuLL~~!! $25/ person IN ADvANCe ~ $50/person At Door SAt Nov 1 ~ 7PM-1AM See www. serenitycalling.com for tickets and info

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 CourSe IN MIrACLeS DISCuSSIoN 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann taylorblack. 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School. Great Music! Love offering. encino Community Church 7769 topanga Canyon blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www. encinocommunitychurch.org reIKI HeALING CLASSeS IN LoS ANGeLeS WItH reIKI MASter ALeXANDrA JuLIANI, M.A., DIreCtor oF tHe AMerICAN reIKI ACADeMy. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@ earthlink.net; http://www.reikiacademy.org; http://www.vedichealinginstitute.com


Rupert Sheldrake Author, Biologist, Courageous Visionary

Rupert Sheldrake is a Biologist, Ph.D., author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. He was ranked by Switzerland’s leading think tank among the top 100 Global thought leaders. Exploring the way science becomes science.

Interviewed by Tony Camacho WP: So we’re starting where we start with everybody and that’s touching on your background, of what it was like being the young Rupert Sheldrake.

RS: I grew up in Nottinghamshire, England, a small town near Newark-on-Trent. I went to boarding school, like a lot of English people, and then I went to Cambridge University.

WP: I want to backtrack. So you went to boarding school, which is unlike the experience most Americans have. Ordinarily they go to a local neighborhood school. What was that like for you, leaving mom and dad and being off on your own?

RS: My father was a pharmacist, an herbalist and he was a scientist as well. He had a big collection of slides (he took photographs on the microscope) and so I was raised in a kind of scientific household. I got a science scholarship to Cambridge.…I wanted to be a biologist. And when it came to doing research, I decided to do research on plants; I didn’t want to spend my career killing animals. WP: But you were okay, comfortable killing plants? RS: Yes, I mean, even the strictest vegetarian eats lettuce leaves and without many pangs of conscience.

RS: I accepted it as normal because in England middle class, I mean better off people, mainly sent their kids off to boarding school and still do…. It was normal.

WP: In terms of your family life, it was a typical mother and father who were your principal caregivers, were there brothers and sisters?

RS: A younger brother, yes, who now is an ophthalmologist.

WP: At that young age, were you already thinking that you wanted to proceed with something in biology, science or physics?

WP: As you were making your way through school, was there a specific direction you were going in? RS: I wanted to work on developmental biology, how do organisms develop and how do plants take on their form, so that was my primary focus. But I became very disenchanted with the mechanistic theory of life which made animals and plants just machines. I didn’t believe they were but I didn’t know how to formulate a different way of doing biology. I thought biology had gone in the wrong direction. So I got very good at it, I got the University Botany prize…. I got a fellowship at Harvard. That was a very important year for me because at Harvard I was able to give lectures. It opened lots of doors and

it put the idea of mechanistic science in perspective. I realized this was a paradigm. Thomas Kuhn’s book “The Structured Scientific Revolutions” had recently come out and I was very excited by that book. When I realized that the present model in science, the mechanistic model, is not the truth, it’s just a paradigm.

WP: That application, when you spoke about the mechanistic model, did you take that and apply it to humans-that we are also not just a machine, we are something way more than that. There is a level of consciousness coming into us. RS: At that stage I wasn’t interested in humans and human consciousness, and part of my scientific education, I adopted a kind of atheist world to use. So I was partly converted to the standard mainstream view, but I thought there was something wrong with this and I wasn’t quite that. So at that stage, my view of human consciousness was that it was just a product of the brain.

WP: I like the story as it unfolds for you intellectually… how you go from this position, to ultimately coming into a very different space. Because as I see you, and I have read a number of your books (and I love your books) it’s fascinating to me how people evolve and how those beliefs start expanding and bring them to a whole different space, and I want to address the different space that you are in…

viously most dogs are extremely excited when they are with their owners, emotionally charged.

RS: The idea that I had as an undergradu-

WP: Now with your book, I’ve read it, and I remember seeing a film at one of your lectures where they filmed the animals as the owners were at work and it was quite remarkable. In that investigative process, what was your sense of the telepathic communication that was going on? It appeared to be a two-way road. I, as a dog owner, was having to communicate to my pet “Oh, by the way, I am coming home at 2:00 rather than 1:00” and the animal there is receiving the information. So, in the expression of unraveling, unearthing if you will, the information about the animals being able to pick up that information, how did you see it? What was it you saw about them and their ability to communicate?

RS: Well, people didn’t necessarily have to think about the animal, they have to think about going home and of course while going home, you’re thinking about going home, and what happens to dogs and cats and some other animals like parrots do it too, pick up people’s intentions. And so the person has to have an intention to go home, they don’t necessarily have to have an intention to tell the dog that they are coming home, I think what happens to the dog it suddenly feels your intention to come home. Cats don’t usually do it more than ten minutes in advance, they may think we know they are coming there is no point waiting at the door a half hour. But some dogs who are very bonded with their owners, react to their intention.

WP: Certainly it speaks to the level of consciousness within the animal, that there is a consciousness within the dog, the cat, the parrot, the elephant.

RS: Yes, and also an emotional bond, ob-

WP: So following that way of thinking

So the morphic genetic field contains the blueprint of the whole plant, So I wouldn’t call that a conscious process, but even in the case of our own minds, most of our mental process is not conscious, it’s habitual and unconscious.

ate, that mechanistic science is too limited, has been with me all through my scientific career. I have tried to find ways to go forward that are still scientific, but which are not locked into that other dogmatic view. My most recent book “Science Set Free” is my most ambitious attempt to look at the structure, at the existing paradigm, and see how we can move on beyond it. Then I came to the conclusion- we needed to have a bigger picture and I came up with the idea of morphic resonance, (memory in nature) when I was at Cambridge. So my present position really is one that I am trying to see how we can broaden out our understanding of the mind, the extended mind.

in terms of plant life, because there is, and I am sure you have read the secret life of plants and other books and have read Cleve Baxter’s work, or may have heard him at the science and consciousness events, I am sure you heard the idea that there is a consciousness about them, within them. So in your studies, is that something you embraced, didn’t embrace, looked into or didn’t look into?

RS: With plants, I didn’t look into the idea of consciousness, what I looked into was the idea of memory that plants morphic genetic fields which are the fields that shape developing form like an invisible blueprint for a plant as it develops. And in a sense, then mind like because they have a purpose, if you damage the plant then it will regenerate until it grows normally. Normal science doesn’t understand regeneration because regeneration implies an ability to restore wholeness after you have it apart. Now the reason you need the morphic genetic field concept, is that fields automatically hold more than some of the parts, like if you cut a willow tree into lots of little bits, each of those is like a little bit of a magnet with root pole and a shoot pole and give you a whole plant. So the morphic genetic field contains the blueprint of the whole plant, So I wouldn’t call that a conscious process, but even in the case of our own minds, most of our mental process is not conscious, it’s habitual and unconscious. WP: Sure enough, I am in total agreement that maybe ninety percent of our behaviors are totally unconscious, until we become more conscious, until we recognize moments when we are unconscious and begin to shift them and create a different kind of awareness.

RS: We have to work on habits most of the time because there is a limit to how much we can do consciously; we can only process a certain amount of a limited number of things consciously. WP: So it’s the idea that we are being bombarded by message units coming into our consciousness that we are not even aware that our body is telling us, “No, turn a little more left here, do this or that, Continued on page 8

Continued from page 7

adjust our arm because it is in pain or bleeding.” we don’t have to tell our bodies that.

RS: Yes, we largely run on habits and habits aren’t necessarily bad, we need habits, we can’t be conscious of everything all the time.

WP: It would be too much, but also to that issue, then as we are creating all of that, we come into a space I assume at some point where we begin access those moments and become the observer of our behavior, both in our emotional bodies and intellectual places.

RS: Yes. More exactly, there is a part I see that the whole of evolution, like the whole of human life, being an interplay between creativity and habits. And, if we are just creative all the time, nothing would ever stabilize. WP: If we were just creative. RS: If we were creative all the time, everything was always new; we would never have any regularity to our lives.

WP: That is a very interesting concept. Because I like the idea if we were creative all the time, how that would unfold and I hear what you are saying that there would be no order in a sense to our lives.

RS: No order, no structure. WP: So to that issue, I don’t know that I am in disagreement with that, but I am not certain that is a good or a bad thing.

RS: Well, the thing is that basically most organisms, us included, require a certain amount of regularity and stability to function. And we need these habits and on the other hand, when habits become dysfunctional then we have to change.

WP: We are invited to change it. I agree with that, I think in the way of habits, it is again coming into a greater place of consciousness to understand that whatever the habit is, whatever the behavior is, whatever the dialog is, it is a dialog that is no longer enhancing a relationship. And so the more clarity that we have with that, then the more hopefully we engage in behaviors with ourselves and with other

people, where we are more serving.

RS: I think we all have that in our own lives through our own relationships, but then creativity comes in when we can have collective habits, like human beings are brought into the habit of consumerism, burning up huge amounts of oil and polluting the atmosphere. And we have to change our social habits too, that forces a kind of creativity, people have to think in new ways, living new ways of getting energy, new more efficient ways of using the energy we have. As Steven J. Gould once said, “The average species lives for fourteen million years, stays much the same and then goes extinct WP: How do you see our level of participation in creation, our part to either bring that about where something is going extinct or where something is going to last another thousand years or another ten thousand years?

RS: Well, obviously we have some choice in what decisions we make about the environment, and we don’t have much, however which animal, which species’, adapt and which don’t. I mean some plant species are hugely adaptable, invasive species and weeds are ones which adapt to humans and do just incredibly well.

RS: Well, I think what happens right now is that it depends on the kind of lobbying groups, there are groups that lobby to save bears, say polar bears, there are not many people lobbying to save mosquitoes, and on the whole the animals that are lobbied for are the cuddly, furry animals. So, at the moment the decisions are made really on the basis of who is prepared to jump up and down and lobby for these animals. WP: So with us, us being the human species, which out there in a way are supporting our evolution and our revolution into becoming more.

RS: Well, that depends really on what spiritual views you have. If atheists believe that there is no one out there, no mind out there greater than ours, we live in a universe that, as far as atheists know, is this small planet in this solar system and the light bulb of consciousness is switched on in human brains and possibly in the brains of other higher manuals, that our brains are conscious at least when we are awake, but nothing else in the universe is, there is nothing but us, and most cases think that the leading edge of humanity is science. And so basically scientists should take charge of evolution and figure it all out.

WP: But to interject, there is also the knowing for example, I don’t know the number of different animals that have gone extinct, what I do know that there has been certain types of animals, for whatever reason, that in a sense our government, whatever municipalities, the people who were in charge, that “Oh, we are tending to lose these, we need to do something to keep them alive.” Now that awareness to those which are still alive and which ones are pending to be doomed, in a way we are not so aware of that. It happens and they go into extinction, so be it, and we don’t even know the full extent of what that means, and how they have impacted the whole ecological process.

RS: There is a huge amount that we don’t know about worlds ecology, yes. WP: So how do we deal with that, how do we deal with not knowing the impact of our behaviors of choosing or selecting who we are going to protect and who we are not?

WP: I like that about your book, “Science Set Free,” you really created a whole different view, a different perspective, … I don’t remember all the details, but the way, in some respects, how in England the royal society and so forth, how scientist really were kind of elevated to the kings of the world so to speak.

RS: Yes, a kind of priesthood. WP: Yes, a kind of priesthood. We don’t question it, we don’t examine it, we don’t challenge it, it is like people (and I will use the U.S.) And I don’t imagine it is different any other place. When we go to a doctor- and it is changing- that when your doctor said take four of these and three of these and get another day of rest, it is just what you did. You didn’t ask him about the side effects of it or how it would affect you in any other way; you just did it because he is the deity.

RS: That’s it, it’s a kind of secular priesthood. So the thing is if we put the sain-

tular priests in charge, the scientist of human evolution, it really depends on whether we think the universe has a consciousness, or many consciousness’s, or is it just us that is conscious. Not all religions take the view that there are greater forms of consciousness than our own, and that we are part of a much larger evolutionary process. I am personally a Christian, Episcopalian. And so I take a kind of broadened Catholic view, the Episcopalian church is probably the most liberal and it suits me fine, it suits my tradition, I like that tradition very much.

