WIBAX News no 2 2012

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Message from MD The previous year passed by hastily and 2012 began with the same breeze. In April 2012, I stepped up as the Acting Managing Director since Thomas Sundqvist, our former Managing Director, decided to take on a new challenge on his career. Thomas has worked at WIBAX for 11 years, with 3 years as his capacity as Managing Director. While I feel sad about him leaving, we thank Thomas who has been a great asset for the Group and we wish him good luck on all his future endeavours. In my new role as Managing Director, I look positively to the future and all the challenges that come with it. Last year’s uncertainty in the world market is not really gone and it can still be felt at the present time. We see countries in Europe torn between hope and despair. Despite this global condition, there is a perceived optimism in the Swedish market. Last year, WIBAX finished strongly despite ailing market condition. This just proves our strength to quickly react and adjust to the conditions and turbulence in the market outside Sweden. We will certainly continue our positive growth and development, the investments that we have done have proved to be right and have strongly built a platform that will help us achieve our future goals. It is also with great pride for me to share that WIBAX Logistics was named the winner of the major Big Road Transport Company Prize 2012 in the Leadership Category. The award distinction is a proof that we have succeeded in our work of strengthening our core corporate values: Customer Focus, Go Ahead Spirit (Entrepreneurship), Quality in All Stages and Active Participation. We now look forward to a great summer season and I would like to wish everyone a very nice summer holiday! Jonas Wiklund Managing Director Wibax AB

Editor – Bo Wiklund Production – WIBAX Graphic design – Mawix Art Print – RC Tryck

WIBAX can now offer delivery of packaged goods in IBC, drums, cans and dry-bag with the addition of its own freight vehicle dedicated to the service. The service is offered from Kiruna in the north up to Sundsvall in the south. The vehicle is based in our production plant in piteå.

The vehicle is operated by WIBAX staff in order to ensure knowledge of the proper handling of chemicals. This means that we can personally pump over the products into your existing containers and will be responsible for inventory control. Our customer now has the opportunity to send their empty containers as returned empty packages to our freight ve-

hicle. Wibax takes care of the empty packaging in an environmentally sound manner. If you have a requirement for other type of vehicles, we can help arrange it for you. For more information please visit our website: www.wibax.se

DEFOAMER – Käppala Treatment Plant WIBAX supplies the industry with basic chemicals as well as unique specialized products for certain applications. Through long-term cooperation with our customers we continuously broaden and develop both our service and product range offerings. A great consideration is given into the environmental impact as well as sustainable development when WIBAX develops a new product for the market while still maintaining the functionality and effectivity of the application at hand.

which are water, mineral-oil and silicone based. Defoamers are used to prevent building of foams in many manufacturing industries’ operation. Foams can cause malfunctions in pumps and other process equipment machineries like various measuring instruments. This may ultimately result in reduced quality and lost production.

As the latest addition in WIBAX range of products, we can now offer a wide array of defoamers for different industries and applications. Defoamers fit well and deem to be a natural part of WIBAX product portfolio as it contains many technologically advanced functionality. WIBAX offers defoamers

- We are pleased with WIBAX supply of the new defoamer products which proved to be cost effective in terms of savings result for Käppala said Andreas Thunberg, Process Manager at Käppala Association’s plant in Lidingö. anläggning på Lidingö.

TORE PERSSON – WIBAX New Member of the Board of Directors

Tore Persson has been appointed as new member of the Board of Directors in WIBAX Group from May 2012th.

WIBAX has for some time now been entrusted to provide defoamers to Käppala Association’s plant in Lidingö in Stockholm.

SHORT FACTS ABOUT KÄPPALA Käppala Association plant treats the wastewater from more than half a million population in eleven municipalities in the north and east of Stockholm. They have a very effective cleaning process and is the third largest plant in Sweden. They take advantage of the nutrients and energy contained in waste water and returns the sludge and biogas for community recycling. The company employs about 45 people. Käppala’s vision is to be leading environmental company that contributes to clean water in the region.

