Whole Person Calendar - November 2013

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November 2013





to excavate, elevate, illuminate



Geshe Thupten Phelgye A Man on a Mission to save the planet

The Secret of Gratitude

Celebrate Thanksgiving with Spirit The Power of Self-Doubt

The Myth of Multitasking





Southern California

Learn to Live From the Heart

Are you empowered to live the life you’ve always wanted to live? Here’s your invitation to meet the friends you wish you’d grown up with at the

ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH with over fifty years of community enrichment, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are.

PLATO SAID that the grateful heart is

a great heart that eventually attracts to itself great things. To reap the possibilities, we must see the possibilities as daily surprises in our present world. An appreciative heart becomes a holy vessel that contains the sacred oil…the Holy Spirit that washes the feet of understanding and positions one in a humble reverence that invites the love that dwells within us to pour forth. The movement of this love heals the healer as well as all whom we may meet. To give and to receive….which is greater? This is your homework. Rev. Margie Ann Taylor-Black., D.D. WEEKLY SUNDAY SERVICE 9:15 AM Course in Miracles Discussion 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School Great Music!

THURSDAY WEEKLY CLASSES Except 11/28 10 AM: Super Brain (Deepak Chopra) 11 AM: From Karma to Grace by Van Auken


Saturday, November 2nd - 10 am The Book of revelation Dr. Margie Ann Saturday, November 16th - 10 am edgar cayce discussion group Saturday, November 30TH - 10 am DVD - Stairway to Heaven The Practical Magic of Sacred Space

Encino Community Church Sunday Services, Classes & Events are held at: 7769 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Canoga Park (818) 712-9400

e-mail HYPERLINK “mailto:enccom@sbcglobal.net” enccom@sbcglobal.net Visit our Website-Encino Community Church.org

See calendar listings herein or call the ECC office for more information on services, classes and workshops

The WHOLE PERSON Magazine is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.

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Team Whole Person

In This Issue: Cover Story: Geshe Thupten Phelgye by Tony Camacho.................................6 Empowered Dreams from the Ashes by Deborah Sue Pomeroy.................16 The Myth of Multitasking by Edwin Harkness Spina....................................20 Power of Self-Doubt by Letty Garay, CPC...................................................25 Celebrate Thanksgiving with Spirit! by Medium Hollister Rand..................28 Searching, or Re-searching for the Fountain of Youth by Elissa Sturgess..........32 The Secret of Gratitude by Galexis..............................................................34

Astrological Psychology by Swaha Ron........................................................40

Calendar Event Listings Future Events.............................................5 November Events......................................5 Everyday/Events & Opportunities............22 Arts & Entertainment Bodywork/Massage Books/Music/Media Counseling/Life Coaching Education/Training Gift Shops/Bookstores Health & Wellness Help Wanted Intuitive Arts Meditation/Spirituality

Office Space Other Personal Growth Products Professional Services Share a Story Special Offers Travel/Retreats Volunteer Opportunities

Executive Editor & Publisher - Tony Camacho Art Direction & Production - Elissa Sturgess Contributing Writers - Tony Camacho, Swaha Ron, Edwin Harkness Spina,Medium Hollister Rand, Galexis, Letty Garay, CPC, Elissa Sturgess and Deborah Sue Pomeroy Web Editing - Mark Wilkinson Distribution - LA Area: News To Go® www.NewsToGo.net 310-838-6397 Outside LA: Eve Kirchman Display Advertising/Listings - 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersonmagazine.org Sales - Marie Towler The trademark THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.


We welcome your Letters to the Editor or other feedback and suggestions when submitted before the 18th of the current month for the following month’s issue. Please send to: editor.wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com

Articles We accept article submissions as well as proposals on a no prior authorization required basis and there is no guarantee of their publication. Articles must be under 900 words and in Microsoft Word, sent to editor.wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com. Content topics include: transformation, empowerment, holistic health, awareness raising, green, redemption, and stories on local heroes–how you came across them and how they impacted you.

December 2013 Theme: Giving

Learn to heal yourself and others with our comprehensive series and individual classes. Meditation Mondays, 7-8pm Deepen your meditation practice with this one-hour meditation series.

Introduction to Clairvoyance Starts in January 2014 To apply, please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com

www.clearsightaura.com / clearsightaura@gmail.com / (310) 395-1170

-PRE-REGISTRATIONFUTURE EVENTS LIGHT & RENEWAL – KRIYA MEDITATION RETREAT Jan 2–5, 2014. Empower your spiritual journey for a more purposeful life. Learn Kriya meditation, or re-ignite your practice as you set your intentions for the New Year. Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805/736-6528 AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION WEEKEND Jan. 31Feb. 2, 2014, Fri-Sun, with Barbara Schiffman, LA/Burbank. Access our collective Soul-archive for yourself, others and non-humans via Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer process and Advanced Past Life tools. Info: 818415-3479, HYPERLINK “http://www. yourlifeandsoul.com/” www.YourLifeandSoul.com , HYPERLINK “http:// www.meetup.com/AkashicLA” www. Meetup.com/AkashicLA DELVE DEEPER INTO THE JAPANESE WORLD OF REIKI. Shinpiden Reiki Teacher Course Level lll in Los Angeles, Feb 21-Feb 23, 2014. Study & practice the Japanese pillars of Reiki as taught by renowned Reiki Teacher, author/researcher Frans Stiene from The International House of Reiki. For Reiki II practitioners & above. Info or to register contact Tammy Britton 310/779-3576 & visit www.ihreiki.com


Theta Healing® Nov 1-3, 9AM-6PM. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound & powerful healing paradigm on the planet. Learn to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave & connect directly to Source, chakra balance, remote view, body scan & DNA activation. CEUs. Santa Monica. 310/358-2991; info@ dnathetahealing.com ; www.dnathetahealing.com ESSENCE OF HEALING 7PM. Dr. Eric Scott Pearl presents the Reconnective Healing® principle, it’s simple & the outcome is revolutionary. Find out what’s baffling the medical community. Discover why hospitals & universities around the world are investing time & money in an attempt to explain these healings & how you too can master this work. Live demos. $18. www.TheReconnection.com ; Contact ceciliasamms333@gmail.com ; 323/697-5322. Location: Hyatt Regency Newport Beach,1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach 92660 LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 25PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108; www.nikitagupta.com; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ 7:30-Midnight. Hear & join in w/some outstanding music: Rock, Jazz, Alternative, Rap, we have it all. All ages are welcome. Open Mic. Admission & light buffet are

free. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd Burbank 91504. Entrance is in rear. 818/846-1083

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. 10AM Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love Offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org RECONNECTION HEALING® LEVEL I/II Nov 2 & 3. Dr. Eric Scott Pearl & his team teach you this globally recognized must-know process that involves energy, light & information in a powerful new spectrum of frequencies that transcend the limitations of human ability & imagination thus restore balance, transform bodies, hearts, minds & souls. $657. www. TheReconnection.com ; Contact ceciliasamms333@gmail.com ; 323/6975322. Location: Hyatt Regency Newport Beach, 1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach 92660 REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; www.reikiacademy.org; www.vedichealinginstitute.com


Geshe Thupten Phelgye

is a man on a Mission

Geshe (Denoting PHD) Thupten Phelgye is a Tibetan Buddhist lama who is known for promoting vegetarianism and humane treatment of animals, and for his work as a peace activist. Geshe Phelgye represents the Gelug tradition in the Tibetan Parliament in Exile. In 1998 he founded the Universal Compassion Movement after receiving support and blessings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and openly campaigned for vegetarianism and universal compassion, designation denoting dou around the world. WP: So we’re going to start an in-

terview, and I’m going to go to some interesting questions, some of the information I was privileged to hear the other day, as you were here doing a workshop. But I want to touch on it for the purpose of this interview going to print. Let’s begin with your very interesting childhood. Maybe we can start when the invasion was occurring and China was invading Tibet, and you and your family, at some point, when you were three, four, or five, decided to go ahead and move. Maybe you could touch on that just brief ly.

GTP: Well, as we all know, China

invaded Tibet in the beginning of 1949 and we finally lost in 1959. Southerners f led to India March 17, 1959. Hearing that sad news, my parents decided to get away to wherever possible and bring their children to a safer place. So that’s how we begin, walking out with our animals being close. We were

nomads. All we had were the animals. We walked down towards southeastern Tibet, believing that we were directed towards India. On the way, we got caught by Chinese troops and put back into concentration camps and labor camps. It took us two years to get out of Chinese hands and manage to go to the Indian border.

WP: How old were you at this point?

GTP: It was 1959 when we began

from home. I was three. But it took us two years, which means, on the way, you know? Finally when we made our way out of Chinese hands, I think I was five. I think it was in 1961. I believe when we reached India it was between October and November somewhere when we actually reached the Indian border. As we walked through, we ran into many burnt Indian military shelters…

military camps in border patrol areas (military caves and little huts where military, the Indian army, would live. They were all burnt because of some kind of border problem or whatever. So we ran into those places and there was tons of food and all the utilities the army would have were there, including broken arms, and guns, those things). We ran into many soldiers, one after another, and finally, one morning, we just had our tea and breakfast and then started walking. Now we are quite close to the Indian border. As we were just getting up to walk, we saw a tent. There were border patrol Indian army, kind of moving outwards with rif les. We spoke no language, all we had were Tibetan scarves. We knew that one of these days we would need this, symbolizing that...

WP: …That you’re Tibetans rather than Chinese?

their scarves and waved that we are refugees—kind of a greeting in a sense. So they knew that we were Tibetans; they were smiling and put down their guns and tried to communicate with us. Our native language was a barrier.

WP: You were with your mother and your father. And I believe you had six brothers?

GTP: No, I have only one brother

and one sister. We had another family with us.

WP: So for you, at a very young

age, did you understand the scope of what was going on?

GTP: Oh yeah, definitely. WP: And was that a result of your

parents sharing with you, “here’s what’s happening”?

GTP: Absolutely. I know the very first experience that happened to me and my village was when the Chinese troop came into my village, so from thereon I knew everything.

WP: And there was, I assume, some massacring that happened, there were lots of bodies?

GTP: Absolutely, yes. WP: And you were witness to that?

GTP: Absolutely. So much killing, so much bloodshed, yes. All over, everywhere. But the fortunate thing was that somehow my family really managed to come safe to India, you know.

actually managed to guide my family at a difficult time.

WP: So you took up residence then,

in India. You made your way into India and became a resident of India.

GTP: Yeah. The Indian government

provided us a special document they called an RC, meaning residential certificate or something like that. So that’s what Tibetan people hold, for all this time. When they need to go outside, they give you another travel document, what they say IC, identification certificate. It’s not a passport, but a kind of travel document that Tibetan people use.

GTP: Yeah. So everybody took out

The guru is that somebody you want to learn from that you’re not forced to. Somebody, you go listen to him. You wanted to listen to, and you benefit from his or her teaching. Even with one word.

WP: I see. So there you were in In-

WP: You have a blessed family.

dia, did life begin to normalize for you? Where you then became a student in school, and life brought back a regular routine?

GTP: Yes, and the wonderful

GTP: Absolutely, slow by slow. We

And you’re a blessed man.

thing that I was sharing the other day is that somehow I really got great guidance and blessing; I

learned how to eat, how to live, you know? The culture became more and more familiar, things went easier.

