December 2012 Edition of the Wisconsin

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December 13, 2012

PRESIDENTÕS MESSAGE ItÕs hard to believe that the holidays are right around the corner. The snow flurries and suddenly cold temperaDiana Sirovina tures confirm Department that we are enPresident tering the busiest time of the year. We all have so many things going on, shopping, decorating, baking, cooking, and so much more. It is really easy to get so wrapped up in holiday preparations that we forget everything else going on around us.

I hope that in all the holiday frenzy, you will take time to remember that our Auxiliary work is important, too. We still need to work hard on membership and all of our projects need to continue. Our veterans still need our help. The families of our deployed service personnel need our support. The homeless veterans need our donations to make their lives better. And, the men and women serving in the armed forces all over the world need our prayers. So, please find time in your busy schedules to continue all the good things you do for our veterans, active duty military and their families. You

really do make a difference in the lives of these people. As 2012 draws to a close, it is only natural that we reflect on all we have experienced during the past year. The Auxiliary can be very proud of the wonderful things it has accomplished. I hope that remembering all those things will serve as an inspiration for even greater things for 2013. Let us recommit ourselves to our mission and to working together as the Legion Family. Wishing you all the beauty and joy of the Holiday Season and a very Happy New Year. Happy Holidays! Diana Sirovina Department President

MEMBERSHIP Ann Rynes Dept Membership Chairman Ph: (608) 604-0350 Email: It seems like the year is flying by! Here we are already through Thanksgiving, coming up on Christmas and looking at 2013! How are your membership numbers? Are you already at 100%? Are you struggling? Please reach out to any of the Membership Team if you want an extra hand, after all we are Your Membership Team! How about social media? Have you chosen to utilize any of these means? Facebook and Twitter are the most popular for keeping up with people and events, but donÕt forget about picture sites such as Flicker or Photobucket for uploading albums from your events. You can set up albums and let your members know to post any photos from your events there for everyone to see! If you are looking to go a step further, your Executive Board could make use of an online ÒgroupÓ for quick meetings or to vote on topics. While a meeting in person is always preferred, sometimes itÕs hard to get multiple schedules to line up Ð so take advantage of another easy online

tool. Google and Yahoo both have options to set up groups and invite members to it. You can then Òhave a meetingÓ online at everyoneÕs convenience and not have to delay an important meeting or vote. Make sure your Unit Bylaws allow for online voting or amend them if necessary. As of this printing we still have several Units that have not turned in any memberships. This time of year is always full of chores to be done, but please take a moment to contact those members you have not heard from and remind them why they joined this great organization. Sometimes that extra contact also helps remind our members that we care about each and every one of them! It can be hard to reach beyond the numbers game in membership sometimes, but calling or emailing members who havenÕt paid to wish them a Merry Christmas is a wonderful way to show them we know they are there, and that we care. The next membership goal set by National President Peggy Thomas is to be 70% by ValentineÕs Day. How close is your Unit? Remember to look for all possible eligible members. There is no age limit, and they are never too young to sign up! In fact, I

think we all enjoy seeing the little ladies and toddlers at our events! And please, always remember the membership goal: ÒBy demonstrating Service Not Self and engaging members in meaningful mission delivery, the American Legion Auxiliary will retain current members and attract new members.Ó Service Not SelfÉ it is not about you, it is about the Veterans and their families and accomplishing our goals to help them! Remember to keep up with President DianaÕs travels and follow her blog! http://presidentdiana2013. And keep up with the Department and National organization on facebook Ð look for ÒAmerican Legion Auxiliary Department of WisconsinÓ and ÒAmerican Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters.Ó On behalf of the membership team, we thank you and wish each of you a Happy New Year! YOUR TEAM: Ann Rynes, 608-604-0350,; Berne Baer, 920-680-0308,; April Kollmorgen, 360-362-2803,


2013 1st - 79.85%

2nd - 78.39%

6th District

2nd District

3rd - 77.60%

4th - 76.74%

3rd District

1st District

5th - 74.26% 6th - 72.80%

9th District

8th District

7th - 71.89% 8th - 71.38%

12th District

7th District

9th - 70.52% 10th - 70.44%

10th District

11th District

12th - 49.85%

11th - 70.23% 4th District

5th District


Total Membership: 74.11%

The Staff at Department Headquarters wishes everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! –Bonnie, Linda, Carrie & Andrea

Happy Holidays



Bonnie Jakubczyk Department Chaplain Music Chairman Ph: (414) 764-6752 Email:

This month please take some time to reflect on Pearl Harbor. It is a time to focus on giving rather than receiving. As the year comes to an end, remember to continue to help our Veterans and their families.

