August 2012 Edition of the Wisconsin

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August 30, 2012

PRESIDENTÕS MESSAGE Greetings to our Legion Family! I am truly honored to serve as your Department President this year. I am Diana Sirovina grateful for the Department support and enPresident couragement I have received from so many across the state, and I will do everything I can to justify your faith in me. While I am honored to be elected to this position, this year is not about me. ItÕs about our veterans, our active duty military and their families, and how we can fulfill our organization’s mission of caring and support for them. Our theme this year is ÒWorking TogetherÉfor Veterans and Our Organization.” In the spirit of “Service not Self,” we need to work together to achieve our goals. We need to make every effort to work together with The American Legion and the Sons of The American Legion. When we do, we can accomplish so much more. If we remain true to our mission and “Work Together,” I know we can meet any challenge

we face. We need to remember that we honor a veteran with our membership and we should tell others what it means to belong to this premier organization. So our year has officially begun! While it is still summer, itÕs not too early to start our plans for fall. There will be many events in cities all over our state sponsored by local Units, Posts, Counties and Districts. I look forward to attending some of them. Fall is also the time our Department hosts our annual conference. This year our Fall Informational Forum will be held on September 28th and 29th at Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc. We planned this event with you, the unit member, in mind. This is your best chance to hear details about our Auxiliary programs. Our Department Executive Board will meet Friday evening at 6:00 pm. At 8:00 pm, all registered attendees are invited to enjoy a little social time (no business!!) in our hospitality room. Come and meet old friends and make new ones. Our Opening Session on Saturday morning will provide information on our programs. For the first time ever, we are offering child care during this ses-

sion so moms (and dads if they want to attend) can have an opportunity to hear about our programs. At our Annual Membership Luncheon we will recognize our twelve District Presidents for their hard work. Our Juniors will also meet during the Membership Luncheon to get their program off to a good start. The afternoon program will feature our program chairmen presenting detailed information to help you get a good start on your plans for the year. In the true spirit of ÒWorking Together,” the entire Legion Family is encouraged to attend Fall Forum. ItÕs also a good time to bring friends that may be interested in joining this great organization. So send in your reservations now and be part of this fun and educational event. Diana Sirovina Department President

create public awareness of our missions and issues that matter in our world today and are ever-vigilant of what the needs of our active-duty, veterans, their families, our youth and our communities will need in the future as the Global War on Terror continues. We do what we do for Òsomeone we donÕt know, may never meet, but never forget they are out there”. ThatÕs the passion and it starts with each and every member. To the District Presidents and Membership ChairmenÑwe hope that you have embraced the membership rally effort and are formulating plans to host one in your District. Work together with your Legion, SAL and Riders to truly make it a family event. ItÕs a win-win. Let us know your plans. There will be a membership rally at Camp American Legion in conjunction with the Fall Ride to Camp fundraiser on September 15th. The 3rd and 7th District rally is scheduled for October 20th in New Lisbon. Greendale Post 416 is the host on October

Flags were flying at half-staff on May 8, 2012 in honor of Wisconsin soldier Cpl Benjamin Neal of Orfordville who was killed in action on April 25, 2012 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. This seemingly heavenly tribute to Cpl Neal was seen at American Legion John E Miller Post 146 in Beaver Dam, WI. (Photo submitted by Lila Koch of Unit 146)


2013 1st - 19.34%

2nd - 18.10%

3rd District

2nd District

3rd - 13.53%

MEMBERSHIP Ann Rynes Dept Membership Chairman Ph: 608-604-0350 Email: This year as we ÒWork Together for Our Veterans and Our Organization” we will “Take the High Road” in membership. The American Legion Auxiliary is a premier organization and should be promoted as such. After all, it is the largest womanÕs patriotic organization. You should be proud to be a member and honored, not only to be eligible, but to carry on the legacy, the passion that our organization is all about. And taking the high road is all about having a positive attitude when it comes to membership. Remember why you joined and why you still are a member. Talk to potential members and share your own positive experiences. The Auxiliary and the Legion Family offer a sense of community and many lifelong relationships are formed throughout the state and nation. We connect on common values and offer a united voice to

Rest In Peace Corporal Benjamin Neal

27th for the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Districts. A cut and tie and craft workshop with a lunch to follow is being planned. Once again, make it your own and build on the strengths of your unique members. Have a problem with your new membership card that was issued by National? You’re not alone. The new cards have a join date in lieu of continuous years. If you have a problem with your card, notify your Unit Membership Chairman who will submit a correction form to Department so National can make the changes for your 2014 card. Technology is not always what itÕs cracked up to be. Having trouble in your Unit? DonÕt feel like youÕre on an island. There are many out there who are willing to help, but we canÕt if we donÕt know. Contact us. Ann Rynes, 608604-0350,; Berne Baer, 920-680-0308,; or April Kollmorgen at 360-3622803, Best wishes for a great year!

4th - 12.20%

4th District

1st District

5th - 11.95% 6th - 11.08%

7th District

8th District

7th - 10.53% 8th - 9.62%

9th District

6th District

9th - 9.42% 10th - 2.60%

12th District

11th District

12th - 0%

11th - 2.31% 10th District

5th District


Total Membership: 11.71%

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