WP: Do you think in any way (and I am not really familiar with your religion) but that it moves in the direction to confine you, at some level, in terms of the way you look at your world, the way you look scientifically?

RS: No, it doesn’t actually. I mean the Anglican Church, and indeed the Catholic Church, the Methodist church, most people accepts that evolution, for example, in the nineteenth century, it is not an issue. They are really very open. For example, I have just given a workshop at the Escalen Institute. I co-wrote with the Bishop of California from Grace Cathedral in San Francisco exploring with him issues about consciousness. I have also had quite a serious discussions with Mathew Fox, who is a well-known theologian. He and I get along really well. I didn’t feel any sense of constraint because of dogma. We have to find new ways forward. And where the religion comes in, is that anyone who believes in God and believes that with something greater than ourselves may help human evolution of this planet. If you don’t believe in God or if you believe in a God who is non-evolutionary, then we are on our own.

WP: We can just look back and see what our countries have done, it doesn’t make any difference which country, and it hasn’t been a pretty picture and it continues not to be a pretty. Yes, so on that subject, to deviate for a moment, it is very fascinating to me, now at this particular time, with organized religion, with government, because in my opinion, I see it all imploding, I see the governments crumbling, I see new ways of governing people, new ways of dealing with people, new ways of creating cities, municipalities and perhaps even currencies. The Catho-

lic Church would be a great example. I’m questioning how long, honestly and truly it will be able to sustain itself in the structure it holds being around that much longer, which is a big thing to say. This coming from a little tiny, tiny voice, but I just see that.

RS: But I see what will happen, the very authoritarian structure of it may not survive for that much longer. I think what will happen, is that there will be a kind of breakaway, and then possibly could point the way for the whole Catholic Church to reform. It could start and go further or they might fuse with the Episcopalian church which already has women priests, bishops and married priests. It is much more liberal. So I don’t think the church is going to disappear. I love church buildings, I love music, the festivals and the ceremonies. And I believe in meditation and prayer, I do yoga. I don’t see this as something which has to be done separately from institutional religion. WP: I like that, and I guess what I was saying, to clarify more in the way that you described it, that there would be new ways of dealing with churches, so that is not quite so dogmatic in its approach but more liberal, more giving, more flexible because the community of people they serve are asking for that.

RS: See, there have been many people within the Catholic Church who have been visionaries. One of them was my teacher, Father B. Griffiths, an English Benedictine monk who lived in India. He had ashrams, and he went around barefoot and he had orange robes, so it is very Indian, but it’s Christian and Indian. The mass every morning started with chanting mantras. And I said to him, “Father B, I don’t understand how you can have this Hindu mantra in a Catholic ashram” and he said “We can have it precisely because it is a Catholic ashram, Catholic means universal, if it excludes anything it is not universal, it is just a sect.” WP: So I want to come back, let’s go to your new book because it is an amazing book, and I am curious about what kind of resistance you have gotten from the book, from the academic world?

RS: Well, I have had a lot of positive reactions to this book from the academic world. It’s been positively reviewed in

Britain and some of the most serious newspapers. Sir Christian Dacell wrote a review in The Financial Times saying this was a very important book dealing with fundamental and important issues. So the response on the whole has been very positive in Britain. I said that this is a book, not against science, but is pro-science, I am in favor of scientific research, I am a scientist myself. I am anti-scientific dogma and I think what we need is skepticism. I think skepticism should be used to look at the fundamental assumptions of science itself. This presentation really worked, I got a tremendously warm applause and I ended up signing copies of my books for some of Britain’s leading atheist, humanists and skeptics. So I haven’t had a big problem with it. In the United States, there has been a somewhat different response. The people who denounced my TED talk got it removed.

WP: But by and large, you spoke of America, do you find that they have been really more supportive? I understand there were individuals who were not.

RS: In America, the mainstream media in America as a whole, have ignored the book. In Britain, the mainstream media didn’t. They treated it as an important book. WP: So putting the media aside as you tour around the country, do you see Americans in large embracing it. RS: Yes, I think on the whole in America, there has been a very positive response, as there has been in Britain, and this book is in very many different languages, it has been very widely and positively received in France and Germany, and in Italy.

WP: I think it is an amazing book and I think it is going to have an enormous impact in terms of awakening people and inviting people to look at science in the way they hold on to beliefs and what they believe in. So I see it incredibly supportive of our individual growth, of our evolutionary growth as a community, and everyone who occupies the planet. That is amazing, wonderful and fantastic.

RS: Thank you. Continued on page 12


The Medical Intuitive Corner By RoBi n Sage , Medical intuitive


ave you ever wondered if your physical issues are created by emotional pain? Each month, Whole Person Magazine will choose one lucky reader to have a free medical intuitive reading with Robin Sage, world renowned Medical Intuitive and healer. Over the phone, this Sage will look deeply into your subconscious patterns using her clairvoyant abilities, to unravel the causes and cures of your illness. Robin will then give you an energy healing and share with you how to change your life for the better! An article will be written about this extraordinary event for Whole Person readers just like you! Pseudonyms are used to protect the individual. PAtIEnt: Bill (Pseudonym) MEdIcAl ISSuE: degenerative disk disease in spine, glaucoma, drug addiction. as i looked at the cause of Bill’s disease, i felt a heavy presence. i saw an image of his mother and felt grave fear coming from her. i heard her say, “i can’t have you!” “i can’t have you!” Bill’s mother’s fear and trepidation was caught in his energy field and body. this was a stuck traumatic memory lodged in Bill’s subconscious since his birth, which he eventually forgot about, at least, consciously. Fears must be dealt with or else they can kill a person because they make people energetically leave their bodies. Being ungrounded leaves a person open to disease and more, because they are not present to protect themselves. Fears must be healed by bringing them from the subconscious to the conscious mind. they must be acknowledged, felt, grounded and released. People must do whatever it takes to complete the healing process or else the fear will control their life in a myriad of different ways including: health, relationships and finances.

i told Bill: “When your mom was pregnant with you, she was afraid. She didn’t feel that she could give birth to you without suffering greatly. it had nothing to do with you. these were her own fears. the problem is that you felt her fears and you took them into your body to “heal” her. Because of this, ever since your mom was pregnant with you, you have felt unworthy and unlovable. i can tell that you and your mom are very close now and share a lot of love. But until you let go of this memory fixed in your soul, you will not heal. Would you like me to help you let it go?” Bill said yes. He said that his mother had been afraid to give birth with him. i asked him if he knew why and he said for financial reasons but mostly because of his father. He said his father was very controlling and wanted all of his mother’s attention. His father did not want to share his wife’s love with a baby. His father made that point clear to his wife who was very submissive. He threatened his wife not to have the baby. little Billy WaS born anyway. His father made it clear to him that he was unwanted by repeatedly saying over the years, “you almost killed your mom when she

gave birth to you!” notice that he didn’t say, “your mom almost died while giving birth.” He said, “you almost killed HeR!” How do you think this accusation of near murder made little Billy feel? Bill told me himself that his father made him feel very guilty and unwanted. this is sad because what a child wants most from its parents is love and acceptance. this childhood “scar” is what has caused Bill’s spinal disks to deteriorate. it’s a slow “death,” but his spine has had plenty of time since childhood to fall apart, as he is now an adult. Bill’s father’s insults and his mother’s fears have made him feel deeply unwanted his entire life. the spine is the body part where life force energy (Kundalini) flows. it spirals up the spine with gusto and says to the world, “i am alive and worthy!” or it doesn’t spiral up the spine with gusto and instead says, “i’m not worthy of life so i am going to hide and numb myself with drugs.” For those of you who don’t know; drugs (from narcotics to coffee to sugar to cigarettes) are what numb the body and eventually kill us. they keep us from knowing


ourselves. Besides creating an acidic ph and toxic environment, which breeds disease, drugs make us leave our bodies and allow harmful energies and entities to come in and take over. this may sound mythical, but it is true. if we want to free ourselves we must know ourselves, be present and feel. if we want to grow we must support ourselves with healthy thoughts, feelings, foods, situations and people. it is especially important to eat simple fruits and vegetables that will not alter our chemistry, but instead allow us to be who we already are. We must feel our “truth” in order to know it and heal it. We must eat nature’s simple gifts in order to bring love and support to our bodies and feel good! Bill’s glaucoma is caused by his inability to see the truth; that he is a precious child of god, worthy of love on every level. Bill chose his parents this lifetime because he wants to learn how to love himself despite their fears and abuses. Knowing and feeling his self-love and worth is the only way that Bill will continue to heal. i cleared the stuck memory pattern of his mother’s fear out of Bill’s space and gave him some homework assignments to do. now Bill must learn to trust and love himself and let go of the past. this is the same story for most of us; we must forgive our parents and move on. We must do whatever it takes (that is healthy and grounding) even if we have to work on it a hundred times. When we finally let go of old emotional pain, the world becomes remarkable and everything flows, as we finally understand our true worth.

Robin Eagle Sage is a medical intuitive healer, clairvoyant reader, author and teacher. She gives energ y readings and healings over the phone and Skype worldwide. Robin is the founder of Sage School of Light and teaches a group Medical Intuitive Training program by phone. Robin is the author of the book, “The Financial Alchemist,” the CD “Soul Love” and two audio meditations: “Financial Success & Abundance” and “Love & Joy.” Please contact Robin at: www.MedicalIntuitveTraining.com, info@RobinEagleSage.com, or 808-268-8501.

SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/7129400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch.org

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP Mondays 7:30-8:30pm. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice guided meditations as taught by MSIA. http://www.peacelabyrinth.org; Contact us Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org. EVERYONE SAYS GOD IS WITHIN, BUT HOW DO YOU PROVE IT? Learn the practical wayto find out for yourself. No pretending, things or courses to buy, just real instructions.7pm @ The New LA Center 7726 W. Manchester Playa del Rey. Always free. Please RSVP 310-821-3321 MAN UP - EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP. Mondays, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. DISCOVER....The Authentic Man in You. OWN.............The Feminine as much as the Masculine EMBRACE..... The ALL of You. Facilitated by Tony Camacho. Mondays 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost: $20 2511 S Barrington blvd, suite 100. Los Angeles, CA 90064

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 RELATIONSHIP CLASS 7:30 PM. Come learn about the components that create the triangle of understanding and how to use it to grow any relationship. 818 846 1070 - 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank - Entrance in back SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30-7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an impor-

tant step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/ LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 FREE AROMATHERAPY INTRODUCTION CLASS. 7-9:30 PM. Zyto Compass report and sampling of 11 doTERRA essential oils. RSVP for location and your complimentary gift:healthydoTERRALiving@gmail.com or (424) 274-2072 MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/736-8520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. http://www.thegatewayportal. com/massage_karen_heins.html A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:309PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. http:// www.meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/

12 Continued from page 9

WP: So we didn’t touch on this because of time, but i am curious as to where you stand in terms of the whole et civilization, is that something you look at, something you have put aside? RS: you mean extra-terrestrials, i don’t think much about it because we know actually nothing about it; at least i feel we know actually nothing about it. My interest in consciousness beyond the human life, is not so much in possible civilizations on other planets, in space ships or space warps, i am much more interested in the possibility that the sun might be conscious, or stars might be, or the entire galaxy might have a kind of galactic mind. But there are very few people who talk about consciousness of the sun, the stars, and the galaxies.

WP: So, in that expression, yes, so we are certainly aware of exploring and dealing with our own consciousness, and then there is some

association, some belief in terms of dealing with the consciousness of the planet, and then beyond the consciousness of planet, and you touched on the consciousness of the universe, the consciousness of sun, and other moons and because in my belief system there is a consciousness to everything, within all forms of life, to all plant life, and even the consciousness in a rock.

