Wisconsin for August 2018

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AUGUST 9, 2018

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I am still reeling and canʼt believe I am your American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin President. CHAR KIESLING What an absoDepartment lutely exciting President and unforgettable experience. I truly appreciate all those who took part in my installation. It was so special. It was a real family affair...the Kieslings and the American Legion Family! I received such great support from all of you and so many heart-warming good wishes from my Auxiliary sisters. Thank you for allowing me to be your 98th President! I know each and every member will be working the mission this year as we “Kindle the Flame” for our Veterans, Military and their Families. Our FLAME will burn brightly for all to see. The FLAME

will bring energy and dedication to carry out our programs and to serve unselfishly those who need us the most. Membership may be a big challenge as we contend with the dues increase but our goals are realistic and the membership team is the best! The Presidentʼs project is truly from the heart. Wreaths Across America was decided upon after long consideration in finding a project I could really believe in. On that annual second Saturday in December, as my husband and friends laid wreaths on the graves at King Memorial Cemetery, I turned to look up the hill. The wreaths were beautiful in the snow with the bright green evergreen and red bow, but there were still graves that didnʼt have a wreath. What if that empty grave was one of your loved ones? I decided then that all graves would be covered this coming holiday season in all three of

the state Memorial Cemeteries... Spooner, Union Grove, and King. We arenʼt just decorating graves; we are honoring their lives and not their deaths. We are REMEMBERING, HONORING, and TEACHING the younger generation about the value of their freedoms and the importance of honoring those who sacrificed so much to protect and defend those freedoms. More details on Wreaths Across America will be available. I am writing this article while serving as THE RN at Girls Nation in Chevy Chase, Maryland. I look forward to seeing our capitol city with these outstanding young ladies and with the dedicated counselors, my fellow American Legion Auxiliary members and soon-to-be great friends! I look forward to the fun part of this job as Department President... meeting you and sharing this year with all of you and our heroes.


During the 2018 Department Convention Char Kiesling along with others took the Oath of Office. President Char’s mission for this year is “Kindle the Flame” for our Veterans, Military and their Families.


MEMBERSHIP Diane Weggen, Dept. Chairman Email: dsweggen@gmail.com Ph: 715-644-2668 What does membership in the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) mean? Just paying dues to the ALA is an action that says, “I want to support veterans, the military, their families and communities. I want to recognize and honor those who served or are serving to ensure our democracy, the freedoms we experience every day, and our way of life.” Dues collected by local units, states and national are used to sponsor programs. The membership year runs from January 1st through December 31st so there is still time to renew members for 2018. The 2019 dues may also be paid now. The online renewal portal is available and renewing by telephone takes only a few minutes. Either option makes it possible to renew quickly and easily. Members can only renew their own membership through the online option. Step one is to create an account on the ALA national website at www.ALAforVeterans.org. An email confirming the account will provide a link to finalize setting up the account; just click on the “renew membership” link and follow directions. Members who prefer to renew by phone or wish to pay the membership dues of other family member(s), may call 317-569-4500 (MondayFriday, 7:00 am – 3:30 pm) and a very helpful staff member will assist with the renewal process. The

national organization will mail a membership card to anyone who renews by phone or through the website. Andrea Stoltz at Department Headquarters in Portage will notify unit membership chairmen of members who have paid online or by phone. Newly elected President Char Kiesling has chosen “Kindle the Flame of Service for our Veterans, Military and their Families” as her theme, with emphasis on Faith, Leadership, Attitude, Mentor, and Encourage (FLAME). Similar to last year, units and individual members will be eligible to win money from random drawings when meeting membership goals on set dates. To be eligible for the following unit awards, membership dues must be AT Department Headquarters by the goal date: • Early Bird - 1 unit picked at random for $100 if they are 25% by September 11, 2018 • Smoldering - 1 unit picked at random for $100 if they are 65% by November 11, 2018 • Flaming - 1 unit picked at random will win $100 if they are 85% by January 31, 2019 • Roaring - 2 units picked at random for $100 if they are over 100% by June 12, 2019 • Blazing - 5 units picked at random will win $100 if they are 100% by December 28, 2018 Twelve members who recruit a new member and submit a FLAME entry form by May 31, 2019 will be picked at random to receive $50. One form for EVERY new

