Washington Informer - October 4, 2012

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“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Reynolds Analyzes Romney’s World See Page 26 •

C e l e b r a t i n g 4 7 Ye a r s o f S e r v i c e

Serving More Than 50,000 African American Readers Throughout The Metropolitan Area / Vol. 47, No. 51 Oct. 4 - Oct. 10, 2012

Go Nats! Washington Nationals players celebrate on the field with fans after learning that they had clinched the National League East championship. /Photo courtesy of the Washington Nationals

Voter Suppression Foes Lay Foundation for Nov. 6 Significant Numbers Register to Vote By Barrington M. Salmon WI Staff Writer When a Republican-dominated U.S. Supreme Court selected George W. Bush as president in 2000, experts, political pundits and others said they hoped the debacle of hanging chads, ineligible ballots and purported elec-

toral improprieties would not be repeated. But 12 years later, there are growing fears that the Nov. 6 elections might be fraught with similar issues and problems that could throw the result of the race between President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney into doubt for

weeks after balloting is completed. So in an effort to fight against a sustained voter suppression effort by Republicans and to ensure that the election results aren’t close, members of the Congressional Black Caucus [CBC], the American Civil Liberties Union and a range of or-

ganizations across the country took part in National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 25. It is estimated that voter suppression could potentially cost as many as five million votes. “I appreciate that we have a very important job to do leading up to Nov. 6,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told

Visit us online for daily updates and much more @ www.washingtoninformer.com. Redevelopment comes to Skyland Page 4

Natalie Williams’ Cancer Battle Page 30

thousands of participants at the CBC’s recently concluded 42nd Annual Legislative Conference. “Right now, we have a challenge to succeed in meeting this new age of discrimination ... our names are on the ballot but there’s nothing less on the ballot


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Sports Highlights Pages 44-45

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Events DC Host Vendors “Hollywood Nights” Events DC hosted a vendors “Hollwood Nights” at the Carnegie Library at Mt. Vernon Square in Washington, DC. The event was held to showcase the best vendors for event planning. Invited guest were wined and dined and treated to some of the city’s finest array of main course dishes . Every aspect for hosting a grand event was present- music, lighting,, cocktails, beverages, treats, scrumptious desserts, elegant entrees all for guests to sample -- door prizes and gift bags rounded out an evening of “Hollywood Nights” for more informtion email Kristina Noell at knoell@eventsdc.com or 202-249-3229.

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L-(L-R) Adelle Chenier, Daleyna Adkinson & Candace Johnson - Events DC

Ricki Quarterman from “Mixology “

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2 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer


10/4/2012 - 10/10/2012 AROUND THE REGION Black Facts Page 6 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY Page 12 BUSINESS William Reed’s Business Exchange Page 16 COMMENTARIES Pages 26-27 RELIGION Lyndia Grant’s Religion Column Page 47

Brian Thompson, tees off as D.C. Fire Chief Kenneth Ellerbe watches during the Alpha Kappa Alpha Golf Tournament at Langston Golf Course on Friday, Sept. 28. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

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The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


region Skyland

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Demolition Paves Way for New Shopping Center Women Break the Cycle of 23 Years and Counting

Domestic Violence

By Michelle B. PhippsEvans WI Staff Writer By Tia Carol Jones WI Staff Writer

law enforcement. She said they threat,” she said. had come together to bring a Among the programs Marlow sense of uniformity in the way wants to see implemented are domestic violence victims and stricter restraining order policies, survivors are treated. more rights for victim's families “She's using her own personal to intervene on behalf of a vicstory, her own personal pain to tim, a domestic violence assesspush forward,” Davis-Nickens ment unit coupled with further said about Marlow. training for law enforcement Davis-Nickens said anyone agencies, a Child's Life Protecwho reads Marlow's book will tion Act and mandatory counsel“get it.” She said she “puts the ing for batterers. case in such a way, the average “If we are ever going to eradiperson can get it.” She said at the cate domestic violence, we must end of the day, the book will look at both sides of the coin. help people begin to have a dia- We need to address both the viclogue about domestic violence. tim and the batterer,” Marlow Also present at the event was said. Mildred Muhammad, the exMarlow would also like to see wife of John Allen Muhammad, programs designed to raise who was sentenced to six consec- awareness among children in utive life terms without parole public and private schools. She by a Maryland jury for his role in feels children need to be educatthe Beltway Sniper attacks in ed about domestic violence. 2002. Mildred Muhammad is “We have to stop being pasthe founder of After the Trauma, sive-aggressive with poor chilan organization that helps the dren about domestic violence,” survivors of domestic violence Marlow said. and their children. Marlow has worked to break “I lived in fear for six years. Six the of abuse in hat, her kicked family, Council member Marion Barry (D-Ward 8),cycle in a suit and hard years in fear is a long time. It is and is confident the policies she off the initial demolition phase of the Skyland Shopping Center in Southeast not an easy Sept. thing26. to Barry, come inside out theiscrane, pushing will start that on Wednesday, helpedfor the construction of,” she said. Below, Mayor Vincent Gray process. crews get started. also attended the demolition. Mildred Muhammad said “I plan to take these policies to /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah people who want to help a Congress and implore them to domesticand violence victimterms must tochange our laws,” said. be named becauseMarlow she works plication; is negotiating of how go into for “I will stop government, until these poliofbeitscareful agreement with they the District. the not District as the victim's life, and understand cies the are last passed.” Legislation leading to site disposi- does homeowner. thatwillshe may be in2013. “survival Tia Carol Jones can be reached tion be introduced “We’re not getting guaranmode”. at tiacaroljones@sbcglobal.net While several residents are tees from the city or developers,” “Before you get to 'I'm going ecstatic, four homeowners on Ft. Harris to killDrive you,'init Hillcrest started asare a verbal WI said, adding they have Baker not. hired experts who said there will Homeowners said they will be afbe damage. fected by redevelopment. Henry Fonvielle, president “We are so concerned about of developer Rappaport, disthe demolition that we asked the developers to buy these four agreed, saying that since the dehomes,” said Joanne Harris, a 20- velopment will be done in phases, year resident. damage will be minimal. The homes sit behind trees “The first phase will include in the back of the shopping the big box retail,” which will be center. Each was fortified with in the front, far from the homes, underpinnings, for more than $50,000, residents said. One ho- said Fonvielle. He said as developmeowner, Cherise Cole, pointed ment gets closer to the back, the to her tilted dining room chan- smaller housing units will have a delier and a slanted curtain rod lesser impact on Ft. Baker Drive because there’s a ravine “buffer” above the window. “All I know is our home between Skyland and the homes. is on pillars, and the soil is not The first phase begins in 2013. sturdy and it will get damaged As Skyland becomes a “reonce the vibration begins,” said ality,” these residents said they Cole who moved into the house may do something drastic. in 2006 with her husband, Ron, “We’re going toL.Y. haveMarlow to take and two young daughters. legal action against the govern“I just want to make sure my home is the same before Sky- ment and the developer if anyland’s development as after,” said thing happens to our homes,” another resident who asked not Cole said wi

Mayor Vincent C. Gray joined Ward Council member When L.Y.7 Marlow's 23-yearYvette Alexander Ward 8 old daughter told and her the father Council member Marion Barry of her daughter threatened her on Wednesday, Sept.of26their to begin life, and the life child, a she phased demolition of had the Skyknew something to be land Shopping Center, 18-acre done. Out of her an frustration with handling site at law theenforcement's intersections of AlaEmail comments to: of the situation, sheHope decided bama Avenue, Good Roadto rburke@ start the Road Savingin Southeast. Promise camand Naylor To paign. many residents in Ward 7’s Hillwashingtoninformer.com seems to beita was vicious cycle crest“Itcommunity, a long thatin coming. won't turn my family time loose,” Marlow said. Marlow “This is so exciting,” said shared herNeighborhood story with theComaudiAdvisory ence at 7B theRobin District Heights missioner Marlin who Domestic Violence Symposium worked with Hillcrest’s Skyland on May 7 at the District Heights Revitalization Taskforce, as the Municipal Center. The sympoShoe City building began to We represent victims of major sium was sponsored by the crumble after it was crunched medical malpractice such as Services byFamily the clawand of aYouth backhoe. The Sandra Robinson Jack Olender cerebral palsy. Center of the city of District taskforce worked with city offiAll 5 lawyers were again elected Heights and the National Hookcials and store owners to jump“Best Lawyers in America” 2012 Up of Black Women. Skyland’shas redevelopment for Karen Evans is a nurse/attorney startMarlow written a book, more than 23 years. Attorney/Pediatrician Harlow Case Karen Evans Melissa Rhea “Color Me Butterfly,” which is a “This community under-of Robert Chabon, M.D., J.D. is story about four generations Of Counsel. stands the definition of longis domestic violence. The book suffering,” said who acinspired by herGray, own69, experiences, knowledged Deputy Mayor Vicand those of her grandmother, tor Hoskins and Attorney Genher mother and her daughter. eral the she project’s SheIrvin saidNathan every for time reads acceleration. “When I came in excerpts from her book, she still In Memoriam office 21 months ago,words I made a Dr. Calvin W. Rolark, Sr. can not believe the came Wilhelmina J. Rolark promise we “Color would move the refrom her. Me Butterfly” The Washington Informer Newspaper development of Skyland forward won the 2007 National “Best THE WASHINGTON INFORMER PUBLISHER asBooks” quicklyAward. as possible, and today In Memoriam NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) Denise Rolark Sr. Barnes Dr. isCalvin W. Rolark, is further we’re keeping “I wasevidence just 16-years-old when published weekly on each Thursday. Wilhelmina J. Rolark my eye first blackened and my faith with that commitment.” Periodicals postage paid at Washing- STAFF THE WASHINGTON lips bled,” Marlow by said. Anchored Walmart, ton, D.C. and additional INFORMER mailing of- NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) is published Denise W. Barnes, Editor weekly on and Thursday. Periodicals fices. News advertising deadlinepostage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional the Elaine site willDavis-Nickens, be transformed presiinto mailing offices. News and advertising deadline is Monday prior to publication. is Monday prior to publication. An- Shantella Y. Sherman, Assistant Editor dent ofsquare-feet the National Hook-Up 315,000 of retail that Announcements must be received two weeks prior to event. Copyright 2000 by The nouncements must be received two of Blacknational-brand Women, said there is no includes retailers Washington Informer. All rights reserved. Send change of addressRonPOST Burke,MASTER: Advertising/ Marketing Director weeks to event. Copyright 2010 consistency in theshops way and domestic es toprior The Washington Informer, 3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, and neighborhood resbyD.C. The20032. Washington All Lafayette IV,without Assistant PhotopermisEditor No partInformer. of this publication may be Barnes, reproduced written violencePlans issuesinclude are dealt taurants. 468with hous-by rights sionreserved. from thePOSTMASTER: publisher. TheSend Informer Newspaper cannot guarantee the return of Khalid Naji-Allah, Staff Photographer ing units. Presently, the site is set change of addresses to Therates Washphotographs. Subscription are $30 per year, two years $45. Papers will be received to be conveyed to the developnot more than a3117 weekMartin after publication. MakeE.checks payable to: ington Informer, Luther John De Freitas, Sports Photo Editor King, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, D.C. ment team led by The Rappaport Dorothy INFORMER Rowley, Online Editor THE WASHINGTON 20032. No part of this publication may Companies, and William C. Smith 3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 be reproduced without written permisBrian Young, Design & Layout & Company. Phone: 202 561-4100 • Fax: 202 574-3785 sion from the publisher. The Informer E-mail: news@washingtoninformer.com Most delays were legal, as Newspaper cannot guarantee the return AssureTech /www.scsworks.com, Webmaster www.washingtoninformer.com Skyland tenants who lost busiof photographs. Subscription rates are Mable Neville, Bookkeeper nesses through eminent domain $45 per year, two years $60. Papers will PUBLISHER Thompson, Social Sightings columnist be received not more than a week after Mickey fought the actions. In 2011, seven Denise Rolark Barnes publication. Make checks payable to: Stacey Palmer, Social Media Specialist cases were related to Skyland. ToSTAFF REPORTERS day, the city awaits one decision THE WASHINGTON INFORMER Brooke N. Garner Managing Editor Tia C. Jones, Ed Laiscell, REPORTERS from the D.C. Court of Appeals. Carla Peay Luther King, Assistant Managing Editor Odell B. Ruffin, Larry Saxton, 3117 Martin Jr. Ave., S.E Ron Burke D.C. 20032Advertising and Marketing Mary Wells, Joseph Young “I don’t know if eminent Washington, Mable Whittaker Bookkeeper Misty Brown, Eve Ferguson, Joy FreemanPhone: 202 561-4100 domain works differently in Ward LaNita Wrenn Administration Coulbary, PHOTOGRAPHERS Gale Horton Gay, Barrington Fax: 574-3785 7,” said Skyland taskforce memJohn202 E. De Freitas Sports Editor Lafayette Barnes, IV, Salmon, Stacey Palmer , Charles E. Sutton news@washingtoninformer.com Victor Holt Photo Editor John E. De Freitas, Maurice Fitzgerald, ber Paul Savage about D.C.’s www.washingtoninformer.com Zebra Designs, Inc. Layout & Graphic ,James Design Wright, JoanneJoseph Jackson,Young Roy Lewis, Robert power to seize private property Ken Harris /www.scsworks.com Webmaster Ridley, Victor Holt without owners’ consent, as NaCIRCULATION tional Park was built in less than PHOTOGRAPHERS Paul Trantham two years, he said. John E. De Freitas, Victor Holt, Roy Lewis, In 2010, the development Khalid Naji-Allah, Shevry Lassiter team received approval of its Planned Unit Development ap4 / May 15 - 21, 2008 The Washington Informer / www.washingtoninformer.com 4 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012 The Washington Informer

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We have to stop being passive-aggressive with poor children about domestic violence. I plan to take these policies to Congress and implore them to change our laws. I will not stop until these policies are passed.

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around the region Eugene Kinlow is the public affairs director for DC Vote, the organization seeks to increase the political rights of District residents. /Courtesy Photo

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D.C. Political Roundup By James Wright WI Staff Writer Sloan Sure of D.C. Council Bid Douglass Sloan, the advisory neighborhood commissioner for 4B09 and campaign manager for D.C. Council member Vincent Orange’s (D-At Large) re-election effort, said that he will likely compete for the interim D.C. Council member position that will become vacant when, as expected, interim D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson wins his post permanently in a special election on Nov. 6. “Based on my experience, I think I [would] be a good council member,” said Sloan, 41. “My main platform position [would] be to create a viable, sustainable [business environment] for the District of Columbia and to make the D.C. Democratic State Committee more relevant in city politics.” The D.C. Board of Elections will declare Mendelson’s at-large seat vacant soon after he, as expected, wins on Nov. 6. Mendelson is a Democrat and by District law, it’s up to the D.C. Democratic State Committee, to select an interim D.C. Council member until a special citywide election is held. The special election will probably take place in early March 2013 and the selection for the interim D.C. Council member will take place in late November. Anita Bonds, the chairman of the D.C. Democratic State Committee, has also indicated that she will seek the appointment. Sloan is

an ex-officio member of the D.C. Democratic State Committee. Sloan, a resident of Northwest, is a native Washingtonian and owns a public affairs consulting firm, Sloan Consulting, LLC in Northwest. He has worked for D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams, D.C. Council member Harold Brazil, and worked with Adrian Fenty in his 2000 election to the D.C. Council and the successful 2006 mayoral campaign. In 2010, he made an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic Party nomination for the District’s delegate to the U.S. Congress. Sloan said that he has a shot at the position. “The consensus among committee members is to select someone from within the ranks,” he said. Sloan said that he “will think long and hard” about running in the special election, if he’s not selected. “It is about raising money from fundraisers,” he said. “As the incumbent, even for the short period of time, has a lot of advantages and I can use that to raise money and make people aware of my candidacy.” District political analyst Chuck Thies said that Sloan may have a tough time getting the interim D.C. Council member appointment because of Bonds. “I think that Bonds has already lined up the votes to take that spot,” said Thies, 47. “If Douglass defeats her that would be quite an accomplishment.” Still, Thies admires Sloan’s moxie. “He has taken on Elea-


nor Holmes Norton and he is about to take on Anita Bonds,” he said. “He’s not a chicken.” Kinlow Mum on Next DC Vote Leader Eugene Kinlow, the public affairs director for DC Vote, an organization dedicated to securing full political rights for District residents, hinted but didn’t confirm, that he’s interested in being Denise Rolark Barnes the organization’s next executive Independent Beauty Consultant www.marykay/drolark-barnes.com director. Executive Director Ilir 202-236-8831 Zherka is leaving DC Vote at the end of October to lead another advocacy group. “It is the board of directors who decides who the next executive director [will be],” said Kinlow, 50. “There are steps in the process for selecting the executive director. There is the announcement that the position is vacant, then the board selects the interim executive director and then the permanent director is picked.” Kinlow, a resident of Southeast, is a well-known civic and political activist who has run for a D.C. Council at-large position and the Ward 8 post on the D.C. State Board of Education. He is the co-host of WPFW’s “D.C. Politics Hour.” Kinlow said that it’s likely the interim ‡ Please executive director set all copy in upper and lowercase, flush left as indicated on artwork at these point sizes: Consultant name in 11-point Helvetica Neue Bo Beauty Consultant in 9-point will not be selected for the per- Helvetica Neue Light; Web site or e-mail address in 9-point Helvetica Neue Light; phone number in 9-point Helvetica To the Independent Beauty Consultant: Only Company-approved Web sites obtained through the Mary Kay® Personal Web Site program may manent position. For the time being, Kinlow’s keeping his options open. “I’m supportive of the process.” wi The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


Around the Region Week of oct 4 to oct 10

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October 4 1864 - The New Orleans Tribune, the first black daily newspaper was founded. 1949 - J.B. Blayton purchased WERD in Atlanta, GA. It was the first Black owned radio station in that city. 1969 - Howard N. Lee and Charles Evers are elected the first African American mayors of Chapel Hill, N.C. and Fayette, Miss., respectively. 1988 - The Martin L. King, Jr. Federal Building is dedicated in Atlanta, Ga. It is the first federal building in the nation to bear the name of the slain civil rights leader. 1988 - Bill and Camille Cosby make a $20 million gift to Spelman College. 1996 - Congress passes a bill authorizing the creation of 500,000 Black Revolutionary War Patriots Commemorative coins. October 5 1871 - Fisk Jubilee Singers began first national tour. 1917 - Activist, Fannie Lou Hamer, was born. 1971 - John A. Wilkinson’s marriage to Lorraine Mary

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Turner was the first legalized interracial marriage in North Carolina. Wilkinson was black and Turner was white. 1867 - Monroe Baker, a well-to-do Black businessman, named mayor of St. Martin, Louisiana. 1872 - Booker T. Washington, leaves Malden, West VA to enter Hampton Institute, 1872 1932 - Congresswoman, Yvonne Burke, born, 1932 October 7 1931 - Birthday of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. 1820 - The “Emancipator,” the first anti-slavery magazine, was issued monthly from April 30 to October 31, 1820. It was edited and published by Elihu Embree. 1889 - William Owen Bush (1832-1907) was the first black elected to the Washington legislature. 1934 - Playwright Imamu Amiri Baraka was born Everett LeRoi Jones in Newark, New Jersey. 1993 - Writer, Toni Morrison, awarded the Nobel Prize in literature.