RS: yes, i might mention at this stage that i wrote a book about this with Matthew Fox called “Physics of angels,” if you explore it you will see the new edition and the publishers. and what we do in that book, is we start by discussing the idea of many forms of consciousness in the universe, stars, sun and galaxies, and so forth. We say everyone in all traditions have thought there are many forms of consciousness, spirits, devas, angels. and, what we do is take angels in the West, dynasties, the eighth century Syrian monk, Sir thomas aquinas, thirteenth centu-

ry and Hildegard of Bingen, and others. We discuss their most important writings on the subject. that book is about to come out so it is good to mention it.

WP: it sounds like an exciting book. i’d love to read it. the “Physics of angeles.” So let me wrap it up i know you are short on time. i want to say it has been an absolute pleasure, and as i shared with you earlier, i feel like i have been honored and privileged by making a contact with you earlier at the science and conscious events in new Mexico, attending your presentations. and the new book “Science Set Free” i think is a brilliant book and we want to certainly put that out to people and invite them to take a read and explore it. the book, i believe, hopefully will change a little bit of the way they see their world.

RS: thank you too.


SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have nonmeat taco options but be aware, they mix lard w/most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. http://www.thegatewayportal. com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 FULL MOON MEDITATION FROM JESUS + BUDDHA around a holy fire that washes blocks, brings advanced consciousness, decharges negativity, is the most important tuning to your heart to hear the voice of your soul and more.

Pre-requisite: one-time $108 one-hour private training with Soul Doctor Juleann. Event Thursday 11/6, 7-10pm $41. www.ToLoveAllServeAll.com (310) 869-4617 SOUL DANCE 7:30-9:00pm. Enjoy spiritual moments, great music, and fun free-style dancing in our mansion’s living room! 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.SoulDanceLA.com.

http://www.thegatewayportal.com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.


TAKING THE LEAP by Pema Chodron 11am. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca . 91304. Phone (818)712-9400 Love Offering

DRUMMING CIRCLE - 7PM Bring your own drum/instruments or use ours. Spiritual Oneness Center, 300 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA. 91024. 626-353-3802. $10 suggested love offering donation.

SUPER BRAIN (DEEPAK CHOPRA) 10AM Led by Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/7129400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch.org

OPEN MIC AT THE FRIDAY NITE CAFE! Music starts between 7:30 and 8 pm , and goes till midnight. Free food served. Great company. Professional sound system and microphones provided. 818 846 1070 - 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank - Entrance in back

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:30-9:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking.

ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Treatment styles range from physical focused pain management to emotional blockages. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/acupuncture.html

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Relieving Holiday Stress the Spirit Way

By MediuM HolliSteR Rand

I woke up suddenly with an anxious feeling which continued to grow until it was bordering on panic. I couldn’t quite catch my breath; the clock said it was 6:33 a.m. As a psychic medium, I know that I am affected by the energy of the planet and have a sense that a momentous event or shift is about to happen (like 9/11 and the stock market meltdown of 2008). As many of you are, I can also be affected by the emotions and states of mind of those who are around me, despite all of the grounding and protection I employ on a daily basis. Whenever I’m overwhelmed emotionally or energetically, the first

thing I do is . . . pause. This provides space for exploring what is going on without being reactionary. In that quiet space, I can check in with myself to see if the energies I am picking up are public or personal and determine what action may be required. Discerning whether the “threat” is public or personal is often as simple as observing how the energy is affecting my body. Because I’ve built strength into my aura, outside influences will cause a “prickling” sensation. Personal concerns often have a heart resonance akin to the warmth we feel when thinking of someone we love. Once I discern where the energy is hitting me, it is easier to ascertain whether I’m connected to the public network of the earth or the private network of family and friends. This process is similar to when my computer asks if a new network I’m signing onto should be considered “home” or “public.” On the morning I awoke with anxiety, I discerned that the network I was connecting to was “home” (not public), so then I had to determine whether I or someone close to me was in danger or if something else was going on. It was then that I saw my cousin

Tommy (in spirit) standing near the bed with my Auntie Sue (also in spirit). Then it hit me. Thanksgiving. The anxiety that something was about to happen close to home. My dear cousin Tommy had killed himself at the age of 19 on Thanksgiving Eve many years ago. My Auntie Sue died this year and this will be the first Thanksgiving that she joins him on the other side. The evening before this visitation, I had ordered my Thanksgiving dinner online. Coincidence? Absolutely not. Despite my being a medium and despite Tommy’s having died years ago, Thanksgiving still brings anxiety - - the sense that something is about to happen - - even when I’m not thinking about it consciously. Tommy’s presence in spirit didn’t bring the anxiety; it was related to my own feelings about what happened years ago. (His and Auntie Sue’s presence helped bring an antidote of clarity and peace.) Grief and trauma (and the anxiety associated with them) are sneaky. For this reason, I’d like to share with you some ways to help manage the stress and anxiety that the holidays can bring. It doesn’t matter how long ago a loved one has passed, holidays can still be tough.



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1. Breathe.

Sometimes just a few minutes of paying attention to your breathing in and out, can calm anxiety before it builds out of control. This simple practice also brings us into the present moment so that we’re less focused on what has happened in the past or might happen in the future. It can also help provide the “pause” necessary to begin to discern where the emotional overload is coming from.

2. Be in your body.

Sit upright in a chair with your feet on the floor. If you start to panic or cry in a store (or in public), just stop for a moment and imagine your feet attached to the floor with magnets. Don’t worry about the other shoppers. They’ll walk around you. This is a very simple, yet effective way to get grounded instantly.

3. Create a memory box. You can purchase a decorative box or decorate a plain shoe box (if you’re crafty). Each day during the holiday season, write down a happy memory on a slip of paper and add it to the box. Do not be surprised if your loved ones in spirit inspire you to remember funny moments (they like laughter).

4. Share memories of loved ones in spirit with friends and others

Whenever I’m overwhelmed emotionally or energetically, the first thing I do is . . . pause. This provides space for exploring what is going on without being reactionary.

Here’s my list for 5 ways to reconnect and remember to relieve stress this holiday season:

in the family. If there are new family members (those just married in, or born), include them in the stories. Take plenty of photos - - loved ones in spirit may show up as orbs, streaks of light or mist.

5. Make a statement of gratitude aloud (in the evening or in the morning) or keep a gratitude journal. Living in an attitude of gratitude is the simplest way to create a bridge to loved ones in spirit and relieve anxiety during the holidays and every day. By creating space between the pressures of the holidays and the anxiety they can bring, we’re inviting loved ones in spirit into our experience of the present. May the peace they bring allow us all to enjoy the celebrations of the season.

Hollister Rand provides specific messages from loved ones living in the spirit world. Her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different, published by Harper Collins, is available in stores and online. Her radio appearances include Coast to Coastwith George Noory, Sirius XM’s The Séance with John Edward and television appearances include Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood. You may contact Hollister at HollisterRand@gmail. com or on Facebook and learn more about her work at www.HollisterRand.com.


After 2,000 years, ancient knowledge and sacred texts containing immortal enlightenment information practiced by the highest masters on earth has returned w After 2,000 years, ancient knowledge and sacred texts containing immortal enlightenment information practiced by the highest masters on earth has returned west. After 2,000 years, ancient knowledge and sacred texts containing immortal enlightenment information practiced by the highest masters Part on earth 8 has returned west. After 2,000 years, ancient knowledge and sacred texts By Juleann BuKovcHiK Boyce Gayatri Mantra to Fulfill containing immortal enlightenment information practiced by Your Soul Desires and More the highest masters on earth has returned west. After 2,000 years, ancient knowledge and sacred texts containing immortal

Ancient Knowledge Returns

Often, I am asked how one can maximize their meditation and raise their vibration. there are several techniques from the enlightened masters to do what they do, to have what they have. Each month in a new article, I share more divine knowledge to awaken, educate, empower, transform, enlighten, and more. I am in the midst of a series of articles over several months sharing divine ancient knowledge including seven powerful opening mantras as you begin any meditation, spiritual practice, healing or teaching to make it more powerful, to put it mildly. i was entrusted with top meditations and more from the enlightened masters directly by avatar and Saint Kaleshwar through a lineage that spans thousands of years. this month, i will share a meditation that eludes all but the highest vibrating souls called the gayatri mantra. We will explore the main benefits, who-when-&- how it was founded, along with how to pronounce it. about ten years ago, i had a client come to me for an initiation into a

powerful ancient sun and moon (Suyra and chandra nadi) meditation process. as part of the process, i shared the main three opening mantras…the guru, ganesh, and gayatri mantras. the woman who came to see me was an artist and said one of her teachers told her that the gayatri mantra was so powerful and divine that one’s vibration had to be high enough to even say it outloud. She had a heart desire to record the gayatri mantra as a song but her teacher told her she was not evolved enough yet to do so. She asked

me what i thought. Wow…i thought… what a soul crime her teacher was telling her! i told her that her vibration had to be high enough to even hear about it and encouraged her to record it. if you are lucky enough to learn of this mantra because your vibration is high enough, use it and you will feel the difference the more you do. the gayatri mantra is very powerful and by meditating on and with it either outloud or inwardly, one’s vibration will raise measurably. Some of my friends meditate daily with the gayatri mantra and amazing spiritual abilities, starting with telepathy, have and continue to awaken in them!

MAIn BEnEfItS Of thE GAyAtRI MAntRA the gayatri mantra has been written about extensively but the essence of its power eludes all but the most highly evolved souls. it is said to be equal to the four vedas (Rig, Sama, yajur and atharva), the oldest Sanskrit literature written more than one thousand years before christ that are extensive texts said to be direct revelatory knowledge

that contains all one needs to know in their life to be spiritually successful, according to some. gayatri is a form of Mother divine who does not throw illusions. By meditating with this mantra, you block the illusions thrown by the feminine aspect of creation, often referred to as Mother nature. it is recommended to chant the gayatri mantra to burn negative karmas and fulfill your soul desires. the gayatri mantra helps remove huge negative energy blocks such as anger, fear, dishonesty, unloving, unforgiving, jealousy, pride, egoism, righteousness and the like. the gayatri mantra smoothes the process of purification and soul charging, especially when practicing the Five elements Process™ (Please see my website www.toloveallServeall. com for more information). WhO, WhEn, & hOW thE GAyAtRI WAS fOundEd years ago when i was in Kaleshwar’s Soul university in india, he shared the following original, historical and ancient story of the gayatri mantra: Seven thousand years back, vishvamitra Maharshi was the most powerful man in the universe, the top spiritual genius. He was an unbelievable yogi, a yogi maharshi. He meditated and meditated and meditated. devendra, a powerful king, had huge fear that such a huge meditator could receive greater boons than he. So, when vishvamitra Maharshi was meditating very powerfully on Mother divine, devendra pulled Mother divine’s energy and implemented it on vishvamitra by sending it in the form of the sexual energy of Menaka, who was the most beautiful angel in the universe. devendra said, “okay, dance!” and then Menaka came and danced and threw all the illusion nets at vishvamitra who was meditating in the forest. She danced and danced. vishvamitra opened his eyes and that was it. He forgot everything. He forgot he had committed to be celibate during this meditation process when Meneka danced in front of him to tempt him. He just stood up, caught Menaka’s hand and walked in the bushes. He spent months and months with her. He did not care. an illusion

