2nd ebook2000-2004

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-June, International Festival of Humor in the Prevention of AIDS and STD, Brasil. -June, Official Event Poster, FIFA World Cup 2006, Germany. -June, Concorso Design and Innovazione, ADI-Dyson Innovation Design Award, Milano, Italy,"tom-tom",integrated coffee maker. -May, Timex 2154- The Future of Time, Core77- Timex,"camaleon", smart wearable watch. -April, Light in the Wind, Aedo-to, Milan, Italy, "maya, ombra nell'aria". -March, Billboart Gallery Europe, Slovenia,"children for the world". -March, Beck's Prize- Design Boom, Milan, Italy, "pandora", mini multimedia gadget. -March, Diesel Wall, Premio di Arte Temporanea, Milan, Italy,"ec'cetera". -February, Lunetier du Jura 2004, France, "velum", seamless active wear glasses. 2003, -November, H20 on table, Design Boom- Macef Design Award 2004, Milano, Italy, "brio", water container. -November, Global ID Competition, ID Magazine,USA,"nomads". -November, Porada International Design Award 2003, Porada- Polimi, Milano, Italy, "gioco", chaise lounge- bench/easy chair. -October, Second Annual Emhart Design Contest, USA, "evolue", personal digital tag. -October, WC Water Concept-Salon dell'arredo bagno, Design Boom, Milano, Italy, "capullo", shower system. -August,THE FUTURE OF GLOBAL BRANDS, Vision exercises against a mediocre destiny, International Strategic Design Competition,Design Village and McCann-Erickson, Milan, Italy, "Benetton, Philips, and Volvo". -May, Torino 2006 Olympic Mascot Competition, Torino, Italy. -April, Concours Maroquina, Cadalen, France, "duo", fashion and accessories design made from leather (vest, ring, bracelet and necklace for men). 2002, -November, Jan Ken Pon, Hand to Mouth, 2nd Gifu World Design Competition, New York, USA, "ba-ba", compact bowl system for cooking, eating and drinking, including a saucer, and "cao-cao" disposable chopsticks. -November, Lineapelle Spa- Aedo-to, online design competition, Milan, Italy, "duo", fashion and accessories design made from leather (vest, ring, bracelet and necklace for men).

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2nd ebook2000-2004 by widianto utomo - Issuu