Wildling Magazine - Volume 5

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Š 2016 Wildling Magazine All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced by any means without prior written consent from the publisher, except for brief portions quoted for the purpose of review, as permitted by copyright law. www.wildlingmagazine.com info@wildlingmagazine.com Instagram @wildlingmagazine Facebook facebook.com/wildlingmagazine Front Cover image by Wendy Laurel Back Cover image by Rebecca Lindon Inside Cover image by Katarina Tubio Back Inside Cover image by Lea Jones










Live Slow


Editor’s Note


Welcome To The World


Dear Erin

73 Forivor


Cape Cod



The Rhythm Of The Sea

82 Spain


Wild Abandon




Who Runs The World


Ray Of Sunshine


Summer Daze

103 Nepal


6 White Horses


Curly Ellie

41 Norfolk


Reclaim Your Birth Power


Muddy Puddles

117 Stockists


The Harris Hawk Feather

Hannah Argyle


CONTRIBUTORS Paulina Jasniak


Lea Jones


Melanie Barnes www.geoffreyandgrace.com Kim Hildebrand www.kimhildebrand.com Natalie Rincon www.twitter.com/natpirks Wendy Laurel


Natasha Ascott www.muddypuddles.com Shirlene Badger


Marla Cyree www.simply-splendid.com Katarina Tubio www.kattatubio.blogspot.com Eva Carter


Rebecca Lindon www.rebeccalindon.com Nina Mullins www.ninaandwes.com Didi Fenwick



Image by Hannah Argyle


Thinking about the last 3 months I’m reminded of a quote from Cara Brostrom in an article she wrote for our blog called ‘Inherit The Green’... ‘When it was winter, she had no longing for summer. She didn’t quite remember it. For her the season was simply the present moment. And there was so much to explore within that! No longing for what was to come next. It was such an honest reminder to find the beauty in the moment we are in. We look forward to spring because it is a sign of the glory of summer to come. It is very easy to live within that narrative of longing all year long. A child reminds you to connect deeply with the wonder of now. So that within each bud and bloom lies wild adventure.’ The weather here in England has been changeable and tiring; endless rain with little hints of sunshine that are quickly whipped away by storms. I and my children have been wishing for the warmth of summer and we have let that longing hold us back from what we want to do, and the adventures we want to have. It seems to me that Cara’s quote can be just as easily applied to life - we spend a great deal of our time longing for a life we imagined; waiting for the summer. When actually it would be so much easier if we put on a raincoat and embarked on those wild adventures anyway.

Rebecca Lindon Editor-in-Chief


DEAR ERIN LIFESTYLE ESSAY words and illustrations by Paulina Jasniak


Dear Erin, You were playing with Cookie the other day; I saw you grab her nose and pull her ears; the way you gave her one of your first hugs. I understood you knew something that I didn’t - one of those things you unlearn once you start learning all the shoulds and shouldn’ts.

See, Erin, this planet is a living organism. It seems huge to us and it’s a bit hard to imagine, but it’s true. We are all little cells working to achieve general peace, working every day to make this enormous body feel at ease. To be healthy. When one cell stops cooperating, it can kill the whole being. This is why we are so important - our body can be either healthy or ill, and there is not much in between.


The Earth breathes. It feeds us and quenches our thirst. It cares for us when we live and swallows our bodies when our souls abandon them. Then it bears trees and produces fruit and oxygen. It lets us breathe again. How can we tell the boundaries of our bodies? How do you recognise where you end and the rest of the world begins? I’ll tell you a secret. We are all one, same and equal.


You need to respect and love yourself and this means respecting and loving all other creatures. The science has not yet discovered what is alive and what isn’t. I believe everything is. We are all the same body, same matter. We are the ground we walk and the air we inhale. These flowers, bees and stars are our sisters. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? When you were born, you made me realise that anything you can see or imagine, was once born. Human history is a history of wars, but this planet’s history is all about rebirthing.

It’s good to feel you belong. Loneliness is when you feel disconnected and lose the link to this natural chain. Please, do not forget your body came from mine, and we both are part of the same. The universe is your home and regardless of where you are, you’re home. Feel safe and calm and remember: we are this planet’s children. Your happiness is a part of a new, better world. Let me learn from you.


CAPE COD TRAVEL ESSAY words and photography by Lea Jones



I turned 40 this year and my husband wanted to take me to a special place to celebrate. I love the ocean and anything that is on the coast. The coast in New-England is beautiful: I love the smaller beaches and the little towns, I love lighthouses, I love ports, I love fishing boats and I love the smell of the sea. My husband suggested a trip to Cape Cod, and that was just perfect. I couldn’t bear to leave the kids behind so at the last minute we decided to head out all together. The kids love the coast just as much as me, and I will be honest, watching them enjoy it gives me even more pleasure. We arrived at our hotel and it was definitely not what we expected. It was tiny and really not very comfortable, but the highlight of this trip was to see my kids adapt to it so well. They didn’t complain but we all laughed and it became a two-day long joke. I travel a lot with my kids


and to see them being so easy-going made me really happy, and I realized that they are learning a lot from the experiences I am able to offer them. Nothing ever goes as expected and being able to adapt and laugh is probably one of the best skills to acquire, particularly while traveling. The walk on the beach was beautiful and refreshing. I loved the colors of Cape Cod. It seemed that everywhere I looked, things were painted in green, so I shot a roll of film and tried to capture as much green as I could see. The kids found a skull and were very excited - they were hoping for sand dollars, but no luck this time. Later, we had a lovely walk through Provincetown. It was not tourist season yet, so most of the shops were closed, and there were not a lot of people around, but being the introvert that I am, I didn’t mind.



We found a bite to eat and headed back to our “luxurious” hotel with our 3 kids. We laughed a lot, and slept a little bit. The morning ride home was lovely and we had time to stop whenever we wanted. We got off the main road to take a look at the Lighthouse on Nauset beach and to my surprise we found the “French Cable Hut” built by La Compagnie Française du Télégraphe de Paris à New York in 1879.

Being French and having just moved to the USA, I loved this piece of history and I am so grateful for easier ways of communication with my family in France today. The photos were all part of one same roll. I find it a fun challenge to document my trips this way. It is also very freeing: when the roll is finished, I have time for my family.