October 8 1821 - Chronicler of The Underground Railroad Records, William Still was born. 1887 - Sculptor, Sargent Johnson, was born. 1888 - Sargent C. Johnson, pioneering artist of the Harlem Renaissance, known for his wood, cast stone, and ceramic sculptures, was born. 1941 - Activist and 1988 candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Rev. Jesse Jackson was born. October 9 1806 - Benjamin Banneker dies in Ellicott’s Mills, Maryland. He was 74 years old. 1823 - Mary Ann Shadd, publisher of Canada’s first antislavery newspaper, The Provincial Freeman and the first woman in North American to publish and edit a newspaper, was born. 1963 - Uganda becomes a republic within the British Commonwealth. 1984 – W. Wilson Goode becomes the 1st African American mayor of Philadelphia October 10 1788 - African Free School opened in New York. 1897 - Elijah Muhammad was born Elijah Poole in Sandersville, Georgia as one of 13 children of tenant farmers who were former slaves. 1935 - Porgy and Bess premieres in New York City. 1946 - Singer, Ben Vereen, born, 1946 1966 - The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was founded, October 10, 1966 in Oakland, Ca. by Huey P. Newton & Bobby Seale.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

6 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer



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Jeffery Howard Takoma Park, Md. Their success is definitely bringing a lot more people together and out to the games. It’s about time. I’m a Redskins fan, but I love the Nationals. I was here when the Washington Senators were still playing, so it’s good to have a baseball team in the city again and it’s really good to have a team that’s doing well. The playoffs will definitely bring more jobs to the District and it also brings just a good all-around vibe to the area.

Richard Smith Silver Spring, Md. I’m definitely going to follow the Nationals in the playoffs. I hope that they make it to the World Series and win the whole thing. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a team win a championship. It will be good exposure for the city. Having the first round of the playoffs here is good for the [District] because it will bring a lot of revenue with all the fans coming here from out of town.


Kern Morant Washington, D.C. I’m excited for the Nationals. It’s been a long time coming for the city and all of the Nationals fans. I hope that they go far in the playoffs and bring the championship trophy home to D.C. Maybe the Redskins will follow them and carry the momentum deep into their season and make the playoffs.

Jeff Toney Washington, D.C. I remember going with my father years ago to watch the Washington Senators when they were absolutely terrible. So I’m excited to finally see a winning baseball team in Washington since we haven’t had a good football and basketball team in years. I think that this will give the city a sense of pride and it will attract a lot of people. It’s exciting.

Victor Drummond Takoma Park, Md. This means a lot for the city. It’s been ages since we’ve had a legitimate playoff team. Looking ahead, I think that they can actually make it to the World Series. I’m looking forward to seeing them do well from the first round all the way to the championship. The playoffs will bring a lot of revenue and business to the city.

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Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

National Urban League President Marc Morial.

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In an effort to fight against a sustained voter suppression effort by Republicans, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, National Urban League President Marc Morial, Rep. John Lewis [D.Ga.] and Donna Brazile, vice chairman of the Democratic Party urged guests who attended the Congressional Black Caucus’ 42nd Annual Legislative Conference to vote in the upcoming election and to not be deterred. /Courtesy Photos

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8 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

than our honor.” “Our strength is our vote which is why it’s under attack.” National Urban League President Marc H. Morial agrees. “These new laws are a thinlyveiled attempt to drive down turnout among people of color, senior citizens and students,” Morial said, noting that new laws have been introduced in 41 states since 2010, and passed in 17 states and appear to target very specific voting blocs. “While some of the laws have been struck down by the courts, millions of people could face new hurdles when they go to cast their ballots. We want to make sure everyone is properly registered and prepared.” On National Voter Registration Day, besides CBC members, volunteers, representatives from organized labor, celebrities, and organizations such as the Fair The Washington Informer

Elections Legal Network, the League of Women’s Voters, Non Profit Vote and Voto Latino hit the streets on a “single day of coordinated field, technology and media efforts” to create a blanket of awareness of registration opportunities. It is provisional balloting that could cause election officials heartburn. The new voting laws in key swing states could force a lot more voters to cast provisional ballots in November. Delays of results in close races might not be known for days or weeks while election officials pore over ballots and campaigns stake out positions over which votes should be counted. It is expected that the new laws in competitive states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia and Florida could easily leave the eventual outcome of the election in doubt, particularly if the vote is close. Meanwhile, recently implemented laws in Tennessee, Kansas and South Carolina could precipitate delays

in the release of results in local and state elections. Voters cast provisional ballots because they failed to update their voter registration; their right to vote may be challenged; or because they didn’t bring proper ID to the polls. Verifying that those who cast provisional votes is one thing, but that process could take election officials days or weeks. Another layer of uncertainty exists because elections officials won’t know the number of provisional ballots cast until after Election Day. If a candidate wins by a landslide, then provisional ballots will carry much less weight but their importance shifts if the race between Obama and Romney and between congressional challengers is close. Donna Brazile, veteran political strategist, academic and vice chairman of the Democratic

See REGISTRATION on Page 9 www.washingtoninformer.com

around the region

“Being able to vote, particularly in this country, shouldn’t be partisan, it’s precious, almost sacred. People died for this vote, stood in long lines … in the 1960s, all I did was give a little blood.” – Rep. John Lewis [D.Ga.] REGISTRATION continued from Page 8 National Committee, said current voter suppression laws or those being considered in 41 states are designed to disenfranchise minorities, the elderly, the poor, students, and disabled voters who are often less likely to have the types of IDs the GOP is demanding. At the same time, supporters of these restrictive measures say the laws are necessary to maintain the integrity of the election process and prevent fraud. Lee Saunders, head of the 1.6 million-strong American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, [AFSCME], said in a Sept. 28 interview that he was heading to battleground states this past weekend to join 80,000 union activists and staff who will be working tirelessly in the effort to re-elect Obama. “We’ll be leafleting, making phone calls, knocking on doors, talking to people who may not be union members,”said Saunders, who was born into a union family and who has worked with AFSCME in a variety of capacities for 34 years. “We’ll never be able to compete [monetarily] with Romney and the Koch Brothers … [but this] will prove to be the turning point and will put the president back in office.” In the five-plus weeks before the general election, the Urban League has embarked on what officials say is a concerted and coordinated anti-voter suppression effort, where the organization has intensified its voter education, registration and motivation activities nationwide. “[We are] keenly aware of the overwhelming sacrifice our predecessors made to secure the right to vote,” said Morial. “We will not stand by and allow voter suppression efforts to turn back the clock on our constitutional rights.”

Last week, Urban League officials unveiled a series of “Occupy the Vote” video, radio and print ads, featuring Angela Bassett, the Rev. Al Sharpton, Lamman Rucker, Eric Benét and other celebrities. Also this week, supporters were invited to become “Freedom Fighters,” serving on the front lines of the battle for equal voting rights. League workers at affiliate offices in North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Virginia have been making phone calls, and knocking on doors. They and other organizations are using Twitter, Facebook and other social media to reach millions of Americans, especially young people. “Our goal is to reach 500,000 people through our various outreach efforts,” Morial said. Even those not actively engaged in efforts to beat back cases of voter suppression said protecting people’s right to vote is imperative. “This is a very important issue. Yes, it does matter; [we must] cherish the right to exercise that franchise,” said Republican strategist and commentator Ron Christie at the CBC’s town hall on voter suppression. “In this election more than any, people need to get out and vote.” Longtime Civil Rights activist and Georgia Congressman John Lewis concurs. “Being able to vote, particularly in this country, shouldn’t be partisan, it’s precious, almost sacred,” he said soberly. “People died for this vote, stood in long lines … in the 1960s, all I did was give a little blood. Three young men I know gave their lives. It is not for us to be silent and not make some noise. We will march to polling stations and elections offices to dramatize this issue.” “We are too quiet. We need to make some noise and get up off our butts on Nov. 6.” wi


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


Around the Region




The second graduating class of the Hospitality Outreach Pathway to Employment [HOPE] program, with Mayor Vincent Gray, 3rd from left, and HOPE partners after the ceremony which took place at the Embassy Suites Hotel D.C. Convention Center in Northwest on Friday, Sept. 28. /Photo by Roy Lewis ATTACK ASTHMA. ACT NOW.

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    Fiduciary Panel Attorney - Superior Court of the District of Columbia - Probate Division Former DC Fraud Bureau Examiner - Insurance Administration  Former Law Clerk for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

10 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

Adult Graduates Prepare for Hospitality Careers By D.R. Barnes WI Staff Writer At what temperature does water boil? The short answer is 212 degrees. It is that one degree above 211 degrees that makes something happen. It’s the equivalent of a class of 40 adult students who enrolled in a 10-week hospitality course, and the 22 who stuck with it to the 212th degree to graduate and earn a certificate in hospitality from the HOPE [Hospitality Outreach Pathways to Employment] program. Catherine Meloy, president and CEO of Goodwill of Greater Washington, used that analogy to congratulate the students recruited through Goodwill’s workforce development program during their graduation ceremony on Friday, Sept. 28 at the Embassy Suites Hotel Convention Center in Northwest. The HOPE program, which prepares students for jobs in the hospitality industry, is funded by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education [OSSE] and Wal-Mart, and is supported by Progressive Partners, a hospitality consortium, and the Community College of the District of Columbia. D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray commended the students for their success in the program and reminded them that in the District “there is no industry more important than the hospitality industry.” “What an important role you all have, not only to be able to take care of yourselves, but what you The Washington Informer

can do for this city,” said Gray, 69. “Hospitality means the first face people see when they come here and how they are treated determines if they had a good stay. I don’t want to put a heavy burden on you but what you do will determine whether people will come back to visit or move to this city.” Gray also congratulated the organizers of the HOPE program for their “vision, tenacity and … willingness to give people a chance to start yet another career in their lives.” It started off rocky for Mary Frances White. She said she thought she was in the wrong place on the first day of class and left, but something told her to come back. “When I first started I was computer illiterate,” White said. “Now I’m leaving with my own laptop. They were no-nonsense people. Thank you for putting up with us.” Emily Durso, assistant superintendent of Post-Secondary and Career Education and former president of the Hotel Association of Washington, also congratulated the students “for taking this really big step.” “I know some people fell by the wayside because they couldn’t keep up. You held yourself to a very high standard, and these people held you to a very high standard. Do not stop today. You have many pathways to a really good career,” she said. Many of the students are embarking upon a new career following job layoffs and lengthy periods of unemployment. In-

structor Ellwood Reed said the students were held to a very stringent tardiness and absentee policy. “One minute late, after three times and you’re out of the door,” he said. Students were allowed only one absence, as well. It’s the same standard that Thomas Penny requires of his employees. Penny is managing partner of Progressive Partners and general manager of Courtyard by Marriott in Northwest. HOPE Business Advisory Board Member Ibrahim Mumin called Penny the “poster boy” of hospitality. A graduate of the University of Maryland, Penny’s career in hospitality started as a dishwasher at a local hotel and now he manages one of the highest grossing Courtyards in the U.S. “Progressive Partners is committed to hiring D.C. residents,” said Penny, who noted that the hospitality industry generates nearly $600 million per year in local tax revenue. “The HOPE program furthers that commitment by ensuring access to START training and workforce education.” Gray told the group of graduates that they’re more than prepared to enter the workforce and make a difference. “We don’t want you to just be trained, we want you to be a trained employee … a trained person [who] is earning a salary in the District of Columbia and [who] we can point to and say that ‘it can be done.’ And you all are making it happen.” wi www.washingtoninformer.com

Question 7 doesn’t smell right We’ve heard the empty promises about jobs and education. But here are the facts about Question 7: Fact #1 – Gambling expansion does not guarantee increased school funding. There’s a loophole in the law that allows politicians to move money from one account to the other with almost no accountability.

Fact #2 – The jobs claims don’t add up. When National Harbor was built, less than 4% of the contracts went

to local, minority-owned businesses. And almost 90% of Maryland’s construction workers won’t even be able to apply for construction jobs at the site.

Fact #3 – The Baltimore Sun says Question 7 is “a bad deal for Maryland.” (Editorial, 9/7/12)

They’re selling you a bill of goods. Don’t buy it. Check the facts. Vote NO on Question 7. www.VoteNoOn7.com Paid for by Get The Facts – Vote No On 7, Brian McQuade, Treasurer


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



Transforming Lives Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III, senior pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, center, is flanked by the Rev. Al Sharpton and other members of the Black clergy during a press conference in support of a same-sex marriage at the National Press Club on Friday, Sept. 21. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

Groups Pro and Con on Gay Marriage Make Final Push By Gale Horton Gay WI Staff Writer

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12 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer

Maryland voters will decide whether to legalize gay marriage, a hotly contested issue on Nov. 6. With slightly more than five weeks to go, both sides are projecting confidence that they are gaining ground and that the election will turn in their favor. Still both sides agree that the coming weeks are critical to their success and that they have much to do. Kevin Nix, communications director for Marylanders for Marriage Equality, said the organization is “cautiously confident” about its efforts to have a favorable outcome from the election. Marylanders for Marriage Equality is the campaign working to “defend marriage equality.” “Gay and lesbian couples share the same values of love, commitment and strong families – they should have the same opportunity to get a marriage license,” states the group on its website. In a web video advertisement on Marylanders for Marriage Equality’s website, Bob Ross, president of the Prince George’s County branch of the NAACP, said he was voting in favor of the gay marriage measure. “It is the fair thing to do,” Ross said in the advertisement. “I think things are looking good,” Nix said. “We think Marylanders can and do agree that all people should be treated fairly and equally.”

Derek McCoy, chairman of Maryland Marriage Alliance, also spoke favorably about inroads his group is making fighting against the measure. “I think things are going very well,” said McCoy. “We are moving forward.” Referendum Question 6 will appear on the ballot as the Civil Marriage Protection Act with the following language: Establishes that Maryland’s civil marriage laws allow gay and lesbian couples to obtain a civil marriage license, provided they are not otherwise prohibited from marrying; protects clergy from having to perform any particular marriage ceremony in violation of their religious beliefs; affirms that each religious faith has exclusive control over its own theological doctrine regarding who may marry within that faith; and provides that religious organizations and certain related entities are not required to provide goods, services, or benefits to an individual related to the celebration or promotion of marriage in violation of their religious beliefs. McCoy said the explicit language of the ballot question is beneficial to his side because it makes it clear this is a gay and lesbian issue and not a civil rights issue. On its website, the Maryland Marriage Alliance expresses its opposition to Question 6 in this way: “We speak with one voice to uphold marriage as the union between one man and one woman, and to express our opposition to any effort, which would redefine marriage in our

See MARRIAGE on Page14 www.washingtoninformer.com

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We’re MGM Resorts International®. We build and operate many of the finest resorts in the world from Bellagio and MGM Grand to The Mirage and Mandalay Bay. We’d like to join you here in Maryland. We want to make an $800 million investment right here in Prince George’s County by building a new world-class resort casino at National Harbor that would offer world-class entertainment, luxury retail and fine dining.

We’d like to hire 4,000 men and women — good-paying jobs with good benefits in hundreds of job categories — hotel clerks, chefs,


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We want to be an active partner in your community. We’ve been widely recognized by media including Black Enterprise and DiversityInc as a caring, inclusionary employer.

Help MGM Resorts bring our astonishing world to Prince George’s County. Vote for Question 7.


Authorized by FOR Maryland Jobs & Schools, Inc. Tim O'Brien, Treasurer


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, Senior Pastor, Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, listens as members of the Black clergy discuss their support for same-sex marriage. The pastor and other clergy held a press conference on the issue at the National Press Club on Friday, Sept. 21. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY MARRIAGE continued from Page 12 state law as a union between any two persons.” Now, the goal for the Alliance is making sure voters are educated on the referendum. McCoy said his group is focusing on phone banks and personal contact to reach prospective voters and that getting out the vote throughout the state is the key to their success. “We have to make sure every rural county and each area gets out to vote,” said McCoy. “We don’t take anything for granted. Everybody needs to get out to vote.” McCoy said he expects a heavy voter turnout with this being a presidential election year and with the gaming issue also being on the ballot. He said that the millions spent on pro and con gaming advertising will help his group in getting voters to the polls. He added that the Maryland Marriage Alliance will have a

media blitz this month. Nix said it’s crucial that voters are clear about the limits of the proposed same-sex marriage law. “It’s really important for folks to understand this is about civil marriage,” said Nix, who stressed that the

14 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

issue is a “legislative matter, a public policy matter and nothing in the church changes.” He said religious liberties remain protected. “Clergy don’t have to do anything they don’t want to do.” Polling indicates African Americans in Maryland are

The Washington Informer

equally split on the issue, however, there’s been a “slight uptick” in favor of the measure since March, Nix said. When President Barack Obama endorsed same-sex marriage in May followed by the NAACP’s board of directors’ support of the issue, which Nix called “a

one-two punch,” it made many in the African-American community take notice. Nix said the polls clearly show positive momentum on the side of supporting gay marriage. In the remaining weeks before the election, Marylanders for Equality plan to concentrate its efforts on door-todoor canvassing and using phone banks to reach prospective voters. Nix added that if the samesex marriage passes, Maryland will become the first state below the Mason-Dixon Line to approve same-sex unions and will help to advance the national momentum. wi



People attended a modest ceremony on Sept. 20 in downtown D.C. to commemorate the death of Troy Davis. He was put to death by lethal injection a year ago. /Courtesy Photo

Davis’ Execution Continues to Inspire Death Penalty Activists By Barrington M. Salmon WI Staff Writer It has been a year since Georgia resident Troy Anthony Davis was put to death by lethal injection for killing Savannah Ga., police officer Mark MacPhail. From the time he was arrested until he uttered his final words, Davis, 42, proclaimed his innocence. He was put to death despite massive protests in the U.S. and around the world, and despite supporters signing and delivering one million signatures to clemency officials asking them not to execute him because of what appeared to be a preponderance of doubt about his guilt. But at a modest ceremony on Sept. 20 in downtown D.C. marking the one year anniversary of his death, Davis supporters and a member of his family continued to adamantly proclaim his innocence. “I’m still standing on Troy’s innocence … we have faith. Hebrews 11:1 talks about evidence of things not seen,” said his sister Kimberly Davis. “We don’t have anything to hold our heads down for. They wanted someone to be an example to show Georgia was in control. There is evidence of police misconduct, prosecutorial misconduct – so much evidence is still coming out that shows he wasn’t the one who killed the police officer. [My sister] Martina was a warrior and a true warrior. She told me to keep up the fight. We’ll do this one day at a time.” Suzanne Nossel spoke of her organization’s resolve to keep up the fight against the death penalty

and to continue to honor Davis’ sacrifice. “Troy Davis provided a human lens to look at the hard question about what [the death penalty] is and what it means,” said Nossel, executive director of Amnesty International USA. “The case caused people to wake up and take a harder look.” Nossel said the death penalty has the lowest public support in 40 years, precisely because of that scrutiny. She added that it has been abolished in Connecticut, has been put on moratorium in several states and elected officials are reconsidering their public position on the issue. Amnesty International remains focused on working on individual death penalty cases and raising the awareness of the next generation, and pressing officials to take action on individual cases. Brian Evans, a campaigner for Amnesty International USA’s Death Penalty Abolition Campaign crystallized the broad concerns those familiar with the Davis case couldn’t shake. He said there are so many egregious wrongs in the case that people felt impelled to come out against his execution. “The doubts about the case are so obvious,” he said during a 2011 interview. “There was no murder weapon and no DNA evidence linking Troy to the crime and witnesses were coerced. Seven of the nine people who testified against him have recanted, yet the legal system has been unable to stop this. The doubts at the time of the trial are the same today.”