hit him. after he made beautiful love with Menaka, he wanted to sit in meditation again. But his meditation energy was down; he had lost all his energy. then he realized what happened. He was crying and weeping. He went to talk to Father divine because was completely a super duper failure meditating on Mother divine when she came in the form of Menaka’s high sexual energy. He traveled with his soul to heaven to talk with Father divine but all the guardians around Father divine would not allow him to come inside. vishvamitra was terribly insulted so he came back to earth again. Frustrated, he meditated very strongly then finally created the Mother divine gayatri mantra, another kind of heaven. He said to the divine Mother, “Hey, Mahamaya, now you are in my control so you cannot play tricks and games on me. now you are like my mother and daughter and sister.” then he released the gayatri mantra to the world. But finally he gave one statement, “My dear spiritual kingdom students, do not believe Mother divine. i fought and fought and fought and finally found the Mother divine gayatri mantra. you can use this mantra; it is equal to the four vedas. Still, there’s a chance that She can bite you at anytime––She is a cobra. you can believe your divine Mother if you are only looking for Her love; She’s happy to give it to you. once you focus on Her hands, Her eight siddhis (divine powers of god), She will throw all Her weapons, the illusions, on you very horribly. if you can handle that and escape that, you are a master. if the divine Father is with you, if He completely melted with your energy, there is 98% chance that She cannot throw any weapons at you.” this is all written in the ancient manuscripts. they wrote very clearly how he had a horrible life due to his blocks, even though he was a top enlightened master. vishvamitra Maharshi, poor guy, he tried and he tried and he tried but failed in his process because of kama energy, the sexual desire energy. the illusion attacked even Rama. the illusion attacked Krishna too. the illusion attacked vishvamitra Maharshi through his out of balance sexual addiction. Show me one saint who worked as a supernatural person who

did not get hit by any illusion—any person, any saint, any avatar. give me the name of one person anywhere. PROnuncIAtIOn & PROcESS opening gayatri Mantra (Fulfills soul desires, burns negative karmas, removes blocks, smoothes your life) om bhur bhuva suvaha tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasaya dimahi diyo yonaha prachodayat PROnuncIAtIOn Of thE MAntRA: om bhur bhu-va sue-va-ha tat sa-vi-tour va-rain-yam Bhar-go day-va-sa-ya di-ma-he di-yo-yo na-ha pra-cho-da-yat PROcESS: Say the guru and ganesh mantras first, then the gayatri mantra (followed by the optional four other opening mantras to follow in subsequent articles to come) one, three or five times in a row prior to any healing, teaching, meditation and/or before beginning any new work. When you say this mantra, imagine yourself calling out for your divine Mother to be with you, thank her for her love for you, and ask her to help you gracefully and easily wash your own blocks that attract unnecessary negativity reflected in the world to you. then, relax and enjoy your life as you watch the illusions pass you by like a movie as you handle life more smoothly and easily due to increased soul stamina gained from this gayatri mantra. connect inwardly with this Pin code from the enlightened masters to the divine Feminine aspect of god in you and in all beings and watch the illusions playing on you in your life wash away. Juleann Bukovchik Boyce is a Soul Doctor and is entrusted with the original lost teachings of Jesus and Buddha and their shared EastWest lineage gifted to her from Saint Sri Sai Kaleshwar. She teaches and gives healings with these techniques in her private practice based in Los Angeles. Do you have a question or comment for Juleann? Send an email to SoulDocJuleann@gmail.com or learn more at http://www.toloveallserveall.com



LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108 ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www. thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/479-0430. http://www. thegatewayportal.com/twilight_hikers. html

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 A SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT THE LABYRINTH. 12:00-4:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Find peace, unwind and recharge at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W Adams, L.A. www. peacelabyrinth.org, 323-737-4055, peacelabyrinth.org. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@ earthlink.net; http://www.reikiacademy. org; http://www.vedichealinginstitute. com

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 SACRED HEART ACTIVATION: REPLACE YOUR FEARS, WORRIES AND DOUBTS WITH DIVINE LOVE--Master Healer Paramahansa Jagadish clears your negative content--doubts, worries, and fears and replace them with the Divine Love and the Bliss of a sacred heart. Sunday, Nov. 9, 12 to 5 p.m. The Gateway, 2511 S. Barrington Ave., West Los Angeles, CA. Cost is $120. www.stewardshipofthesoul.com. ”MONEY BOWL MANIFESTING CIRCLE” the Second Sunday of Every month from 5 to 7 pm cost is $25 Lead by Victoria Tresor of A Better Brain A Better Body. Limited space so call for reservations 818-954-0510. Weight Loss, Anxiety, Pain Management, Relationships, Career, Entertainment Industry, Money and More! http://www.abetterbrainabetterbody.com COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School. Great Music! Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch.org



19 19

“Man is a Creature of Habit.” BY ED SPINA

This simple statement is deceptively profound.

Common sense tells us that you want to replace bad habits with good ones, which is the basis of all self-development and evolution. But as almost everyone who has ever tried to quit smoking will tell you, this is not always as easy as it would seem.

Most people’s lives are comprised of a collection of habits that dictate many of their physical, emotional and mental actions and reactions. Depending on the level of conscious awareness you invest in a habit’s creation, habits can either enslave you, turning you into a mindless automaton, or free you to pursue creative, joyful activities that enhance and give meaning to your life. Most people have a mixture of good and bad habits.

Smokers are addicted to nicotine. But according to modern brain science, all habits induce emotional states that produce chemicals in your brain. Consequently, you become addicted to the chemicals secreted by your brain no matter what kind of habit you create!

Habit is defined as an acquired behavior pattern followed until it has become almost involuntary. Habits can be good or bad, productive or non-productive. Good habits lead to skills, such as learning to ride a bicycle. They also save you time and energy by automating the performance of desirable actions. Brushing your teeth or driving a car are examples. These acquired behavior patterns free your mind from having to concentrate, as would be required of unfamiliar actions. Bad habits predispose you to undesirable outcomes. Excessive drinking, smoking, drug use and overeating are examples of bad habits that can harm your body and impair your judgment, aside from wasting your time.

With every thought or action you undertake, you create electrical pathways in your brain. As Joseph Dispenza says in the movie What the Bleep do We Know?, “neurons which fire together, wire together.” Repetition etches these patterns more deeply into your brain. To replace a bad habit with a good one, you need to break the association with your emotions and the chemicals you’ve grown accustomed to, and rewire your brain. This requires concentration and will. If you are unaware or unwilling to acknowledge your non-productive habit, you will have a hard time replacing it. If you are not convinced a particular habit is bad for you, you will have no incentive to change it. But, if you are aware of your unwanted habit and are willing to devote your attention to it, then it can be changed. Deeply focused concentration, such as during a visualization exercise, increases the potency of your thoughts and more deeply affects your brain’s rewiring. Remember, it took regular action to install your unwanted habit - possibly over the course of several lifetimes – so it will

take regular action to undo it. This is where your will comes in. You strengthen your will, as well as your habit, with repetition. Every time you consciously reject the urge to give in to your bad habit, you strengthen your will. Every time you consciously undertake an action to install a new, positive habit, it becomes easier. This is how you rewire your brain and overcome your addictions. When these habits are of a positive nature, this self-reinforcing cycle produces positive results, but the contrary is also true. This demonstrates a principle that Jesus taught, “For he that hath, to him shall be given; and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.” In other words, consciously acting to install positive habits strengthens your will and further attracts more like experiences. Giving in to bad habits, weakens your will, not only making it harder to install good habits, but doing so may cause you to lose what good habits you already had. Can there be any better reason to develop your will and consciously establish positive habits? The development of good habits is meant to improve your life, free you from the grip of negative habits and attract even more positive experiences to you. At the same time, always remember to be guided by wisdom and not convention. You should strive to perform good actions based on your own inner wisdom and conscious choice, not based on convention - not even good habits. This is the ultimate freedom.

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Are you Seeking Looking For A Heart Connection?


Starting in Dec. Whole Person Magazine will offer heart connection ads. So send us your profile of 30-40 words, and your photo if you wish, and start seeking in the right place.

$20 for One Month or $45 for Three Months Sign Up Now and Get December For Free, So 4 Months for the Price of 3 Meet others on a spirit level and of like mind. Match on a similar vibration and soul journey. We’ll also be sponsoring seeker networking gatherings for fun and exploration in 2015.

Sign up now (800) 962-0338 or wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org. EVERYONE SAYS GOD IS WITHIN, BUT HOW DO YOU PROVE IT? Learn the practical way to find out for yourself. No pretending, things or courses to buy, just real instructions. 7pm @ The New LA Center 7726 W. Manchester Playa del Rey. Always free. Please RSVP 310-821-3321

SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www. encinocommunitychurch.org AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think–Not What

to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422.

MAN UP - EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP. Mondays, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. DISCOVER.... The Authentic Man in You. OWN.............The Feminine as much as the Masculine EMBRACE.....The ALL of You. Facilitated by Tony Camacho. Mondays 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost: $20 2511 S Barrington blvd, suite 100. Los Angeles, CA 90064

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP Mondays 7:30-8:30pm. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice guided meditations as taught by MSIA. http://www.peacelabyrinth.org; Contact us Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org. LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 FREE NATIONWIDE TELE-CLASS ON SOUND MEDICINE and the secrets to healing with sound, harmonics, and toning, with Wayne Perry! Write down your questions for Wayne, and call in to 805399-1000, and use Free Access Code: 125496. 5pm Visit: http://www.WaynePerry.com


24 24

Astroflash November 2014 by JoSEPH bARCLAy RoSS

What will your month be like? The following applies to all signs.

be Thankful for Some major Changes In Your Life! With Neptune, the planet of mysticism, spirituality, artists, and con-men, straightening out, and Pluto, the ruling planet of Scorpio getting conjoined by instigating Mars, you will find that the spiritually intense eclipse energies of the last month affecting all your relationships will now give way to a tremendous resurrection and march forward. Yay!


“Phoenix, rise and shine out of your ashes!” NOV. 1: All Saints Day, positive aspects, Moon conjunct Neptune in

NOV. 16: Venus enters Sagittarius. For 1 month: romantic adventure!

Pisces. Despite intense emotions, a great day for creative endeavors. (Everything is always more colorful & beautiful with Moon in Pisces.)

NOV. 17: Moon in Libra, Leonid meteor shower. Illumination, upheavals.

NOV. 2: Moon in Pisces trines Venus in Scorpio. Romantic rapture! NOV. 3: Moon in Aries squares Mars in Capricorn. The Morning After:

requires everyone to be real but not give in to depression. be like titanium, strong but light. Skillfully handle others before they handle you.

The emphasis is on individuality (Aries) tested by reality (Capricorn).

NOV. 19: Moon in Scorpio, New Moon countdown. Diving deep inside.

NOV. 4: Moon conjunct Uranus trines Jupiter on Election Day. A fiery

NOV. 20: Venus squares Neptune. Creatively guard against deception.

day in which pride and ego get rewarded over meekness and servility.

NOV. 5: Moon enters Taurus at 1:33 PM. Material focus, leading to: NOV. 6: Full Moon 2:23 PM trines Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. Have you sown a strong foundation? Then you will reap high summits.

NOV. 7: Moon opposite Saturn in Scorpio. The tail end to all your

NOV. 18: Sun conjoins Saturn in Scorpio. This happens once a year and

NOV. 21: Moon conjoins Saturn in Scorpio. Moodiness & secrecy prevail. NOV. 22: New Moon in Early Sagittarius. A dawning new spirit of hope and adventure helps you break out of the depression/victim box of yore. NOV. 23 Moon trines Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo. Let’s rock & roll!

lessons lately: only solid bulwarks can withstand wolves at the door.

NOV. 24: Moon enters Capricorn. Time to store & count the harvest fruits.

NOV. 8: Moon in Gemini, Mercury enters Scorpio. Truth disguised.

NOV. 25: Mercury conjoins Saturn in Scorpio. Speak softly and be real.

NOV. 9: Moon in Gemini, Venus squares Jupiter. Fly high with caution.

NOV. 26: Moon in Aquarius, Sun squares Neptune in Pisces. A day to explore

NOV. 10: Moon in Cancer, Mars conjunct Pluto. Intense inspiration & deep lessons in reality: to handle Plutonium you need lead-lined gloves.

options, network with others, and try not to buy any brooklyn bridges!

NOV. 27: Mercury enters Sagittarius, Happy Thanksgiving! you’ve

NOV. 11: Moon trines Sun, Neptune, Venus, squares Uranus. Dizzy fun.

just about made it through this up-and-down month, that’s reason to be thankful.

NOV. 12: Venus conjoins Saturn in Scorpio. A serious day of love tests.

NOV. 28: Moon enters Pisces, conjoins Neptune. Spiritual & artistic grace.