PRAYER Heavenly Father, we ask for special blessings for our service men and women who are away from their families this Holiday Season. We give thanks for our American Legion family. As Angels we ask for a spirit of kindness, goodwill, and charity. May we be joined together to work on our mission of service to our God and Country. In this we pray. Amen


Now is the time for all of us angels to sing or hum for peace on earth and goodwill towards men with this song. IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR Words by Edmund H. Sears (1849), Music by Richard Storrs Willis (1859) It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, To touch their harps of gold: ÒPeace on the earth goodwill to men From heavens all gracious King!Ó The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. Still through the cloven skies they come, With peaceful wings unfurled; And still their heavenly music floats OÕer all the weary world: Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hovering wing, And ever oÕer its Babel sounds The blessed angels sing. And ye, beneath lifeÕs crushing load, Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way With painful steps and slow; Look now, for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing; Oh rest beside the weary road And hear the angels sing. For lo! the days are hastening on, By prophets seen of old, When with the ever-circling years Shall come the time foretold, When the new heaven and earth shall own The Prince of Peace, their King, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing. Thanks to our freedom we can choose our religion and wish each other a Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Shalom! Habari Gani! SeasonÕs Greetings!


December 13, 2012

GREETINGS FROM HEADQUARTERS Bonnie Dorniak Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ph: (608) 745-0124 Email: If you plan to attend The American Legion Midwinter Conference, donÕt miss the Auxiliary Luncheon on Saturday, January 19th. Advance reservations ($15.00) are required by January 2nd. The registration form is available on the department website and page A3. In January, National Headquarters will mail renewal notices to anyone whose dues were not processed at Department by December 7th. If you paid your dues but receive a renewal notice, please verify with your Unit Membership Chairman that she forwarded your dues to Department. A member failing to pay annual dues by January 31st shall be classed as delinquent and suspended from all membership privileges -- which include voting on Unit business, holding office, receipt of member benefits and all other privileges of mem-

bership. (Note: Dues are not considered ÒpaidÓ until they have been processed by Department Headquarters.) Several members have inquired recently about life insurance benefits. The Auxiliary does not provide free life insurance with membership. However, anyone interested in purchasing a plan should contact Gallagher Benefit Services at 855-461-6500 to discuss special options available to Auxiliary members or visit (go to Join Now > Member Benefits) to learn about the greatly expanded array of new benefits. Department and National scholarship applications have been sent to Unit Presidents and Wisconsin high schools and are available online. If you know of any homeschoolers in your area, please inform them of our scholarship opportunities. American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State (ALABGS) session will be held at UW-Oshkosh June 16-21, 2013. Reservation forms have been sent to all Units. The $240 delegate fee is due by January

28, 2013. Wisconsin high schools have been notified to contact their local Auxiliary Unit so that every qualified girl who wants to attend ALABGS has the opportunity to do so. If your Unit has decided they can no longer participate in the Girls State program, please notify headquarters and your school immediately Ð before they start their selection process. Contest & Awards packets were mailed in early December. Please review these at your next Unit meeting. Also, donÕt forget to report every memberÕs activities on the Annual Impact Report, which was included in the November Unit mailing and is available on the Department website. These are your opportunities to be recognized for all your accomplishments! As we move into 2013, please remember our military service men and women who are serving abroad, continue to pray for their safe return, and support their families during their absence. Let there be peace on earthÉ