“Troy was fingered by this other guy and they planted his picture all over television, then they asked witnesses to identify him. They shouldn’t be carrying out this execution. After 22 years of appeals, the machinery of the criminal justice system moves slowly – the institution of death has a life of its own.” The Davis case attracted a great deal of national and international attention. The Internet was abuzz with concerned individuals encouraging friends and strangers to sign petitions. His story was driven by the power of digital media and evidenced by the one million tweets tapped out by his supporters. NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said he remains troubled by elements of the case and said he and his organization would continue to fight for abolition of the death penalty. “This is a solemn day. A year ago, we were in Georgia fighting, praying, hoping,” he said. “The chairman of the clemency board had doubts and he told us that if we could switch one vote, we’d have clemency. We switched a vote but he switched on us.” “There was so much doubt that a former FBI director and a former warden called for Troy not to be executed. The notion that it could go on within that context is what shook public confidence. I hope we can abolish it in our neighbor, Maryland. Only then can we end it in Mississippi, Georgia and Texas.” Lawrence Hayes, who was one of the speakers at the Mount

Vernon Square Park press conference, was perhaps the only one present whose experience paralled Davis’. A former death row inmate, he was convicted by an all-white jury for a crime he didn’t commit. “It’s my honor to be here today to acknowledge the presence, the still presence of a man and a family who fought courageously,” said Hayes, a 61-year-old Brooklyn resident. “Troy was a poster man for reasonable doubt but the [U.S.] Supreme Court made the decision not on the facts, justice or fairness but on state’s rights.” “When this country becomes more civilized, when it looks back, people will see that the death penalty is against the Magna Carta, and stands with the Salem witch hunts and McCarthyism. The spirit of Troy Davis will stay with us until we abolish the death penalty in this country.” Laura Moye, director of Amnesty USA’s Death Penalty Abolition Campaign in Washington, D.C., said momentum continues to build against the death penalty in this country. “The building support has caused people to take a second look and move in a different direction,” she said. “I want people to know what it means when the U.S. says it is executing someone. The level of support is at a 40year low. The issue of innocence

The Washington Informer

is what is telling people to look closer.” “Conscientiousness has grown – the death penalty doesn’t belong in this country.” Moye said Amnesty is currently focused on Reggie Clemons, who was sentenced to death in St. Louis in 1991 as an accomplice in the murders of two young white women. “The Reggie Clemons case reads like the worst-case scenario,” she said. “We’re concerned by the injustices we’ve seen in this case. There has been a laundry-list of problems, including an abusive, boorish prosecutor, abuse by the police and an inept lawyer who made it difficult for Reggie to get a fair trial.” “The key witness was at one point a suspect. It’s very troubling especially when you take into consideration the issues of racial bias and the improper exclusion of African Americans [on the jury]. We want to help Reggie get justice.” Moye commended the Missouri Supreme Court for appointing a Special Master who is reviewing the case. “Our goal at Amnesty is to shine a bright light on Reggie’s case. We have to be sure that the process is fair and the outcome is true,” she said.wi

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16 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer

erate an annual total of $8.3 billion in revenue. The average NFL team is now worth $1.04 billion. The NFL teams are comprised of 1,696 players. NFL players get paid every two weeks. Salaries are spread out over a 52-week year. NFL players get paid per game, with their last game check coming two weeks after the season ends. By William Reed Typically, a player’s annual saldium in the world. It seats ary doesn’t cover what they do 80,000 and is the second largest with the team before and after stadium in the NFL. The 320 the season – they get separate suites and 15,000 club seats at compensation for those activiCowboys Stadium generates ties. Signing and other bonusa total $115 million in annual es can be paid to players as a revenue. The stadium has the lump sum or spread out over world’s largest column-free in- multiple weeks, depending on terior and the second largest the terms of the player’s conhigh definition video screen, which hangs from 20-yard-line- tract. An athlete earns incento-20-yard-line. The facility can tive payments, by playing a also be used for a variety of certain number of games or other activities outside of its achieving other goals specified primary purpose [professional in his contract. In 1988, Johnny Grier befootball] such as concerts, basketball games, boxing matches, came the first African-Americollege football and high school can NFL referee. Now, NFL football contests. Sponsorship referees make $150,000 a year revenues total $50 million. The to work 16 weekends. The avmaximum capacity of the stadi- erage salary for a player in the um, including standing room, is National Football League is 110,000. The Party Pass [open approximately $1.1 million per areas] sections are behind seats in each end zone and on a series season. Drew Brees ranks as of six elevated platforms con- the NFL’s highest-paid player between July 2011 and July nected by stairways. FedEx Field is home field 2012 with earnings of $49.4 for league sensation, Robert million thanks to a $37 million Griffin III and the Washington signing bonus he got with the Redskins football team. The New Orleans Saints. Redskins gave the 22-year-old None have gotten above the African-American quarterback rank of [employee], but Afa signing bonus of $13.8 mil- rican Americans are a major lion and salary of $390,000 to part of the NFL. The playfill the 85,000 seats at FedEx ers’ union is headed by Blacks. Field, the NFL’s third largest venue. Of the 97 quarterbacks They currently get 59.6 peron the 32 clubs’ rosters only cent of designated league revenues – more than $3.5 billion 20, or 20.6 percent, are Black. The NFL is big business. annually. White players are Consumer companies pay big expected to become a minormoney to have their name, or ity in the NFL. Today, recent logo, advertised on the stadi- surveys show that the NFL is um and tickets fans buy. Mon- approximately 57-61 percent ies are generated in the form non-White, including African of parking fees and concession Americans, Polynesians [an asstands that sell the hometown tronomically high 1.7 percent teams’ gear. If your team is of NFL players are American a winner, it gets to be on nationally televised Sunday night Samoans, non-white Hispanics games and prime time expo- and Asians].wi (William Reed is publisher of sure on Monday night football. All NFL franchise owners are Who’s Who in Black Corporate White. It’s estimated that the America and available for projects NFL’s 32 teams currently gen- via the Bailey Group.org) www.washingtoninformer.com


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The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



New Design for Ballou Senior High School Unveiled By Dorothy Rowley WI Staff Writer When it comes to providing state-of-the-art learning environments for students, officials in the District of Columbia have been on a steady roll. Over the past few years, several of the city’s 136 public schools have undergone facelifts to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. And, on Friday, Sept. 28, District officials revealed yet another plan for renovation with the unveiling of the design for the new Frank W. Ballou Senior High School in Southeast. “From the classroom technology and state-of-the-art band room to the parent resource center, child care center and a health/dental center, the new Ballou will exemplify how a high-tech high school can provide learning and health and family services for an entire community,” Mayor Vincent Gray told residents and community leaders during the unveiling ceremony. Ward 8 Council member Marion

Barry, City Administrator Allen Y. Lew, Deputy Mayor for Education De’Shawn Wright, and Department of General Services [DGS] Director Brian J. Hanlon also attended the evening event. The District-based Bowie Gridley Architects and the national firm of Perkins & Will created the design for the $120 million modernization of Ballou. Work on the school, located in the 3400 block of Fourth Street in the Congress Heights neighborhood, begins this winter and will be completed in two phases through 2015. Opening is slated for August 2014. Boasting 37 classrooms, the facility will enroll 1,400 day students and approximately 900 part-time evening students. Featured amenities will include a new cafeteria and athletics wing, a greenhouse and designated spaces for visual and performing arts. Hanlon added that the new school will serve as a national model. “[It will be an example] on how to use technology to support learn-

Mayor Vincent C. Gray was joined by other city officials and members of the Ward 8 community on Sept. 28 for the new design unveiling of Ballou Senior High School in Southeast. /Courtesy Photo

“Inasmuch as resources were dedicated early to those schools [east of the river], it’s very significant that Ballou will finally get its due,” said Saunders, 46. “However, the District must investment equally in the physical plant as well as in the personnel inside.” To that end, Saunders said that he’d reviewed the design for Ballou and believes its dedicated spaces will work well as long as competent

ing in the classroom, in energy and sustainability systems, and teach the next generation how it can protect the environment now and for generations to come,” he said. While Washington Teachers’ Union chief Nathan Saunders expressed excitement about the District’s long overdue investment in schools east of the river, he said he was concerned about the placement of qualified faculty.

teachers are involved. “And I speak most notably about the legislation that was sponsored by [D.C. Council member] Jack Evans to put librarians, art and music teachers in every school,” said Saunders. “After all, to have a modernized school with a library, but no librarian doesn’t work.”wi [To read this story in its entirety, go to washingtoninformer.com]

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18 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer


Congress Heights Recreation Centers Gets a Makeover DCBIA, Volunteers Renovate Southeast Center By Elton Hayes WI Staff Writer Ayana Bias recalled the pony rides, the basketball courts and the grassy open fields where she and others watched movies on the Silver Screen as children. She didn’t have to think too long to quickly rattle off a list of nearly 20 years’ worth of memories that she still holds dear. She flashed a wide smile as she reminisced about her time spent at a special Southeast recreation center. Although she no longer calls the District home, Bias joined hundreds of volunteers who rolled up their sleeves on Saturday, Sept. 29 to spruce up the Congress Heights Recreation Center. “I’m definitely glad to see that it’s starting to come back around,” said Bias, 30, who now lives in Ft. Washington, Md. “I think it’s very important for us to get involved, beautify our community and unite with one another to really make a difference. A lot of people think that this is just a community recreation center, but it’s so much bigger than that.” Since 1992, the D.C. Building Industry Association [DCBIA] has teamed with regional architecture, landscape and construction companies to give parks, schools and recreation centers curb appeal and so much more. Last weekend’s event was no different during DCBIA’s 20th annual Community Improvement Day. Volunteers arrived at the center’s gates at the crack of dawn to provide a place for sports activities and a safe and beautiful haven for children to play. DCBIA Executive Vice President Gail Edwards said a record-high 700 volunteers registered for the event, and by 9 a.m., more than 300 had already arrived – ready to work. For Edwards, the commitment and dedication of volunteers and DCBIA partners makes it all worthwhile. “To me, it’s incredible that all of our members are so supportive in coming out to do this,” said Edwards, who lives in Northern Virginia. “They do it year after year and we couldn’t do it without all of them. There are professional people here today trimming bushes and cleaning up. They’re all dedicated people and we’re very lucky to have them,” she said with a smile. The recreation center’s grounds resembled a small construction site as the loud sounds of heavy construction equipment such as mini excavators blended with the screeching whirls of concrete-cutting saws that pierced the cool morning air, and the

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Mahalet Waleingn, right, and Randi Lucas volunteer during DCBIA’s 20th annual Community Improvement Day at Congress Heights Recreation Center in Southeast on Saturday, Sept. 29. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

distinct smell of fresh-cut grass, wood and mulch lingered for most of the day. Volunteer toted gravel in wheel barrels, spread and raked more than 150 yards of fresh mulch and cleared the overgrown shrubs and foliage. Renovation efforts also included improvements to existing structures. The recreation center’s main facility, which is also one of the smallest in the city, received a much-needed facelift which included a paint job and a brand new mural. Antoine Dotson gave up his Saturday to beautify his neighborhood. He spent the day planting daffodil bulbs, and an assortment of shrubs throughout the grounds. “I live in the community and want to see it reinvent itself from the stereotype of what it used to be,” said Dotson, 40, a human resources manager who works in the District. “It means a lot for the kids to have a safe place to come to after school.” Sixteen years ago, Michel Norton, 37, participated in his first DCBIA Community Improvement Day, ironically at the Congress Heights Recreation Center. Norton, whose company Norton Land Design, played a large role in this year’s renovation project. Much has changed, he said, since 1996.


“The designs, contractors and whole game have been raised,” said Norton, who lives in Ellicott City, Md. “It started out with us just planting and painting a building. Now, it’s fullsite design, providing an experience for the community with complete revitalization of a park. Every year it’s grown – it’s just an amazing event.” Lorenzo Simms, a basketball coach for the Academy of Maryland in Silver Spring, Md., showed up with six of his young players ages 12-14, to help out with the daylong project. While the members of his team live in White Oak, Md., Simms, 24, wanted them to learn the importance of community service. “To come out, and to be able to help out another recreation center, is what I wanted my kids to volunteer to do. This is great,” said Simms, who also lives in Silver Spring, Md. “There are African Americans, Asians and Caucasians who are all chipping in together. This is beautiful and a lovely thing to see and the kids love it. In two weeks, I want to bring them back here to see what they accomplished with their hard work.” wi The Washington Informer


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Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



HistoryMakers Program Showcases Distinguished Leaders at District Schools By Dorothy Rowley WI Staff Writer Former U.S. Rep. Ron Dellums [D-Calif.] woke up in the wee hours of the morning on Friday wondering what he would tell a young audience at McKinley Technology High School in Northeast later that day about his career and life experiences. On the other side of town, Reggie Weaver, former president of the National Education Association, would tell students at Roosevelt Senior High School in Northwest, that as a young boy in rural Illinois, he never gave much thought to setting or achieving goals. But he knew that he would go to college. “That’s just the way it was,” said Weaver, 73. “My mother said I was going to college and that was that.”

Dellums and Weaver joined a contingent of accomplished African-American leaders who visited schools located throughout the country on Friday, Sept. 28, to talk about their journeys along the highway to success and how their young listeners could follow in their footsteps during the third annual HistoryMakers program. While Dellums, a 13-term congressman, explained to students that he deliberately lied to his mother about securing a full college scholarship and turning his life around in his rough-andtumble neighborhood in Oakland, Weaver talked about the path that led him to advocacy in public education. “When I was growing up, I didn’t exactly have goals, but I knew I wanted to do things,” Weaver told his audience. “How-

ever, in going to college I took advantage of opportunities that came my way and in doing so, it took a lot of hard work and treating people right.” Both Dellums and Weaver have earned their place in history. That’s why they’re considered HistoryMakers and asked to participate in the national Chicagobased program, founded in 2009 by Julieanna Richardson. The annual back-to-school event, sends approximately 500 distinguished African-American leaders from the ranks of politics, education, entertainment and business into schools to inspire students to excel in their studies. About 250 schools – including 30 in the District – participated in the program this year. Another HistoryMaker, Howard University music professor Raymond Jackson, also a noted

Former California Congressman Ron Dellums shared with students at McKinley Technology High School in Northeast how he once hoped for a free ride through college on a baseball scholarship. /Photo by Roy Lewis

classical pianist and lecturer, talked to students at Friendship Collegiate Academy in Northeast about the importance of music in education and being open to various genres. “Music represents the highest form of art. It’s a great model of perfection and balance,” Jackson said. He encouraged students to consider writing classical music.

The music teacher enjoyed the day. “It was a very fruitful visit,” said Jackson, who considers Friendship to be one of the finest schools in the District. “The students were receptive and I was pleased to have had the opportunity to increase their thoughts about music.” wi [To read this story in its entirety, go to washingtoninformer.com]

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The Washington Informer



AFRIcAn-AMeRIcAn cOnSuMeRS: still vital, still growing 2012 report the following four pages are excerpts from a full 26-page report produced collaboratively by nielsen, the global information and measurement company that measures what consumers watch and what consumers buy, and the national newspaper publishers association (nnpa), a 72-year old federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers. to download the full report, go to www.nielsen.com/africanamerican.

eXeCUtive sUMMarY in 2012, the african-american consumer population continues to be a vibrant and dynamic market segment, providing both emerging and mature market attributes. still the largest racial minority group in america, with a projected buying power of $1.1 trillion by 20151, Black consumers remain at the forefront of social trends and media consumption. Companies that seek to better understand the unique lifestyles, habits and shopping patterns highlighted within can enhance their chances of creating better connectivity with Black consumers. similarly, african-american consumers and entrepreneurs will find information that can be helpful in making informed decisions about which products or services to buy and have a better understanding about the companies that provide them. the disparity in advertising dollars spent with african-american media is mapped out, suggesting a need for more fair methods of administering advertising spending to better reflect and align with Blacks’ preferences and the media environments most trusted by Black consumers. • Black households are 127% more likely to include a single parent, most often a woman. • 48% of Black grandparents who live in the same household with their grandchildren serve as their primary caregivers.