NOV. 13: Sun squares Jupiter in Leo. Fun & success despite misgivings. NOV. 14: Moon in Leo squares Saturn in Scorpio. Egos get tested.

NOV. 29: Moon squares Sun, Venus. Don’t let your dream interfere with theirs.

NOV. 15: Moon in Virgo, Neptune goes Direct in Pisces. Creativity

NOV. 30: Moon enters Aries. A re-birthing ember heats up the late

abounds & the need to choose ultimate truth over convenient fantasy.


Have a Psychic Holiday Party at your home or office. Mention “Whole Person” for Parties, Events, or Personal In-Depth Love & Career Readings. 310-734-7348.


SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30-7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http:// www.thegatewayportal.com ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/ LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 FREE QDNA®, QUANTUM DNA ACCELERATION® Intro. Learn to Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.™ Learn to use the latest cutting edge Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity Epigenetics and DNA Reprogramming. info@MarinaRoseQDNA.com MarinaRoseQDNA.com EMBRACING LIFE THROUGH LOSSES Coping with the loss of loved ones can be tough, especially during the Holiday Season. To help the bereaved, Jaikoo Lee, M.Div., is offering a Bereavement Support Group to meet on four Wednesdays, 7pm to 8:30pm, November 12th, 19th, December 3rd, and 10th at The Gables of Ojai, 701 N. Montgomery Street, Ojai, CA 93023. Open to the public, admission free, donations appreciated. Please RSVP (space is limited) by calling Christine, 805-646-1446 or Jaiko, 267-6277230. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS 7:309:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Learn an effective technique for clearing your subconscious. 3726 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018. http://www.pts.org. Questions? Contact Antonietta: 323-737-4055 ext 1548; Registrar@pts.org.

MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/736-8520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_heins. html A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. http://www.meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/ SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422.




FREE One Hour Nationwide Tele-Class with Wayne Perry! Tuesday, November 11th, 5pm PST Write down your questions for Wayne, and call in to 805-399-1000, and use Free Access Code: 125496 You are cordially invited to a FREE Introductory sound healing presentation, including Q&A, discussion, demonstration & healing toning circle. Thursday, November 20th, 7:00 pm to 9:00pm West Hollywood, Limited Space – must R.S.V.P. – (323) 656-6337 to hold your seat

E Sound Healing Intensive Workshop, November 22 & 23rd, 10 am-7 pm E $100 DISCOUNT with this Ad: Only $295– (Regularly $395) (if Paid in Full by November 20th) EECall

now for information & registration: (323) 656-6337 EE visit www.wayneperry.com DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have non-meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard w/ most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. http://www.thegatewayportal.com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 SOUL DANCE 7:30-9:00pm. Enjoy spiritual moments, great music, and fun free-style dancing in our mansion’s living room! 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.SoulDanceLA. com. TAKING THE LEAP by Pema Chodron 11am. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca . 91304. Phone (818)712-9400 Love Offering SUPER BRAIN (DEEPAK CHOPRA) 10AM Led by Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch. org PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:30-9:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. http://www.thegatewayportal.com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free,

Wayne’s book now available – only $21.95!

donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 OPEN MIC AT THE FRIDAY NITE CAFE! Music starts between 7:30 and 8 pm , and goes till midnight. Free food served. Great company. Professional sound system and microphones provided. 818 846 1070 - 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank - Entrance in back ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Treatment styles range from physical focused pain management to emotional blockages. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http:// www.thegatewayportal.com/acupuncture.html LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY REEDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108 ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. http://www.thegatewayportal. com/nikita_gupta.html TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/twilight_hikers.html


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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 ANCESTRAL HEALING INTENSIVE IN OC WITH MASTER HEALER PARMAHANSA JAGADISH Saturday, Nov. 15 (125 p.m.) He will clear years and years of negative karma from your ancestral lines—harmful content that has been slowing you down, even though you didn’t know it! At Visions and Dreams Emporium 2482 Newport Blvd. Suite 13, Costa Mesa, CA, Cost is $120. www. stewardshipofthesoul.com. FULL MOON MEDITATION & CHANTING EVENT with PSYCHIC PALMIST of INDIA PROFESSOR SASI AND REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, featuring group guided vedic meditation, Sanskrit mantra chanting, intention setting, 3rd eye opening, fire ceremony, delicious vegetarian dinner, and Om Chorus. No experience with meditation or chanting is needed. For info: 310-397-2405 /310842-6087 / email: vedichealing@earthlink.net or visit: www.vedichealinginstitute.com or www.professorsasi.com WOMEN’S CIRCLE - 10AM-noon. A fabulous monthly discussion group. Facilitated by Rev. Shelly Downes. Spiritual Oneness Center, 300 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA. 91024. 626353-3802. $10 suggested love offering donation. EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP. 10am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love Offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca. 91304 818-712-9400 RESTORATIVE YOGA WITH NIKITA GUPTA, CYT 7:30-8:45AM. RSVP required. Based on the TriYoga system which combines breath, movement & meditation. Comfortable stretchy clothing, be prepared to go barefoot (optional but safer). Welcome to bring own mat, while some are available for borrow. Suggested Donation $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www. thegatewayportal.com

Contact us... jess@reikimastery.com


REIKI WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, REIKI MASTER, TEACHER. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena & Santa Monica. 626/963-3533. http://www. ReikiMastery.com; jess@ReikiMastery. com

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 SRI GANESH TRANSMISSION: REMOVE YOUR OBSTACLES TO PROSPERITY! Master Healer Paramahansa Jagadish invites the Hindu Deity known associated with prosperity into his body to help YOU remove the obstacles to Success and Prosperity. Sunday, Nov.16, 12 to 5 p.m. The Gateway, 2511 S. Barrington Ave., West Los Angeles, CA. Cost is $120. www.stewardshipofthesoul.com. LIVING IN LIGHT WORKSHOP. 2:005:00pm. Explore how to experience greater Light, peace, Spirit in your life and connect with your own essence more deeply. 3500 W Adams, L.A. www.peacelabyrinth.org, 323-7374055. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack. 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School. Great Music! Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www. encinocommunitychurch.org SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www. encinocommunitychurch.org

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Whole Person

28 AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think–Not What to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP Mondays 7:30-8:30pm. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice guided meditations as taught by MSIA. http://www.peacelabyrinth. org; Contact us Registrar@peacelabyrinth. org. EVERYONE SAYS GOD IS WITHIN, BUT HOW DO YOU PROVE IT? Learn the practical wayto find out for yourself. No pretending, things or courses to buy, just real instructions.7pm @ The New LA Center 7726 W. Manchester Playa del Rey. Always free. Please RSVP 310-821-3321 MAN UP - EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP. Mondays, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. DISCOVER.... The Authentic Man in You. OWN.............The Feminine as much as the Masculine EMBRACE.....The ALL of You. Facilitated by Tony Camacho. Mondays 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost: $20 2511 S Barrington blvd, suite 100. Los Angeles, CA 90064 LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30-7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http:// www.thegatewayportal.com/ LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 OPENING TO GRACE THROUGH FORGIVENESS TELE-WORKSHOP 5:30-7pm. Free, donations welcome. Learn practical tools to help you experience the value of forgiveness in your life. Pre-registration: www. msia.org/info/tele38. Debbie 323-737-4055. EMBRACING LIFE THROUGH LOSSES Coping with the loss of loved ones can be tough, especially during the Holiday Season. To help the bereaved, Jaikoo Lee, M. Div., is offering a Bereavement Support Group to meet on four Wednesdays, 7pm to 8:30pm, November 12th, 19th, December 3rd, and 10th at The Gables of Ojai, 701 N. Montgomery Street, Ojai, CA 93023. Open to the public, admission free, donations appreciated. Please RSVP (space is limited) by calling Christine, 805-646-1446 or Jaiko, 267-627-7230. DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have non-meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard w/most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. http://www.thegatewayportal.com A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. http://www.meetup. com/acourseinmiracleswestside/ SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 FREE SOUND HEALING INTRODUCTION, open house, discussion, demonstration, Q&A, toning, sound support, and fun, with acclaimed sound healer Wayne Perry. 7pm to 9pmMUST RSVP for building access and parking info: 323-656-6337 West Hollywood Visit: http://www.WaynePerry.com TAKING THE LEAP by Pema Chodron 11am. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca . 91304. Phone (818)712-9400 Love Offering

SUPER BRAIN (DEEPAK CHOPRA) 10AM Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch.org PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:309:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. http://www.thegatewayportal.com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKEND RETREAT at SUNBURST SANCTUARY Nov 21 – 23, 2014. Relax – renew – recharge. Enjoy yoga, meditation, music, meals and various activities. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805736-6528. JOIN SOUL DOCTOR JULEANN FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE EVENING to touch your heart & open your soul to awaken your Divine channels. Hear about ground breaking sacred teachings & the original meditations & personal practices of Jesus & Buddha. Learn three ways to uplevel your meditation as the masters do to connect directly with the Divine. Receive knowledge about hidden power spots in India and how to access them. Hear empowering truth of the best position to sleep to increase your soul power & more. First 14 to RSVP to ToLoveAllServeAll@gmail.com will receive a gift from the Himalayas. Bhakti Yoga Shala 207 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica. Friday, 11/21, 8-10pm by donation. OPEN MIC AT THE FRIDAY NITE CAFE! Music starts between 7:30 and 8 pm , and goes till midnight. Free food served. Great company. Professional sound system and microphones provided. 818 846 1070 - 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank - Entrance in back ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Treatment styles range from physical focused pain management to emotional blockages. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/ acupuncture.html

29 LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108 ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. http://www.thegatewayportal. com/nikita_gupta.html TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/4790430. http://www.thegatewayportal. com/twilight_hikers.html

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 SOUND HEALING INTENSIVE WORKSHOP, November 22nd and 23rd, 10 am - 7 pm $100 DISCOUNT with this Ad: Only $295– (Regularly $395) (if Paid in Full by November 20th) with acclaimed sound healer and published author, Wayne Perry! Call: 323-656-6337 http:// www.WaynePerry.com FREE ENERGY HEALING WORKSHOP: Learn about energy: how it affects your life and how it is used to relieve stress. Learn about your own energy field, 11 chakras and the basic principles of MCKS Pranic Healing®, meditation and so much more! 3435 Ocean Park Blvd. Suite #208, S.M. CA 90405. 2:00 pm to 4:00+ RSVP required/310.488.4388 / shana@pranichealing.com NEW MOON MEDITATION FROM JESUS + BUDDHA around a holy fire that creates protection circles, washes 90% of karmas, strengthens your heart chakra, and more. Pre-requisite: one-time $108 one-hour private training with Soul Doctor Juleann. Event Saturday 11/22 710pm $41. www.ToLoveAllServeAll.com (310) 869-4617 GROUP MEDITATION & CHANTING GATHERING WITH INDIAN PSYCHIC PALMIST PROFESSOR SASI & REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of meditation and ancient Sanskrit chants from India in a powerful, group setting. Gathering includes brief talk on vedic teachings, guided meditation, 3rd eye opening by Professor Sasi, Sanskrit mantra chanting, sound healing experience, followed by food and socializing. No experience with meditation or chanting is needed. For info: 310-397-2405 /310-842-6087 / email: vedichealing@earthlink.net; visit: www.professorsasi.com or www.vedichealinginstitute.com

REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; www. reikiacademy.org; http://www.vedichealinginstitute.com CURIOUS ABOUT YOURSELF? 1 - 6 PM You are a unique individual with your own personality traits—some of these traits enable you to achieve great things in life, and others can seem to hold you back and ultimately stifle your true potential. Come take a free personality test. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank Entrance in back RESTORATIVE YOGA WITH NIKITA GUPTA, CYT 7:30-8:45AM. RSVP required. Based on the TriYoga system which combines breath, movement & meditation. Comfortable stretchy clothing, be prepared to go barefoot (optional but safer). Welcome to bring own mat, while some are available for borrow. Suggested Donation $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www. thegatewayportal.com REIKI WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, REIKI MASTER, TEACHER. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena & Santa Monica. 626/963-3533. http://www.ReikiMastery.com; jess@ReikiMastery.com