WP: And were you then, through

the urging of your parents or anybody else in your community, being guided in a way, to study Tibetan information and all the old antique books, the lineage of all the information that was available?

GTP: Well, as we came to exile,

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, and his government, their number one focus was education. They worked on Tibetan settlements. Of course we needed to survive. The government gave little lands from elsewhere, and then we start Tibetan refugee settlements. But at the same time, from our site, from our government, His Holiness’ government, focused on schools. How can they educate our upcoming… you know?

WP: His holiness had made the shift also into India at that time?

GTP: Yes, that’s when he left,

March 17. He came to northern India first and met with prime minister of India. That’s how we set up our little exile government to take care of our people. The number one focus was establishing Tibetan refugee settlements. The second from there was education and schools. The Indian government set what they called ‘Central School for Tibetans’, a chain of schools, for which we are ever grateful to the government of India.

WP: So at this young age, as you

were getting settled in these camps so to speak, and as His Holiness was encouraging more people to get educated and more people to create some sort of support system with the government that was being formed in the camps, had you come in contact with His Holiness?

GTP: My opportunity to see him

in person occurred in 1972 when he visited our school. That particContinued on Page 9

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 PRACTICES TO AWAKEN CHI ENERGY WITH ELENA PARSONS 1st Sunday/mo 5:30-6:45PM. Learn the “Inner Smile”, “6 Healing Sounds” & “Microcosmic Orbit Meditation” to turn all emotions into positive, be filled w/ gratitude & revitalize your organs. $10 Donation. 310/384-4043 ; elena@wellbeingpractices.com ; The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.meetup. com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/132082342 SPIRITUAL WARRIOR WORKSHOP 2:00-5:00pm. Free, RSVP encouraged. Stand forward in your spiritual qualities and attune to the strength that is already present inside of you. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018. www.msia.org 323-737-4055. Also Broadcast Live Online: www. msia.org/broadcasts HOW TO GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE YOU DON’T LIKE Have you experienced situations with people you don’t get along with? Discover how we attract people intoVedic our lives based on what we need to learn and resolve from our past-life history. Learn how relationships can change for the better! Visit or watch the class streamed live from 7–9:00 p.m. www.unarius. com Unarius Academy of Science, 145 S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, 800475-7062 SANTA MONICA ECKHART TOLLE GROUP WITH MICHAEL JEFFREYS 1st Sun of the month. 7-9PM. We celebrate, explore & share ways to put

the teachings of Eckhart Tolle into daily practice. The present moment is all there is! See, feel, experience & live in the present. $10 THE GATEWAY 2507 S Barrington Ave, West LA. Free parking. 310/479-0430 www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310-3972405 /310-842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 RECONNECTION HEALING® LEVEL III Nov 4 & 5. Dr. Eric Scott Pearl & his team teach you the next level of the process to reconnect DNA strands, activate axiatonal lines and integrate/ recalibrate the body’s energetic system. $897. www.TheReconnection. com; Contact ceciliasamms333@ gmail.com ; 323/697-5322. Location: Hyatt Regency Newport Beach; 1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach 92660

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts

w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/ (Click Calendar)

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. www.meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 SOUL DANCE 7:30-9:00pm. Enjoy spiritual moments, great music, and fun free-style dancing in our mansion’s living room! 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.SoulDanceLA.com

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 I CAN DO IT! CONFERENCE Nov 8-10. Spend a weekend w/some of the most inspiring, cutting edge authors of today i.e. Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden Register early & save. This event will sell out. Location: The Pasadena Civic Auditorium. 800/654-5126. www.hayhouse.com/events

Celebrate Life Weekend at Sunburst Sanctuary

3FMBY t 3FOFX t 3FDIBSHF Friday, November 22 – Sunday, November 24 Celebrate Life! De-stress and experience a joyful weekend in the healing energy of Sunburst. Enjoy revitalizing yoga, guided and silent meditations, music, delicious meals, fellowship and various activities. Camping available. Suggested donation: $50

Upcoming Events Kriya (Light and Renewal) Meditation Retreat Thursday, Jan. 2 – Sunday, Jan. 5 Empower your spiritual journey for a more purposeful life. Learn Kriya meditation, or refresh your practice. Set your intentions for the New Year. Camping available. Suggested donation: $150

Ongoing Sunday Service & Fellowship Every Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Enjoy live, spirit-filled music, an inspirational talk and quiet meditation, followed by a delicious meal. Afternoon guided wilderness hike offered. Childcare available for ages 4 and up.

805.736.6528 www.SunburstOnline.org ContactUs@SunburstOnline.org Continued from Page 7

ular school was sponsored by a Tibetan regiment in the Indian army, which is called number 22. It was half supported by CIA – an operation between the CIA and the Indian Army. We have established number 22, that was Tibetan regiment or Tibetan battalion army, I don’t know which term is better (laughs). Our little school was supported by this Tibetan battalion Indian army. So His Holiness was actually visiting this battalion, to visit with the Tibetan army. But then, on the way, he gave a short visit to our school. So that was my first ever… seeing His Holiness in person. So that’s the one thing. But a part of your question earlier was that, our government emphasized our own general education for Tibetan people, to preserve our own identity, our own culture. But government did not do anything, did not take anything in terms of religious thing. Religious communities have always helped themselves find their own way. We ourselves built en-

tire monastery, we just helped; I helped, because government has to focus on general people, the general situation, not the religious community. The religious community, which we call Sangha, is the community who study, preserve, and prevail in the Dharma. That’s why it is counted into one of the three gems. Therefore our responsibility is to study, practice, preserve, prevail. So that’s what we did, this is our responsibility, not the government’s responsibility.

WP: So you journeyed along, you

completed your schooling as a young man, and then from there were you encouraged to move into higher education?

GTP: Yeah. After the high school,

I joined a monastery. The higher education in Tibetan culture so far, previously, before ’59 or whatever, is only valid in a monastic system, monastic institutions and universities. No general school.

WP: So When you were a teenWP: When you refer to the government, are you talking about the Tibetan government, or the Indian government?

GTP: Indian government gave us

shelter, that part is over. And then Indian government helped us have schools, a chain of schools, central schools for Tibetans. So those all happened out of the request of His Holiness. His Holiness appealed to the Indian government to help.

ager, was there already a thought in your head that when you get older you were going to go into the monastery, that that’s how you would secure an education and maybe that’s where you would follow your path? And did that mean a commitment to becoming a monk, to get into the monastery?

GTP: Yes. WP: Had you thought about that when you were much younger?

Continued on Page 11


STAR KNOWLEDGE CONFERENCE IN PALM SPRINGS Nov 8-11. Indigenous Chiefs, Wisdom Keepers & Visionaries sharing ancient knowledge of the Earth, Stars & Ascended Realms for the future of Mother Earth. Presentations, workshops, concerts, vendors. $44/day, 4 day pre-registration $155! Location: Desert Princess Resort. Contact: Alan 818/661-7437. www.starknowledgeconference.com 7TH ANNUAL AFTERLIFE CONFERENCE. Learn evidence we survive physical deaths, November 8: Dinner and mediumship readings with Kim Russo, November 11: Mediumship workshop. Three special events. www.foreverfamilyfoundation. org 631-425-7707

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 PENDULUM DOWSING WORKSHOP. 2-5PM Learn how to tap your intuition and make the right choices through pendulum dowsing. This simple tool has been used for centuries for health, wellness and success. $30 includes handmade beech wood pendulum ($15 class only) 323/465-9652 info@ aetherius.org www.meetup.com/ Aetherius-LA/

7th Annual Afterlife Conference: learn evidence we survive physical deaths, November 8: Dinner and mediumship readings with Kim Russo, November 11: Mediumship workshop. Three special events. www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org 631-425-7707 SOUND HEALING WEEKEND INTENSIVE WORKSHOP WITH WAYNE PERRY & Sound Therapy Center. Sat & Sun Nov 9 & 10, 10AM-7PM. Free Intro Oct 17th for which space is limited so RSVP required. Cost of Intensive for earlybirds paid in full is just $275 ($100 off reg. price). 323/656-6337; www. wayneperry.com; 1234 N. Hayworth Ave. #106, West Hollywood 90046. GUIDED LABYRINTH WALK 12:004:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Find peace and unwind during this walking meditation at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles, CA 90018; www. peacelabyrinth.org PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience trans-

formation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310-3972405 /310-842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com CRYSTAL HEALING CLASS: November 9, 2:30PM $25. November 10, 10-4 Healing Arts $1 per min. Sessions with Aura Sprays, Crystal Healing, 7’ Merkaba Healing, Reiki or Readings at Blessings 534 E Rt 66, Glendora rear bldg 626/393-1573 INSPIRATIONAL WRITING FOR MEMORY IMPROVEMENT WITH ELLE, MS. 7PM every 2nd & 4th Sat. Improve & stimulate your beautiful memory in this inspirational writing workshop. Elle is a language therapist, memory therapist & writer. $15. 310/562-8309 or ellejora@earthlink. net . The GATEWAY 2511 S Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)


Continued from Page 9

GTP: Well, upon meeting with His Holiness and listening to his teaching, I changed my mind from going into military and I ended up going to the monastery.

WP: I want to touch on this, because I thought it was really poignant. In the workshop, you talked about having been a witness to all of the horrific events happening in Tibet during the Chinese invasion. Was that when you came to the realization that rather than taking up a gun and killing people, the Chinese people in particular, that it was more important for you to move inside and forgive?

GTP: Absolutely, yes. WP: What was the catalyst that

let you connect with that? What was the experience, or what did you see or hear that said to you, “you don’t need to take a gun, you just need to go inside and forgive?” Love is a more powerful tool than hatred.

GTP: Yes. In general, profound

Buddhist teachings, particularly when His Holiness talks about forgiveness and compassion, the power of forgiveness and compassion. So that’s how I got my path.

WP: And did you experience it as

a process, meaning to say, you understood it intellectually, that it was much better to forgive, and as you understood that intellectually, and maybe experientially as well, was there work you did that you knew you should do to help cleanse yourself in a way, to help purge yourself of whatever hatred you had towards the Chinese or anybody else?

GTP: Well, in general, there’s always person to person. It depends on the person. Some people get everything in an individual way, or you take things as a subject and object. But other people, particularly when it comes to spirituality, the Dharma, then everything, every word you learn, you take into practice.

WP: You integrate it. GTP: Yeah, integrate it rather

than intellectual or just subject/ object stuff. So for me, when you learn from your teacher, read, whatever, in spirituality, in Dharma, I try to take within. This is how I think that transformed me.

WP: So there you were in the

monastery, learning, reading lots of books, doing lots of daily practice, meditations, and so forth. When you’re there, is there a goal in your mind, like “I’m going to be here for two years, five years, ten years, I’m going to move into this space and acquire a certain knowing, acquire a kind of ‘degree’ of some sort so that I can go teach?”