Top 10 DMA’s for HigHesT ConCenTrATion of HigHer inCoMe AfriCAn-AMeriCAn HouseHolDs

12% Chicago 7

3 16% Boston 4 16% New York 10 6 14% Baltimore 1

11% Philadelphia 19% San Francisco 2 15% 5

24% Washington Metro

Los Angeles

11% Houston 9

12% Atlanta 8

The U.S. Black population is 43 million strong. Larger than 163 of the 195 countries in the world including Argentina, Poland, Canada and Australia.*

• 10% of African-American households earn $100,000 or more. • 35% of African-American households earn $50,000 or more.

the Multicultural economy 2012 by the selig Center for economic growth * the U.s. government does not recognize taiwan as a country.


Copyright © 2012 the nielsen Company.


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


AfricAn-AmericAn consumers: still vitAl, still growing 2012 report nATionAl generAl MArkeT MeDiA Buys Media Type

General Market (Total - AA) 2011


Business to Business

Total dollars spent with African-American media ($2.10 billion) is just under 2% of total advertising dollars spent with general market media ($120 billion) during the same period.





FSI Coupon



BlACks’ perCepTions of BlACk MeDiA

Local Magazine



Local Newspaper



Local Sunday Supplement



Many companies assume that because there are no language barriers, there is no need to advertise to Black audiences through african-american media outlets. this is a missed opportunity for companies, who can use such outlets to reach Black consumers in trusted environments where Blacks see themselves most often reflected. Consider the following facts on Blacks’ perceptions on advertising.

National Internet





National Newspaper



National Sunday Supplement



Network Radio








Spanish Language Cable TV



Spanish Language Network TV











Cable TV

National Magazine

Network TV

Spot Radio Spot TV Syndicated TV Total Jan. 1, 2011 – Dec. 31, 2011

Many african-american consumers have conducted research on mobile phones before making a purchase.

68% 64%

visited a retail site or app

believe that Black media is more relevant to them


believe that products advertised on Black media are more relevant to them


believe that Black media has a better understanding of the needs and issues that affect them


believe that Black media keeps them in touch with their heritage


want to see more commercials directed specifically to Black audiences


want to see more advertising targeting Black consumers


61% 57% 50% 38%


or app

would like to see more Black models/actors used in ads Source: Burrell 40, 2011

Copyright © 2012 the nielsen Company.

22 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer


AfricAn-AmericAn consumers: still vitAl, still growing 2012 report the Black population is not a homogeneous group. a deeper understanding of the unique lifestyles, viewing habits and shopping patterns can help companies create better connectivity with Black consumers. Here we show how behavior and shopping patterns differ by generations.. AfriCAn-AMeriCAn generATionAl TV usAge

AfriCAn-AMeriCAn generATionAl Age Dispersion % of AA Population


Baby Boomers

Live TV



DVR Playback



DVD Playback



Video Games



Total use of TV



Viewing Source

64 5– 4 –3

Greatest G ener atio n6 Genera 5+ tion X3 5–4 Bab 4 yB oo Gen me era tio n Y rs 4 18 Mi lle nn ia ls

17 0–

Daily in Hours:Minutes, May 2012

HoW BlACks spenT TiMe By generATion Generation Y

AnnuAl sHopping Trips ACross AfriCAn-AMeriCAn generATions

Baby Boomers

All AfricanAmerican Shoppers




96% 70% GAME 64% CONSOLE


16% 7%

47% 60%




43% 3% 4%



Greatest Generation




Baby Boomers


Generation Y



Generation X


14% 28% 1% 1%

source: Usa touchpoints study, 2012.1

Copyright © 2012 the nielsen Company.


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


AfricAn-AmericAn consumers: still vitAl, still growing 2012 report Top 10 progrAMs WATCHeD By AfriCAn-AMeriCAns priMe TiMe Program name

Viewers Ages 18-49


The Game S5



Love And Hip Hop S2



Basketball Wives S4



Single Ladies S2



T.I. And Tiny



Let’s Stay Together S2



Whitney Houston: Her Life



La La’s Full Court Life S2





Braxton Family Values



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

WE: Women’s Entertainment

12/26-6/6/24/12, Prime Time, Live +7 Days, Persons 18-49 excludes specials, sporting events and award shows viewers shown are in millions.

Top 10 progrAMs WATCHeD By AfriCAn-AMeriCAns ToTAl DAy Program name

Viewers Ages 2+


American Idol Audition Special



New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Part 1



The Game S5


Let It Shine



Whitney Houston: Her Life






Judge Judy



Dancing With The Stars



American Idol-Wednesday



Celebration Of Gospel



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Disney Channel

12/26 – 6/24/12, Total Day, Live+7 Days, Persons 2+ viewers shown are in millions.

MosT populAr AfriCAn-AMeriCAn MoVies

You may download a full copy of this report by going to www.nielsen.com/africanamerican. we are optimistic that it will empower you to value your role in the economic infrastructure of the United states. each purchasing decision, viewing opportunity, mobile phone activity and digital experience you have impacts a company’s bottom line. we encourage you to use that power wisely and with care. whether you are a single mother, Baby Boomer or Millenial, your consumer dollars matter. You Matter!

snap here to download full report or download at: www.nielsen.com/africanamerican

sept. 2011 – June 2012

Copyright © 2012 the nielsen Company. all rights reserved. nielsen and the nielsen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CZt/ aCn trademarks, l.l.C. other product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

24 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer




No Excuses for Avoiding Breast Cancer Screening

Natalie Williams, the former spokesperson and advisor to Ward 8 Council member Marion Barry, may be best known for her run against her former boss in the recent Ward 8 city council race. Williams lost, but along the way she garnered immense respect for her public relations mastery and resourcefulness that resulted in the successful campaign of Ward 8 School Board Member Trayon White, and most recently for his challenger Philip Pannell in the upcoming school board race. But now Williams is facing another battle. Diagnosed with breast cancer just over six weeks ago, ministers, family members and friends prayed and gathered around her as she entered George Washington University Hospital on Tuesday [as this editorial was being written] where she underwent a double mastectomy. There are certainly emotional and psychological reasons why Williams launched a public relations campaign about her discovery once she decided to go public with the news. At 41, she represents the growing number of young African-American women under 45 with an incidence of breast cancer higher than white women. The Black Women’s Health Imperative reports that the disparity rates related to breast cancer among African-American women are alarming. Although the overall lifetime risk of breast cancer is lower for black women compared with white women, the death rates are higher. It is important to note that black women also have a lower 5-year survival rate at 77 percent compared to that of 90 percent for white women. The Black Women’s Health Imperative also reports that breast cancer tends to appear in black women at a younger age and in more advanced forms. In fact, black women are two times more likely to develop triple negative breast cancer, an aggressive form of the disease which has fewer effective treatment options. Triple-negative breast cancers tend to grow and spread more quickly than most other types of breast cancer. Black women are also known to have denser breasts, one of the strongest predictors of risk for breast cancer and also is a known factor limiting the sensitivity of a screening mammogram. Until recently, Williams was not aware of her breast cancer risks. With no known family history and a work schedule that precluded her from attending two scheduled mammogram appointments, Williams just dismissed the test as a priority. She was urged by her mother to get screened and the news completely caught her off guard. During October recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Williams finds herself joining the ranks of those 26,840 African-American women, reported by the American Cancer Society, who were diagnosed with breast cancer last year. They will be joined by thousands more grandmothers, mothers and daughters, friends and men who will be treated for breast cancer this year. In the District, access to health care is not a barrier to being screened for breast cancer. Area hospitals including Howard University and George Washington University [GWU] provide free mammogram screenings. Also, the GWU-sponsored Mammovan circulates throughout the metropolitan area providing free screenings regardless of one’s ability to pay. Until a vaccine or pill is created to prevent breast cancer, the most effective way to battle the disease is early detection. Schedule an appointment today, and keep it.

New Ballou SHS on Board The New Ballou Senior High School video unveiled to the public last Friday, Sept. 28 in the school’s cafeteria in Southeast seems more like a Disney film promotion than a preview of the plans for the new public high school and the educational services it will provide. Yet, the construction plans are impressive, to say the least, for a project that is long overdue. The Ward 8 community has been patient while waiting for this moment to realize that a new school building will be built rather than the renovation of the 50-year old facility. Construction is slated to begin this November following the end of the Ballou Knight’s football season. Students will remain in the old facility while the new building is erected on the site of the current football field. The $120 million structure is slated for completion by July 2014. But residents are wondering what the New Ballou will offer those students who tend to fall below average on citywide reading and math test scores. The new Ballou and the modernization of dozens of other D.C. schools was the vision of former D.C. Schools Superintendent Clifford Janey, who was ousted by Mayor Fenty and replaced by Michelle Rhee. Janey believed, as does D.C. Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson, that environment can have a positive impact on student performance. Now that the New Ballou is finally on board, we shall see.


Don’t Be Deterred, Vote!

Barrington Salmon’s frontpage article “Panelist Decry GOP Voter Suppression Efforts,” September 27, 2012 was one of the most important pieces of political news I’ve read in the Informer so far this election year. This story shows just how fragile our so-called democracy is. Voting is the basis of this political system, and to be able to change the rules just because you don’t like the outcome of an election is very dangerous, and should be looked at as being outright treason. You will find those who believe in this outrageous activity as being fair and just, and they are the very ones who will stand before the world and wave the American flag and say, “the whole world should be free like us.” It’s hypocrisy and they don’t care. To them, it’s all about power and they want it at any price. So we must do as the article says: whatever it takes to vote. Too many people sacrificed their lives for us to be able to vote. We

must not let anybody or anything deter us from voting! Sherry Boston Arlington, Va.

Worth More than Words

What Do You Think? We’d Like To Know. E-mail Us:

The photographs in this week’s Informer were “simply stunning.” Let me first start with the front-page photograph by Shevry Lassiter of President Barack Obama and Sen. Mark Warner. That was downright inspiring. I just loved the CTM photos on the inside cover. They show a wide range of subjects by your photographers, Roy Lewis, Lafayette Barnes and Khalid NajiAllah. The photos of the fashion show by Roy Lewis were my favorites. I wanted to see more of those beautiful models in the paper. Keep doing what you’re doing, Washington Informer. Our city needs you.

news@ washingtoninformer.com

Write Us: The Washington Informer 3117 MLK Ave, SE Washington, D.C. 20032

Lawrence Johnson Washington, D.C.

Readers' Mailbox

The Washington Informer welcomes letters to the editor about articles we publish or issues affecting the community. Write to: lsaxton@washingtoninformer.com or send to: 3117 Martin Luther King Jr Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20032. Please note that we are unable to publish letters that do not include a full name, address and phone number. We look forward to hearing from you. The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



Guest Columnist

By Charlene Crowell

Discover Card Must Refund $200 Million for ‘Deceptive’ Marketing

For the second time this year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has taken strong enforcement steps against deceptive marketing practices. Through CFPB’s joint enforcement action with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), more than 3.5 million consumers with Discover Card accounts will receive approximately $200 million. Restitution will be awarded to

all consumers who were charged for one or more add-on products between December 1, 2007 and August 31, 2011. Over that period, payment protection was marketed as a product that allows consumers to put their payments on hold for up to two years in the event of unemployment, hospitalization, or other qualifying life events. Discover also sold its Credit Score Tracker, designed to allow a customer unlimited access to his or her credit reports and credit score. The third product

was Identity Theft Protection, which was marketed as providing daily credit monitoring. Lastly, Discover’s Wallet Protection product was sold as a service to help a consumer cancel credit cards in the event that his or her wallet is stolen. Commenting on the actions, Richard Cordray, CFPB Director, said, “This is the second action that the Bureau has taken, in coordination with a fellow regulator, to address the deceptive marketing of credit card add-on products. We have also

Guest Columnist

published a compliance bulletin to put other institutions more specifically on notice that such tactics are illegal and should be halted. We continue to expect that more such actions will follow. In the meantime, we are signaling as clearly as we can that other financial institutions should review their marketing practices to ensure that they are not deceiving or misleading consumers into purchasing financial products or services.” A joint investigation by the two federal offices found that

Discover used deceptive telemarketing tactics to sell all of these products. Using scripts with misleading language matched by fast-talking telemarketers, federal regulators found that consumers were: Enrolled without their consent; Misled about the fact that there was a charge for the products; Misled as to when charges for the add-on services would be applied; and Were unaware of eligibility limitations for certain

See Crowell on Page 53

By Julianne Malveaux

Polls Don’t Decide Elections In late September, the “nonpartisan” Web site Real Clear Politics reported that President Obama leads Republican nominee Mitt Romney is several battleground states. According to the polls, President Obama leads by 5.2 percent in Ohio, 4.5 percent in Virginia, 4.2 percent in Nevada, 4 percent in Iowa, and 3 percent in Florida. Do we believe the polls? I’m not so sure. But I surely don’t believe these

polls should alter an aggressive effort to re-elect this Democratic president. There are lots of ways to do voter suppression. One is to deny people ballots, or to change the rules on voting. Mandatory state-issued ID, new and more distant polling places, and all of the shenanigans documented by the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law are methods of voter suppression. In some cities and states, police cars have been parked outside polling

places, intimidating those who may have minor infractions of law, including unpaid parking tickets. Another ways to suppress the vote is to attempt to influence voter attitudes. For example, in the 2008 election, a Republican operative did robo-calls to the Black community telling people they didn’t need to vote because Democratic candidates President Obama and Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland had already won. He was convicted

Guest Columnist

of four counts of fraud last year and faces jail time. Other communities have experienced similar pranks, including one that crudely told people that the election was on a Wednesday instead of a Tuesday, and another that said polls were open until 10 p.m., although they closed at 8p.m.. Well-informed voters repel these shenanigans, but some voters fall for them. If such tawdry tactics affect only a few voters in a few precincts, they can have an impact on an

electoral outcome. That’s why it is so effective to go door to door on Election Day, to provide rides for those who need them, and to do anything and everything to ensure that every voter gets out. That’s why it also makes sense to encourage early voting, especially for the elderly and others who may have challenges getting to the polls. I am wondering if these polls showing President Obama in the

See Malveaux on Page 53

By Barbara Reynolds

The World of Mitt Romney So welcome to Romneyville, an evolving plutocracy where the super-rich have convinced itself by birthright or wealthright it is their manifest destiny to govern the rest of us by their self-indulgent rules. Through outright insults or innuendoes they clearly have divided the nation into: Makers vs. Takers, the counted vs. the discounted, the greater beings and the lesser beings and those not worth bother-

ing with at all. Romney’s inelegant language concludes that 47 percent of his fellow Americans are not worth bothering with because they don’t pay federal income taxes. That was not a gaffe, nor a misspoken phrase. It is a state of mind that sees the non-rich as belonging on the wrong side of the track and the government as the personal valet of the rich to transfer wealth by limiting the survival resources of the socalled weak and unfit – a cross between laissez faire and social

26 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

Darwinism. It is obnoxious that GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney made such selfish comments at a $50,000- a- plate dinner, an amount three times as much as millions of the working poor net in a year, if they are lucky enough to still have a job. Moreover, the secretly recorded event was held at the tony Bridgehampton mansion of Marc Leder, who like Romney is known for heading a private equity firm with a reputation for taking over businesses, squeezing profits through cloThe Washington Informer

sures which send workers into the unemployment lines, where they join the ranks of those criticized by the Romney crowd for not working. I find it galling that Romney’s crowd who have played such a role in tanking the economy through lobbying for de-regulation, fueling the subprime housing crisis, the breaking up of corporations and outsourcing of businesses get on their highhorses and label us as a lesser species that somehow enjoy being dependent and needing help

– not for buying more yachts or private planes – but for basic food, shelter and employment. Why can’t this crowd understand that millions of those who they berate have made extraordinary contributions to this country? Included in their unworthy “47 percent” are soldiers whose pay is exempted from federal income taxes while serving in or hospitalized while serving in active combat zones. Some are students who are future taxpay-

See Reynolds on Page 53 www.washingtoninformer.com


Child Watch©

By Marian Wright Edelman

Families Struggle: Child Poverty Remains Epidemically High

The U.S. Census Bureau’s new poverty data for the states show millions of families struggling mightily to keep their heads above water in the wake of the Great Recession. Fourteen states saw statistically significant increases in their child poverty rates, 26 states saw small increases, and nine states and the District of Columbia saw small declines in child poverty rates last year. But the morally scandalous bottom line is clear: 16.1

million children are poor in our rich nation with more than seven million living in extreme poverty, too often scared, hungry, and homeless. Although there are more poor White than Black or Hispanic children, Black and Hispanic children suffer most. In 25 states and the District of Columbia, at least 40 percent of Black children were poor; in four states, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, and Ohio, 50 percent or more of Black children were poor. Thirty-three percent or more of His-

panic children were poor in 32 states. In 2011, more than one in five children were poor in over half the states and the District of Columbia. In half of these states more than one in four children were poor. Children are the poorest age group in America, and the younger they are the poorer they are. More than one in four children under six were poor in 21 states and the District of Columbia during their years of greatest brain development. In 30 states and the District of

Guest Columnist

Columbia, 10 percent or more of infants, toddlers, and kindergarteners lived in extreme poverty which means an annual family income of less than $11,511 for a family of four. The 13 states and the nation’s capital with child poverty rates 25 percent or higher are: Mississippi 31.8, New Mexico 30.7, District of Columbia 30.3, Louisiana 28.8, Arkansas 28.1, South Carolina 27.8, Alabama 27.6, Kentucky 27.4, Arizona 27.2, Texas 26.6, Georgia 26.3, Tennessee 26.3, West Virginia 25.8;

and North Carolina 25.6 These shameful child poverty levels call for urgent and persistent action. Citizens must demand that every political leader state what they will do now to invest in and protect vulnerable children from hunger, homelessness, and poor education and to prepare them to be competent future workers. It’s way past time to eliminate epidemic child poverty and the child suffering, stress, homelessness, and mis-

See edelman on Page 54

By George E. Curry

Maxine Waters Case: A Political Train Wreck The headlines proclaim that Rep. Maxine Waters, the outspoken Democrat from California, has been cleared of charges that she violated House ethics by advocating on behalf of a Black bank in which her husband held a substantial investment. The real story, however, is that Waters case serves as Exhibit A for how a Black elected official who has done nothing wrong

can have her name smeared for several years largely because of partisan politics. Although the official report is filled with carefully calibrated references that downplays the infighting and partisanship that characterized the investigation, it is clear from the report that when the investigation commenced, it was obvious that Waters had never tried to hide her husband’s participation in OneUnited Bank, the Bostonbased institution at the center of the investigation, and that

she believed she was acting on behalf of the National Bankers Association, an organization of Black banks, when she arranged between a group of bankers and then-Secretary of Treasury. OneUnited, a member of the National Bankers Association, was in danger of closing its doors and was seeking $50 million in federal bailout money to stay afloat. Waters’ husband, Sidney Williams, a former board member of OneUnited, owned bank stock valued at $350,000 that he would have lost if the


bank had tanked. House conflict-of-interest rules prohibit members of Congress from using their official position on behalf of an entity in which they have a personal interest. In Waters’ case, as a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee and a strong advocate for Black banks, it was not uncommon for her to arrange meetings between federal officials and the National Bankers Association. Waters made no secret of her husband’s involvement in

