Badger &“Wisconsin�
aire Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
August 9, 2018 Vol. 95, No. 7
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Frank Kostka Elected as 2018-19 Department Commander, Legion Proud Frank Kostka was elected Department Commander of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin at its 100th Annual Convention in Oshkosh on July 15, 2018. The responsibilities of the Department Commander for 2018-19 will be unique as The American Legion celebrates 100 years of service to veterans, their families and the communities in which they live. Commander Kostka was born and raised in Northern Wisconsin and proudly served for 20 years in the United State Air Force, culminating his career as Project Manager for the GPS Navstar
Ground System Equipment at the Air Force Command Headquar-
Department Commander Frank Kostka
ters in Colorado Springs, CO. He returned to Ashland where he became a business owner and an active participant in the community, as well as in the KellyJohnson American Legion Post 90, serving as Post Commander from 2004 to 2017. He has also served as the 11th District Commander and as Department Vice Commander in 2017. Commander Kostka has been active in numerous committees including Camp American Legion Committee, Communications Committee, and the Department Executive Committee. He currently serves on the National Media
2018-19 Department Executive Committee
and Communications Committee and the Legislative Council as a liaison to Congressman Duffy. He has been a member of The American Legion Riders for the
2018-2019 ELECTION RESULTS Department Commander Frank Kostka
Assistant Dept. Chaplain Todd Fanta
National Executive Committee NEC Robert Shappell Alt. NEC Dale Oatman
Department Judge Advocate Nicholas Lange
Department Vice Commander Dave Wischer Department Vice Commander John Miller Department Vice Commander Ken Schoolcraft Department Vice Commander Clarence Davister Department Sergeant-At-Arms Jeremy Nordie Kendel Feilen Department Chaplain Mathew Harn
Department Historian Vacant District Commanders: 1st District: David Latimer 2dn District: Greg Eirich 3rd District: Keith Lovell 4th District: Raymond Pasbrig 5th District: Craig Ellis 6th District: Jerry Lauby 7th District: David Hale 8th District: Ronald Fregien 9th District: Jeffrey Zwiers 10th District: Paul Beseler 11th District: Lowell Liberty 12th District: Donald Slattery
past nine years. The Commander and his wife, Linda, have four children and eight grandchildren, all of whom are members of The American Legion Family.
Established 1919
“Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: Amber L. Nikolai, Executive Editor 2018-2019 Communications Committee Rebecca Laumann, Chairman Joan Sallee, Vice Chairman Greg Eirich, DEC Liaison Linda Pfeiffer Jennifer Rumbold Joan Salle Mike Feirer Angie Chappell, Assigned Staff Member Bonnie Dorniack, Auxiliary Member 2018-19 Department Officers Department Commander Frank Kostka Department Vice Commanders Dave Wischer John Miller Ken Schoolcraft Clarence Davister Adjutant Amber L. Nikolai Department Chaplain Mathew Harn Assistant Chaplain Todd Fanta Sergeant-At-Arms Jeremy Nordie Kendel Feilen Service Officer - James Fialkowski NECman - Robert Shappell Alternate NECman - Dale Oatman Judge Advocate - Nicholas Lange Department Historian, Vacant District Commanders 1st – David Latimer 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Keith Lovell 4th – Raymond Pasbrig 5th – Craig Ellis 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – David Hale 8th – Ronald Fregien 9th – Jeffery Zwiers 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – Lowell Liberty 12th – Donald Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Char Kiesling, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
AUGUST 9, 2018
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER LEGION PROUD Proud of the impact the American Legion Family, the Four Pillars and Programs have on the lives of Veterans, their Families and their Communities! First and foremost, please alFrank Kostka low me to sinDepartment Commander cerely thank The American Legionaires that elected me as your Department Commander at the 100th Annual Convention in Oshkosh, WI. I was truly humbled by the overwhelming support I received from so many Legion Members and encouragement from other Legion Family Members, leading up to our Convention. I am honored to serve as your representative to lead The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin for this coming year as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of our Founding. As your Department Commander, I will work vigorously to advance the idea of membership in The American Legion so we can maintain our strong
voice in Madison and Washington and continue to be a viable part of communities for the next 100 years. I also look forward to serving with Char Kiesling the newly elected President of the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary. LEGION PROUD is my personal theme for the coming year. As a 17 year PUFL member of the American Legion I am proud of the rich heritage that has blossomed over the past one hundred years. As The American Legion Family, we show our pride in all that we do. Whether it is signing up a new member, participating in a parade viewed by hundreds or even thousands… we have the opportunity to demonstrate our pride in every step we take along the way. This year, as your newly elected Department Commander,
I will proudly take many of these steps with you as I crisscross our great State, visiting your meeting places and participating in as many functions as my schedule permits. As I prepare to travel throughout our state, I am excited to share with you WHY we should be LEGION PROUD. I look forward to hearing from The American Legion Family Members, Veterans, their families and communities about WHY you are proud: • Proud of Patriotism to our Country • Proud of your Veteran Service • Proud of The American Legion Family • Proud of the 4 Pillars • Proud of the 100 years of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin accomplishments.
