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Customer collaboration
WIBAX continues to work for a fossil free Sweden
Wibax shares the conviction that the world must stop using fossil fuels, and that Sweden should be leading in this work. That is why we participate in the initiative, Fossil Free Sweden. In doing so, we support the Fossil Free Sweden declaration, and present our own goals and concrete measures through which Wibax will contribute to reduced emissions and a fossil free Sweden. It is vital that we keep working with sustainability issues, so that future generations may grow up in sustainable communities.
Fossil Free Sweden challenges companies, organisations, municipal and regional councils to take concrete action to reduce carbon emissions. In showing leadership, one also paves the way for those wishing to follow.
WIBAX has registered the following climate targets: During normal operation, the heating of facilities, including cisterns, shall be fossil free by 2025. WIBAX shall strive to take a leading role in the transition to fossil free heavy logistics, with the goal of 80% of our own transports being fossil free by 2030.

WIBAX' Piteå headquarters are now tap water certified!
We have decided to label the operations at our headquarters with the Swedish “Kranmärkt” label, certifying that we only use tap water, as it is better for the environment than packaged water. Tap water is always locally produced, and the production is highly energy efficient. The fact that our tap water in Piteå is fresh and of high quality is yet another reason why we have decided to label our operations with “Kranmärkt”.
Kranmärkt is a national sustainability label for organisations choosing tap water instead of packaged water. For Wibax, Kranmärkt means that we will stop purchasing packaged water, instead choosing to use, promote and offer tap water during the course of our daily operations, meetings, training days and events organised by Wibax.
Are you interested in labelling your organisation with the Kranmärkt label? Find out more at www.kranmarkt.se
Wibax has signed a declaration of intent, securing access to fresh drinking water. Chemicals are a vital part of the production process for high quality drinking water and wastewater treatment. Wibax delivers products to municipal water purification and wastewater treatment plants, among others – providing a critical public service, as part of building a community that is sustainable in the long term.

Major investment in safety improvements at the Norrköping terminal

WIBAX HAS BUILT a double-skin cistern for liquid chemicals at the terminal in Norrköping. With a double-skin construction, a second layer is built around the current tank. The radius between the inner and outer tank is one metre, meaning that the outer part has enough capacity to hold the entire volume of the inner tank in the event of an accident. The tank in question is 20 metres tall, made of sheet steel and has a storage capacity of 10,000 tons of liquid chemicals.
Wibax has a total of 19 terminals, found in strategic locations throughout Sweden, Finland and Estonia. All of Wibax' terminals are of a very high standard, meeting high demands for safety. Among other things, there is a clear strategy to install bunding. Bunding is a safety measure which prevents leakage and contamination of the surrounding environment, thus preventing both personal and environmental harm in the event of an accident.
“Long-term, serious investment in safety is a crucial part of our operations”, explains Anders Skoog, Operations Manager, Wibax Terminals.

Loading up for Northvolt
SWEDEN'S LARGEST INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT in modern history, is now underway 12 km from the Wibax depot in Skelleftehamn.
The 500,000 square metre battery plant that is now under construction, will deliver batteries for 800,000 electric vehicles every year, and is expected to create 10,000 new jobs. Northvolt's establishment in Skellefteå has sparked a strong belief in the future, and additional establishments are expected as part of the battery cluster that is now being built, putting Skellefteå on the world map.
Skellefteå is now building new schools and housing. Highways are rerouted and widened. The port is being dredged, and the potential construction of the Norrbotniabanan railroad is said to depend on Northvolt's establishment. Northvolt estimates that construction will be ongoing over the next five years, however, battery production is expected to begin as early as 2021.
A battery factory of the type that Northvolt is building will require large amounts of chemicals and energy. As we, in the north of Sweden, have good access to fossil free energy, this means that Northvolt may well succeed in their ambition to produce the world's greenest battery.
In 2020, Wibax has invested in two new terminals in Skelleftehamn. The investments increase the number of tanks by an additional 22 cisterns, with a total storage capacity of 94,000 cubic metres. Wibax has a total of 44 cisterns, offering 177,000 cubic metres of storage capacity in Skellefteå. This provides good opportunities to handle products delivered by ship, rail and tanker trucks. The major transition that the world is now going through, as we are electrifying logistics in order to create a more sustainable future, will affect all of us in one some way or other. Wibax finds itself in the midst of Europe's largest investment in battery production. Wibax' existing, well-functioning terminal in Skelleftehamn, just 12 kliometres away from the Northvolt factory, is now home to all currently available tanks in the Skellefteå area. The future is looking bright for Wibax, and for northern Sweden, as industrial history is now being made, right here in our back yard.