August 30, 2012
PRESIDENTÕS MESSAGE Greetings to our Legion Family! I am truly honored to serve as your Department President this year. I am Diana Sirovina grateful for the Department support and enPresident couragement I have received from so many across the state, and I will do everything I can to justify your faith in me. While I am honored to be elected to this position, this year is not about me. ItÕs about our veterans, our active duty military and their families, and how we can fulfill our organization’s mission of caring and support for them. Our theme this year is ÒWorking TogetherÉfor Veterans and Our Organization.” In the spirit of “Service not Self,” we need to work together to achieve our goals. We need to make every effort to work together with The American Legion and the Sons of The American Legion. When we do, we can accomplish so much more. If we remain true to our mission and “Work Together,” I know we can meet any challenge
we face. We need to remember that we honor a veteran with our membership and we should tell others what it means to belong to this premier organization. So our year has officially begun! While it is still summer, itÕs not too early to start our plans for fall. There will be many events in cities all over our state sponsored by local Units, Posts, Counties and Districts. I look forward to attending some of them. Fall is also the time our Department hosts our annual conference. This year our Fall Informational Forum will be held on September 28th and 29th at Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc. We planned this event with you, the unit member, in mind. This is your best chance to hear details about our Auxiliary programs. Our Department Executive Board will meet Friday evening at 6:00 pm. At 8:00 pm, all registered attendees are invited to enjoy a little social time (no business!!) in our hospitality room. Come and meet old friends and make new ones. Our Opening Session on Saturday morning will provide information on our programs. For the first time ever, we are offering child care during this ses-
sion so moms (and dads if they want to attend) can have an opportunity to hear about our programs. At our Annual Membership Luncheon we will recognize our twelve District Presidents for their hard work. Our Juniors will also meet during the Membership Luncheon to get their program off to a good start. The afternoon program will feature our program chairmen presenting detailed information to help you get a good start on your plans for the year. In the true spirit of ÒWorking Together,” the entire Legion Family is encouraged to attend Fall Forum. ItÕs also a good time to bring friends that may be interested in joining this great organization. So send in your reservations now and be part of this fun and educational event. Diana Sirovina Department President
create public awareness of our missions and issues that matter in our world today and are ever-vigilant of what the needs of our active-duty, veterans, their families, our youth and our communities will need in the future as the Global War on Terror continues. We do what we do for Òsomeone we donÕt know, may never meet, but never forget they are out there”. ThatÕs the passion and it starts with each and every member. To the District Presidents and Membership ChairmenÑwe hope that you have embraced the membership rally effort and are formulating plans to host one in your District. Work together with your Legion, SAL and Riders to truly make it a family event. ItÕs a win-win. Let us know your plans. There will be a membership rally at Camp American Legion in conjunction with the Fall Ride to Camp fundraiser on September 15th. The 3rd and 7th District rally is scheduled for October 20th in New Lisbon. Greendale Post 416 is the host on October
Flags were flying at half-staff on May 8, 2012 in honor of Wisconsin soldier Cpl Benjamin Neal of Orfordville who was killed in action on April 25, 2012 in Kandahar, Afghanistan. This seemingly heavenly tribute to Cpl Neal was seen at American Legion John E Miller Post 146 in Beaver Dam, WI. (Photo submitted by Lila Koch of Unit 146)
2013 1st - 19.34%
2nd - 18.10%
3rd District
2nd District
3rd - 13.53%
MEMBERSHIP Ann Rynes Dept Membership Chairman Ph: 608-604-0350 Email: This year as we ÒWork Together for Our Veterans and Our Organization” we will “Take the High Road” in membership. The American Legion Auxiliary is a premier organization and should be promoted as such. After all, it is the largest womanÕs patriotic organization. You should be proud to be a member and honored, not only to be eligible, but to carry on the legacy, the passion that our organization is all about. And taking the high road is all about having a positive attitude when it comes to membership. Remember why you joined and why you still are a member. Talk to potential members and share your own positive experiences. The Auxiliary and the Legion Family offer a sense of community and many lifelong relationships are formed throughout the state and nation. We connect on common values and offer a united voice to
Rest In Peace Corporal Benjamin Neal
27th for the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Districts. A cut and tie and craft workshop with a lunch to follow is being planned. Once again, make it your own and build on the strengths of your unique members. Have a problem with your new membership card that was issued by National? You’re not alone. The new cards have a join date in lieu of continuous years. If you have a problem with your card, notify your Unit Membership Chairman who will submit a correction form to Department so National can make the changes for your 2014 card. Technology is not always what itÕs cracked up to be. Having trouble in your Unit? DonÕt feel like youÕre on an island. There are many out there who are willing to help, but we canÕt if we donÕt know. Contact us. Ann Rynes, 608604-0350,; Berne Baer, 920-680-0308,; or April Kollmorgen at 360-3622803, Best wishes for a great year!
