Badger &“Wisconsin”
May 23, 2019 Vol. 96, No. 4
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Department Convention Speakers Announced
Neil Hansen, Veteran and Author
A native of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Hansen spent more than a decade in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war era as a captain for Air America, accumulating more than 29,000 hours flight time with 9,000 hours in a combat
zone. He flew the last plane out of Cambodia hours before the murderous Khmer Rouge closed the airport. His writing has appeared in various publications and he has been on the interview and speaker circuit for years. Hansen began his aviation career as a pilot for Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa. He later spent nearly a decade in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War era as a captain for Air America, the CIA's airline that operated during the Vietnam era and the 'Secret War' in Laos. "Flight: An Air America Pilot's Story of Adventure, Descent and Redemption" (History Publishing Company) by Hansen and Luann Grosscup, is a historical aviation narrative that incorporates the pathos of a war zone, humor and candid insight. The story pulls the reader directly into the cockpit, onto dirt mountain landing strips, into the raunchy brothels of Laos,
alongside his first toddling steps into Buddhism, aboard the plane he flew out of Cambodia hours before it fell to the Khmer Rouge, down the road of self-destruction and beside him as he regains a foothold on the path to integrity.
The American Legion Department of Wisconsin
Madison Marriott West 1313 John Q. Hammons Dr., Middleton, WI 53563
REGISTRATION FORM This is your registration form only; this is NOT YOUR DELEGATE FORM. Delegate Forms are mailed to the Post 30 Days prior to Convention, June 19, 2019, per the Department Constitution and Bylaws. It is advised however, to register prior to this date. Remember all Legionnaires are encouraged to attend the Department Convention, not just Delegates and Alternates. You can also register online at First Name__________________ Last Name ______________________________
Brett P. Reistad, Nat'l Commander
Street Address ______________________________________________________
A resident of Manassas, Virginia, Reistad was elected National Commander on August 30, 2018. He retired as a lieutenant with the Fairfax
City ___________________________State_____________Zip ________________
Continued on page 4
Email ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone (__________ ) ___________________________________________ Cell Phone (__________ ) _____________________________________________ Member ID # __________________ District _______________________________
CONVENTION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 18TH • Department Committee Meetings • Department Executive Committee Meeting FRIDAY, JULY 19TH • District Caucuses • Convention Session with engaging speakers and awards • Convention Committees • Meet Office Candidates
SATURDAY, JULY 20TH • Election of Department Officers • Convention Session with dynamic speakers and awards • Church services • Evening PCC Homerun & All Star Legion Bash featuring "It Don't Matter"
AL Post # ________
SUNDAY, JULY 21 • Memorial Service • Installation of Department Officers • Post Convention Department Executive Committee meeting
ITEM Registration Fee
Reg. Fee after July 15, 2019
Saturday Evening Event
Total Enclosed __________ Make check payable to The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin or enter credit card information below.
Expiration Date ______________
Credit Card
Security Code _____________
Return with payment to: The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin Attn: Chris Schmidt • P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901
For detailed information and options for hotels please visit
Card Type__________________Card # __________________________________
SAL Squadron # __________
Join the 7th Inning Stretch during Saturday night’s PCC Homerun & All Star Legion Bash at the Department Convention. Wear your favorite team apparel and enjoy a night of fun with entertainment by “It Don’t Matter”. Meet your new Legion Family Department Officers, celebrate Post Excellence Awards presented by the National Commander, and take part in the 5050 Raffle. Doors open at 7 p.m.
Auxiliary Unit # ______
Established 1919
“Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail:
Amber Nikolai, Department Adjutant Marie Steffen, Executive Editor 2018-2019 Communications Committee Rebecca Laumann, Chairman Joan Salle, Vice Chairman Greg Eirich, DEC Liaison Linda Pfeiffer Jennifer Rumbold Mike Feirer Angie Chappell, Assigned Staff Member Bonnie Dorniack, Auxiliary Member
MAY 23, 2019
Proud of the impact the American Legion Family, the Four Pillars and Programs have on the lives of Veterans, their Families and their Communities! Like sand in mend this be adopted by all our longer we wait the harder it is to Middleton. Please register for an hour glass, I Posts, and at the same time don’t bring them back in. Looking at the run whether you participate see my year forget to put this information into the big picture, fewer members in the whole run, just one day Frank Kostka your Consolidated Post Report. equal less income so the De- or not at all and just want the Department Commander nearing an end, but I will use Membership has been my per- partment will continue evaluat- patch. All donations for this every grain of sand left to sup- sonal passion for some years ing our budget. New member- Ride are going to fund my speport as many events that I can. now and I want to personally ship cards will be out soon and cial project, “The American LeI enjoy sharing the latest infor- THANK those Posts that have our Convention is just around gion Family Cabin”, being built mation with our Legionaries. worked on their membership the corner, so if you have any to help heal Gold Star Families. As I’ve traveled the state, I have this last year. I know and ap- ideas on how to stop the bleed- We also have donation forms been proud and amazed by all preciate how much hard work is ing, please share your ideas with available for individuals, Posts the activities our Posts are in- involved in being a 100% Post. your Department leadership. or Businesses that would like to volved in. Many of them have a We tried different incentives Summer will be here shortly help with this project. These dosheet or placemat at their events this year, but to no avail. It sad- and that means getting that mo- nations are tax deductible when listing what they’ve done during dens me to report we’re about torcycle on the road. We are go- made out to the American Lethe last year. Our Posts do many 3500 members behind from last ing to have a State ride this year gion Foundation which is 501 things throughout the year, but year, most of which are non-re- “The Legacy 100 Ride” July 14- (c) (3). Whether you ride, drive until you sit down and list them, newals. It’s not too late though; 17, 2019. We will start in Ash- or walk, I look forward to seeyou don’t realize how much please contact those members land and three days later will end ing you at our annual Convenyou’ve accomplished. I recom- who haven’t renewed since the at our Department Convention in tion July 17-21 in Middleton.