member (Senior and/or Junior) recruited may be submitted, allowing for multiple chances to win! The focus for the 2019 membership year will be on positive and timely communication, nurturing new members, civility and mission delivery. Rather than focusing on how MANY people belong, we will focus on WHY people belong. Making membership meaningful is important—demonstrating why we belong and why the ALA matters to us. The ALA is about who we are, what we do (mission delivery) and why we matter (honor those who served or are serving and their families and communities for the sacrifices they made to ensure our way of life). Thank you for entrusting membership with me. Other members of the Department Membership team include Linda Kostka, Virginia Kodl and Junior member Kallee LeCloux. The membership team believes communication and connecting with others is imperative to build membership; thus, we will be traveling throughout the Department. Please invite us to your events and meetings. Membership really is about serving our heroes and engaging members in mission delivery to enhance membership strength 2019 MEMBERSHIP TEAM Chairman Diane Weggen Virgina Kodl, Linda Kostka Kallee LeCloux, Junior Member Andrea Stoltz, Headquarters Staff alawi@amlegionauxwi.org

Front Row (L to R): Diane Weggen, 1st Vice President; Char Kiesling, Department President; Joanie Dickerson, Senior Vice President; Linda Coppock, 2nd Vice President. Back Row (L to R): Christine Johnsen, Sergeant-at-Arms; Maggie Geiger, Historian; Becky Mueller, Chaplain; Bonnie Dorniak, Executive Secretary-Treasurer; Mary Kay Souther, Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms.


Front Row (L to R): Anita “Sam” Catura, 1st District; Danie Wilson, 2nd District; Jenni Syftestad, 3rd District; Department President Char Kiesling; Kathy Baranzyk, 4th District; Linda Bartell, 5th District; Nancy Helms, 6th District. Back Row (L to R): Sarah Stiff, 8th District; Deanna Farley, 9th District; Aimee Korger, 10th District; Barbara Bell, 11th District; Barbara McDaniel, 12th District. Not pictured: Becca Gleason, 7th District.



Becky Mueller Department Chaplain Email: clarenceandbecky@aol.com Ph: 920-833-6048

Matthew 5:14-16 NIV 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven President Charʼs theme is “Kindle the Flame” - we need to be the light that glows out of the darkness. In the beginning, God spoke “Let there be light” and it was good, very good. We are challenged by our faith to continue to be the light in a dark, hurting, fearful world. Light is multi-faceted. It is a noun – as in sunlight; it is a verb – as in lighting a candle; it is an adjective – as in the opposite of a heavy load; and it is an adverb – as in donʼt take your faith lightly. Light is a symbol of Godʼs guidance and provision. Moses saw and spoke to God after the flame was kindled in the burning bush. One of the worst plagues was the darkness – the total absence of light. In the wilderness, the tower of flame lead the way signifying the presence of God. Being in the presence of God caused a person to glow with the reflected Holy Light. Whether you believe Jesus to be a prophet or a Savior, the Sermon on the Mount touches our hearts. He proclaimed, “You are the light of the world.” This year we are being challenged to be that light. Our military and veterans need us to be Candles of Mercy as they deal with so many issues – physical, mental, and emotional. PTSD is real and suffered by both the service member and his/her family. We need to be the light of hope of a new and better tomorrow after the storms clear. We are to reflect Godʼs love, offering acceptance and forgiveness to all. We are His light of grace. Our eyes and smiles need to show the flame of love in our hearts. We are to be the glowing candle in the window that says welcome home. We are to be the light at the end of the tunnel that says there is hope. Let your prayer be that you are indeed the light that those around you need and offer yourself to be in service to a war torn and hurting world. We are all children of God and created in his image. Our goal should be to reflect that. AMEN [Chorus] This little light of mine, Iʼm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, Iʼm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, Iʼm gonna let it shine. Let it shine, shine, shine Let it shine! Hide it under a bushel NO, Iʼm gonna let it shine (repeat). Donʼt let Satan blow it out, Iʼm gonna let it shine (repeat). Everywhere I go, Iʼm gonna let it shine (repeat)