THE RHYTHM OF THE SEA LIFESTYLE ESSAY words and photography by Melanie Barnes


I often go to the shore, when I feel a little lost. After wandering by the water for a while, my breath has altered to join in with the rhythm of the sea. Subconsciously air is gently filling my belly, slow and steady - it rises and floats into places it hasn’t been for a while - filling me up with light, and then falling away, taking all feelings of worry with it. The tide’s hypnotic movement lulls me into a place of peace. In and out. Back and forth. My breath and being intertwined with the ocean. Feeling more whole with every moment. Becoming more present with every breath.



Nature has a profound effect on our wellbeing. For centuries poets, composers, and artists have tried to capture its beauty and motion. Simply by standing amongst it, our mood is altered. Time by the sea holds something especially sacred for many though. Often where families would spend their holidays, it has the association of slow carefree days, taken at leisure. With no particular plans, we are reminded of the important things - time with loved ones, and time just to be. Different rules apply on the beach. It’s perfectly acceptable to get really close to the nature that is around; we lie on the sand, and play with the grains and pebbles, we bury our feet, till wiggling toes poke their way towards the sun. We paddle in the shallow water, with the waves lapping at our feet, and we swim in the depths of the sea. This relaxed relationship to the outdoors is not unusual to children, but where else as adults do we physically connect to nature in the same way? This sort of contact with the wilds of nature awakens our senses and makes us feel alive. In fact the sun and the sea provide us with specific properties that are known to improve our wellbeing. Floating in the salty water is bound to calm our nerves, as magnesium is proven to be beneficial to the nervous system. Plus the vitamin D that we soak up from any sunlight boosts our serotonin levels, which can lift our mood and make us more alert. Even something as simple as seeing a small silhouette of a figure against a vast sea and sky throws everything into perspective. Suddenly something that was causing stress can seem so insignificant. On the beach we are able to find a state that is similar to meditating. The repetitive rhythm of the sea is so captivating, and the sounds set a tone and mood of relaxation and contemplation. Free from distractions our mind is able to find some space and calm. It’s as if the movement of the water washes away any wrinkles, leaving us smooth, just like a pebble picked up from the shore. As parents, it is essential that we take some time for ourselves. The many roles we take on daily can leave us worn out and weary. Prioritising some time to find that space and quiet within can do wonders for our spirit. After all, we can only give, and pour love into our children, if we ourselves are full. We should never underestimate what a dose of fresh air can do for our wellbeing. Simply by taking some deep breaths our bodies are energised. Oxygen is essential for our brain and every cell of our body. Yet, how many people go though a day without sinking into a proper deep breath, or getting any fresh air at all. Sea air is some of the cleanest to be found, and some deep breaths will improve blood pressure and heart rate, clean our lungs, sharpen our mind and strengthen our immune system. Research is being done all the time into the regenerative properties of spending time in nature, and how it can help improve mood, alleviate depression and anxiety. Nature Therapy (contact with nature, also sometimes known as Ecotherapy) is being used more and more by mental healthcare professionals. Not only that, but some doctors are issuing ‘nature prescriptions’ for other medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. It’s wonderful that science is looking at ways to study the positive effects of nature, however we only really need to head into the wild to know instinctively that being in nature simply makes us feel good.


As I walk away, with my back to the ocean, and the sun dropping in the sky. I now feel whole, like waking from a wonderful deep sleep. I am connected to the rhythm of the sea, aware of the earth’s pulse - how did I not feel it before - feeling more like myself than ever. Nature has guided me to a pace that makes sense for my spirit. The sun and sea have left a permanent impression on my soul.


WILD ABANDON PHOTOGRAPHY ESSAY photography by Kim Hildebrand








WHO RUNS THE WORLD? PERSONAL ESSAY words by Natalie Rincon and photography by Rebecca Lindon


“Who runs the world? Girls”. Every night we sing this. It’s part of our bath time ritual. Me, our 9 month old baby girl and our 4 year old girl, splashing around in the bath with Beyoncé belting out her anthem. And then, last week, the big one asked me: “Mama - is there a song about boys ruling the world?” And I quipped “all the rest of them.” She doesn’t understand yet, of course. It’s only really since having 2 girls that I’ve started to notice the imbalance. I mean, REALLY notice. And it leaves me wondering what kind of a world my babies are going to grow up in. Will it be one where they can be whatever weight they choose, one where they don’t feel pressure to look a certain way, act a certain way? Is it getting better, or is it, in many ways, getting worse? That’s the thing about motherhood. It makes you question everything, it forces you to redefine who you are. You can cling to the person you were before, you can protest and stamp and tell everyone you’re still the same, but you’re not. You’re irrevocably different. When a child relies on you for everything, when you’re their world, their sun and their moon, nothing will ever be the same again. My career has always been incredibly important to me. From studying at university for my journalism degree, to my first job, to now, as a Sports Correspondent for BBC News, I have always been striving for more. I would travel to work with an overnight bag and a passport because I never knew where the news was going to take me, and I sometimes spend weeks away from home. But then children came along. And it’s hard. So, so hard. How can you find balance when you can never tell your children what time you’ll be home? Where you can never promise a bedtime story or a kiss before lights out? In August, when I return from maternity leave, I’ll go away for 4 weeks to Rio for the Olympics. When everyone says ‘wow, you’re SO lucky’,


I always agree, I AM - but it’s tinged with sadness. Because with such a great career, comes overwhelming guilt. After 10 beautiful months off getting to know our newest addition, I will lean on my husband for help, like never before. But since she was born, he’s often had to travel with his job. I wonder, silently, if he’s ever felt this same guilt about leaving us? A study by Cambridge University claimed that the more a woman self-identifies with her profession, the more equal the childcare balance is between a couple. But apparently, the more a woman identifies herself with motherhood, the less time the father spends with the children. Isn’t it possible that women could identify themselves as a mother first, but rate their profession highly enough to not want to lose that part of themselves? Isn’t it possible you could want to do both, to the best of your ability? It doesn’t strike me that men ever feel as trapped by this dilemma. And then there’s the judgement. It’s everywhere you look, from family, from friends and (ironically) from the media. They used to say it takes a village to raise a child. Now the village forms a circle and points a finger. I feel a huge pressure to bring these girls up right. For them to be kind and caring, polite and kind. For them to know right from wrong and to grow up with a passion for something, something that makes their heart sing and their souls soar. But I want them also to be sassy. To not be walked over, to be a little bit scrappy when they need to be. Well meaning friends say my girls are learning that from me - that determination and hard work will bring great things into their life - and they will be proud of me. But deep down, until they’re much older, I know they’d rather have a mama who could always guarantee to be there for plays, parent teacher evenings and sports day.

