Badger &“Wisconsin”
February 15, 2018 Vol. 95, No. 2
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Past Department Commander - Teddy Duckworth
January 10, 1943 – December 29, 2017
Teddy “Ducky” Duckworth was born Jan. 10, 1943, in Lisbon, Wis., to Floyd L. and Gladys I. (Neve) Duckworth. Ted grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from New Lisbon High School in 1961. He joined the Marines and served his country for five years, four months, completing two extended tours in Vietnam with HMM-163, as a helicopter mechanic, crew chief and door gunner. He was wounded and received the Purple Heart after his helicopter was shot down for the third time, near Heip Duc. After returning from Vietnam, Ted attended the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and graduated in 1971, with a bachelor of science degree in both geography and history. In April of 1972, Ted was appointed the Juneau County Veterans Service Officer and retired in 2006, after 34 years of dedicated service. Ted was a member of The American Legion Post 110, New Lisbon for 51 years. In June 1991, he was appointed to the board of Veter-
ans Affairs, where he served from 1994-1997, on all committees. Ted was elected to lead the Wisconsin American Legion as state commander, 2005-2006. His true passion was Badger Boys State, serving as director for 10 years. Ted was also a volunteer fireman for 15 years for the New Lisbon Fire Department. Ted loved golfing and would play the game every day of the week ending in “Y”! He met his wife, Carole, while playing golf in
2011 and they were married Oct. 6, 2012. Ted also enjoyed watching football, playing cribbage and cards and spending time with family and friends. Ted and Carole relocated to Troutman, N.C., in December 2016, due to his health condition. Ted passed away Friday, Dec. 29, 2017, at Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, Mooresville, N.C. at the age of 74 years, 11 months, and 19 days. He was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Gerald Duckworth; and sister June Duckworth. Ted is survived by his wife, Carole; two sisters, Jessie (Cliff) Jensen and Judy (Stephen) Kennedy; three brothers, Bill (Judy) Duckworth, Bob (Becky) Duckworth and Leroy Duckworth; and nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. A celebration of Teddyʼs life will be held on April 7, 2018 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the Legion Hall in New Lisbon (110 Welch Prairie Rd, New Lisbon, WI 53950.)
THE BOUNTY IS BACK! You Could Win $250 From January 22, 2018 until Fatherʼs Day, June 17, 2018, any member recruiting a new member or renewing any former members for the 2018 membership year (last paid year 2016), will be eligible for a drawing to be held at Department Convention for $250. Two winners will be drawn! One entry for each new member recruited! Also, the top five posts that renew the most members for the 2018 membership year from January 22, 2018 until June 17, 2018 will receive $100 for the Post!
GET ONE • ENTRY FORM RECRUITER'S NAME _________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP ID ________________________ POST NUMBER_______
l’s e MAILING ADDRESS __________________________________________ cl
CITY _______________________________ STATE____ ZIP__________ NEW RECRUITE'S NAME _____________________________________ ID NUMBER ________________________________________________ POST NUMBER _____________________________________________ NEW RECRUITE'S NAME _____________________________________
s om ID NUMBER ________________________________________________ mando
POST NUMBER _____________________________________________
Duplicate as needed and submit to: The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin • Attn: Chris • PO Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901