VETERANS AFFAIRS AND REHABILITATION Virginia Kodl VA&R Chairman Ph: (715) 669-5432 Email: Our job of taking care of our veterans has not changed. We still need to sponsor and participate in programs and services that assist and enhance the lives of our veterans and their families. We need to help them transition to normally functioning lives, including physical, mental, social and vocational need. Our first objective is to increase the number of Auxiliary members and community members who provide regular volunteer service to veterans and their families Ð not only at the VA Medical Centers, Veteran State Homes and Hospitals, but also in our community settings (Field Service) and from our homes (Home Service). The benefits are great: learning and

developing new skills, feeling needed and valued, awards, mentoring to make a difference, and making a difference in the lives of those who are served. LetÕs make sure that ÒNo Veteran Dies Alone.Ó The number of homeless veterans, especially women veterans and those with children is ever-increasing. Every VA Medical Center has a homeless coordinator. Call him or her and ask what you and your unit can do to help homeless veterans. Participate in stand down events. Develop a fundraising plan. The money raised can be used for emergency housing, personal care items, clothing (new underwear, socks and Tshirts are always needed), and food or cash contributions. Poppy funds can be used for homeless veterans. Homeless veterans are a priority of the VA, but we all know it takes funding and resources to end veteran home-

lessness. Your Legion Family can make a difference by making personal visits, sending emails and making phone calls to politicians and community leaders about your concern to see veteran homelessness ended in the next three years. The National Veterans Creative Arts Festival (NVCAF) is a week of learning, exploring fellowship and celebrating the healing power of the arts. Each dollar you raise helps a veteran in his or her quest for healing. Be creative in your fundraising. Use donation cans in both your Post home and in your community. Many Auxiliary programs support our returning service men and women: donations to the Fisher House, ÒSalute to Hospitalized VeteransÓ programs and ÒWelcome Home celebrations.Ó Continue all of your hard work through Home and Field Service.

JUNIOR ACTIVITIES Anna Rosemeyer Junior Activities Department Chairman Email: The juniors are off to a great start this year using President Diana SirovinaÕs theme ÒWorking Together for Our Veterans and Our Communities.Ó At the Fall Forum in Oconomowoc, the juniors held their fall meeting, attended informational sessions, and had a chance to get together and do some networking. The juniors from 8th District performed an awesome skit, ÒThe Wall,Ó during the opening session. District 3 & 7Ôs Membership rally had junior representation from both Districts. The girls participated in a Legislative skit

Thank You AllÉ

Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers, and cards on the passing of Dan’s mother, Dominee. -The Jakubczyk Family

and while working together with senior members, tied no-sew blankets for homeless women veterans, learned about Camo quilts, made cards to be placed in each of the camo quilts, folded pocket flags and added a special note to thank our Veterans. For ÒMake a Difference DayÓ two of our honorary junior officers from Unit 118 planted flower bulbs at the Douglas Legacy farm. Unit 6 made bags of candy with a card saying Òyou made a difference in our lives so we would like to make a difference in yoursÓ and tied them to the doors of every SAL member in Stevens Point. Our junior members really make a difference! Honorary Junior President Caitlyn Rose-

meyer spoke at the District 7 & 11 Fall Conferences, membership rally, and County meetings about membership and her special project, ÒThe Douglas Legacy farm.Ó Include your juniors in unit meetings and donÕt forget about the patch program. The many activities we do for the love of our veterans will count towards earning patches. Please let me know what your juniors have been doing so I can let others know and include them in my mid-year report in January. I am looking forward to hearing all the wonderful things our juniors have been doing for our Veterans! E-mail or send pictures to Keep up the great job, ladies! Thank you and God bless.

NATIONAL APPOINTMENTS NEC: Joan Chwala Alternate NEC: Florence Wasley Americanism Committee: Diane Duscheck (Chairman) Audit Committee: Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan (Liaison) Finance Committee: Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan (Vice Chairman) Legislative Committee: Loretta Shellman (Central Division Chairman)

Liaison to the Child Welfare Foundation Committee: Barbara Kranig (Vice Chairman) Membership Committee: Joan Chwala (Central Division Chairman) Advisory Committee: Pearl Behrend (Member) & Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan (Member) Long-Range Strategic Planning Committee: Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan (Chairman)

December 13, 2012


COMMUNITY SERVICE Sharon Zales Department Chairman Still Working Together for ÒWings of ServiceÓ Greetings fellow ÒWing WalkersÓ! Here we are almost half way through our Days of Service and I am so excited to know how you are helping veterans and their families with your service on those special days. We have finished ÒMake a Difference DayÓ which was October 27 and VeteranÕs Day which was, of course, November 11, and Pearl Harbor Day on December 7. I hope you are keeping track of what you did for those special days for your report due in May. We are now looking forward to Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service. How do