And now I watch as my eldest is about to embark on the wonderful, enlightening and sometimes painful journey that is school. Every night, to try and gain an insight into her head, I ask her what made her happy, what made her smile, and finally, what made her sad today. I know my heart will break into a thousand pieces if the day comes that she says ‘because you weren’t there for me’. But there’s a line in that Beyoncé song we sing every night: “strong enough to bear our children - then get back to business.” My business means I may not always be able to tuck them into bed, to kiss them goodnight or to wipe away their tears. But I remind them every day that I will always listen to their troubles and do my best to keep them smiling. I hope they know Mama will always have their back.


SUMMER DAZE FASHION photography and styling by Wendy Laurel


Noa wears surf shorts by Local Motion and sunglasses by Rayban.

Noelle wears bikini by Roxy and Hannah wears bikini by O’Neill.



Noelle wears romper by Brandy Melville. Flamingo and Donut floatie by Urban Outfitters and Pineapple by Sunny Days.



Demi wears bikini by Submarine Swim and Noelle wears bikini by Roxy.



6 WHITE HORSES ARTISAN PROFILE words by Sarah Humphrey and photography by Tara Samuelson


I have a degree in biology from Brown University and had the intention of going on to study medicine but life waylaid me. I came to Australia, met an Aussie and spent the next 8 years pretty much travelling (and working in whatever way I could to facilitate this). I mean at least 6 months a year on some epic journey: taking a VW van from London to Senegal and back. Going from California overland to the tip of Patagonia... that sort of thing. After that, my husband (who is a chef) and I have operated and owned restaurants. 6 white horses came about from a lifelong love of fashion (particularly vintage which I have been collecting forever), a love of artisan techniques and embellishment (definitely honed by all those years of travelling) and a desire to make beautiful, high quality clothing that appeals to children’s love of dress up and are fun to wear. I really wanted to make keepsake pieces using natural


fabrics; clothing that was special aesthetically and carefully crafted so that they were made to last and be passed down. Byron Bay, where I live, is a very creative place and I’ve been involved in friends’ creative processing and labels for years in one way or another, so it’s been a smooth transition into the industry. I give my 3 boys free range with dressing. Two of my boys aren’t very bothered by what they wear but my oldest, Phoenix who is 6, has a very defined sense of personal style. He loves outlandish, embellished clothing and accessories like me and he has been very influential and fun to design with. We will specifically ask for his thoughts and he has an opinion on everything that I make. I am very inspired by vintage. I love the tiny, hand made details like beading, hand crochet,

ecru lace, hand embroidery, turned seams, Indian soutache cord techniques, hand block printing, smocking and those sorts of things. I love that pieces made over 100 years ago were made with such amazing skill as to still be wearable today. You don’t often see that craftsmanship in clothing made these days especially in the mass-produced, synthetic garment industry that currently dominates fashion.

me have more conviction, be more conscious and thoughtful and a better, more self-fulfilled person. By far the single most defining thing in my life is being a mother. That said, I find it incredibly challenging. Namely finding balance. Dispersing energy to all 3 of my boys (plus a baby girl due LAST week, who’s still hiding out inside me), my husband, our businesses, my friends and myself. It’s the same story for all mothers - so many people’s needs and roles to fill at all times!

My children inspire me with their free spirits and the love that they have for clothing that borders Motherhood has taught me to be clear with on “dress up”. They love fun, whimsical pieces boundaries, strong with my values and to put and this influenced me hugely. energy into the more meaningful things and not waste it on trivial or negative things. I also try Motherhood changed me completely. I went above all else to be kind and to always make my from being totally footloose (and irresponsible) kids feel my love. We all lose it, and struggle and to being grounded and it was a very welcome don’t do things as perfectly or as well as we’d like, change for me at age 30 when I became a mum. but the most important thing at the end of the It also has given me a strength and personal day is that the boys feel loved and feel appreciated confidence that I never had before. It has made as individuals. www.6whitehorses.com.au


NORFOLK TRAVEL ESSAY words and photography by Rebecca Lindon



Our family has lived in Norfolk for three years now. We moved from London without knowing a thing about this incredible county and have been charmed by its beautiful coastline and rambling countryside. Much of Norfolk is flat farming land which has earned it the nickname of Big Sky country - the sunsets are languid and despite being on the east coast of England, the unique shape of Norfolk allows you to watch the sun set over the sea to the west of the county. Norfolk is something of a hidden treasure in England with many flocking to southern holiday destinations such as Brighton or Cornwall and as a result, you can still enjoy a break without being joined by hoards of other tourists. We recently decided to embark on a mini-holiday in our home county and take in our surroundings without distraction. First up we headed to The Firepit Camp; a camping site set in the middle of the county and host to a number of slow food and living festivals throughout the year. We stayed in a domed tent called the Wren’s Nest which was crafted with interlocking branches and sleeps up to 8. Our children were immediately drawn to the playing fields, mud kitchen and double-decker bus that sits by the pop-up cafe - whilst we hit the ping-pong table. In the evening the Nest is warmed by a woodburner and the heat rises up to a huge bunk bed which the whole family eventually climbed into and slept deeply.


The next day we headed off to explore the villages in North Norfolk; enjoying a coffee in the bustling but quaint Burnham Market (nicknamed the Chelsea of Norfolk), breathing in as we drove through the narrow roads to Stiffkey and popping in and out of the antique shops in Holt. After lunch we drove down to Holkham Beach which, on a sunny day, could easily match the beauty of any far-flung coastline. A short walk through the trees brings you out to a vast beach as you stroll through purple heather and then grass-covered dunes before your toes hit soft white sands that stretch out for miles. Heaven. It can be a tiring walk for little feet but nearby Wells Beach has a car park that’s closer to the shore and is equally beautiful with its rows of colourful beach huts - but it does tend to attract the crowds.