2018 SCHEDULE Visit for the most up-to-date schedule information.
May 7-13
May 14-18 May 14-18 May 18-20 May 22-27 May 28-June 2 Jun 4-9 Jun 11-17 Jun 18-23 Jun 25-July 1 Jul 2-8 Jul 9-15 Jul 16-22 Jul 23-29 Jul 30-Aug 5 Aug 6-10 Aug 11-16 Aug 16-19 Aug 20-26 Aug 28-Sept 3 Sep 4-8 Sep 10-12 Sep 13-16 Sept 17-21 Sept 21-23 Sep 24-28 Sep 24-28 Oct 1-7 Oct 8-12 Oct 12-14 Oct 15-19
Oct 19-21 Oct 22- Nov 1
U.S. Coast Guard Week (Sector Lake Michigan) + Navy Ops VA MST Program Veterans Wellness Camp WING Financial Peace WING – ASIST Program Recovery Risk Reduction Week Korea & Vietnam Veterans Week Open Week Women Veterans Week Open Week Open Week Open Week Open Week Post 9/11 Veterans Week Open Week Open Short Week Eagle Rock Camp WING Camp Serenity Vision & Hearing Loss Veterans Week WING Family Resilience Week Open Short Week Open Days Fall Ride Open Week IM VA Warrior 2 Soulmate Weekend Tomah VA PTSD Group IM VA Combat Moral Injury Group 120th Red Fox Leaders Retreat Open Short Week for Couples Strong Relationships WING Chaplain Hedman – Strong Bonds Open Short Week for Couples – Strong Relationships WING Chaplain Hedman Camp Closing – This may move back to Oct 15-19
Helping To Heal - those who served, continue to serve, and their families, through Wisconsin’s Northwood’s Experience
2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • February 8th Total: 50,379 • 94.17% 6
“Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: Amber L. Nikolai, Executive Editor Dawn Brauner, Co-Editor 2017-2018 Communications Committee Renee Kasuboski, Chairman Rebecca Laumann, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Jennifer Rumbold Gordy Clewell, Historian Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant Amber L. Nikolai Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Bonnie Jakubczyk, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
To my Legion Family, I believe in the power of prayer and I want to thank all of you for the cards, Laurel Clewell Department Commander thoughts, and prayers. My surgery went very well and the recovery is slow but the results are amazing. I have grade 1 (cancer) which means the cancer was confined to my uterus and stage 1A which means we caught it very early. I do not need chemo and radiation but have to get tested every few months for the fi rst year. God has blessed me. Thank you again for the prayers and being
part of my Legion family. Midwinter is over and I hope you attended or plan on attending next year. Great information and training is offered which can help everyone. Midwinter was originally started to help with membership and Julie Muhle’s membership team had a great workshop to help all posts get their lists, labels, and letters. Please remember to call on Julie Muhle, Membership Committee Chairman, if you have questions about a membership rally. We have about 70 posts at 100% and we only need about 3500 members to make Wisconsin reach 100%. There is strength in numbers and we can do this.
Here are some things to know: Our legislative accomplishments in 2017 included the signing of the Veterans Appeals Modernization Act; the passage of the American Legion 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin; the Disaster Relief Fund has helped many families; and we have temporary funding for homeless veterans in Wisconsin. But every day I wake up and ask if we are doing enough. Let’s not forget the mission of The American Legion. We still have a few months of cold weather. Please reach out to our County Service Officers and ask how you can help. We have to remember that we are veterans still serving veterans. I know people
get wrapped up in other things at the post or have their own agenda but we need our communities to know that we are there to assist in any way we can. Remember to stay focused on the 4 pillars and be good mentors to the other members. As I travel around the state, I am reminded what an amazing group of people belong to our legion family. I am meeting all the cancer survivors, the WWII veterans that are willing to tell their stories, the commanders and other members that give their heart and soul to volunteer. Now I am reminded of the 2017 National Convention and Commander Schmidt asking “who is going to fill your shoes?”
WI AMERICAN LEGION COLLEGE CHANCELLOR With 2017 in the books, 2018 is looking to be a great year for the Wisconsin American Legion Julie Muhle College! To date, Legion College there have been Chancellor approximately 73 members who have completed all three courses and there are many more who are in various stages of the courses. The recommended order of courses is: National Basic Training (formerly ALEI), Wisconsin Basic, Intermediate and Advance. You will get a pin to place a key for each of the Wisconsin courses taken. All courses must be completed in order to graduate from the Wisconsin American Legion College program. More information
regarding the courses can be found at document/2017_walc_programs_ and_curriculum_2.pdf We have received more requests in the past couple of weeks from Posts looking to host courses than all of last year! Below is a listing of courses/locations booked so far. Registrations are completed online at the Wisconsin American Legion website at www.wilegion. org. Please check in regularly for updates. Courses run from 9am to 5pm with registration starting at 8am. • February 17th – Wisconsin Basic at Allenton Post 483 • March 24th – Intermediate at Plymouth Post 243 • April 14th – Wisconsin Basic at Fort Atkinson Post 166
• April 21st – Advance at Plymouth Post 243 • June 16th – Wisconsin Basic at Black Earth Post 313 The first Post Commanders Course was rolled out at Midwinter and was a great success. The room was filled with 95 members who are current Post Commanders or are interested in becoming a Post Commander. The course provides information and guidance to help new and aspiring post commanders prepare for a successful term in the position. The course curriculum provides guidance on the things a new commander needs to know or learn to be successful, and focuses particularly on the first year of command. We have a growing group of instructors and are always
interested in adding more. Please contact Chancellor Julie Muhle at 920-382-4028 or Dean of Education Bob Shappell at 414899-4067 if you are interested in being an instructor. We are also looking for members for the Wisconsin American Legion College Alumni Association (WALCAA). Membership is $10 annually or $100 for a PUFL. As a member, you will provide assistance, guidance and support to the Wisconsin American Legion in developing and conducting effective leadershi.p training programs and opportunities at all levels. WALCAA meets at least once per year and has been meeting at Department and Midwinter Conventions.