AUGUST 9, 2018


GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: 608-745-0124 Email: deptsec@amlegionauxwi.org Website: www.amlegionauxwi.org Congratulations to Bonnie Jakubczyk on a successful year as Department President. President Bonnieʼs year culminated with the 98th Department Convention at the Oshkosh Convention Center where the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) was surprised by visits from special guests Governor Scott Walker and National Commander Denise Rohan. Governor Walker thanked the Auxiliary for their tremendous support of the ALA Badger Girls State program and shared that three generations of the Walker family have had the privilege of attending Boys or Girls State – including both of his parents, himself and his two sons! National Commander Denise Rohan thanked the Legion Family for all their support to her and her family during the past year and encouraged members to attend National Convention in Minneapolis. Wonderful presentations were made by Education Chairman Bethany Fredericks, Membership Chairman Joanie Dickerson, Public Relations Chairman Amy Luft, and VA&R Chairman Mary Petrie. All Department Chairmen were able to share highlights of their programs and answer questions during the open house, “Gallery of SMILEs.” A slide show presentation of units and members working the mission was shown throughout convention – thanks to A/V Goddesses Danyelle, Bethany and Jennifer!

President Bonnie also featured “Hello Girls,” a documentary about women who served as telephone operators on the front lines during World War I and their 60-year struggle to be recognized as veterans. Another highlight of department convention included Honored Past Department President Jeanette Riekkoff, who reflected on her year as president in 2003-2004 at an ice cream social on Saturday afternoon. A parade of checks to support both President Bonnie Jakubczykʼs and National President Diane Duscheckʼs special project, the ALA Foundation Endowment Fund, raised $1,575. Thanks to the generosity of Auxiliary members around the state, Wisconsin contributed more than $15,000 for this cause during the past year! Although many units and individuals are worthy of recognition, Bonnie Jakubczyk presented Department Presidentʼs Awards for Excellence to five units and one county that demonstrated their dedication to the ALA mission through their unit year-end reports. The convention closed with the installation of new district and department officers. President Char Kieslingʼs theme for the upcoming year is “Kindling the F.L.A.M.E.” (Faith + Leadership + Attitude + Mentor + Encourage) for our veterans, the military and their families. Let your FLAME grow as you demonstrate your support for the ALA and our mission during the year ahead. President Charʼs special project this year is Wreaths Across America. Units and individuals can support this effort by submitting donations and marking #4844 on the General Fund Suggestion Donation

sheet. Funds will be directed to the three state veteransʼ cemeteries at King, Spooner and Union Grove. Wreath laying ceremonies are scheduled for Saturday, December 15, 2018. Funds received after November 15, 2018 will be used to purchase wreaths in 2019. Wreaths are $15 each, but for every two wreaths purchased, Wreaths Across America will send another one free. In other news from department headquarters, please be aware that 2019 membership cards have been mailed to all units. Any unit that has not received their membership packet should contact Andrea Stoltz at department headquarters immediately. 2019 renewal notices wonʼt be mailed by the national organization until midSeptember, but please donʼt wait until then to renew your dues. To expedite processing, you can pay your dues online (www. ALAforVeterans.org) or call the national organization during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 7:00 am – 3:30 pm CDT). Members who pay for multiple family members can take care of everyoneʼs dues with one simple phone call to 317-569-4500! New members for 2019 will be processed after September 1st. If you havenʼt done so already, please register for an ALA in the Know conference at a location that works best with your schedule. Sign up early as space is limited. A registration form is included on page A4. National President Diane Duscheck will be wrapping up her year at the 2019 National Convention in Minneapolis. We wish her a successful convention and look forward to her return to Wisconsin