Our second night was spent at West Lexham; a sprawling but intimate glamping site that includes an array of ensuite barn rooms, cottages and bell tents plus four beautiful treehouses set in magical woodland. Our accommodation was a tree temple that plays host to a huge ash tree growing through the middle, and colourful light that dances through the stained glass windows. Our children were hugely excited about the prospect of sleeping in a treehouse and they weren’t disappointed. Once settled we explored the gardens around the grounds of the manor house, accompanied by a lovely dog who checked-in with us every hour or so for a game of fetch. The Garden Kitchen is truly the epitome of ‘glamping’ with large fridges, a hob, kettle and woodfired oven - so dinner was a slow-fired pizza, followed by marshmallows around the fire pit. Back in our treehouse the children whispered in their beds and shone the torches left for them on to the ceiling whilst an owl hooted outside our window. In the morning I was coaxed out of my sleep by the lure of a hot shower (with heated flooring) and a warmed croissant. Daddy and son ventured off to the boathouse and tentatively rowed out across West Lexham’s lake while Eve and I walked by their side on dew-kissed grass. We felt far from home. Enjoying one last afternoon in North Norfolk, we visited the ruins of Creake Abbey where we played hide and seek and Zeus left a penny at the altar and wished for 100 adventures. On to Blakeney Point, we picked up some crab at a shack in the car park, walked out across the marshes and discovered abandoned boats with whistling sails whilst the sun flirted with our freckles. We didn’t have time to venture into the Norfolk Broads and Norwich, but you could happily spend a week in this wonderful part of the world! #luckywelivenorfolk




MUDDY PUDDLES PERSONAL ESSAY words and photography by Natasha Ascott

When I was a child the summers, every summer, from when I was six weeks old, were spent in the wilderness of the Highlands for the entire month of August. It has meant there lives a yearning inside me for barren, open spaces and the sensation of exhilarating freedom that comes from standing at the top of a hill covered in heather. Looking back on it now, my parents were incredibly relaxed about letting us roam on our own all day, as long as we stuck to one golden rule; get back home in time for the next meal - never a problem for our greedy family. I come from a large, rambling family and I guess they viewed safety in numbers, as there were nine of us cousins all there all the time on our daily expeditions. If I try and think about what we were actually doing all day, really it was remarkably simple and unchanging from one day, or even one year, to the next. We walked for miles and miles and miles up mountains, making up stories and setting challenges and crashing in the heather staring at the sky. We would clamber up a burn trying to leap from rock to rock without getting wet or wade through pools and waterfalls, then with glee, ringing out wet socks and emptying our full wellies when we got home. We sat on the banks of the wide streams or went out on a rowing boat to catch trout with the chant ‘come on fish’ (which is not the best fish catching technique). But often we would enjoy our catch for tea or make fishcakes for breakfast the next day. While other families basked on mediterranean beaches I barely ever had an August where I took off my jumper or raincoat but it never felt like a problem.



Now that I have three children I desperately want to recreate for them that same wild idyll that was every summer for me. I know that we all want to pass on the best parts of our childhood to our children and those summers and that sense of loving the earth and space and needing very little but that for happiness and entertainment is deeply important for me. My family still have the same rocky outpost of a holiday home and although work and life does not quite give us the freedom to be there for the whole of August we do spend the best part of our summer there. My eldest daughter, now aged nine, made her first trip up on the rumbling sleeper train floor when she was just eight weeks old and the boys now aged seven and four, have done the same. The wilds of Scotland and the privilege of knowing what remoteness and freedom feels like is, I hope, seeping into their veins in the same way it did for me. Those summers have informed some of the biggest choices I have made as an adult. It has bred a deep passion to find ways to help children from all backgrounds to have the opportunity to learn and play outdoors. After university I became a teacher in a secondary school - I have seen how the outdoors changes kids. I now run a business called Muddy Puddles, which makes waterproofs for children and is driven by the desire to enable all children to have this opportunity to play and learn outdoors. We also run free events in cities across the UK and provide free ideas and activities on our blog to encourage families to go outdoors. I have big plans for the future and how I can make this a reality for more children. This is built on a belief that comes from the very personal experience of knowing that what every child needs is to be wild at heart.




One morning this week when my son arrived at school his teacher unexpectedly greeted him specifically and individually with a feather. Not just any feather: the feather from a Harris hawk. This was not the launch of a new learning topic where each child received a feather as they arrived at school that day. This was more symbolic.

and punishment model that frequently resulted in his loss of playtime baffled him. More sadly, he was perhaps being boxed in with the stereotypes of boys in his class that he had previously stood against. This, alongside broader concerns about the loss of outdoor space in our inner city school as it expanded to meet growing population demands and the Govian/Morgan driven Our boy is passionate about birds – especially curriculum with its rigid schedules of phonics, birds of prey. He is also a summer born baby. spelling and grammar testing seemed weighty Where we live that means he started school at the issues for this five year old body to navigate. age of four years and three weeks. Nursery staff and friends talked against the literature we had More than anything, we wanted to preserve our read saying he would take it all in his stride: “He’s son. We wanted to give our son the opportunity the most popular kid at nursery”, “He’ll be fine to develop a taproot – a central position for with his social skills”, “He’s smart”. That he is. He growth that allowed him the freedom to pursue strolled into the new adventure with confidence learning that demanded all his senses, pausing and and barely a backward glance. elongating the creative possibilities of childhood and its future. We also wanted to ensure that In many ways that confidence hasn’t faltered. his memories of this time and his introduction In other ways it has been a rollercoaster ride. to more formal learning were positive. This was It seems that, much to his surprise, boys aren’t rooted in our own memories. We had two very supposed to love the colour ‘pinky’. Nor should different experiences of the education system. For they wear certain clothes. I witnessed him stand me, it worked: it provided me with expansion and up for some things, and in other domains he new horizons and escapes to worlds somewhat conformed quickly to the unwritten rules of his different to that I was born into. peers for whom ninjas are more important than birds. As he moved up to the next year and the My own fortunate memories of growing up in tasks of the national curriculum set in more rural New Zealand were of the sprawling natural earnestly, we watched as a little more of our son’s landscape within which the few buildings of my raw, inquisitive passion for learning and ‘having a small country primary school sat - where any go’ dwindled. A couple of meetings with his new hedged boundary became a den and the teachers teacher left us feeling like our boy wasn’t being made music in our classroom every day. My love ‘seen’. We told her of his love of birds, how he for learning and research began as a childhood could study a ladybird without distraction for dream and eventually led me to Cambridge hours on end, his love of ballet and his plans to where my occupation retains a vested interest in learn the violin. The boy we knew and the boy that sphere: I love to learn as much as I love to she described seemed antithetical. The reward teach.