MY FOCUS: Celebrate The American Legion 100 years of Accomplishments: As your Department Commander I want to encourage The American Legion Family to visibly celebrate the past 100 years of accomplishments of The American Legion and promote the possibilities of the organization going forward. If possible I would be proud to participate in you events. You can find ideas and resources to help you plan a 100th celebration by visiting, The pride of membership is the heartbeat of The American Legion and it begins at the post level where actions of patriotism take root and continue to grow as we work the Four Pillars.
DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER To My L eg ion Fa m i ly, Greetings. We consider it a privilege and an honor to represent The Wisconsin James Fialkowski American Legion Service Officer through your Service Office. It comforts me to know that veterans, war widows(ers) and orphans will receive their benefits and possibly one day a college education because we were able to help. Your Service Office has had another busy year, continuing to earn our good reputation of which we are proud. Over the last 12 months, your Service Office assisted veterans and their families in attaining over 286
Million dollars in due benefits. This equates to over $23.9 Million a month in federal dollars coming into Wisconsin. Benefits include education, vocational rehabilitation, burial, compensation, pension, death pension, automobile/ home adaptation allowance and dependent indemnity compensation. Our office administers the National Level Children and Youth, Temporary Financial Assistance program as well as State Level Veteran Assistance Fund and the Troop and Family Support Fund. Additionally, we staff Veteranʼs Benefit Supermarkets and Stand Downs around the state. We are in direct contact monthly with the Directors of the Milwaukee VA Medical Center and
Regional Office. Once again, I am requesting your assistance in advocating two little known yet important items. The first being the presumption of ALS (otherwise known as Lou Gehrigʼs disease) as a Veterans Administration service connected disability to any qualifying veteran. A veteran with ALS or their widow(er) should submit a claim to the VA. The second item is RECA (Radiation Exposure Compensation Act). The United States conducted nearly 200 atmospheric nuclear weapons development tests from 1945 to 1962. RECA establishes lump sum compensation awards for individuals who contracted specified diseases in three defined populations:
Uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters – $100,000; “Onsite participants” at atmospheric nuclear weapons tests – $75,000; Individuals who lived downwind of the Nevada Test Site (“downwinders") – $50,000. Claims can be filed by participantʼs family members from grandparents down to grandchildren if they are no longer with us. You may get assistance through your local CVSO or my office. Although our department has accomplished so much for veterans and their families, the future holds much more to be done. Without your loyal support and commitment in “Still Serving America”, this continued assistance would not be possible. THANK YOU!!
WDVA SECRETARY There is no better time to grow Veteran Service Organization (VSO) membership than right Dan Zimmerman n ow a n d c o l WDVA Secretary laboration with WDVA will help make that happen. That was the main takeaway from state government officials at the Legionʼs 100th Annual State Convention in Oshkosh. Governor Scott Walker spoke about the importance of Legion posts leveraging the stateʼs talent attraction initiative to attract new members and, after presenting the Legion with a $100,000 grant check to support the Legionʼs Milwaukee claims office, I was able to briefly touch on the concept. The next day, Veterans Field Representative Steven Janke expounded on the opportunity. The talent attraction initiative is a three-plank approach to bring top talent to Wisconsin – millennials, Wisconsin post-secondary school
graduates that have left the state, and most importantly separating servicemembers and their families that may have never been to Wisconsin. This is not only an incredible opportunity for Wisconsinʼs great companies in your local communities to build an exceptional workforce, it also presents a unique chance for the Legion to connect with prospective members entering the state in numbers not seen in decades. This $6.8 million initiative will be rolled out in August. Itʼs a joint effort between WDVA, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the Departments of Workforce Development and Tourism. Part of WDVAʼs plank will involve partnering with interested VSOs across the state and businesses in vicinity of the local VSO posts and chapters. Hundreds of companies across the state have already identified their desire to hire Veterans and their family members. Employers know
that those associated with the military generally have the ideal qualities theyʼre looking for. Whether itʼs setting an example through a strong work ethic and leadership, or being creative and determined when completing a task, those transitioning out of military service are a great fit for Wisconsinʼs ever-expanding workforce. Over the next few months, a team of Veterans from WDVA will begin traveling to selected military installations throughout the United States. The team will connect transitioning military members and their families with Wisconsin employers, promoting our state as an ideal location for individuals and families to pursue their post-military educational, career and personal passions. The intent is to get servicemembers and their spouses job offers from Wisconsin employers no later than six months prior to military separation so that those families use their final military move entitlement to relocate to Wisconsin.
Interested VSOs can be part of this process in two ways. First, posts and chapters can encourage local businesses that are interested in hiring Veterans to list their jobs on and also encourage them to proactively make job offers to interested servicemembers and spouses at least six months prior to separation. Second, posts and chapters can make their local membership points of contact available to the WDVA talent attraction team so that information can be shared with prospective members. There is no guarantee that businesses in your area will land separating servicemembers or spouses. However, what is quite certain, though, is that businesses will have no chance at all if they donʼt participate. That means VSOs chasing the same dwindling pool of prospective members. Itʼs time to change that dynamic and attract more Veteran talent to Wisconsin. WDVA looks forward to collaborating!
