Photo Society
VISION A Society of women photographers bounded by their passion for photography, aiming towards growth and enhancement of the members creativity, skills and talent in the art of capturing precious moments in life.
MISSION To provide a venue for the college students to freely express their interest in photography and hone their skills through performance of varied group activities in the said field. As one organization, we aim to inculcate the values of teamwork, respect, unity and transformative leadership directed towards a truly transformed community in any aspect of life.
OFFICERS (S.Y. 2010 - 2011) President
Jannie Leigh Palacio Internal Vice President
Nikka Almazan External Vice President
Alexine Sadaya Secretary
Tara Rose Donayre Treasurer
April Ordesta Auditor
Ameeryl Eunice Manuel
T actical P lan of A ctivities
– Non-Academic Fair
– Acquaintance Party
– Photography Seminar
– Launching of Photo of the Month
– Exposure Trip
– Exposure Trip
– Photo Contest (Photos from Family Day)
– Year Ender
FUNFAIR To attract the college body towards the ideals of the organization through a creative presentation
To remind the old members of what the organization is all about—always ready to try new things!
To simply recruit newcomers (NOTE: The more, the merrier! ď Š)
ACQUAINTANCE PARTY To invite healthy interaction among the members, both old and new
To encourage the members to actively participate in the upcoming activities
To strengthen the solidarity of the organization
BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY SEMINAR To enhance their knowledge in
To assist the members in acquiring the skills in basic photography
To motivate them all the more as photo enthusiasts
PHOTO OF THE MONTH (photo contest) To develop both talent and skill of each member in photography
To expand the artistry of the members as photo enthusiasts
EXPOSURE TRIPS To improve the photography skills of each member
To innovate through photography by producing works of art
To discover new ‘tricks’ from each other