Image by Shirlene Badger.


For my partner however, his experience of school and its systems was one of a lack of fit. His creativity and identity found its home in other organisations like Scouts or art and it was through those outside activities that his love of learning in the world found its home. All these factors were endlessly discussed as we read, researched and learnt from others journeys in un-schooling, home-schooling, forest and private schools. We had moments of feeling that for us, in the now, we had no choice – our options limited by location and the pressing commitments of work and finances against the family life we endeavour to hold space for. But, believing that these early years are so important, these memories and the stories of others reached deep down. Our love for the wildscapes we are lucky enough to frequent inspired us to consider what we could do in the now. And so, we approached the Head of our son’s school with our proposal …. ….and the idea of one vital day was born. One vital day is quite simply one (just one) day a week that we are taking our son out of school to spend exploring and learning in an ancient woodland. At first glance we proposed a very simple experiment. In other ways it is fraught with complexity. We argued that we wanted this day to be situated within the school week so that it wasn’t viewed as an extended weekend. We thought long and hard about the rhythm of the day and why this was something more than being outdoors as a family during the weekends. The option for flexi-schooling in this manner is not easily accommodated within current British education policy. While not illegal, it is allowed at the discretion of the Head, but brings with it many headaches over what code to note the absence from school as and the corresponding issues for funding, Ofsted ratings, and national curriculum priorities. Our journey has not been smooth. While we have been overwhelmed by the support of friends old and new since launching this experiment, many telling us that they are ‘watching with interest’, there are reasons more of us don’t do this. There are more meetings to be had and we are expecting our Head to ask us to stop. We believe that the current priorities of the national curriculum and state school system require more innovative and maverick experiments in order to displace the unimaginative approach we are currently seeing in education. More research needs to be done to justify the whats and whys of this practice and how it can sit effectively vis-à-vis current policy. More research needs to be done so that community schools are not penalized for supporting flexi-schooling initiatives. Having said that, we remain reflexive rather than religious about its practice. As we have watched our son take charge of his own firepit (an important central location from which he explores those woods in ever expanding circles); help the local farmer muster and care for his sheep and lambs; identify birds, bugs, butterflies, animal trails, trees; and create his ‘ancient study’ in which he writes and draws about his explorations and observations at the end of the day, we have already seen a revitalization of our boy. He is able to nurture those interests dear to him. He is able to play. He is enjoying school. He is able to stand up for what is important to him and show that to other people. The Harris hawk feather from his teacher bears witness to that.


Image by Rebecca Lindon.


LIVE SLOW FASHION photography and styling by Rebecca Lindon


Emma and Evelyn wear dresses by Sondeflor. Bag and moccasins by Wolfie + Willow.





Emma wears linen jumpsuit by Wildlingwear and Evelyn wears romper by Tocoto Vintage.

Emma wears linen apron by Wildlingwear.



Emma wears linen dress by Meg By Design and Evelyn wears romper by Poudre Organic at MamaOwl.


WELCOME TO THE WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY ESSAY photography by Marla Cyree of Lexia and Dustin Frank









FORIVOR ARTISAN PROFILE words by Rebecca Attwood and Alice Ruby Ross and photography by Jon Gorrigan


Rebecca: My first ‘grown up’ job was working for a multi-national finance company in Paris - after studying Fine Art at uni this was a slightly odd choice and while I had the time of my life in that beautiful city it was time to follow my dreams of working in the ethical fashion industry.

Rebecca: In 2012 I travelled from London to Hong Kong by train - it was an incredible journey and when I returned I decided I wanted to write a story for my goddaughter Coco about the adventure. At the same time I was looking for organic bedding and struggling to find anything much that I found exciting or interesting. I remember lying in bed thinking about how important storytelling was to me as a child and wondering why no-one had combined bedding and books. In the morning I woke up and said to my boyfriend that I’d had this idea for bedding that was all about transformation, storytelling and nature - a year or so later I was introduced to Alice and her beautiful drawings and the rest, as they say, is history.

Katharine Hamnett had been a heroine of mine for years and I took the plunge and decided to write to her to ask if I could come and work for her in London, quite unbelievably she said yes! I was thrown into the deep end doing everything from selling slogan t-shirts at Fashion Weeks to helping her prepare speeches on the way to various events. It was incredible to work with someone who I admired so much and who is so passionate about the origin of her products and this has been a huge factor in giving me confidence to seek out Alice: Rebecca and l met quite randomly through the very best supply chains for Forivor’s bedding. friends on Facebook (we’ve since discovered lots of special and surprising connections). As soon After working for Katharine I moved on to the as Rebecca started unfolding the story of Forivor Environmental Justice Foundation; an incredible at our first meeting, l was intrigued and excited charity that campaigns on environmental and delighted when she asked if I’d like to be security as a human right. I was lucky enough to more involved. I immediately saw the beauty and work with Vivienne Westwood and her amazing potential in the concept and we seemed to chime team, designing awareness-raising campaigns on together in our outlook. climate refugees and oyster growing alternative livelihood projects in Sierra Leone. It was While Rebecca had a clear idea of the characters incredibly varied and without it I would never and the design she let me explore Forivorland have had the confidence to take the plunge and through my illustrations and it helped that we set up my own business. are on the same page in terms of our aesthetic outlook. It’s a bit of a sliding doors moment, as l Alice: As well as illustrating l have worked for often wonder what I’d be up to if we hadn’t been many years in the heritage sector. Alongside introduced 2 years ago. Forivor l work in the Community Partnerships team at The British Musuem. I always find Rebecca: My dream for Forivor is that it creates inspiration in the collection and the emphasis magical memories to treasure, nurtures children’s on educational and imaginative projects has fed imaginations, inspires a passion for nature and directly into Forivor. I also work at the National encourages a generation of adults who can think Portrait Gallery in the Digital Programmes team. creatively about protecting our planet. A grand It’s been a juggling act at times but there’s a goal for some organic bedding, but that would synergy between them which has worked to our be the dream! advantage.