GTP: Not originally. That, some-

how, I don’t know if it is good or bad, but it’s a modern thing now. It becomes a tool to have a degree, it’s a very modern thing that happens, achieving a degree. Continued on Page 27

12 REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; www.reikiacademy. org; www.vedichealinginstitute.com

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION 10:30AM. All are welcome. Live spiritfilled music, inspirational talk, quiet meditation, fellowship & a delicious vegetarian brunch. Call regarding childcare options. Gate will be open by 9:45AM. Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. 805/736-6528. www.SunburstOnline.org

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:308:30PM. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit & your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles; www.peacelabyrinth.org ; Contact us Registrar@ peacelabyrinth.org

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 THE WORK OF BYRON KATIE WITH BYRON KATIE CERTIFIED FACILITATOR HANNA LEVINSON 7-9PM every 2nd Tuesday. Write it down, ask four questions, turn it around. If you have a nagging hurt in need of release, this process brings it about like no other. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/562-1778. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)


(213) 399-7772

FREE INTRO TO BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing® Nov 13th, 7-9PM (opens at 6:30PM w/free 1/2 hr of Pranayama Yoga). DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound & powerful healing paradigm on the planet. Learn to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave & connect directly to Source, chakra balance, remote view, body scan & DNA activation. CEUs. Santa Monica. 310/358-2991; info@dnathetahealing. com; www.dnathetahealing.com

PSYCHIC PALMIST OF INDIA–PROFESSOR SASI “Etched in your palms are clues to your character, goals and destiny. Once you understand these messages, you can fulfill your potential for a richer and fuller life.” Professor Sasi was born in India to one of the world’s most respected psychic palmists. Having inherited his father’s gifts, Professor Sasi expands on his family 7th-generation legacy as a Psychic Palmist and Empowerment Consultant. By combining psychic, intuitive and healing abilities along with ancient Eastern wisdom, Professor Sasi has assisted many individuals worldwide in attaining profound empowerment.

In studying the palm, Professor Sasi reads your total person, translating this information to help you achieve your greatest potential. “There are many who say they can deliver accurate predictions. This man actually produces results. Professor Sasi’s predictions have unfolded right before my eyes.”

–Dr. Jeff Duncan


(310) 397-2405 • (310) 842-6087

www.professorsasi.com • www.vedichealinginstitute.com THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:30-9:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 “ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE” SPIRITUAL SEMINAR SCREENING 7:309:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Watch John-Roger, MSIA Founder, share about practical spirituality. Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, www.msia.org ; Contact us 323/737-4055 Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ 7:30-Midnight. Hear & join in w/some outstanding music: Rock, Jazz, Alternative, Rap, we have it all. All ages are welcome. Open Mic. Admission & light buffet are free. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd Burbank 91504. Entrance is in rear. 818/8461083

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 EDGAR CCAYCE STUDY GROUP. 10AM Discuss the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love Offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd.,

Canoga Park, Ca. 91304. Phone 818/712-9400 e-mail: enccom@sbcglobal.net ; Website: Encino Community Church.org REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; www.reikiacademy. org; www.vedichealinginstitute.com

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310-397-2405 /310-842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:308:30PM. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit & your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles; www.peacelabyrinth.org ; Contact us Registrar@ peacelabyrinth.org

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS TuesFri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City”. Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 USING EVERYTHING FOR YOUR UPLIFTMENT TELE- WORKSHOP 5:307:00pm. Free. Learn tangible ways to use EVERY experience that you have to lift yourself, learn and grow. Preregistration required: http:/www.msia. orf/into/tele30 Questions? Contact Debbie Roth 323/737-4055 x1179; DebbieRoth@msia.org OPEN HOUSE @YO SAN UNIVERSITY CAMPUS: Yo San University provides outstanding education in TCM and Acupuncture. Gain a glimpse of Yo San student life. TaiChi Demos, Herbal Lab Demo. Acupuncture treatment demos including a health assessment? Light refreshments. 2nd Floor Tai Chi Studio; 13315 W Washington Blvd; LA 90066; Contact: admissions@yosan.edu ; admission@yosan. edu ; 310-577-3000x124

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 711PM. Reveals & releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that are obstacles to health, career & relationships. $10 General Admission, 1st time Free. Constellation working fees for those worked. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/748-2052. www. thegatewayportal.com



FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 CO-CREATE A CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY: Join our first event. Thanksgiving at the Gateway! Eat+Pray+Love. Fill your belly and heart. Live music. Friday, November 22, 6:30pm Potluck 7:30-9:30pm Activities. $5-$20 + Potluck. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. WLA. RSVP at www.meetup.com/TheGatewayPortal/events/146139572/ to be eligible for raffle. CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKEND AT SUNBURST SANCTUARY Nov 22-24. Relax - renew - recharge. Enjoy yoga, meditation, music, meals & more. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805/7366528

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 INNER PEACE TO WORLD PEACE: 25PM Learn simple yoga techniques for inner balance and harmony together with a powerful practice of prayer for world healing and enlightenment. $20 includes workbook with 30 ancient yoga practices. 323/465-9652 info@ aetherius.org www.meetup.com/ Aetherius-LA/

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CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKEND AT SUNBURST SANCTUARY Nov 22-24. Relax - renew - recharge. Enjoy yoga, meditation, music, meals & more. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805/7366528 REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF THE AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, and certification through the Reiki Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310-397-2405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net; www.reikiacademy. org; www.vedichealinginstitute.com

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 MONTHLY AWARENESS-RAISING FILM NITE SCREENING: “THE CURE IS...” You’ll never look at your health the same. 6:15 Potluck. 7:15 Film. $10.00/person. The GATEWAY/ a Portal for Growth and Wellness; 2503 S

Barrington Ave, West LA. NW corner at Gateway Blvd. Ground Floor, Entry at outdoor patio. Free parking.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 CLEARSIGHT’S MEDITATION MONDAY 7-8PM. Every Monday night starting September 9th. Deepen & expand your meditation practice w/this onehour weekly meditation series. $10. Please visit www.clearsightaura.com or email us at clearsightaura@gmail. com for more info.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS TuesFri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation garden, and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS 7:309:00pm. Free, donations welcome. Learn an effective technique for clearing your subconscious. 3726 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018. www.pts.org Questions? Contact Antonietta: 323-737-4055 ext 1548; Registrar@pts.org

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 “LET US BE GRATEFUL TO THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE US HAPPY; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” - Marcel Proust The Gateway and Whole Person Family sends our deepest gratitude for your presence in our lives. May the holiday season fill you with all the blessings your heart desires.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/twilight_ hikers.html


AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY Learn to Heal with Your Hands – Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing modality that uses “universal life-force energy” to clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks for greater wellbeing and harmony. The American Reiki Academy holds weekly classes in which anyone can learn Reiki for self-healing and healing others. Classes include thorough instruction, class manual, private initiation, hands-on practice, and certification. Students also experience acceleration in their spiritual growth and intuitive skills.

Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy, is a gifted healer, teacher, and clairaudient channel in direct lineage of Dr. Usui, original Reiki Grandmaster. With 25 years experience in Reiki, Ms. Juliani has trained thousands of people worldwide as accomplished Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters, activating their innate healing abilities. • REIKI I, II, & MASTERSHIP CLASSES • REIKI HEALING SESSIONS • REIKI PRACTICE CIRCLES

(310) 397-2405 / www.reikiacademy.org

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 DVD-STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (THE PRACTICAL MAGIC OF SACRED SPACE) 10AM. Love Offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, CA. 91304 Phone 818/712-9400 e-mail: enccom@sbcglobal.net ; Website: Encino Community Church.org

– ONGOING EVENTS – – SUNDAYS – COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs, and MP3s on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Sunday classes are live streamed on the Internet. For more information about the Unarius teachings, call 800475-7062 or visit www.unarius.com SUNDAY SERVICE W/GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings w/practical applications for everyday life not found anywhere else. Sunday School avail. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Ca-

noga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION 10:30AM. All are welcome. Live spiritfilled music, inspirational talk, quiet meditation, fellowship & a delicious vegetarian brunch. Call regarding childcare options. Gate will be open by 9:45AM. Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. 805/736-6528. www.SunburstOnline.org LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS 124PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth, meditation garden, historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think–Not What to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, & certification through the Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/397-2405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www.reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com


ing September 9th. Deepen & expand your meditation practice w/this onehour weekly meditation series. $10. Please visit www.clearsightaura.com or email us at clearsightaura@gmail. com for more info. MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:308:30PM. Free, donations welcome. Attune to Spirit & your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles; www. peacelabyrinth.org ; Contact us Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection w/your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www.Linkedin.com/in/ DrCaroleGMoskovitz

– TUESDAYS – LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Tues-Fri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City”. Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org

16 16



fter years of traveling, I am convinced that all people want to be free, happy and live a good life that is fulfilling and satisfying. The greater question is how to accomplish this? How can we empower the best life? How do hope, fear and power, play into life? Two months after the devastating loss of the “19 Hot Shots” in the Arizona wildfire many are redefining their lives and moving into a time without these young, strong vibrant individuals that were consumed one unsuspecting day. As people still mourn this loss, they remain dedicated to holding the memory of their lives and dreams into the future. Devastations in life, like we all face in today’s world, give us the opportunity to reflect on the current and past and to redefine our future. I was raised by a psychoanalyst who now consults for the government on world dynamics, and a lawyer who now consults about early history. As a practicing metaphysician, I

I see this local microcosm as reflective of our world macrocosm. The trappings of the world events that occurred repeatedly, kept us in this victim cycle sharing roles as victim, persecutor and savior.


by Rev. Deborah Sue Pomeroy

cannot help looking into the meta-messages and the entangled, underlying deep patterns to determine the best steps forward. Being new to Prescott, Arizona, my research scratched beneath the surface of “everyone’s hometown” to reveal some interesting facts. Obviously, the indigenous native cultures lived and thrived on these lands for many years before the “white man” showed up to claim the land as their own. This resulted in endless actions like Wounded Knee, where tribal groups and people like Johnny Depp are trying to restore and heal the events of the past. The miners arrived here in 1830, though the town did not make its mark until the 1860s when Joe Walker discovered gold. This fame brought the cowboys, prospectors and elite to the area. At that time, Lincoln decided to take the gold from the mountains around Prescott to finance the Civil War. Orders were given to kill all who resisted. All natives were rounded up and relocated, and most lost their lives in this process. The claim was for “the greater good”. (As a transplant from the Manassas Battlefields of the Virginia countryside, I understood the struggle of the war between the North and South well.) Prescott became the capital of the territory. The town boomed and is still a world destination today.

A couple weeks ago someone stated that I had an interesting assortment of current friends and associates. This started me thinkng about my own life and the relationships I had developed since moving to town. My hopeful move resulted in a horrendous divorce battle causing much pain and suffering over the last year. Though I have surrounded myself with dynamic people working very hard to create a better life beyond the strife, they are mostly connected with the thriving yet unadvertised business of “recovery” here in Prescott. If the locals are not affiliated with the colleges, retirees, tourism or services, they are in the recovery industry, which is reliant on the nature of a victim being victimized. Here’s the pattern again. Finally I understood how it all fit together. This town has an amazing spirit to overcome and grow beyond. There’s an underlying suffrage that keeps a deep muck from real renewal and healing. To succeed takes great strength, dedication and hard work, and a constant struggle. I see this local microcosm as reflective of our world macrocosm. The trappings of the world events that occurred repeatedly, keep us in this victim cycle sharing roles as victim, persecutor and savior. Over and over again, we are spending our time protecting our position and making sure to keep others in theirs, so we can continue this endless cycle. The struggle is too great and will continue until enough of us finally stop and say “NO MORE!” The world systems put each of us into one of these rolls allowing others to maintain theirs. The only choice is to stop, but how?


The world systems put each of us into one of these rolls allowing others to maintain theirs. The only choice is to stop, but how? To become free and live our happy and empowered future, we have to break these cycles.

