since 1988
Since 1988
私たちは、 心をこめて、 誇りを持って、 「自転車部品の製造、販売を通して 社会に貢献します。」 本公司以最誠摯的心及自信「經由製 造及銷售高附加價值的自行車零組 件、對社會做出奉獻 。」
“We contribute bicycle parts wholeheartedly and with pride to society.“
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
敬致各位先進 本公司現況 歷史沿革 工廠介紹 生產工廠與營業據點 技術 商品開發 生產革新 品質 環境 產品競技場上之測試 WERX實績 願景展望
05 06 08 12 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
greeting company in numbers history factories | divisions Global Expansion technology research & development innovativE production quality control environment field test by werx achievements Future prospects
Since 1988
New factory in Kunshan, China, opened in 2012
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
本公司自1988年成立以來、即以「專 業產品製造」為集團使命、整合客戶 之需求及期望、並致力於品質及產品 開發能力之提升。本公司於2001年設 立深圳工廠、於2004年設立昆山工 廠、並於2012年設立昆山第2工廠。 這全都是承蒙所有客戶及先進給予的 支持與愛護,所創造出來的成果、在此 代表本公司全體員工謹致萬分謝意。 在迎接本公司25周年廠慶之際,本公司 將更進一步發展現有的實力、創造更 具價值之企業,榮輪全體員工將加倍努 力以不負各位的期望。今後更希望各 位先進能夠多加給予指教與協助。
当社は、 1988年創業以来、 『ものづくり』 の 集団として、 お客様のニーズやご期待に応え るべく、品質、製品開発の向上に取り組んで まいりました。 2001年に中国の深圳工場、 2004年に昆山工場を設立し、2012年に 昆山第2工場を設立しました。 これもひとえ にお客様を始め、 お取引先の皆様方のご愛 顧とご支援の賜物と従業員一同、 感謝いたし ております。 そして25周年という節目を機会に、 これ まで培ってきたことを更に進化発展させ、価 値ある事業を創造し、皆様のご期待に添え るよう従業員一同、心を新たにして、今まで 以上に一層の努力を重ねる所存でございま す。今後とも皆様のご理解とご指導を賜りま すようお願い申し上げます。
Since the very inception in 1988 when we started out as a group of “passionate manufacturing people”, we have been constantly striving to meet the needs and expectations of our customers. As it was in the past and will be in the future, we are committed to ongoing improvements and pushing forward through innovations. We established a factory in Shenzhen, China, in 2001 and an additional factory in Kunshan, China, in 2004. Most recently we built a second plant in Kunshan in 2012. We firmly believe all this would have been impossible without the loyalty of our customers, the commitment of our employees, the support and patronage of our suppliers, and the dedication of everyone involved with our company. We are most deeply grateful. In the light of our 25th anniversary we also feel it right and proper to take a look back over our achievements accumulated over the years. Drawing on our expertise and know-how provides us with the courage and drive to make the next leap forward. I would kindly like to ask everyone for their understanding and guidance in the future.
董事長 小林大裕
代表取締役社長 小林 大裕
President & CEO Daisuke Kobayashi
Since 1988
工廠: 3
員工人數: 1.600
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
company in numbers
3 Factories
1.600 Employees
10.000.000 Forks produced in 2012
207.000.000 USD$ Annual turnover
Since 1988
歷史沿革 1987年
本公司創立、實收資本額新台幣4,500萬 元整、由日本國東京都足立區之榮輪業株 式會社出資設立。
導入鎂合金鑄造機(500噸級)、廠內開始自 行生產鎂合金材質之MTB避震前叉、並研 究開發他種相關行業產品。
1995年 開始生產自行車用避震前叉「MTB」。
1988年 於台灣省彰化縣福興工業區興業路七號建 設工廠及事務所、廠區面積11,000平方公 尺(3,300坪)、開始生產鋁合金鑄造之中高 級自行車零組件。
2000年 通過ISO-14001取得認證。
1997年 1.取得ISO9001認證。 2.導入直柱型連桿式自動沖床(500噸級)。 3.開始組立生產鎂合金材質MTB避震前叉。
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
history 1987
SR Suntour was established by the Sakae Ringyo Company with a capital investment of 45,000,000 NT$ in Tokyo, Japan.