4th - 12.20%
4th District
1st District
5th - 11.95% 6th - 11.08%
7th District
8th District
7th - 10.53% 8th - 9.62%
9th District
6th District
9th - 9.42% 10th - 2.60%
12th District
11th District
12th - 0%
11th - 2.31% 10th District
5th District
Total Membership: 11.71%
Bonnie Jakubczyk Department Chaplain Music Chairman Ph: (414) 764-6752 Email:
Blessings, as we start working together towards our founding purpose: service to God, our country, its veterans and their families. Since the shooting at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, I have been learning so much about their religion. I have seen how faith can keep you calm instead of being angry or bitter. PRAYER Heavenly Father, be with the Oak Creek and Sikh communities as they continue their healing process and work together to build a better community. Please watch over and keep safe the men and women serving our country. Make our faith stronger as we begin ÒWorking together for our Veterans and our Organization.” Guide our Department Officers and Chairmen as they begin their work to promote our programs. In your name we pray, Amen. MUSIC This just happens to be a prayer, which shows that you can have music and pray at the same time. I selected this song after we sang it at a prayer vigil and thought how true it is. MAKE ME A CHANNEL OF YOUR PEACE Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred let me bring your love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord
And where there is doubt, true faith in You. Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is despair in life let me bring hope Where there is darkness only light
And where thereÕs sadness ever joy.
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek So much to be consoled as to console To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in giving to all men that we receive And in dying that we are born to eternal life.
August 30, 2012
GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: 92nd ANNUAL CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS: A resolution to increase the mileage paid to the Hospital Deputies to $0.25 per mile and several changes to the DepartmentÕs Constitution, Bylaws and Standing rules were approved at Department Convention. Please see separate articles in this publication for details and a listing of the new 2012-2013 department officers, chairmen, and hospital representatives/deputies. DUES RENEWAL NOTICES: National Headquarters will mail the 2013 dues renewal notices on September 15th. Any member whose dues were not processed at Department Headquarters by August 20th will receive a renewal notice. LetÕs WORK TOGETHER during the
coming year to support our veterans, their families and our active duty military through the many programs offered by the American Legion Auxiliary. In the spirit of service, not self, the mission of the ALA is to honor the sacrifice of those who serve. Every member adds strength to our voice. Please renew your membership today and continue to dedicate your Auxiliary service to veterans and their families. FALL FORUM: Please attend the 2012 Fall Forum on September 28-29 in Oconomowoc. This is a great opportunity for every member to learn more about American Legion Auxiliary programs. Workshop Sessions (full schedule posted on website): ALA Badger Girls State, Americanism, Auxiliary Emergency Fund, Chaplain/Historian, Children & Youth/ Child Welfare Foundation, Communications, Community Service, Constitution & Bylaws/Standing Rules, Education, Home/
Field Service, Homeless Women Veterans, Hospital Representatives Meeting, Juniors, Leadership, Legion Programs, Legislative, Membership, National Security, Parliamentarian, Poppy, President/Secretary/Finance, Public Relations, and VA&R. Schedule: Friday, September 28th 5:00 to 6:00 pm - Registration 6:00 to 7:30 pm - Department Executive Board Meeting 7:30 pm - WALA State Bowling Association Meeting 8:00 to 9:30 pm - Social Time & Hospitality Room Saturday, September 29th 7:30 to 8:30 am - Registration 8:30 to 11:15 am - Opening Session (child care available!) 11:00 am to 12:00 pm - Registration Re-Opens 11:30 am - Membership Luncheon 11:30 am - Junior Meeting 1:30 to 3:45 pm - Breakout Session Workshops
2012 - 2013 DEPARTMENT VIPÕS OFFICERS: Term District Unit President 2012-2013 4 537 Senior Vice President 2012-2013 3 360 First Vice President 2012-2013 10 326 Second Vice President 2012-2013 4 416 Historian 2012-2013 12 278 Chaplain 2012-2013 4 434 Executive Secretary/Treasurer 2012-2013 7 273 National Executive Committeewoman 2012-2013 10 326 Alternate NatÕl. Executive Committeewoman 2012-2013 3 493 Parliamentarian 2012-2013 8 6 Sergeant-at-Arms 2012-2013 1 24 Asst Sergeant-at-Arms 2012-2013 1 450 DISTRICT LEADERS: 1st District President 2012-2014 1 449 2nd District President 2011-2013 2 288 3rd District President 2012-2014 3 482 4th District President 2011-2013 4 537 5th District President 2012-2014 5 406 6th District President 2011-2013 6 33 7th District President 2012-2014 7 51 8th District President 2011-2013 8 6 9th District President 2012-2014 9 512 10th District President 2011-2013 10 121 11th District President 2012-2014 11 90 12th