Wibax magazine may 2017

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Message from the MD Wibax is working to achieve sustainable development, optimum utilisation of resources and the best alternatives from an environmental perspective. Efficient logistics solutions are an important part of this, where we are working actively for fossil-free transportation. In 2016, 25% of our total fuel consumption was based on fossil-free fuel. Investments in sustainability are continuing at our terminals, where the conversion to fossil-free heating has commenced. It is anticipated that most of the terminals will be converted during 2017. More technically advanced products and services make up a very interesting area for WIBAX’s future. In order better to satisfy this business area and our customers’ demands, we now have a new specialist company in the Group, Wibax Performance Chemicals, which is allowing us to focus more on the field of special chemicals. An equally important aspect for Wibax, and an area that is growing, is our in-house products. Here we have conducted quality-improving investments which are resulting in capacity, quality and delivery reliability all being raised significantly. There have been a number of major strategic investments during 2016, above all within logistics, although various organisational changes have also been implemented. We are continuing this work in 2017, and a number of exciting projects are already in progress. This fact, alongside a high level of commitment from everyone in the Group, demonstrates that we are well on the way to achieving our established goals. Jonas Wiklund CEO WIBAX Group AB

Responsibility for publishing– Jonas Wiklund Production – WIBAX Graphic design – Mawix Art Printing – Accidenstryckeriet

Wibax is working to reduce the environmental load from our own terminals. By converting from fossil fuel to biofuel in the terminals, where we store products in cisterns and tanks that require heating, we are achieving major savings in CO2 . Wibax converting its own terminals We have now completed the conversion of our terminal in Skelleftehamn. The commissioning process went well and the burners have now been in operation for several months without any problems. The next terminal in line is Norrköping, which is being converted during the first half of 2017. This will be followed by Uddevalla terminal during the autumn. The installation time and commissioning take around four weeks per terminal. Heating at the terminals will be performed using Wibax’s own bio-oil, WiFUEL LF 0.05. Grants for climate initiatives Prior to planning, we applied for grants through the “Klimatklivet”, where companies are given the opportunity to apply for grants for climate investments. Wibax decided to apply for grants for three of our terminals where we have the greatest energy requirements. All three applications were successful, with two receiving 84% in grants and the third receiving 55%

Klimatklivet will provide support for those measures that have the greatest benefit for the climate. As a result, the calculation of the reduction in emissions is one of the most important pieces of data in the application. The annual reduction in emissions is multiplied by the lifetime of the measure. The total reduction in emissions is divided by the investment cost to arrive at the reduction in emissions per invested krona. Wibax was awarded the grants as the conversions from fossil fuel to bio-oil produce a large climate saving per invested krona. The type of facility that is being converted does not normally entail that costly an investment in relation to the climate benefit.

Wibax helping you with your conversion In order to make heating with bio-oil possible for our customers, Wibax is offering a turnkey concept which, in addition to supplying bio-oil, also includes the conversion of their facilities. Through our own conversion work, we have also gained valuable experience for future projects. Grant application to Klimatklivet We can assist with information about how to proceed with your application to Klimatklivet. There is also useful information about how to make an application on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website for Klimatklivet: www.naturvardsverket.se/klimatklivet


– support for local and regional climate initiatives The existing boiler tank is sandblasted and painted internally. The burner must be replaced on the existing boiler. You can see filter, pump and heater on the “pump table” to the left in the picture.

Here you can see a container with a new boiler tank for the bio-oil as well as various equipment. The bio-oil goes directly into the boiler from this tank.



75,3 Anna Bergvall, Environmental Coordinator at Wibax, is positive about the idea of Wibax working to achieve sustainability and about the fact that the focus is currently on reducing the fossil load from the terminals. Anna estimates that the conversion of our terminals will entail a reduction in fossil carbon, CO2 , totalling approx. 450 tonnes per year. “We believe in heating with bio-oil and naturally we want to install the technology ourselves to achieve more environmentally friendly heating,” says Mikael Andersson, project manager at Wibax, who is responsible for the conversion work.

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• Skelleftehamn • Norrköping • Uddevalla

Extended support for climate initiatives The Klimatklivet initiative is part of the state budget that the Swedish Parliament agreed for 2017. Since 2015, more than SEK 1 billion has been allocated to local climate investments, and by 2020 a further SEK 700 million per year will be handed out.