WDVA SECRETARY Entering 2018 with a collaborative mindset, I look forward to accomplishing several things toDan Zimmerman gether this year. WDVA Secretary Talent attraction, an initiative to attract workers and families to Wisconsin, is a key collaborative focus. Veterans are one plank of this initiative, which is part of Governor Walker’s Workforce Agenda. In partnership with Tourism, WEDC and DWD, WDVA will be leading a wideranging recruitment effort at military installations nationwide. Our focus will be making contact with and landing jobs in Wisconsin for separating service members and spouses BEFORE they leave mili-
tary service. In addition to providing access to an extensive database of available public and private sector jobs statewide, we plan to also highlight our unmatched stable of state Veteran benefits plus our strong statewide Veterans Service Organization network. Employers are eager to hire veterans because of their military training and other intangibles that come with military service like leadership, dependability, accountability, and selfless service. We are pleased to broker that link up between employer, Veteran, and communities. With the influx of Veterans and families, we also expect to see a similar gain in VSO membership. In addition to providing Wisconsin VSO information directly to
job seekers in person at military installations, we will also be updating the WDVA website to provide more information about your organization and its available resources. Updating the WDVA website to include quick links to state VSOs will help showcase our extensive Veteran support community. Such collaboration will also make it easier for Veterans, whether already in the state or looking to come here with their families, to find and join your organization. Together we can highlight the ways that we connect with our fellow Veterans and the camaraderie that we know to be so valuable. Last, as part of the talent attraction initiative and as we begin the biennial budget building process, it is imperative that we undertake
Survey Says… Your Voice Matters! We want to know what you want from your Legion Headquarters. What do you like – what don’t you like – what kind of stories do you want to see in The Badger Legionnaire – what kind of training do you want to see at Midwinter – Please tell us by completing our new online survey:
a comprehensive review of Wisconsin’s programs and services that support Veterans and families. Through the Board of Veterans Affairs and your representatives on the Council on Veterans Programs, stakeholders statewide will be asked to dissect our current programs and services and recommend adjustments as needed. The focus will be to posture state support to Veterans and their families both functionally and monetarily for the future. Last year I spoke about my 4-Cs of Veteran engagement – Contact, Camaraderie, Community, and Collaboration – and how we, WDVA, cannot achieve our mission without you and all that you do. This year, together, we are translating that talk into action.
CORRECTIONS TO THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE JANUARY 2018 ISSUE Beaches of Normandy ad – The Last Bugle: Dick Brooks unfortunately this ad, which and Charles Seaman were inappeared in the January advertently listed as members issue of the Badger Legion- of Post #339 Almond – they naire, did not have any dates were actually members of listed. Those dates are Post #340, Berlin. August 6 – 17, 2018.