District President 2011-2013 12 435 PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: Americanism 2012-2013 10 326 Auxiliary Emergency Fund 2012-2013 9 11 BGS Committee Chairman 2011-2014 9 512 Vice Chairman 2011-2014 8 6 Department President Automatic 4 537 Senior Vice Automatic 3 360 Executive Director 2011-2013 3 42 Assistant Executive Director 2012-2015 3 482 Executive Secretary/Treasurer Automatic 7 273 Americanism Chairman Automatic 10 326 Committee 2011-2014 9 11 Committee 2012-2015 1 48 Committee 2010-2013 11 547 Committee 2010-2013 7 273 Committee 2012-2015 6 70 Bowling Committee Chairman 2010-2013 3 245 Department President Automatic 4 537 Senior Vice Automatic 3 360 Executive Secretary/Treasurer Automatic 7 273 Tournament Manager 2012-2015 3 437 Committee 2012-2015 9 512 Committee 2012-2015 9 512 Committee 2011-2014 9 262 Committee 2010-2013 3 85 Committee 2011-2014 11 90 Committee 2010-2013 3 482 Committee 2010-2013 8 10 Children & Youth 2012-2013 2 189 Liaison to Child Welfare Foundation 2012-2013 1 310 Christmas Gift Shop 2012-2013 4 416 Gift Shop Assistant 2012-2013 5 23 Community Service 2012-2013 3 308 Constitution & Bylaws 2012-2013 3 360 Editor Ð Wisconsin Publication 2012-2013 7 273 Education 2012-2013 1 449 Finance Committee Chairman 2010-2013 06 282 Office Policy Chairman Automatic 3 360 NEC Automatic 10 326
Name Diana Sirovina Joyce Endres Teresa Isensee Laura Calteux Laurel DuBois Bonnie Jakubczyk Bonnie Dorniak Joan Chwala Florence Wasley Barbara Kranig Renae Allen Sherri Curzi Chris Ertl Shirley Krier Joanie Dickerson Suzanne Hembrook Wilma Kidney Char Kiesling Andrea Page Lorrie Barber Linda Coppock Jeanne Williams Barbara Johnson Kay Severson Teresa Isensee Pat Ziarnik Jeannine Conradt Diane Kranig Diana Sirovina Joyce Endres Dee Woolf Joanie Dickerson Bonnie Dorniak Teresa Isensee Heidi Bremer Jan Jordan Theresa Schindler Carol Sidwell Danyelle Thompson Gail Faust Diana Sirovina Joyce Endres Bonnie Dorniak Anna Graham Lisa Blom Linda Coppock Nellie DeBaker Germaine Hying Linda Kostka LaVon Schurman Bonnie Sloan Mary Petrie Pearl Behrend Florence Groth Janice Dahlke Sharon Zales Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Bonnie Dorniak Kitty Larkin Diane Duscheck Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Joan Chwala
Committee 2012-2015 9 512 Committee 2011-2014 7 284 Fundraising 2012-2013 11 93 Junior Activities 2012-2013 7 118 Assistant Jr. Activities 2012-2013 8 6 Leadership Committee Chairman 2012-2013 7 118 Committee 2012-2013 9 38 Committee 2012-2013 3 85 Legislative (current NEC) Automatic 10 326 M. Louise Wilson Education Fund 2012-2013 2 243 Membership 2012-2013 3 13 UD & R 2012-2013 4 537 UD & R 2012-2013 9 11 UD & R All Music (current Chaplain) Automatic 4 434 National Security 2012-2013 2 243 Office Policy Committee Chairman 2012-2015 3 360 Committee 2011-2014 8 6 Committee 2010-2013 7 51 Past Presidents Parley/ Cavalcade of Memories Automatic 3 84 Poppy Program 2012-2013 4 416 Poppy Shop Supervisor 2012-2013 1 494 Poppy Shop Assistant 2012-2013 4 416 Publication Committee/Joint Legionnaire/Wisconsin 2012-2013 7 273 2012-2013 9 302 Public Relations Committee Chairman 2012-2013 3 360 Committee 2012-2013 8 161 Committee 2012-2013 11 90 Standing Rules 2012-2013 8 6 Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation VA&R Chairman 2012-2013 7 118 Director of Hospital Volunteers 2012-2013 2 82 Field Service 2012-2013 7 52 Home Service 2012-2013 2 355 Homeless Women Veterans 2012-2013 7 81 Madison Ð VA Medical Representative 2012-2013 3 84 Deputy 2012-2013 3 360 Tomah Ð VA Medical Representative 2012-2013 7 201 Deputy 2012-2013 7 52 Deputy 2012-2013 7 201 Deputy 2012-2013 7 201 Zablocki Ð VA Medical Representative 2012-2013 4 434 Deputy 2012-2013 1 449 Deputy 2012-2013 4 537 Deputy 2012-2013 4 416 King Ð Veterans Home Representative 2012-2013 8 161 Assistant Representative 2012-2013 8 161 Deputy 2012-2013 8 161 Deputy 2012-2013 8 161 Union Grove Ð Vet Home Representative 2012-2013 1 171 Kenosha Outreach Representative 2012-2013 4 537 Assistant 2012-2013 1 544 Oscar G. Johnson Ð USVA Assoc. Representative 2012-2013 9 150 Assoc. Deputy 2012-2013 9 150 Minneapolis Ð USVA Assoc. Representative 2012-2013 10 121 Assoc. Deputy 2012-2013 10 121
Diana Blom Pat Smith Claudia Osero Anne Rosemeyer Mariah Pursley Diane Weggen Rose Heinz Germaine Hying Joan Chwala Violet Feldmann Ann Rynes April Kollmorgen Berne Baer District Presidents Bonnie Jakubczyk Karen Degner Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Diane Kranig Andrea Page Rose Wenger Laura Calteux Karen Schroeder Shirley Meyer Bonnie Dorniak Loretta Shellman Joyce Endres Penny Joren Linda Kostka Diane Kranig Virginia Kodl Beverly Tutas Kelli Mades Judy Kuta Kathy Wollmer Rose Wenger Marianne Meyer Patricia Flanders Mary Callaway Zetta Fredrickson Laura Hubert Bonnie Jakubczyk Sharon Miller Marilyn Reese Helen Starck Nancy Neuroth Alice Bentley Shirley A. Johnson Dawn Lind Marcie Perez Sue Hembrook Evelyn Clancy Cora Gavigan Joan Krukowski Betty Swenson Marie Deja
August 30, 2012
