WIBAX continues to work for a fossil free Sweden Wibax shares the conviction that the world must stop using fossil fuels, and that Sweden should be leading in this work. That is why we participate in the initiative, Fossil Free Sweden. In doing so, we support the Fossil Free Sweden declaration, and present our own goals and concrete measures through which Wibax will contribute to reduced emissions and a fossil free Sweden. It is vital that we keep working with sustainability issues, so that future generations may grow up in sustainable communities. Fossil Free Sweden challenges companies, organisations, municipal and regional councils to take concrete action to reduce carbon emissions. In showing leadership, one also paves the way for those wishing to follow. WIBAX has registered the following climate targets: During normal operation, the heating of facilities, including cisterns, shall be fossil free by 2025. WIBAX shall strive to take a leading role in the transition to fossil free heavy logistics, with the goal of 80% of our own transports being fossil free by 2030.
FRESH DRINKING WATER WIBAX' Piteå headquarters are now tap water certified! We have decided to label the operations at our headquarters with the Swedish “Kranmärkt” label, certifying that we only use tap water, as it is better for the environment than packaged water. Tap water is always locally produced, and the production is highly energy efficient. The fact that our tap water in Piteå is fresh and of high quality is yet another reason why we have decided to label our operations with “Kranmärkt”. Kranmärkt is a national sustainability label for organisations choosing tap water instead of packaged water. For Wibax, Kranmärkt means that we will stop purchasing packaged water, instead choosing to use, promote and offer tap water during the course of our daily operations, meetings, training days and events organised by Wibax.
Wibax has signed a declaration of intent, securing access to fresh drinking water. Chemicals are a vital part of the production process for high quality drinking water and wastewater treatment. Wibax delivers products to municipal water purification and wastewater treatment plants, among others – providing a critical public service, as part of building a community that is sustainable in the long term.
Are you interested in labelling your organisation with the Kranmärkt label? Find out more at www.kranmarkt.se 9