17 minute read
World Dairy Expo Holstein Champion Features
World Dairy Expo
Champion Features
Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion – Oakfield Solomon Footloose

Oakfield Solomon Footloose found her way to Wisconsin in May, but her legacy began long ago at Duckett Holsteins with Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97.
Footloose is a granddaughter of the two-time Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo. Her dam is Duckett-SA Braxton Frisco EX-94. Footloose is scored EX-94 with a 98-point mammary system.
Along with Tim and Sharyn Abbott, Mike and Julie Duckett purchased Footloose from Oakfield Corners Dairy in New York. Before coming to Wisconsin, she already had showring prominence being Nominated All-American Junior 2-Year-Old and named All-American Junior 3-Year-Old under the care and ownership of Oakfield Corners Dairy.
The Abbotts and Ducketts decided to offer Footloose at the Summer Selections sale this past June where Vierra Dairy, known for their showring success with Jerseys, partnered up with them to purchase this cow.
During the International Holstein Show this year at World Dairy Expo, Footloose topped the 4-year-old class and was later named Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the show.
She also puts in the work at home with a three-year-old record of 32,280 pounds of milk, 4 percent fat, 1302 pounds of fat, 3.2 percent protein and 1044 pounds of protein.
Footloose is pregnant and due in June for the 2022 show season and the Ducketts will began IVF work on her in late October.
Duckett Holsteins milks about 60 cows with BAA of 113.4 in Rudolph.
“We love the business and enjoy marketing cattle with show ring potential and high type. Having the opportunity to purchase Footloose was a dream come true with Frosty being her grand dam. Frosty is the cow that gave us a name in the business,” they say.
In the future, the Duckett’s plan to keep seizing the opportunity when a cow that is their kind becomes available with the goal of developing her to her full potential.
Duckett Crush Tatoo at Select Sires is one of the highlights of Mike and Julie’s breeding program. He is from a cow family that fits the mold on what the Ducketts look for. Tatoo’s grandam, Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96 99-MS, was purchased from their friend and neighbor Bob and Christine Barden as a two-year-old.
Mike and Julie say that “seeing his daughters win shows and being the high scoring two-year-olds for other breeders is very satisfying and gives us an enormous amount of pride.”
Champion Bred & Owned of the Holstein Show – Ms Beautys Black Velvet
Winning the 5-year-old class and being named Champion Bred & Owned of the Show was Ms Beautys Black Velvet EX-92. Originally bred and owned by Triple T Holsteins of Ohio, she was purchased by Mike and Julie Duckett as a two-year-old. She is a Goldwyn out of Ms Excels Dundee Beauty EX-95, the All-American Aged Cow in 2011. Triple T and Vierra Dairy joined in a partnership with Ducketts at WDE on Black Velvet.
Velvet earned Reserve All-American and Reserve All-Canadian honors in 2019 and was also the Reserve Intermediate Champion at the Royal Winter Fair the same year. 2021 was Velvet’s first World Dairy Expo.
Looking forward to 2022, Velvet is pregnant and due in April for next show season. She too has had IVF work done on her.

Intermediate Champion: Oak-Ridge-K GChip Turbo
Oak-Ridge-K Gchip Turbo has been having success in the ring all 2021 and capped it off with claiming the Intermediate Champion honor at the International Holstein Show. Prior to this, she claimed the winning spot in the Senior 3-year-old class and named Best Udder.
The team at Milksource Genetics noticed Turbo at the Midwest National Spring Show and purchased

her from the Morrison family. She would be the first Senor 3-yearold, Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of both the Midwest National Spring Holstein Show and Wisconsin Summer Championship Holstein Show. In 2020, she was the first Senior 2-Year-old at the Midwest Fall National Holstein Show.
Turbo was bred by Jim and Janet Kappers of Minnesota. She is a Gold Chip from a GP-83 Windbrook, then an EX-91 Roy, then Ernest-Athony SD Tobi 3E-96 and Alanvale Inspiration Tina EX-95. Both Tobi and Tina have their own show accolades.
Turbo is due back in June of 2022 and will have IVF work done this fall. She had a two-year-old record of 28,090 with 4.1 percent and 1143 pounds fat and 2.8 percent and 798 pounds protein.
Intermediate Champion and Champion Bred and Owned of the Junior Show: Hobby-Hill Denver Elizabeth

