Beginning and belief 1912 –1939 Here and there in these islands are to be found bits of ‘wilderness’ where some of the ancient life – now so rapidly being destroyed – still flourishes. From Diversions of a Naturalist by Sir Ray Lankester, 1915
It is Thursday 16th May 1912, 30 years since the death of Charles Darwin, a few weeks since Captain Robert Scott perished on his heroic polar expedition and two years before the start of the First World War. The Times carries a full report of the latest evidence in the 15 day-old inquiry into the sinking of the Titanic. On this sunny but blustery May day, cha r les rothschild has arranged to get together with three others – cha r les edwa r d faga n , Assistant Secretary at the Natural History Museum in London; w illi a m robert ogilv ie - gr a nt, its Assistant Keeper of Zoology and the honor a ry fr a ncis robert henley, a fellow Northamptonshire landowner and close friend. He wants to discuss with them his ideas for a new society, ideas that he has been pondering for a dozen or more years. Rothschild plans to call the new society – the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves (SPNR). Its main aim will be “to urge by means of the press, by personal efforts, and by correspondence with local societies and individuals the desirability of preserving in perpetuity sites suitable for nature reserves”.1 The four men who met that day could never have imagined the huge changes that would befall society and the British countryside in the decades to come; nor the central role their new Society would play in the nation’s response to those changes. protecting places for wildlife
The idea of protecting wildlife habitats rather than individual species of wildlife was not at the forefront of thinking at the time. During the previous century, studying the natural world had remained popular and, while the threats to plants and animals had been recognised, the main focus had been on legislation to stop cruelty and over-collecting. The emphasis was not on safeguarding sites nor, still less, on changing land-use policy. The Royal Society Opposite: Portrait of Nathaniel Charles Rothschild by Sir Hubert von Herkomer, 1908
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), founded in 1824 to reduce cruelty to domestic animals, such as cows and horses, had widened its brief first to stop bear-baiting and cockfighting and later in the century to bird protection. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) had been formed in 1889 to stop the killing of thousands of birds, such as egrets, herons and birds of paradise, for their feathers as fashion accessories. What rothschild was now proposing was a society to develop a broader-based, more coherent policy towards the protection of wildlife. His plan was to do two things: first, to identify wildlife areas in the country ‘worthy of preservation’ and second, to encourage others to acquire the sites and to look after them. In the first place, the proposal was to hand over sites to The National Trust under special conditions. 1