April 2018 pages 1 7

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Badger &“Wisconsin”


APRIL 26, 2018 Vol. 95, No. 4

Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family


The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.

Wisconsin Veterans to Benefit from Bills Recently Signed Into Law Governor Walker recently signed three bills which will have a positive impact on Wisconsin Veterans On Wednesday, March 28th, Walker signed Senate Bill 473, the Cody Adams Searchlight Act. This bill enacts a statewide “Green Alert” system to aid law enforcement, the media and citizens to rapidly come to the aid of “at risk” veterans suffering from service related health conditions, such as post traumatic stress disorder, alzheimers or dementia. State Representative Evan Goyke (19th Assembly District, Milwaukee) and Senator Latonia Johnson (6th Senate District, Milwaukee) were the authors of this bill. On Tuesday, April 3rd Assembly Bill 402, Sales Tax exemptions for veteranʼs organization(s) was signed by Governor Walker. This bill has been languishing for two decades. It finally came out of committee due to the efforts of State Representative Andre Jacque, (2nd District, DePere) who solicited the state veteranʼs

2018 Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Winners Announced The Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Program consists of three (3) $1000 scholarships presented to high school seniors (or college underclassmen) who have attended at least one American Legion sponsored youth program; are a member of (or are related to someone currently active in) The American Legion, The Sons of The American Legion, or The American Legion Auxiliary; have maintained an academic average of “B” or better for a period of seven (7) semesters; and demonstrate moral character, academic

achievement, and leadership skills in academic and extracurricular activities. Congratulations to this yearʼs recipients: Jessica Robers, Horicon High School; Miles Saylor, Necedah High School; and Richaela Ludwig, Oconto Falls High School. Honorable Mentions include: Rachel Braaten, Goodman

Armstrong Creek High School; Madeline Diezek, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School; and Brandon Strupp, Hartford High School. When the first of these scholarships were presented in 1968, it was referred to as The American Legion Scholarship. The name was changed in the 1980ʼs in honor of Frank R Schneider, Department Commander 1965-1966 and William H Emanuel, Department Commander, 1966-1967. Awards have been presented yearly since the scholarship was created.

organizations to contact Senator Fitzgerald to demand it come out of committee for a vote. We responded and the vote was taken, passing 39-1. In addition, Governor Walker also signed Assembly Bill 422, Hire our Heroes, to help create jobs for veterans transitioning from the military to civilian work, as well as provide credits to companies who hire veterans. This bill was co-authored by Assemblyman Daniel Riemer (7th District, Milwaukee) and Cody Horlacher (33rd Assembly District, Mukwanago.) Department Legislative Chairman Paul Fisk, PDC and Legislative Committee Member Wayne Jensen, and Department Adjutant Amber Nikolai attended the April 3rd signings. Submitted by Wayne Jensen, PDC and Legislative Committee Member

Honor Flight Crew Plaque Presented

First District Service Officer Richard Strehlow recently presented an Honor Flight Crew plaque to 3 of the 36 Post 449 members that have experienced and enjoyed the opportunity to have been a part of the Wisconsin Honor Flight Program. Pictured from left to right is Strehlow, Harvin Abrahamson, Al Adamczak and Monte Lunde.

2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • April 19th Total: 52,962 • 98.99% 9
























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