WildBlue, Inc.

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WildBlue, Inc. WildBlue Studios http://capitalrevolution.typepad.com/wild_blue_studios

New American Revolution:


1st Private Constitution: http://capitalrevolution.typepad.com ExAct 11.223.335 #’rd - Impeachment TicKets: 001@impeach08.us through 11.223.335@impeach08.us ; 1st FUND: $269,888,000.00 HardCash: 11M TicKets@$9.99 = $110M . 200K TicKets@$99.99 = $20M . 20K TicKets@$999.99=$20M

3K TicKets@$10,000.00 = $30M . 300 TicKets@$100,000.00 = $30M . 30 TicKets@$1M= $30M . 3 TicKets@$10M=$30M

http://impeach08.us http://impeach08.com http://impeach08.info

Artist | Michael: xmichaelp@gmail.com CALL!: 808.987.7163 vMail: 303.800.7103 Kona . HI.HI 96740 Author | Adam Archimedes: adamarchimedes@impeach08.us http://www.1stworldrevolution.com Protagonist | Michael K. BlackSmith: michaelkblacksmith@gmail.com ; 2nd FUND: $20,000,000,000.00 ColdGold Private eQuity FormAtion Creation Prophet | John: john@1stworldrevolution.org Our Father; I Pray! Thy Kingdom Come! Thy Will Be Done! OnEarth as-it-is In Heaven! | “…the Kingdom of God is at Hand” Avatar | John Michael: john_michael@1stworldrevolution.com http://capitalrevolution.typepad.com/about.html

Vision 7.7.7 – 12.12.12 | $20Billion GOLD/Cash (5years. 5months. 5days)

aSafe hOMe: $20B GoldHardRock Deposit | 1stusHedgeFUNd: 1steQFunD • An Individual Collective of 3 Individual Collectives inHabited with exactly 11.223.335 Collective Individuals. • A Closed System of 3 OpenSystems [that] Act [as] One: 1) A Free Enterprise 2) United World Peacemakers Corps 3) The World Trust • A Free Enterprise: 11.111.113 Equity Partners United World Peacemakers Corps: 111.111 Peacemakers The World Trust: 1111 Trustees • Q Partners: $8Billion Peacemakers Military Protection Plan: $6Billion The Trustees: $4Billion The Founder: $1Billion 1stCounsel: $1B • impeach08.com WebSite: 12.15.07 – 01.19.09 | 400 Days |$150M AD CAMPIANGE |$10M CashPrizes | HardNetWork $19,888,000 | $90M Founder: 1stiBrain • Michael K. BlackSmith • PriVate eQuity FormAtion • 1st eForm $269.888.000.00 CASH: 400 Days • 2nd iForm $ GOLD: 1822 Days

Mission • Breathe in|out: b|A-Live! • ConTainer ExChange: Work . Play . Vote . Spend • American Duty: Safety . Security . Happiness • Declaration Demands: New Guards . Future Guards • Public Op-In|CloseDPublic: Art . Entertainment . Education | Counsel ConsiderAtions • Brand ‘New’ ConText | Brand ‘New’ ConTent • A New World Revolution- iConText ProV: private|1stworldrevolution.org| iBrain: $99.99 • A New American Revolution- eConTent ProV: public|impeach08.us| eBrain: $9.99

Objective • 1HealD: Doctor . Dentist . Surgeon • XChange: Lawyer . Attorney . Counsel • InAct: Trainer . Coach . Practitioner • 1st4ConTract[s]: 1stPersonPay2x-4Hire|ConTract. 1stWoM ConTest|ConTract . 1stArticle ConTest|ConTract . 1st5000 Direct Sales|ConTract • impeach08.us WebSite: ExAct TraKers- Con|TestTraK . CashTraK . AdTraK . ExpenseTraK . AdDressTraK . PriZeTraK • 1st1000 TicKets Boston: Author of 1stArticle: Bruce Fein . Audience: Otto Scharmar . Artist: Adam Archimedes • Washington DC: Constitutional Law Counsel . 1stAmendment Attorney . Civil Liberty Law Firm • 2nd 1000 TicKets New York: Actor • 3rd 1000 TicKets San Francisco: Activist • 4th 1000 TicKets San Jose: Angle • 5th 1000 TicKets Los Angeles: Agent

Strategy • 1stPerson Pay2X-4Hire4Service|ConTract: impeach08.us | ExAct TraKers WebPage: 8Apps.com . BroadBand Mechanics . WoMAssociate • 1stWoM ConTest|ConTract: 25 ConTestAnts x $5K EnTry Fee =$125,000.00 • 1stArticle ConTest|ConTract: 21 Pages | 1 Supreme Breach . 3 Articles . 7 HighCrimes . 10 Misdemeanors • 1st5000 DirectTicKet Sales|ConTract: 5000 #TicKets x $9.99 =$50,000.00 • impeach08.info WebSite: A Breach of Duty: The Tyrant & the Despot • $125,000.00 + $50,000.00 = $175,000.00 • $9.99 x 995,000 TicKetsLeft = $9,940,050.00 • $4.8 Million for AdSpace . $0.4 Million for NetWork . $3.2 Million for Founder . $1.6 Million for Prizes

Plan 10.22.07 – 12.15.07

[55 Days]+[15 Days] =70 Days from MonDay: 10.22.07 to 01.01.08

• $1K TxPlan: BillMe! • $1K RxPlan: AdamsGolfClubs • $5K Teeth: CoSign • $5K Face: CoSign • $5K Eyes: CoSign

• $1K Business SetUp • $1K CopyRight Filings • $5K WoM ConTest ConTract • $5K Private Constitution Patent • $5K Public|Private Equity Bank #s

• $1K Change Name • $1K Change 9 Number • $5K Hawaii to Boston • $5K Boston to San Jose • $5K LA to Hawaii

• $1K Hawaii Law • $1K California Law • $5K Colorado Law • $5K Indiana Law • $5K Illinois Law

• impeach08.com: $68K + $32K :impeach08.us = $100K Self|Site|IP + $75K Bank OnLine OpIn StartDate: 01.01.08 • Kona to Boston-12.11.07 Boston to Washington-12.17.07 Washington to New York-12.22.07 New York to Boston-12.27.07 DirectSellBoston-01.01.08 • Boston to San Francisco: DirectSellSF-01.08 San Francisco to San Jose: DirectSellSJ-01.08 San Jose to LA: DirectSellLA-01.08 Home: HI.HI

11.223.335 Sign-Ups @ $9.99: impeach08.us New American Revolution® iBrain: Sign-Ons @ $99.99: impeach08.com capitalrevolution.typepad.com © WildBlue Studios 10.2007 HI.HI

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