1995 Started producing suspension forks for mountain bikes.
1988 Established a factory and office with an area of 11,000㎡ at 7, Hsingyeh Road, Fu Hsing Industrial Zone, Changhua, Taiwan, and began manufacturing mid- to high-end aluminum bicycle components.
European office set up in Belgium.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
1998 Installation of in-house 500-ton magnesium alloy melt-forging machine for the production of magnesium MTB suspension forks, and began research and development of similar industrial products.
2000 1997 Awarded ISO-14001 certificate. 1. Awarded ISO-9001 certificate. 2. Installed an automated link-motion press machine (500-ton) 3. Started producing magnesium mountain bike forks.
1.大陸深圳新廠正式開工生產。 2.盈餘轉增資資本額為新台幣457,380仟 元整。
1.全廠推動5S活動。 2.舉辦「A-TEAM」之第一次臨廠公開發 表會。
1.購入「TOYO」品牌的500噸級鎂合金壓 鑄機1台。 2.開始開發新世代內變速系統V-BOXX。 3.持續進行「A-TEAM」TPS活動、接著展 開「TQM」活動。
1.在台灣自行車業界的主要領導者及政府 機關之合作推動下、成立了「A-TEAM」 之組織、公司被選為創始會員之成員、 並由此開始推行「TPS」活動。 2.開發出具有鎖死功能之避震前叉、並開 始量產。
1.設立大陸昆山工廠、並於該廠開始生產 變速器。 2.開始生產「ICE」之變速系統產品。 3.於台灣、深圳、昆山三處生產基地、導 入新ERP系統「TIPTOP」。
2006年 1.購入「MAZAK」之CNC複合加工機2台 及「TOYO」650噸級鎂合金壓鑄機1台。 2.內變速系統V-BOXX榮獲EURO BIKE展創 新產品大賽之銀牌獎。 3.深圳工廠之粉體塗裝線設立完成。
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2001 1. New factory at Shenzhen, China formally begins production 2. Company profit capital investment reaches 457,380,000 NT$.
2002 1. In the context of a governmental cooperation project Taiwan based bicycle suppliers launched the „A-TEAM“ to promote their activities. SRSUNTOUR was elected as one of the founding members and started with the „TPS“ method. 2. Developed its first lock out system for suspension forks and started mass production.
2003 1. Promotion of 5S activities. 2. First „A-TEAM“ exhibition and congress carried out within SRSUNTOUR.
2004 1. Factory in Kunshan mainland China was established, starting with the production of transmission and drivetrain products. 2. Production start of the transmission system called „ICE“. 3. In all three factories in Taiwan, Shenzhen and Kunshan the ERP system „TIPTOP“ was introduced.
2005 1. Introduction of the „TOYO“ 500 tons magnesium die-casting machine. 2. Started the development of the V-BOXX internal gearbox transmission. 3. Coming from „A-TEAM“ TPS method SRSUNTOUR additionally started the „TQM“ system.
2006 1. Two „MAZAK“ CNC tapping centers and another „TOYO“ 650 ton magnesium die-casting machine introduced.
Since 1988
2007年 1.台灣廠新廠房落成啟用(樓高4層、總使 用面積約4,000㎡)。 2.導入鋁製前叉管加工線。 3.開始量產銷售內變速系統V-BOXX。 4.深圳工廠再購入「TOSHIBA」350噸級 鋁合金壓鑄機4台。 5.集團營業額達新台幣40億元整。
2.開發電子式電動鎖死系統、並開始量產 銷售AXON-ELD。 3.開發車軸固定系統Q-LOC、並開始銷售 搭載車軸固定系統Q-LOC的避震前叉。 4.於9月購入「AIDA」650噸級自動沖壓 機1台。 5.深圳工廠購入「TOSHIBA」350噸級與 500噸級之鋁合金壓鑄機共3台。
1.台灣工廠開始籌備上市。 2.增資資本額達新台幣5億元整。 3.開發碳纖維製之底管、並開始量產銷售 AXON-WERX。 4.開發輕量化鎖死緩衝裝置、並開始量產 銷售AXON-RL-R、EPICON-RL-R。
1.昆山工廠開始開發電動輔助系統。 2.開發搖臂式避震前叉、並開始量產銷售 SWING-SHOCK。
1.昆山新工廠動工興建。 2.集團整體之避震前叉總生產數量達到 800萬支。
2008年 1.董事長小林先生及A-TEAM成員一同完 成自行車環台一周之壯舉。
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2. The V-BOXX wins the silver medal at the Eurobike design award. 3. Powder coating production line established at the Shenzhen factory.