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 ANCESTRAL HEALING INTENSIVE IN OJAI WITH MASTER HEALER PARMAHANSA JAGADISH Sunday, Nov. 23 (1-6 p.m.) He will clear years and years of negative karma from your ancestral lines—harmful content that has been slowing you down, even though you didn’t know it! Sacred Space Studio, 410 Bryant Circle Suite A, Ojai, CA. Cost is $120. www.stewardshipofthesoul.com. LEARN HOW TO LIVE AND WORK IN ALIGNMENT WITH THE LAWS OF NATURE and the five elements in creation to pull more spiritual and material prosperity. Learn advanced techniques from the enlightened masters of the best directions to face when meditating to pull the highest divine energy, optimal placement for water on and in your space, roofs and the optimal place to sleep relative to their slants, and more! Course open to all. $149 cash discount if paid by 11/15, $180 thereafter or via PayPal to ToLoveAllServeAll@gmail. com Sunday 11/23, 5-9pm at Oasis Healing Center www.ToLoveAllServeAll. com (310) 869-4617

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30 COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School. Great Music! Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch.org SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http:// www.encinocommunitychurch.org AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think–Not What to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS. Sundays 12:00-4:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation garden, historic mansion tours. 3500 W. Adams, L.A. www.peacelabyrinth.org, 323-737-4055.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP Mondays 7:30-8:30pm. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice guided meditations as taught by MSIA. http:// www.peacelabyrinth.org; Contact us Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org. MAN UP - EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP. Mondays, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. DISCOVER....The Authentic Man in You. OWN.............The Feminine as much as the Masculine EMBRACE.....The ALL of You. Facilitated by Tony Camacho. Mondays 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost: $20 LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:307:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA

90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/ LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 FREE ENERGY HEALING WORKSHOP: Learn about energy: how it affects your life and how it is used to relieve stress. Learn about your own energy field, 11 chakras and the basic principles of MCKS Pranic Healing®, meditation and so much more! 3435 Ocean Park Blvd. Suite #208, S.M. CA 90405. 7:00 pm to 9:00+ RSVP required/310.883.8371 / isabel@pranichealing.com DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have non-meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard w/ most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. http://www.thegatewayportal.com A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4769898. http://www.meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/ SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www. peacelabyrinth.org.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 SOUL DANCE 7:30-9:00pm. Enjoy spiritual moments, great music, and fun free-style dancing in our mansion’s living room! 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.SoulDanceLA. com. TAKING THE LEAP by Pema Chodron 11am. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca . 91304. Phone (818)712-9400 Love Offering SUPER BRAIN (DEEPAK CHOPRA) 10AM Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www. encinocommunitychurch.org PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:30-9:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. http://www.thegatewayportal.com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKEND RETREAT at SUNBURST SANCTUARY Nov 28 – 30, 2014. Relax – renew – recharge. Enjoy yoga, meditation, music, delicious vegetarian meals and various activities. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805-7366528. OPEN MIC AT THE FRIDAY NITE CAFE! Music starts between 7:30 and 8 pm , and goes till midnight. Free food served. Great company. Professional sound system and microphones provided. 818 846 1070 - 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank - Entrance in back ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Treatment styles range from physical focused pain management to emotional blockages. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www. thegatewayportal.com/acupuncture. html

31 LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108 ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html

Do You Suffer from PTSD or Trauma? Charlie Pacello is a PTSD and Healing Trauma Recovery Expert and Life Coach and creator of the program, Lt. Pacello’s Life Training Program

TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/479-0430. http://www.thegatewayportal.com/twilight_hikers.html

Your PTSD and Trauma can be healed! Call for a free consultation: 323-377-4911 www.charliepacello.com

You Deserve a Beautiful Life!

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@ earthlink.net; http://www.reikiacademy. org; http://www.vedichealinginstitute.com


Your picture here

Whatever Jesus did on earth, you can do. LEARN HOW Whatever Maha Kali did on earth, you can do. Whatever Buddha did on earth, you can do.


Full & New Moon

COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School. Great Music! Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http:// www.encinocommunitychurch.org


SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. http://www.encinocommunitychurch.org

Thurs. Nov 6 • Full Moon Sat.Nov 22 • New Moon 7-10pm in West LA

around a fire & more Relax.Release.Receive:

‣ Meditation & knowledge of the enlightened masters

$41 for each event after a once in lifetime 1-hr ea. $108 training.


Align your life with the laws of nature Learn the best directions to face in meditation & how to use the water element to bring success, health, good sleep, happiness, prosperity & more! Sun. Nov 23, 5-9pm $149 cash to 11/13,$180 after

* Visit www.ToLoveAllServeAll.com or call (310) 869-4617 for more information

Mysteries Revealed of the Enlightened Masters

Hear about the spiritual tools of Jesus, Kali & Buddha to awaken your Divine channels. Break open your beliefs & feed your soul. First 14 to RSVP receive a gift

Fri. Nov 21, 8-10pm 207 Arizona Ave Santa Monica By donation

Juleann Boyce

Soul Doctor

– ONGOING EVENTS – – SUNDAYS – Ongoing Sundays 5-6PM- Guided meditation with live Harp music, facilitated by Rev. Shelly Downes. Experience the healing energy of a this amazing group meditation. Spiritual Oneness Center, 300 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA. 91024. 626-353-3802. $10 suggested love offering donation. REIKI HEALING. A healing journey for the Mind, Body and Soul. Help your body heal itself by balancing your chakras with Reiki. Buy 2 get 3rd 50% off. www.newworldmystic.com, 323-835-4214”

SUNDAY MEDITATION GATHERING 10:30AM. All are welcome. Live spirit-filled music, insightful talk, quiet meditation, good company & a delicious vegetarian brunch. Childcare 4+. Gate is open by 9:45AM. Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. 805/736-6528. www.SunburstOnline.org COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School. Great Music! Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org

REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; www.reikiacademy.org; www.vedichealinginstitute.com

32 32

What Are They



ill Animals save the World?

Dear Lori, These days, it has become more and more obvious that our world is going through some very turbulent times. Many animal lovers believe that animals are the answer. In your opinon as an animal communicator, will the animals save the world? Thanks, Robert, aka, Lost in Confusion. Dear robert, aka, lost in confusion, It’s an interesting perspective to say that animals will save the world. Upon hearing this, I contemplated it for some time, and decided that rather than writing about what my personal beliefs are with respect to animals saving the world, I would ask the Consciousness of the Animal Kingdom for their collective point of view on the subject.

Here’s what I received through our communication: “It is not our job, or our desire or intention to save the world. In fact, part of the human dilemma is that they, the humans, are so busy asking and hoping and wishing and praying to be saved in the first place. We will not save them, any more than their government will, their doctors, their lawyers, their education system, their not for profit organizations, their moms and dads, their world religions, or even Extra Terrestrials or anyone else will. Humans must make a choice to become conscious and thus, save themselves. They are their only saviors. It is not us who will save the world or them; we are merely guides, healers, teachers, way-showers and guardians of the earth and the wisdom contained in this realm. We play our role in the uplifting and awakening of humanity, and we do have solutions for the world’s problems, but we are not the saviors of those problems and we are certainly not the saviors of the world. That is each human’s role, one by one by one. The challenge for humans, is that in hoping, wishing and praying for a savior, for example, the entire animal kingdom, they (the humans) are deeming themselves powerless, which is really a large part of why they are in this situation in the first place, and which is also the entire point of the Grand Experiment (ie, The Shift of Consciousness) anyway: to assist humans in re-membering their true, authentic inner connection to

The Divine, to one another, to us, the animals, and to Mother Earth, and in so doing, return to love, peace and oneness, which is ultimately, what will really save the world. That said, thank you for the compliment! We appreciate you. We honor you. We are with you as you awaken along your journey. We have great compassion for you. We love you.” Geez...It never ceases to amaze me, what I learn from our beloved animal friends. Thank you for your question, Robert! Hope that helps clear up some confusion. Very best, Lori

Lori Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker and Visionary who practices and teaches Animal Communication, Intuition and Energ y Healing and also activates Dormant DNA for both humans and animals. For more information, please visit www.LoriSpagna.com and receive a FR EE mp3 class to Learn Animal Communication and a FR EE mp3 class to Develop Your Intuitive Abilities. We WelcOme yOur questiONs! Please email your animal communication, health, healing and nutritional questions to Manager4efilsgod@ gmail.com and we may answer your question in an upcoming Whole Person Magazine edition.


SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org SPIRITUAL RENEWAL Sundays 12:004:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Create your own personal retreat to spiritually renew on Sundays at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; www. peacelabyrinth.org. AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think–Not What to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422.

– MONDAYS – EVERYONE SAYS GOD IS WITHIN, BUT HOW DO YOU PROVE IT? Learn the practical way to find out for yourself. No pretending, things or courses to buy, just real instructions. 7pm @ The New LA Center 7726 W. Manchester Playa del Rey. Always free. Please RSVP 310-8213321 MAN UP - EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP. Mondays, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. DISCOVER....The Authentic Man in You. OWN.............The Feminine as much as the Masculine EMBRACE.....The ALL of You. Facilitated by Tony Camacho. Mondays 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost: $20 2511 S Barrington blvd, suite 100. Los Angeles, CA 90064 SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP Mondays 7:30-8:30pm. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice guided meditations as taught by MSIA. www. peacelabyrinth.org; Contact us Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org.

SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection w/ your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart. com ; www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz

– TUESDAYS – ENJOY AN ENERGY HEALING SESSION FREE! PRANIC HEALING® is an advanced form of energy healing developed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. It has worked successfully with physical and emotional ailments. 6pm-8:45pm /3435 Ocean Park Blvd. Suite #208, S.M. CA 90405/ 310-8838371 / pranichealingclinic@gmail.com LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org. SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:307:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com/ (Click Calendar)


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1/2 PRICE CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL. Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, & Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. One Hr Appt 8-9PM. Booked & Paid in advance, just $50 + gratuity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com/

– WEDNESDAYS – MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/7368520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_ heins.html FREE QDNA®, QUANTUM DNA ACCELERATION® Intro. Learn to Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.™ Learn to use the latest cutting edge Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity Epigenetics and DNA Reprogramming. info@MarinaRoseQDNA.com MarinaRoseQDNA.com DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have non-meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard w/ most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. www.thegatewayportal.com FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS Wednesdays 7:30-9:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Learn an effective technique for clearing your subconscious. 3726 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018. http:// www.pts.org. Questions? Contact Antonietta: 323-737-4055 ext 1548; Registrar@pts. org. A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4769898. www.meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/ SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422

.– THURSDAYS – BODYMIND ENERGY HEALING WITH LEANNE WHITNEY. Re-Birthing 2014: Moving Into Authentic Power. Breaking Through That Which Confines. 9am to 9pm. $125 an hour. Call 310.838.6019 to book your session. http://www.meetup. com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/184610972/ SUPER BRAIN BY DEEPAK CHOPRA. Thursdays 10 am. Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca. 91304 Phone (818)712-9400 – Love Offering. TAKING THE LEAP BY PEMA CHODRON. 11am Thursdays. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca . 91304. Phone (818)712-9400. Love Offering LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Every Tuesday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation gardens and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; http://www.peacelabyrinth.org. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:30-9:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com

FRIDAYS – EVERYONE SAYS GOD IS WITHIN, BUT HOW DO YOU PROVE IT? Learn the practical way to find out for yourself. No pretending, things or courses to buy, just real instructions. 7pm @ The New LA Center 7726 W. Manchester Playa del Rey. Always free. Please RSVP 310-821-3321 ENJOY AN ENERGY HEALING SESSION FREE! PRANIC HEALING® is an advanced form of energy healing developed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. It has worked successfully with physical and emotional ailments. 7pm-9:00pm / HALL CENTER 916 Main St., Venice CA 90291/ 310-8838371 / pranichealingclinic@gmail.com ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Treatment styles range from physical focused pain management to emotional blockages. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/acupuncture.html

35 LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108 ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/twilight_hikers.html SPIRITUAL SEMINAR SCREENINGS Fridays 7:30-9:00pm. Free. Watch JohnRoger, MSIA Founder, and John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director share about practical spirituality. Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, www.msia.org. Contact us 323-737-4055, Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org.