AUGUST 9, 2018
Greetings From Camp American Legion As July passes we reflect on the celebration of the Military and Veteran family. Our month has been filled with exciting family activities, like kayaking on Big Carr Lake, pontoon cruises to Minocqua, walks on our nature trails, snowshoe baseball, outdoor cookouts, bingo, fishing live music and Sʼmores around the campfire. We were pleased to see so many new families and welcome back our old families. The weather has been mostly cooperative with the exception of a near rain-out during the the 4th of July parade. But that did
THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE not stop us. In fact, this was our second year that Camp had floats in the parade and we managed to win both first and second place. It was one of those rain storm days we will not soon forget. We were very proud to represent the Wisconsin American Legion family. Speaking of the Legion Family… The support for Camp and its mission continues to grow. The Legion Family and friends have been nothing short of amazing. This is important for many reasons… For example, your support provides the means for infrastructure upgrades. Camp has been here since 1925. For Camp to have the ability to continue to serve Wisconsin Veterans, Military and their families for another 93 years these upgrades and infrastructure improvements will need to continue. Additionally, this support is symbolic to all Wisconsin Veterans, Military members and their families. It symbolizes unity, fellowship and commitment one another. Every week we get visitors from around the state stopping by with financial donations, inkind donations and volunteerism. This represents pride. This is the
pride you feel when you are part of something bigger than yourself, the pride you feel when you know that what you have done will have a lasting positive impact on others. We want to thank all of you for the continued support. We wanted to put you all in this edition of the Badger Legionnaire but there are just too many to put in one article. Over the next few months we will continue to provide opportunities for families to come stay here at Camp, but we will also continue with our support programs many of you are familiar with. The month of October will focus on celebrating the unity of Veteran and Military couples. Here in the Northwoods, October has the feel of romance in the air with the bursts of colors and the peace of cool autumn days. All of us here at Camp look forward to the adventures that are ahead of us, the relationships that will be formed and the memories that will be made. For this is the Legacy that is Camp American Legion. Have a happy summer! Camp Director Don Grundy
AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL 2018 was another successful season for American Legion Baseball in Wisconsin, in itsʼ 93rd season in our state. American Legion Baseball is the most successful and the most visible youth program of The American Legion. We can be proud of the fact that over 75% of college players and over 50% of major league players have played American Legion Baseball. As they are enjoying this great sport of baseball, they are learning and exhibiting the virtues of character, ethics, and good sportsmanship. This year 220 teams registered in Wisconsin and these teams were sponsored by American Legion Posts, businesses, community associations, and other organizations. Almost 3500 young men were able to compete and enjoy the comradery of their teammates while enhancing their skills.
And also qualify for scholarships, scholarship winners will be announced shortly. Wisconsin American Legion Baseball is unique in that we offer 5 classes of competition, 3 classes of Sr. (19u) competition based on enrollment, and 2 classes of Jrs competition based on age. This gives teams a chance to play competitively with their peers. 2018 is also the 47th Annual All-Star Game in Miller Park on August 5th. Wisconsin is the only
American Legion program that has itsʼ allstar game on a major league field, and we thank the Milwaukee Brewers for allowing us this opportunity. For more information on American Legion Baseball check out our website at Roger Mathison Baseball Commissioner
AMERICAN LEGION CODE OF SPORTSMANSHIP I will: Keep the rules Keep faith in my teammates Keep my temper Keep myself fit Keep at stout heart in defeat Keep my pride under in victory Keep a sound soul, a clean mind and a healthy body.
2018 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS 1st Prize (Grand Prize) $20,000 or New Vehicle from The Boucher Auto Group Richard Strehlow of New Berlin, Wisconsin 2nd Prize – $10,000 Vehicle Allowance from The Boucher Auto Group Marilyn Jeske of Grafton, Wisconsin 3rd Prize – $5,000 or a Hawaiian Vacation Robert White of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 4th Prize – $2,500 or a Hunting Rifle Russ Talbot of Genoa City, Wisconsin 5th Prize - $1,000 or a Big Screen TV Michael Wright of Kenosha, Wisconsin
Left to Right: 1st District Commander, David Latimer; Department Adjutant, Amber Nikolai; Grand Prize Winner, Richard Strehlow from Post 449 and Unit 449 Historian, Lylette Smith.
DID you know the Impact The American Legion Auxiliaryy has had on Camp Le American Legion?
AMERICAN LEGION N AU AUXILIARY, UXI XILI XIL LIAR LIAR A Y,, D DEPARTMENT EPAR EP ARTM AR T ENT OF WISCONSIN Projects s Supported Sup ppo p rt rted e a ed att Ca Camp mp A mp American meric me Legion * (201 122-2018 8) (2012-2018) DATE 2012– 2016 2012 2012 2012
2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2017 2018 2018
ESC CR C RIP PTION N DESCRIPTION AMOUNT nnua all donation a don nation too Recreational Recre eationa al Annual ireccto torr//Pr /P og gram m $ Director/Program $10,000.00 ain Lodge Lo odg ge Floor Floo Fl o r $ Main $10,568.16 oat Ramp Ram mp mp Boat $6,425.79 ngineering g Review Rev evi vie iew for iew fo or Family Fami Fa milyy Cabin mily mi Cabin Engineering ake Approach (project (proj ojecct was oj w s abandoned wa Lake ft engineering i i review) i ) after $3,300.00 Lighted Pedestrian Crossing Signs $12,314.65 Healing Lodge Architectural Drawings $5,000.00 Chapel (stained glass windows) $7,500.00 Playground Equipment $3,500.00 Walk-in Freezer $18,566.22 Dishwashing Room $19,017.59 Mobility Quad $15,000.00 Womenʼs Quarters Renovations $41,116.87 TOTAL: $152,309.28
In addition to these projects, the Auxiliary donated thousands of dollars in miscellaneous support (i.e., Kevin Mosheaʼs “donation of the month,” miscellaneous technology needs, hooded sweatshirts for Women Veterans Week, memorial gifts, donations towards a new generator, gift cards, etc. Mission Statement: In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad.