Changes to Dept. Constitution & Bylaws and Standing Rules The following changes to the Department Constitution & Bylaws and Standing Rules were presented and approved at the 92nd Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary Department Convention in Middleton, Wisconsin. DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN CONSTITUTION Article V - Department Convention: Section 12, subsections 1, 2, and 3 1. Resolutions presented by an individual member must be approved by the unit or district of which she is a member. Resolutions must be received at department by June 1. Copies of these resolutions shall be transmitted to units not less than 30 days before department convention. 2. Any resolution not approved by a unit or district, or when the district conference is held after June 1, must be approved by the appropriate department chairman of the program to which the resolution pertains. The department chairman will submit resolutions that she approves to the Resolutions Committee for consideration. 3. The Resolutions Committee will forward any approved resolutions with a financial impact to the Finance Committee for their approval. Article VI Ð National Officers: Sec. 2. par. 2, Delete par. 2 Article VII Ð National Convention Section 1 - The number of delegates to the National Convention shall be on the basis of paid-up membership within the Department and compliance with instructions of the National Constitution. Section 2 - Delegates shall be appointed according to the following priorities. 1. The immediate past department president, the newly elected department officers including department president, senior vice president, first and second vice presidents, historian, chaplain and executive secretary/treasurer shall be delegates to the national convention. 2. District presidents shall be delegates to the national convention. There will be no designated alternates. A district president who cannot attend the convention forgoes representation for her district. 3. If there are not sufficient delegate positions open for all district presidents to be delegates, those who are beginning their first year as district president shall be delegates to the national convention. 4. District presidents who are beginning their second year serving their district shall be delegates providing there are open positions after subsection 3 has been fulfilled. Delegate selection shall be based on the membership standing of the district for the current year as of 30 days prior to department convention. 5. Any national chairman or committee member whose expenses are paid by the national organization shall fill delegate positions available after subsections 1 and 2 are met. 6. A Wisconsin candidate for a national office of central division national vice president, historian or chaplain may be a delegate after all other subsections of this Article are satisfied. 7. No alternates shall be named to fill vacant positions until all delegates have been selected according to the above priorities. 8. Each of the twelve districts may nominate one or two members to fill vacancies after all other subsections of Article VII, Section 2 are satisfied. Nominations will be held at a caucus called for that purpose at the department convention. There shall be no nominations from the floor. The nominees not selected as delegates shall be named alternates in order of the plurality count. Section 3 - The Department Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall be the delegation secretary to the national convention. The immediate past department president shall complete all department plans for the convention, shall preside at the Wisconsin caucus and shall serve as delegation chairman. In the event the designated delegation chairman is absent for any reason, the department president shall be acting chairman. Section 4 - All delegates to the national convention must attend all sessions of the convention unless illness prevents. Should this occur, the delegate not in attendance must file in writing with the delegation secretary the reason for her absence. It shall be the duty of the delegation secretary to see that roll is taken at each session and missing members held to account. An absent delegate must forfeit 10% of the expenses being paid to her by the Department for each missed session. Section 5. 1. Delegates shall receive pro-rated amounts of the convention fund as determined annually by the Finance Committee. All delegates will receive equal amounts of reimbursement, except that an additional amount may be allowed for the department president, immediate past president and executive secretary/treasurer because of their additional responsibilities at the convention. 2. The Finance Committee may allocate a stipend to help defray expenses of convention attendees who are not delegates if they are attending in an official capacity. This may include a junior delegate, Auxiliary member of the year or candidate for national office. Section 6. In the event a national convention is held in Wisconsin, the national president shall appoint the national convention chairman. Prior to this appointment
the current department president shall appoint designees to attend the local convention planning committee meetings during her respective year.
DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN BYLAWS Article II – Duties and Powers of Officers Section 5. Department Historian The Department Historian shall be responsible for compiling a complete historical record of the Department. She shall have authority to request from the officers of the Department and the Units therein information necessary for the performance of her duties, and shall prepare and submit annually to the Department Convention a report covering the suggestions relating to the preservation of the historical records of the Department as she shall deem appropriate. She shall submit a history of the Department to the National Historian as requested. Section 6. Department Chaplain The Department Chaplain shall officiate as such at the Department Executive Board meetings, Fall Informational Forum and Department Convention and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned to her by the Department President. Section 7. Department Parliamentarian The Department Parliamentarian shall be familiar with all documents governing the management of the Department, and provide assistance to the Department President and to all Department Officers and Chairmen in the administration of their duties. When requested, she shall offer advice to units and districts in resolving parliamentary issues. To preserve impartiality, the Parliamentarian may not be a member of any other committee that may bring resolutions or issues to the floor of official meetings. Article V Ð Standing Committees Section 3 - The Committee on Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation shall be composed of five members to be appointed by the Department President, subject to ratification of the Department Executive Board. The five members include a Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Chairman, Field Service Chairman, Home Service Chairman, Director of Hospital Volunteers, and Homeless Women Veterans Chairman. Section 9, sub. 2 - The officers of the committee will be a chairman and tournament manager, who shall be appointed annually by the Department President, subject to ratification by the Department Executive Board. The Department Executive Secretary-Treasurer, by virtue of her office, shall be Secretary-Treasurer of the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary State Bowling Association, Inc. Article VIII Ð Dues Section 1, sub. 1 - The per capita dues shall be payable in advance annually. Effective with the 2013 membership year, the Department per capita dues shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per annum for senior members, and three dollars ($3.00) for junior members. (Note: The chart for senior membership will be amended to reflect the increase of $4.00 for national dues.) Section 7 - The membership dues of Headquarters Unit 2930 shall be $30.00 for senior members and $5.00 for junior members effective with 2014 dues. Senior members will receive the national magazine and “The Wisconsin.” DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN STANDING RULES Children & Youth (Pg 79): It is the policy of the Department: 1. District Children & Youth Chairmen should attend the Children & Youth program workshop, if available, at the American Legion Auxiliary Fall Informational Forum for the purpose of reviewing plans for the coming year. 2. The District Children & Youth Chairmen shall contact the Department Chairman when special family needs arise within their district. Department Fall Informational Forum (Pg 81): It is the policy of the Department that: 1.A one or two day Fall Informational Forum be held annually at a site approved by the Finance Committee. 5. All National program information shall be reviewed at the Fall Informational Forum. Guide for Department President (Pg 81): 4. Official visits of the Department President shall be to: a. Department Fall Informational Forum, National Information Conference, the Washington Conference, the three Veterans Medical Centers in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Veterans Homes at King and Union Grove, Kenosha Outreach and the two Associate Medical Centers. 10. The current Department President and all Department members seeking a National Chairmanship or appointment be responsible for submitting her resume to the National organization with copies sent to the Department Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Department President, NEC, and the Past National President appointed to meet with the National Vice President at the Washington Conference. Junior Activities (Pg 83): 4. A registration fee of $5.00 be allowed at all Junior Auxiliary Conferences to help defray expenses. Leadership (Pg 83): It is the policy of the Department that: 1. The Leadership Chairman, at the request of the incoming Department President, conduct an orienta-
tion for all District Presidents and they shall receive a Leadership Guide Book. 2. A fee of $5.00 per person be allowed for the Leadership Course to be paid to Department to defray expense of the person giving the course. 3. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for the Leadership Guide Book. Legislative (Pg 84): It is the policy of the Department that Wisconsin be represented at the Washington Conference by the Department Legislative Chairman (who is the National Executive Committeewoman), and the Department President, with expenses to be determined by the Finance Committee annually. Membership (Pg 84): It is the policy of the Department that the procedure for disbanding a unit is as follows: 1. The unit having fewer than 10 members must solicit the help of the County, District and Department Membership Teams. These teams will meet with members to discuss the unitÕs options. The local Post will be included in this meeting. 2. Following this meeting a letter will be sent to every senior member explaining the reasons the unit is considering the option to disband. A meeting time will be set up to present options as suggested in the National UD&R document, to save the charter. 3. If all efforts have no positive result, then the unit with fewer than 10 members may request the District President to present to the Department Executive Board a motion to disband the unit and relinquish the charter. 4. The Department Executive Board and Department Convention body must adopt the motion to disband the unit and allow them to relinquish their charter. 5. If a motion to disband is adopted at the Department level, a motion to disband must be brought before the National Executive Committee. 6. If the National Executive Committee approves the motion to disband, the unit will be notified to surrender its charter, all records and funds, to Department Headquarters. 7. Documentation at every step must be dated and submitted to the department Executive Secretary for filing at headquarters. Past PresidentsÕ Parley (Pg 85): 7. Names of Past Presidents who are current members of the Unit, together with dues of $5.00 each, to be returned to Department Headquarters by February 1st annually. 13. A complimentary ticket and corsage will be given to the “Active Duty Service Women of the Year” for the Past Presidents Parley Luncheon at the National and Department Conventions to be paid out of the Past Presidents Parley Fund. Poppy Program (Pg 85): 3. The price of purchasing poppies is $0.165 per small poppy and $0.88 per large poppy. 4. Examples of prices: Small Poppies - 100 = $16.50; 500 = $82.50; 1000 = $165.00 Large Poppies - 10 = $8.80; 50 = $44.00; 100 = $88.00 VA&R (Pg 87): 2. District Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Chairmen should attend the Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation program workshop, if available, at the American Legion Auxiliary Fall Informational Forum for the purpose of reviewing plans for the coming year. 4. Christmas Gift Shop a. No material may be taken out of the Christmas Gift Shop without the consent of the Christmas Gift Shop Supervisor, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Chairman or the Department President. b. All Christmas Gift Shop items must be used for VAMC patients and their families or any allowed special project. c. At the time of closing the Christmas Gift Shop for the season, the Christmas Gift Shop Supervisor is to inventory all items and provide complete inventory to Department Headquarters. d. Excess items are to be donated to an Auxiliary approved veteranÕs facility to reduce onsite accumulations of items from year to year. e. Any items left after the yearly inventory and mandatory donations are to be stored in plastic totes until the next season. Cost of the totes to be taken from VA&R budgeted expenses. f. Units are encouraged to contribute cash or gift cards. Gift cards are to be used as either gifts or for the Christmas Gift Shop Supervisor to purchase needed items to send out as gifts. g. Christmas Gift Shop Supervisor is to provide Department Headquarters with a detailed list of any gift cards received and how they were used. American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State, Inc. (Pg 88) 5. A Medical Form is included in the delegate session information available on the website. The two-page medical form must be printed, completed, signed by the parent/guardian and turned in during registration at Badger Girls State. An incomplete medical form will delay registration Ð opening day. Each delegate is advised to make a duplicate copy of the Medical form for her personal records at home.