AUXILIARY EMERGENCY FUND Beth Puddy Department Chairperson Email: jbpuddy1987@gmail.com Ph: 920-948-7930 The Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) was established almost 50 years ago. We continue to Kindle the Flame through the generous donations of Auxiliary members. The eligibility determination and administration of the fund is done at the national level of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) and the grant committee keeps all information confidential. The maximum grant amount is $2,400. Payments are made directly to the mort-

gage company, utility company, school, etc. Applications can be found on the Wisconsin ALA website at http://amlegionauxwi.org. If you are not able to access the application online, please let me know and I will get an application to you. Eligible members of the ALA (must have paid membership dues for at least the immediate past two years plus the current year) seeking emergency assistance apply via a process involving their unit, department and ALA National Headquarters. The AEF is a membership benefit to

provide temporary emergency help during financial hardship when no other source of aid is readily available to pay for shelter, food and utilities. It is also for food and shelter during weather related emergencies and natural disasters. In rare cases, educational training for members who lack the necessary skills for employment or to upgrade competitive workforce skills may also be eligible. Assistance is not available for accumulated debt or medical expenses. Please visit the national website for complete details: https://www.alaforveterans.org/ Members/Auxiliary-Emergency-Fund/.

ALA BADGER GIRLS STATE Danyelle Thompson Department Chairman Email: alabgs.chairman@gmail.com Ph: 920-379-6489 This year, American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State (ALABGS) celebrated its 75th anniversary at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. More than 700 delegates from all over the state of Wisconsin spent the week learning about leadership, government, citizenship, and all about the American Legion Auxiliary. The delegates began on the local level, establishing 14 cities where they elected mayors, aldermen, and other officials. They produced some very creative ordinances – I think everyone was compelled to sing in the elevators at some point in the week! They moved on to the county structure where they took pride in finding the most talented young women for the State Fair to represent them, and once again the counselors discovered one of the most

popular positions to run for was County Coroner. Then delegates began to work on the state level. They began by debating what their political party (Nationalists or Federalists) stood for, and the state campaigning began. First, it was the fight to control the Senate and Assembly, but then it quickly moved on to State Constitutional Offices. The delegates who won their primaries represented some of the best leadership the state of Badger had to offer. During the “Meet Your Candidates” session, they stood in front of all 700 delegates and answered some very tough questions about their knowledge of the office they were running for, their beliefs, and how they would make the State of Badger functional. The delegates did many other things throughout the week. The local American Legion Post and Riders conducted the annual Flag Disposal Ceremony, which is

ALWAYS a highlight of the week for the delegates. Local leaders came and presented, and at the end of the week a college and career fair was held, with every branch of the military represented along with over 50 colleges and universities. Two delegates were selected to attend Girls Nation in Washington D.C., where I am sure they will make Wisconsin proud. This week could not have been possible without the over 70 volunteer counselors who gave up a week of their time to come and ensure the delegates had the best time. This week could also not have been possible without the support of Auxiliary units that thought enough of the program to send local girls to experience everything ALABGS has to offer. From everyone on the ALABGS Committee, I extend a sincere thank you to everyone who helped make this past session a great success and we look forward to an even better 2019 session!


AUGUST 9, 2018



National Commander Denise Rohan made a surprise visit to the American Legion Auxiliary Convention, thanking members for their support to her and her family during the past year.

2018-2019 Department President Char Kiesling, escorted by her husband Kent. Department President Bonnie Jakubczyk’s Awards for Excellence winners: Abrams Machickanee Unit 523, Wolman-Minskey Unit 317, Sheboygan County Council, Landt-Thiel Unit 470, Otis Sampson Unit 59, and Brunclik-Konop Unit 540.

Past Department President Bonnie Jakubczyk pins President Char Kiesling during installation.

American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin

2017-2018 STATISTICS Wisconsin has 20,861 members; grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives and direct and adopted female descendants of wartime veterans. Statistics are current as of May 15, 2018 and are based on the annual reports from 229 of Wisconsinʼs 400 Units.


2018-2019 ALA Mission Training SAVE THE DATE!

Do you want to be more effective in working the ALA mission in your community? Are you looking for fresh ideas on how to serve veterans, military, and their families? Join us at a one-day ALA Mission Training session!