5. SRSUNTOUR reaches a turnover of 40 billion yuan.
5. Three new „TOSHIBA“ aluminum casting machines of 350 tons and 500 tons introduced.
2008 2009 2007 1. Completion of the new building with 4,000 square meters over floors. 2. Introduced a production line for aluminum stanchion tubes. 3. Commenced sales of V-BOXX internal gear box. 4. Implementation of 4 „TOSHIBA“ 35O tons aluminum die-casting machines at Shenzhen factory.
1. Chairman Kobayashi succesfully finishes the Tour de Taiwan (cycling around Taiwan) with the A-TEAM members. 2. Electric lock-out system development starts and the electric AXON-ELD goes on sale. 3. Introduction of suspension forks with Q-LOC thru-axle system. 4. Introduction of the „AIDA“ 650 tons automatic press machine (September).
1. Started the development of electric assisted E-bike systems at the Kunshan Plant. 2. Developed a swing arm suspension fork and started selling the SWINGSHOCK fork.
2010 1. Preparations started for going public in Taiwan.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
3.開發具備壓縮式阻尼調整機構之鎖死緩衝 裝置、並開始量產銷售 AXON-RL-RC、 EPICON-RL-RC。 4.開發高速及低速壓縮式阻尼之調整式緩衝 裝置、並開始量產銷售DUROLUX-RC2。 5.增資資本額達新台幣6億元整。
2013年 實績與計畫 1.舉辦創業25周年慶祝大會 2.集團整體銷售額目標為新台幣65億元、 避震前叉之目標銷售數量為1,100萬支。 3.開始量產銷售新電動輔助系統「Twin Sensor」。
2012年 1.昆山新工廠第1期工程完工、於11月開工 生產。 2.集團整體銷售額達新台幣60億元整。 3.使用「AXON」全碳纖維式避震前叉之女 子MTB選手榮獲奧運金牌。
2010 2011 2012 2013
2. Increase of capital to 500 million yuan. 3. Started to develop a bottom case made of carbon, the top-end model AXON-WERX carbon goes on sale. 4. Developed a new lightweight lockout cartridge, started selling AXON-RL-R, and EPICON-RL-R.
3. Developed a lockout cartridge with compression damping adjustment, started selling AXON-RL-RC and EPICONRL-RC suspension forks. 4. High speed and low speed compression damping adjustment cartridge developed, the DUROLUX-RC2 suspension fork went on sale. 5. Increase of capital to 600 million yuan.
2011 2012 1. groundbreaking new plant construction in Kunshan. 2. achieved an 8 million total production volume of suspension forks with the whole SRSUNTOUR group.
1. The newly completed factory in Kunshan goes operational in November 2. Reached sales of 6 billion yuan with the total SRSUNTOUR group.
3. Women‘s MTB athletes using the „AXON“ full carbon fork suspension won the gold medal at the Olympic Games in London.
2013 Achievements and plans for 2013: 1. 25th anniversary celebration in March. 2. Target of 11 million sales volume of suspension forks and a total group sales volume of 6.5 billion yuan. 3. Start of the “TWIN SENSOR“ E-BIKE components production.