The courtyard square surrounded by many colleges, international establishments, diverse groups, and being a great place to retire, Prescott is known for its extreme and divided principles of conservative and liberal, young and old, and all other dualistic natures. There seems to be a symbiotic dance going on over who will remain in control and who has to submit. Prescott’s Whiskey Row is known for being haunted with tragic ghost stories, again validating the repeated stories of loss and devastation as life goes on.

To become free and live our happy and empowered future, we have to break these cycles. My thesis in metaphysics was on the upside down and inside out state of these current times in every aspects of life today. My dissertation and current case study research is on how we use practical metaphysics in daily life to release our past and to empower our future. By navigating beyond the limitations to not only recover and overcome, we instead build lives from our greatest source of creativity, love and joy. We are empowered and proud of ourselves and our world. My focus is to empower those who are looking for a better way, so that they can be more of who they are and live into a better future. This is the rejuvenation we are seeking after so much devastation. We have the choice to change from being hopeless with no power and letting the fear of the powerful control us and the world, to embracing our dreams and living into our hope, thus empowering our future. There is no room for fear here. This is the real choice. This new life stems from our hopeless past. This path builds a stronger and more solid foundation, bringing forth the fruits of our best selves. This starts with you, with me, with each one of us. Let this fire spark the loss of the past into the abundance of the future, letting go of the endless cycle of the victim’s devastation. Stand up and live into your brightest future. WP Deborah Sue Pomeroy’s consulting, coaching and project development focuses on finding individual power through the integration, transformation and empowerment of tapping their CENTER of BRILLIANCE. By understanding the negative spiritual and karmic patterns that prevent the highest potentials, a business or individual can rewire their current operation to reach into the CENTER of BRILLIANCE and successfully achieve their desired goals and freedom of trapped harmful cycles. If you would like more information about Rev. Deborah Sue Pomeroy’s work, and the Center of Brilliance, please visit, www.centerofbrilliance.com or email, centerofbrilliance@gmail.com


SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30-7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP DORIAN 7:30-9:30PM. Join us at any time. An experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts w/half hr guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/ THE AETHERIUS SOCIETY FREE SPIRITUAL HEALING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (afternoon & evening) w/ this worldwide non-profit spiritual organization also in Los Angeles since 1960 dedicated to help heal & uplift humanity. Also offer Sunday Divine Service 11AM, Twelve Blessing Power Circle Mondays 7:45PM, Operation Prayer Power Thursdays 7:45PM. 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood 90028. 800/800-1354. paul@aetherius.org ; www.aetherius.org/la 1/2 PRICE CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL. Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of

The Reconnection, & Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. One Hr Appt 89PM. Booked & Paid in advance, just $25 + gratuity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/ SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection w/your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz

– WEDNESDAYS – MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/736-8520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. HYPERLINK “http://www. thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_ heins.html” www.thegatewayportal.com/ massage_karen_heins.html DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have non-meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard w/most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. www.thegatewayportal.com

EVENING YOGA & MEDITATION AT SUNBURST SANCTUARY. Yoga Class 6-7:30PM; Followed by an optional Quiet Meditation 7:30-8PM. Free. Feel alive & vibrant as you melt tension & free your spirit w/the flow of healing energy. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. 805/7366528. www.SunburstOnline.org CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs, and MP3s on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Sunday classes are live streamed on the Internet. For more information about the Unarius teachings, call 800-475-7062 or visit www.unarius. com FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS 7:309PM. Free, donations welcome. Learn an effective technique for clearing the subconscious. 3726 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018; www.pts.org. Questions? Contact Antonietta 323/7374055x1548; Registrar@pts.org A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:309PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. www.meetup.com/ acourseinmiracleswestside/





EARLY REGISTRATION ON/BEFORE NOVEMBER 15TH, 2013: $325 per person After November 15th, 2013: $385 per person

SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection w/your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz

– THURSDAYS – SUPER BRAIN (Deepak Chopra) 10AM except 11/28. Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org FROM KARMA TO GRACE BY JOHN VAN AUKEN. 11AM except 11/28. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack 11AM. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS TuesFri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations wel-



For more information please contact Melinda Hess, www.melindahesspsychic.com mgodhess@gmail.com or 310-560-6222

come. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City” with labyrinth walks, meditation garden, and historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; www.peacelabyrinth.org PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE W/SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 6:30PM potluck in the patio, 7:30-9:30PM discussion & experience. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential, discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 suggested donation. 424/9036633. The GATEWAY; 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection w/your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com; www.Linkedin.com/in/ DrCaroleGMoskovitz

– FRIDAYS – ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM6PM. 30 Min Free Consultation by appt. Treatment styles range from physical focused pain management

to emotional blockages. The use of needles depends on issue & receptivity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com/acupuncture. html LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays. 424/256-9108 ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta. html TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Sturdy shoes, layers & water. Welcome to join us to eat out after walk. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/ twilight_hikers.html SPIRITUAL SEMINAR SCREENINGS 7:30-9PM. Free. Watch John-Roger, MSIA founder, & John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director share about practical spirituality. Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/737-4055; www.msia.org ; Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org

The Myth of Multitasking

Last week,

a discussion thread on a University of Chicago Business School online forum asked the question, “Are we getting anywhere with multitasking?” Many companies are attempting to keep labor costs low by asking employees to perform several tasks at once. Even if you’re not in business, you may frequently be tempted to try and multitask. For example, you might try cooking dinner while studying or checking your email. In other words, you try to “do” more than one thing at a time, in order to “be more efficient and effective.” But is that really what you’re doing? The analogy for today’s compulsive

That’s why people often talk on their cell phones while driving. The danger comes when the unexpected occurs and thinking is required.


By Edwin Harkness Spina drive to multitask is the computer, which seemingly performs several functions at the same time. In reality, no single processor (CPU) can multitask, nor can a human. Multitasking, as it is commonly presented, is a myth. Computers seemingly multitask by dividing the time they spend processing data into tiny slices, much smaller than a second. They perform one task exclusively for that tiny time slice and then switch to another task, which they perform exclusively, before switching again. To the outsider, it looks like the computer is performing several tasks at once; but that’s not the case. Computer designers get around this limitation by using more than one

processor. (The Intel Core2 Duo is an example.) These parallel processing computers use several CPUs to process data at the same time. This is not multitasking, but rather multiprocessing. It is akin to getting help from outside parties ... and is actually a powerful problem-solver, one that we can exploit as humans – even if we don’t have a staff of office workers or housekeepers to serve us. Computers have two characteristics that mimic the actions of the conscious mind:

1. Focusing Just like a computer, for any activity that requires our conscious mind, we are most effective when focusing on one task at a time. Any time we divide our attention, we are prone to making mistakes. Think of the last time you spilled something. Likely, it’s because you were focused on something else. How many times have you seen a football player drop a pass because he’s already thinking about where to run before he’s caught the ball? Focusing is critical to completing any task effectively. Keeping a single objective in sharp focus also avoids the “spinning your wheels switching from task to task and not getting anything done” state of mind ... which is why computers will sometimes “hang.” When this happens to you, just like a computer, you need to shut down all extra tasks (windows) and start over (reboot), focusing on your primary objective. Some people might argue that multitasking is what enables us to “walk and chew gum” at the same time. This is an example of two behaviors that no longer require our conscious mind to execute. By

repetition, you have effectively “delegated” your walking and chewing gum activities to a lower level of the conscious mind, the level of habit. Examples of habits are driving or riding a bicycle. In most instances, either can be undertaken without the need for your conscious mind’s participation. That’s why people often talk on their cell phones while driving. The danger comes when the unexpected occurs and thinking is required. If the conscious mind is preoccupied with a conversation, it won’t be able to devote its full processing power to the task at hand, and you’re more likely to get into an accident.

The easiest technique is to ask just before you go to sleep. Your subconscious mind will work on the task you assign it, without question or complaint. Your intuitive mind may also help, especially if it is regularly helping with your spiritual advancement (e.g., if you’re practicing meditation or consciously using your intuition on a daily basis).

The trick to getting results is to write down or record your impressions as soon as you wake up - just as if you were journaling your dreams. Write down your thoughts, even if they don’t make sense, before you get distracted with the mundane affairs of the day (such as eating or preparing for work).

Delegating routine tasks to the level of habit can “free up your conscious mind,” but you still risk accidents; because habit is still a conscious activity. A better way is to ask for help from other aspects of your mind that are not conscious: your subconscious or super-conscious mind.

Later, when you’re able to devote your full conscious attention to the task you delegated, you can look at your earlier notes and reflect on them. You may be amazed at the insights you have come up with and possible solutions. It is often a simple matter to identify the job your subconscious and intuition has done for you.

2. Delegating

Your mind can be divided into three levels: conscious, instinctive/subconscious and intuitive/super-conscious. In order to complete a project in the business world, as a manager, you would delegate various tasks to your subordinates. In the household, you would delegate appropriate tasks to your housekeepers. If you don’t have these resources available, you can still get help. Many people do this “instinctively” by thinking about a problem and then “sleeping on it.” What they have done is informally delegated the task to their subconscious and/or super-conscious minds. You can do the same by formally asking them for help.

Conclusion When you are faced with several tasks that need to be done in short order, remember to ask for help - especially from your subconscious and superconscious mind - and focus solely on one task at a time. You’ll be more productive and less accident-prone. Don’t try multitasking - it’s a myth. WP

Edwin Harkness Spina is the author of the award-winning visionary thriller Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed, and the developer of Energ y Center Clearing. For more information please visit: www,mystic-secrets-revealed. com www.MysticWarrior




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Self-Doubt The Power of

Many people today are experiencing discontent in at least one area of their life. The stories vary but what is always common is their disappointment over something that they want most in life yet have experienced a high degree of struggle getting. But why don’t they have it? Most of us don’t feel secure or confident ALL of the time, and we even hide some of our inner fears from ourselves. I can relate with many that in not wanting to deal with insecurities, often times we create a habit of avoiding either making a decision or taking action. Psychology can probably list many reasons why each one of us is still waiting to reach the ‘dream’, or achieve the ‘goal’. But today I want to talk about selfdoubt. Whether its roots come from not feeling worthy, not feeling loved, not deserving, or even a feeling of fear of success, many of us are not living the life we dreamed of once upon a time. Self-doubt can also be characterized as lacking trust in yourself, others, the Universe, a higher power or whatever your belief may be. Everyone struggles with self-doubt from time to time, some more often than oth-

ers, especially in times of change. As we know, change is inevitable and it is continuous. My memories of my first couple of months when starting a new job was nervousness, feeling anxious and doubting whether I could really do that new job efficiently; with so much to learn and memorize! How often I caught myself frustrated, and found myself criticizing myself for doubting my ability to learn and apply. Then a few months later, most of it became second nature…until promoted with new tasks and responsibilities or moved on to a new job; and then a few years ago I decided to make the drastic career move. Talk about insecurity! Why can life not be as simple as learning a new job, or learning to ride a bike, or drive a car? These actions are easy and we learn them quickly and move on to the next challenge. As a human race we love drama, so we assign levels of importance to tasks, the bigger the challenge as per our perception, the more complicated we make it. So we create bigger self-doubts on big changes throughout our lives, like new relationships, getting married, opening a new business, or becoming a parent, to mention a few. I have read, and/or been told that life is simple, but because we complicate it, it is not necessarily easy. The excuses could be endless, but if you think of the common thread, it is that we all carry some self-doubt, some more than others, and some more often than not. Uncertainty scares us. Understanding the relationship with myself has become my best lesson in breaking barriers of selfdoubt. This relationship is so multi-layered that I took the challenge to bring forth the courage I needed to move forward with my new challenges. I made a

By Letty Garay, CPC

commitment to myself to discover my true self-image within my set of core values, some of which I had not thought of in years. Trust in myself and acceptance of who I am now play a big role in dissolving some of my self-doubt. The more I understand that the Universe is there to project back to me the energy I present to the world at any time, the better conscious decisions I can make with confidence. The other core value I moved to a higher position on my list is fun. Being more conscious of having fun more often, has been incredibly conducive to my lighter state of mind, and finding myself with more clarity. Ask yourself, ‘what core values do I have that I am not practicing?’ In addition, I have taken on the belief that any habitual behavior pattern, personality trait, or neurosis that I release from my life is possible because it is not an aspect of my true nature. We were all born with all the courage in the world, but then, depending on your life experience, fears and insecurities were integrated into your beliefs, many of them sneaking in without conscious effort. I don’t have all answers yet, but my first goal after making this discovery was to just accept the person I am, with all my shadows, what I call traits or habits that do not serve me and I now want to release. I want to have the grace and courage to sit down with myself, look at any challenge, and say, “It is okay that I feel this way, I still love me and I CAN do it.”WP

Letty Garay, CPC; As a Personal Transformation Coach, Garay enables people to live an extraordinary life. Contact Letty Garay at 310-916-6204 or PersonalTransformationCoaching.com

25 25


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Continued from Page 11

WP: Which means doctor, the equivalent to a PhD?