2018-19 Department Officers Department Commander Frank Kostka Department Vice Commanders Dave Wischer John Miller Ken Schoolcraft Clarence Davister Adjutant Amber L. Nikolai Department Chaplain Mathew Harn Assistant Chaplain Todd Fanta Sergeant-At-Arms Jeremy Nordie Kendel Feilen Service Officer - James Fialkowski NECman - Robert Shappell Alternate NECman - Dale Oatman Judge Advocate - Nicholas Lange Department Historian, Jeff Antczak District Commanders 1st – David Latimer 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Keith Lovell 4th – Raymond Pasbrig 5th – Craig Ellis 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – David Hale 8th – Ronald Fregien 9th – Jeffery Zwiers 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – Ted Harvey 12th – Donald Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Char Kiesling, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
10th District
10th District
9th District
WDVA SECRETARY May is National Military Appre ciat ion Month. We can show our appreciation in various ways. Mary M. Kolar WDVA Secretary While doing so, we must never forget the bravery of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. They died defending the freedoms we enjoy in our nation. On March 29, I was honored to participate in Vietnam War Veterans Day observances at our Veterans Home at King. The following day, I spoke at the observance held at the Eagles’ Club in Lake Hallie. At these observances, I spoke of the importance of recognizing the more than 9 million men and women who fearlessly put on the uniform during the Vietnam War era. It wasn’t only them who we remembered during those ceremonies; we also remembered those who didn’t make it back home. The nearly 60,000 names etched in stone on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. — more than 1,000 of them who called Wisconsin “home” and the 26 who are still unaccounted for to this day. Perseverance to find remains can help families still waiting at home. Just last month, service
arrangements were made for a Navy Seaman who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor nearly 80 years ago. Navy Seaman 1st Class George Naegle will be respectfully laid to rest on Armed Forces Day in his hometown of La Crosse. We must continue to set the example for our fellow citizens. Through our displays of respect and honor for the service of the brave men and women who have died serving our country, we ensure that the sacrifices they made are never forgotten. No amount of time can heal the grief suffered by the families who lost their loved ones, but as long as we continue to honor them through our actions and remember the sacrifices they made, they will remembered. We will do that together in May as we take part in Memorial Day services across the country. The three WDVA-run veterans’ cemeteries in our state will once again host memorial services. With our neighbors, we will gather to pay our respects and commemorate the courageous service of the fallen. Thousands of names on the gravestones at each of those cemeteries pay homage to the men and women who put on the uniform to help keep our country safe and free. On Memorial Day, we reflect on and appreciate the service of the men and women who risked
their lives in the face of danger. They are brothers and sisters who fought for us and our freedoms and left a void in millions of families across the country. Their commitment and dedication to duty must always be re-
membered. This month, and throughout the year, we set the example for others as we hold observances to remember and honor all who served and especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Milwaukee to Host 2022 National Convention
National Commander Brett Reistad recognizes Milwaukee as the host of the 2022 National Convention.
MAY 23, 2019
Legacy Grows: American Legion Family Cabin Project
Camp American Legion has a long a legacy of serving Wisconsin Veterans and their families. This legacy goes far beyond numbers and standard measurements of success. We know from countless personal testimonies and stories of healing, that what occurs here at Camp has a profound ripple effect that is unmeasurable and invaluable. That is WHY the idea to build the “American Le“Surround yourself with gion Family Cabin” is so inspiring. good people and they will When great organizations come lift you up!” together, there is no telling what can be accomplished. Last winter we proposed the idea of the OUR MISSION “American Legion Family CabHelping To Heal - those who served, continue to serve, in” and right from the start the and their families, through enthusiasm began to ignite. The idea was this… build a cabin Wisconsin’s Northwoods that is fitting for Camp. One that Experience shares the healing elements of the Northwoods experience and OUR VISION fits into a modest budget. Build a Giving Wisconsin cabin that will serve Wisconsin veterans and their famiVeterans the pathway lies with a focus on healing to quality of life for the Families of the Fallen. What makes this project OUR VALUES even more special is that it Honor and Stewardship will be done in collaborative effort within our American To learn more about the Legion Family. The project mission of Camp American involves The American Legion, American Legion AuxLegion or to get involved with answering the call, visit iliary, American Legion Riders, Sons of the American Legion (especially Squadron or find us on Facebook. 355 Grafton), Wisconsin
Forty and Eight, and funds raised from Commander Frank’s “Legacy 100 Ride”. This combined effort will provide the funding for the construction of the cabin and will continue to enhance strong relationships between each organization showing unity through a common cause and purpose. This is Legion Proud! The Cabin Location Promotes Healing… It is located in close proximity to our main Campus allowing easy access to activities, meals, and services. The driveway leading to the building location is flat, allowing guests with mobility issues to have safe access. The building location offers everything that (as stated in our mission statement) you would expect with the “Northwoods Experience”. The building site is located on the quiet shores of Little Lake Tomahawk on the southern end
LIT Donates To WI American Legion
The Wisconsin American Legion partners with Legionnaire Insurance Trust to provide program benefits put in place to protect veterans and their families. Recently, AGIA/LIT switched underwriting companies (now Securian) which allowed for AGIA/LIT to give back a much larger (one time) donation to our Department to the sum of $159,969.42. LIT continues to look for innovative ways to serve our members. Department Adjutant Amber Nikolai has participated in sessions Amber Nikolai, Department Wisconsin Adjutant, accepts donation from LIT. with AGIA/LIT to explore, identify and enhance programs plans specifically designed to protect our that will help educate our members and American veterans. Over the years, LIT assist them through difficult times. has returned $100 Million dollars back to Founded in 1965, the non-profit LeLegion Departments. These allocations gionnaire Insurance Trust is comprised have helped pay for things like salaries of 50 Departments of The American for Service Officers at the VA to assist Legion representing some 1.5 million members with claims and has provided members. Their mission is to take care funding for Veterans Affairs and Rehaof you and your fellow Legionnaires with bilitation.
