January 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

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Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: January 3, 2011 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Shari Hewson & Alison Phelan Minutes: Dawn Cobak Roll Call: Shari Hewson, Alison Phelan, TR Ramsdell, Melissa Jaynes, Peter Raymond, Kerry Phelan, Stephanie Hagyard, Amber Woolfenden, Rich Tabbut and Michele Campbell. Special Guest: John Mahoney


Action Taken/Needed

Responsible Party


Shari & Alison extended a warm welcome to the new members of the Board, Dawn, Amber, Stephanie and Rich. Reviewed, amended and approved. Rose’s last name, Fischer, will be added to the attendance list. A Treasurer’s report was presented and reviewed @ this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynes. Melissa reported that the deposit on 1/3 included race day registrations and cash on hand. There are still race day bills to pay, the biggest being the police. Timers have been paid. Last year race profit was $6,900. Profit may be similar this year due to increased expenses, even though registration was way up. Melissa explained how she classified certain items so as not to overdraw certain categories. Motion to accept the report by A. Phelan, 2nd by M. Campbell. A Membership report was given by Amber Woolfenden. She reported three new members had just joined over the weekend and there were many Frosty Four race day registrations. Amber has a box of membership materials to go through. To clarify, membership checks received from Nov. 1 on are for the 2011 year. Reminder renewals are due by January 31, 2011. Amber was given permission to e-mail members to remind them to renew. Motion to accept report by P. Raymond, 2nd by R. Tabbut. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. Michele reported that we are again out of stock on some items in the pullovers – continue to be a big hit especially when upcoming club events are present. Michele got another broken hat inquiry. She is still waiting on quotes for white hats w/red logo, tech tees and pullovers. She is meeting with a new vendor re: long sleeve tees. R. Tabbutt stated that his wife works near Harrington Trophy and will gladly pick up any merchandise. Motion to accept report by S. Hewson, 2nd by M. Jaynes.

Tim Short will post to website Dawn Cobak

Shari Hewson, co race director, reported the race was a success. A few people complained about not getting a shirt. Shirts were ordered in Nov. Dave W was contacted about getting more shirts for the police and people who were registered under 350 and didn’t get L or XL. There were 742 registered runners. Top runners were race day registrants. Little bottleneck inside. Putting times outside was +. In Feb. we’ll have a better judge of the total numbers. There will be a Frosty Four follow up meeting on Jan. 17 at Shari’s house. John Mahoney shared an e-mail he received from E. Worthington at the BAA regarding volunteering and obtaining numbers for the marathon. It seems as if the BAA doesn’t realize all that the WRC does for the community. Rich will ask the North Shore Striders how they get their marathon numbers each yr. For now, Wicked will volunteer

Shari Hewson/Alison Phelan and the FF Committee

Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report


Clothing Report

Wicked Frosty Four Update

Boston Marathon – Volunteers

Melissa Jaynes

Amber Woolfenden

Michele Campbell

John Mahoney

Date Due

at the marathon gel stop, like last year. R. Tabbut announced that he had approached Tim about possibly merging the Striders with Wicked, but this issue is tabled for now. 2011 Grand Prix Series TR distributed a proposal for a Grand Prix series, he tried to include 10 races ranging from 5K – ½ marathon. Also included was a Team Series Proposal to get all members involved, however we will need Rich Tabbut to continue explaining the logistics. It was suggested that the Firecracker 4 in Swampscott on July 4 replace the April Fools 4. TR will continue to revamp the list and if it is ready prior to the next meeting, the Board will approve it via e-mail. Wicked Running Register General consensus from the survey was that people like the newsletter. The Board Survey agreed that it could be shortened. It could include some of the same items, but using only information volunteered by members. J. Mahoney can make new e-mail addresses for the presidents and the register. Topics will include: Get to know your Board member, New Member Spotlight, Race Reviews, etc. Michele will send out a proposed outline in the next week or so. Doyle’s Emerald Necklace Julie Arrison is asking that Wicked runners participate in the Doyle’s race on Sunday Road Race April 10. They are offering Wicked a table at the race, which Julie has offered to take charge of. There is no cost, she just wants to get Wicked involved and have a presence at the race. Winter Party The party will be held at Moose Lodge in Salem on Feb. 12 at 4:00. S. Hewson will email Doug Bollen to find out what time we have the Lodge until. Stephanie will contact Shannon about putting some awards together and overall party coordination. It was agreed that there should be fewer awards this year. The Volunteer Award will be given to Denise Ramsdell. The Tim Short award will be put on hold until after his baby is born. MOTION TO ADJOURN by Peter Raymond, 2nd by Stephanie Hagyard @8:00pm Next Meeting; Monday, February 7, 2011 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center

TR Ramsdell/Rich Tabbut

Michele Campbell & The Board

Julie Arrison

The Board

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