GTP: Yeah, in a modern way.

Which was never a degree or certificate in our culture. It’s just a lifetime study and practice. And that’s where you finish your study, but it does not mean that you hold a ‘degree’ as such. It’s a modern thing, so now everything… you need a printed paper, right? (Laughs) So it is a degree now. Traditionally, as a Buddhist, when you take ordination or when you walk this path, you devote your life to that path. It’s not a certain amount of time, year, or…

GTP: Me, I go with the f low, you

know. People plan and not let things happen as you plan. It’s always, you know?

WP: So you have to have the resil-

ience to keep moving in this direction, but sometimes you can be moved over here and it’s okay.

GTP: Yeah. WP: You talked a little about your

You’re there for the long term.

political involvement. Was that at his urging (his Holiness), you were an understudy now of His Holiness? His Holiness had somehow intervened in your life in a more direct way, where He was pointing you in a certain direction?

GTP: Yeah. That’s never our goal.

GTP: No. In Buddhism, as I un-

WP: …Or a certain level, degree. But now it’s happening this way, that’s just the modern way.

WP: So you were engaged, you were learning, studying. Then, as you’re in the monastery, do the people that are in charge, as they recognize your skills and your talents, which are specific to you, do they then guide you to become more this or more that, or become more political or more of a teacher? Does it happen that way?

derstand, your teacher is everything for you. Everything. ‘Teacher’ meaning learning, even one word, one sentence, one phrase from a teaching in Dharma, that’s your teacher. And from there on, you keep the Samaya.

WP: Samaya, meaning…? GTP: Samaya meaning the faith

basically whatever karma takes you for. (Both laughing)

and loyalty in the sense of devotion. Devoted… You know, I’m not sure if these words are really getting the sense of what we try to mean. I don’t know, that’s all I have. That’s my language.

WP: And it just guides you along

WP: No, I understand.

GTP: I don’t think so. Just karma,

and you’re open to it.

GTP: That’s not only Buddhism,

that’s even in the Hinduism, everything. You know, the guru is number one. So religion like Sikhism, what they call the temple - the door - the doorstep of the guru. So guru is number one because that’s where you’re learning. Everything that you achieve in your life, you’re gaining in the spiritual path, you gain from your teacher. So I always say this. Great Buddha had come, achieved enlightenment, he invented or he taught this great path, but we were not fortunate enough to listen to him. We don’t know where we’re… we’re done? We get involved in other things, maybe in something somewhere else. In our time now, for me, my teachers are the ones who actually show me the path. So my teachers are for me more than the historical Buddha. This is why teachers that you’re learning from are very precious, the most precious in your life.

WP: To that point, a lot of people or a lot of ways of looking at gurus or about lineage or about learning, would say, “I want to know how it integrates into your belief.” In Buddhism, they would say, “everybody is a teacher for you. Everybody you connect with is bringing you something. All of the students that were in school with you were helping you come to a different realization within yourself, as were the gurus in your world.” Continued on Page 39

Celebrate Thanksgiving with Spirit!


By Medium Hollister Rand


times create opportunities for celebrating with family and friends. However, when we’ve lost someone we love, or are facing difficult challenges like job loss or divorce, the yearly arrival of holidays can be painful rather than festive. Over the years, the spirits have given me many messages about how practicing gratitude enhances their presence and creates opportunities for us to receive insight and guidance from them. Here are some suggestions for creating new “spirited” celebrations and connections. Each person and every family can adapt these suggestions to suit a particular situation.

Make a gratitude box (any size will do) by either buying a lovely container or decorating one yourself. Write down every little thing for which you are grateful and place it in the box. Celebrate by giving thanks.

Now this might seem an obvious point, but a loved one’s death or a significant loss of any kind can make us feel anything but grateful. However, I’ve learned from the spirits that gratitude paves the way for connection. One of the simplest ways of giving thanks is to sit quietly and thank the person in spirit directly. Thank a brother for his great sense of humor or a friend for her support during difficult times. These experiences we’ve shared on earth cannot be taken from us - - even by death. If you are feeling pressured by money difficulties or career challenges, start by being grateful for what you have (your health, for instance) and what is

free (like the sunshine). Giving thanks even for the smallest things allows abundance in all things to grow. Make a gratitude box (any size will do) by either buying a lovely container or decorating one yourself. Write down every little thing for which you are grateful and place it in the box. At moments when you are feeling discouraged, take a “gratitude” out of the box and give thanks again.

Celebrate by remembering the good times.

It is a natural during holiday celebrations to reminisce about other family gatherings. During a phone session on


Thanksgiving Eve, a father in spirit flashed a picture of a dog with a turkey in its mouth into my mind. The mother and daughter on the other end of the phone laughed while explaining that Dad had dropped the turkey on the floor one Thanksgiving Day and their dog, Lady, had dragged it off in her mouth. If you are feeling lonely, sit quietly and invite happy memories of times with friends and family to arise. Rather than just a distraction, these memories can change the way you feel. Loved ones in spirit remember the good times, too. And they laugh with us.

Celebrate by doing an activity that the one you love enjoyed.

During a phone session, a young man mentioned Hawaii and surfing. His mother acknowledged that they went to Hawaii every Thanksgiving week and that her son was a surfing buff. However, they couldn’t bear taking the trip the year her son died, but were thinking of going back. Her son in spirit demonstrated his enthusiasm for the idea by making the phone line crackle. There was more crackling when his mother mentioned that she wanted to take a surfing lesson. This physical reminder of her son’s presence encouraged his mother to discover joy by doing what her son loved. If you’re in the midst of a transition like a career or relationship change, allow yourself some dream time. What did you want to be when you grew up? Sometimes considering the past helps us to map out the future (with the help of the spirits). Loved ones in spirit share our new experiences and cheer us on.

Celebrate by cooking a favorite family recipe or going out to a restaurant that a loved one enjoyed.

In nearly every session with the spirits, food is mentioned. This is not because the spirits need it for their nourishment, but because celebrations, family, friends and food go together. A “home cooked meal” has become an iconic idea. At a November event one year, a grandmother in spirit mentioned her granddaughter’s efforts to recreate her family’s favorite five spice cake. Unfortunately, this grandmother hadn’t written down the recipe and wanted her granddaughter to know that she was helping her in the kitchen. If your relationship with food is changing or you’re struggling with food allergies or an eating disorder, surround yourself with people who will support a healthy relationship with food. For instance, my family’s food choices were always high in fat, salt and sugar, resulting in health problems which could have been prevented. I’ve now chosen to become vegetarian, almost vegan, moving toward raw. In this way, I am changing the legacy left to me by my family. Loved ones in spirit not only share in our family traditions, they celebrate healthier choices that we may choose to make.

Celebrate by giving to someone in need.

The spirits often touch on the subject of helping others. During a session two days after Thanksgiving one year, a mother in spirit showed me baskets and cornucopias spilling over with food. Then I smelled soup, turkey soup. And then I heard the words, “Thank you.” The woman’s daughter knew immediately that her mother was referring to a family tradition of preparing food baskets for their church to distribute on Thanksgiving. After her mother’s passing, this loving daughter started a new

tradition of serving turkey soup at the church the day after Thanksgiving as a loving tribute to her mother. Her mother appreciated her actions. If you are facing challenges in your life, offer to help someone else who is facing a similar challenge. For instance, if you’re searching for work that you love, join forces with another seeker, share resources and encourage one another throughout the process. Loved ones in spirit inspire us to help others, which not only allows us to manage our own grief but break through limitations as well.

Celebrate by becoming more aware.

We can celebrate Thanksgiving everyday by becoming more aware of how loved ones may be communicating with us directly. For those of you who already have an active meditation practice, you can incorporate time to invite spirit communication. Even if you don’t meditate regularly, awareness of the workings of the spirits in your life can begin by spending a few minutes each day with a quieted mind and an attitude of gratitude. In response to your invitation, don’t be surprised when loved ones in spirit begin to make their presence known in a variety of ways. They may show up in holiday photos as orbs or streaks. A familiar and comforting smell may waft around you with no obvious source. In my book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different, I provide specific exercises in more detail for developing your awareness and connections to those living in the spirit world. By including your loved ones in spirit in your holiday celebrations (and all your celebrations) you’re inviting them to remain connected and continue to guide you with their love. Hollister Rand provides specific messages from loved ones living in the spirit world. Her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different, published by Harper Collins, is available in stores and online. Her radio appearances include Coast to Coast with George Noory, Sirius XM’s The Séance with John Edward. Contact Hollister at HYPERLINK “mailto: HollisterRand@gmail.com”HollisterRand@ gmail.com and at www.HollisterRand.com.

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Searching, or better yet, re-searching for the

Fountain of Youth

TED Talk allumni, Aubrey de Grey is a world renowned author, editor, and theoretician in the field of gerontology. In other words, he’s an expert on why we all get old, but he believes that aging can be prevented. He sat down with Wholeperson Magazine to discuss the SENS Research Foundation and their ongoing efforts for all of us to avoid what we thought was inevitable. You’re the Chief Science Officer for The Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence Foundation, so can you tell us a bit about your basic goals and focus? We call it the SENS foundation for short, or the SENS research foundation. We’re working to develop medicines that will eliminate the ills of old age. That is, medical technologies that will not just manage humans into their old age, but keep people feeling and functioning just like the were when they were young, for however long they live. The particular place we are taking this is regenerative medicine. In other words, eventually preventative maintenance will encompass periodically repairing the various types of molecular damage that accumulate from the body’s normal operation. If we can repair it, not necessarily perfectly, but if we can do it reasonably well and periodically, then we’ll be able to stop the diseases and disabilities of old age from happening. That’s what we are trying to do. So you’re not just saying, that someone at 70 years old would feel like they are 30, which would be great if you could do that, but you’re also talking about prolonging life. So instead of dying at 85, people could possibly live to be 150? Absolutely. It’s like a car. Our bodies are

So the longevity benefits are mere sideeffects of what you’re trying to do? Well if someone feels like they did when they were 30 years old, but now they are 65, their chance of death is going to be much lower because their chances of death are the same as when they were 30 or 40. In today’s world, the risk of illness and death goes up exponentially as you get older, it’s just that simple.

like machines. If a car is well maintained, we know it will last a great deal longer than a car that’s not. That’s why we have people driving around in 50 year old VW bugs. The same is just as possible for the human body. Of course the human body is a much more complicated machine than anything man-made, so therefore more difficult to develop the comprehensive preventative maintenance and technologies, but in principle it’s exactly the same. So the longevity benefits may be very dramatic, but you have to always remember that those are just side-effects of the health benefits for which we strive.