of the Minocqua Chain of Lakes. The lot is wooded with beautiful mature trees and overlooking views of the lake. It is a short and safe walk over to our Nature trail system and Lake McGrath. Our guests will have the opportunity to enjoy fishing, kayaking, hiking or just relaxing in the quiet privacy that this off-campus location offers. For our Families of the Fallen, this is truly a location to find healing and serenity through the Northwoods Experience. The Cabin Design… This is a 980 Square Foot, two (2) bedroom cabin featuring a full kitchen, full bath, enclosed foyer, open concept living room (providing additional sleeping space), an attached three season sunroom and outdoor deck overlooking Little Lake Tomahawk. The design encourages social gatherings with a modern rustic appeal. The sunroom will provide
a quiet space for privacy and reflection while taking in the healing aspects of the Northwoods environment. There are existing lot enhancements from the former Cabin 22 that was demolished in the fall of 2018. The Cabin 22 sponsor (Sons of the American Legion Squadron 355) has done a fantastic job providing safe attractive lake access with gradual steps that lead down to a new high quality dock system. Please join Commander Frank for the “Legacy 100 Ride”, July 14-17, 2019. All proceeds from the ride will go to the American Legion Family Cabin project. To find more information on how to support this project visit https:// legacy-100-ride. The 2019 Camp season opener is quickly approaching. We look forward to seeing you soon! Don Grundy, Camp Director
Legionnaire Benefits As a Member of the Legion Family, You Know How Important It Is to Help Protect Those in Need ...
Now We Can Help The LIT Plans can help with • Hospital HELP Plan • Cancer Care • Accidental Death Protection • On-The-Move Travel Accident • Emergency Assistance Plus
• Medicare Supplement Insurance • Health Insurance • Dental Insurance • Long-Term Care • Lifeline Medical Alert Service
Endorsed By Your American Legion Department ●
Hospital HELP Plan — Provides benefits for hospital stays including intensive care, cardiac care, care for cancer, rehabilitative facilities, and V.A. hospitals.*
Cancer Care — Provides important protection and a daily benefit if you are hospitalized due to cancer.* ● Accidental Death — Helps provide financial protection for you and your family. Up to $5,000.00 ●
LegionCare AD coverage at no cost to Legionnaires is available: (activation required).* You can also purchase additional Accident coverage up to $100,000.00.
On-The-Move Travel Accident — Provides up to $200,000.00 coverage when fatally injured in a
Emergency Assistance Plus — Provides you with 24/7 emergency medical and travel assistance
covered accident while traveling, plus $500.00 per day if a covered accident lands you in the hospital.*
services should something happen to you or your family while traveling away from home.
Supplement Insurance — Supplements your Medicare Coverage at group rates. Health & Dental Insurance — Request a quote on various Health & Dental Insurance Plans
● Medicare ●
designed with you in mind.
Long-Term Care — Can help provide home health care, supervised adult care, and more. ● Lifeline Medical Alert Service — Provides fast access to help in the event of a fall or medical ●
emergency so you can live confidently and independently.
To Learn More and Enroll, Visit For Questions Call 1-800-235-6943 0618 520239
*The Accidental Death, Cancer Care, Hospital Help Plan, and On-The-Move Accident Insurance Plans are underwritten by Securian Life Insurance Company, St. Paul, MN. Plans may not be available in all states. These policies contain limitations and exclusions. Please visit to review plan details.
©2019 AGIA
2019 DEPARTMENT CONVENTION ALTERNATE HOTELS LISTING The host hotel is the Madison Marriott West. There is a block of rooms available for those outside the call-in list. A separate block of rooms for the call-in list will be held until May 13, 2019, at which time any unused rooms will be opened to the entire Legion family outside of this list.