From the National Commander I am coming to the end of a very exciting year. I wish I could have taken you all with me on my journey as your national commander. When I started this adventure, I thought I knew a lot about our great organization. In my one year as commander and two years campaigning I learned so much more. Thank you all for helping make it possible for me to represent Wisconsin across the globe – it has been my honor to serve all of you. Many Posts across the country have already started to celebrate their 100th year. They have special signs made, have purchased items from Emblem Sales and are planning events at their posts, parades down main streets, family picnics or barbeques. Some of the posts are tracking down alumni from their Americanism programs to see where they are today and how our program may have changed their l i v e s . For example, w h i c h Wi s consin post sent Governor Scott Walker to Badger Boys State? That seems like a great piece of history
for the Post. As posts have been digging though their archives they are discovering some very interesting items stuck on shelves or in cabinets that had been forgotten about. To include a hand grenade in one case. Items returned from wars, flags with 48 or fewer stars. Perhaps your District could have a contest to see what the most unique item a post finds in their building or the most interesting story of a past post event or member. The last time I looked at www. website, Wisconsin only had 31 Posts with information listed. This site has resources available to plan events, do press releases and create a free post history webpage. It is easy to create your post page and upload information and photos. Your Post does not have to be 100 years old to use this resource. Our founders gave us an amazing gift when they created The American Legion a hundred years ago. Help to continue the story by sharing yours.
AUGUST 9, 2018
Governor Scott Walker Attends Deptartment Convention CONVENTION RESOLUTIONS RESULTS OSHKOSH – Governor Scott Walker today addressed attendees at the 100th annual American Legion State Convention commending them for their commitment to Wisconsinʼs communities. While attending Governor Walker also highlighted the talent attraction campaign that is working to grow Wisconsinʼs workforce. “The American Legion serves as a strong ally in providing for those who fought for our freedom,” said Governor Walker. “Wisconsin already offers more benefits to veterans than any other state, and with the help of the American Legion we will continue working to better serve them—this is one of the many reasons we believe our military men and women, after fulfilling their service obligation, should come to work and live in Wisconsin. Through our talent attraction campaign, we are encouraging our veterans to come to Wisconsin and work for one of our world-class companies and receive the benefits our state has to offer.” The talent attraction campaign is bringing together the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), Department of Workforce Development (DWD), the Department of Tourism, and
the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) to recruit and retain workers in Wisconsin. The campaign will use marketing investments to target out-of-state residents, specifically veterans, millennials, university alumni and others. The Governor also presented the American Legion with a $100,000 Veterans Service Organization Grant for their claims office, which provides veterans with help navigating federal laws regarding veteran benefits. The WDVA Veteran Service Organization Grant is given to state veterans service organizations (VSO) to pro-
vide claims services to veterans throughout the state. “The American Legion and other Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) are critical components of Wisconsinʼs Veterans support network,” WDVA Secretary Dan Zimmerman said. “Veterans are best served by the personalized service these VSOs provide. Each year Veterans bring back to Wisconsin about $1 billion in economic benefits, infusing those dollars into the state and local economies. Helping the American Legion directly serve Veterans is one of WDVAʼs most critical roles.”
1.2018 2.2018
Sale or Mortgaging of Post Real Estate – Approved The American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy – Approved 3.2018 Monies, Collections, Liability and Expense – Approved 4.2018 Establishment of a “Green Alert” system nationwide – Rejected 5.2018 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to expand eligibility of Agent Orange exposed veterans – Approved 6.2018 A resolution to commission and establish a committee to explore the updating of the Department of Wisconsin American Legion A History 1919-1992 up through and including our 100th anniversary year – Approved 7.2018 Citizenship, Residency or Visitor status for participation in Wisconsin Department American Legion Youth Programs – Approved 8.2018 Bells of Balangiga – Approved 9.2018 Membership Transfers – Approved as amended 10.2018 Host County – Winnebago – Approved 11.2018 Host City of Oshkosh – Approved 12.2018 Host Hotel, Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel Approved
Governor Scott Walker and WDVA Secretary Dan Zimmerman present $100,000 grant check to support the Legion's Milwaukee Claims Office.
THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Sunday July 15, 2018, The Sons of The American Legion Detachment of Wisconsin wrapped up their 50th Annual Detachment Convention. This convention marks a lot of milestones and accomplishments. The convention delegates welcomed members from Squadron 364 Winneconne and 491 Cazenovia, two newly chartered squadrons, moving the Detachment to101 squadrons. This past year saw the formation of the S.A.L. 4th District. The Detachment achieved 100% membership, 65 Squadrons surpassing that goal and 26 Squadrons reached all-time high memberships totals. In 2018 Wisconsin Sons have had an economic impact of almost 1.5 million dollars. This is based on the Consolidated Report forms (CPR), a report of Squadronʼs volunteer hours and monetary donations. Wisconsin Sons supporting the Four Pillars of The American Legion. Promoting Americanism, assisting Children and Youth programs, supporting Veterans and protecting National Security. By the time the convention convened, consolidate reports
were received from 50 Squadrons, a brief summary of what your Sons achieved this past year. • 51,337 volunteer hours, in their communities and at VA facilities. • $131,351 in donations to aid families in need, educate children and support Veterans. • Nearly 1.5 million dollars of total economic impact to the programs of The American Legion. The convention is a time acknowledgement and fulfilment. Awards, plaques and citations were presented to 74 Squadrons for their outstanding contributions and dedication. The newly elected officers showed their attitude of willingness as they renewed their pact to revitalize the mission of the Sons of The American Legion. Christopher Sherman of Pewaukee Squadron 71 was elected to serve as Detachment Commander 2018-2019. Commander Sherman has a long history of service to The American Legion Family and was eager to continue the forward momentum the Sons of established and set lofty goals for
the officers and members. These goals will require all of the Sons work together as a TEAM to succeed. • Reach 100% in Membership by Veteran's Day as a tribute to all Veterans. • Exceed105% Membership total. • Retain 85% or more of our current members. • Charter 5 new squadrons and continue to reinvigorate the current squadrons. • Raise $1.00 per member for the Child Welfare Foundation • Collect $1.00 per member for the GI Josh Dog Program • Support the National Emergency Fund and The American Legion Foundation. • Outreach in support of veterans, their families and our communities. • Continue educational opportunities for our officers and members. Commander Sherman is confident that with your support we will exceed our goals!
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AUGUST 9, 2018
Legislator of the Year
ial Spec ird yB Earl ing!! Draw
Proud of the Impact The American Legion gion Family, mily TThee Four Fou Pillars and nd Programs Progra Pr g ams have Veterans. Families hav on Vet r ns. theirr Fam es andd the their Com Communities. mun i
In The Legion We Trust
SPECIAL EARLY BIRD DRAWING Renew your 2019 membership dues by November 11th, 2018 and you will be automatically entered into a drawing held at Midwinter. This will also include all PUFLʼs. There will be five $250 dollar cash winners. POST MEMBERSHIP INCREASE All Posts that increase their membership by at least 10% from the December 31, 2017 membership total by December 31, 2018 will be entered into a drawing to be held at midwinter. There will be 5-$100 cash winning Posts.
WIN A PAID UP FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP Sign up 5 NEW Members (Last paid year 2017 or brand new for 2019) and your name will be entered into a drawing for a PUFL Membership. (If you are already a PUFL you will get the cash value amount owed to National according to age.) The drawing will be held at Department Convention. Sign up 10 New Members and get the Badger Big 10 Pin and 2 chances in the drawing for a PUFL. I GOT 1 PIN Sign up 1 one new member (last paid year 2017 or brand new for 2019) and you will receive an “I Got 1 Pin”. DISTRICT INCENTIVE $200 will be given to any District that ends the year (30 days before Convention) in the positive according to the membership report!
DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Hello from your Department Membership Chairman! With the success of being a 100% Department last year, I am looking forward to having another great year for this membership year. Commander Kostka, Adjutant Nikolai, Membership Coordinator Chris and I, as well as the Membership Committee had the opportunity to sit down and discuss upcoming membership goals and ideas. These goals will be repeated often throughout the year but bear repeating so our membership knows the opportunities available. While we did a great job in getting the Department to 100%, we still did not reach everyone we could have. There were over 1500 members who National signed up in 2018 that we were not able to contact and transfer to a local Post. We will be doing rallies in each District to get some of those members in the National and Wisconsin 2930 holding Post transferred into a local Post. A member I had contacted in the National holding Post asked how someone knows what Post they belong to. This member thought that when he signed up, he was automatically transferred to a local Post. First, to know what Post you belong to, take out your membership card. Above your name, it lists the Depart-
ment and Post you belong to. If the Post entered is 2930, you are in a holding Post. If this is the case, please contact me so we can get you into a local Post! Next, the process of signing up people from National is as such – National signs up to get mailing lists from companies and organizations which target veterans. They then send out membership invitations to these people and ask them to sign up to be a member of The American Legion. If a person signs up, the contact information is automatically available to that Department. It is up to the leadership within the Department to contact these people and get them to transfer to a local Post. The first contact is vital. This is why we are sending those newly acquired members from National a welcome letter letting them