OneUnited. She made it part of her public financial disclosure reports. In addition, according to the Ethics Committee finding, “it appears that Representative Waters recognized and made efforts to avoid a conflict of interest with respect to OneUnited. She informed the then-Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee that she was ‘not going to be involved in’ OneUnited’s request for assistance from the Treasury

See Curry on Page 54

By Askia Muhammad

A Dead Campaign which Refuses to Die Back in early August, one observer remarked that July had been Willard Mitt Romney’s “worst month ever.” Not so. The GOP presidential nominee then went off to Europe to prove that he was a foreign affairs heavyweight, by his conduct on the world stage. The former leader of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics then proceeded to insult England, this www.washingtoninformer.com

country’s closest ally, by predicting lax security might tarnish the outcome of the 2012 London Olympic Summer Games. Both the British Prime Minister and the Mayor of London gave their guest a tongue lashing to his face. Romney then proceeded to Israel, where – while trying to patronize Israelis in order to curry potential favor with Jewish voters back home – he insulted the Palestinian people by declaring that superior Jewish culture, and not billions of dollars worth of foreign and military aid, bil-

lions more in guaranteed loans which will never have to be repaid, along with even more billions in contributions from Jewish Americans, is why Israelis are wealthy and why their lazy Arab neighbors are not so wealthy. From there he hastened on to Poland, where one of his aides managed to insult the Poles. In his three overseas stops, the Romney campaign managed three major league gaffes. So much for Mitt’s non-existent foreign policy gravitas. Then, the candidate named as

his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan [R-Wis.], a staunchly conservative so-called “deficit hawk,” who proceeded to give the campaign a couple of black eyes after a succession of untruthful statements, including one whopper in which he claimed to have run a world-class sub-three hour marathon. His actual best recorded time was more than four hours. Then, in late August, the Republican National Convention met in Tampa, Fla., and it was lackluster. The Romney

The Washington Informer

campaign got absolutely no post-convention “bounce,” or improved ratings after the convention. In fact, First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention the following week got more repeat viewers according to an online tracking service, than all the Republican speakers combined. Following that convention, President Barack Obama got a healthy 5 percent bounce in

See Muhammad on Page 54

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


28 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer



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The Washington Informer

9/24/12 7:57 AM

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


B y W

M i c h e l l e I






P h i p p s - E v a n s f







atalie Williams sits comfortably at Ward 8’s IHop restaurant, eating a salad with tomatoes and pieces of grilled chicken on a warm Friday in September. She takes a sip of water. She greets one or two people who stop by her table. She seems comfortable with who she is at that moment. But, her upcoming surgery the first week of October remains at the forefront of her mind.

“I keep looking forward to having two perky new breasts,” she says, and chuckles. “That’s what makes me laugh through the process.” Then, Williams gets serious. She discovered in August that her left breast had abnormal tissue. She recently found out her right breast has similar growth patterns, so a decision was made to undergo a double mastectomy at George Washington University Hospital in Northwest. “The closer I get to the day, I feel a sense of anxiety and I’m scared about the procedure,” says Williams, 41, who said initially the surgery was for preventative measures, now it’s lifesaving. “Also, I’m anxious to get it done to be on the road to recovery.” Williams, who is “thankful” the cancer was caught early, says she is hopeful her experience will help other young women. October is national Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Williams joins other high-profile women who put a public face on the disease, the most common cancer disease and the second leading cause of death among African-American women, exceeded by lung cancer, according to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nonprofit dedicated to eradicating breast cancer globally. In 2011, there were an estimated 26,840

new cases of breast cancer, and 6,040 deaths among AfricanAmerican women. “Our lives should mean something,” says Williams, a Ward 8 resident. “You can’t lead people without your own testimonies. I live in a ward that suffers greatly in health disparities – between obesity and poverty – all lead to breast cancer.” She says there is a larger conversation not discussed. “White women are more likely to get breast cancer but black women are more likely to die from it.” Between not going to a doctor when they need to, and not getting the treatment they need, Williams says, can lead to that disparity. Komen substantiates her statement. Breast cancer in African-American women is lower than in white women overall. However, African Americans see a 41 percent higher death rate than white women. In looking at her own story, Williams says her mother, Jean Williams, who lives in Richmond, Va., encouraged her to get a mammogram since her 40th birthday a year ago. “I kept putting it off and rescheduling it,” she points out, mainly because her family does not have a history of breast cancer. Also, life as a single mom, who runs a public rela-

See WILLIAMS on Page 31

30 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

Natalie Williams Puts a Face on Breast Cancer


Natalie Williams. /Courtesy Photo

The Washington Informer



“Our lives should mean something. You can’t lead people without your own testimonies. I live in a ward that suffers greatly in health disparities – between obesity and poverty – all lead to breast cancer.”

– Natalie Williams, a Ward 8 resident

WILLIAMS continued from Page 30 tions firm who was fighting to become the Ward 8 Council member this past April, didn’t have time to slow down. In fact, her life has always been on the move. For 15 years, she worked in television news as a newscast producer and an anchor with stints at WUSA TV 9 in Washington, D.C., and other markets. Eleven years ago when her daughter, Nyela, was born, she started BlitzAssociates, a public relations firm that deals with crisis communications. Born May 30 on Andrews Air Force Base, Williams grew up in Upper Marlboro, Md., and studied vocal music at Duke Ellington School of the Performing Arts. She attended Virginia State University, and graduated from Trinity College with a bachelor’s in English. She served as senior staff in the Council of the District of Columbia in co-developing programs and assisting in legislation to improve Ward 8 on behalf of Council member Marion Barry. She has also worked with Robert Bobb and the late Ward 8 State Board Representative William Lockridge to improve the quality of public education for District students. Williams has a theory on why a woman with no family his-


tory, who does not smoke or drink, gets breast cancer. “It is the stress,” she pontificates. “I’ve had my fair share of stress igniters, and working for Marion Barry was no cakewalk.” “I didn’t just get breast cancer. I now have a platform.” Williams is using this experience in a public relations blitz to bring attention to early detection of breast cancer and treatment to save lives. Williams says she is expected to stay at the hospital for four days after the surgery, and then she will be “resting” at home. “But don’t be surprised if you see something on breast awareness by the end of the month,” she says. Even before her diagnosis, she started a nonprofit called Women Empowered, which is designed to address issues affecting women – legislation, education, jobs, children and more. “It’s so important as there seems to be no connection between our young girls and our elders,” she says. “The older generation has embraced me and provided so much wisdom to me. As I sit in the middle, I have the ear of our young, and the voices of our elders. I want to ensure that the knowledge can be passed through me.” wi

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Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012




“Divine Intervention” by Lutishia Lovely c.2012, Dafina

$15.00 / $16.95 Canada 320 pages By Terri Schlichenmeyer WI Contributing Writer You’re a person who knows what she wants. You can make up your mind in a snap, decisively sizing up the situation, weighing the options in your head. You rarely regret the solution you choose. You know what you want – and you get it. That goes for relationships, too, but in the new book “Divine Intervention” by Lutishia Lovely, a whole church full of people can’t seem to settle on love. Princess Brook was about to take a big step. And it would start down a silk-covered aisle, praise God. Marrying Rafael Stevens was something she’d planned for so long. They grew up together and Princess knew Rafael loved her. He was a good man with an excellent future. But Princess couldn’t stop thinking that she was making a mistake. She couldn’t stop thinking of her ex, Kelvin. As pastor of Mount Zion Progressive Baptist Church, King Brook was a beacon of strength, both to his church and to his wife, Tai. Sure, the Brooks had had trouble in their marriage, but they worked their way through that and now had a good, solid relationship. More or less. The Reverend Doctor Pastor Bishop Overseer Mister Stanley Obadiah Meshach Brook Jr. spent 50 years with his wife, Mama Max, and 40 years with his mistress, Dorothea. Sadly for both women, the years were spent at the same time. So when Obadiah left Kansas City to move in with Dorothea in Dallas, Mama Max figured it was time to move on. She found herself a man-friend and started going out a little – which made Obadiah jealous. His mistress was his mistress but Mama Max

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32 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer

was his wife and God willing, she’d stay that way. Vivian and Derrick Montgomery had been in love their entire adult lives. Their marriage had withstood old flames, new children, and a son Derrick didn’t know he had until the boy was a man. Yes, everyone at Mount Zion Progressive Baptist Church wanted a marriage just like the Montgomery’s. But could that marriage hold up against the biggest crisis of all? “Divine Intervention” started out better than I thought it would. I actually liked the characters a lot, and I was glad to be pulled into their world. But as I kept reading, I started getting tired. Tired of infidelity, tired of bedroom scenes that all felt the same. And while I suppose this is the formula for these kinds of books, I had to wonder, about halfway through, if any of these characters could manage to keep their pants on. Author Lutishia Lovely creates a wonderful Church community. She made me chuckle at some of the things that happened and things her characters said. For sure, Lovely tells a good story. Too bad it’s mired in too much two-timing. “Divine Intervention” is by no means a terrible novel. No, it has its moments but just know what you’re getting when you get it. There’s great character development here, so if you don’t mind an unlikely plot, then this might be a book you’ll want wi www.washingtoninformer.com

Fly Soars into Ford’s Theatre


Production Follows Lives of Four Tuskegee Airmen By Elton Hayes WI Staff Writer For a few brief moments, the stage at Ford’s Theatre eerily resembles that of a World War II era B-17 bomber. The loud rumble of the aircraft’s powerful engines fills the theatre, a dense shroud of grey fog covers the stage’s floor and creeps down into the first few rows of the audience, and the barely distinguishable pilot cockpit chatter is squawked from the aircraft’s radio. The play, Fly, currently at Ford’s Theatre in Northwest through Oct. 21, takes a theatrical stab at chronicling the struggles and subsequent success of the Tuskegee Airmen, one of the military’s most decorated aviation combat units. The 90-minute production follows the lives of four aspiring aviators who join the military to fly combat aircraft during World War II. Set in 1943, Fly excels in its development of characters and wastes little time in doing so. Within the first 10 minutes of the drama, the audience understands each character’s personality. Rather than spoon-feed the audience with a plodding backstory, writers Trey Ellis and Ricardo Kahn drop the aviators into flight training and into the heart of the Tuskegee Experiment – with the full expectation that audiences are familiar with the story and its historical significance. The four airmen find themselves in Tuskegee, Ala. – in the heart of Jim Crow South. Each man hails from different locales: Illinois, New York, Iowa and the Caribbean. And each has his own motives for joining the military. One flyer joins because he wants to impress women, while another does so to gain the approval of his father. But although their backgrounds differ, their love for all things aviation binds them together. Recreating a theatre’s stage into a mock airplane is hardly an easy task, but Scenic Designer Beowulf Boritt does an exemplary job in transforming the large stage into an aircraft and military barracks. Seven LCD www.washingtoninformer.com

panels form a cockpit-like video screen that displays a crisp, blue sky, filled with clouds. Throughout the performance, iconic civil rights and World War II images flash across the panels, taking audiences on a visual trip through history. The panels are also used in an intense sequence of events during the show’s waning moments that’s sure to captivate audiences. Fly works well in blending its story with history, and does so without preachy overtones. As the show begins, an elderly Chet Simpkins [Christopher Wilson] passionately recalls his experiences as an aviator, soaring over Europe during World War II. Simpkins reminisces about how far African Americans have come since the 1940s. The image of President Barack Obama on the steps of the U.S. Capitol during the 2009 presidential inauguration rolls across the LCD panels and is shown as Simpkins speaks, adding a visual element to his dialogue. While Fly hits the mark in many areas, its shining point, perhaps, is the chemistry that all of its characters share. Conversation between the four aviators is seamless. It’s natural, and doesn’t feel contrived. W.W. [Eric Berryman] emerges as the star of the performance. He changes from a brash, self-proclaimed ladies’ man, to the group’s unexpected squadron leader, which creates a rift in the squadron early in the play. While the young aviators wrestle with one another’s quirks, they also learn about themselves. Their personal battles and challenges spill over into training, as a couple of disgruntled, prejudiced flight instructors often make it known that they’re less than thrilled to be stuck in the deep south with men they deem unworthy to fly military aircraft. Captain O’Hurley [James Konicek] is convincing in his role as the grousing flight instructor tasked with prepping the African-American pilots for combat missions in Europe. He prides himself on maintaining a 69 percent fail rate. And although he displays moments of compassion, those moments

James Konicek as Capt. O’Hurley with Eric Berryman, Christopher Wilson, Mark Hairston and Damian Thompson as Tuskegee Airmen in the Ford’s Theatre production of “Fly,” directed by Ricardo Khan. /Photo courtesy of Scott Suchman

are rare. Cognizant of the fact that African Americans considered them role models, the four aviators draw strength from one another, in order to deal with the racial adversity they faced throughout their training and use it to further strengthen the bond between them. While Fly, will easily capture

came the first African-American pilots in U.S. military history. The play, Fly, is an installment in the Lincoln Legacy Project, a multi-year initiative by Ford’s Theatre, created to examine and encourage discourse about America’s history of civil rights through a number of educational productions and discussions. wi

the attention of aviation and military history aficionados, the stellar acting, impressive stage design and the beautiful interpretative tap dancing of The Tap Griot [Omar Edwards], makes it an enjoyable experience for all. The Tuskegee Airmen [19401946], trained at the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Ala., be-

They fought for freedom abroad ... and at home.

based on the Tuskegee Airmen by Trey Ellis and Ricardo Khan; directed by Ricardo Khan

Now Playing! Through Oct. 21 Part of The Lincoln Legacy Project Lead Sponsor: Lockheed Martin Corporation Production Sponsors: Southern Company, Rolls-Royce Season Sponsors: The Home Depot; Chevron Photo of Christopher Wilson and Mark Hairston by Scott Suchman.

The Washington Informer

www.fords.org (800) 982-2787 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



Crossover SUV Boasts Best-in-Class Fuel Economy By Njuguna Kabugi WI Contributing Writer


Many readers may recall that for more than two decades, the Ford Motor Company owned a significant chunk of Mazda. The long co-habitation ended in 2010 when Ford, severely battered by recession in the U.S. market, dumped most of its 33.3 percent controlling share in the Japanese carmaker in a fire sale. The CX-5 is Mazda’s first completely new vehicle designed without Ford’s input. It’s a five-seat crossover

wagon designed fresh from the ground up with no hand-medown components. It replaces the Tribute compact SUV, which was based on the Ford Escape. The crossover, which went on sale early this year, will please many car buyers. It emphasizes essentials such as lower emissions and higher gas mileage, as well as desirables such as added safety features and new creature comforts. The CX-5 is the first model to fully incorporate SKYACTIV – a series of technologies devel-

While the 2013 Mazda CX-5 is far from the perfect car, it will suit many urban and suburban drivers. It’s reasonably priced, gets great gas mileage and will efficiently transport you and your family. /Photo courtesy of Mazda Motor of America, Inc.

oped by Mazda which increase fuel efficiency and engine output. The SKYACTIV includes new engines, transmissions, body and chassis.



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34 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer

Gone is the aestheticallychallenged goofy grin that currently graces the rest of the Mazda’s lineup. The old style has been replaced with Mazda’s new Kodo “Soul of Motion” design language that embraces large, eyelike headlamps and an inverted-pentagon-shaped black grille. Inside touches include an elevated seating position, a simple; yet crisp electroluminescent instrument cluster and a start button. The center stack is home to simple amber illuminated automatic climate controls. The 40:20:40 split fold-down seat backs and nifty folding configuration means that even when carrying long objects, two adults can sit comfortably in the rear seats. I drove the CX-5 for a little over a week and I have to admit I somewhat like it. It is highly utilitarian, relatively rugged, reasonably priced, gets great gas mileage and doesn’t have any major flaws that would be a real turn-off. The Mazda offers the best highway fuel economy of any gasoline only SUV sold in North America, at 35 miles per gallon [mpg], and features class-leading overall fuel economy performance versus its direct competitors. I loved the CX-5’s handling and great corner-hugging ability. It’s near-perfect manual transmission makes the vehicle really engaging to drive in crowded D.C. and Northern Virginia roads where stop and go traffic patterns are the norm. While I appreciated the CX-5’s ability to squeeze distance out of every drop of gasoline, the Mazda was a letdown

traveling uphill. The 155-horsepower fourcylinder engine was a bit lethargic merging onto interstate highway traffic. On a trip to the hill country in western Virginia, I found myself missing chances to pull ahead on the highway or successfully merge with confidence. Mazda throws in lots of safety and performance technology in the CX-5, including six airbags [front, side and full side-curtain], four wheel disk brakes, anti-lock brakes [ABS], daytime running lights, Dynamic Stability Control, a Traction Control System and a tire pressure monitoring system . Also available are a Blind Spot Monitoring system, Adaptive Front-lighting System with auto-leveling bi-xenon headlamps and a rear view camera with distance guide lines. Our manual transmissionequipped CX-5 had a sticker price just under $20,000. CX5s equipped with six-speed automatic transmissions start at $22,095 MSRP. When equipped with Mazda’s allnew active torque-split AWD system [SKYACTIV-Drive models], the starting price is $23,345 MSRP. A Bluetooth Audio Package is available for an additional $400 MSRP and includes Bluetooth hands-free phone and audio connectivity, a 5.8-inch in-dash color information touch screen and HD Radio Technology. wi www.washingtoninformer.com

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Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



Jim Gibson, a highlevel administrator during the Barry years introduces former D.C. Council member Charlene Drew Jarvis during the DC LISC 30th Anniversary Gala at Arena Stage in Southwest on Mon.,Sept. 24. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

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36 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