Heating with bio-oil beneficial One government measure to reduce the use of fossil fuels is a gradual reduction of tax relief, which has seen the relief fall to just 20% in 2016. Reduced tax relief and increasing oil prices are having a major impact on overall economy. This is consequently providing powerful financial incentives to convert to bio-oil.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is focusing on local investments for the greatest possible climate benefit. The main aim of the Klimatklivet initiative is to reduce emissions that affect the climate. Measures that can be supported are concrete climate initiatives in areas such as transport, industry, residential, commercial, urban development and energy. Schemes may involve, for example, replacing fossil oil with biofuel. Wibax has received support via Klimatklivet In 2016, Wibax applied for and received financial support via Klimatklivet for conversion from fossil heating to bio-oil heating at three of our terminals where we store products that required heated cisterns. Wibax is actively working on several fronts to minimise our emissions and this grant provides a greater incentive to become fossil-free, as the investment costs do not need to be that great.

For more information about the types of measures that can receive support, who can apply for support and the application process, visit the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website: www.naturvardsverket.se/klimatklivet Feel free to contact us for more information about how to proceed with your application.



We have now received an environmental licence, which means that the plant will be able to store various chemicals. There are a total of 10 cisterns at the terminal, where we currently store two different products. The plan is to store bio-oil from January, and we are planning to commission additional cisterns during the first half of 2017, principally for a range of bio-oils. The terminal is strategically important for Wibax, for reasons including its proximity to both existing and new customers.


NEW CISTERNS The terminal in Norrköping is strategically important for Wibax. We are expanding the cistern park with a further four cisterns for storage. This means that we can accept more types of bio-oils and can better meet our customers’ needs.

All new cisterns are made of stainless steel. We will then be able to store roughly an additional 5,500 m3 – three of the cisterns can hold about 1,000 m3 each and the fourth holds about 2,500 m3.

Renewable fuel in WIBAX tankers

Economical driving method reduces environmental load WIBAX LOGISTICS is working to achieve a better, economical driving method by using a vehicle data system that is installed in all our tankers. The system is helping us to drive more efficiently through repeated checks and suggested improvements, which entail reductions in fuel consumption, wear and environmental load. Road safety is also improved, as planned, calm driving enables us to minimise risks and accidents in traffic. During 2016, we have conducted a competition in which drivers compete in groups to drive in a fuel-efficient manner. A total of approx. 65 drivers participated, divided into 8 groups. The competition is based on participants receiving higher points the more fuel-efficiently they drive. It is possible to win wonderful prizes, and we also reward those who demonstrate the greatest potential for improvement. Wibax is still working to achieve even more economical driving methods, and this year’s competition for fuel-efficient driving is continuing. Wibax’s drivers are also doing well in the national drivers’ competition.

We would like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the winning group, who won a weekend in Barcelona after their impressively good results. We would also like to thank all the drivers who have taken part!

Wibax is working to achieve sustainable development, optimum utilisation of resources and the best alternatives from an environmental perspective. An important part of this work is efficient logistics solutions, where we work actively for fossil-free transportation. In 2016, 25% of our total fuel consumption was based on fossil-free fuel. This compares with the fact that 11 of our 44 tankers run on biofuel. Once it is possible, we will use 100-per cent HVO as fuel, but currently the availability of biofuel is the limiting factor. We view it as a positive development that fuel suppliers are investing in renewable fuel. Hopefully our continued efforts will lead to additional fossil-free transportation and sustainable development within the logistics sector.


Wibax’s special chemicals Over the years, Wibax has built up a wide range of special products, with the needs of our customers and problemsolving as the starting point. This in turn has resulted in several unique products and high-tech knowledge. You can read about some of them here.


– Cleaning products for industry Wibax develops and produces a large range of in-house cleaning products. The WiCLEAN products can be used in all kinds of industry where there is a need for cleaning. This can include processes where cleaning is performed frequently, or in the event of maintenance stoppages when you can get to parts of the process that you cannot otherwise access. Wibax possesses knowledge about both deposits and chemistry, ensuring that the correct product is used. Wibax has personnel who work with CIP (Cleaning-in-Place) and can supply equipment to apply the products effectively and safely.

WiSEP 250

– Interesting product of the future for pulp mills The product WiSEP 250 is used to increase the tall oil yield in pulp mills. Using WiSEP, it is possible to achieve more effective separation of tall soap. This is then further refined to produce tall oil (TO), which can then be sold as a raw material for bio-fuel production, for instance. The product offers the following benefits: · Increased tall oil production, which entails greater earnings from tall oil sales. · Reduced residual soap in the lye that goes to the soda boiler, which results in reduced problems with deposits originating from the burning of this residual soap.


