October 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

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Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: October 4, 2010 Salem Sr. Center Presiding: Tim Short Minutes: Alison Phelan Roll Call: Tim Short, Peter Raymond, Shari Hewson, Melissa Jaynes, Kerry Phelan, Michele Campbell, TR Ramsdell and Alison Phelan Special Guests: Rich Tabbut, Amber Woolfenden, and John Childs, Rep from RRCA Topic

Action Taken/Needed

Responsible Party

Previous Meeting Minutes

Reviewed and Approved at this time (Michele Campbell took them for the Secretary in September). John Childs spoke to the Board about the many benefits from our affiliation with the RRCA. One is that the Wicked Frosty Four Racewill now be noted as a state championship race – this is the only 4m race designated by the RRCA@this time. It is also becausethe race will be course certified for the first time this year. There are some rules and regs that need to be adhered to such as no baby strollers or dogs allowed – or at least they must be told to go to the end of the race pack, a particularly noted one! Also RRCAof expanding their role in this area so that more runners are aware of the organization. We may see them in an upcoming Runners’ Expo in late Spring 2011. Another colorful Treasurer’s report was presented at this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynes. After some questions were presented and answered to the best of the treasurer’s knowledge, they were accepted. Tim Short moved to accept the report; Kerry P 2nd the motion Tim Short reported for Annie RoseWillis that there are 242 members in the Club as of this date, 8 have joined since September. A reminder that membership dues start in November and should be paid up by January 31, 2011. Kerry Phelan moved to accept the report, Shari Hewson 2nd the motion. Michele Campbell reported a deposit of $150 today given to Melissa Jaynes. She is also getting a full stock of the pullovers in the next month for the winter season, and will investigate some pries for a long sleeve tech shirt. Motion to accept by Tim Short, Peter Raymond 2nd the motion. The framework of the results of the Board’s Special Meetings in July and September were reviewed by the Committee tonight. After carefully reading the minutes from this Special Board meeting in which the criteria for evaluation of a Wicked Ambassadorship was read, the Board decided to vote on the item. Tim Short moved to accept the framework of the Wicked Ambassador/Lifetime Membership criteria, Melissa Jaynes2nd the motion. On a roll call vote – 8 – Yes, 0 – No’s. The motion was passed. A quick update was given by co-race directors, Shari Hewson and Alison Phelan. Shari said at this point sponsors were looking positive, Alison also told the Board applications were trickling in. Shari H. also spoke about problems with a possible sponsor – B & SFitness who recently have put on the Wicked Half Marathon (no relation to the WRC)and have heard much criticism about their races. We will be talking further about their involvement with the Frosty Four Raceand the impact of the negativity on the WRCsraces. Shari H also informed the Board of our deal w/the Tavern

Michele Campbell

John Childs, Rep from RRCA

Treasurer’s Report


Clothing Report

Wicked Ambassador aka “Lifetime Memberships”

Wicked Frosty Four Update

Melissa Jaynes

Tim Short for Annie RoseWillis

Michele Campbell

Tim Short

Shari Hewson and Alison Phelan

Date Due

Membership Meeting – November 8, 2010 Holiday Toy Drive

By Laws

Wicked Half Marathon

Transition/Organization for 2011

on the Square and their generous sponsorship making them the “titled sponsor”. More details are being discussed at this point and will be forthcoming at the next FFmeeting. Tim Short asked the Club for funds to buy Pizza and Sodafor the upcoming members’ meeting. A sum of $50 was approved for this dinner meeting – TR moved to accept the motion, Michele Campbell 2nd the motion. Tim Short reported that this was a big successlast year and would like to see the Club repeat the Toy Drive this year. We will start the Toy Drive on Nov. 26 and it will run thru Dec. 19. The official drop off location will be at New England Running Company. Also donations may be dropped off to “point people” at various WRCorganized runs A discussion on reviewing some of the By Laws had been brought up at the September meeting. One thought was to have a minimum age for a person to hold a position on the WRCBoard. The Board members were asked to jot some of their thoughts on this and bring them back to another meeting for further discussion The Board discussed the comments from the WRCmembers about the Wicked Half Marathon put on by B&SFitness – which many seemed to think they are aligned with the WRC. Some of the comments made by the Board were: “We all seemed to benefit from each event that is put on or not – in other words if the negativity spills over from a previous race into another race – that may result in poor outcome.” “Wicked Kidz” term used by the WRCin their promotion of the Wicked Kidz race in July with the Salem Park & Rec is now being used to promote one of B&Skids training camps. Again the confusion for some people is does B&S use this to their advantage and should they? “The way some of B&Sraces have been organized does not give our members much confidence in wanting to participate in any future ones… such as the upcoming long and new one – the Black Cat when the smaller races are not done right.” “The responsesthat B&Shave given to race participants are not acceptable to this Board and its members. Too many excusesare given for a professional company who should know how to run a race by this point w/o any problems.” Tim Short will talk with Brandi or Steve Dion, the owners of B&Sto share some of these comments made tonight and whether they would consider coming to a future meeting. Tim Short wants to be sure that the transition from the Old Board to the New Board is a smooth one. He is asking Board members stepping down to speak with their new counterparts about what needs to be done so there are no problems. Also, an announcement was made in that Beth O’Grady will not continue as the Editor for the WRCnew monthly newsletter as of January 2011. He is asking whether anyone would like to step up and take on the role or whether they would like to suggest that to anyone in the Club.

Tim Short

Tim Short and The Board

Tim Short

Tim Short and the Board

Tim Short and the Board

Meeting Adjourned at 8:12pm. Next meeting; Monday, November 8, 2010 at the Salem Senior Center

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