How do you expect to prolong people’s lives, and make them feel like they are 30-40 years younger than they really are? Let me emphasize, we are not trying to get people to live longer, that would be a totally separate research foundation. Living longer is a side-effect of getting people healthier. And it’s not just about feeling healthier, it’s about functioning healthier; not getting sick, not getting decrepit, not getting debilitated, not getting old. So how are we doing it? Well the two word answer is regenerative medicine. This means repairing, restoring and maintaining function by restoring structure at the molecular and cellular level. Specifically, what we do is, we first look at the nature of the problem. We break it down into seven sub-problems - by the sorts of damage that happens at the molecular and the cellular levels. Then we have approaches for implementing the


Can you talk about those seven types of sub-problems, or age damage mutations? Well only two out of the seven count as actual mutations. Three are at the cellular level, and four are at the molecular level. At the cellular level, the first thing that goes wrong is cell death. If the cell dies, then it needs to be replaced by the division of another cell and sometimes that does not happen. So the number of cells just goes down progressively over time. Eventually there are not enough cells that are needed to do the job they are supposed to do, so we get in trouble. Second type of damage is having too many cells because the cells are dividing and they’re not supposed to replace the cells that they are replacing. That is basically what cancer is, it’s inappropriate subdivision. The third type of damage is also having too many cells, but in this case, it’s not because the cells are divided inappropriately, but rather, because they are not dying when they should. That’s often overlooked, people don’t think of cells not dying as a bad thing, but there are certain types of cells, especially within the immune system, where that is a very important function. When cells get into a death resistant state and refuse to die when they should, then you have problems. Then there are four molecular problems. Two of these happen inside cells, and two happen outside cells, in the spaces between cells. First off, very importantly, we get mutations in the inside part of the cells, called the mitochondria, which is the DNA, and that DNA creates problems. The next thing that happens is molecular garbage. Just indigestible molecules that are created from normal operation of the cell, but for whatever reason their byproduct is not being broken down or excreted, so basically they accumulate

repairs using the preventative maintenance techniques for these seven things. Some of these things, we don’t do much work on ourselves, simply because other people are using other sources of funding to do it, but we are studying most of those areas, because they are neglected by other groups.

That is, medical technologies that will not just manage humans into their old age, but keep people feeling and functioning just like the were when they were young, for however long they live.

just like garbage. And just like garbage in your home, it’s ok for a little while, but if you don’t take the garbage out for a month, your house doesn’t function as well. It’s the same thing with cells. That turns out to be the number one reason or cause of death in the Western World. Cardiovascular disease, as well as the number one cause of blindness, macular degeneration, among other things. So it’s a pretty big deal. The other two types of damage that I mentioned are extra-cellular, which happen to take place in the state between the cells. One of them is very similar to what I just mentioned. It’s just molecular garbage again, but this is separate, because the way we think we are going to be able to treat it is different from the way that we would treat garbage inside the cell. The type of garbage we normally see tends to be made of stuff, and it’s normally protein, and very often it’s called amyloid. This is found in Alzheimer’s disease. People think that amyloid in the brain is quite important to Alzheimer’s disease. It also happens in other age-related diseases, although much less, but it is quite a wide-spread problem. And finally, there is stiffening, of what is called the extra-cellular matrix. The cellular matrix is an array of proteins that slow down the cells and tissues together. In many cases, in order for the proteins to do their job, they need to be elastic and held together by a regular pattern so that they can stretch in an appropriate way. This diminishes over time due to the accumulation of mutated chemical bonds. We have to stop that in order to prevent hypertension in the elderly. And of course hypertension is a very important part of aging in that it causes many things like diabetic complications. What are the treatments for the seven different types of damage? And would they each be different for the separate type of damage? Yes, they are different treatments. So regarding loss of cells, most people know a lot about this one already. Because the treatment for loss of cells is simply stem cells. If the body is not automatically causing cells to divide to replace the cells when they die, then the way to fix that is to put cells into the body from outContinued on Page 36

The of Secret


34 34


Gratitude If

a person wants ten things and gets nine of them, what do you think he or she will be doing? Enjoying the nine or focusing on getting that tenth thing already? In your workaholic culture, getting things achieved is paramount. Even those of you who bring metaphysics and connections with your guides and the Divine into your daily life can be obsessively focused on getting what you don’t already have. And there is so much pressure to get things done and get on to the next thing that if you’re not careful, you may work through the weekends and evenings without taking enough time to rest and recharge. Those of you who are religious will find time to attend a service and focus on something else other than work and getting things you want. And those of you who are spiritual will take some time here and there for your practices, which in effect are remembrances of your Divine purpose and connection to the Higher Power within you. But even then, unless your life is going exceptionally well, you can forget the force that enables your success to flow, your life to sing, and magic to happen. You can forget gratitude. Because so many people tend to skip gratitude in their rush to the next thing, there is actually one day in the year set aside for this purpose – to get people to stop, remember all the gifts they do have, and to appreciate their lives.

By galexis

But what would happen if you practiced being thankful, appreciative and grateful for your gifts every day? Every personal and spiritual coach will suggest this to you. Yet, if you’re like most people, you may not value the power of gratitude because it doesn’t fit into your life’s action plan. Being thankful and having gratitude for your gifts seems to be something you do after you get the desired thing, not before. And besides, gratitude and thankfulness seems to be done only during downtime where you are doing nothing and nothing gets done! For this reason, most people don’t understand or utilize the amazing power of gratitude. Do you? We have a different take on this and that’s why we’re sharing this secret. Gratitude plays a huge role in your destiny, personal as well as professional, emotional as well as spiritual. It is a powerful fuel for manifestation. Being thankful is an active state of appreciation. Gratitude is a grander sense of being taken care of by a loving Divinity. When you are in either thankfulness or gratitude, you are in a higher resonance of love. Is there anything higher? You may say “love,” but realize, the word “love” is so loaded down with distortions, misunderstandings, fantasies, and even pain, that you might not really know what higher love is about. So look at your life now, and imagine this for a moment. Instead of focusing upon the things you haven’t yet gotten or achieved, appreciate what you have received. Enjoy those things, whether tangible like in-

come or possessions, or intangible, like beauty in nature, good friends or peace. “Taste” them, feel them, sink into the sweet pleasure of thinking about them, and celebrate that. Now imagine that you are celebrating the receiving of what you desire that you haven’t yet received. Sense how relaxed you’ll be, and how your life will be when the things you want come to you without having to work so hard, running after them. Imagine how it would be natural for you to receive these things easily. See them as no fluke but normal, natural to you and flowing into your life effortlessly. It’s actually possible to experience easy manifestation, but only if you practice gratitude. You know that to manifest anything, you start with a desire for something, visualize what it will be when it arrives in your life, and put it on your inner dream-board. Then you take physical actions towards it, get a momentum started towards it, and finally it comes to you so you can receive it. Gratitude holds the frequency of success and generates a flow towards you. If you can stay lined up with what you desire and keep taking steps towards it, gratitude will drop manifestations into your reality. It’s the basic law of metaphysics; whatever you focus on, put your attention on, identify with, and have a large enough self image to have as natural for you, you’ll receive. Gratitude activates the flow of energy (the masculine aspect) that brings you the abundance of what you want (from the All That Is, the feminine


aspect) naturally. Gratitude and abundance are partners. You can’t have one without the other. So now that you know that gratitude is fundamental to manifesting what you want, you may decide it’s valuable enough to do daily. We hope we’ve convinced you of its material benefits, but the spiritual benefits are even better. With increased gratitude, you enter increasingly greater states of bliss, love, happiness, and joy. You attract an abundance of wonderful and supportive people, opportunities to love, adventures in consciousness, and meaningful relationships with all things. So how do you “do” gratitude? First of all, appreciate the tremendous gift that is your life. You, as a soul, wanted to come here to earth, to play, to create, and discover yourself and your uniqueness. In short, to be consciously aware of yourself as the divine spark that you are. With total unconditional love, your Creator granted your desire, gave you a team of light beings (angels, guides, and mentors) to support you, and here you are. Whether your life is going well or you are totally miserable, wallowing in seeming failure and pain, this amazing gift of life is something to value. You wanted to experience everything, and you have. You’ve experienced the depth of shame, pain, failure, hurt, and sorrow. Why not experience the other side, the beautiful side of light and joy? Since you are also given free will, you will decide at some point when you’ve had enough suffering, to open to the divinity within you and to the bliss that’s natural to you as a Soul. If that isn’t wonderful enough, your life is tailor-made for you. Every circumstance is designed with your self-discovery in mind. You learn to know who you are with every opportunity to respond freely with love, empowerment, and inner knowing. When you know the secret of gratitude and hold precious appreciation of the whole show that’s put on for you, your spiritual evolution takes a huge leap. You realize who you are. This is your per-

sonal mission. But then you are also able to experience the Oneness and love others, generously giving to your world. This is your optional global mission. Ahead for you is your return home beyond this life to the sea of unconditional love where you experience Divine union. Those who are not on a spiritual journey may not know to develop their capacity for thankfulness and its higher octave, gratitude, be-

member the gift of life. If you are ungrateful and wishing that you could leave the planet, you will do so when your soul is ready, and that may be still a long time. So why not find the humor in everything and watch the wild, crazy, entertaining human show around you while you are here? There is never a time when you can’t find something to be grateful for! So let go of any resistance you have to gratitude, coming from intimidating parents, religious guilt, or fears that you might get manipulated if you’re thankful or grateful. Then accept your life. Accept your world. You have everything you need right now. You chose to be here and you belong here. You are unique, and you are a gift to others and to your world. Choose happiness, and be grateful for it before it even shows up. Jesus said, “ask for what you want and know that it is already yours.” Master Kirpal Singh, a Light and Sound Master from India said, “Be grateful for what you have and expect more.” These Masters knew what they were saying and they lived it as well. While you are not at their level, at least not yet, you can practice one appreciation, one thankfulness, and one gratitude at a time. And over time, your life will become magical. So during this heightened time of year of giving thanks, gather with those you appreciate, and share your gratitude for the abundance and bounty this world offers you. Allow an abundance of heartfelt laughter, love, and healing kindness. It’s your life, your reality, and your choice. WP

m ” It’s the basic law of metaphysics; whatever you focus on, put your attention on, identify with, and have a large enough self image to have as natural for you, you’ll receive.

m ” cause they may not know where they are going. But you do, at least you do now! So even if your life appears to be miserable with no hope in sight, there is always plenty to be grateful for. If nothing else, remember the elevated and wonderful times of your life, the beautiful memories and interesting experiences you had. Then you can re-

