March 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

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Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: February 7, 2011 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Shari Hewson & Alison Phelan Minutes: Dawn Cobak Roll Call: Shari Hewson, Alison Phelan, TR Ramsdell, Peter Raymond, Kerry Phelan, Stephanie Hagyard, Amber Woolfenden, Rich Tabbut and Michele Campbell. Special Guest: Tim Short, Doug Bollen and John Mahoney.


Action Taken/Needed

Responsible Party

Welcome Secretary’s Report

Shari & Alison extended a warm welcome to everyone. Members reviewed the report from the February meeting. Motion by P. Raymond to approve as written. Second by S. Hagyard. Motion carried unanimously. A Treasurer’s report was distributed by Melissa. Melissa urged members not to leave Club bank information lying around. Shari stated that Citizens Bank charges $7 to cash a check issued by Wicked if you don’t have an account there. The reimbursements for the Frosty Four are complete. Motion to accept the report by A. Woolfenden, 2nd by M. Campbell. Motion carried unanimously. A Membership report was given by A. Woolfenden. Current member total = 193. There are 108 members not renewed yet, some are signed up to volunteer at the Marathon. Rich will contact Gloucester to get a list of members registered for the ½ who may not be renewed. Members will be e-mailed personally once more. Amber will draft an email. Motion to accept report by TR Ramsdell, 2nd by R. Tabbut. Motion carried unanimously. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. Michele reported that the long sleeve tech tees will be in on 3/17 and will cost $25. $914 of clothing was sold at the banquet. Michele passed around a sample red hat. The hats cost $9 and can be sold for $12. Currently, Michele is out of men’s M and XL singlets. She will be placing an order for more. Motion to accept report by P. Raymond, 2nd by M. Jaynes. John stated that there are 60 volunteers scheduled to be at the Mile 17 gel stop, and 8 at Hopkinton. Members can meet at the Sr. Center to carpool. There are some members who haven’t renewed who are listed to volunteer, they will be e-mailed. Last year John brought coffee and bagels for volunteers. Motion by S. Hewson to approve $80 for John Mahoney to purchase bagels and coffee. 2nd by M. Campbell. Motion carried unanimously. Shari stated that the party was overall a success. Some had complained that it was too small. There was definitely a lot of food left over, so next year that will be revisited. To be held the week of May 1 – 7. Wicked has offered Movie Night in the past where they offer raffle items. Wicked can offer this again, as well as a raffle basket. Tim explained how Team Wicked Nation would work in conjunction with any club member raising money for any non-profit. All could use the Team WN Facebook page and work as a team to raise money. Motion by R. Tabbutt to approve the Team Wicked Nation concept. 2nd by S. Hagyard. Motion carried unanimously.

Shari/Alison Dawn Cobak

Treasurer’s Report


Clothing Report

Boston Marathon – Volunteers

Winter Party – Re-cap

Salem Health & Wellness Week – what will Wicked offer Team Wicked Nation

Melissa Jaynes

Amber Woolfenden

Michele Campbell

John Mahoney

Shari Hewson Shari Hewson Tim Short

Date Due


Tim & Doug explained that they would like to educate members about RRCA,Road Runners Club of America. The next mission is to make a bid for the RRCANational Convention to come to Salem in 2013. There would be 3-4 days of activities followed by a race. We could ask local clubs to help. IT would be great for Salem and for running.

Tim Short/Doug Bollen

WRC- Advertising

Members that own businesseswill have an opportunity to be listed in the newsletter and on the member page on the website. There is a limit to how much information the club can put out for each member. To be held on Salem Common on Saturday June 4 in place of the Saturday morning run. There will be a membership drive. Two generic club banners will be purchased at $83 each. TR has looked at two different 10 x 10 pop up tents. One is basic and costs $199, the other is professional grade, will stand more wear and tear and is $280. Motion by M. Jaynesto approve $280 to purchase the nicer tent. 2nd by M. Campbell. Motion carried unanimously. Shari has not yet looked at tables. S. Hagyard volunteered to take over the Volunteer Position of sending out e-mails looking for race volunteers. This event will most likely occur in April.

Shari Hewson/Alison Phelan

WRCOpen House Banners Table & Tent

Volunteer Position Wicked Night at NERC Miles over the Moon

All members T.R. Ramsdell/Shari Hewson Stephanie Hagyard

Shari Hewson/The Board D. Bollen and A. Phelan met with the Salem Police who gave the ok for the race. Now Doug Bollen/Alison they take it before City Council on 3/10. The Knights of Columbus have granted use of Phelan

their large Hall for the member rate on the night of the race, 7/15 from 6-10pm. There will be food and a bartender. Michele is looking into using reflector ink on the shirt. MOTION TO ADJOURN by M. Campbell, 2 nd by S. Hagyard @8:05pm Next Meeting; Monday, April 4, 2011 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center

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