Listed are current rates and subject to change: Hilton Garden Inn 1801 Deming Way Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 831-2220 ($107.00)
Staybridge Suites 7790 Elmwood Ave. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 664-5888 ($108.00)
Country Inn & Suites 2212 Deming Way Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 831-6970 ($119.00)
Hampton Inn & Suites 483 Commerce Dr. Madison, WI 53719 (608) 271-0200 ($89.00)
Fairfield Inn & Suites 8212 Greenway Blvd. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 831-1400 ($119.00)
Radisson Hotel 517 Grand Canyon Dr. Madison, WI 53719 (608) 833-0100 ($97.00)
Colonial Motel 3001 Parmenter St. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 836-1131 ($75.00)
Baymont Inn & Suites 8102 Excelsior Dr. Middleton, WI 53717 (608) 616-4527 ($90.00)
DEPARTMENT DEADLINES June 1 CPR Submittal, Award Application Submittals, Children & Youth Report, County Commander OTY, Post Honor Guard, Americanism Awards, Post Chaplain Award June 8 Samsung Scholarship Deadline June 14 Historian Books July 15 Baseball Scholarship Applications
MAY 23, 2019
Department Convention Speakers Announced
Continued from page 1
County Police Department after twenty-six years of service and began a second career as a law enforcement services coordinator for the Regional Organized Crime Information Center of the Regional Information Sharing Systems Program, a congressionally funded law enforcement investigative assistance program of the U.S. Department of Justice. He holds
a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice from Virginia’s Bluefield College. Reistad’s Legion membership eligibility is through his honorable Vietnam War-era service (1974-78) as an activeduty U.S. Army infantryman, where he served with the Presidential Salute Battery of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) at historic Fort Myer, Va. He participated
in the Inaugural ceremony for President Carter and other highprofile ceremonies. He has since been honored as a Distinguished Member of the Regiment. His wife, Jessica, and his family, are proud members of The American Legion Family. His theme as national commander is “Celebrating Our Legacy,” with special emphasis on the organization’s centennial.
2019 Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Winners
The Wisconsin American Legion awarded $1,000 scholarships to the following students: Rachel Hicks, a 2017 Portage High School graduate. Hicks participated in Badger Girls State, assisted at the State Oratorical competition and is a student at Ripon College pursuing a double major in Elementary Education and History.
Mason Parkhurst, a Senior at Logan High School in La Crosse. Parkhurst participated in the La Crosse County Youth Government Day Program and will attend U.W.-Madison, pursuing a major in Pharmacy. Amberlee Webster, a Senior at New Berlin High School. Webster participated in Badger Girls
Games Open for Registration
As part of the Celebration of Freedom, gather up your fittest, most enthusiastic, and serious athletes OR anyone just ready to have a little fun! All ages (little ones too) are encouraged to take part in the Corn Hole or Kickball tournaments to be held on Saturday, September 7. Posts, Counties, Dis-
tricts – Let’s see who has the skill to take them all the way to victory. Corn Hole are teams of 2. PDC Ken Rynes is our organizer, so you know it will be fun. Portage Little League is running the Kickball tournament with 9-11 members per team. Both tournaments are open to all ages. Registration forms are available at or call headquarters at 1-608-745-1090 and we will make sure you receive one.
State and will attend U.W.-Madison, pursuing a major in Spanish. Recipients were selected based on their moral character, scholastic excellence, participation and accomplishment in American Legion affiliated activities, and their personality, leadership, and participation in general extra-curricular activities.
Can you imagine receiving that phone call? Someone will win and it could be you. Watch your mail in early May for The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin sweepstakes entry form. Top prize is $20,000. The drawing takes place on July 20 at the State Convention.
Vendor and Sponsor Opportunities Available If you would like to be a vendor or sponsor for the Celebration of Freedom event September 4-8, 2019, please visit the Celebration of Freedom website for details:
Event proceeds support The American Legion Foundation, Department of Wisconsin.
S.A.L Summer Celebration Tour (with a little bit of work sprinkled in)
Hello from the Sons of The American Legion National Executive Committee (N.E.C) Spring Meetings in Indianapolis, IN. This is the first “stop” of our 2019 Summer Celebration Tour; but this one starts with a little work. We have been here for less than 24 hours and have learned a LOT about what is going on at the National level. At the Membership Training and Development Committee meeting we learned about efforts to update/upgrade the Chaplain and N.E.C. Training Programs; they should be ready to use for the Fall N.E.C. The Children and Youth Committee meeting shared plans to help all of us educate others on all our great S.A.L. and Legion Family programs. At the Americanism Committee meeting we heard about an effort to update/revitalize the 5 Star and 10 Ideal Pro-
grams; this is a great program to engage and educate our younger Squadron Members. This afternoon two of us will be attending the National Management Institute Training Program. Then we are all attending the Saturday afternoon N.E.C. session. We will finish Saturday night out with some team building and networking. Tomorrow morning is the Sunday N.E.C. Session which will close out this quick weekend “stop” in Indy. To get ready for the next “stop” we need everyone’s help. We need to know all that you are doing so we can celebrate all that great work at State Convention. So please make sure you are sending in your Consolidated Report Forms. Also, please remember to send in Squadron Information Forms and any Special Award Nominations your squadron or
district would like to make. All these forms are available at www. and are due to State Headquarters by June 1st. In July is our next official “stop”; that is our State Convention in Middleton, WI. This is a time to celebrate all the great work and efforts which you shared through your Consolidated Reports and hand out all those special awards. We are looking forward to celebrating with everyone who is able to attend Convention. Our August “stop” is the 2019 National Convention in Indianapolis. Another opportunity to share and celebrate all the great things the Wisconsin Sons of The American Legion are doing. From that stop we quickly move to the American Legion 100th Year Birthday Celebration in Portage, WI. And while the summer may be about to end at
Wisconsin S.A.L. members attend Spring NEC meetings. Left to Right: Kelly Powers (S.A.L. Detachment Alternate N.E.C. Member), David Faust (Detachment Adjutant), Michael Lawler (Detachment Judge Advocate), Allen Watry (Detachment Vice Commander), Chris Sherman (Detachment Commander)
that point, we still have two more “stops” on the 2019 Tour. In October, we will have our Fall D.E.C followed by another trip to Indianapolis for the Fall N.E.C. Meetings. Well, unfortunately our lunch break is over, time to start a busy long for now, but before we go, THANK YOU for all you do for The American Legion Family, our country’s active military, our country’s veterans, and their families. We look forward to working and celebrating with each of you this summer!
