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Zoe’s Moos Reviews
Happy Fall, Holstein Friends,
It’s my favorite time of the year, but I cannot believe how fast summer has come and gone! Emily and I stayed quite busy these last few months as we traveled to different district shows, attended State Show, breakfasts on the farm, and let’s not forget about State Fair! It was so nice to reunite with everyone after a year off and to be back in Madison for State Show again. One of my favorite highlights while being at State Fair was the All- Breeds Futurity. I was looking forward to this event ever since I was crowned and it was so much fun... until I awarded the first place cow and turned around to walk through a messy pile! Needless to say, thanks to Hailey Hendrickson, most known as “intern,” my dress and shoes were cleaned up in a matter of five minutes and looked brand new for pictures!
As the days became cooler, I knew that World Dairy Expo was right around the corner! When Expo was cancelled last year, I knew the start of fall wouldn’t be the same. The last week of September to the first week in October is when I meet up with friends in Madison one last time before we had school and no shows until the spring. The highlight each year was seeing who could guess what color the shavings would be! We always enjoy watching exceptional cattle grace the colored shavings and visiting the grilled cheese stand frequently.
After the show is over, we start getting into winter and the colder months of the year, which means that Junior Holstein Convention is right around the corner. I encourage members to try something new at the convention, maybe that’s dairy bowl or sharpening your public speaking by participating in the speaking contest!
All I can say is this year is flying by and time will not slow down. I feel so grateful for the opportunities I have had this year, along with the people I have met. In the upcoming months I hope to make even more memories as the WHA Princess. As the end of the year nears, royalty applications are now open. You can find them on the Wisconsin Holstein website and they are due November 5 to the Wisconsin Holstein Association office. If you have any questions don’t be shy, Emily and myself would love to talk more!
Enjoy everything fall, Sincerely, Zoe Ertel
2021 Wisconsin Holstein Association Princess
To have Zoe or Emily attend to one of your events, visit www.wisholsteins.com for a request form. Those with questions can contact Charitee Seebecker at 800-223-4269 ext. 3 or charitees@wisholsteins.com.
© Cybil Fisher Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET

World Dairy Expo
Junior Champion - International Jr Holstein Show 1st Summer Yearling - International Jr Holstein Show 3rd Summer Yearling - International Holstein Show
Wisconsin Summer Championship Show
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show 1st Jr and 3rd Summer Yearling
Wisconsin State Fair Junior Dairy Show
Reserve Supreme Junior Champion Junior Champion and Champion Holstein Yearling 1st Summer Yearling, Group 3
District 6 Holstein Show
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show 2nd Junior Summer Yearling

Emma Hendrickson Jeff & Kate Hendrickson | Brooks & Riley Hendrickson N9385 Cty CC, Belleville, WI 53508 Jeff: 608-636-3177 | Brooks: 608-225-5530 hendricksonjeff664@gmail.com
Vandoskes DenverCarmen-ET

Denver x EX-91 Diamonback x EX-90 Sid x VG-88 Goldwyn x EX-94 Primetime
INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR HOLSTEIN SHOW 2021 Junior Champion Bred & Owned 1st and Best JrB&O Spring Calf
W1823 County Line Rd., Cleveland, WI 53015 Bob Vandoske 920.377.0502 Visit our website for the latest news - vandoskedairyllc.com RHA: 560 cows 30,000M 1000F 860P