Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: December 5, 2011 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Alison Phelan & Shari Hewson Minutes: Dawn Cobak Roll Call: Alison Phelan, Shari Hewson, TR Ramsdell, Melissa Jaynes(via conference call), Alison Phelan, Rich Tabbut, Amber Woolfendne, Michele Campbell, Peter Raymond, Dawn Cobak Special Guests: Jason Carraro, Kerry Phelan Topic Action Taken/Needed Responsible Party Date Due Welcome & Guests were welcomed by Shari & Alison. Shari Hewson & Attendance Alison Phelan Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Reviewed and approved. Motion to approve the November 2011 Secretary’s Report by T.R. Ramsdell, 2nd by S. Hagyard. Motion carried unanimously.
Dawn Cobak
A Treasurer’s report had been e-mailed Melissa Jaynes and reviewed @this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynesvia teleprompter. Motion to accept report by Stephanie Hagyard; 2 by Rich Tabbut. Motion carried unanimously. A Membership report was given by Amber Amber Woolfenden Woolfenden,7 new members signed up this past month and 4 have renewed for 2012. Motion to accept report by S. Hagyard, 2 by T.R. Ramdell. Motion carried unanimously. Michele reported that she will have a Michele Campbell deposit for M. Jaynesby the weekend. She will also do an inventory of clothing prior to turning over the position to Jason Carraro. There is 1 Men’s L pullover left and no Men’s XL. An order should be done early in 2012. Motion to accept the report by R. Tabbut, 2nd by P. Raymond. Motion carried unanimously. Rich Tabbut and TR reported that there Hammer and TR were alot of new members who ran MCR this year. Wicked came in 6th team overall with 66 points. The Wicked Masters team earned a brick, but did not receive it - Mill Cities is working to remedy this. Rich and TR explained that only age-grouped teams are eligible to compete. Randomly aged teams are not eligible to earn points. Rich stated that next year they will need to nd
Clothing Report
Mill Cities Relay
Tim Short will post to website 12/6/11.
FPCRequest from Julie Arrison
Frosty Four
Member Business Advertising
Scholarship Committee
Winter Banquet
ensure that people’s cell phone numbers are correct, as the registry is outdated. Alison expressed the fact that there were “alot” of e-mails sent out, hopefully next year they can be consolidated. Julie Arrison has asked permission to ask Julie Arrison club members to volunteer support for the Franklin Park marathon team long runs on Feb. 25 and March 10. Motion to allow Julie to ask the Club by T.R. Ramsdell, 2nd by M. Campbell. Motion carried unanimously.
Shari let Julie know that she has permission.
Alison reported that there are over 200 Shari entries so far. The race was advertised in Hewson/Alison Holiday Happening. 800 bibs were ordered Phelan/Cait from Mike. 400 shirts are being ordered Gaglione from Ben Franklin Tees. The 200 registered thus far will be used for sizes to give Joeat BFT. Cait is working on volunteers and it appears that we have enough. The next meeting will be on Monday, Dec. 12 at Shari’s house. Eastern Bank opted not to be a sponsor this year, however the Tavern and NSCancer Run are our head sponsors. Members will be allowed to offer Shari Hewson discounts and services on Facebook and in the newsletter. Non-members will be directed to the NSRoad Raceguide and Salem Park and Recto do their advertising. There are 9 members signed up to be on Shari Hewson the Scholarship Committee. Three members volunteered to Chair the Scholarship Committee. The Board agrees that they should be allowed to choose their own Chair. The Board would like to see more Scholarship Committee members at the Outing where the checks are presented to the winners. There are 3 Board members sitting on the committee. The Banquet will be held on February 4, Shari Alison is working on the contract with Hewson/Alison Doug. It was agreed that the banquet Phelan should be catered this year, as a thank you to the club and also to avoid having 10 of the same dish. Kerry will work on the slide
Contact catering companies
show. Tim, as President will have to determine awards and who to give them to. The current Board would like not to see clocks or plaques again. It was suggested that to save time, possibly have the entire outgoing Board go up at once. Alison and Shari will contact Pacini’s, Cafe Salerno and the Tavern as possible catering choices. 2012 Board
Peter Raymond was asked to send an email to the membership informing them of the new Board, which was voted on at the Nov. special meeting.
Peter Raymond
Send e-mail to membership with 2012 Board names
Boston Marathon Numbers
Melissa Jayneswas asked to hang up her Alison Phelan/Shari Inform Chris and phone for this section of the meeting, as Hewson Melissa that they she was one of the entrants for the were chosen. numbers. Numerous members had entered their names into the drawing for the 2 Boston Marathon bibs. John Mahoney had been offered one of the bibs, but politely declined. One member was not found to have met the criteria for entry into the lottery. The remaining names were put into a hat (literally). Kerry Phelan pulled Chris Nolin’s name out. Jason Carraro pulled Melissa Jayne’s name out. The winners were to be informed via e-mail by Shari and Alison.
MOTION TO ADJOURN by TR Ramsdell, 2 by Stephanie Hagyard @8:00pm nd
Next Meeting; Monday, January 9, 2012, 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center