MAY 23, 2019
American Legion Baseball
Nearly 200 teams throughout the state have registered for Wisconsin American Legion Baseball. New teams may still register until June 1 at IMPORTANT DATES Form 2s for each player must be received at Department Headquarters prior to the team’s first game. Any team that fails to comply will not be able to participate in tournament play. June 1: Deadline for New
Teams to Register June 21: All Star Nomination Forms Due June 25: Team Rosters Completed Online June 27: Baseball Association Meeting, Legion Headquarters, 9:00 a.m. July 15: Baseball Scholarship Applications Due American Legion Baseball now offers online education and certification courses in cooperation and partnership with USA Baseball. Visit www.americanlegion. education for more information.
Agriculture Opportunities for Veterans
Richard Brye, a Vietnam veteran and member of Post 116 located in Coon Valley, Wisconsin, serves on an advisory council helping to connect veterans with jobs in agriculture. He is part of a pilot project with the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital in Madison. The Madison VA hospital received a grant through the Veterans Affairs Office of Rural
Save the Date: The Weekender
Develop leadership skills, increase your Legion knowledge and learn effective methods to enhance the quality of programs and post operations at the Wisconsin American Legion College. Basic, Intermediate and Advance courses are offered throughout the year. The Weekender offers you the opportunity to complete all three levels in one long weekend! River Falls Post 121 will host the event June 21-23. Classes run each day from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Online registration is available at: https://www. or complete the registration form and mail to Department Headquarters in Portage.
Richard Brye, Vietnam Veteran and Legion member, conducting soil tests on Brye family Certified Organic farm near Coon Valley. Brye notes that being outdoors, working with animals or in a garden, has been an effective therapy alternative for Veterans dealing with Post Traumatic Stress.
Health to create a training program for veterans who want to work in agriculture or food systems. “Farmers and veterans share a strong work ethic and many find the ability to work more independently in an outdoor setting to be therapeutic,” explains Denise Chapin, Therapeutic and Supported Employment Services program manager at the Madison VA. Veterans may choose from two types of training programs: a twoyear certificate program through the UW-Madison Farm and Industry Short Course, in partnership with the UW Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems; or a technical diploma program through Madison College. Part of the training program includes mentorship and hands-on experience on a farm or with an agribusiness. Brye is retired, but still helps to oversee his organic-certified farm. He volunteered to be a part of the advisory council because he sees the benefits first hand on how agricultural experiences can be therapeutic. Farmers interested in
becoming a training partner do not need to be a veteran, however, he encourages those who are veterans to Denise Chapin, MS, reach out to CRC; TSES Program those who Manager; Veterans Affairs may benefit from this experience. Host farms must be within a 90 minute drive from Madison, but exceptions may be made for the right fit. If you are interested in learning more about this program as a host or a participant (must be eligible for VA healthcare at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital), call 608-256-1901 and speak with Denise Chapin (ext. 16431) or Amy Ferkey (ext. 16433), or via email
3rd Annual PTSD Run for Recovery Held in Village of Crivitz Netzel-Zenz Post #413, Crivitz, WI, will hold its 3rd Annual PTSD Run for Recovery on Saturday, June 29, 2019, in the Village of Crivitz. The event is the initiative of Natasha Hanson, past post commander and a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Hanson came up with the idea in late 2016 as a way to raise money for organizations that treat veterans affected by PTSD. The first two events raised over $6,000 which was donated
to four organizations; the Green Bay Vet’s Center, Journey Together Service Dogs, Moonlit Meadows Performance Horses, and Healing Warrior Hearts. This year’s recipients are Dry Hootch and the Captain John D. Mason Veteran Peer Group Program. Both organizations are from Milwaukee, however, Dry Hootch will be opening a facility in Crivitz, which will be known as Veterans’ Village. The main event is a 5K run and a 1-mile walk. Other activ-