you plan to keep his dream alive? It is such a splendid dream and should be kept current. You can check for ideas on how to help. Some of the ways to help on these special days and, indeed on all days, are by sponsoring an event for homeless veterans, making assistance available to recently rehoused veterans and their families with career advice, babysitting or transportation. And donÕt forget to enlist the aid of your community in these projects. With Christmas nearly here, are there families that need help with gifts for the children or food for a nice Christmas dinner? Local businesses and churches are usually good re-

sources for assistance with these projects. Remember, if you donÕt ask, you donÕt know if they can or will help. Also remember to say thank you and include them in your annual report. This year they may also be recognized on a Department level. Ask your local veterans if there is a need that you might not be aware of. If you have ideas for projects that we have not mentioned but are needed in your community, please contact me so all the Wing Walkers can work together and pitch in to help. Together, Ladies, we can work miracles. Together we can earn our ÒWings of ServiceÓ and Soar with Angels. Thank you, Wing Walkers, for all you have done and all you will do.

American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State

Delores Woolf Executive Director Plans are underway for the June 16-21, 2013 session of American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State to be held on the UWOshkosh campus. Details have been mailed to Unit presidents or Girls State Chairmen. If your unit did not get a mailing, please notify Carrie Thrasher at Department Headquarters at 608-7450124. NOW is the time to contact the community groups that contribute towards the $240 delegate fee and request their help again. Deadline for reservation fees to reserve a spot for a delegate is January 28, 2013. Please contact your local high schools before Christmas to let them know how many delegates your unit will be sponsoring and to remind them that home-schooled students who live in the district should be considered as prospective delegates. When contacting the high school, take a Girls State brochure with you and identify a high school contact person for this project. Also tactfully request that your unit be included in making the final delegate selection with the high school. Registration mailings will be sent to the high schools in Feb-

ruary/March with the selection details as well as instructions for online registration. Again the unit should contact the high school to be sure they have received the mailing. Remind the high school that both the delegates and the alternates NEED TO REGISTER! In April the delegate and alternate contact information will be sent to the units. After registration, a list of orientation sessions will be published in The Wisconsin and posted on the website ( The orientation script will be posted but it is more beneficial for delegates to attend an orientation. Parents may attend in place of the delegate if there is a conflict. Other information (health form, publicity release form, Girls State Pledge, etc.) can also be found on the website. Anyone with health or dietary concerns or restrictions must contact me at 608-348-7403 or The website will also include travel directions and a list of what to bring. It is critical that units keep in touch with the delegates before the session to ensure they are attending and have transportation to Oshkosh. This is especially critical for delegates who are rid-

ing the buses from LaCrosse and Marinette so they know when and where to meet their buses. When sending the reservation form with your delegate fees, be sure to indicate on the back of the form how you want your fee to be used if your delegate cancels after May 1, 2013. If your unit has an alternate, the alternate will be contacted. However, once school ends, your unit will be the main contact. If a delegate does not register on June 16, 2013 the Unit President will be notified after we call the delegateÕs home. For the first time, delegates are being asked to turn in the Samsung Scholarship application at the June 16-21, 2013 session. The scholarship application may be downloaded from the American Legion website. The Girls State scholarship application will be mailed in January 2013 to delegates who completed the 2012 session. Your unit may want to contact the 2012 delegates to remind them to watch for these applications in the mail. Girls State is a year round process where we all work together to give each delegate an enriching experience of government in action at the city, county and state levels.


american legion auxiliary Department of wisconsin

MIDWINTER LUNCHEON saturday, January 19, 2013 12:00 Noon - 2:00pm Ho-Chunk Hotel & Convention Center room: upper Dells B • s3214 Hwy 12 • Baraboo luncheon ticket $15 each Tickets must be purchased in advance and picked up at the luncheon.

SELECT CHOICE OF: • Chef Salad: Tender turkey, ham, Swiss and cheddar cheese with mixed baby greens and dressing. Served w/bread stick and cracker basket. • Chicken Tender Wrap: Tortilla filled w/three crispy tenders, tomato, colby-jack cheese, lettuce, and bistro sauce. Served with chips and fresh fruit cup. Meals include fresh brewed coffee, milk, soda or iced tea.