Since 1988
SRSUNTOUR Taiwan inc. 台灣工廠
Taiwan factory
佔地面積:11,000㎡ 員工人數:400名 生產品項:避震前叉、大齒盤、 後避震器、避震式座桿
11,000 m² site area Number of Employees: 400 Products: Suspension fork, crankset, rear shock, suspension seatpost
台灣工廠為集團之主幹、主要是 開發先端技術之鎂合金、碳纖維 材質的中高級產品、率先運用豐 田式管理系統後、之後全面展開 至集團整體。
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
The Taiwan factory has become our high tech production plant. We develop high-end products that incorporate cutting-edge technology like magnesium die-casting or carbon production. In addition, we first introduce our entire production and management systems in Taiwan before expanding to the entire group.
factories | divisions
SRSUNTOUR shenzhen (china) 深圳工廠
Shenzhen factory
佔地面積:33,000㎡ 員工人數:800名 生產品項:避震前叉、大齒盤
33,000 m² site area Number of employees: 800 Products: Suspension fork, crankset
深圳工廠為集團的主力生產工 廠、從素材開始至成品採一貫化 的生產作業。內製率超過90%、 能提供更穩定的品質。
The Taiwan factory has become our high tech production plant. We develop high-end products that incorporate cutting-edge technology like magnesium die-casting or carbon production. In addition, we first introduce our entire production and management systems in Taiwan before expanding to the entire group.
Since 1988
SRSUNTOUR kunshan (china) 昆山工廠
Kunshan factory
佔地面積:25,000㎡ 員工人數:400名 生產品項:避震前叉、大齒盤、 變速器、E-BIKE系統
25,000 m² site area Number of employees: 400 Products: Suspension fork, crankset, transmission, E-BIKE system
昆山工廠主要是生產集團原有製 品、E-BIKE系統之開發及生產。 新工廠於去年年底開始開工生 產、使本集團可以充分地供應中 國大陸之內需市場。
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
In addition to the production of our existing product line-up, we are developing new E-BIKE systems and a new production line for E-bike components in Kunshan. The new factory established at end of last year has just started production and is increasing the capacity to meet the growing demand that comes from the dynamic domestic market.
Global Expansion
TAIWAN SR SUNTOUR Inc. #7 Hsing Yeh Rd Fu Hsing Industrial Zone Chang Hua, Taiwan
FRANCE SR SUNTOUR France SAV service + sales Parc d‘activités Alpespace 604 voie Galilée 73800 Sainte Hélène du lac France
Global Expansion
本公司以台灣、深圳、昆山三地之工廠 作為生產基地、將「SR SUNTOUR」品 牌的產品銷向全世界、活用此三地工廠 各自擁有的優勢、不單只針對開發、對 於生產技術與製造之間的效率也作最大 之提昇、充分對應客戶需求。在客戶服 務方面、除了台灣與大陸以外、也在歐 洲及美國設立了辦事處、在服務並照顧 客戶之同時、對於主要客戶國家的代理 商也提供充實又完整的幫助。
With our three production plants in Kunshan (Mainland China), in Shenzhen (Mainland China) and in Taiwan, the production of SRSUNTOUR products for the worldwide market is covered. Utilizing the features of each of the three production plants, we are take full advantage of the efficiency between production technology and the research & development necessary to meet the needs of our customers. In addition besides Taiwan and mainland China we have also established offices in USA and Europe to enhance follow-up with customer support and in terms of services in other major countries we work hand-in-hand with our official distributors.