AUXILIARY EMERGENCY FUND Pat Ziarnik Department Chairman ÒI wish there was more I could have done.” How many times have you said or heard this phrase from someone? Here is your opportunity to do something for your fellow Auxiliary members who are in extreme need of assistance, either due to natural disasters (flood, hurricane); a financial crisis to pay for shelter, food and utilities when no other source of aid is available; assistance for educational training for members with lack of employment skills or to upgrade competitive workforce skills. The intent of this assistance is to be a bridge offering a helping hand until financial stability is established. Any American Legion Auxiliary member who has been a paid member the past two years and has paid the current yearÕs dues (total of three years) is eli-
gible to apply for assistance. The grant amount is $2,400. The application can be downloaded from And you know there is more you can do! Your donation to the Auxiliary Emergency Fund could be the very life saving assistance needed to get another Auxiliary member back on her feet. Or do you know a member who feels too uncertain to apply? You can definitely offer to help her through the process of getting the application and filling it out when applying for the type of assistance she may need. Please remember the Auxiliary Emergency Fund when making donations to Department this year. Submit your donation using a General Fund Suggested Donation Sheet and mark #4801-National Auxiliary Emergency Fund. Donation forms are available on the department website.
Thank You All! I would like to thank everyone involved in making my weekend as the ‘HONORED PDP’ of the 2012 Department Convention the most wonderful and memorable experience of my Auxiliary membership! Special thanks to: Jan PulvermacherRyan, as Distinguished Guest Chairman; Diana Blom the committee of Distinguished Guests; Past Department President Diane Kranig, the Past Presidents Parley (1997-1998) Chairman; the Department Executive Board; and all of our great Auxiliary members. Thanks again! - Diana Blom
July 2012 July 2012 Calendar Calendar Fundraiser Fundraiser Winners 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
25.00 20521 Ralph Sassman Black Creek WI 54106 15.00 35506 Sandy Lardinois Lakewood CO 80227 15.00 45052 Madonna Thelen LaGrange IL 60525 500.00 15618 Renata Quillen Grafton WI 53024 15.00 07142 Mary Deeg Kimberly WI 54136 15.00 35506 Sandy Lardinois Lakewood CO 80227 15.00 07458 Wesley Bender Walworth WI 53184 25.00 08922 Rose Schroeder Lake Mills WI 53551 15.00 16139 Sandra Wilcox Herfel Monona WI 53714 15.00 28369 Sarah Kahl Midlothian TX 76065 15.00 45345 Dolores Ninnemann Campbellsport WI 53010 15.00 09651 Linda Okane Fennimore WI 53809 15.00 53249 Joyce Procknow Tomahawk WI 54487 15.00 53155 Maryjane Szews Hatley WI 54440 25.00 14787 Patrick Doherty Kewaskum WI 53040 15.00 29948 Angeline Bartel Neenah WI 54956 15.00 53710 Deb Spatz Wausau WI 54401 15.00 22171 Dorothy Suskey Wisconsin Rapids WI 54494 15.00 44080 Eleanor Prom Belgium WI 53004 15.00 15725 Jeanette Westphal Madison WI 53718 15.00 29181 Lois Maurer Marshfield WI 54449 25.00 30089 Marion Boelter Neenah WI 54956 15.00 01069 Ruth Ducharme Darien WI 53114 15.00 04901 Deloris Witte Mt Horeb WI 53572 15.00 23277 Rose Colson Green Bay WI 54303 15.00 43362 Audrey Laue Balsam Lake WI 54810 15.00 27163 Doris Moe Oakdale MN 55128 15.00 17317 Paulette Johnson Eau Claire WI 54701 25.00 14815 Arlene DeTroye Kiel WI 53042 15.00 53595 Kenneth Ziegel Wausau WI 54401 15.00 15919 Bob Barr Madison WI 53713 1,000.00 Please note: If not cashed within 90 days, the check will be voided without any notification sent to you. If it’s after 90 days call our office. We are open Monday-Friday 8:00amÐ4:30pm.and Phone: 608-745-0124. Congratulations THANK YOU for supporting the American Legion Auxiliary! Your chances of winning aren’t over – you could be picked again. . .and again. . .and again throughout 2012.
92nd Annual Convention: Resolution Approved
The following resolution was presented at the 92nd Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary Convention in Middleton, Wisconsin: WHEREAS, the Deputies at all our VA Hospitals have not had a raise for mileage for approximately 15 years, and WHEREAS, the Representatives received a raise in 2011 to $0.25 per mile, and WHEREAS, the cost of gasoline
has risen over the past years, therefore be it RESOLVED that the Deputies in all our Hospitals request a raise from $0.20 per mile to $0.25 per mile. The resolution was recommended for adoption by the Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Chairman, Finance Committee and Resolution Committee; and approved by the convention delegation on July 20, 2012.