Nine Honored for Work in Community Development By James Wright WI Staff Writer A former D.C. Council member, who rallied on behalf of economic development in the District to ensure a viable and vibrant city, and a community leader who fought for a once blighted and beleaguered Northwest neighborhood, counted among those recognized for their contributions over the past 30 years during a recent awards presentation. The DC LISC [Local Initiative Support Corporation] celebrated its 30th anniversary by hosting a gala at the Arena Stage in Southwest on Sept. 24 to acknowledge the efforts of community, political and corporate leaders who worked on developing predominantly black neighborhoods of the District from the late 1960s to the present. Touted as “community development trailblazers”, the evening’s honorees included the Rev. Jim Dickerson, founder of Manna Inc.; former D.C. Council member Charlene Drew Jarvis; Karen Kollias, senior vice president, American Security Bank-Nations Bank; Robert Moore, president and chief executive officer of the Development Corporation for Columbia Heights and Chris Smith, chairman and CEO of the William C. Smith Co. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) joined the festivities and showered the award recipients with accolades for their determination and foresight. “What an all-star cast,” the mayor said, to the scores of guests who attended the after 6 cocktail reception and awards ceremony. “All of the honorees wanted a diverse city and they were visionaries that saw down the road what the city could look like,” said Gray, 69. Lloyd Smith, president emeritus and CEO of the Marshall Heights The Washington Informer

Community Development Organization; housing advocate Jim Banks; Retta Gilliam, president and executive director, East of the River Community Development Corporation and Madeline McCullough, director, District of Columbia Office of Enterprise Community Partners received acknowledgements posthumously. Organizations such as community development corporations started the work of redeveloping neighborhoods in the District several years after the 1968 riots because well-known development companies shunned the District for fear of crime, the abject poverty and the appalling reputation of the city’s school system. In predominantly black areas of the city, economic development didn’t exist and District residents traveled to the suburbs to shop. Marshall Heights, the Development Corporation for Columbia Heights and other development corporations transformed the areas and today black neighborhoods are the hottest properties for businesses and newcomers. Jarvis, 71, served on the D.C. Council from 1979-2001 and chaired the powerful economic development committee for many years. Jim Gibson, a high-level administrator during the Marion Barry administration, said that Jarvis took the steps to make the city more viable. “When she became chair of the economic development committee, whites were fleeing the city and blacks were leaving it to go to Prince George’s County,” Gibson said. “Stores were leaving for the suburbs. Jarvis used her committee to address those concerns.” Jarvis thanked the staff of DC LISC for the recognition but said she didn’t do it alone. “I want to thank the staff of the economic development committee

for their work during those years,” said Jarvis who lives in Northwest. “I am also proud to be with individuals who had the highest commitment to rebuild lives and communities.” Julie Rogers, president of the Meyer Foundation in Northwest, said that Moore has made a difference in Columbia Heights. “The night of April 4, 1968, 20 blocks in D.C. were destroyed and so were 4,000 homes and countless businesses,” Rogers said. “For 25 years, the Columbia Heights area languished but one astonishing man brought it back. It would not be what it is today were it not for him.” Moore has been credited for the building of the Nehemiah Shopping Center, the rebuilding of the Tivoli Theater and DC USA, a large shopping mall. Moore, 73, said that community development is important in the District. “We just need to keep going,” said Moore who lives in Northwest. “DC USA has 1,800 employees and most of them live within walking distance of the building.” In his remarks, Gray referred to Moore as “Mr. Columbia Heights.” Those who attended the ceremony received a special gift to mark the occasion – a book about the honorees – Becoming What We Can Be: Stories of Community Development in Washington, D.C.” by Tony Proscio, published by DC LISC. In closing, Rogers said that Moore’s work is reflective of all the honorees. “Community development can be done and can be done well,” she said. “We honor you and thank you for what you have done.” wi www.washingtoninformer.com


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


Horo scopes


oct 4 - oct 10, 2012

ARIES You may want to make this week a schmooze-fest! Whether you go out to a party or stay in with a friend, you’ll have a good time if you remember that charm is the only weapon that’ll work for you this week. Soul Affirmation: I work hard to combat envy this week. Lucky Numbers: 11, 29, 33 TAURUS Your vibrations could cause you to pause. That’s good, because a pause is just what you need to remember to think of the positive. Reject the negative and you’ll have a wonderful week. Soul Affirmation: I give my mind a holiday again this week. Lucky Numbers: 10, 17, 32 GEMINI Rev up your engines. This is a fine week for making progress with projects that you’ve got in the works. Your energy is high and your mind is clear. Use every advantage this week to finish up your work. Soul Affirmation: What life has given me is sufficient to any task. Lucky Numbers: 45, 47, 54

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LEO Confusion exists over some question, and every time you think you’ve got the answer, circumstances will change and new information will come to your attention. Don’t worry, things are going to clear up and work out. Take it easy. Soul Affirmation: My smile is a radiant light to those I encounter. Lucky Numbers: 30, 31, 52 VIRGO Communications flow smoothly this week and your word is golden. A wild idea for money making could come to you, but you should let the strictly material walk on by. Stick to your current plan and use your imagination for ways to streamline your work. Soul Affirmation: Confusion gives me an opportunity to show my love. Lucky Numbers: 13, 46, 48 LIBRA Creative mental energy makes this a banner week. An ambition that you thought you had left behind years ago suddenly resurfaces, and you’ll see similarities between what you are doing now and what you dreamed of back then. Soul Affirmation: I give my brain full power this week. Lucky Numbers: 12, 30, 47



CANCER A spirit of competition may be troubling you. Let it go. Celebrate differences and get on with the work of creating new hope in the world! Your tendency to speak without considering the full impact on others should be checked this week. Soul Affirmation: I graciously anticipate joy and this gives me the ability to give. Lucky Numbers: 18, 19, 31




SCORPIO Educate those around you in the area of personal growth. Their improvement will bring benefits to you. Humor in communication is the key. Humor in introspection is a must. Soul Affirmation: Success that has been following me is trying to catch up. Lucky Numbers: 16, 30, 39 SAGITTARIUS This week romance is begins to percolate. Enjoy your feelings and let your brain relax. Suspend all judgments of others. Being stern won’t work for you this week. Soul Affirmation: I go along to get along. Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 19 CAPRICORN Romance will find you this week. Don’t be looking the other way. Your “rap” is especially strong. Make as many of those important phone calls as possible. Soul Affirmation: Friendships are shock absorbers on the bumpy roads of life. Lucky Numbers: 11, 13, 20 AQUARIUS Don’t take any big gambles this week, the time is not right for a flight into the unknown. A newfound harmony is in store for you and your mate. Your mate will understand your fears. Soul Affirmation: New insights create new directions and a new cast of characters. Lucky Numbers: 6, 48, 51 PISCES The air can be cleared easily. Admit your need for help. Seek understanding. You’ll help another by seeking help from them. Communication problems will smooth themselves out. Soul Affirmation: Moving slowly might be the fastest way. Lucky Numbers: 33, 52, 54


38 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer


Sutton Says …


Finally, Nationals Clinch When the Washington Senators won the American League pennant in 1933, fans weren’t allowed to legally celebrate with a drink. Prohibition wasn’t repealed until two months after they won the title. So, go ahead Washington, have an alcoholic beverage of your choice today, on your 2012 Washington Nationals. The Nationals are National League East champions. It’s the first actual title a Washington major league team can claim since the Senators won in 1933. For years, many baseball analysts felt that the notion of baseball in Washington was dead. They couldn’t have been more wrong. Despite the abandonment, the losing, the frustration of countless failed attempts to bring the game back, baseball fans continued to get up and dust themselves off until the Expos ultimately relocated here in 2005. We had to resort to importing a team to get baseball back in Washington. The NL East championship that the Nationals hold is far more than a baseball championship. It’s a championship banner for the championship baseball will and endurance of Washington. It’s 2012 not 1933, and I encourage all Nationals fans to join me in a toast to the NL East Champs! So, for Washington sports fans their frustration has transitioned from the Nationals to the Redskins.

Washington Redskin free agent receivers are frustrating the fans and the team. Their lack of focus and discipline is beyond comprehension. Kicker Billy Cundiff ’s 42yard field goal saved the Redskins’ hide on Sunday. The team rallied for a 24-22 win over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It didn’t have to be that close. Redskins’ receiver Pierre Garcon committed a cheap shot penalty that ignited a late Tampa Bay rally. Only two games earlier, fellow free agent receiver Joshua Morgan committed an unsportsmanlike penalty that ended Washington’s chances in a loss at St. Louis. Garcon and Morgan were the Redskins’ top free agent acquisitions because the NFL salary cap sanctions prohibited them from addressing other needs. At this point, their on-field behavior is proving more costly than their paychecks. The Redskins were leading 21-6, and in control of the game in the third quarter until Garcon’s gaffe. The Buccaneers offense was still on the bus. But five plays after Garcon’s pass-interference blunder, he was flagged again for a hit after the whistle and away from the ball. The Bucs soon completed a 66-yard pass that set up its first touchdown, which sliced the lead to 21-13. The following possession had 54- and 22-yard pass plays as the Bucs came within 21-19 of their ri-

Would You Like to Have


By Charles E. Sutton vals. Washington was able to stop the two-point conversion to prevent a tie, but its offense had stalled. With 1:47 remaining, the Bucs finally took the lead 22-21 on a 47-yard field goal. After giving up 101 points in the 1-2 start, the defense had its best performance of the year in spite of safety Brandon Meriweather’s absence. Meriweather – who was scheduled to make his first appearance this season – and receiver Aldrick Robinson were injured in a freak collision during warm-ups. Only this injury-plagued Redskin squad could lose two players before the game even started. And Washington’s defensive pressure, led by linebacker Ryan Kerrigan, gave Bucs quarterback Josh Freeman a serious case of “happy feet.” The happier his feet became, the less accurate his passes were. Of course, that’s until the Bucs late-game resurgence. Freeman suddenly caught fire and finished 24-for-39 for 299 yards, with one touchdown and one interception.

Thirty Years of Caring for Our Youth Concerned Black Men, Inc., Washington, D.C. Chapter [CBM-DC] was founded in 1982 by African American men who are motivated by cultural pride, love for our youth, and dedicated to improving their growth and development in our community. Over the past 30 years, Concerned Black Men, Inc. has upheld its vision of Caring for Our Youth through a variety of youth development programs such as the Adopt-A-School Program, African Son Rise Rites of Passage Program, Annual Youth Recognition Awards Banquet, International Awareness Committee, Project 2000 Program, MLK Jr. Oratorical Contest, and many others. On October 13th, CBM-DC will celebrate 30 years of Caring for Our Youth during its 30th Anniversary Scholarship Gala at the Holiday Inn Capitol located at 550 C Street, SW, Washington, D.C. Please support this historic celebration by attending CBM-DC’s 30th Anniversary Scholarship Gala. For more information, contact CBM-DC at office@cbmdc. org or call 202-797-7444. www.washingtoninformer.com

The Washington Informer

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Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



Dane Figueroa Edidi, portrays Cordelia McClain in Erik Ehn’s play, Shape. The play runs through Oct. 6 at Atlas Performing Arts Center’s Sprenger Theatre in Northeast. /Photo courtesy of C. Stanley Photography

Ehn’s Shape Examines Vaudeville Production Follows Entertainers Billy and Cordelia McClain By Elton Hayes WI Staff Writer Those who enjoy folklore, dance and song will be delighted to know that Erik Ehn’s Shape, currently at the Atlas Performing Arts Center’s Sprenger Theater in Northeast, which runs through Oct. 6, provides an abundance to all three – and documents early African-American entertainment – at its pinnacle and at its demise. Shape tells the forgotten story of African-American vaudevillians – husband-and-wife duo Billy and Cordelia McClain – and the rise and fall of black vaudeville. Performed by the cast of force/collision, as seen through the eyes of fairies, Shape examines the popularity, influence and abandonment of the once popular entertainment genre. The production, which moves to New York City’s La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in November, is one of 17 plays in Ehn’s Soulgraphie: Our Genocides, a series of performances that examine two decades of genocide in East Africa, the United States and Rwanda. Through the beautiful use of lighting, sound and language, Shape paints a vivid picture of 1900s African-American vaudeville. The play opens as narrator Dexter Hamlett, the

40 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer

lone survivor of the entertainment movement, walks slowly onto a stage that is littered with newspaper shreds, illuminated wooden birdhouses and small tree stumps. The opening scene is beautiful and Hamlett’s slow, measured steps and exaggerated speech adds suspense. Apart from Hamlett, who wears a brown suit, the rest of Shape’s cast don black, bird beak masks, lending themselves to the mythical fairytale theme of the production. District native Frank Britton [Billy McClain] headlines a talented cast and does an exceptional job in his portrayal of McClain. Perhaps one of vaudeville’s most talented actors, McClain enjoyed a successful but troubled career and Britton captures the affable, yet dark side of his persona. Britton shares exceptional chemistry with Dane Figueroa Edidi [Cordelia McClain], his flamboyant wife. Cordelia steals the show as she saunters across the stage decked out in a flowing white dress. Her voice is crystalline and captivating. While McClain maintains his role and authority as the husband, Cordelia’s charisma and popularity tug at his emotions and resentment builds. Their trust for one another is tested when white journalist [Josh Sticklin] interviews Cordelia and becomes mesmerized by her seductive wiles.

Musically, Shape offers no shortage of vaudeville-themed songs that do well to move the production along. Upbeat gospel tunes, solos and the beating of drums capture the play’s essence. Despite the play’s magnificent set design and the actors stirring portrayals, the dialogue between the McClains and the handful of other cast members is protracted. The story jumps from theme to theme and is a bit confusing. The narrative also dragged on at points that ruined otherwise notable scenes. More could have been done to incorporate the Tulsa race riot earlier in the performance. Mention of its significance is made late in the play and loses its importance in connection with Ehn’s attempt to bridge the history of American genocide with the play. Although Ehn and Shape’s cast members do a great job painting a picture of the McClains and black vaudeville’s significance and contributions, the play’s choppy flow and diluted narrative make it difficult to follow and fully understand. wi Based in D.C., force/collision was created by theatre director John Moletress for the purpose of bringing together artists of mixed disciplines in order to spark dialogue and create space for the presentation of new work. www.washingtoninformer.com









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9/20/12 11:25 AM

The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



CTM A True Nature Lover

Relief from the Sun

A baby squirrel sits on the shoulder of an unidentified man who appears totally at ease. The photo was taken along the Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue corridor in Southeast on Tue., Sept 25. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah


Gladys Pendergraph, foreground, and Mary Barber get some relief from the sun thanks to a superheroes umbrella during the Seat Pleasant City Center groundbreaking ceremony Sat., Sept. 29 in Seat Pleasant, Md. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

A Crooner Shows Up to Serenade

R&B singer Raheem DeVaughn sings to Wilhelmina Evans during the Seat Pleasant City Center groundbreaking ceremony on Sat., Sept. 29 in Seat Pleasant, Md. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

Glitz & Glam in Seat Pleasant

Grammy-award winning singer Chrisette Michele performs during the Seat Pleasant City Center groundbreaking ceremony on Sat., Sept. 29 in Seat Pleasant, Md. /Photo by Khalid Naji-Allah

42 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer


Ethiopian and African-American dancers perform during the 3rd Annual DC Africa Festival at Banneker Community Center, Upper Field in Northwest on Sat., Sept. 29. /Photo by Roy Lewis



Art. Culture. Connection.

Fatoumata Diawara Friday, October 5 at 8:00 PM African rhythms from Mali with hints of jazz and funk from vocalist Fatoumata Diawara Tickets: $15 - $28

Campbell Brothers

District Celebrates 3 Annual Africa Festival


Saturday, October 13 at 8:00 PM Gospel music and electric steel guitar in a performance both devoted and rocking

Hundreds Attend Cultural Celebration By Elton Hayes WI Staff Writer District of Columbia residents and other visitors were treated to the sounds, tastes and sights of Africa last Saturday afternoon at an event sponsored by the District’s Office on African Affairs [OAA]. Under clear blue skies and balmy 70-degree weather, hundreds of people strolled around the grounds of Banneker Field, adjacent to Howard University in Northwest, throughout the day of Sept. 29, soaking up the culture during the 3rd annual DC Africa Festival. “This is a beautiful, enjoyable event,” said Gregory Jackson, 60, who lives in Northwest. “I’m glad that the city has an event like this that recognizes people of different cultures. Throughout our lives, we’re only taught very few things about where we originated. But this event gives us a better perspective [of who] and what we represent.” OAA officials successfully immersed festival-goers into a colorful and festive entrée of African history and culture. The festival, which was free to the public, featured traditional and modern African music; folklore; vendors selling a melange of arts and crafts, including jewelry, bracelets and necklaces; African food; a wellness pavilion replete with primarily West African motifs; children’s activities; and an African fashion show highlighting the sartorial splendor of the African Diaspora.