Hobby-Hill Denver Elizabeth has always been special to Gracin Speich of Orfordville since the moment he assisted in her delivery. She’s even named after his favorite TV show character, Elizabeth Quinn from Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.
Aside from being special to Gracin, her pedigree is also pretty special – she’s backed by five generations of Very Good or Excellent dams back to Krull Broker Elegance EX-96 3E GMD DOM.
Since Elizabeth was shown as a spring calf, she has been doing well in the showring for Gracin and his sister Chesney. She was the first spring calf, 10 and under exhibitors, at the 2019 District 6 Holstein Show and placed fourth in that same class at the 2019 Wisconsin Summer Championship Show. 2021 was another successful year for Elizabeth. She claimed the Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show at the Midwest Spring National Holstein Show and was fourth and first junior in the Junior 2-year-old class. Moving into summer, she was the first Junior 2-year-old, Best Udder, Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show and Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion at the District 6 Holstein Show. Her showring run at the Wisconsin Summer Championship Holstein Show was just as fruitful. She topped the Junior 2-year-old class and was Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show. But World Dairy Expo was really Elizabeth’s time to shine. She was the Intermediate Champion and Honorable Mention Grand Champion of the International Junior Holstein Show and took fourth in the International Holstein Show. At all of the shows Elizabeth was exhibited at in 2021 she was the Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show; an award both Gracin and Chesney are very proud of.
Elizabeth is due July 2022 for next year’s show season. She has IVF sorted embryos by Sidekick and Hancock. She is due to be scored in November.
Hobby-Hill Holsteins started 14 years ago as a 4-H project that become a passion. The Speichs, Josh, Nicole, Riley (Hendrickson), Gracin and Chesney, milk an average of 15 to 20 cows with a rolling herd average of 23,258 pounds of milk. Overall, the dairy has 45 head of registered cattle. In 2010, they built a new 10 cow comfort tie-stall barn with two big box stalls. Josh and Nicole both work fulltime off the farm to maintain the family hobby at Hobby-Hill.
Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Jeffrey-Way Doorman Tavor-ET

Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET has racked up an impressive list of winnings in 2021. Most recently, she was named Junior Champion of the International Junior Holstein Show. She also did well in the International Holstein Show, placing third in the summer yearling class.
Tavor is a Doorman daughter from a 92-point Corvette. Nine of her 11 dams are scored 91-points or higher and go back to the pride of Jeffrey-Way, Jeffrey-Way Mascot Tina EX-91 GMD DOM. The “T” family has been incredibly influential on the Hendrickson family’s farm as well as other dairies across the world.
Over the course of the show reason, Tavor has done well locally and regionally for Emma Hendrickson. Before her World Dairy Expo win, she was the Reserve Junior Champion of the Wisconsin Summer Championship Junior Holstein Show, Holstein Heifer Champion and Reserve Supreme Heifer Champion at the Wisconsin State Fair Junior Dairy Show, and was the Junior Champion of the Green County Fair and Reserve Junior Champion at the District 6 Holstein Show.
Tavor is bred and due to calve at the end of April for the 2022 show season.
Emma has been showing since she was six and is a sophomore at New Glarus High School. Outside of Junior Holstein activities, she is active in FFA and 4-H and plays volleyball.
Jeffrey-Way is home to 250 Registered Holsteins with 130 milking. The Hendrickson family breeds for cows with type that can still produce big records with solid fat and protein. Their average production is 29,000 pounds of milk with a 3.8 percent fat and 3.2 percent protein. Cows are housed in tie-stalls and freestalls. The farm consists of 315 acres of cropland where they grow corn, hay and oats.
On their last classification, their BAA was 112.8 with 60 Excellent cows and 51 Very Good cows. Merchandising cows and embryos plays a critical role in the farm’s success. Many young cows and embryos are sold each year through private sales and consignments.
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Milksource Unix Chassup
It was an emotional and exciting day for the Harbaugh family during the International Junior Holstein Show when Milksource