• • • • •

Number of Veterans/Military assisted: 58,281 Hours volunteered: 246,689 Dollars spent: $392,359 Dollar value of in-kind donations: $82,265 Number of poppies purchased for distribution in WI: 363,200 • Number of poppies purchased by other states: 134,250 • Poppy dollars raised to support veterans: $303,361 • Number of veterans who made poppies: 22

OUR SERVICE FOR MILITARY FAMILIES: • Number of military families served: 5,155 • Hours volunteered: 26,273 • Dollars spent: $56,917


Spokane, WA September 29


Albany, NY

Sioux Falls, SD H October 6


September 29

Springfield, IL


Las Vegas, NV

(new location on Strip)

January 26

October 20


Charlotte, NC January 12


(including ALA Badger Girls State): • Hours volunteered: 22,378 • Dollars spent: $150,282 • Number of ALA Badger Girls State delegates in 2017: 713


• Hours volunteered: 141,812 • Dollars spent: $163,843


• Number of scholarships awarded: 215 • Dollar amount of local scholarships: $61,813 • Dollar amount of Department scholarships: $28,000 Go to www.ALAforVeterans.org/Meetings for more information. Registration opens July 18, 2018.


American Legion Auxiliary, Dept of WI JUNIOR FALL CONFERENCE Cave of the Mounds Camp Out


ALA IN THE KNOW (Important Info for Every Member) REGISTRATION FORM

(Please submit one form per person)

SATURDAY & SUNDAY • September 8-9, 2018 starting at 2:00 pm on Saturday Meet at Barneveld American Legion Hall 101 Wood Street, Barneveld, WI then heading to: Cave of the Mounds, 2975 Cave of the Mounds Rd, Blue Mounds, WI

Members are encouraged to register early---space is limited! Registrations accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrations received after capacity is reached, will be returned. No reservations will be accepted on site. Cost is $25 per person. Fee includes continental breakfast, light lunch, and program materials. Sessions will include information on a variety of topics and Auxiliary programs. Schedule for all conferences: 8:00 am – 9:00 am 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Bring your tent, sleeping bag, pillow and a snack to share for evening cracker barrel. Meals will include dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. We will depart Cave of the Mounds at 9:00 am on Sunday.

District #: _____ Unit #: _____ Unit City:

Cost: $20 per person, includes meals and registration. �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2018 JUNIOR FALL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Registrations appreciated by August 20, 2018 FORM SUBMITTED BY (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY):


Registration/Continental Breakfast Informative presentation, lunch break, interactive program session, questions & answers

Please print clearly:

The conference will include a presentation from the Patriot K-9 Partners, who will be bringing their K-9 to share with us. We will have a short meeting with fun activities before heading over to the Cave of the Mounds for a presentation of ROCKS ROCK, a tour of the grounds, and a private night tour of the Cave of the Mounds.



Email: HAVE TENT? (Yes/No)




COST (Meals/Reg) $20.00

Member ID #:

First Name:

Last Name:


Phone:  home  cell:

Select One:




LOCATION American Legion Post 53 634 Water St, Eau Claire, WI 54703

RESERVATION DUE Postmarked by 9/7/18



ALA Headquarters 2930 American Legion Dr, Portage, WI 53901

Postmarked by 9/14/18


American Legion Post 385 207 Legion St, Verona WI 53593

Postmarked by 9/14/18


Wisconsin Veterans Home at Union Grove (Boland Hall, multi-purpose room, lower level) 21425 Spring St, Union Grove WI 53182

Postmarked by 9/21/18



District #: _____ Unit #: _____

Phone #: (

AUGUST 9, 2018


American Legion Post 11 1708 N Irwin St, Green Bay, WI 54302 Wisconsin Veterans Home at King (Marden Center, multi-purpose room, main flr) N2665 Cty Rd QQ, King WI 54946

Postmarked by 9/28/18 Postmarked by 9/28/18

TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $___________ ($25 per person per session)

Mail check, payable to ALA-Wisconsin, by the deadline listed above to:

ALA Wisconsin, P. O. Box 140, Portage, WI 53901-0140.