UPCOMING EVENTS (Current as of 8/20/12) 7th Annual Lakefront International Festival of Sausage (Proceeds benefit Camp American Legion) September 8 • 2:00pm - 8:00pm Café Centraal 2306 S. Kinnickinnic Avenue, Bay View,WI
9th District Fall Conference October 13 Carlton,WI (Contact: Geraldine Tadisch)
Fall Ride to Camp Fundraiser with Membership Rally September 15 Camp American Legion
6th District Fall Conference October 20 Neenah,WI (Contact: Char Kiesling)
Membership Rally (3rd & 7th Districts) October 20 New Lisbon,WI
Make a Difference Day October 27 Each unit is challenged to find a special community service project. Contact Department Chairman Sharon Zales for more information.
10th District Fall Conference September 22 New Lisbon,WI
11th District Fall Conference September 22 Lublin,WI TAL at Post #547 (Contact: Frank Kostka) ALA at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Hall (Contact: Barbara Johnson)
7th District Fall Conference October 27 La Crosse Unit 52
ALA Informational Forum September 28-29 Olympia Resort, Oconomowoc,WI
8th District Fall Conference October 27 Clintonville,WI
Membership Rally (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Districts) October 27 Greendale Post 416
OFFICIAL CREDENTIALS REPORT Corrected Official Credentials FOR 7/22/12 (CORRECTED)! Report For 7/22/12
24 31 42 30 2 13 30 17 25 13 9 5 241
24 30 39 28 2 13 30 16 25 13 9 5 234
0 1 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
These are totals from the report givengiven at the at 2012 These are the thecorrected corrected totals from the report theAmeri2012 American Auxiliary Department Convention on 7/22/12. can LegionLegion Auxiliary Department Convention on 7/22/12. Andrea Page and Carol Sidwell reviewed the information on 7/24/12 Page and Carol Sidwell reviewed the information on 7/24/12 at atAndrea the Headquarters Office in Portage. These numbers have been verithe Headquarters Office in Portage. These numbers have been fied as correct. verified as correct. We apologize to everyone who was affected by these total changes. They, in no way,toaffected thewho votewas totals as presented at Convention. We apologize everyone affected by these total changes. They, in no way, affected the vote totals as presented at Convention. !
August 30, 2012
Awards Presented At 2012 Department Convention
AEF Chairman Judy Walters Certificate of Recognition for donating to AEF: District 2 ($100) Unit 018-Milwaukee, District 4 ($300) Unit 038-Appleton, District 9 ($75) Unit 040-Bangor, District 7 ($50) Unit 051-West Salem, District 7 ($60) Unit 053-Eau Claire, District 10 ($250) Unit 060-Kimberly, District 9 ($50) Unit 064-Ladysmith, District 12 ($50) Unit 075-Fond du Lac, District 6 ($100) Unit 080-New Richmond, District 10 ($650) Unit 082-Port Washington, District 2 ($200) Unit 087-Rice Lake, District 10 ($100) Unit 093-Tomahawk, District 11 ($50) Unit 103-Galesville, District 10 ($50) Unit 106-Seymour, District 9 ($62) Unit 111-Somerset (Junior Members), District 10 ($150) Unit 118-Thorp, District 7 ($50) Unit 121-River Falls, District 10 ($150) Unit 141-New Glarus, District 3 ($50) Unit 159-Cadott, District 10 ($50) Unit 189-Watertown, District 2 ($50) Unit 203-Milwaukee, District 4 ($100) Unit 210-Waupun, District 6 ($50) Unit 224-Alma, District 10 ($50) Unit 227-Spring Valley, District 10 ($50) Unit 238-Greenwood, District 7 ($50) Unit 243-Plymouth, District 2 ($100) Unit 245-Cross Plains, District 3 ($100) Unit 261-Greenbush, District 2 ($121,29) Unit 263-New London, District 8 ($50) Unit 273-Grand Marsh, District 7 ($50) Unit 278-Balsam Lake, District 12 ($100) Unit 282-Markesan, District 6 ($50) Unit 318-Lake Tomahawk, District 11 ($100) Unit 321-Germantown, District 2 ($100) Unit 336-Onalaska, District 7 ($54) Unit 337-Pulaski, District 9 ($50) Unit 355-Grafton, District 2 ($100) Unit 360-Waunakee, District 3 ($400) Unit 384-Kewaskum, District 2 ($50) Unit 402-Washington Island, District 9 ($55) Unit 428-Amberg, District 9 ($100) Unit 449-Brookfield, District 1 ($624.29) Unit 457-Mequon Thiensville, District 2 ($250) Unit 469-Marathon, District 8 ($50) Unit 519-Stetsonville, District 11 ($100) Unit 522-Hubertus, District 2 ($50) Unit 537-Milwaukee, District 4 ($50) Certificate of Recognition for donating $1,000 or more to AEF: Unit 161, King, District 8 ($1000) COMMUNITY SERVICE Chairman Jean Anderson 2012 Junior Volunteer of the Year Megan Allermann, Juneau Unit 15 2012 Senior Volunteer of the Year Deborah M. Kreger, Brunclik-Konop Unit 540
LEADERSHIP Chairman Joyce Endres Three Leadership Unit Awards: Brookfield Unit 449, District 1; La Crosse Unit 52, District 7; Seymour Unit 106, District 9 One Leadership District Award: District 7 Leadership Workshop Attendance Certificates: Joan Allen, Kathy Ashland, Bernie Baer, Mary Brown, Nancy Busse, Vanessa Carriaga, Lynn Cartier, Becca Christenson, Shannon Churchill,