Alice: Launching our Kickstarter campaign and being at Dot to Dot London felt like huge and exciting achievements for us. We’ve taken our time as we wanted everything to be as well thought out and as sustainable as possible. I don’t want to end up churning anything out because we feel we have to and we want our Enchanted Forest Collection to become family heirlooms, to be treasured and part of a family’s memories - like a favourite bed time book. Of course we are brimming with ideas for future designs, where we will bring attention to endangered habitats and wildlife around the world. We are focusing on the ocean for our next collection and l think there’s scope for some really interesting collaborations along the way. We also want to get children involved by having an area on our website where they could contribute drawings, stories and ideas to Forivor. The possibilities are endless and at the moment we are over the moon that we are getting to share Forivor with you all. Rebecca: I’m inspired by nature. I grew up on the Welsh borders in a house in the middle of nowhere without electricity - we had no television so reading was a massive part of my childhood. My dad Ivor (Forivor is named after him) used to read to us and I remember being so terrified of Lord of the Rings and the Dark Riders.

l do come from sitting in a cafe, watching the world go by and seeing what my brain and hand deliver. Sometimes l look at the page and burst with pride.... sometimes l want to screw it up in a ball and throw it away., but that’s the process you have to go through to get it just right. With Forivor, l tried to put blinkers on so the illustrations could take on a life of their own and feel unique, although l found a lot of the children’s books of the 70’s and 80’s I’d cherished as a child were inspiring me along the way. Rebecca: My daughter Remie inspires me to do as much as I can to protect the environment for her future. My biggest fear in becoming a parent was that I was introducing a child into a world that terrified the hell out of me. Her arrival forces me to believe that there is a way to protect the planet from climate change (and other environmental and human rights catastrophes) and that every decision I make as a mother and new business owner affects her part in that future. Motherhood has allowed me to pursue the dream of setting up my own business as I was lucky enough to have a very supportive boyfriend who was happy for me to take my time and concentrate on spending precious early years with Remie and spend nap times and evenings working to get Forivor off the ground. A friend and I also do a work swap which has been brilliant - I look after her little boy and Remie in the mornings while she works, we have lunch, get our babes to sleep and swap over when they wake up. Motherhood definitely makes you more efficient and motivated! I couldn’t go back to a situation now where I wasn’t able to choose how to spend my time.

In the daytime my two brothers and I spent our time outside, building rafts, sledges, dens in the woods and messing around in the stream - there was a beautiful tree on the river bank where you could climb down between the roots and find yourself in our ‘underground den’ that had a great view of the river - and that tree was the starting point for our Enchanted Forest collection. The biggest challenge of motherhood has been the moments of self-doubt, when you feel Alice: We live in a world saturated with images, overwhelmed with how your decisions, no matter with Google search at our fingertips and a how small at the time, might affect them and their million Instagram feeds to scroll through; I life course in the future. Motherhood has taught am subconsciously being inspired all the time me that life is precious, change is inevitable, without even realising it. But the best drawings necessary and you can’t resist it. www.forivor.com



HANNAH ARGYLE ARTISAN PROFILE words and photography bt Hannah Argyle


After gaining a degree in History of Art from Reading University, I decided I really wanted to get back to doing something more practical. I loved my degree but I’d found years of study hard going, and my first love of drawing and painting was calling me again. I ended up working weekends in a local Art Gallery and helping out with a bit of picture framing in the back room. I loved the precision and design factors of framing and the physical making of the frames was very satisfying. I went on a course to learn how to do it properly and soon became a full time picture framer.

finally picked up our point and shoot camera and learnt to use it in manual mode. Soon after I bought a second hand cropped sensor DSLR and a 50mm lens and this completely changed my world. It wasn’t long before I started to collect lenses, upgraded to my Nikon D610 and began accepting photography commissions. Instagram is completely responsible for me being a photographer now, and I have found in Instagram a supportive community, a wealth of inspiration and knowledge and a fun creative outlet. Instagram continue to make changes to the app, some of which are frustrating but the kind and encouraging community that I find there never seems to alter. I love that people continue to share images for the love of photography and follow along and support complete strangers just because they enjoy doing so.

Work and cheaper property prices brought us from Reading to Northampton about 12 years ago and a few years later I set up my own picture framing business which I still run from home. These days however, framing is taking second fiddle to my ever growing photography business, but it’s definitely something I will I’m inspired by all sorts of things that I see around always do at some level, even if only for my own me. Photography has taught me a new way to photography clients. look at the world and that’s my favourite thing about it. I’m always trying to find the beauty in My passion for photography began when my the every day. I’m inspired by light, the seasons, youngest was around a year old, almost three flowers and the great outdoors, and most of all years ago now. I had downloaded Instagram and my kids. I’m honestly never happier than when was starting to really enjoy scrolling my feed and photographing my kids. They are what I initially admiring the amazing pictures I was seeing every learned to take photographs of, and I count day. At the time I was only taking photos on an myself very lucky now that I can earn a living by old blackberry phone with a terrible camera, but photographing my own children as well as other Instagram made me start to think more about peoples. light, composition, colour - things that I’d learnt about during my degree but weirdly had never My career aspirations were honestly always based thought to apply to the way I took photos. I around the desire to one day have a family, and also found out you could edit photos, what a to be self employed and to work from home. revelation! I can remember excitedly showing My Mum ran her own business from home, my husband an app I’d downloaded and the first and although she worked hard she was always ever picture I’d edited. My excitement over all around, and my career choices from very early of this and the possibilities it opened up meant on were guided by the hope that one day I would I quickly became frustrated with not being able be able to be self employed and do the same. to achieve some of the things I was seeing, such I’m not really sure how Motherhood has changed as depth of field. I read and researched a lot, and me. It feels just like what I always wanted to do.