Tore served as Vice President Biorefinery Development, Smurfit Kappa Group until April 2012. He has also served as Managing Director of Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner during 2000 – 2008 as well as Plant Manager in Assi Domän Kraftliner from1987 - 2000. Tore has worked as development engineer, process engineer, operations engineer and head of customer service before becoming mill manager at Assi in 1985. Tore is also involved in IS Pite, a foundation that is supported by the municipality and local companies to develop business in Piteå, creating a business environment in the region.

- We are glad that Tore Persson is part of the Board of Directors of the WIBAX Group when he has a wealth of experience and thorough knowledge of pulp and paper industry as well as biofuel sector. WIBAX is at its expansionary phase and Tore will surely be able to contribute to further development and growth of the WIBAX group.” says Anders Snell, Chairman of the Board of Directors, WIBAX AB.


WIBAX winner of the



Major Road Transport prize was awarded for the fourth consecutive year and there were 45 companies nominated for the prize. A seminar and an awarding ceremony/dinner were held on 9th May at Teaterskeppet at Skeppsbrokajen in Stockholm. Major Road Transport Prize is awarded to a company that shows positive earnings growth with consideration on the environmental impact and safety and security as important contributes to increased level of customer satisfaction. Other prizes were awarded for the best companies in the categories of road safety, environment, human resources, profitability and innovation.

Comments from our employees...

MARKUS NYMAN Transport Manager

WIBAX Logistics AB has been named the winner of Major Road Transport Prize 2012 in the category of Leadership for the following reasons: ”Wibax Logistics AB is a transport company that is characterized by good leadership where employee feels they can participate and influence the company’s development. The staff thinks that the proposals that they present to the management is received in a positive way and feels that management shows respect for all employees. ” ”The company views all employees as salesmen with timely response and good attitude to meet customer expectations and needs. The staff is knowledgeable and has good work process as manifested by high level of safety and security, less environmental impact and over all cost competitiveness. When local police stopped Wibax truck, it is not because the driver has done something wrong. It is to show a good example to the young aspiring police officers of what a responsible and good driving is. “

Fr.the left: Magnus Sundstrom and Jonas Wiklund

- This award clearly shows that we have succeeded in our effort to strongly focus in the development of key areas in our operation from purchasing, logistics, customer support and service, technology, and production of our own unique products, keeping in mind Wibax core corporate values in our daily work: Customer Focus, Go Ahead Spirit (Entrepreneurship), Quality in All Stages and Active Participation says Jonas Wiklund, MD Wibax Group / MD Wibax Logistics AB.

LILIAN ATTHEM Strategic Purchaser

- It has been over two years now when I began working as a transport manager at WIBAX and a lot has happened since then. I have been involved in designing new data systems for our trucks so that we can monitor shipments, manage reporting at the same time offer customers direct access to their waybill via internet as soon as delivery is complete. I like my job as a transport manager at WIBAX because I have contacts with many people, we are constantly facing new challenges and that is where the action is.

- I have been working as a Strategic Purchaser for WIBAX for over a year now. My work involves strategic supplier development, contract negotiations and procurement. I deal with suppliers from Asia, South America, North America, Europe, Africa even as far as New Zealand. The job is exciting as I like working with people of different background and culture. What I admire most about WIBAX is how pro-active the company position itself in the global market. There is a keen interest among global suppliers to be key WIBAX business partners.

COMPANY PROFILE WIBAX is a high technology specialist company. We source, process, sell and deliver special products and base chemicals to several industries across Europe. We are focused in the development of all areas in our operation, from procurement and logistics to customer service and support, technology and close R & D with our customers as well as local production. Wibax continues to grow and had sales turnover of 550 million Swedish crowns in 2011. Currently, it has 125 employees in the group.

Batterigatan 12 · 941 47 PITEÅ · Tel: +46(0)911-250 200 · E-post: info@wibax.se www.wibax.se

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