_________________________________________________ Chef Salad or NAME UNIT# Chicken Wrap _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Contact Name ____________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________ # Attending Luncheon _______ x $15.00 = _____________ Send checks payable to: ALA-Wisconsin P.o. Box 140 • Portage, wi 53901-0140 DEADLINE FOR RESERVATION is weDNesDay, JaNuary 2, 2013

Youth Hero Award Presented On October 12, 2012 Kyle Lees, a sophomore at LaFollette High School, performed CPR on his father Scott who was having a heart attack. Scott is a veteran of the United States Air Force, serving 1985-1997. On November 10th, Unit 333 President Charlene Pul-

ham presented Kyle with the American Legion Auxiliary YOUTH HERO AWARD from ALA National President Peggy Thomas for performing an act of bravery, courage and fortitude. Kyle learned CPR at school just a few weeks prior to his heroic deed.


Virginia Kodl VA&R Chairman Ph: (715) 669-5432 Email: One of the AuxiliaryÕs main objectives is to increase the number of volunteers at our facilities for the veterans: Oscar G. Johnson USVA Medical Center, Iron Mountain; Kenosha Outreach; Wisconsin Veterans Home, King; Middleton Memorial VA Medical Center, Madison; Zablocki Memorial VA Medical Center,

Milwaukee; USVA Medical Center, Minneapolis; VA Great Lakes Health Care System, Tomah; and Wisconsin Veterans Home, Union Grove. We should also consider volunteering at a Community Based Outreach Center (CBOC). Because we are still a country at war, the need for more volunteers is absolutely necessary. How can we recruit more volunteers? If youÕre a volunteer, invite your friends or family members to volunteer with you, but remember

the necessity of taking the orientation course given by the VA Facility. How many members have you taken with you when you volunteer in one of these facilities? Remember, ÒThe Power is in the Ask.Ó Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) seeks to match interests, skills and talents of our volunteers with opportunities that meet the needs of the veterans. This can be clerical, clinical or community support. PLEASE VOLUNTEER!

Pictured from left to right: Mother, Gloria Lees; Kyle Lees; father, Scott Lees; and Charlene Pulham.



3rd & 7th District Membership Rally

December 13, 2012

Milwaukee CouNty CoNfereNCe of uNits

invites all auxiliary, legion and sal Members and guests to

The 87th Annual George Washington Luncheon President’s Day • Monday, february 18, 2013 klemmer’s Banquet Center 10401 w. oklahoma ave., Milwaukee, wi Cocktails: 10:30 am opening Ceremonies: 11:45 am lunch at Noon • $18 per person

Pictured from left to right: Marianne Lesko, 7th District Membership Chairman, Andrea Page, 7th District President, Berne Baer and Ann Rynes, Department membership team, and Joanie Dickerson, 3rd District President.

3rd District President Joanie Dickerson and 7th District President Andrea Page were posing with one of the fleece (no sew) blankets that was assembled during the rally. Other mission work included skits by the leadership team, a Camo Quilt demonstration, pocket flag folding, cards to go with camo quilts and pocket flags, legislative skit, and a VA&R demonstration (including a report on the

National Veterans Creative Arts Festival) by Virginia Kodl. Junior members were actively involved during the entire day. Membership Chairman, Ann Rynes, had lots of supplies on hand and also gave a presentation. Other department leaders present at the rally were Joan Chwala, Florence Wasley, Joyce Endres, Diane Weggen, Anna Rosemeyer, Caitlyn Rosemeyer, and Pat Smith.

6th, 8th & 9th District Membership Rally

for information contact Diana sirovina, 414-321-1479 Deadline for reservation is february 7, 2013

George Washington Luncheon Registration UNIT NAME AND NUMBER ___________________________________________________ NAME OF EACH PERSON ATTENDING: Auxiliary, Legion, SAL, Guest __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Unit Contact & Phone _______________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: # of Reservations_______ x $18.00 = __________________________ send your reservations to: MCCu secretary/treasurer, Diana sirovina 9428 w eden Pl, Milwaukee, wi 53228-1410 Make checks payable to: Milwaukee County Conference of units (MCCu) DeaDliNe for reservatioN is feBruary 7, 2013 - No exCePtioNs!

