Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: April 5, 2011 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Shari Hewson & Alison Phelan Minutes: Dawn Cobak Roll Call: Shari Hewson, Alison Phelan, TR Ramsdell, Kerry Phelan, Rich Tabbut and Michele Campbell. Special Guest: Tim, Nicole and Lily Short and Jason Carraro. Absent: Michele Campbell, Stephanie Hagyard, Amber Woolfenden & Peter Raymond.
Action Taken/Needed
Responsible Party
Secretary’s Report
Shari & Alison extended a warm welcome to everyone. As there was no quorum of members, they explained that no official votes could be taken at this meeting. Members had been e-mailed the March report. There were no discussion questions.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer’s report tabled to the May meeting.
Melissa Jaynes
A Membership had been e-mailed by A. Woolfenden. Current member total = 237. There are 82 members not renewed yet. A Clothing report had been e-mailed by Michele Campbell. A clothing deposit for $866 was given to M Jaynes. Tech long sleevesselling well. Baseball caps arriving soon. Singlets have arrived. Volunteers can meet at the Salem Senior Center and carpool. There will be bagels and coffee supplied at Mile 17. The criteria for Wicked Ambassador include Volunteering, Relay participation and Donations obtained. The criteria will be put onto the Wicked website so that those who may be close can make adjustments. The Yes’s that stood out were Beth O’Grady, Tim Short and the Touchettes. This item will be tabled to the May meeting. Alison explained that there had been some complaining about the name of the race. Some additional suggestions were: Miles over the Wicked Moon, Wicked Miles over the Moon, Wicked’s Miles over the Moon. Alison will e-mail out the suggestions and members can vote via e-mail. A letter from Julie Arrison was passed around. The Heritage Days 5K is looking for bag stuffing volunteers as well as 20 volunteers for race day. The race is on Aug. 7. It was unknown if Wicked would have to commit, or if it could just be put out to members as a volunteer opportunity.
Amber Woolfenden
Tim explained that he, Doug B and John Childs are working on a video entitled “We’re waiting for You” to submit with the bid for the Convention to be held in Salem in 2013. Tim will be videotaping Shari and Alison after the meeting, and the group at Forest River on Saturday. The Board approved via e-mail the motion to approve $300 for Tim to attend the 2011 RRCAConvention. T.R. suggested that for the small difference in price, Tim should fly to Virginia. Tim will look into rates and get back to the Board. Nicole Short will be taking on the social director position. She passed around a list of possible events that were discussed. The next event to take place will be the Wiffle
Tim Short/Doug Bollen
Clothing Report
Boston Marathon – Volunteers Wicked Ambassador
Miles Over the Moon Update
Heritage Days Letter from Julie Arrison
Social Director Position
Dawn Cobak
Michele Campbell
John Mahoney Shari Hewson
Alison Phelan
Julie Arrison
Nicole Short
Date Due
Wicked Night at NERC
Table & Tent
Ball game on June 12. This event will be held on April 26.
TR has looked at two different 10 x 10 pop up tents. The nicer one that the Board voted to purchase last month has no sides. TR wanted to verify that a sidelesstent was ok prior to purchase. This is OKwith the Board. Shari will look at tables by the weekend. Salem Health & Wellness To be held the week of May 1 – 7. Wicked has offered Movie Night in the past where Week – what will Wicked offer they offer raffle items. Wicked can offer this again, as well as a raffle basket. Doug will have a table at the Wellness 5K. Thank you Note There was a Thank You note sent via e-mail to the Board after the April Fools 4 Miler in Salisbury acknowledging the Wicked Running Club members. Miscellaneous Alison reviewed the Sunchine Fund donations that were set to be donated. $25 in honor of Sue Ayers to the Kaplan Hospice. The criteria are to be $50 for regular member and $75 for Board members. MOTION TO ADJOURN by A. Phelan, 2 nd by R. Tabbut 8:02pm Next Meeting; Monday, May 2, 2011 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center
Shari Hewson/The Board T.R. Ramsdell/Shari Hewson Shari Hewson