Delores Clausen, Sherry Clements, Nellie DeBaker, Karen Dembroski, Marlene Drillsam, Joyce Endres, Joan Erickson, Pat Farley, Ida Ferstl, Diane Frey, Sheila Frey, Lucinda Frithen, Jessica Garza, Cora Gavigan, Sharon Gilbertson, Alice Gille, Michelle Hammes, Todd Hammes, Lori Hansel, Rose Heinz, Earnestine Helgeson, Nancy Hendzel, Lynne Herminath, Lu Hodgson, Frances Holewinski, Ralph Jurjens, Sue Keyzers, Alvane King, Ray Kline, Marla Knuettle, Virginia Kodl, Robyn Kubelt, Joan Laubenstein, Tami Lee, Jeannie Lesky, Pat Lindsten, Ann Lotter, Kelli Mades, Isabel Martinez, Mary Meaney, Susan Mislevecheck, Donna Mroczynski, Becky Mueller, Janet Mullard, Phylis Murdzek, Donna Nichel, Andrea Page, Lorraine Pasowicz, Amanda Patton, Alex Pearson, Rachel Pearson, Annita RedCloud, Anna Rosemeyer, Caitlin Rosemeyer, Ann Rynes, Nora Schmidt, Susan Seeley, Loretta Shellman, Cindy Sherman, Pat Smith, Shirley Smith, Kathy Smits, Helen Spranger, Donna Springstroh, Liz Staff, Dorothy Steward, Marcie Surprise, Jenni Syftestad, Karen Tews, Judith Ann ThunderCloud, Diane Weggen, Sandra Wellens, Mary Winder, Donna Winter LEGISLATIVE Chairman Florence Wasley Most outstanding overall legislative program of American Legion Auxiliary: Unit 118 Cecil Tormey ALA, Diane Weggen Legislative Chairman Most outstanding contribution to Legislative program of The American Legion: Unit 118 Cecil Tormey ALA, Diane Weggen Legislative Chairman
PUBLIC RELATIONS AWARDS Chairman Mary Petrie For Producing Positive Results by Use of Exceptional External PR... (Senior): Fifield Unit 532, raised over $10,000 worth of donated items for our Homeless Women Veterans at Boudicca House. For Producing Positive Results by Use of Exceptional Internal PR... (Senior): Linda Faas, 2nd District VA&R Chairman, coordinated efforts within the District Legion Family, ensuring a Christmas Gift Bag for each Veteran at ZablockiÕs Dom 123 this past Christmas. For Producing Positive Results by Use of Exceptional PR... (Junior): Caitlin Philips, a member of Albany Unit 144, organized a breakfast to raise awareness and monetary support for our Wounded Warriors. The meal brought in over $1400.
HOMELESS WOMEN VETERANS Chairman Kathy Wollmer Certificate of Appreciation: Eau Claire Unit 53 and President Judy Walters for their outreach to women veterans by hosting events that increased community awareness of the service and sacrifices made by women veterans, provided information about veteran benefits, and assisted homeless or at risk of being homeless women veterans.
LIST OF LIBRARIES OF LOVE AWARDS Dept. President Joan Chwala Legion Family Award: Department Commander Denise Rohan Department Chairman Award: Homeless Women VeteranKathy Wollmer Most Outstanding Program: VA&R - Virginia Kodl Most Outstanding Work by a District President: Diane Weggen-District 7 President Most Outstanding Display of Leadership by a Junior Member: Mariah Pursley, Unit 6 Stevens Point Most Outstanding Overall Program Work by a Unit: Grafton Unit 355, Amy Luft, President
POD AWARDS Family Support: Education (from National American Legion): Betty Stone, Diane Weggen, Joanie Dickerson Americanism: Lavon Schurman, President, Unit 482 Bagley, District 3 Veterans/Military Support: Judy Walters, President, Unit 53 Eau Claire, District 10 Youth Development Children & Youth: Theresa Schindler, District 11 Chairman Organizational Support Ð Constitution & ByLaws: Patti Westpfahl, District 6 Chairman Membership Development Ð Leadership Lilli Schwantes, President, Brookfield Unit 449, District 1
CITATIONS DISTRIBUTED AT CAUCUS MEETINGS Dept. President Joan Chwala Units Receiving Citations for Narrative Reporting: 1st District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Brookfield Unit 449 2nd District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Grafton Unit 355 3rd District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Richland Center Unit 13 4th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Milwaukee Unit 203 5th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Milwaukee Unit 406 6th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Oshkosh Unit 70 7th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Sparta Unit 100 8th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: New London Unit 263 9th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Appleton Unit 38 10th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Eau Claire Unit 53 11th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Butternut Unit 272 12th District - Top Unit Narrative Report: Gordon Unit 449 UNITS RECEIVING CITATIONS FOR LIBRARY RELATED PROJECTS Dept. President Joan Chwala 1st District: Unit 71 Pewaukee 2nd District: Unit 483 in Allenton 2nd District: Unit 355 in Grafton 3rd District: Unit 109 Lancaster 6th District: Unit 125 Chilton 7th District: Unit 118 Thorp Junior Aux 7th District: Unit 52 LaCrosse 8th District: Unit 6 Stevens Point 9th District: Unit 106 Seymour 10th District: Unit 224 Alma 10th District: Unit 53 Eau Claire