– Wibax’s defoamer for industrial processes Foaming can be a problem in many types of industrial process. Wibax has developed and produced its own effective silicone oil-based defoamer, intended for use in tough, demanding environments with high temperatures and high pH values. Raw materials and production techniques have meant that we can now offer products adapted for various types of pulp processes, but can also be used in other process areas. The knockdown effect is obvious, but the dewatering capacity and reduced risk of silicone carry-over have been guiding principles in our work. This has been a long journey with many new experiences – Feel free to try us out! Feel free to get in touch so that we can help you find the best solution!

Dust binding for the mining industry Dust is a major problem within the mining industry, affecting both the working environment and safety. In addition to dust particles having an adverse effect on breathing, the resulting poor visibility and deposits can also increase the risk of accidents. High dust levels can also generate a risk of explosions. By minimising dust, we can reduce maintenance work and protect materials. Wibax has an extensive product portfolio that can resolve many different problems associated with dust, and the following product range is adapted for the mining industry: CRUSTING AGENTS – used for ore mounds and deposits. The product forms a physical barrier by binding together the finest particles to form a hard crust. BINDING AGENTS – used when handling materials, such as during loading, unloading, grinding, transferring from one conveyor belt to another, etc. The product is sprayed over the small particles, which then form larger agglomerates, reducing the risk of the wind catching the volatile particles. WETTING AGENTS – (or a combination of Wetting and Binding) are used e.g. on road surfaces to reduce dust formation caused by traffic or wind.

WIBAX – Contractor Partner of the Year! GE Water and Process Technologies has named WIBAX their best contractor partner in 2015. The award was handed out during a conference in Marbella on 7 October 2016, to which all of GE’s European distributors had been invited. The award was accepted by Urban Haugen and Cecilia Oddstig, who were both present in Marbella. Wibax won the award in the face of stiff competition from the other distributors in Europe, Israel and Russia.

Wibax was given the award as a result of having succeeded in developing important deals and having worked purposefully to reach agreements with new customers, as well as increasing sales of GE’s products. We are incredibly proud and feel honoured by this distinction!

Wibax was represented by Cecilia Oddstig and Urban Haugen, who received the award before giving an acceptance speech.


WIBAX’s multi-million investment in Finland

What is the best thing about working at WIBAX?

MIKAEL SUNDSTRÖM Account Manager WIBAX Biofuels AB

WIBAX is investing a total of approx. SEK 50 million in a terminal operation in Jakobstad. As part of this investment, WIBAX is acquiring a terminal from Neste. Location and development potential are important factors in this acquisition, combined with the fact that the terminal is already ready to accept most products. By expanding our storage and logistics capacity, WIBAX will become stronger in the attractive Finnish market while at the same time supplementing the needs of the whole Group. The terminal and its assets fit in very well with Wibax’s future initiatives, as it has a strategic location with direct proximity to a huge market with a number of existing and prospective customers. It was built in the 1960s, has been well looked after and has ten cisterns with a total storage capacity of approx. 46,000 m3, as well as enjoying a very strategic location. The terminal is well prepared for the storage of chemicals and fuels.

At present, approximately 120,000 tonnes are handled through the terminal, and we hope to be able to increase this volume in the near future. The terminal area is large, at around 43,000 m2, which provides good opportunities for both existing and new operations. The terminal is easily accessible by sea, road and rail, which means that we can offer efficient logistics solutions with several different combinations, increasing both our own delivery quality and delivery reliability and that of our customers.

Operations were taken over in February, and this means that we will be looking to recruit more employees in Finland. “This is a strategically important investment in WIBAXwng to the growth strategy of the Group as a whole,” says Jonas Wiklund, CEO Wibax Group.

LOTTA PERSSON Account manager WIBAX Perfomance Chemicals AB

“After almost three years being responsible for the sale of bio-oils, I am still struck by Wibax’s energy and ambition. My days are largely made up of customer visits and preparing for these. Representing a company boasting topical products (sustainable, fossil-free and CO2-neutral) and worldclass logistics means that I can present myself and Wibax to customers and prospects with my head held high.

“I started working at Wibax in 2014, when the collaboration with GE Water & Process Technologies was launched. In brief, my work entails selling specialist chemicals for water and process treatments within all kinds of industry. Close collaboration with both customers and colleagues means that my job is stimulating, and going to work is fun.

COMPANY FACTS WIBAX is a high-tech specialist company that buys in, processes, sells and distributes specialised products and base chemicals for industry in Europe. We are purposefully investing in development in all areas, from purchasing and logistics to customer collaboration, technology, production and service. WIBAX continues to grow and had a turnover of just over SEK 770 million in 2015. At the moment, there are approx. 165 employees working in the Group.

Batterigatan 12 · SE-941 47 PITEÅ · Tel: +46 (0)911-250 200 · E-mail: info@wibax.com www.wibax.com

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