By Galexis, a group of loving trans-dimensional beings who speak as One through Ginger C. Metraux, Ph.D. Enjoy Galexis’ weekly Love and Healing sessions (held most Sundays in Bel Air,) and get recharged and “juicedup.” For more information on Galexis and the “Love and Healing” , go to www.GalesisSpirit.com

Fountain of Youth continued from page 33

side,— stem cells that will divide and replace the lost cells thus combating the loss. That is basically the treatment for cell loss. Now for cancer there are many different treatments being researched and developed to cure cancer nowadays. And as we all know, there has been a genuine explicit war on cancer, for over 40 years, yet it appears we have little progress. But that is really not true. We have made plenty of progress. And we know vastly more about cancer than we did decades ago. In fact, the breakthroughs to combat cancer have a much better chance than they would have before. The particular approach we are following essentially involves the ability of the cancer cells to divide indefinitely. Cancer cells treated in this way would be able to divide all of it, but not enough to kill it. Then the cancer would just whither away. Now the third treatment, is the problem of having too many cells, having cells that are not dying when they are supposed to. Essentially what we want to do is put in more powerful ways to kill the cells. Some of this tends to be fairly recognizable, for example the immune system, because they have distinctive patterns on the surface. The principle is to activate the immune system to eventually recognize these foreign elements as an infection, double them up and get rid of them. So those are the molecular ones. For mitochondria mutations, we are trying to do something that people thought was impossible, but recently has become a lot more realistic. The idea here is to make copies of the mitochondria with DNA, and put those copies into normal cancer cells into the nucleus of the cell. The reason why that would be a good idea is because the DNA in the nucleus is much more protected from accumulating mutation than the DNA in the mitochondria, so we can make the mitochondria and the DNA superfluous, even if the DNA is broken. So number five is the accumulation of molecular garbage in the the cell. The interesting thing here is that the substances which tend to accumulate inside the cell are actually full of energy. There are substances, that when they get into the environment, for example when somebody dies and they are buried in the soil, and bacteria can get in them. Those bacteria eat those accumulated substances. These bacteria have their own DNA and enzymes to breakdown these things even though we, as human beings, can’t break them down. That’s pretty interesting, because what it means is that they are invincible. We should be able to


Let me emphasize, we are not trying to get people to live longer, that would be a totally separate research foundation. Living longer is a side effect of getting people healthier. And it’s not just about feeling healthier, it’s about functioning healthier.

identify these bacteria in the environment, and then identify what genes and enzymes those bacteria are using to break down the garbage cells and substances. We could then put those genes into human cells, so the human cells have a more powerful degradation capacity with the ability to break things down that they previously couldn’t. That is the approach we are taking, and actually it’s going pretty well. We’re still only able to do it with cell culture, but we have now got a very good demonstration that we can protect cells from an agent compound that causes cardiovascular disease by giving them a strain of these bacteria. So that’s very nice. The next one is molecular garbage outside the cell, but here it tends to be an interesting and very simple approach. Simply get that material inside the cell. You would think that would not really solve the problem, because the material is still there and you have to do the trick that I described earlier, but actually you don’t even need to do that. If it’s inside the cell then it would naturally disappear as a result of the degradation machinery that the cell naturally possesses. So that is a much easier one. In fact, it’s already come quite a long way to molecular development, especially in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. The seventh is the stiffening I mentioned, which causes hypertension. Here we are developing drugs that will make these distinctive chemical bonds that accumulate during aging and cause the stiffening to happen. That’s a hard thing to think about because it turns out these chemical substances that dry up the molecular matrix in this bad way are very different in their molecular skeletal structure than anything that happens on purpose in the body. So we ought to be able to create medicines that selectively and specifically target them. What is the time frame you’re talking about with regards to these protocols being commonplace? That’s a very good question isn’t it? Everyone wants to know when this will be possible of course. The difficulty is that these therapies are still a long way away. So therefore like any technology, any prediction at all would be extremely speculative. But I do like to stick my neck out here, and give some idea of when I think it’s going to take effect, because otherwise people will perceive it to be science fiction. I think we have a 50/50 chance of developing these treatments within the next Continued on Page 38

37 MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Enjoy the many benefits of a highly therapeutic 1 hr massage just $55 reduced from $75 ($1/min over an hr). Also offers Hot Stone Massage, 1 hr/$75. All by Appt in advance only. 310/736-8520. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. HYPERLINK “http://www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_ heins.html” www.thegatewayportal. com/massage_karen_heins.html

– SHARE A STORY – THE WHOLE PERSON Magazine Seeking stories about local heroes, redemption & transformation. Please submit your stories to editor.wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com or 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. 800/9620338. www.wholepersonmagazine.org

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– TRAVEL / RETREATS – GUIDED TOUR OF INDIA. This adventure is to the especially spiritual parts

of India during which we will visit with those deeply enlightened. Some cities include: Delhi, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Nainital, Agra, Ranthambor, Udaipur, Ajmer, Jaipur... March 2014. Contact Juleann at 310/869-4617.

– VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES – VOLUNTEER HELP ALWAYS WELCOME to contribute to a spiritual growth & wellness center impassioned to help others bring what they want into their lives while being fulfilled w/who they are. Please contact us inquire what’s available. 310/4790430. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com COMIC STRIP ARTIST/PROFESSIONAL ILLUSTRATOR WANTED for ongoing original spiritual comic strip soon coming in The WHOLE PERSON Magazine. If this interests you, please send samples of your work to wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com or contact 800/962-0338. www.wholepersonmagazine.org

38 Fountain of Youth continued from page 36

25 years. The other thing that would make this not true, is lack of funding. For the past eight or nine years, I’ve been saying the same thing - that we are 25 years away, so that does not sound very good. But if we look at what has happened, I think we have made about 3 years of progress, so we’re around 22 years now. That is where I’d put my 50/50 estimate. We are moving forward only about a third as fast as we could due to lack of funding. My big question is, who in our society is going to be able to take advantage of these age preventable treatments? Is it going to be everyone or just the super rich? It’s definitely going to be everyone, or let’s be more precise, anyone who is old enough to need these treatments or therapies, since these are repair therapies. Just like you would not take a brand new car in to get serviced the day after you bought it, young people will not need these therapies. But the reason it’s going to be available to everyone, and I even mean countries that don’t believe in public heath care, like the USA, is simply because of the economics. The fact is, at the moment, most medical expenditure is on therapies that don’t really work. These therapies may keep the elderly functioning for a little while, a year or two, if you’re

lucky. Then they start thinking the same way they would anyway, and we spend a fair amount of money caring for them until they die. Basically, we are just throwing money down the drain for very little gain. These therapies are not going to be like that. These therapies are going to keep people really, truly youthful. Not just looking youthful, but feeling youthful, and functioning youthfully, as long as they live. These therapies will pay for themselves incredibly quickly, because we will be saving on not only all the direct costs of keeping people alive in a bad state of health, but also we’ll be saving on massive indirect costs. Such as the increased productivity of the children of the elderly who spend so much time looking after their parents. And also, very importantly the elderly will be able to continue contributing wealth to society, rather than just consuming it. This means that through either the private or public health care system, it’s going to be economical suicide to any nation not to make these therapies available for free, for anyone old enough to need them irrespective of a person’s ability to pay. Otherwise it will just be money down the drain and the country will go bankrupt. In my mind, whenever there is a treatment that works, there is always a drug company behind it. And don’t the pharmaceutical companies have

to make money off of treatments? Yes, that is true, and understandable. But where will the money come from? Does it come from the direct consumer, or does it come from our tax dollars? Thus spreading out the cost. The way you want to look at this is to compare these future therapies with basic education, which is of course is free, even in a country like the USA, it’s free. I do acknowledge that basic education is pretty basic, however, it is very expensive indeed for the country, but it’s worth it, because everyone knows that if you don’t educate your kids, then 20 years down the line the country will suffer. And if countries don’t implement these anti-aging therapies once they’re available, well, let’s just say it will become very clear that it will be much more beneficial in the long run to have them available to the portion of the population that needs them. That will be great, when that day comes. Thanks so much for giving us a glimpse into the furture of what it might be like to age, or not age if you have your way. It was my pleasure.

Aubrey de Grey and the SENS foundation are on the forefront of discovering anti-aging therapies. To donate or to find out more about their work, please visit www.sens.org

Share Your Light! Bring your divinity to the page, to The Whole Person. There’s a writer in everyone or someone you know.

We are inviting you to be a participant. We are looking for stories on redemption and transformation from yourself, your friends, co-workers and clients.

December 2013 Theme:


Tell us in under 900 words to editor.wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com Submission does not guarantee publication and is on the basis of no prior authorization required.

We are also looking to do stories on local heroes: Who is your local hero? How did you find them or how did they find you?

Help us build your magazine. Help us infuse it with a part of you. Are there places you would like to see the magazine? Send us their contacts. We are on a mission to add 50 new drops each month.



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GTP: Well that’s an optimistic at-

titude. That’s how you optimistically see things, you know? You see as a very positive attitude. But guru is something else. You know? The guru is that somebody you want to learn from that you’re not forced to. Somebody, you go listen to him. You wanted to listen to, and you benefit from his or her teaching. Even with one word. Sometimes one word is much more important, of much more benefit than millions of books.

WP: I like that. GTP: Yeah. So that’s how it is. WP: So there you were. How long

were you in school? From when you went into the monastery?

GTP: Our course of Geshe degree, in those days, was 18 years.

WP: Oh, long time. Eighteen

GTP: Yeah. So there’s no time

years is a big, big commitment. And so you completed the 18 years, and then what became…?

limit or nothing. My intention was, “now, this is what I do.”

GTP: Then His Holiness asked

WP: Yeah, I understand. GTP: But then things happened.

me to do further studies in Tantrayana, which was traditionally a one-year course. And I completed that, and then I went to meditation.

WP: And the mediation, that was

a particular length of time that you were invited or directed?

GTP: Actually, again, like the moment I took the ordination, there was devoting your life to this path. I gain from here, when you devote to the meditation, I thought, “okay, now the studying part, I finished. Now it is time to…”

WP: …go inside

My father passed away.

WP: Oh, I’m sorry. GTP: And my mother was left

with no health, so I thought okay, now this is my karma, this is what I need to do. So I took care of my mom. Which means I could not go back to the mountain. I had to bring my mom from a village in south India, and I took her on a pilgrimage all around all the holy Buddhist sites. I did that before with both parents but I did it once again, to heal my mom. And then, at the end when we arrived, she said, “His Holiness lives here.” Continued on Page 42


2013 Astrological Psychology


Aries - 3/21 – 4/19 What is behind the mask? Most people have masks that cover aspects of themselves about which they feel embarrassed, afraid, ashamed, or less than others. It is time to stop covering up what God has made. God loves you just the way you are and on some levels you already know your essence is beyond illusion. Conditioning you acquired before age 7 is holding your mask in place! Are you ready to unveil the true essence and beauty of your being? Going with the flow will support you well after you remove the mask(s). The part of you that is so ready to embrace the true ‘you’ behind the mask is many levels of intensity beyond what you have let out! That intensity can take you to the moon, when you are ready. Going into silence affords you the barometer to help you decide when the time is right. Be in gratitude as you go into silence. The future is certainly full of abundance and getting there is going to happen just as quickly as you remove your mask(s).