Six pavilions featured attractions and booths from District agencies and local African vendors who promoted everything from healthy eating and wellness, to voter registration. Guests milled about the field and stopped to enjoy traditional African cuisine as the smell of chicken marinated in lemon and beef in cabbage and peanut sauce teased their palates. Some guests perused vendors’ displays of traditional African art, while others talked with representatives from the Embassy of Cote d’Ivoire – a West African country. Popular African music emanated from the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation’s huge traveling soundstage – set up behind the baseball field’s home plate. OAA officials said the festival honors the burgeoning tradition of celebrating African culture while emphasizing the considerable contributions and vibrant presence of the African community in the District. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 150,000 Africans born on the continent live in the city and the surrounding Washington metropolitan area. Fox 5 Anchor Maureen Umeh who served as master of ceremonies, welcomed guests and encouraged them to take advantage of the unique experience. Nicole Morman’s two daughters, ages five and nine, grabbed their mother’s hand and whisked her over to the Children’s Village where children waited patiently to have their faces adorned with

beautiful colors and fanciful shapes and images. In addition, children were encouraged to cast their ballot in a mock voting booth. And little girls had an opportunity to be fitted for cloth head wraps. Morman learned of the event through a website online, but didn’t tell her daughters. She said that they wouldn’t have been able to contain their excitement. As the two girls waited to have their faces painted, Morman noted the event’s impact on them. “It’s important because I want them to know about their ancestors, what they wore and things they ate,” said Morman, 32, who lives in Ft. Belvoir, Va. “[Their father] and I try to make sure that they’re well rounded in all things, but it’s really important for them to know where they came from and originated because they ask all the time.” As the afternoon progressed, the crowd grew as curious passersby who attended Howard’s home football game started to file through the gate. The event’s music and festive atmosphere grabbed the attention of Howard sophomore Imani Myton. “I originally stopped by because my mom usually takes me to things like this in St. Louis,” the 19-year-old marketing major said. “But this is unique. The booths are a lot more Afrocentric, which I’m excited about. This is my first specifically African festival. It’s really unique, I like it,” she said with a smile. wi The Washington Informer

Tickets: $15 - $32 Atlas Performing Arts Center 1333 H Street NE atlasarts.org  202.399.7993 ext. 2


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Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


Pop Warner Football Highlights


Hasaan Hill eludes an opponent in Pop Warner football action on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Cardozo Senior High School in Northwest. /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Jomo Goings leaps over three Deanwood Cowboys defenders to haul in a pass during Pop Warner football action on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Cardozo Senior High School in Northwest. /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Marshall Heights’ Michael Brown sprints past a Watkins Hornets defender in Pop Warner football action on Saturday, Sept. 29 at HD Woodson High School in Northwest. /Photo courtesy of Robert Eubanks

John Wall Appears at Simon Elementary School in Southeast Washington Wizards guard John Wall appeared before more than 200 students at Simon Elementary School in Southeast on Friday, Sept. 28 for the District’s “Build Our Kids” [BOKS] program. BOKS is a 45-minute, before-school physical activity program which aims to enhance academic performance and the overall health of children. Wall participated in all of the exercises and was joined by Shellie Pfohl, executive director of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition and Wizards mascot G-Man. /Photo by John E. DeFreitas


Sports Photos by John De Freitas


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The Washington Informer



Howard Defeats Savannah State 56-9 in Home Opener

Howard quarterback Randy Liggins completed 9 of 13 passes for 85 yards, and carried the ball 10 times for 70 yards and two touchdowns on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Greene Stadium in Northwest. /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Savannah State quarterback Antonio Bostick is sacked by Howard linebacker Eric Pittman in second half Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference football action on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Greene Stadium in Northwest. /Photo by John E. De Freitas

Savannah State quarterback Victorian Hardison attempts to evade a Howard defender in second quarter Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference football action on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Greene Stadium in Northwest. Hardison was sacked five times in Howard’s 56-9 win over Savannah State. /Photo by John E. De Freitas


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012



Colin Powell Wows CBC Crowd By Barrington M. Salmon WI Staff Writer Retired Gen. Colin L. Powell was probably the envy of his fellow authors at the Congressional Black Caucus’ Expo and Book Fair held recently during the organization’s 42nd Annual Legislative Conference. Powell, 75, a decorated soldier and former secretary of state under George W. Bush, got the rock star treatment as he promoted his latest effort, “It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership.” “I could have written a much, much longer book. I had the option – this or a political memoir,” said Powell during an

interview of his 283-page memoir. “I wanted to talk about life and leadership. As I go around the circuit, people always ask more about life. This was more timely.” The book draws on Powell’s insight and experiences over the course of a 35-year military career, his service during four administrations, and a Jamaican immigrant upbringing. One of the themes he focuses on is the seminal role parents play in shaping a child’s behavior and view of the world. He said children need to be taught to “mind the adults, mind your manners, and mind yourself.” Wherever he went during the book signing, Powell was sur-

Retired Gen. Colin Powell created quite a stir when he showed up at the Congressional Black Caucus’ Expo and Book Fair to sign copies of his most recent effort at the Walter E.Washington Convention Center in Northwest. Rep. John Lewis [D-Ga.], also an accomplished writer, stopped by to wish his friend well. /Photo by Mark Mahoney

rounded and trailed by a phalanx of security and PR types who did their best to protect the


 46 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer

former secretary of state as he moved around the upper floor of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown D.C. People jostled each other to get a closer look, most, armed with smart phones and cameras snapped away and others rushed to buy a book when they were told that that would be the only way they’d get close to this icon. Powell, national security advisor under President Ronald Reagan and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spent more than an hour talking to an audience about his book, sitting at a small round table where he signed his book, posed for photographs and smoozed with awestruck admirers and then made brief remarks before being whisked away. He elaborated on some of those remarks later. “It’s fascinating that even though we have iPads, Kindles and other gadgets, people are still buying books. There may be large numbers of Kindles, e-books and such but a book is still a book.” Powell, who retired as a fourstar general, said he is adapting and adjusting to life in a digital world. “I have to prepare for the youngsters,” he said with a laugh. “I have an iPad with 40 books on it. A lot of them I buy on impulse. This technology of the modern era is fascinating and an example of a changing world.” Powell discussed the digital phenomenon and what it means

for leadership and decision making in greater detail with radio and television personality Tavis Smiley during a June 11 interview. “I’m 75 years old, and I was born analog. I’m desperately trying to become digital both to keep up with the world and to keep up with my grandchildren,” he said. “The new generation is born digital and is living in a digital world. We’re all living in a world with touch-screen devices, of smart phones, living in a world where the Internet is driving so much of our life. We have to get used to it. Everything is moving at 186,000 miles per second.” Education in the home and in the public sphere remains one of Powell’s pet projects. His contribution to effecting change in this area is the America’s Promise Foundation which he and his wife Alma founded in 1997. The foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of children and young people and it has drawn in more than 400 national non-profits, educators, policymakers, businesses and communities. “Education doesn’t have to just do with school, it’s about children doing well in life,” he told Smiley. “We have no more important obligation than to educate those who replace us,” he said. wi www.washingtoninformer.com

The Religion Corner


Together Each Achieves More – T.E.A.M. Iron Sharpens Iron, and One Man Sharpens Another. Proverbs 27:17 Have you noticed how much easier it is when your group works together in harmony? Things are always much smoother! It’s scriptural. When the scripture says, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” it’s referring to how much sharper one becomes when he or she has help from another individual. Those of you who are a little older might remember Barbra Streisand’s signature song from the movie, Funny Girl. One of the lines goes something like this: “People, people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world.” I’m not sure what she meant by that, because we all need people. The problem is, not everybody realizes that, so we might change that line to read: “People who realize they need people are the most fortunate people in the world.” We all need people, and as the church, we are designed to live and function in unison with one another and to depend on each other. We are a body, a team if you will, and we function best when we all work together. When I operated my company over a 10 year period on a full-time basis, my three sisters worked in the business with me. They were extremely dependable; after all, I had lived with them my entire life. I could count on them. Whatever they had been assigned to do – I could consider the job done – it was a given.

Today, I’m a consultant, working alone. It has been much more difficult to get projects completed. When you work with people who aren’t family, and who keep important matters to themselves because they are not trusting and open, the entire process comes to a grinding halt or moves at a snail’s pace. Trust was never an issue when I worked with my family. Over the years, I’ve attempted to figure out how to encourage others to work together as one unit – one team – with love, and in peace, and harmony. It’s not easy to do! I believe the Christian life requires teamwork. We need to look out for one another if we’re going to be all that we can be for the Lord. We need one another. Are you aware of the “one another” verses in the Bible? Consider these: “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Romans 12:5. “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.” Romans 12:10. “Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.” Romans 12:16. And finally, “Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8 How many times have you and a church friend prayed together and said, “Let’s touch and agree” yet your prayer never materialized, and nothing happened. If we would pray as we should, and pray in accordance with all the

with Lyndia Grant Bible teaches on prayer, not just on the basis of one isolated text, we would see results because prayer works. There’s so much we can pray about, and God does hear our individual prayers, but like the scripture in Matthew says: “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” One key phrase in this scripture that I must point out: “two of you agree” – this includes lifestyle, like minds, like behaviors. Be mindful of the person with whom you pray. Is that person saved? Do they at least try to please God, and are they trying to live by His commandments?wi Visit the website of Lyndia Grant at www.lyndiagrant.com to book Lyndia for speaking engagements, or call 202-518-3192, and send emails to lyndiagrant@gmail.com


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Listen to

“Praise In The City”

The New Public Affairs Talk Show Hosted by Praise 104.1’s Sheila Stewart Saturday 5:30am-6:30am on Praise 104.1 For more info visit www.praise1041.com


The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


religion BAPTIST

african methodist episcopal

Pilgrim Baptist Church

Historic St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Rev. James Manion Supply Priest Foggy Bottom • Founded in 1867 728 23rd Street, NW • Washington, DC 20037 Church office: 202-333-3985 • Fax : 202-338-4958 Worship Services Sundays: 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Music and Hymns Wednesdays: 12:10 p.m. - Holy Eucharist www.stmarysfoggybottom.org Email: stmarysoffice@stmarysfoggybottom.org All are welcome to St. Mary’s to Learn, Worship, and Grow.

Blessed Word of Life Church Dr. Dekontee L. & Dr. Ayele A. Johnson Pastors 4001 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 265-6147 Office 1-800 576-1047 Voicemail/Fax Schedule of Services: Sunday School – 9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Service – 11:00 AM Communion Service – First Sunday Prayer Service/Bible Study – Tuesday, 6:30 PM www.blessedwordoflifechurch.org e-mail: church@blessedwordoflifechurch.org

Campbell AME Church Reverend Daryl K. Kearney, Pastor 2562 MLK Jr. Ave., S E Washington, DC 20020 Adm. Office 202-678-2263 Email:Campbell@mycame.org Sunday Worship Service 10: am Sunday Church School 8: 45 am Bible Study Wednesday 12:00 Noon Wednesday 7:00 pm Thursday 7: pm “Reaching Up To Reach Out” Mailing Address Campbell AME Church 2502 Stanton Road SE Washington, DC 20020

Mt. Zion Baptist Church Rev. John W. Davis, Pastor 5101 14th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20011 202-726-2220/ 202-726-9089 Sunday Worship Service 8:00am and 11:00am Sunday School 9:15am Holy Communion 4th Sunday 10:00am Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday 7;00pm TV Ministry –Channel 6 Wednesday 10:00pm gsccm.administration@verizon.net

700 I. Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Pastor Louis B. Jones, II and Pilgrim invite you to join us during our July and August Summer schedule! Attire is Christian casual. Worship: Sundays@ 7:30 A.M. & 10:00 A.M. 3rd Sunday Holy Communion/ Baptism/Consecration Prayer & Praise: Wednesdays @12:00 Noon @ 6:30 P.M. – One Hour of Power! (202) 547-8849 www. pilgrimbaptistdc.org

Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ Drs. Dennis W. and Christine Y. Wiley, Pastors 3845 South Capitol Street Washington, DC 20032 (202) 562-5576 (Office) (202) 562-4219 (Fax) SERVICES AND TIMES: SUNDAYS: 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services BIBLE STUDY: Wonderful Wednesdays in Worship and the Word Bible Study Wednesdays 12:00 Noon; 6:30 PM (dinner @ 5:30 PM) SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:45 AM – Hour of Power “An inclusive ministry where all are welcomed and affirmed.” www.covenantbaptistdc.org

Morning Star Baptist Church Pastor Gerald L Martin Senior Minister 3204 Brothers Place S.E. Washington, D.C. 20032 202-373-5566 or 202-373-5567

Church of Living Waters

Rev. Paul Carrette Senior Pastor Harold Andrew, Assistant Pastor 4915 Wheeler Road Oxon Hill, MD 20745 301-894-6464 Schedule of Service Sunday Service: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Bible Study: Wednesday 7:30 PM Communion Service: First Sunday www.livingwatersmd.org

St. Stephen Baptist Church Lanier C. Twyman, Sr. State Overseer 5757 Temple Hill Road, Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office 301-899-8885 – fax 301-899-2555 Sunday Early Morning Worship - 7:45 a.m. Church School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship – 10:45 a.m. Tuesday – Thursday - Kingdom Building Bible Institute – 7:30 p.m. Wednesday – Prayer/Praise/Bible Study – 7:30 p.m. Baptism & Communion Service- 4th Sunday – 10:30am Radio Broadcast WYCB -1340 AM-Sunday -6:00pm T.V. Broadcast - Channel 190 – Sunday -4:00pm/Tuesday 7:00am

“We are one in the Spirit” www.ssbc5757.org e-mail: ssbc5757@verizon.net

Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church Rev. Dr. Michael E. Bell, Sr., • Pastor 2498 Alabama Ave., SE • Washington D.C. 20020 Office: (202) 889-7296 Fax: (202) 889-2198 • www.acamec.org 2008: The Year of New Beginnings “Expect the Extraordinary”

Crusader Baptist Church

Isle of Patmos Baptist Church Reverend Dr. Calvin L. Matthews • Senior Pastor 1200 Isle of Patmos Plaza, Northeast Washington, DC 20018 Office: (202) 529-6767 Fax: (202) 526-1661

Rev. Dr. Alton W. Jordan, Pastor 800 I Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 202-548-0707 Fax No. 202-548-0703

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00a.m. and 11:00a.m. Sunday Church School - 9:15a.m. & Sunday Adult Forum Bible Study - 10:30a.m. 2nd & 4th Monday Women’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Tuesday Jr./Sr. Bible Study - 10:00a.m. Tuesday Topical Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Tuesday New Beginnings Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Wednesday Children’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Thursday Men’s Bible Study - 6:30p.m. Friday before 1st Sunday Praise & Worship Service - 6:30p.m. Saturday Adult Bible Study - 10:00a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am Holy Communion – 1st Sunday Sunday School-9:45am Men’s Monday Bible Study – 7:00pm Wednesday Night Bible Study – 7:00pm Women’s Ministry Bible Study 3rd Friday -7:00pm Computer Classes- Announced Family and Marital Counseling by appointment E-mail: Crusadersbaptistchurch@verizon.net www.CrusadersBaptistChurch.org

“The Amazing, Awesome, Audacious Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church”

“God is Love”

Third Street Church of God Rev. Cheryl J. Sanders, Th.D. Senior Pastor 1204 Third Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202.347.5889 office 202.638.1803 fax Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: Wed. 7:30 p.m. “Ambassadors for Christ to the Nation’s Capital” www.thirdstreet.org

Sunday Worship Services: 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion: 2nd Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:20 a.m. Seniors Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Noon Day Prayer Service: Tuesdays at Noon Bible Study: Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Motto: “A Ministry of Reconciliation Where Everybody is Somebody!” Website: http://isleofpatmosbc.org Church Email: ipbcsecretary@verizon.net

Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr.; Senior Bishop & Evangelist Susie C. Owens – Co-Pastor 610 Rhode Island Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 529-4547 office • (202) 529-4495 fax Sunday Worship Service: 8 AM and 10:45 AM Sunday Youth Worship Services: 1st & 4th 10:45 AM; 804 R.I. Ave., NE 5th 8 AM & 10:45 AM; Main Church Prayer Services Tuesday – Noon, Wednesday 6 AM & 6:30 PM Calvary Bible Institute: Year-Round Contact Church Communion Every 3rd Sunday The Church in The Hood that will do you Good! www.gmchc.org emailus@gmchc.org

ST Marks Baptist Come Worship with us... St. Mark's Baptist Church 624 Underwood Street, NW Washington, dc 20011 Dr. Raymond T. Matthews, Pastor and First Lady Marcia Matthews Sunday School 9:am Worship Service 10:am Wed. Noon Day prayer service Thur. Prayer service 6:45 pm Thur. Bible Study 7:15 pm

We are proud to provide the trophies for the Washington Informer Spelling Bee

Service & Time Sunday Worship 7:45A.M & 11A.M Communion Service 2nd Sunday 11A.M Prayer Service Tuesday 7:00 P.M Bible Study Tuesday 8:00 P.M Sunday Church School 10:00 A.M Sunday “A church reaching and winning our community for Christ” morningstarbaptistchurch@verizon.net www.morningstarchurch-dc.org

Mount Carmel Baptist Church

52 Years of Expert Engraving Services

Joseph N. Evans, Ph.D Senior Pastor 901 Third Street N.W. Washington, DC. 20001 Phone (202) 842-3411 Fax (202) 682-9423 Sunday Church School : 9: 30am Sunday Morning Worship: 10: 45am Bible Study Tuesday: 6: 00pm Prayer Service Tuesday: 7:00pm Holy Communion: 3rd Sunday 10: 45am themcbc.org

48 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

The Washington Informer


religion Baptist

All Nations Baptist Church

Friendship Baptist Church 900 Delaware Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20020 (202) 488-7417 (202) 484-2242 Rev. Dr. J. Michael Little Pastor Sunrise Prayer: 6:00 AM Sunday School: 9:30 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Holy Communion: 3rd Sunday-11:00AM www.friendshipbaptistdc.org Email: frienshipde1900@verizon.net

Rev. Dr. James Coleman Pastor 2001 North Capitol St, N.E. • Washington, DC 20002 Phone (202) 832-9591

Website: www.allnationsbaptistchurch.com All Nations Baptist Church – A Church of Standards

“Where Jesus is the King”

Israel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Morris L Shearin, Sr. Pastor

4850 Blagdon Ave, NW • Washington D.C 20011 Phone (202) 722-4940 • Fax (202) 291-3773

1251 Saratoga Ave., NE Washington, DC 20018 (202) 269-0288 Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 A.M. Sunday School: 8:30 A.M. Holy Communion1st Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Prayer Service: Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.

Mount Moriah Baptist Church

St. Luke Baptist Church

1415 Gallatin Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-3851 P: (202) 726-5940 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion: 11:00 a.m., 3rd Sun. Bible Study: Monday - 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting: Thursday - 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Lucius M. Dalton, Senior Pastor 1636 East Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20003 Telephone: 202-544-5588 Fax: 202-544-2964 Sunday Worship Services: 7:45 am and 10:45 am Holy Communion: 1st Sundays at 7:45 am and 10:45 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Prayer & Praise Service: Tuesdays at 12 noon and 6:30 pm Bible Study: Tuesdays at 1 pm and 7 pm Youth Bible Study: Fridays at 7 pm Web: www.mountmoriahchurch.org Email: mtmoriah@mountmoriahchurch.org

Rehoboth Baptist Church

St. Matthews Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Maxwell M. Washington Pastor 1105 New Jersey Ave, S.E • Washington, DC 20003 202 488-7298 Order of Services Sunday Worship Services: 9:05 A.M. Sunday School: 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting: 7:00 P.M. (Tuesday) Bible Study: 7:30 P.M. (Tuesday) Theme: “Striving to be more like Jesus “Stewardship”. Philippians 3:12-14; Malachi 3:8-10 and 2 Corinthians 9:7 Email: stmatthewbaptist@msn.com Website: www.stmatthewsbaptist.com

2324 Ontario Road, NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-1730 Sunday School – 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service – 11:00 am Baptismal Service – 1st Sunday – 9:30 am Holy Communion – 1st Sunday – 11:00 am Prayer Meeting & Bible Study – Wednesday -7:30 pm

Rev. Keith W. Byrd, Sr. Pastor

Rev. Aubrey C. Lewis Pastor

Rev. Daryl F. Bell Pastor

Sunday Church School – 9:30 AM Sunday Worship Service – 11:00 AM Holy Communion – 1st Sunday at 11:00 AM Prayer – Wednesdays, 6:00 PM Bible Study – Wednesdays, 7:00 PM Christian Education School of Biblical Knowledge Saturdays, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, Call for Registration

Zion Baptist Church

Sunday Worship Service 10:15AM- Praise and Worship Services Sunday School 9:00am Monday: Noon Bible School Wednesday: Noon & 7PM: Pastor’s Bible Study Ordinance of Baptism 2nd Holy Communion 4th Sunday Mission Zion Baptist Church Shall; Enlist Sinners, Educate Students, Empower the Suffering, Encourage the Saints, and Exalt Our Savior. (Acts 2:41-47) www.zionbaptistchurchdc.org

King Emmanuel Baptist Church

Advertise your church

Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Clinton W. Austin Pastor 2409 Ainger Pl.,SE – WDC 20020 (202) 678-0884 – Office (202) 678-0885 – Fax “Come Grow With Us and Establish a Blessed Family” Sunday Worship 7:30am & 10:45am Baptism/Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Family Bible Study Tuesdays – 6:30pm Prayer Service Tuesdays – 8:00pm www.emmanuelbaptistchurchdc.org

Advertise your church

services here

services here

call Ron Burke at

call Ron Burke at

202-561-4100 or email

202-561-4100 or email



Mount Pleasant Baptist Church

New Commandment Baptist Church

Rev. Terry D. Streeter Pastor

Rev. Stephen E. Tucker Pastor and Overseer

215 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. • WD.C. 20001 (202) 332-5748

625 Park Rd, NW • WDC 20010 P: 202 291-5711 • F: 202 291-5666

Early Morning Worship: 7:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion: 4th Sunday 7:45 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. C.T.U. Sunday: 2:45 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service: Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Noon Day Prayer Service: Mondays 12 p.m.