A $25.00 fee will be charged for any check returned by the bank.

NOTE: 2018-2019 Red Books will be available for purchase at the conferences for $6.00 by check only. CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE SHARE ONE (1) FUNDRAISING IDEA THAT WAS SUCCESSFUL FOR YOUR UNIT

Total Amount Enclosed: (A $25 fee will be charge for any check returned by the bank)

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


PLEASE SHARE ONE (1) SUCCESS STORY ABOUT AN AUXILIARY MISSION OUTREACH PROGRAM _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please send reservation form w ith check payable to “ALA-W isconsin” to: Lorrie Barber 3257 Minnesota Ave. Stevens Point, W I 54481


2018-2019 National Junior Meeting SAVE THE DATE!

Bring your Juniors to a national Junior meeting! These one-day meetings are held on a Saturday so there’s no need to miss school! Juniors learn about the ALA’s mission, meet other Juniors, and have a lot of fun!

H Spokane, Washington September 29

H Albany, New York September 29

H Sioux Falls, South Dakota October 6

H Springfield, Illinois October 20

H Charlotte, North Carolina January 12

H Las Vegas, Nevada January 26

Go to www.ALAforVeterans.org/Meetings for more information. Registration opens July 18, 2018.

JUNE 2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

15.00 Susan Gottschalk 15.00 ALA #431 25.00 Alice Gillen 15.00 Lynette Fiegel 15.00 Tierney Watzke 15.00 Sue Gerstner 15.00 Pauline Teser 15.00 Carol Detampel 15.00 Luena Meister 25.00 Gail Andree-Kjell 15.00 Barbara Miller 15.00 Pat Hoerth 15.00 Lynn Griffin 500.00 Royletta Moon 15.00 Sylvia Uber 15.00 LaVon Strand 25.00 Kerry Strupp 15.00 Mary Husby 15.00 Velma Yancy 15.00 Sophie Switalski 15.00 Carol Endres 15.00 Cynthia Daily 15.00 Betty Swenson 25.00 ALA #341 15.00 Michelle Wanie 15.00 Elizabeth Koch 15.00 Lorraine Seichter 15.00 George Moats 15.00 Karen Baumann 15.00 Kathy Schmitz

Arlington Heights IL Three Lakes New Richmond Harvard IL Waunakee Madison Salem Casco Plain Cedarburg New Holstein Hartford Tomahawk Monroe West Salem Woodman Fond du Lac Baldwin Kiel Oconomowoc Cottage Grove Oak Creek River Falls Birnamwood Horicon Taylors Falls MN Boyd Mondovi Madison Thorp

JULY 2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

25.00 Sonja Hildestad Madison 15.00 Courtney Homan Marion 15.00 Sara Simms Aurora CO 500.00 Ann Mathwig Fremont 15.00 Margo Benson Stoughton 15.00 Linda Carney Beaver Dam 15.00 Kay Gradecki Milwaukee 25.00 Mary Cisewski Belgium 15.00 Carol Rode Brookfield 15.00 Sandy Bogenschneider Slinger 15.00 Rita Schiller Pittsville 15.00 Arlene Boehlke Kewaskum 15.00 Lisa Ostendorf Platteville 15.00 Sons of TAL Squadron 11 Green Bay 25.00 Marcella Erickson Mesa AZ 15.00 Marcie Greenwood Cadott 15.00 Marjory Funk Janesville 15.00 Stan & Donna Gran Hixton 15.00 Carole McCormick DeForest 15.00 Catherine Brewer Las Cruces NM 15.00 M. Sauer & T. Manion Milwaukee 25.00 Bea Broege Fond du Lac 15.00 June Schmidt Osseo 15.00 Susan Gillis Ringer Fond du Lac 15.00 Lora Fischer Oak Creek 15.00 Emily & James Resch Barneveld 15.00 Catherine Brewer Las Cruces NM 15.00 Denise Mueller Three Lakes 25.00 Mitchel Fisher Kimberly 15.00 Bess McElhose Ontario 15.00 Dorothy Kodesh Haugen

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