Gemini - 5/21 – 6/20 The little kid’s dream is still alive! It just takes a little compromise to move closer and you already know how to do this! Begin to count a compromise as a win and the internal hidden blossoming will start coming to the surface. You will find yourself rising up to smell the blossoming! The conditioning of childhood has kept you hanging onto the need to have 100% of the ideal, or nothing. Begin to let go of the covering handed to you as the way things are and the dream evolves into a modern blockbuster. In the future, you will have to face the habit you have of comparing your insides to others outsides. These comparisons are unfair and inaccurate. Stop comparing and you feeling like an outsider will end. You will discover that the gate is open and just turning around where you stand is a home-run with crowds applauding. Begin to notice. That place within that connects the whole world begins to blossom and you easily rise up to catch the fragrance.

Taurus - 4/20 – 5/20 It’s time for a breakthrough. The stage is set and the window is open for you to let go of the past! If a little backward motion is required to actually unload, just let it happen. Your Higher Self is supporting you in going beyond illusion. The illusion includes both conscious and unconscious programing. Take the actions that will result in noticeable progress. The breakthrough that is building up is supported and facilitated by you being alone. Find a quiet place of solitude and unload past attachments, patterns, beliefs and practices. Once the breakthrough begins, stop feeling guilty in order to continue receiving the blessings. You will experience supernatural occurrences as ordinary due to your maturity. Keep viewing the miracles of life as ordinary blessings, this affords you the ground for a continued flow of grace.

Cancer - 6/21 – 7/22 Right now, turning inward is the key for Cancers. As you turn inward, you will notice ghosts from the past. Keep going inward and the ghosts will fade. The need to compare your insides to outsides will take on a whole new meaning as you unload what you have acquired from the past. The meanings assigned to your understandings will fade away because they are the ghosts. It is the great abundance that is lying dormant that comes to the surface in deep meditation. Go for it! There is a song in the air ready to come forth into your awareness. You are ready for the sweetness in the heart of the change that is coming for you. Letting go has and will support you along your journey. As you let go, just know that you are lifting your awareness above the muck and mire of the circumstances of life, which is where the transformation lives.

Leo - 7/23 – 8/22 Experience the unfolding into deeper layers of reality. The fool steps out into open space without any awareness of doing so and/or with full comprehension. Be the fool and let your intuitive guidance take you! As you are ready to step out into flight, the grounding and safety that you once knew and counted on will be left behind. You will soar like an eagle and choose the ground to which you are drawn. The creator within is always supporting you and is there when you think you’ll fall, or fail! Know this, deeply! In the future, you will have to move beyond the thinking that what you have accomplished can be lost, taken away or diminished! Rather than the objects of accomplishment, the distinctions or words of praise, it is the unseen source of a tangible that is the real blessing. Virgo – 8/23 – 9/22 You are finding stress important and your activities are keeping the illusion in motion. You are really talented and can juggle many things at once, however, it is your indecision that keeps you stretching. You are holding onto what you know for dear life, while the creator within is sitting ready to spring into action. The stress and indecision has you ready to fight to keep yourself together. The burden you carry is very old. The sense of being an outsider keeps you longing for what you think you see just beyond your reach. The politics of life has you covering your truer self in fear - fear of being stretched beyond your limits. Your need to control keeps you longing for something you think you will never have. The source within is pounding the drum of creation which agitates you, when being patient is the key! The rebel within will ultimately move you into a place where you can take delivery on what you are prepared to receive. Libra - 9/23 – 10/22 The politics of the present circumstanc-


es call for you to remove your mask, yet keep it handy. Pick and choose who you let see you. The guilt you feel causes you to suffer beyond reason, while the eternal is close to the surface of your awareness. Within is a covered up sorrow that spans humanity’s capacity for grief. While there is a crack in the fabric that holds your sorrow, you can move beyond it by integrating what’s present. Your maturity is a big asset that assists your work. Celebrate while you continue trudging through your issues, circumstances and sorrows. Turning inward is smart, do it often with concentrated zeal and resolve. Emerge from a position you consider safe and join those that are right there waiting and encouraging you to spread your wings and lift off. It is your mind that keeps your future in fear and it is halting your progress. Move forward in the face of fear, allowing the intensity of your being to move your heart to encompass the whole world.

Scorpio - 10/23 – 11/21 Change is definitely in motion. You know it - you feel it! The change is constant and steady. The reason you are sometimes unaware of the change, is because you tend to project your experiences onto others being their doing! Just stop projecting and take responsibility and credit for your good work. The totality of all that was, is, can and will be, is within your reach during this time of change. That is to say, now is a huge opportunity. You are much closer and have more support and access right now! Stop keeping yourself so busy. You are putting on a show that distracts others from seeing the real you and keeps you distracted from seeing what is coming your way. In the future, the feeling of being an outsider will come to a head. Where you are is beyond what you conjured up in your thoughts and beliefs regarding what you seek. Sagittarius - 11/22 – 12/21 It is your time of completion this month. Completion means that pieces are fitting into place. Some of those pieces will be obvious and other pieces will be oh so very subtle. As you pay more attention to the circumstances in

your life you will feel and see the pieces moving into place. There is a very subtle hint that you must take action in sharing and giving freely of the blessings that have come to you. It is time for you to give of yourself. Your abundance is supporting you in completing parts of your process. You have a plethora of abundance. Sharing of that bounty is particularly called for right now! The totality of all that is, was, can and will be, is within your reach. Keep on keeping on and all will come to you.

Capricorn - 12/22 – 1/19 It is very important for Capricorn to go with the flow in the month of November. Avoid any resistance to what is. Accept it as gracefully as you can and be grateful. You are ready to emerge from the depths of the past and rise above the muck and mire of past circumstances. It is your maturity and good work that supports your rising above. There is a depth of harmony within, which will ooze to the surface as you let be what is. The Lovers within means that there is a depth of balance within you. Know that as you go deeper into your heart of hearts, the united Lovers emerge as one one knowing, harmonious, powerful and influential. Your obstacle, which you have and continue to address, is morality. Morality is the value you give to the thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and practices in life. The rebel within is bucking the status quo and it is important for you to integrate the rebel. Consciousness leads you into the abyss of the Void. At first, it appears to feel overwhelming, sad, alone, and isolated. Know that in that Void is the potential for an immense flowering of wealth, knowledge, spiritual wellspring and so much more. In the future, the source of all comes to you in ways that are unimaginable. Aquarius - 1/20 – 2/18 Stop comparing your insides to others outsides. Stop comparing what you think others have accomplished and focus on your own accomplishments. It is unfair and wholly inaccurate to do otherwise. Pay attention to all moral questions, beliefs and moral decisions. You have a

place within that is ready to step out and be seen regardless of the circumstances. What the circumstances mean to you or others is that you are more ready to stand in thin air than you know. Believing you need to be something more than who you are is a waste of time. Accept who you are! There is a huge healing for you as you step up and step out beyond all known support! You are experiencing wonders that pass by your awareness. Rather than trying to orchestrate every little thing, let yourself finally go with the flow and a huge, wondrous receptivity springs forth in you. You are poised to connect to the whole world and to go beyond it!

Pisces - 2/19 – 3/20 To experience a supernatural occurrence you must have a reference in memory upon which to reflect. Our perception of reality relies on some sort of order that follows our understanding of how life works. Deep, deep in your heart, all required order disappears. The strength of your prayers and your requests produces results. You already know you are emerging from a deep dark place into light and song! It is time to celebrate! In celebration, there is integration, so celebrate continuously during the month of November. The source within is very strong - stronger than usual, so celebrate even if you have to compromise on something serious. Or, you can find a way to celebrate while you are engaged in seriousness! What a concept! The burden you carry is well known by you. At the same time, you have enough insight to know that allowing the burden to point the way is really crazy. While carrying this burden, you also know an abundance of many colors. Could this abundance be a burden or part of a burden? Abundance can be of knowledge, wealth, relationships, access etc. The way to emerge from this burden is to open your abundance to the world. Figure out how to celebrate as you give. Your future is all about sharing, so get started now! Swaha@Discerning-Wisdom.Com www.Discerning-Wisdom.com

42 Continued from Page 39

WP: A small room. GTP: They said, Geshe, there’s no

way you can survive in this room. I’ll help you. Either you buy or build a house. So this is how I built a little house very close to where His Holiness lived, maybe less than a mile. Maybe a kilometer or so. Even less. So that’s where me and my mother lived, until my mother wanted to go back to south India.

WP: Okay. So it brings up an interesting question, when you talk about resources and money. I assume when you’re in the monastery, nobody’s paying you money, you’re not earning money. Essentially the monastery is providing for your needs, your food, living quarters and so on.

GTP: This so-called monastery is

something that we built up. We were just a bunch of refugees who came from Tibet, right? We were put into a little space, 200 acres given to 300 monks; “this is where you’re going to live, this is where you’re going to earn your living.” That’s where we built our monastery and tried to earn a living. It was really hard in the seventies at the beginning, because you just tried to cultivate something, you tried to eat from there. But then as soon as the type of Buddhism that we start building, we fostered connection with the west. Western people come to India to learn Dharma. Then we had more connections than our teachers in Ti-

bet. That’s how we get more and more support from the western world individually and organizationally.

She said, “I want to live here.” She wanted to be close to His Holiness. So then we rented the room there. We lived there for some time. Some of my students, western students, helped me. They said, “you need to buy, or build. You can’t live in this house, because your room is very, very small.”

WP: Okay. And that’s essentially where you’re at now. There’s some support by donations and people, wonderful people like Bob, helping, promoting and so-forth.

GTP: Yes.

My attitude, my goal is to try to be beneficial. Absolutely. As long as I’m able to, physically, mentally, I’m able to try to be beneficial. And this is why I… one of my practices is to never disappoint anyone.

WP: So how would you define the

goal of your journey, of what you’re looking to create, what you’re looking to build. How are you looking to support Buddhism and the monastery back home and so-forth? What is your goal? And I understand that’s an awkward question when I say ‘your goal’, because you wouldn’t see it that way, but the goal of the Tibetan community, I guess? Or the monastery?

GTP: Me, as individual, the community, what do you want me to talk about? (Both laughing)

WP: Since we have you here, let’s talk about you.

GTP: My attitude, my goal is to

try to be beneficial. Absolutely. As long as I’m able to, physically, mentally, I’m able to try to be beneficial. And this is why I… one of my practices is to never disappoint anyone. When people want me to do something, I try to do my best, whatever it takes. That’s my goal. To try to be more beneficial.

WP: Yeah. The magazine for

which we’re doing this interview is called The Whole Person Magazine. I always close by asking this question: do you see yourself as being a whole person?

GTP: I try. I don’t know how much ‘whole’ am I, but I try. (Laughs)

WP: Well, I see you doing mag-

nificent work. I want to applaud the work that you do. It’s clear to me, your dedication to what you do, so it’s very moving. And I have really enjoyed these few moments. I think you’re a delightful, wonderful, beautiful being. I thank you very much, thank you for taking this time.

GTP: Thank you, I appreciate, it was wonderful.

Tibetan Monk Geshe Thupten Phelg ye, PhD, student of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, and a former member for ten years in the Tibetan Parliament in Exile. Geshe-la’s works with Dharma Voices for Animals: www.dharmavoicesforanimals.org and the Universal Compassion Foundation www.universalcompassion.org to raise support for various humanitarian causes.


Sacred Journey India to

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