– SATURDAYS – CURIOUS ABOUT YOURSELF? 1 - 6 PM You are a unique individual with your own personality traits—some of these traits enable you to achieve great things in life, and others can seem to hold you back and ultimately stifle your true potential. Come take a free personality test. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank - Entrance in back RESTORATIVE YOGA WITH NIKITA GUPTA, CYT 7:30-8:45AM. RSVP required. Based on the TriYoga system which combines breath, movement & meditation. Comfortable stretchy clothing, be prepared to go barefoot (optional but safer). Welcome to bring own mat, while some are available for borrow. Suggested Donation $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com REIKI WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, REIKI MASTER, TEACHER. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena & Santa Monica. 626/963-3533. www.ReikiMastery.com; jess@ReikiMastery.com

– ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT – REGULAR COMMUNITY POTLUCKS, CELEBRATIONS, FUN FIELD TRIPS, MOVIE SCREENINGS. 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional perform-

er, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection w/ your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart. com; www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz

– BODYWORK / MASSAGE – MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/7368520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_ heins.html ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. & INTUITIVE. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Edward is a gifted Intuitive w/treatment styles ranging from physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com/acupuncture.html LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY REEDUCATION OR MASSAGE WITH CERTIFIED THERAPISTS 1-7PM. By Appt in advance only. One hour session for $49, $1 a minute thereafter. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com

– COUNSELING / LIFE COACHING – SOUL KEY HYPNOTHERAPY with Barbara Schiffman, C.Ht. Explore and connect with your Soul Dimension. Gain direct insights into experiences in this lifetime, past lives and potential future lives. Connect with your personal Spirit Guides, Mentors and Soul Council. Private sessions in person or via Skype video. Akashic Records Readings also available. Barbara Schiffman, 818-415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com. ENTERTAINMENT LIFE COACH. Does your career need revitalizing? Increase your confidence and know how! Contact Margaret Lenzey, MA; Clinical Psychology. 30 years in Entertainment Industry: m.lenzey@gmail.com 10 minutes free consultation!


gy-archive of all lifetimes for guidance, healing & conscious evolution. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself &/or others. Weekend practitioner certification trainings & mentoring; private readings also available. Contact Barbara Schiffman 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/ AkashicLA REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@earthlink. net; www.reikiacademy.org; www.vedichealinginstitute.com REIKI CLASSES WITH REIKI MASTER/ TEACHER JESSICA MILLER OF THE INT’L CENTER FOR REIKI TRAINING in Glendale (La Crescenta) area. Reiki 1 & 2, ART/Master, Karuna Reiki®, Japanese Reiki Techniques. 626/963-3533. www.ReikiMastery.com

– GIFT SHOPS / BOOKSTORES – AWAKENINGS CENTER FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 25260 La Paz Rd, Ste D, Laguna Hills 92653. Free Parking. www.awakeningscenter.com ; 949/4570797 SPIRITUAL GOODS & GOODIES BOUTIQUE @ THE GATEWAY! The store is equipped w/crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from the world-over, tea/snack bar, outdoor patio, free wifi.... 2503 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/ home.html

- HEALTH & WELLNESS – FREE QDNA®, QUANTUM DNA ACCELERATION® Intro. Learn to Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.™ Learn to use the latest cutting edge Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity Epigenetics and DNA Reprogramming. info@MarinaRoseQDNA.com MarinaRoseQDNA.com REIKI HEALING. A healing journey for the Mind, Body and Soul. Help your body heal itself by balancing your chakras with Reiki.Buy 2 get 3rd 50% off. www.newworldmystic.com, 323835-4214” FREE LIFE COACHING, COUNSELLING, intuitive channelling. Transform challenges into opportunities for joyful relationships, vibrant health, & overflowing abundance! Manifest YOUR best Life. Layla Beacon, CHLC Bright Life Coaching & Healing (707) 2060770



AgApite o Filo Mou

m aking Your m ind

Your Beloved Friend


(part 2)

BY CHArlIe PACello

a courSe in m iracleS Now, meditation is just the beginning. Done consistently, regardless of what’s happening in our lives, initiates a sequence of shifts in your thinking and perception of yourself and the world outside of you. I implore you to find a spiritual tradition which emphasizes re-training the mind to bring you peace. There are many traditions out there, but one that resonated most deeply with me was A Course in Miracles. The Course is a self-study program for retraining the mind from a spiritual, rather than religious perspective. Although it uses Christian terminology, it speaks universal spiritual truths verses religion or dogma, and echoes the world’s most sacred, ancient, spiritual traditions. The method is pragmatic, where the student contemplates one idea throughout the day, incorporating it into their daily routine, creating a peaceful, loving, and forgiving mind. It

guides one to an awareness of love’s presence, and helps remove the blocks preventing you from experiencing your natural inheritance. The course can be summed up very simply: NothiNg real caN be threateNed. NothiNg uNreal exists. hereiN lies the peace of god. Again, it’s not the only way to achieve peace in a mind consumed and overwhelmed by the past. If it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s fine, find a meditation rooted in love, peace, and forgiveness. Nevertheless, because I am on the other side, I know it works. When I was battling for my life, I clung to this book as my lifeboat to get me through the most torrential internal storms. I would diligently work with the thought for the day, although my mind wanted to re-cycle past painful experiences. Some days, the memories would win. Not knowing if I’d make it through,

there was so much pain, but I kept praying, kept meditating, kept doing the work with A Course in Miracles. You must never give up. Never. Have faith and trust in what I am telling you, and each day, even if you are not aware of it and it seems like it will never end, keep doing it, the light will come.

Scratching the record carpe diem What do you do when the thoughts, images, memories, and painful experiences invade your peace of mind? You’ve got to interrupt them right when they happen, you’ve got to scratch the record, and replace it with a thought that empowers you, enlivens you, enriches you, and makes you feel good about who you are. So, for instance, you have a disquieting thought, you pass by a place that reminds you of a person or an event from your past, at that moment, you


will either get caught up in the maelstrom of the toxic emotions and feelings associated from your past, or you can choose to replace that thought from your bliss list.

Write down 100 things which bring you joy. You want to discover within you what it is that connects you to your bliss. Ideally, you want to list as many things as possible which are not dependent on anyone or any thing to make you happy. Activate all your senses and feelings. examples might be: walkiNg iN Nature eatiNg a juicy peach smelliNg a rose sNowflakes oN my skiN the suN oN my face Your bliss list can involve another person or persons, however, I want you to emphasize finding the things which give you joy which you do only for the joy of it. This list in not about them, it is about you! once you have composed your list, read it over, make sure you are sat-


want to

diScover within You what it iS that connectS You to Your BliSS.

Sit down with a blank piece of paper and write at the top of the page ‘My Bliss list’. Make sure when you do this, there are no distractions, it’s quiet and peaceful, and allow yourself the time to really sink into the deepest part of yourself so that you can hear what makes your soul sing. Meditating for 20 minutes before you do this is highly recommended.


how to create Your BliSS liSt


You want

to liSt aS manY thingS aS poSSiBle which are not dependent on anYone or anY thing to make You happY.


isfied with it (you will know this because it makes you feel good inside, it makes you feel happy to read it), then, make copies of it so you will have it in various places for you to refer to when needed. A great place to put one is in your car. Another great place is in your office. When a negative, painful thought or memory comes in, you go to this list right away. You want to scratch the record of the unconscious program operating your life with new thoughts to pick you back up again. By doing this consistently, you are breaking the pattern which has now become unconscious, which is the recycling of all this old thinking and feeling, and you are replacing it with something that is you, defined by you. The more you do this, the more space you will create, and the more you will connect to who you really are. It is a process, and as with any process, it grows with consistency, dedication, and commitment. You are not your past. This present moment does not have to be defined by your past. You have the power within you to define what this present moment will be for you. This moment is, and will always be, defined by you. Seize the day!

Charlie Pacello is a PTSD and Trauma Recovery Expert and the creator of the Lt. Pacello’s PTSD Recovery Program. Charlie is a former Air Force 1 Lieutenant.

He may be reached at



FREE Healing & Wellness Counselling. Expert compassionate healing & guidance. Integrative Energy Healing, Psychic healing & Channelling. Nutrition, exercises, & personal health empowerment plans. Layla Beacon, CMT, Bright Life Coaching & Healing (707) 206-0770 SOUL HEALING + STRENGETHENING WITH SOUL DOCTOR JULEANN. Wish to grow spiritually to new levels? Depressed? Can’t sleep? Incurable disease? Receive the highest healings and teachings with the techniques of the enlightened masters Jesus + Buddha. Book an apt. today with Soul Doctor Juleann who is entrusted with these ancient PIN codes & knowledge. www.Toloveallserveall.com (310) 869-4617 ToLoveAllServeAll@gmail.com Free 10 min consultation. HYPNOTHERAPY & NLP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/hypnotherapy.html MEDICAL INTUITION WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Available daily by appointment. www.drsarahlarsen.com ; www.thegatewayportal.com/healer.html ; 424/903-6633.The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. INTEGRATED REFLEXOLOGY: FEET, HANDS & EARS WITH CHARLES HAYWOOD, CRT. 25% discount on Intro Session to this process that addresses the entire human body 3 times over via this refluxing touch technique administered over the skin of the feet, hands & ears, “verging” their nerve endings. By appt. 310/467-2232 ; www.reflexologyla. com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/reflexology.html LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. 424/2569108 ; www.nikitagupta.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html SPEECH & LANGUAGE & MEMORY THERAPY WITH ELLE SHLAES, MS, CCC. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/562-8309. www. thegatewayportal.com/speech_language.html

PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH JEANNE PRINZIVALLI, LICENSED MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPIST (LMFT). Sessions w/Jeanne are available daily by appointment. She may be contacted w/questions &/or to schedule at 310/853-1536 or jeanne@jeannelmft.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/psychotherapy.html MULTIPLE-MODALITY ENERGY HEALING WITH LEANNE WHITNEY, Ph.D.(abd), RYT. Sessions may include but are not limited to: CranioSacral, Depth Psychology, Somatic Experience, Dream work, Yoga, Meditation… Free 15 min consult at 310/838-6019 or info@leannewhitney.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/leanne_whitney.html ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. & INTUITIVE. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Edward is a gifted Intuitive whose treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/acupuncture.html MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/ min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/736-8520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_ heins.html & vibrationalhealingmassage.com HEALING SESSIONS WITH JESSICA MILLER, REIKI MASTER/TEACHER. Powerful, personalized sessions incorporating all levels of Reiki, plus breath & sound healing, affirmations, healing of situations & health, past, present & future. Includes discussion time. Int’l Center for Reiki Training. 626/963-3533. www.ReikiMastery.com

– HELP WANTED – SEEKING CONSCIOUS SALES REPS AND IN HOUSE STAFF. Tobias & Alysha Wholesale Crystal Co. seeks outside sales reps and in house warehouse staff! We have demonstrated our strongest sales over the last several years. Seeking conscious individuals who • Have 3+ yrs outside sales experience (gift, home

décor) • Understand crossover markets • Are grounded and enthusiastic • Metaphysical knowledge and background a plus. Must have own vehicle. Also in house warehouse/ admin support needed. Call Michael @ 310-821-2511. www.tobiasalysha. com THE WHOLE PERSON MAGAZINE wants motivated, outgoing, high energy people in our advertising department. If you enjoy people & are passionate about helping others become more “whole” please call us at 800/962-0338 to discuss available opportunities. Also seeking interns, equally motivated, outgoing & high energy, itching to learn about & participate in running a publishing magazine office. www.wholepersonmagazine.org THE GATEWAY IS CURRENTLY SEEKING INTERNS: Earn internship hours while contributing to a spiritual growth & wellness center impassioned to help others. Learn & grow inside & out, while you get credited for your degree. Call to find out what else may be available or if we’ve heard of other places seeking interns. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com

