Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: July 11, 2011 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Shari Hewson & Alison Phelan Minutes: Dawn Cobak Roll Call: Shari Hewson, Alison Phelan, Dawn Cobak, Michele Campbell, Peter Raymond, Stephanie Hagyard, TR Ramsdell and Rich Tabbut. Special Guest: Tim Short, Jason Carraro and Mike Toomey. Absent: Melissa Jaynesand Amber Woolfenden.
Action Taken/Needed
Responsible Party
Welcome Secretary’s Report
Shari & Alison extended a welcome to everyone. Members had been e-mailed the June report. Motion to approve the June minutes as
Shari/Alison Dawn Cobak
presented by S. Hagyard. 2nd by TR Ramsdell. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
M. Jaynes had e-mailed the Treasurer’s Report with some notes. Melissa will be asked to bring $200 cash to Miles over the Moon, with plenty of 5’s and 10’s. Miles will make an appearance at the race on Friday. The current balance is $16,637.77.
Date Due Minutes ASAP
Melissa Jaynes
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as written by R. Tabbut. 2nd by P. Raymond.
Clothing Report
A. Woolfenden had e-mailed the Membership Report. Current member total = 281. New member t-shirts have arrived. Motion to accept the Membership Report as written by M. Campbell. 2nd by S. Hagyard. Motion carried unanimously. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. A shipment was received from Atlantic Sportswear so there are plenty of l/s, s/s and singlets. Motion to accept the
Amber Woolfenden
Michele Campbell
Clothing Report as written by TR Ramsdell. 2nd by A. Phelan. Motion carried unanimously.
Project Management
Summer Outing – Saturday July 30th
Wicked Kidz Race– recap
Miles over the Moon – Friday July 15th
M. Campbell distributed a sheet of Project Management Ideas. Included were ways for the Board to become more efficient in the planning and implementation of events. Kerry Phelan will work on a Google calendar for the Board to see what events are coming up complete with deadlines for tasks prior to the events. Currently there are 69 people RSVPd. The time will be made clear to people that it starts at 3:00pm, not 2:00. Scholarship recipients will get their checks that day – M. Jayneswill write checks. A. Phelan will get plaques from Harringtons. A. Phelan will make certificates for the Scholarship Committee members.
Michele Campbell
There were over 100 kids, for many of them it was their first race. A few things were recommended for next year: that there be a chute at the finish, that there be course maps with places marked for volunteers to stand and the Kidz logo will be put on the shirts. All in all, a huge success. A. Phelan reported there are over 300 registrants so far. Volunteers have been given assignments. There will be 17 gallons of water at the water stops. TR and Kenny Hewson will mark the course prior to Friday. There will be water at the finish. Doug will bring mile markers. Mike Pagedriving right to finish line. Shirts will be given to all cops and committee members. Tim would like a shirt to submit to the RRCAshirt contest.
Shari Hewson
A. Phelan/M. Jaynes/N. Short
Shari Hewson/Alison Phelan
July 30th for checks, plaques and certificates. TR – bring propane.
Lynn Woods Relay
The relay will be held on August 24 and there are almost 5 teams already. Kerry Phelan will post the deadline as 2 weeks prior to the 24th so she can make the teams. Everyone should wear Wicked gear.
Allison & Kerry Phelan
8/10 – find out if Kyle Hewson can participate. Deadline for signing up.
E-mail from Jim Lacey
S. Hewson had sent out an e-mail from Jim Lacey, who is Karen Giroux’s husband. Jim wanted Shari to send the e-mail, which was for a Dance to raise money for baseball, to all of Wicked. It is thought that allowing this to happen may causeother members to want their e-mails forwarded as well, which is not the intent of Wicked. Motion by M.
Shari Hewson
8/8 – Shari will inform Jim of this decision.
Campbell to allow requests of this nature to be put into our newsletter, space permitting, or on our Facebook page, but not via e-mail. Second by P. Raymond. Motion carried unanimously.
There is a new free 5K fun run starting up in Waltham. It will end at On the Border and there will be free appetizers provided. Tim has posted this to various FB pagesto inform Wicked members.
MOTION TO ADJOURN by A. Phelan, 2 nd by R. Tabbut 8:06pm Next Meeting; Monday, August 8, 2011 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center
Shari Hewson/Tim Short