know what the next steps of their membership will be and how to get their DD-214 if they do not have theirs. The contact information of these members will be sent to the District Commanders each month. They should share this contact information with the affected Posts within their Districts. The local Post then needs to contact the newly transferred member via a Welcome letter informing them of what their Post offers, meeting dates/times, community events, etc. Contact at every level needs to happen. Throughout the year, we will try to make available the tools needed to help Posts with their membership. We will also be sharing those Posts with Best Practices when it comes to membership recruiting and retention. If you have questions about recruitment or retention, please contact me. If I cannot provide the information, I have many resources I can put you in contact with who can help. With everyoneʼs help, we can have more 100% years and start to grow our membership again. Thank you, Julie Muhle Department Membership Chairman 920-382-4028
MADISON – The Wisconsin American Legion named Rep. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) as the organizationʼs “Legislator of the Year” at their annual convention in Oshkosh. Rep. Goyke was recognized for his legislative accomplishments and advocacy on behalf of Wisconsin veterans and their families. “I thank the Wisconsin American Legion and its members for this great honor,” said Rep. Goyke. “Throughout my tenure in the legislature, I have been an advocate for veterans and their families working alongside veteranʼs organizations, including the American Legion. I am humbled by this recognition.” Since his election to the legislature, Rep. Goyke has authored and co-authored several pieces of legislation to benefit veterans that have become law including: • The Wisconsin Veterans Farm Bill – 2017 Wisconsin Act 121 • Service-Disabled Veteran-
Owned Business Parity – 2017 Wisconsin Act 122 • Green Alert for Missing Veterans – 2017 Wisconsin Act 175 • Veteran-Owned and Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Logotype – 2015 Wisconsin Act 384. “Wisconsin has a strong tradition of its citizens serving our nation in uniform and returning home to be leaders in their respective communities. On behalf of the State of Wisconsin, and the residents of the 18th Assembly District, I would like to thank all Wisconsin veterans for their honorable service and sacrifices. We are forever grateful.” The 18th Assembly District is home to a vibrant and diverse veterans community with its proximity to the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, as well as additional vital service locations for veterans including Vets Place Central, Veterans Manor, and Troop Café.
The District 1 Legion Riders were out in force (30+) to once again lead the Liberty Fest Parade in Twin Lakes, WI. It was REALLY warm this day so the Riders shed their vests and led the parade in their Riders t-shirts. This was the first of 7 total parades District 1 was proud to lead over the 4th of July holidays.
Sparks-Doernenburg Post 3 of Antigo in June had an awards ceremony to honor our Legion Jr Shooting Sports shooters. Post 3 runs a shooting program to teach gun safety and precision shooting. Tommie Stuckert, Allison Noskowiak, Braeden Noskowiak, Tom Anderson, Jacob Meister, Matthew Lewis, Joshua Lewis, Jon Lewis, Michael Feller, Sarah Anderson, Jim Baraboo.
The Last
1 Germantown Edward Genrich 10 Wausau Ronald Christian Eugene Eckes Daniel Hauer 11 Green Bay Dick Deschaine Gale Basten 18 Milwaukee John Brown Terry Kobes 19 Hartford Cyril Rohde Jack Wirth 21 Kenosha Raymond Kontof 35 Evansville Richard Haakenson 38 Appleton Peter Tracanna Clyde Jenkins Robert Schroeder 52 La Crosse Donald Wateski Clarence Geier Philip Thaldorf Kenneth Kramer Richard Stephen
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05/20/18 05/30/18 06/04/18
01/02/18 01/06/18 01/06/18 01/12/18 03/08/18
Laurence Clark William Fregin Stephen Oestriech LaVerne Baumgartner James Bina Robert Nelson 54 Haugen Robert McCarthy 55 Hortonville Karl Korth 59 Stoughton Paul Rodgers Duane Buchwald David Read 62 Columbus Robert Behl Russell Fredrick 64 Ladysmith Joseph Moreau 71 Pewaukee Herbert Strauss 74 Oconto Myron Klika 95 Delavan John Eslick Emory Carlson 98 Cumberland James Erlewine 106 Seymour Lowell Thomas 108 Clear Lake Arthur Anderson 118 Thorp Earle Knopf Henry Lane 121 River Falls Peter Muto Leonard Hetland 123 Owen Edmond Rohland 134 Boscobel Richard Collins Donald Watson Lester Faulkner
03/14/18 03/18/18 05/24/18 05/28/18 05/29/18 05/30/18
05/16/18 06/04/18 06/21/17
05/30/18 06/20/18
05/23/18 06/21/18
05/14/18 05/27/18
05/14/18 06/06/18
06/30/17 05/21/18 06/02/18
Donald Watson 137 Turtle Lake Darwin Platter Stephen Vorwald 141 New Glarus Gerald Dorst 145 Random Lake William Mitchell 146 Beaver Dam Robert Budde Ronald Miller Lawrence Braker Melvin Tielens Raymond Manzer Russell Olson Robert Frankenstein Marvin Klawitter Robert Budde Eugene Becker Vincent Matusewick 147 Medford Walter Ertl Allan Thielke Michael Roiger 154 Mondovi Vince Haas Larry Johnson 157 Horicon Donald Glamann Marvin Roggenbauer 161 King Darrell Cornell 164 Jefferson Richard Radtke 171 Union Grove Bernard Lamon 173 Whitewater Eugene Wagie 180 Milwaukee Tony Paniaqua 185 Grantsburg Connie Martinson 191 Whitehall Gale Gabriel
05/19/18 04/16/18
09/16/17 11/24/17 12/27/17 01/16/18 02/12/18 09/29/17 02/03/18 01/26/18 09/16/17 11/26/16 07/29/17
04/17/18 02/02/18 04/26/18
06/15/18 06/06/18
05/19/18 05/23/18
The Facts On LegionCare:
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust ONE AND DONE solution to our No-Cost-To-You LegionCare Protection
• This coverage is at NO-COST-TO-YOU • LegionCare is now available to ALL Legion Family members: Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion. • This coverage has been arranged on your behalf by Your American Legion Department. • Regardless of Your Age, health or occupation your acceptance is GUARANTEED** Anyone enrolled in LegionCare will be covered for as long as they maintain their membership in the Legion Family – TAL, ALA, & SAL. This new “one and done” approach will save you from needing to re-enroll every 5 years. The LegionCare program will continue to cover you for $1,000 of AD&D coverage. If the accidental loss occurs when on official Legion Family Business, we will cover you for $5,000 of AD&D coverage.* This has been arranged on your behalf by Your Department of The American Legion. As soon as your enrollment is received, LegionCare will take effect. Your acceptance is guaranteed**, so enroll today.