At times juggling work with the kids has been tough. There has never been such a thing as maternity leave, I have been texting customers within half an hour of giving birth to apologise that their work will be late! It is of course swings and roundabouts though and I am very grateful for the flexibility I have in my work. There isn’t much that can’t be postponed or delayed if the kids aren’t well or something else comes up. I think another thing that has really taken me surprise about motherhood is that breathtaking, suffocating strength of love, and of course with that comes the fear of anything bad happening to them. I find it can be hard to put those fears aside and give them the freedom they need to gain physical and emotional confidence. The temptation is strong to wrap them in cotton wool. I think motherhood has taught me that life is short, and precious. The kids are growing up so quickly and I do really try to put aside time to do fun things with them and make memories. Hopefully motherhood has taught me patience and compassion too, although I could do with a lot more patience sometimes! www.hannahargylephotography.com



SPAIN TRAVEL ESSAY words and photography by Katarina Tubio



Last year we went for our first summer vacation as a family of four. We picked Tarifa in Spain as our destination because we knew the area and there is nothing we love more than its enormous beaches and the free-spirit atmosphere. As it was a last minute decision, we were really lucky to find airbnb accommodation just across the popular kite surf beach Dos Mares. There are no big hotel resorts but there are many hidden beaches known just by locals and we decided to explore those secret places despite their difficult access. To get to these kinds of beaches you have to walk a lot and there are no showers or bars to buy food or water. It means that you have to prepare everything you will need during the day and carry that with you to the beach. It wasn’t easy with the children, especially our 5 year old who didn’t always enjoy the walking. We decided to motivate him and every night we drew a map and described how we would get to the beach we wanted. He was our guide and he would lead us there which helped him feel really important and very proud when we finally arrived! The other thing we did together with the kids was preparing the food for the day. Every morning they helped to prepare food boxes and then on the beach they knew exactly what they were going to have for lunch. I think this way they felt responsible for our adventure. By the end of the holiday our son would check every morning with me that we had packed our essential water, sunscreen and of course his swimming goggles!










SISTERS FASHION photography and styling by Eva Carter


Lucia wears maxi dress and Poppy wears romper suit by Tea Princess.



Sharlote wears dress and shag vest by Bandikoot.





Lucia and Poppy wear tops and sunglasses by Cotton On Kids and tulle skirts by Feather Drum.


RAY OF SUNSHINE PERSONAL ESSAY words and photography by Rebecca Lindon

‘Ooooh cuddle’ she says to me every morning, clinging on to me tightly with her arms and legs like a limpet, as if she means to squeeze the life from my lungs. I catch my breath every time she does it, taken aback by her natural and open display of love. We call Eve our bush baby because she likes to snuggle into our armpits and necks and peep out when she’s ready to take on the world. The force she loves with is fresh to me, I only show that affection when I’m sure I’m absolutely safe, whereas she offers it with abandon, to all. Her older brother is more reserved and I can count the number of times he’s said ‘I love you Mummy’ on one hand. Of course I know he does, it seeps through his little hands when he wraps his fingers around mine and I feel it in his heartbeat as he climbs into bed on cold mornings. But the words don’t fall easily from his mouth. Eve on the other hand is opening us all up and heating our hearts like a ray of sunshine. She greets grumpy old men in the supermarket with a big ‘HELLO!,’ and a beaming smile. I remember when Zeus used to do that too but he stopped after he’d been ignored a couple of times. Eve doesn’t flinch, she just shouts after them until they’re forced to acknowledge the joy that chases them down the aisle and melts their furrowed brows. She greets the spider that lives above her bed with that same glee every day. ‘Morning spider!’ she bellows. Yesterday she was stung on the finger after sticking her face in a bee’s nest, wanting to share their day with them and being warned that her presence was absolutely not welcome. After a short whinge she shrugged her shoulders and explained, ‘little bit angry bee mama’. Today she went straight back to visit them again, despite my pleas to leave them alone. Zeus is a worrier; I think he gets that from me. He’s concerned that running on the grass might hurt it and constantly reminds Eve to be gentle with the woodlice and ladybirds that she excitedly picks up between thumb and forefinger. And Eve has adapted her behaviour to ease his anxiety. When he cries she strokes his face gently and whispers, ‘It’s OK Zeus.’ When she can sense a jovial mood she throws herself at him shouting ‘Cuddddllle’. In return he sings her lullabies at bedtime and tells her that he’ll always protect her no matter what. They compliment each other in a way that will only strengthen their relationship over the years. Since Evelyn arrived almost two years ago she has brought immeasurable joy to our family and taught us all about the magic of opening your heart and letting your light shine out, even on the darkest days. She has turned us into adventurers with her constant quest to push boundaries and reminds us of the power of feeling it all and then letting it go - we all have our disagreements but holding on to anger is impossible with our little comedian in the midst. As we muddle our way through family life and its ups and downs, Eve has become the glue that binds us. Her gusto for life is contagious. This tiny toddler has become the greatest teacher I’ve ever had. 101


NEPAL TRAVEL ESSAY photography by Nina Mullins









CURLYELLIE ARTISAN PROFILE words by Zaina O’Halloran and photography by Melanie Bond and Gavin Durrant


After graduating with a Masters degree in Statistics, I began my career at one of the ‘big 4’ management consulting firms. It was an exciting experience, which culminated in my landing a director-level position at one of Japan’s largest banks. I was a true rat-racer, travelling widely with my job, working long hours, living in heels and suits and meeting some very interesting people along the way. As a baby and young child, my daughter Ellie suffered from several allergies. She reacted to nuts, wheat and dairy, she had terrible eczema and her skin was very sensitive. I searched out the most pure, natural products to use to contain her skin problem, but getting her ready for school was a daily challenge, with a routine of creams and potions. By the time I had finished with her skin and turned my attention to her tumbling mass of tangled curly hair, she was just about to throw a tantrum.

range named after my daughter, Ellie, and a routine that not only soothes her scalp and cares for her precious cherub curls, but also enables us to have a few minutes space before a busy day for her to share her thoughts, worries and questions with me whilst I’m attending to her hair. That experience gave birth to CurlyEllie. It took just over two years from initial conception to launching the CurlyEllie hair care range. Much of the time was given to testing the formulation; no two sets of curly hair are the same and I wanted a product range that could work for all. My son, for example, has looser curls than Ellie, I wanted to create a product that both of them could use and achieve the same results.