CHINA SR SUNTOUR (Shen Zhen) Inc. Suibei Industrial Zone Suibei Road Gongming Town, Baoan District Shen Zhen, China
EUROPE SR SUNTOUR EUROPE GmbH Am Marschallfeld 6a 83626 Valley Germany
CHINA SR SUNTOUR Machinery (Kunshan) Co.Ltd. 1500 HongHu Road , KunShan development zone JiangSu Province CHINA ZIP 215333
USA SR SUNTOUR North America Inc. Sales and Service Center 14511 NE 10th Avenue, Unit E Vancouver, WA 98685
Belgium SR SUNTOUR EUROPE S.A. Boulevard Henri Rollin 5 1410 Waterloo Belgium
poland SR SUNTOUR EUROPE sp. zo. o. Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce Sales and Customer Support ul. Ostrowska 498 61-324 Poznan, Poland
gERMANY SR SUNTOUR Technical Service Center Max-Planck-Str. 8 97526 Sennfeld, Germany
Since 1988
在製造本公司的主要產品時、不能欠缺之 技術為鋁合金的溶湯壓鑄法。我們為世界 上最早將此技術用於生產自行車手把上之 公司、之後、在生產座墊桿、大齒盤、花 鼓以及避震前叉等產品時、也都利用了此 技術。我們從開始生產以來、雖然累積了 40年以上的研究開發經驗值、但仍舊致力 於壓鑄技術、加工技術、組立技術之研究 發展、並且持續不斷努力不懈。
All our higher-end products have a feature based on melt-forged. The technology is called Accurad forging (AC4C) and has become an indispensable method which combines the benefits of casting and forging technology. This unique aluminium casting technology was adopted first for handlebars and stems. We have since extended the use of the AC4C technology to seat pillars, cranksets, hubs and suspension forks. Since the beginning of the production, we have accumulated over 40 years of research and experiences and are keener than ever to continue investing our time and know-how into casting and processing technology research as well as assembly technology.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
Since 1988
Product development
本公司一直在致力追求客戶所需的產品、進 而創造、開發出客戶需求的產品。對於新材 料及新技術的探求也是不遺餘力、為的是希 望能早一步將新開發的材料及技術運用在新 產品上。當然、即使在開發階段、我們也不 忘考量安全、品質、合理價格與客戶需求等 層面、將之運用在產品的設計上。
We always start our approach to product developments by analysing the demands of our customers. At the same time we explore new materials, new technology to incorporate them into our new products. From the development stage to the finished product we always keep in mind the requirements given from the customers regarding quality, safety and price.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
research & development
Since 1988
從「TPS」開始、我們陸續採用了「TQM」 「TPM」等新製造技術。接著導入「ERP」 系統、從材料投入開始到成品出貨為止, 整合有關營業、製造、財務等資訊、並可 以多方面、有效的分析及使用這些資訊、 實現成本及品質穩定控管。
Since the introduction of the TPS method we have been continuously incorporating new manufacturing reforms like the „TQM“ „TPM“ methods. The introduction of the [ERP] system has lead to a multilateral use of information and a more efficient interface between sales, shipping, material supply, manufacturing, and finance. With all our departments centralized we are able to guarantee a reliable cost structure and consistent production quality.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
innovativE production
Since 1988
品質 我們引進了材料基本分析儀、產品測 量所需的三次元量測儀器、強度與性 能測試所必需的油壓馬達式疲勞測試 機等各式最新最先進的測試設備、以 提供客戶們更穩定的產品品質。
Quality control We have a comprehensive, in-house quality control structure which stretches from basic material analysis to fatigue testing machines equipped with hydraulic servo arms and a threedimensional measurement approach to precisely check the dimensions. Also state-of-the-art testing machines to evaluate the strength and performance of our products are in-house which guarantees a stable and dependable supply of high quality products.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
quality control
Since 1988
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
環境污染及大規模地球暖化等現象、對我們 居住的環境已經造成了傷害。本公司自取得 ISO14000認證以來、即積極致力於讓地球環境 返璞歸真的行動、也持續不斷地跟上其他各國的 腳步。自行車對於社會環境及個人健康而言是一 項很好的商品、也就是說、自行車產業的發展對 於地球環境之改善、佔有相當重要的地位。
Phenomena such as global warming and environmental pollution on a global scale have become a dangerous problem. Since our company obtained the ISO14001 certification, we actively involve ourselves in environmental-friendly production on a global and local scale. The bicycle itself is an environmental-friendly product, and contributes to a healthy and sustainable life.
Since 1988
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
field test by werx
field test by werx
有些選手選用WERX、登上比3,000米以上的 高山、創造下坡競技的歷史記錄;有些選手 每年於全世界比賽、騎乘約100,000公里測試 WERX;甚至有些選手為挑戰賽程為一分鐘的 世界級競賽、選用本公司的WERX;更有些選 手使用WERX、花了整個夏天橫越北美或歐 洲、日以繼夜測試WERX。我們的理念、設計 觀點以及產品、若沒有這些選手的回饋、是無 法完成的。我們的產品即是這些選手的測試成 果所累積而成的。
Some riders take our products over climbs above 3.000m high an epic descents. Some riders travel 100.000 km per year around the world to test our forks at the World Cup races. And other riders configure set-ups for special World Cup races which last less than a minute. Other riders spend their whole summer road tripping through Europe or across North America from one freeride spot to another, sharing their caravan bed with their bikes. Our ideas, our design solutions and our products wouldn’t be complete without these riders‘ feedback. Our products come from race proven engineering.
