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Among women

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Author: Several Authors From the reader report by: Katleen March

Entre donas is one of the best anthologies of contemporary literature in the Galician language. Some might argue that it is the best since the language became official after 1975. Not only are all the contributors recognized for their work, several of them are also poets and novelists, as well as playwrights. The stories are of high quality, with well-developed plots, strong narrative voices, and a purpose that might best be defined as endeavoring to show the level and diversity of what women writers are producing in their language. That is exactly what the cover image captures: strength and focus.

The range of styles and approaches to women’s issues, the complexity of plots and sophistication of techniques are enough to satisfy any reader, regardless of place of residence. The number of contributors, as well as the current active status of all of them, make this anthology an essential title for all readers in Galician and, hopefully, in the future, for readers in other languages.




Author Several Authors Genre Literature Pages 208

ISBN 978-84-9995-342-7 Year of publication 2021 Number of editions 1 Language Gallego Spanish retail price 13.00 €

Author’s biography: A collection of stories in Galician by ten women: Marilar Aleixandre, Marica Campo, Rosalia Fernández Rial, Inma López Silva, Teresa Moure, Emma Pedreira, María Reimóndez, Eli Ríos, Anxos Sumai y Antía Yáñez, many of whom have already achieved recognition and prizes. Among them are an Academician (from the Real Academia Galega), two winners of the Premio de la Crítica Española, one winner of the Gallician Premio da Crítica, two winners of the Torrente Ballester prize, one Max theatre prize, two winners of the Pura e Dora Vázquz prize, a María Casares prize, two Blanco Amor prizes, a Jovellanos prize, a Fina Casalderrey prize for “literatur ainfanti pola igualdade” (equality in children’s books) in a list of works which between them have won more than 50 prizes and been translated into various languages including Italian, Portuguese, German and English. www.marilar.gal | www.inmalopezsilva.com | www.mariareimondez.com

Synopsis: Ten stories by ten Galician women writers who range in narrative style, experience, recognition and other aspects, but are united by their willingness to speak up, with their own voice, placing women at the centre of the story. Writers who conjure here scenarios and stories that disprove the arguments of domination. Some revisit old stories from a feminine perspective, others find a new explanation for classic archetypes. Others give a voice to those who are still in the closet of occupied “gamer” territories. They use irony as a symbolic weapon of combat in stories about basilisk-women, the difficulty of finding Adam’s extra bone, Herminia’s lentils with bromide ... They explore with empathy “unwanted” re-motherhood and remind us that “You should never confuse reality with the desire of men “

Publisher: Baia edicions A Coruña S.L. Baía Edicións is a publisher of more than thirty collections, favouring works on ecology and equality. Of these, 26 are aimed at children and young adults. It awards two annual prizes for equality in children’s writing, one for books aimed at readers between three and eight and one for young readers.

Publishing rights available from: Baia edicions A Coruña S.L. - CIF B15635246 Pol. de Pocomaco, 2ª avda. a2/52, A coruña www.baiaedicions.gal Contact: Belen López Vazques [belen@baiaedicions.gal] Phone: (+34) 607 185 164

Prizes and reviews: https://lecturafilia.com/2021/01/15/entre-donas-o-mundo-dende-a-olladafeminista/ | https://daybreakovertheocean.wordpress.com/2020/12/09/recension-entre-donas/ https://manriquefdez.wordpress.com/

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