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
Greetings from Camp American Legion, It’s hard to believe that we are already into February. We are still going strong with our construction projects and things are looking great. Winter is beautiful up here in the Northwoods and there seems to be a consistent joyful spirit among those that live here in our community. Yet, with 18 plus inches of snow on the ground and 30 inches of ice on the lakes we are starting to see signs of summer around the corner. As the 2018 Camp season approaches, our attention moves towards providing the best possible experience for all of our guests and our staff. We have been revisiting our Mission, Vision and Values. There has been valued conversations focused on “why” we do what we do here at Camp and who we do it for. Last week I was contacted by one of my Military co-workers. The news he shared with me was a reminder of how important our mission is here at Camp. Some of you already know this, but prior to taking the position here of Camp Director, I was Active Duty Wisconsin Army National Guard. I was the Program Manager for Service Member Support Division overseeing the Resilience, Risk Reduction and
THE BADGER LEGIONNAIRE Suicide Prevention programs. Unfortunately, during my five years in that position our organization suffered the loss of nearly 20 soldiers to suicide. I sat with parents, battle buddies, Unit leaders, spouses and friends of those soldiers we lost. The ripple effect that is felt after the loss a soldier to suicide is profound and everlasting. After a suicide took place, part of our job was to investigate the circumstances surrounding the loss. We would gather information in an effort to better understand how we can help others that may be at risk of suicide. We would meet with the soldier’s fellow unit members and discuss how it is that we can grow together and learn to reach out to each other in times of need. We discussed how the grieving process is different for all of us, yet it is important to do it together. We talked about ways and tools to manage the stress that can come from Military life. In all of those discussions, we recognized that the unity of a unit lies in its shared experiences and that the strength of that same unit comes for their ability to overcome challenges together. Our Wisconsin American Legion Family is not unlike those Military units. Our strength lies in our ability to help those in need and those facing challenges. We come together for a common moral cause
and purpose… to serve those who have so bravely answered and continue to answer the call to defend this great nation of ours. It is this belief and commitment that “Still Serving America” has meaning and great value. All of us here at Camp American Legion are committed to doing what we can to serve what we believe to be the greatest, most deserving customer; our Wisconsin Veterans, actively serving Military and their families. We understand the stressors and challenges that can come from Military life and the effects it can have on us after our service. It is our hope that the Northwood’s experience here at Camp can and will provide opportunities to heal, grow and thrive together. I would like to share with all of you some valuable resources. If you or someone you know may be at risk of suicide these vetted resources are a great starting point. Asking for help is a sign of strength and resilience. Don Grundy, Director Natl. Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 hour access 1-800-273-Talk (8255) Vets4Warriors 1-855-838-8255 Earl Arndt, President of Veterans and Friends Helping Veterans 501(c)(3), recently presented $3,000 in Home Depot gift cards to Camp American Legion Director, Don Grundy. This donation will help in the completion of the Camp Directors project.
OUR MISSION: Helping To Heal - those who served, continue to serve, and their families, through Wisconsin’s Northwood’s Experience OUR VISION: Giving Wisconsin Veterans the pathway to quality of life OUR VALUES: Honor and Stewardship
I began working for The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin in May 2017 as Programs Coordinator for Badger Boys State and the Wisconsin American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy. Prior to joining Department staff, I was employed with the State of Wisconsin, retiring in June 2016 after 31 years, most of which was spent working with the Department of Corrections. I started my corrections career as a Correctional Officer and Ser-
geant; I then transferred to working in Records and worked my way from Records Assistant all the way to Records Director. My last position with the State was as Records Director for the Division of Community Corrections. My degree is in Police Science. I am married to my husband David, who is a Legionnaire. We have 3 grown children: Kimberly, Matthew and Rachel. Our oldest daughter Kimberly is finishing her degree in Nursing at Madison College; she is married to Michael who was in the Marine Corps and now he attends Edgewood College. She and
Michael are expecting their first child in July. Our son Matthew is a junior majoring in Chemistry at UW Eau Claire. He is an ROTC cadet, plays the saxophone in the Blugolds Marching Band, and recently became engaged. Matthew attended Badger Boys State in 2014. Our youngest daughter Rachel is a freshman at Ripon College majoring in Elementary Education. She is on the college tennis team and is active in the Choral Union. Rachel attended Badger Girls State in 2016. I enjoy spending time with my family and my two Chihuahuas.
2018 SPECIAL FOCUS WEEKS Veterans Wellness Camp May 14 – 18 Exposing veterans to different healing elements and techniques to help better manage and live with stressors and disabilities. The focus is on rehabilitative techniques through art, meditation, mindfulness, music, relaxation, creative writing, listening, yoga and more. Recovery Risk Reduction Week, May 28 – June 2 This week the focus at Camp is to help to heal military, veterans and their families who are in a transitional or temporary housing situation, homeless, or at-risk of losing their housing. Also for military and veterans living with substance abuse, substance addictions or dependency issues.