Since 1988
roger rinderknecht SUI
Annika langvad DK
UCI MTB World Champion 4X 2012
UCI MTB World Champion XC Marathon 2012 UCI MTB World Champion XC Marathon 2011
多年以來、在本公司工程師、員工以及贊助選手 的努力鑽研下、SR SUNTOUR的產品終於得到最 高的肯定、並於2011及2012年贏得許多的世界 杯獎項、其中有倫敦奧林匹克競賽金牌。藉由 SR SUNTOUR卓越的前叉及技術協助下、JULIE BRESSET、ROGER RINDERKNECHT及ANNIKA LANGVAD選手們榮獲了2012世界杯金牌。我們 已經證明SR SUNTOUR前叉已經是世界級水準的產 品、並且廣受世界級選手的採用、也讓我們深信、 本公司的產品即將登上世界的最頂峰。
After many years of hard work by our engineers, mechanics and sponsored riders, SR Suntour finally received the ultimate product validation in 2011 and 2012 with numerous World Cup wins, World Champion titles and an Olympic gold medal in London. Aided by SR SUNTOUR‘s superior fork technology, Julie Bresset, Roger Rinderknecht and Annika Langvad won gold at the World Championships 2012. We have proven that SR Suntour suspension forks are world class products ready for world class riders, and believe the best is yet to come.
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
julie bresset fra Olympic Gold Medal Winner MTB XC 2012 UCI MTB World Champion XC Elite 2012 UCI MTB World Champion XC U23 2011 UCI MTB World Cup Overall Winner Elite XC 2011
Since 1988
願景展望 自行車、本來對環境而言是相當溫和的產品、同時 對於個人健康而言也是很好的產物品。我們一直秉 持著一個信念、就是不單單只是製造自行車零組件 來販賣、最主要是要讓使用者都能感覺騎乘起來 「很舒適」、「很有樂趣」、「很安全」的境界 邁進。 1.創造能改善地球環境之自行車零組件。 2.見到「SR SUNTOUR」就等於見到了安心 與安全之品牌形象。 3.於技術、開發方面、創造更有魅力之 自行車零組件。 4.持續穩定獲利、貢獻區域社會與國際社會。
SRSUNTOUR Company Profile 2013
Future prospects
Future prospects The bicycle is a product that is good for your health and environmental friendly. By developping, producing and selling bicycle parts, we want to contribue to the lifestyle of cycling, and to make people feel comfortable and safe whilst having fun using the bicycle. This is what we as the manufacturer aim to continue.
1. The creation of bicycle parts that contribute to the improvement of the global environment. 2. Make the „SR SUNTOUR“ brand image synonymous with safety and reliability. 3. The development of new technology and the creation of bicycle parts must always lead to a more valuable and attractive bike. 4. Produce a stable profit, and contribute to the prosperity of the local community as well as to the global community. (sustainable, socially responsible and fair employment policy and production methods)
Since 1988
SR SUNTOUR corporate TAIWAN SR SUNTOUR Inc. #7 Hsing Yeh Rd Fu Hsing Industrial Zone Chang Hua, Taiwan Tel. +886 4 7695115 Fax: +886 4 7694028 E-mail: Web:
CHINA SR SUNTOUR (Shen Zhen) Inc. Suibei Industrial Zone Suibei Road Gongming Town, Baoan District Shen Zhen Tel. +86 755 27105533 Fax: +86 755 27105633 CHINA SR SUNTOUR Machinery (Kunshan) Co.Ltd. 388 Matang Road PengLang, KunShan development zone JiangSu Province China ZIP 215333 Tel. +86 512 578 12530 Fax: +86 512 578 12561
EUROPE SR SUNTOUR Europe GmbH Am Marschallfeld 6a 83626 Valley Germany Tel. +49 8024 3038152 Fax: +49 8024 4730984 E-mail: USA SR SUNTOUR North America Inc. Sales and Service Center 14511 NE 10th Avenue, Unit E Vancouver, WA 98685 Tel. 360 737 6450 E-mail: Web: