Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: February 7, 2011 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Shari Hewson & Alison Phelan Minutes: Dawn Cobak Roll Call: Shari Hewson, Alison Phelan, TR Ramsdell, Peter Raymond, Kerry Phelan, Stephanie Hagyard, Amber Woolfenden, Rich Tabbut and Michele Campbell. Special Guest: Doug Bollen, Aaron Toleos.
Action Taken/Needed
Responsible Party
Welcome Secretary’s Report
Shari & Alison extended a warm welcome to everyone. Dawn reviewed the report from the January meeting. Motion by P. Raymond to approve as written. Second by A. Woolfenden. Motion carried unanimously. A Treasurer’s report had been e-mailed by Melissa as she was unable to be present at the meeting. The report was presented and reviewed @this meeting by Shari Hewson. The reimbursements for the Frosty Four are almost complete and possibly a final tally will be presented at the March meeting. Motion to accept the report by TR Ramsdell, 2nd by S. Hagyard. Motion carried unanimously. A Membership report was given by A. Woolfenden. She will have membership forms at the Banquet. Current member total = 145. Reminder - renewals are due by January 31, 2011. Amber was given permission to e-mail members to remind them to renew. Motion to accept report by M. Campbell, 2nd by R. Tabbut. Motion carried unanimously. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. Michele reported that the new ss tees arrived in a different fabric than the old ones. Michele passed around a sample of a long sleeve T from a new vendor, the Board agreed to go ahead. The white hats with red embroidery have arrived and are $10. Michele had a request for an XXL pullover, the Board agreed to go forward. There will be a table at the Banquet selling vintage as well as new items. Michele requested a small budget for mailing clothing items - granted. Motion to accept report by P. Raymond, 2nd by TR Ramsdell. Aaron Toleos presented information regarding Chick-Fil-A and their anti-gay marriage angle. Aaron is concerned that gay members or potential members will be offended by the connection between Wicked and Chick-Fil-A. Shari will allow the Board to mull over the issue and discussit at a later date. The Board currently does not have a Diversity Policy. TR and Rich displayed the trophies that will be distributed to last years winners. Rich again explained how the scoring would work for the series, the more races you do Rich stated that Wicked members will receive $10 off the ½in Gloucester during February. Rich Tabbut stated that the Mile 17 gel stop is full at this time. The BAA is allowing additional Wicked volunteers at the starting line at bag check in. There will be many new members, the Board will wear name tags. D. Bollen will bring the coffee urn. A. Woolfenden and M. Campbell will have a table. There will be a presentation of awards. Set up will start at 2:30pm. Amber has raffle tickets, Shari will bring Styrofoam cups. There will be a surprise at the end!
Shari/Alison Dawn Cobak
Treasurer’s Report
Clothing Report
2011 Grand Prix Series
Boston Marathon – Volunteers Winter Party – February 12, 2011 status of attendees
Melissa Jaynes
Amber Woolfenden
Michele Campbell
Aaron Toleos
TR Ramsdell/Rich Tabbutt John Mahoney The Board
Date Due
Table & Tent
Sponsorship with Northface – Dave Jefska
Motion by S. Hewson to approve the purchase of a folding table for races, not to exceed $60. Second by A. Phelan. Motion carried unanimously. TR will investigate pop-up tents at BJ’sand Costco to get prices.
S. Hewson has been approached by Dave Jefska of Northface, he would like to provide items for any races that Wicked is hosting. Some suggestions for the Kids Racewere water bottles, headbands or bandanas. Volunteer Position S. Hagyard volunteered to take over the Volunteer Position of sending out e-mails looking for race volunteers. Wicked Night at NERC Shari will approach New England Running Company about having an event in March, a Welcome to Spring event. It would be fun to have someone inspirational come to speak. “New” Race D. Bollen and A. Phelan have been working on starting a new race this summer. It will be held at night in mid-July under a full moon, Miles over the Moon. Proceeds will benefit local high school track programs. The race is in the preliminary stages; police, Park & Recand City Council still need to approve before planning can continue. MOTION TO ADJOURN by S. Hagyard, 2 nd by M. Campbell @8:05pm Next Meeting; Monday, March 7, 2011 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center
The Board
Shari Hewson/Alison Phelan Stephanie Hagyard Shari Hewson/The Board Doug Bollen/Alison Phelan