– INTUITIVE ARTS – ASTROLOGY CONSULTATIONS WITH DILLON. Astrology is a language describing the energetic signatures of what we manifest in our lives. Gain a clearer, deeper, and highly empowering perspective. (562) 606-6963 www.dilloncarlyon.com INTUITIVE READINGS & HEALINGS WITH WALLACE GIBBONS. Rediscover the abundance & blessings of your life, your own answers. Clear old patterns, thoughts, blocked energies in mind, body & feelings, & create new life, love, & abundance. Remember yourself as the “Spirit You Are”. 818/720-6116. www.Spiritual-Reminders.net PSYCHIC GUIDE Specializing in Love and Tarot. 818-402-275

– OTHER – JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL LIGHT THERAPY. As seen on Oprah, CBS, ABC, CNN, Huffington Post… the most famous healer on Earth works through these crystals of specific vibration, infused w/the powers of highly evolved spirit doctors to stimulate healing. Weekdays by appt. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/john_of_god.html


PEELS 2 MEALS COMPOST PICKUP SERVICE. Ahh...finally no more negative karma from trashing all that nutritious pulp or those peels, cores & food scraps. Return it to Mother Nature as fuel for more edibles to be born of...as intended. With 6 Month “Peels 2 Meals” Service, get the 1st week comped for 3 months. Code: WPJA14. 310/245-7391. www. scraps.biz

– OFFICE SPACE – HOLISTIC WELLNESS CENTER IN WEST LA $250/mo. Seeking Impassioned DC, ND, OMD, PsyD, LAc, RD/ Nutritionist, Bodyworker, Energyworker, Psychic/Medium, Tarot Reader... Great energy, creative 2nd Fl offices (w/elevator) & free parking. Rent depends on office(s) occupied & basis fulltime/shared/rotating). Also equipped w/workshop space to heed the need to present to the community (up to 100 ppl) w/patio. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/home.html

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2014 Astrological Psychology aries - 3/21 – 4/19



The active energy of this month for you Aries is support for change. Change is usually scary and upsetting, while change from a place of deep balance is natural, like starting to grow adult teeth after the baby teeth fall out! Naturally and easily the ‘knew’ comes in! You know that it is your creativity that supports your processes, so sit with and in that creativity as the change happens! Witnessing change gives you multiple opportunities to ‘let go’ of what is being upgraded. Witnessing is easier on the mind and kinder for the mind because there is an allowing of the new to be seen and experienced without a collision.

direction into being with the sweet sounds of the angels’ music. Keep it up and eventually you will be shown how to use the thunderbolt as precisely as a watch makers touch. It is obvious to you that you are making great change and what you do not know is that the transformation utilizes all of the circumstances present to facilitate that change. embrace what is and nest in it.

There is a great flowering of the seeds you have gathered. You have been allowing that flowering to happen for some time, which is how and why there is such a deep balance. Those parts that wobble a little at times are naturally coming into balance without effort as your ability to witness evolves.

In order to get to the point where your ability to trust literally causes you to fly, you must embrace what is. Today you are faced with a part of life that causes you to withdraw, as naturally as a reaction to withdrawing your hand from a flame. The Creator within is calling to you to take contrary action and nest rather than withdraw. easier said than done, however, with a willingness, the receptivity can, must, may rise from the depth of your heart.

At some point in the future, you will have to decide to stop it with the show for others that is designed to show them how talented you are! The time and energy required for the ‘show’ can be better spent, which will dawn upon you soon!

taurus - 4/20 – 5/20 From what appears to be far away, there is actually a real ripeness happening in and around you. This is due to your being receptive meaning that you have practiced being able to or inclined to receive; especially open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions. Being fit to receive and transmit energy is the key. What is holding you back are some antiquated political beliefs about how to be in and/or with the: office, neighbors, sexual orientation, and just toward those living in ignorance. You know, from your side, it is your creativity that carries you around the noticeable blocks. Yet your awareness of how others are caught up in these types of situations, in which you you flow, throws you off balance. You have made major progress in life given that you have a major need to be in control or have you really? While you know you are a control freak, you are working your way out of the dark and trudging in the wrong

As the future is an ever present presence, just know that the Creator within us, must and can smile upon you with benevolent grace.

gemiNi - 5/21 – 6/20

Much of what you are facing, while appearing to be present-life orientated, trust me, it is mostly from the past! Knowing that offers little relief, but just know; for it is the present life that is pushing the buttons acquired in the past. one more time, it is important to turn inward; dive into silence and the ghosts from the past will dissolve.

outsides. At this time, bear in mind that what you find from this life time’s conditioning is indicative of all past lives. What is cleared in this life will domino backward through all lives. Hidden from you is the closeness of touching the totality of all that is, was, can and will be! In fact, you are already touching that energy and all you have to ‘do’ is ‘notice’. It is courage that supports you in the present circumstances, has fueled your pursuit of what is known to be important and has produced new growth from the most unlikely of places! Dig it!! The future is all net! Success beyond your comprehension and beyond your concept of what is possible! Surrendering is the key and in that space of surrender what is revealed is God; the gold!

leo - 7/23 – 8/22 It takes a lot of courage to do what you do in the face of the intense habit of needing to be in control. Congratulations and as you can, focusing on the flowering of that courage results in a rooting of deeper balance, becoming deeper and stronger in the hardest of circumstances. Your ability to notice when you are projecting onto others what is yours, is heightened. The flowering is akin to your ability to experience the mystical and magical. Soon you will be able to nest in the depth of despair and experience the light; that is also there! Wow, Can you believe it?

Approach every event, every moment, as if it is the first and only moment that there is! let go of all expectations and you will become one with the Creator.

It is due to your ability to operate with a new vision that the habit of the need to be in control, has allowed you to flower in so many beautiful ways. Nurture that Siddhi by thanking God/Spirit.

caNcer - 6/21 – 7/22

Please know that regardless of what has been done to you, regardless of what you have done in this life or any of your past lives, there is innocence at the core of your being!

Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning: it is what has happened and the conditioning is continuing to influence, if not run the show! Conditioning is a simple form of learning; involving the formation, the strengthening, or weakening of an association between a stimulus and a response acquired before the age of reason. It is way worthwhile to journal about your conditioning. The place to start is the need to participate in comparative analysis; your outsides to others’ outsides and your insides to others’ insides and your insides to others’

Virgo – 8/23 – 9/22 So you have a need to be in control! Feeling pretty ‘tight’ these days? Take a load off the only way you ‘know how’! Connect with the existence of all that is, was and will be! Taking refuge in that place has served you well; keep it up! Please know that a lot of the ‘tightness’ and the need to be in control comes from the past rather than the present


life! It is your being receptive that you have made so much progress in the life in spite of the need to be in control. However, your needs have caused you to suppress some of the obvious and they are corded to you which suppresses your ability to utilize all your gifts. While you continue to ‘have to’ run old programs of comparative analysis, it is your continual ‘turning inward’ that keeps the ghosts of the past away; go deep enough and they go. It is only in silence that, that which is ultimately important is revealed; Go for it and the prize that is beyond illusion comes into your hand willingly, gracefully and easily!

libra - 9/23 – 10/22 It is a time that is calling for you libra to share the blessings you have received, joyfully and with all those that come to you for help. Share with joy, love and the excitement of a little kid and you will be preparing yourself to be able to ‘let go’ at a time when it will be way important. What is passing through your energy field is manifesting in a new expression from a corner within that has been shrouded in ignorance. Being alone is different than being lonely; know the difference. It is your allowing yourself to be friendly and approachable that turns the tide in your favor; just do it! Just do it and the habit of being lazy and sitting back on your accomplishments will evaporate. More can go into an empty cup than a full cup! Being friendly elevates you into a state of being ordinary, common and one of the masses. Unless you want to keep yourself separated from your brethren, be friendly and embrace being ordinary. This is a heart strategy that awakens an extra-ordinary capacity to love.

scorpio - 10/23 – 11/21 It is time to allow the intensity within to become a larger part of your process. Intensity is an asset, a very powerful asset. Awareness of the impact of that intensity is the starting place for some and for others an unleashing is being called for. Due to the past, you Scorpios are backed up and ready to unload. You have worked hard to package up for unloading when you thought you were done with that ‘issue’. The Creator within is the key. Direct your intensity inward in daily Sadhna (prayer & meditation). Set an intention to connect with, awaken within the ultimate Creator energy. Set an intention and focus your intensity and you

will be amazed before you are half way through; for you will intuitively know how to handle situations that formerly used to baffle you. Your intensity comes from the source of all that is, all that was and all that can be and is actually that source. The source is your intensity and your intensity is the source; know that and act accordingly. All this leads you to a depth of courage you will need and welcome at some point. relax for now and awaken the Creator within with directed intensity.

sagittarius - 11/22 – 12/21 The times are calling for you Sagittarius to set aside all of your knowledge, all that you have accomplished and all your wisdom. Set it all aside and in silence you rise up to receive, naked and alone. Clinging to the past is what you are doing and at the same time you are ready to let it all go; Congratulations. How to let it all go, you might ask? Begin in facing the sorrow you carry, surrender and make peace with what Is, make peace with what has gone and what might never be! The rebellious spirit within objects and yet it is clear that you are ready to compromise with the rebel in order to get moving. Now celebrate what is coming, celebrate what has left, celebrate what can/must/may be! Just celebrate in silence and divine right order will unfold and you will see and accept your circumstances as they are! one thing that is coming is a challenge and a blessing at the same time. You will be able to take responsibility like you have never been able to take responsibility before!

capricorN - 12/22 – 1/19 Being is ‘beyond illusion’! Glimpses come at first, then standing in that that is glimpsed, eventually prepares you to be able to nest in that place that is ‘beyond illusion’. Being in the Source, being the activated Source and operating as the Source is known to you. The fly in the ointment is the burden you carry. That burden is a stress that is an accumulation of past bad information, hopes and dreams. You are tired of putting on a ‘show’ and know it! There is a subtle sense of an adventure that is at hand. That burden carries the patterns of fighting, being ready to fight, needing to be ready to fight etc. This is very tiring and with just a little more patience you will give birth to mastery that you have heard about! Your past lives will continue to provide you

with challenges and blessings. The master within gives you a new level of inner guidance that makes more sense out of what is worthwhile and what can be ‘let go’ and pass by.

aquarius - 1/20 – 2/18 The Miser holds onto what has been accumulated as if there is nothing more coming, out of fear. It is time to examine being miserly; look high and low with curiosity because what you find, even a few crumbs, gives you the opportunity to excel! Your dream as a child is still possible! even though many have forgotten their childhood dreams those dreams are a peek at an element helpful in achieving your life purpose! While the past has brought you a burden to carry, now you are actually rising above the ‘muck and mire’ through sound & music. Your access to tools and information you need has been suppressed! Clear all cords now! Your new vision is allowing you to rise up in spite of the fear you have that you will lose! It is your courage that moves you forward in the face of fear. Try to focus on the new vision rather than the fear. In time, the fear will dissipate; especially after clearing cords. The future brings much from the past that will be of assistance and blessings. Always view the circumstances that way; that the circumstances are for assistance and blessings even if you have a hard time seeing the assistance and blessings in the present.

pisces - 2/19 – 3/20 Within you will find the two lovers merging in one, as you slow down on the need to be in control. let it go please, just let go and allow what is to be perfect. At least know that and work toward emotionally accepting that regardless of how the circumstances appear! Your ally, right now, is your maturity. Sit in that maturity and work with your mind to accept what is. There is more help and assistance from turning inward than you realize. Yes, you will have to go through a layer of ‘ghosts’ from the past; so what!! Just do it, Turn inward! Do it and you will definitely gain a new way of seeing; that is for sure! You are slowed down in making progress by holding onto what you have, as if there is nothing more! Hey, what is with all that? If you want to merge the lovers within open up to being a giver, make a commitment to retiring from controlling and allow yourself to turn inward to go beyond the ghosts of the past. WWW.Discerning-Wisdom.Com Swaha Ron - 818-298-6100



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