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Animal friendships




Author: Pablo Auladell From the reader report by: Rodrigo Petronio

The comic Potemkin: Homenaje a la Película de Sergei Eisenstein is based on the famous work by Russian filmmaker Serguei Eisenstein, where the crew protests against mistreatment and denounces the rotten, worm-filled meat they are served. The sailors begin to mutiny and invoke the Russian revolution as an example against oppression. The doctor says: “It’s not worms, it’s fly larvae, just wash it with brine.” The commander orders the rebels to step forward and turn in.

They do, and then the commander orders that they be covered with canvas to be shot. The crew revolts. The rebellion begins. The rebels manage to capture the ship and disembark in Odessa. They urge the population to take part in the ongoing revolution. Official troops are deployed to contain them. One of the most famous scenes in the history of cinema. The troops shoot civilians, women, children and men on the steps of Odessa by the sea. The sequence shot is tragic from beginning to end. The squadron advances against the battleship Potemkin. The latter manages to beat and overpower the squadron. The crew hoists the red flag.

The comic is exceptional. The graphic quality is excellent, the story is very faithful to Eisenstein’s film, the most dramatic sequences are resolved only by images, with no dialogues/narrations. The author, Pablo Auladell, was born in Alicante in 1972. After graduating in English Philosophy at the University of Alicante, he begins his career in the art world. He divides his activity between editorial illustrations and the creation of comics. He received several awards for his work, among which are the Prize for Best Illustrations in Young Adult Books for Peiter, Peter y Peer y otros cuentos de Hans Christian Andersen, awarded by Spain’s Ministry of Culture (2005), the Prize for Best New Artist at the Salón del Comic in Barcelona (2006), for La Torre Blanca.




Author Pablo Auladell Genre Comic Pages 120

ISBN 978-84-94884-87-0 Year of publication 2018 Number of editions 1 Language Spanish Spanish retail price 19.90 €

Author’s biography: Pablo Auladell earned a degree in English language and literature at the University of Alicante. Upon graduation, he began an impressive career in the world of art. He works both as an illustrator for publishing houses and creates comics. He has won numerous awards, among them the Prize for Best Illustrations for a Children’s or Young Adult Book and the Prize for Best New Author at the Barcelona International Comic Fair. Most recently, he was awarded the National Prize for Comics in 2015. Auladell has developed his own unique narrative space while also providing his original perspective on new versions of contemporary and classic works. In Potemkin, Auladell leaves the observer’s chair and situates himself in the story as a sailor in the engine room. http://www.pabloauladell.com

Synopsis: Based on true events that occurred in 1904, Sergei Eisenstein’s silent film tells how the crew of the battleship Potemkin, tired of unfair and degrading treatment from the offers, rebelled at the port of Odessa. This marked the start of the road to revolution that would shake all of Russia. “Pablo Auladell hasn’t adapted Battleship Potemkin. Instead he has done something much more interesting: he’s dreamed it. And that’s what these pages are: a fluid dream in black and white-and utopian red--created from the warm memory of a film that was created in the transforming potentiality of art,” writes Jordi Costa. Potemkin, an emotional graphic novel, dynamic and direct, is one in which rhythm triumphs over plot. It is an homage to Sergei Eisenstein, one of the most influential directors and theorists of this history of film.

Publisher: Albur producciones editoriales S.L. The publishing house was created in Barcelona in 2003. We specialize in publishing illustrated books for children, young adults, and adults. We have become one of the leading publishing houses of illustrated books in the country, thanks to the quality of the books we produce.

Publishing rights available from: Albur producciones editoriales - CIF B62811534 Llull 51 6º 4º, Barcelona www.librosdelzorrorojo.com Contact: Ana Lucía de Bastos [rights@librosdelzorrorojo.com] [assist@librosdelzorrorojo.com]

Phone: (+34) 933 076 850

Countries where the rights have been sold: France (Éditions Actes Sud)

Prizes and reviews: “Auladell reclaims the powerful visual strength of Eisenstein’s film. The devotion he professes allows him to recreate it in the unmistakeable style to which he has accostomed us.” -J. Oliver, Papel en blanco.

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