My main challenges have been juggling work and family life. I have two young children, 7 and 4 years old and 5 month old twins. Setting time apart to focus on the business, whilst taking care of nappies, school runs, dinners and all the chaos I wanted to find a solution to the problem. I of family life has been uniquely challenging. It wanted our time spent together combing her is not unusual for me to have a business call hair to be a pleasant experience, something that with babies playing in the background. Most of we could share together, just the two of us. my callers are understanding and supportive so luckily this has not been too much of an issue. I started by learning about products that could detangle her curly hair. I set about teaching There have been many highlights. Getting the myself and doing research on pure and natural call from Wholefoods Market confirming that ingredients that could soothe her scalp as well they liked the product and wanted to stock it as discipline her frizzy hair. I experimented in their UK stores nationwide was probably one with hair-care routines and learned about of my biggest highlights so far. I was actually texture, condition and how to nourish her breastfeeding at the time the call came! tresses and make her curls glossy. I investigated combinations of plant products such as quinoa, Britishcurlies.co.uk, my first stockist has been broccoli seed oil and sweet almond oil because I so amazing and supportive. Keisha, the owner, needed a routine that was quick in the mornings took a chance on us when we first started and (mornings are always a race against the clock!), were relatively unknown. She has been one of fuss-free and painless. The result was a hair care our greatest supporters.


Motherhood has made me a much calmer person. I don’t get easily flustered and I have learned to take each day as it comes – the ups and downs. The biggest challenge of mother hood has been teaching my kids right and wrong, and being a good example in everything I do. I have learnt not to be so judgemental of myself but to embrace my flaws. I have learned to take each day as it comes knowing that time with the kids is never wasted. I have learned to be a little


less in control and to embrace the chaos when it hits... such as turning up at the airport on our long awaited holiday only to see the first chicken pox spots pop up on my son... or spending all morning prepping Ellie for a photo shoot for her hair care range just to find out she’s decided to invent a new type of lipstick using permanent marker. It’s all OK. I am creating memories with them and for them. www.curlyellie.com

RECLAIM YOUR BIRTH POWER PERSONAL ESSAY words by Didi Fenwick and photography by Rebecca Lindon

When I fell pregnant with my first child, I knew I wanted birth to be a positive experience. I wanted to understand and discover what enabled women to birth effectively. I felt very passionately that women know their bodies best and were born with the knowledge of how to give birth. It appeared to me that pregnancy and birth had become complicated in the world we live in today. I felt the need to go back to basics, look to the past and how women traditionally used to birth before there were drugs and interventions of every kind. I wanted a natural and undisturbed labour if I could, and I soon realised on my journey that you have to trust your natural ability, you have to dig deep and immerse yourself into a very raw and primitive physiological state. I believe that pain can be a good thing - if you want to achieve something in life you often have to push yourself to the limit and through a pain barrier to get to the finishing line, and for me birth was no different. I realised I would have to open myself up, trust my gut instinct and believe in myself to allow my body to do what it was born to. We live in a competitive society where we don’t always trust our instincts. Women often have very little confidence in their own choices and capabilities and most commonly are not supported or feel like their voice is heard or understood. This needs to change, we need more compassion, more continuity of care and more unity amongst women which would in turn enable us to empower each other. If a woman feels unsafe or even senses a risk of danger it can have a negative effect on her birthing abilities. It was therefore important to me to make informed decisions about where I would give birth.

The obvious choice for me was my own home. This is where I felt most safe, relaxed and more importantly it created the right environment where I could set aside any worries and fears I had about birth because it was a familiar and spiritual space. Every mother and every labour is so individual, no two are the same. Therefore, I felt my birth could not be categorized. I didn’t want to be labeled a patient or told what my body should be doing or when to push my baby by someone who couldn’t even feel what I was experiencing. My labour was going to be unique to me and I wanted a say over what happened and where. Despite being told a home birth wasn’t a realistic choice for a first time mother, and that unfortunately there probably wouldn’t be any available midwives on call to attend my birth, I felt this was the right thing for us to do and it was really empowering to stand my ground and trust my gut. I was very blessed to have the support and inspiration of my sisters and husband. They respected me as a woman and a mother, they believed I knew my body and baby best and helped nurture my self-esteem. This journey into motherhood should be celebrated amongst women, we need to inspire each other and reclaim our birth power. I did have a birth plan, a birthing pool and I did want a midwife to attend our birth, but had planned for the minimum amount of intervention possible. However, none of these things happened. My labour progressed very quickly and the pain intensified rapidly. I continued to feel safe at home and although vulnerable to the pain I managed to lose control and concentrate on nothing but my breath. I never understood the sheer power of simply inhaling and exhaling until this point.



I didn’t need anything and wanted to be alone, I felt powerful in birth. We were told by the hospital that no midwives were available to come out to us, the home birth service wasn’t available that night, so we had to make the choice to stay at home and continue doing what we felt was right and the safest thing for our baby, as by this point she was already crowning.

afterwards I was in a state of shock, I felt a massive sense of achievement and instant love for my little girl. Our post birth bubble was protected, we were all safe together at home with no interruptions or interventions. We were able to have optimal delayed cord clamping and time to simply hold and breathe in the delights of this amazing soul who had instantly stolen our hearts.

I stood to deliver, I did what felt right and listened to my body and when it told me to push I did. My waters broke on delivery and my husband caught her by candle light in our bathroom. We ended up having a completely natural, unassisted home birth with no intervention at all. I didn’t even get to use my birth pool. It was the most empowering experience of my life and although

Ultimately birth cannot be planned, mine certainly didn’t turn out the way I thought it might. However, I strongly believe if we make informed choices, create a safe environment and trust our motherly instincts we give freedom to our inner birth goddess, which in turn can make birth a positive, empowering and even enjoyable process.



Bandikoot www.bandikoot.com.au Brandy Melville www.brandymelville.co.uk Bubble Chops www.bubblechops.com Cotton On Kids www.cottonon.com Feather Drum www.featherdrum.com Local Motion www.localmotionhawaii.com MamaOwl www.mamaowl.net MegByDesign www.megbydesign.com Poudre Organic www.poudreorganic.fr Rayban www.ray-ban.com Roxy www.roxy.com Sondeflor www.sondeflor.com Submarine Swim www.shopsubmarineswim.com Sunny Days Tea Princess www.teaprincess.com.au Tocoto Vintage www.tocotovintage.com Urban Outfitters www.urbanoutfitters.com WildlingWear Wolfie + Willow www.wolfieandwillow.com






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