Unix Chassup was named Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show. This was the icing on the cake for Chassup’s show career as heifer.
In the spring of 2020, Jacob and Logan Harbaugh along with friends and neighbors Jacob and Erin Viergultz, purchased Chassup privately from MilkSource. Jacob and Erin were looking for a Registered Holstein project heifer at the time and Chassup fit the bill.
“It has been very rewarding to watch Jacob Viergutz work very hard on the little details developing Chassup and being a big part of her success,” the Harbaughs say.
Before earning her big title at World Dairy Expo, Chassup did well in the showring as both a fall calf and fall yearling. She was the fourth fall calf at the Midwest Fall National in 2020, and this year she was the fourth fall yearling and first junior at the Midwest National Spring Show. She also won her class at the District 7 Holstein Show and was second and first junior at the Wisconsin Summer Championship Show. At World Dairy Expo she was first Fall Yearling in the open and junior shows.
Chassup is a Unix daughter of Trefle Chassep Doorman EX-94, with her fourth and later dams being, Regancrest S Chassity EX-92, Regancrest Champion Cinderella EX-92, and then Regancrest PR Barbie EX-92, respectively.
She is due to calve in December and since Expo has been sold to Tom DeGroot. Her new residence will be at Ferme Jacobs in Quebec, Canada.
The Harbaugh children are very active in Registered Holstein activities like showing, dairy bowl, judging and other contests as well as in their schools. Jacob, Logan and Madison are the children of Lynn and Sara Harbaugh in Marion.
Jacob is a junior at Clintonville High School where he is the president of the FFA chapter and a member of the National Honor Society. He is also a member of the Shawano County Ag Ambassadors, is active in 4-H and works at a local farm on the weekends.
Logan is a freshman at Clintonville High School where he is also involved in FFA and 4-H and he plans to play basketball and go out for track.
Madison is in the fifth grade at St. Martin Lutheran School in Clintonville. She plays volleyball, basketball and softball as well as cheer. She is also involved in 4-H.
Bella-View Holsteins sits on 20-acres and is home to 15 to 20 potential show heifers. The Harbaughs mostly work with Registered Holsteins but have also raised and developed a few colored breeds. Much of their herd is owned in partnership with Kurt and Sarah Loehr and their children Adella and Ainsley of Forest Ridge Holsteins, Eden. They house and care for the milk cows and the Harbaugh family works to raise and develop any heifers with the

Junior Champion Bred & Owned: Vandoskes Denver Carmen-ET

The Vandoske family has had great success at World Dairy Expo with daughters of Vandoskes DB Carley-ET EX-91. Her Denver daughter, Vandoskes Denver Carmen-ET, is the most recent and was the winning spring calf and Junior Champion Bred & Owned of the International Junior Holstein Show.
Carmen’s leadsperson, Brianne Vandoske, also had success in 2019 with Carmen’s sister, Vandoske Denver Cami-ET. Cami was Reserve Junior Champion of the International Junior Holstein Show and Junior Champion Bred and Owned. She was sold to Matt, Mark & Will Iager and Lucas Hetts before the open show where she placed second. She’s now owned by Beckridge, Enright, Quality and Agriber Societa (Italy) of Canada and is scored VG-87-CAN.
Carley was the winning fall calf at the International Junior Holstein Show in 2017. Bob Vandoske sold her on the March Madness Sale the following year and she went on to be the Junior Champion of the Midwest National Spring Holstein Show for her owners, Andrew Hetke, Eric Wetenkamp and S & C Holschbach.
“I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to buy back Carley in 2020,” Bob said. “I then went back to the wishing well and flushed her to Denver again which resulted in Carmen.”
Carley is still on the farm and the Vandoske’s are flushing her regularly. They have sold daughters by Delta Lambda and eggs by Sidekick and Denver from her. The Vandoskes have several daughter by Denver, Sidekick, Delta Lambda and Jordy.
World Dairy Expo has been the main stage for this cow family. Carley and Cami really came into their own later in the year when they were exhibited in Madison. Carmen had success throughout 2021. She was the first place spring calf at the Wisconsin State Fair Junior Dairy Show and fourth and second junior at the Wisconsin Summer Championship Holstein Show. All three developed into even better animals as the seasons changed to fall.
Bob and Tara Vandoske have three children, Brianne, Reid and Brooklyn. Brianne is 13 and is in eighth grade. She’s active in school where she’s on the student council, choir and plays basketball, volleyball and soccer. She’s also the president of her 4-H club.
Reid is 12 and in the seventh grade. He too is active in 4-H and plays basketball, football and baseball. When he gets a free moment, he likes to go fishing with his friends.
The youngest of the Vandoske children is Brooklyn, 9. She’s in the fourth grade. Like her siblings she likes to remain active in 4-H and sports, playing basketball, soccer and fastpitch softball.
“All three kids are very busy but make time for their daily chores and taking care of their show animals” Bob and Tara said. “They all
enjoy showing dairy animals and put a lot of work into them. We are very proud of their accomplishments in showmanship and in the ring and we are very humbled that the last two WDE Junior Champion Bred and Owned animals have been bred at our farm.”
Vandoske Dairy Farms, Cleveland, is home to 560 milking cows with a herd average of 30,000 pounds of milk, 1000 pounds of fat and 850 pounds of protein on a three-time per day milking schedule. The dairy employs nine people and the family runs 1,100 acres of land.
Junior Champion of the Show: Ms Reba Ravens Beauty-ET