SEPTEMBER AUGUST25, 9, 2014 2018
Francis Foss 192 Franklin John Voll 198 Marion Marshall Robenhagen 216 Lodi Charles Zeman 238 Greenwood Delbert Mondloch 239 Tigerton Michael Sambs 243 Plymouth Joseph Benauer Jeffrey Otto 251 Argyle Douglas Caldwell 258 Little Chute Marvin Lamers 262 Luxemburg David Conard Elmer Renier 263 New London Robert Christ 286 Oostburg Norbert Schreiber 301 Woodville Stanley Hanson 303 Winter Donald Gilboy 306 Green Lake Carl Stracka 316 Sheldon Richard Johnson 329 Briggsville John McFaul Anthony Venegas 333 Sun Prairie Jerry Lamb 340 Berlin Alonzo Gimenez 343 Hancock George Sherman 355 Grafton Eugene Thgelen 358 Unity Thomas Much 363 Denmark Allen Chvala 366 Princeton Anthony Soda 377 Elcho Gordon Kramer Alfred Joyce 382 Menomonee Falls Joseph Fox 387 Franklin Gerald Voss 394 Loretta Robert Foley
05/20/18 06/14/18
06/05/18 06/12/18
05/29/18 05/31/18
05/05/18 05/15/18
05/31/18 05/20/19
406 Milwaukee Frank Collura K 409 Poplar William Roenitz K Robert Olson V Edwin Hall II John Longtine II 416 Greendale Michael Tomczak V Ronald Olson V Carlton Carter K Leonard Zwier II Michael Wielichowski V Edward Kowalkowski V Edward Grzeszczak II James Lemanski K Sylvester Nieznanski II Robert Jablonski II Harold Kuehnel II Victor Mikecz II Leland Cooklock K Joseph Dziobkowski II 449 Brookfield Jerry Hill II Gary Gromacki V Harry Crandall K Siegfried Hausmann K 454 Mt Calvery Delmar Petrie K 457 Mequon-Thiensville Dennis Bersch K 483 Allenton Kenneth Sohrweide K 485 Rudolph Gerald Ashbeck V 486 Jackson Roger Clement V Roger Schultz K 494 Caledonia Bernard Wade V 497 Keshena David Corn V 501 Madison Larry Adams V Kendall Finger II 511 Ridgeland Jalmer Pederstuen K 521 Fox Lake Warren Westover V 525 Phlox Matthew Menting K Donald Heinzen K 534 McFarland Robert Schoville V 537 Milwaukee Louis Saje II 538 Carlton Thomas Kunesh V 547 Lublin Edward Budrus II
02/04/18 05/30/17 07/31/17 04/24/18 05/18/18 04/10/17 02/20/16 07/04/16 06/10/17 06/02/17 01/09/17 02/17/18 08/05/16 03/15/18 03/05/18 04/11/18 04/16/18 05/07/18 06/09/18 06/05/18 06/12/18 06/15/18 05/12/18 06/08/18 06/04/18 03/05/18 02/18/18 05/12/18 04/30/18 06/11/18 03/05/18 04/21/18 05/19/18 05/19/18 05/22/18 05/14/18 05/22/18 05/19/18 06/16/18 05/13/18 04/28/18
William S. Middleton Memorial VA
If you were deployed in the Persian Gulf for Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm during the first Gulf War (1990-1991), you are invited to participate in a study conducted by Dr. Nasia Safdar at the Madison VA Hospital.
Endorsed by Your Department of The American Legion
The study is comparing the bacteria in the gut of healthy Veterans and Veterans who have Gulf War Illness.
For immediate coverage, enroll online at Complete details of the coverage are contained in accident only Master Policy MZ0933569H0000A/0001A underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company Cedar Rapids, IA. This plan is not available in all states.
The study will take place over 8 weeks, in which you will collect and mail in stool and saliva samples once per week. You will also visit the Madison VA hospital twice to answer questions about health, diet, and exercise factors, and provide blood samples.