October 2012 fuNDraiser November 2012 CaleNDar wiNNers Calendar Fundraiser oCtoBer 2012

Calendar Fundraiser NoveMBer 2012

1 15.00 01136 Lois Reinfeldt Burlington 1 15.00 14847 Sharon Rice Jackson 2 15.00 25470 Patricia Bake Oconto 2 15.00 05897 Faye Crawford Oregon 3 15.00 23568 Cindy Haak Sturgeon Bay 3 15.00 32874 Carol Bue Black River Falls 4 15.00 31043 Sandra Smet Fond du Lac 4 25.00 34762 Beth Hoffmann Ashland 5 15.00 05315 Donald Kasten Oconomowoc 5 15.00 08420 Jackie Trawicki Evansville Standing: Char Kiesling, Laura Calteux, Berne Baer, “Silent” Ken 6 15.00 20212 Audrey Carpenter Reedsburg 6 15.00 30377 Norman Schwebs Fremont Rynes, Diana Sirovina, Linda Coppock. Seated: Lorrie Barber, 7 25.00 27647 Pam Bellettiere-Goc Lake Villa IL 7 15.00 12817 Patricia Mares Milwaukee Sue Hembrook, Ann Rynes. 8 15.00 15534 Sandra Chrisien Hartland 8 15.00 36031 Ginna Frater Wild Rose 9 15.00 43045 Frances Staron Stanley 9 15.00 35941 Audrey Mueller Winneconne 10 15.00 46196 Barb Novak Presque Isle 10 500.00 39486 Carolyn Zima Algoma 11 15.00 04529 Betty Salversen McFarland 11 500.00 46170 Gloria Riendeau Minocqua 12 15.00 02870 Connie Pytlik Menomonee Falls 12 15.00 18765 Betty Falkofske Prescott 13 15.00 00110 Susan Nowak Greendale 13 15.00 17974 Ronda Fortun Viola 14 25.00 34160 Jeannette Komsi Englewood FL 14 15.00 39524 Betty Lownik Wausaukee 15 15.00 07999 Suzanne Gunderson Milwaukee 15 15.00 27225 Betty Jean Flint Ironwood, MI 16 15.00 13529 Ruth Hoppe Milwaukee 16 15.00 52133 John Sauer Larsen 17 15.00 44255 Dolores Kultgen Belgium 17 15.00 00112 Dorothy Lasky Greendale 18 15.00 53826 Elgart Radant Wausau 18 25.00 25732 Dorothy Styczynski Pulaski 19 15.00 17822 Veronica Prell Eau Claire 19 15.00 10394 Barbara Randell Lancaster 20 15.00 44577 Theresa Brukwitzki Grafton 20 15.00 04574 Esther Nimmow Middleton 21 25.00 29292 Joan Jenkins Grand Chute 21 15.00 18992 Antoinette Fuller River Falls 22 15.00 23218 Barb DeGrave Green Bay 22 15.00 43694 Diane Lund Siren 23 15.00 54311 Wendy Coulter West Bend 23 15.00 24717 Jeanne Williams Roberts 24 15.00 43854 Toni Harper Milltown 24 15.00 38042 Kay Risberg Onalaska 25 15.00 07976 Ken Kelley Bradenton FL 25 25.00 24574 Delores Sorenson Spooner 26 15.00 31499 Vera Meinhardt Marshfield 26 15.00 30065 Char Kiesling Neenah 27 15.00 45231 Lucia Gomez Cedarburg 27 15.00 53847 Michael Lach Wausau 28 25.00 32839 Caroline Olson Black River Falls 28 15.00 05405 Barbara Butschke Oconomowoc 29 15.00 11864 Linda Campbell Greenfield 29 15.00 07022 Judith White Kaukauna 30 15.00 44314 Vicki Aubart Ettrick 30 15.00 44955 Danielle Blazek Colgate 31 500.00 36433 Dolores Berg Park Falls 1,450.00 990.00 within 90 days, the check will be voided without any notification If not cashed sent to you. If it’s after 90 days call our office. We are open Monday-Friday 8:00amÐ4:30pm. Phone: 608-745-0124. If not cashed within 60 days, check will be voided without any notification sent to you. it’s after 60sent days, If not cashed within 60 days, check will be voided without anyIfnotification to please you. call our office (608-745-0124). We are open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:3

2013 CALENDAR FUNDRAISER 365 Winners Over $12,000 in Cash Prizes! Last Chance to Enter is December 31, 2012

Please mail your entry to Department Headquarters Today!

For Additional Entries contact Headquarters at


If it’s after 60 days, please call our office (608-745-0124). We are open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.

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