Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: August 9, 2010 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Tim Short Minutes: Alison Phelan Roll Call: Tim Short, Alison Phelan, TR Ramsdell, Melissa Jaynes,Annie RoseWillis, Peter Raymond, and Michele Campbell. Shari Hewson conferenced called into the meeting. Special Guest: Kerry Phelan, Mike Toomey, Doug Bollen, Jillian ? from Team in Training
Action Taken/Needed
Responsible Party
Previous Meeting Minutes
Reviewed, amended and approved
Treasurer’s Report
A Treasurer’s report was presented and reviewed @this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynes. Melissa reported that there were many transactions this month. Question continued about line item re Lynn Classical H.S. student – was the check cashed, did the athlete attend the event? Mike Toomey who knows the coach said he would follow up with the coach. He does seem to think that the student did travel to Nationals. Motion to accept the report by Tim Short, 2nd by Shari Hewson A Membership report was given by Annie. We have 218 total members, 6 have joined since the last board meeting. Seemslike the Club is “running strong”. Motion to accept report by TR, 2nd by Michele Campbell. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. Michele reported to the Board that she is waiting to see samples of material and will get prices on some items. She also reported that Atlantic Sportswear does have a women’s cut in tech shirts. Michele said that there is enough interest in sports bras so that will be something to think about before next summer. We should also consider ordering more hats for the fall. Another item was to copyright the “WRCcat logo” so that it becomesjust the Club symbol for our use exclusively. We are looking to copyright every version of this logo. Shari will look into this matter and get back to the board on how to proceed. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by Melissa Jaynes. Another successful event this year. Weather was hot, but still all had a good time. We also had a couple of new vendors at the event. Doug Bollen said he was happy with outcome and with the volunteers who helped out at the race. Very fun for all involved. Kudos to Nicole Short for organizing such a great event – good weather and lots of food to enjoy after the game. There is hope Nicole can do it again next year perhaps with some more help, but it seemslike there is enough interest to play again. Kerry Phelan gave an update. At this time, we have 14 people signed up for the LW relay. She had sent out about 3 reminders to recruit people. Unfortunately there have been some more injuries this year than last, so it seemsthat has affected the numbers. The LW relay will be held on Wed., Aug. 25 at 6PM. On the Lake Winnipesaukee relay, Tim reported that at this time it looks like we could have 2 teams for the relay. He will continue to recruit members but realizes that again the timing may not be great b/c of all the other races on that weekend. Shannon O’Donnell sent out another reminder to Club members reminding them of the Summer Outing to be held on Sat. Aug. 21st. 3 out of 4 scholarship recipients will
Tim Short will post to website Melissa Jaynes
Clothing Report
Wicked Kidz Race
Wicked Wiffle Ball Throw Down
Relay Updates
Summer Party
Annie RoseWillis
Michele Campbell
Doug Bollen
The Board
Kerry Phelan/Tim Short
The Board
Date Due
be there to receive their scholarships. We will also be presenting each with a plaque. Melissa Jayneswill mail the check to the only recipient that can’t be at the outing. She is attending Stanford and will already be in California at that time. Resignation of Vice President Tim Short formally accepted the resignation of our Vice President, Rich Tomlins, who could not continue b/c of personal reasons. Comments were made by various board members that although they understood that issuescan come up during the year, once a person gets on the Board he/she should stick to their commitment of serving their term out. Board members need to be present for most if not all meetings b/c there are some issuesthat need a full vote from the Board. After some further discussion, the Board voted to make Peter Raymond as the Vice President. Then a second vote was taken where Kerry Phelan was voted into the Board as the newest Member-at-Large subject to the review of the By-Laws to seeif there is are any age limitations on serving on the Board. Congrats to Peter and Kerry for volunteering their time to the WRC. Frosty Four Alison Phelan stated that she has 4 Active.com sign ups already for the Race. The new volunteer coordinators will be Kathey Moskal and Stephanie Hagyard this year. Mix 104.1 and Chic-Fil-A have already signed up to be on board again. We will be sending a reminder of the upcoming meeting on Aug. 16 to begin preparations for this race. WRCSurvey The initial response was very good. We have already 48 responses– mostly positive. Once Michele gets all the info together she will have a more thorough breakdown of the responsesreceived in the survey for a future meeting. BAA Half Marathon Here’s another volunteer opportunity for WRCmembers. John Mahoney will try to coordinate a volunteer effort the BAA Half Marathon. Melissa Jaynesthinks it’s a good idea to keep promoting this BAA event; Kerry Phelan feels there should be plenty of opportunities for members to volunteer in various races such as this one. Tim will give the go-ahead to John M. on this venture Haunted Happenings Parade – This event should be promoted more heavily this year and hopefully we’ll get more Thurs. Oct. 7th WRCmembers to walk in the Parade. Beth O’Grady will give the person in charge some pointers for this year’s parade based on her observations of last year’s event. Mike Toomey has promised to dress up as a cat and will be getting a costume just for this purpose! Club Night Tim Short will talk to Dave at NERCabout having a Club Night like in the past years for sometime in the fall. Since there are quite a few members signed up for various races, it might be a good idea to try to do something soon. Mike Toomey will be sponsoring a Clinic Night on Mon., Sep. 13 at NERC MOTION TO ADJOURN by Melissa Jaynes, 2 nd by Michele Campbell @8:03pm Next Meeting; Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center
The Board
Shari Hewson/Alison Phelan Michele Campbell Tim Short
The Board
Tim Short