ities include a military equipment display by the Wisconsin Army National Guard from Marinette, a Kid’s Fun Run, an information table by the Green Bay Vet’s Center, horses from Moonlit Meadows, and plenty of raffle items. American flags will be sold during the event so that people can proudly display
the nation’s colors on the 4th of July. To register for the event, go to the post website https://www. event or contact Natasha Hanson at 715-475-8889, e-mail or Bob Kleba, 715-938-2049, e-mail
The Last
1 Germantown Darrell Brown V 8 Waukesha Ronald Frederick V 9 Wisconsin Rapids Jeanne Groskopf II 10 Wausau Gay Baganz K 11 Green Bay Michael DeGroot V Harold Holschuh K Dennis O'Connor V Bernabe Quintanilla V 13 Richland Center Marvin Hewuse V 17 Arcadia Richard Feuling K Richard Pampuch V Luke Pientok K Richard Sonsalla V David Pietruszynski V Ruben Pusch K 27 South Milwaukee Melroy Stolpa V 33 Neenah Franklin Wilms V 36 West Bend Derry Wagner II 41 Kaukauna Richard Herriot G/L 44 Wabeno Dale Greenwood K Eugene Otto II 47 Portage John McMahon II 52 La Crosse Peter Groves V Frank Hefti V Frank Johnson V Thomas Kleven K Elmer Mickelson II Terry Ziemann K 53 Eau Claire Daniel Degeneffe K Robert Gadwill V Lewis Mallow II Roy Robertson II 62 Columbus Clyde Purvis V 77 Chippewa Falls Thomas Walsh II 79 Burlington Don Fescenmeyer V 80 New Richmond Val Jackelen K 81 Mauston Leo Hamm K Vernon Hanson II Frank Robertson K 88 Manitowoc Harry Meihsner II Harris Schlies K 91 Oconomowoc Ronald Lillge V 93 Tomahawk Dean Berghammer II Lloyd Isaacson K 95 Delavan David Marshall K William McBride V Gerald Rowland V
3/18/19 4/8/19 4/20/19 3/31/19 4/3/19 4/4/19 4/29/19 4/24/19 5/3/19 12/4/18 3/14/19 12/27/18 2/10/19 3/11/19 4/13/19 4/4/19 4/7/19 2/7/19 4/26/19 4/9/19 4/6/19 4/27/19 1/25/19 2/23/19 2/17/19 2/21/19 3/25/19 3/19/19 4/26/19 5/8/19 5/4/19 4/29/19 3/31/19 4/1/19 3/29/19 3/31/19 4/25/19 3/30/19 4/20/19 4/13/19 4/14/19 3/15/19 4/8/19 4/15/19 5/7/19 2/21/19 4/16/19
106 Seymour Kenneth Ganzel K Edward Simon K 113 Mt Horeb Elwin Bendickson II Kenneth Miller K Max Oleson P 118 Thorp Richard Langiewicz K 121 River Falls Eldon Bader K 148 Bloomington Laverne Crubel K Lloyd Frank K 149 Sheboygan Falls Marvin Fischer K Edgar Kuhlow II John Lumbrazo II 150 Wausaukee David Collier V 151 Madison Allen Lang V Richard Patronsky II William Paul II 155 Westby Roger Jaeger K Edward Rebhahn V 157 Horicon Norris Olson II 159 Cadott Rudy Kure V Kenneth Mitchell II 169 Amery Walter Boerum K Lawrence Phillipson II 171 Union Grove Michael Dembowski II 173 Whitewater Irving Reinke K 180 Milwaukee Gerald Knepper K Bernard Szpek II 183 Genoa City John Falconer II 200 Black River Falls Robert Shuler K 201 Tomah Larry Baribeau V Ralph Cox K 205 Janesville William Kerr V Robert Patterson K Alvin Stenli V 208 Rio Alvin Benzine II 220 Soldiers Grove Phillip Larson V Ernest Rayner V 224 Alma Ken Salemi V 227 Spring Valley Arnold Brorson K 230 DePere James Cornell II Edward Orton II 233 Waterloo Lloyd Quamme II 239 Tigerton James Wickersheim V 242 LaValle Daniel Mueller V 243 Plymouth Eugene Blindauer K 245 Cross Plains Thomas Stout V 258 Little Chute John Jansen II 262 Luxemburg Lyle Tielens K 263 New London Harold Muskevitsch V 265 Darboy Charles Keller II 270 Theresa Donald Huberty K Victor Lucas K
5/7/19 5/4/19 1/12/19 4/18/19 4/30/19 3/30/19 4/10/19 5/2/19 4/6/19 4/13/19 4/10/19 3/30/19 5/3/19 5/3/18 3/7/19 11/4/18 3/20/19 4/11/19 2/22/18 3/22/19 2/5/19 4/16/18 10/1/18 4/3/19 3/2/19 3/12/19 4/3/19 4/1/19 3/21/19
280 Coleman Robert Schroth V 288 Cedarburg Dwight Shanks II 295 Bloomer Vern Verkuilen K 299 Hales Corners Gerald Zebrick K 308 Gays Mills Adolph Stevenson II 310 Racine Thomas Philbin V 317 Wautoma Elmer Janka II 318 Lake Tomahawk Elmer Payne II 325 Goodman Terry Flannery V 330 Wilson Virgil Larson K 336 Onalaska Robert Boomer II Robert Freson K Steven Haugen V Stanley Olson V James Schauls V 337 Pulaski Ronald White G/L 339 Almond Laurin Reader II 350 Reedsburg Edward Brooks V Donald Gardner V 355 Grafton Stanley McDowell II 364 Winneconne William Rogers K 372 Forestville James Heintzkill V 375 Mukwonago Edwin Hannig II Ralph Helm K Kenneth Ludwig K Roland Ransom V
3/28/19 3/23/19 4/19/19 1/24/19 4/16/19 4/14/19 4/13/19 3/20/19 10/1/18 2/18/19 3/3/19 3/17/19 3/25/19 4/23/19 4/1/19 4/12/19 4/10/18 4/23/19 4/22/19 4/25/19 3/30/19 4/19/19 2/8/19 1/1/19 4/8/19 12/28/18