Korea & Vietnam Veterans Week, June 4 - 8 For veterans who served during either the Korea or Vietnam wars. Women Veterans Week June 18 – 23 For women military members and veterans Post 9/11 Veterans Week July 23 - 29 For Post 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, GWOT actively serving military, veterans, single and/or with their families. Vision & Hearing Loss Veterans Week August 20 – 26 For military veterans and their families that suffer from vision or hearing loss.
2018 EMPHASIS MONTHS OCTOBER – JULY – Focus on Strong Relationships Military and Veteran Family (Couples) Wellness Month During the fall, the trees are Military and Veteran families often experience unique stress- putting on a festival of color, ors that can have a profound the air is fresh, kids are back negative effect on the family as a in school and the opportunity whole. Family Wellness Month for peace and quiet is in abunwill focus on providing the op- dance. October at Camp has portunity for actively serving a romantic feel in the air and Wisconsin Military, Wiscon- what better time for couples to sin Veterans and their families celebrate their relationships. to come together and focus on Our mature trails and local the health and wellness of the attractions are inviting you to family via outdoor recreational experience new pathways to activities and the Northwood’s quality of life. Experience at Camp. Advertising Material
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John Miller
Harold Rihn
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
My fellow Legionnaires, My name is John Miller and I’m asking for your consideration in electing me to the high office of Department Vice Commander. I’m a 23 year PUFL member of HosfordChase Post No. 32 in Menomonie, where I’m currently serving as the Post Adjutant. I’m also a Past District Commander, Past County Commander and Past Post Commander. I’ve also been a Finance Officer, a Service Officer and held numerous Vice Commander positions at the Post, County and District levels. I’ve served as the VAVS Committee Member and Hospital Representative at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center for five years. Other Department Committees that I’ve served on include the Convention & Activities Commission, VA&R Committee and Hospital Committee. I’ve earned my Legion eligibility when I served in the U.S. Air Force from 1968 to 1971. I was stationed at Bien Hoa AFB, Republic of South Vietnam with the 22nd Tactical Air Support Squadron (TASS), where I worked in Maintenance Control. Our squadron was a Forward Air Controller (FAC) unit and we flew O-1 and O-2 aircraft. I was seriously wounded during an enemy rocket attack, and I was medically retired from the Air Force with an Honorable Discharge at the rank of Sergeant (E-4). My decorations and medals include: The Purple Heart, Air Force Commendation Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, Air Force Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with two
campaign stars, Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm Citation, Vietnam Campaign Medal. After my discharge from the military, I eventually used my GI Bill to obtain my bachelor’s degree in business administration and then worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a civilian Maintenance Officer. Later, I went back to school and earned my master’s degree in vocational rehabilitation counseling and vocational evaluation. I then secured a position with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – Milwaukee VBA as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor working with disabled veterans. I retired from Federal Service in 2010. Other veteran organizations that I currently belong to are: The Sons of The American Legion, American Legion Riders, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Am Vets, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Vietnam Veterans of American (VVA) and the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH). After my tenure as District Commander, I took a short hiatus to recover from a surgery that I had, which was related to my war injuries. Fortunately, I am now fully recovered and literally, back on my feet. I am definitely looking forward to the opportunity of, once again, serving my fellow veterans and the Legionnaires of our great Department. Therefore, I hope you find me worthy of your trust and support by voting for me at our 2018 Department Convention in Oshkosh. I want to thank you for your consideration, and thank you for all that you do.
