American StoryTeller

Page 1

Lamb . Lion . Eagle . Dove The Joshua Construction

A|XYZ X: A Free EnterPriZe Preamble Declaration Constitution Rights People Establishment Signatories Revolution

Y: A Perfect Trap

ArTist AuThor ProtagonisT PropheT AvaTar ZealoT StoryTeller

51 68 68 49 68 21 35 17 52

An American Michael Adam Archimedes Story Michael K. Blackstone John John Michael AJ A. John Michael

A. John Michael American StoryTeller 808.987.7163 vMail: 303.808.7103

Square . Circle . Triangle . Point Star . Axis Cube . Sphere . Pyramid . Orbs

A: Sands of Time Seat of the Soul Human Temple 4 Corner Self Son of Man

Z: John & Mary Dance . Play WebSite . eTV Book . Movie . Game

Water Dragon Press . John Michael Art . Clear Water Records . Wild Blue Studios

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