385 Verona Wilbur Zemlicka K 3/7/19 393 Edgar Charles Luther K 4/22/19 Jack Ortman K 4/18/19 395 Kingston Duwane Walker K 2/27/19 402 Washington Island Glen Brolander II 3/15/14 Jacob Ellefson II 2/25/19 Richard Ellefson II 6/30/16 Theodore Hansen K 10/24/16 Kenneth Henning II 2/27/15 Donald Johnson II 6/17/15 Donald Kieffer II 9/4/12 Arleigh Overly II 3/27/12 Richard Sheehy II 3/6/15 410 Fredonia Robert Weyker V 4/11/19 413 Crivitz Richard Matty II 4/22/19 431 Three Lakes Donald Reed K 4/30/19 436 Wrightstown Gerald Schroeder II 4/4/19 437 Mazomanie William Meili V 4/24/19 440 Clinton William Pace K 5/4/19 449 Brookfield Richard Eichstedt II 4/4/19 John Hammel II 4/28/19 Arvis Kraetsch II 4/7/19 John Naylor K 4/21/19 Chester Piskula II 3/24/19 Robert Radtke II/K 5/5/19 Elmer Schwalbach II 4/3/19 453 Belmont Charles Heins V 2/18/19 William Kamps V 3/28/19 454 Mt Calvary Jeffrey Dowland V 4/13/19 Wilbert Kraus II 3/27/19
SEPTEMBER MAY 23, 25, 2019 2014 471 Hatley Robert Zoromski 474 Milwaukee Roger Chapman Louis Goodstein June Grimm Roy Grimm Ivars Veldre 481 Madison Beryl Pullen William Stephens 487 Cable Donald Henderson Sam Moore 499 Gordon Donald Budnick David Janke William Newsome Leland Persells Harold Stensland Ronald Tuverson Gary Williams 501 Madison Stanley Allen Paul Grindrod Michael Jensen Stony Stondall 518 Green Bay Rodney Reuss 520 Vesper Theodore Boschma 521 Fox Lake Charles Gove 534 McFarland Dennis Bailey Steven Dunlavy Donald Ellis Donald Haugen Frank Kivett Allan Thompson 538 Carlton David Browne 2930 Department Jamie Rueda
10/11/17 9/30/16 9/1/16 4/17/19 12/1/18
4/29/19 5/3/19
2/11/19 3/19/19
4/1/19 1/1/18 3/4/19 4/4/19 4/4/19 4/8/19 4/5/19
4/1/19 4/2/19 4/23/19 3/20/19
6/5/18 11/23/18 2/24/19 1/16/19 11/21/18 9/9/18
4/7/19 4/10/19 2/19/19 4/7/18 8/12/18 4/20/19 4/10/19 4/26/19 3/11/19 4/15/19 3/26/19 4/29/18 5/2/19 5/2/19 3/31/19 4/28/19 4/17/19
AMERICAN LEGION STATE GOLF SCRAMBLE September 14, 2019 Marshfield Country Club
Open to American Legion Family & Friends, Legionnaires, Auxiliary & SAL 10 AM Tee Time • $80 Per Golfer Includes 18 holes, cart, turnaround burger/brat, chips & soda at noon and banquet ticket. Extra dinner tickets available at $25 Host Post: Marshfield American Legion Post 54 Mike Feirer, Event Chairman - Post/Unit/SAL/Riders Chapter No. _______ (circle your group) Team Captain:___________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________________________________
Team Email Contact:______________________________________________________________
4/17/19 3/1/19 5/1/19 5/5/19
2._____________________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________________________________________ Two Legion Family member golfers and two Non-Legion golfers Print Name & Card Number Make checks payable to: Legion Post 54 • Send completed form and check to: Marshfield American Legion Post 54 Golf Outing • PO Box 54 • Marshfield, WI 54449
MAY 23, 2019
Legacy 100 Ride, Ashland to Middleton
LEGACY 100 RIDE TO CONVENTION SCHEDULED FOR JULY 2019 Join other American Legion Riders, July 14-17, as they ride to the 101st14-17, Department Convention while raising money for the American Legion Family Cabin, serving Gold Star Families and more. The snow has melted for most of us. I hear Commander
is almost cleaning up from Ashland’s The Kostka Legacy 100 Ride kicksfinished off in Ashland, traveling to tourist hot spot Hayward, River Falls, Gilmanton, Black several inch snowfall on May 9. IT’S TIME TO RIDE! Join Riverother Falls and ending the day atRiders, Ho-Chunk Casino. Dayas2,they American American Legion July 14-17, ride Legion Riders will travel through Wisto Rapids the 101st Department while raising money consin to Coloma for a stopConvention at the Post 139 training center. After a quick tour of the facility, it’s on for the American Legion Family Cabin, serving Gold Star to Princeton for lunch before reaching Portage. Enjoy visiting the state headquarters, meet the staff and Legac Families and more. tour the museum. Day 3 travels through Reedsburg and Spring Green with a lunch stop at Barneveld. It is thenDay on to1: Mt. Ashland, Horeb to dedicate their veteran’s memorial. last leg is a short rideother to Department Con- Riders, July Join American Legion Hayward, River Falls, The Gilmanton, Black River Falls, ing money for the American Legion Fam in Middleton Ho-Chunk Casino/Baraboo vention for a picnic.