A chance flush of Sherona-Hill Rachel Reba, VG-87, with pooled semen of Unix and Altitude before she headed to her new home in Mexico resulted in Ms Rebas Raven Beauty-ET.
Raven was born as an ET calf on a different farm than where the Schmocker family raises animals. Nina ventured to pick up what Dave, her husband, called “one nice looking black calf.” From the start, she was always slightly bigger and more aggressive then her pen mate born the same day. It wasn’t until the end of March when Nina and Dave’s daughters, Tessa and Stella, started to perfect leading her that the Schmockers got a good look at this balanced calf. Dave wasn’t quite sold, telling the girls if they crack the top 10 at Midwest Spring National Holstein Show they would be lucky. But he had to eat his hat that day when John Erbsen found her and placed her third in the open show, first in the junior show and then Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show.
At the Jefferson County Fair, she won her class for Stella, was Junior Champion and Supreme Heifer and Best Bred & Owned. By that time, the girls had managed to rock, paper, scissors over who got to show her at each show. Raven is usually a dream to lead, and made a great showmanship animal for Tessa - or so they thought. But the heifer had other ideas at Wisconsin Junior State Fair and Tessa, 14, worked with a heifer that was a bit too stubborn during the showmanship contest. The pair did however capture first place in the second heat of the fall calf class, was best bred and owned of class, Champion Holstein Calf, Reserve Champion Holstein Heifer, Champion Bred & Owned Holstein Heifer and third Overall Supreme Champion Bred & Owned Heifer.
Dave and Nina realized that Raven needed to be pushed a bit, and with late summer and fall being filled with Tessa starting her freshman year at Lakeside Lutheran High School and making it on the varsity golf team. Stella entered sixth grade at St. Paul’s Lutheran School and started being active in basketball and other school events. The Schmockers took Raven to Ben and Jen Wallace’s to get her on track for the Wisconsin Summer Championship Show and World Dairy Expo.
Raven stood fifth in a deep class at the Wisconsin Summer Championship Holstein Show and eighth in the International Junior Holstein Show at the World Dairy Expo for Stella. On Friday, she was crowned Junior Champion of the International Holstein Show for new owners Glamorview, Iager and Walton.
“Even though at that point we didn’t ‘own’ her we still feel humbled and proud,” Nina said. “She fulfilled every bit of our dreams. From a 6-acre farmette with six cows milking and a few heifers came a Raven Beauty.”
No professional pictures? No problem!
Something we hear every now and then from breeders is that they don’t have any professional pictures of their cows, and that is why they don’t want to place an ad. We say, that is ok! Over the past year, we have done a number of ads without professional cow pictures. We’ve used ring shots from our archives, Cowsmo or The Bullvine, pictures taken at the farm and so many other neat shots. We are happy to work with your barn candids, show pictures that we have taken or from the Bullvine or Cowsmopolitan or other images you have. Photos should be taken on a camera or be a high-quality phone image. Screenshots of photos will not be accepted. Contact Mara at 800-223-4269 ext. 2 or marab@ wisholsteins.com for more information.
Distinguished Breeder, Distinguished Young Breeder & Holstein Horizon awards due November 10
WHA is looking for submissions for the Distinguished Holstein Breeder, Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder and the new Holstein Horizon award. These awards are given out each year at the Annual Convention in February. All submitted forms will be kept on file for three years for consideration. Those nominees not receiving an award will be sent an updated form to re-submit for future years if they desire. • The Distinguished Holstein Breeder award recognizes WHA members that have bred and developed an outstanding Registered Holsteins and are leaders in WHA and the dairy industry. • The Distinguished Young Breeder award recognizes WHA members aged 21-40 who are breeding an outstanding herd and have a commitment to preserving the dairy industry and achieving excellence in their daily lives. • The Holstein Horizon award is WHA’s newest recognition. This award is intended to recognize Wisconsin Holstein Association members who own, breed and market Registered Holsteins but do not market milk on a daily basis. Nominees must be WHA members in good standing, exemplify professionalism in the highest regard, and actively participate in WHA functions and activities to promote the Holstein breed.
For more information or an application, visit the WHA website at www. wisholsteins.com or call the office at 1-800-223-4269.