*For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of The Legion Family, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the $5,000 Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from an official function at which they represent his/her Post, Squadron, Unit, District, Department, Detachment or National Organization in an official capacity. **This is a supplemental health insurance plan that requires you to have major medical coverage, Medicare, or other health coverage that meets “minimum essential coverage” as defined by the Affordable Care Act. 43353 ©2017 AGIA AT#1441735
Compensation is available. If you would like more information about participating, contact Julie Keating, the Project Manager, at (608) 256-1901 ext. 12542.
AUGUST 9, 2018
Across The Pond Veterans Park Groundbreaking A Look Back… by Eileen Bentzen Saturday, May 19, was the official groundbreaking ceremony for the Across The Pond Veterans Park. Located just west of Iron River, Wisconsin, the park will have a Memorial to our veterans, a tranquil area to sit and look at the beautiful Iron River flowage, and later on, an RV and camping area will be built, with indoor facilities, a pavilion for public use, and walking trails, all open to the public. The ceremony to introduce the park was held at the Iron River Community Center, attended by more than 100 veterans, their families, supporters and a number of dignitaries, including U.S. Representative Sean Duffy, State Representative Beth Meyers, and State Senator Janet Bewley. Democratic candidate Brian Ewert, and republican candidate James Bolen were also in attendance. After posting of colors, the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance, the program began with Steve Probst, Town of Iron River Chairman, welcoming everyone, saying: “This park is going to be great for our community. This is going to be great for the future”. The program included Major John Plaster, retired, giving a speech honoring those veterans from this area that had lost their lives during wars from years past. Each branch of the armed services and members
were recognized with music by Ray Levine and enthusiasm from the audience! U.S. Representative Sean Duffy said, “Itʼs amazing what can be accomplished when a community comes together to create a living park to pay tribute to our veterans”. Senator Janet Bewley added, “The time has come to honor our veterans in a living and wonderful, celebratory way”. Wally Oberman spoke about the Wisconsin Honor Flight, encouraging all vets to sign up to experience the “flight of a lifetime for veterans”. A digital presentation was given with details of the park, including a rendering of the memorial itself, how the plans began and the path taken to this groundbreaking. After a delicious lunch, provided mostly by donations, a crowd went out to the park for the actual groundbreaking. The honor guard was there, several of the dignitaries braved the cold, and a good crowd of spectators cheered Ray Kangas, Chairman of the Across The Pond Veterans Park board, as he threw that shovelful of dirt! Ray said: “The emphasis is not so much on the Memorial but on rehabilitation for our wounded warriors, coming back from conflicts and wars today. Everyone is welcome, military or not.”
Badger Boys 77th Session To all sponsors that helped provide an opportunity to these young men to attend this program, thank you. Please invite those students to come talk with you about their experience, they want to share it with you. If you are interested in knowing more about Badger Boys State and the possibility of sponsoring a student for the 78th session, please visit for more information.
Pictured, left to right: Rod Abbas, Commander American Legion; Dan Stephans, American Legion; Dick Rewalt, giving the invocation as a member of Our Saviors Lutheran Church; Tom Trautt (behind flag), Sr. Vice Commander, VFW; Geri Dressen, Iron River Chamber of Commerce Director; Representative Beth Meyers, Assembly District 74, Bayfield; Janet Clark, representative from Senator Ron Johnson’s office; Senator Janet Bewley, District 25, Ashland; Jim Miller, Sean Duffy’s staff member; Ray Kangas, Chairman, Across The Pond Veterans Park.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Onalaska City Cemetery 1200 Main Street • Onalaska @ approximately 4:30 pm American Letion Post 336 731 Sand Lake Road Onalaska, WI @ approximately 5:25 pm
The American Legion Riders to make a pit stop in Onalaska during the 13th Annual American Legion Legacy Run. Approximately 400 American Legion Riders will arrive at Onalaska American Legion Post 336 as a part of an 1,100mile, five-state journey raising awareness about The American Legion Legacy Scholarship and the important work Legionnaires are doing in the local community.
The American Legion Post 336 in Onalaska invites the entire community to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Onalaska Cemetery on Main St to honor those who have served. A wreath will be placed at the graves of the Onalaska American Legion Post 336 founders, Otto Struck and August Klandrud. The Wisconsin American Legion Riders District 7 will present a check for $10,000 to The American Legion National Commander for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship. The money was raised by holding our own American Legion Riders District 7 Legacy Run in June and the continued efforts to date. Since its inception in 2002, over $13 million has been raised for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship. The American Legion Riders have generated several million dollars for the scholarship through The American Legion Legacy Run and are also engaged in countless other charitable activities that contribute thousands of dollars annually to
other national, state and local programs and charities for veterans, military families and communities. Eligibility for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship is open to children of servicemembers who died while on active duty following 9/11 as well as children of post-9/11 veterans who have been assigned a combined disability rating by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of 50% or greater. Detailed information on the scholarship is available at To donate to The American Legion Legacy Scholarship visit https://www.members. The American Legion Legacy Run is one of the largest multistate, multiday, crosscountry motorcycle events in the United States, with many of the American Legion Riders traveling from across the country to join together in unified support for this great cause.