Veterans Memorial In honor of Memorial Day, Walter H. Hurt asked to share the following song that he wrote in 1999. He a member of Post 295 in Bloomer.
Legacy 100 Ride kicks off in Ashlan Day 2: for Wisconsin PostFamily 139 training center, All donations the Legacy 100Rapids, Ride go to Coloma the American– Legion Cabin andThe are tax deductible River Falls and ending the day at Ho-Ch Princeton, Portage through the American Legion Foundation (501 c 3). The American Legion, through the American Legion consin Rapids to Coloma for a stop at t Day 3: atReedsburg, Spring Green, Barneveld, Mt.Star Horeb, Family Cabin Camp American Legion, is working to ensure that our Gold Families and others, have a reaching to Princeton for lunch before Convention place to heal and reconnect. - Middleton tour the museum. Day 3 travels throu
On Memorial Day and the 4th of July, I always stop by our local cemetery to pay my respects. When I saw this lady kneeling down, with her head and shoulders bowed way down. Then she took a flag, and placed it upon this grave, And said “for love of God and Country, your life you gave”. And I planted these pretty flowers upon your grave, For all of the love that to me you gave. Then she reached way down into her pocket, And pulled out some old faded letters and a picture of a locket. She said, “I’ve read these old letters over a thousand times, And each time they give me a little piece of mind.”
Ride Registration Form (This is registration only. Release forms will be filled out at the Pre-Ride meeting on Sunday, July 14, 2019.)
Address: City:
Now it’s time I’ve got to be heading home, But with all your lovely memories, I’ll never be alone. Now it’s time I’ve got to be heading home, But with all your lovely memories, I’ll never be alone. - Walter H. Hurt
_ State: _____Zip:
$50.00 $35.00 $ $
Make check payable to American Legion Riders. Check # ___________ OR If you wish to pay with a credit card, you can register online at: (A small convenience fee
will apply.)
Send to: Ann Rynes; 1051 E Haseltine St.; Richland Center, WI 53581 or
Timothy Davis, Wisconsin’s representative at the National Oratorical Contest, advanced to the semifinals, placing him in the top 9 out of 53 competitors. $138,000 in scholarship money was awarded to competitors in The American Legion National Oratorical Contest April 4-5, 2019, held in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Photo: Oratorical Chairman, Robert Stone and stands with the 2019 Wisconsin contestant Timothy Davis at the National Contest in Indianapolis, IN.
_ ________
Operator Passenger Donation Total Enclosed:
That special letter you sent me at Thanksgiving time, Saying you always thank Jesus that you were mine. And those lovely presents you sent at Christmas time, with that very special note. “To always keep Christ in Christmas—and I’ll always love you”—you wrote.
then on to Mt. Horeb to dedicate their vention Middleton for a picnic. Ride Donation OnlyinForm
March 28, 1919: Stars and Stripes publishes first story in which “The American Legion” is named as an organization of wartime veterans. “No one can lay claim to originating the idea of a veterans’ association because it was a consensus among the men of the armed forces of our nation…It was the result of what might be called the ‘spontaneous opinion’ of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, caused by a fusing together in a common bond of the various elements of the service, just as spontaneous combustion is brought about by the joint action of certain chemical elements.” -George S. Wheat, “The Birth of the Legion,” 1919, G.P. Putnam’s Sons
All donations for the Legacy 100 Ride g _______ through the American Legion Foundati Family Cabin at Camp American Legion ______________ place to heal and reconnect.
Name: Phone: Address: City:
Form State: _____Zip: Ride Registration _
(This is registration only. Release forms will be ________ Pre-Ride meeting on Sunday, July 14,
Total Enclosed: $
Make check payable to American Legion Foundation. Phone: Please note on your check that it is for the Legacy 100 Ride.
Check # ___________ OR
State: _____Zip:
Name on Card _______________________________ Email:
Card Type ___________________________________ Operator
$50.00 Passenger $35.00 Card # ______________________________________ Donation $ Exp. Date __________________ Total Sec. Code _________ $ Enclosed:
Make check payable to American Le
Send to: American LegionCheck Foundation; # ___________ OR If you wish to card, youWI can53901 register Legacy 100 Ride; P.O. Boxcredit 827; Portage, or online at: . (A small co will apply.)
Send to: Ann Rynes; 1051 E Haseltine Richland Center, WI 53581 or annies@
IF . . .
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*This is only an outline of the plans services. Please review your Member Guide carefully. American Legion EA+ is not insurance. Department © 2018 Worldwide Rescue & Security 43262