Sunday Worship Service - 11 am Sunday School - 9:45 am Bible Study & Prayer Wed. - 7 pm Substance Abuse Counseling 7 pm (Mon & Fri) Jobs Partnership - 7 pm (Mon & Wed) Sat. Enrichment Experience - 9:30 am

Salem Baptist Church

“A Church Where Love Is Essential and Praise is Intentional”

Shiloh Baptist Church

Rev. R. Vincent Palmer Pastor

Rev. Alonzo Hart Pastor

Rev. Dr. Wallace Charles Smith Pastor

621 Alabama Avenue, S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 P: (202) 561-1111 F: (202) 561-1112

917 N St. NW • Washington, DC 20001 (202) 232-4294

9th & P Street, N.W. • W. D.C. 20001 (202) 232-4200

The Church Where GOD Is Working.... And We Are Working With GOD

Sunrise Prayer Services - Sunday 7:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Prayer Service: 8:00 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. Third Sunday Baptismal & Holy Communion:10:30 a.m. Tuesday Church At Study Prayer & Praise: 6:30 p.m.

Morning Worship: 8:00 a.m Church School : 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:55 a.m. Bible Study, Thursday: 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting,Thursday : 7:30 p.m.

Sunday Service: 10 am Sunday School for all ages: 8:30 am 1st Sunday Baptism: 10: am 2nd Sunday Holy Communion: 10 am Tuesday: Bible Study: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting: 7:45 pm


Motto: God First

The Washington Informer

Florida Avenue Baptist Church

Holy Trinity United Baptist Church

Dr. Earl D. Trent Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. George C. Gilbert SR. Pastor

623 Florida Ave.. NW • WDC. 20001 Church (202) 667-3409 • Study (202) 265-0836 Home Study (301) 464-8211 • Fax (202) 483-4009

4504 Gault Place, N.E. Washington, D.C 20019 202-397-7775 – 7184

Sunday Worship Services: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Church School: 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion: Every First Sunday Intercessory Prayer: Monday – 7:00-8:00 p.m. Pastor’s Bible Study: Wednesday –7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer: Wednesday – 7:00 p.m. Noonday Prayer Every Thursday

9:30AM. Sunday Church School 11:00 Am. Sunday Worship Service The Lord’s Supper 1st Sunday Wednesday 7:00pm Prayer & Praise Services 7:30pm. Bible Study Saturday before 4th Sunday Men, Women, Youth Discipleship Ministries 10:30am A Christ Centered Church htubc@comcast.net

Matthews Memorial Baptist Church

Mt. Bethel Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Bobby L. Livingston, Sr. Pastor

Dr. C. Matthew Hudson, Jr, Pastor

75 Rhode Island Ave. NW • Washington, DC 20001 (202) 667-4448

2616 MLK Ave., SE • Washington, DC 20020 Office 202-889-3709 • Fax 202-678-3304 Early Worship Service 7:30a.m Worship Service 10:45a.m. New Members Class 9:30a.m. Holy Communion : 1st Sunday -10:45a.m Church School 9:30a.m. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study: Wednesday 7p.m Bible Study : Saturday: 11a.m. Baptism: 4th Sunday – 10:45a.m “Empowered to love and Challenged to Lead a Multitude of Souls to Christ”

Peace Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell 712 18th Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone 202-399-3450/ Fax 202-398-8836 Sunday Morning Worship Service 7:15 am & 10:50 am Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:50am Wednesday Prayer & Testimonies Service 7:30pm Wednesday School of the Bible 8:00pm Wednesday - Midweek Prayer Service 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm “The Loving Church of the living lord “ Email Address pbcexec@verizon.net

First Rising Mt. Zion Baptist Church 602 N Street NW • Washington, D.C. 20001 Office:(202) 289-4480 Fax: (202) 289-4595 Sunday Worship Services: 7:45am & 11:00am Sunday school For All Ages 9:30am Prayer Services Wednesday 11:30am & 6:45pm Bible Institute Wednesday at Noon & 7:45pm “Changing Lives On Purpose “ Email: Froffice@firstrising.org Website: www.firstrising.org

Sunrise Prayer Service 6:00 A.M. Sunday Church School 8:30 A.M. Pre-Worship Devotionals 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Services 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion 1st Sunday Worship Services Bible Study Tuesdays, 6:00 P.M. Thursdays, 1:00 P.M. Prayer Meetings Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. Thursdays, 12:00 P.M.

Pennsylvania Ave. Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Kendrick E. Curry Pastor 3000 Pennsylvania Ave.. S.E Washington, DC 20020 202 581-1500 Sunday Church School: 9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 A.M. Monday Adult Bible Study: 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Youth & Adult Activities: 6:30 P.M. Prayer Service Bible Study

Mt. Horeb Baptist Church Rev. Dr. H. B. Sampson, III Pastor 2914 Bladensburg Road, NE Wash., DC 20018 Office: (202) 529-3180 Fax: (202) 529-7738 Order of Services Worship Service: 7:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion: 4th Sunday 7:30 a.m. & 10:30a.m. Prayer Services: Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 12 Noon Email:mthoreb@mthoreb.org Website:www.mthoreb.org For further information, please contact me at (202) 529-3180.

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


CLASSIFIEDS legal notice

legal notice

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131

Administration No. 2012 ADM 870

Administration No. 2012 ADM 928

Aline Ethel Powers Decedent

Gwendolyn H. Hammond aka Gwendolyn Hart Hammond Decedent



Sheila Renee Marshall, whose address is 2233 Cherry Leaf Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Aline Ethel Powers, who died on June 4, 2012 without a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 20, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 20, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.

Peggy Hammond, whose address is 808 Quackenbos Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011, was appointed personal representative of the estate of Gwendolyn H. Hammond aka Gwendolyn Hart Hammond, who died on March 29, 2010 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before April 4, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before April 4, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship.

Date of first publication: September 20, 2012 Sheila Renee Marshall Personal Representative

Date of first publication: October 4, 2012 Peggy Hammond Personal Representative



Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer

Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Probate Division Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 Administration No. 2012 ADM 890 Margaret Louise Thompson Decedent Mary Rose E. Cook, Esq. 233 East Redwood Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS James E. Thompson and Stephen M. Thompson, whose addresses are 2614 Kingsley Ln., Bowie, MD 20715 and 711 Timber Tree Pl., Crownsville, MD 21032, were appointed personal representatives of the estate of Margaret Louise Thompson, who died on July 8, 2012 with a Will, and will serve without Court supervision. All unknown heirs and heirs whose whereabouts are unknown shall enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such appointment (or to the probate of decedent’s will) shall be filed with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Street, N.W. Third Floor Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before March 27, 2013. Claims against the decedent shall be presented to the undersigned with a copy to the Register of Wills or filed with the Register of Wills with a copy to the undersigned, on or before March 27, 2013, or be forever barred. Persons believed to be heirs or legatees of the decedent who do not receive a copy of this notice by mail within 25 days of its first publication shall so inform the Register of Wills, including name, address and relationship. Date of first publication: September 27, 2012 James E. Thompson Stephen M. Thompson Personal Representative TRUE TEST COPY Anne Meister Register of Wills Washington Informer

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independent audit. As with CFPB’s similar enforcement action against Capital One, penalty fees will also be applied. Discover will split a $14 million penalty between the U.S. Treasury Department and the CFPB’s Civil Penalty Fund. Earlier this year, CFPB’s first enforcement action against Capital One found similar deceptive tactics in selling credit card add-on services. As a result, Capital One agreed to refund $140 million to 2 million Capital One customers. An additional $25 million penalty was also assessed. These two enforcement actions combined represent $340 million in consumer restitution and $39 million in penalties.

Crowell continued from Page 26 benefits, including employment or pre-existing medical conditions. No affected consumer needs to take any action to receive what is owed. Consumers with a current Discover card will receive a credit to his/her account. Consumers with closed Discover accounts will either receive a check by mail, or the restitution will be applied to any remaining balance on the card. Beyond these refunds, additional enforcement actions require Discover to stop deceptive marketing, submit a compliance plan to both CFPB and FDIC for approval and submit to an

With this volume of refunds, consumers would also be welladvised to be on the lookout for scammers claiming they will provide a refund. Further CFPB urges consumers to advise the Bureau of those who try to charge for a refund, ask that funds be sent to a third party, or solicit personal information to receive funds due. Suspected scams should be reported to CFPB’s toll-free number, 855411-CFPB. Charlene Crowell is a communications manager with the Center for Responsible Lending. She can be reached at: Charlene.crowell@responsiblelending.org

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Malveaux continued from Page 26 lead in key swing states represent another form of subtle voter suppression. If we think the president is leading, then some will pull back on their efforts. And that’s exactly what some Republicans are counting on. Jay Cost, who writes for the conservative Weekly Standard, told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that “Democratic enthusiasm is going to recede.” Another analyst said that the current polls are assuming a “record Democratic turnout.” Still another said that while 90 percent of registered Republicans will vote for Romney and 90 percent of Democrats will vote for President Obama, the race will be decided by independents, many of whom are not polled.

My grandmother used to say, “Don’t feed me fat meat and tell me it ain’t greasy.” Or, “Don’t spit on me and tell me it’s raining.” In other words, don’t believe the hype. To be sure, President Obama may be leading the polls in some states, but polls are like putting your finger in the air to see which way the wind blows. They are like calling the basketball game based on who is leading after the first half. They are like handicapping the horse race based on who is first out of the gate. They tell a story about a point in time, but not about the outcome. Thus, polling results are both good news and provisional news. The good news – the polls tell us that an Obama win is not only possible but likely. The provisional news – President Obama won’t win unless we work for it. Imagine that the basketball team

started chilling in the second half because they led in the first, or that the horse first out of the gate decided to slow up because, after all, the win was decided. We’ve all heard about the flash in the pan, the tortoise and the hare, and the importance of persistence. These polls ought to be a motivator for those who support President Obama. The goal ought to be to make these poll results a reality by ensuring that Democratic enthusiasm increases, not recedes, and that Democratic turnout does hit record numbers. It ain’t over til it’s over, and the outcome of this election will depend on the work that is done in the next several weeks. wi Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.

versity journalist Bill Moyers described how a plutocracy is chocking out democracy. He said that certain conservative groups have created a “shadow party” determined to be the real power in Washington just like Rome’s Opus Dei in Dan Brown’s “The DaVinci Code.” In this shadow party the plutocrats reign. “We have reached what former Labor Secretary Robert Reich calls ‘the perfect storm that threatens American democracy: an unprecedented concentration of income and wealth at the top; a record amount of secret money, flooding our democracy; and a public becoming increasingly angry and cynical about a government that’s raising its taxes, reducing its services, and unable to get it back to work. We’re losing our democracy to a different system’ It’s called plutocracy.” Moyers said the fraction of one percent of Americans who now earn as much as the bottom 120 million

Americans includes the top executives of giant corporations and those Wall Street hedge funds and private equity managers who are buying our democracy. What can make us whole again? Moyer warned: “Our government is being bought. Until we get clean money we’re not going to get clean elections, and until we get clean elections, you can kiss goodbye government of, by, and for the people. Welcome to the plutocracy.” The problem with a plutocracy, the one percent does not have a welcome mat out for the 99 percent or the 47 percent, the rebuked and the scorned outsiders. No one concedes power without a demand, abolitionist Frederick Douglass once said. So it is up to the 1 percent to find a way to crash the party. wi

Reynolds continued from Page 26

ers, those who work every day but don’t make enough money to pay federal taxes and seniors living on limited incomes. I am angry not at the rich for being rich, but for the disdain people like Romney and side kick Paul Ryan hold for those not in their country-club existence and their insistence of punishing the needy. How else do you explain their zeal to kill Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which could be the difference between life and death for those who couldn’t afford health care? They act like arsonists who burn down your houses and scold the occupants for being homeless, which eerily describes how a plutocracy operates. While the Right defines the left as socialists, the Left must examine the workings of a plutocracy. In a 2010 lecture at Boston Uni-


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EDELMAN continued from Page 27

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Muhammad continued from Page 27 most national opinion polls, as well as healthy leads in key Electoral College “battleground” states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Michigan, which the Republican nominee must win, if he is to become the next president. And then, and then, Romney took his foot out of his mouth

and promptly began to walk on his own tongue when the infamous “47 percent” video was released, wherein Romney declared to a group of wealthy donors who paid $50,000 each to dine with him that 47 percent of the U.S. population, “are with [President Obama], who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them.”

54 Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012

funds dedicated to these programs estimated to reach 10 percent or higher. Very few alternative investments can promise that kind of return. Notably, a portion of these economic returns accrues to the children themselves and their families, but studies show that the rest of society enjoys the majority of the benefits, reflecting the many contributions that skills and productive workers make to the economy.” Do most Americans really want our children to get poorer while the rich get richer and to allow our budget to be balanced

on the backs of poor babies while millionaires and billionaires receive hundreds of billions in more huge tax cuts they do not need? If you do not, speak up and vote for a more just America for every child. wi Marian Wright Edelman is president of the Children’s Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www. childrensdefense.org.

Department, and then relayed this decision to her COS [Chief of Staff].” House Republicans were aware of the pertinent facts but decided to pursue the case against Waters anyway. The final report noted that there was “an extended, and at time contentious investigation of the allegations.” The committee hired William “Billy” Martin, a respected African-American attorney, to serve as outside counsel. His investigation found that some staff members communicated only with members of one party without communicating with the rest of the committee and that one staffer had made comments that were “racially insensitive and completely inappropriate.” The investigation became so tainted that, in what they described as a move to assure that Waters was being treated fairly, the entire 10-member panel and staff investigating Waters were re-

placed. And it was this new committee, working with Martin that exonerated Waters. “Outside Counsel recommended and the Waters Committee concluded that Representative Waters did not violate any House Rule, law, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct,” the report stated. It did not reach the same conclusion about Mikael Moore, the congresswoman’s chief of staff and grandson. The report said, “However, the Waters Committee finds that Representative Waters’ COS violated House rules by taking specific actions that would accrue to the benefit of OneUnited, a bank Representative Waters had a significant financial interest in and which interest could have been significantly impacted by the actions.” The committee found Moore’s testimony on the matter lacked credibility and issued him a letter of reproval. Congress prohibits its members from hiring of close relatives, a

definition that does not include grandchildren. Because of the Waters case, however, the committee members think that time has come to broaden the definition of close relatives to include grandchildren. Waters contended all along – and the evidence was there to support her assertion – that she had done nothing improper. But House Republicans were intent on dragging her name through the mud. This is one of the few times that they have been fully exposed. How many other Black lawmakers have been subjected to the same treatment, but that information never became public? wi George E. Curry, former editor-inchief of Emerge magazine, is editorin-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA) and editorial director of Heart & Soul magazine. He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, www.georgecurry.com. You can also follow him at www.twitter.com/currygeorge.

Talk about someone who resembles Thurston Howell III, the millionaire on TV’s “Gilligan’s Island.” And even though Romney said himself that his point in that video had not been “elegantly stated,” and although his running mate upbraided his boss, calling the statement a “misstep,” there are still some Republicans who denounce the president’s re-election campaign for waging what the GOP calls “class warfare.” But what beats the band in all of this is that the lifeless Romney campaign is still given a “puncher’s chance” of throwing a lucky punch and knocking out the incumbent, who has so far committed no unforced errors such as Romney has done. In this contest, former Massachusetts Gov. Romney is as a zom-

bie, unable to be killed, because like a vampire, his campaign is already dead. As in mythology, the only way to permanently dispose of a vampire is to drive a wooden stake through his heart. So now, the presidential debates are Mitt’s last, best hope for overtaking President Obama’s otherwise seemingly insurmountable lead. Yet if Gov. Romney is held accountable for only revealing two years worth of tax returns, for example, will his support erode even further? In the tax returns he’s released his vulture capitalistic ways have been revealed, such as only divesting stock in a Chinese government oil company, and other Chinese properties just last year, while he scolds the president – all of whose investments are in U.S. Treasury Bonds

and domestic American companies – for not getting tough enough with China over trade policy. On top of all his other numerous and readily apparent flaws, Gov. Romney is also clearly a hypocrite who will say anything to knock out the president. A hypocritical vampire, I might add, who will only go away on Dec. 9 – not Nov. 6 Election Day – the day the Electoral College officially chooses the winner of the 2012 presidential race. On second thought, we might have to wait until Jan. 20, 2013, Inauguration Day, to know that a wooden stake has in fact been driven through the heart of the un-dead, vampire presidential campaign of Willard Thurston Howell Mitt Romney, the millionaire. wi

education it spawns. A number of leading economists and researchers agree that investing in children today is the best way to prepare and create a strong America tomorrow. As Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told participants at the Children’s Defense Fund’s national conference in July: “Economically speaking, early childhood programs are a good investment with inflation-adjusted annual rates of return on the

Curry continued from Page 27

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The Washington Informer

Oct. 4, 2012 - Oct. 10, 2012


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