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
Harold E. Rihn Jr. is a fourteen year PUFL of Post 170 in Mineral Point. Harold served in the US Air Force as a Security Policeman from February 1980 until June 1992. Following graduation from the Security Police Academy, he was stationed at Warner Robins Air Force Base in Georgia as a member of the 19th Security Police Squadron SAC. Rihn deployed to Bitburg Air Base Germany following the bombing of Headquarters USAFE by Bader Meinhoff in October 1981. He transferred to K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base in Michigan in 1984, where he achieved the rank of E5 Staff Sergeant in 1985. From 1986 to 1990, Rihn was stationed at Ramstein Air Base Germany. While at Ranstein, his duties included Plans and Programs NCO, first with the 567 Security Police Squadron and later with the 377 Security Police Group. Following the 1988 Fultag Air Show disaster, Harold worked midnight shifts protecting the crash site. In 1990 he was Security Area Supervisor at the crash site of a C5 aircraft, that crashed on takeoff. In 1989, Rihn graduated from NCO Leadership School at Lindsey Air Station. In 1990 he transferred to Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington where he worked as Security Area Supervisor and as Security Police Automated Systems Manager for the 410th Security Police Squadron. In 2005, he joined The American Legion via the DMS program and transferred to Post 170. Positions held within The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin include: • Third Vice Commander of Post 170. (2006)
Clarence Davister job in retaining their current rosters. There are many Post Commanders and Adjutants in the 9th District who make my job easy. I attended the 2016 American Legion workshop and have attended two National Conventions and served on National and Department Committees. National Committee: Military Benefits and Quality of Life. Department Committees include Convention and Activities Committee and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee. I am also an active member of the American Legion Blood Donor Program . I have also graduated from the American Legion Extension Institute, completing the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Courses of the Legion College. I retired from Wisconsin Public Service in 2012 after spending 35 ½ years as an Electrical Designer. My wife Laura and I have been married for 41 years and have two daughters, Jessica and Sara. We have three grandchildren: Cole, Isaac, and Elliana. Laura is a member of the Post 523 Auxiliary and Elliana is a junior member of the Auxiliary.
• First Vice Commander. (2007 – present) • Iowa County Commander. (2008) • 3rd District Oratorical and Children and Youth Chairman. (2009) • Re-elected Iowa County Commander. Became 3rd District Vice Commander for Iowa and Green Counties. Appointed as Vice Chairman of the Department Ameri canism, acted as Chairman at Midwinter and State Convention. (2010) • Vice Chairman of the Communications Committee. (2011) • Iowa County school liason to improve participation in Legion programs. In 2010 and 2011, Iowa County had the highest percentage membership in the state. (2010 – 2011) • 100% membership County Commander. (2012) • County Commander of the year. (2012) • Chairman of Communications Committee. (2012) • Iowa County Adjutant. (2012 – 2016) • Communications Committee Member. (2013 – 2016) • DEC Liaison to Communications Com mittee. (2016 – 2017) • DEC Liaison to Fundraising Committee. (2017 – 2018) Harold and his wife Connie have been married since 1985. They have three daughters: Amanda, Sarah and Emily, all Post 170 Auxiliary members. Harold currently works as an Information Technology Specialist with the US Geological Survey, a position he’s held since 1993.
Jeremy Nordie
Candidate for Department Vice Commander
I will be a candidate for the high office of Department Vice Commander. I served in the Army from June of 1970 through December of 1971 which included a 14 month tour of duty in Vietnam. I was assigned to the 3rd Battalion of the 22nd Infantry which at that time was attached to the 25th Infantry Division. My time with the 22nd infantry was spent as a rifleman. I attained the rank of Specialist 4 during my duty overseas. I have been in the American Legion for 9 years and currently serve as the Adjutant of Abrams Post 523. I served as a Vice Commander for District 9 for 3 years before I became the 9th District Commander in 2016, succeeding present Department Commander Laurel Clewell. As Commander of the 9th District, I continue to promote membership at all levels of the Legion. Post 523 achieved the 100% level in 2016. Since becoming Commander the 9th District, I have participated in 3 Membership rallies. The 9th District continues to maintain membership levels in the mid to high 90% level. Although many Posts do not reach the 100% level, they do a great
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
Candidate for Department Sergeant at Arms
For 12 years Jeremy Nordie served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve Unit. He was called to active duty at the beginning of the Persian Gulf Conflict. As tribute to his service for his country, Jeremy was eligible to join The American Legion. Jeremy resides in Ettrick and is a member of Post No. 354 which is in the 10th District. Happily married to his wife Laura for the last 27 years, Jeremy also has two grown children, Michael and Kathleen, and a new granddaughter. Laura, Kathleen, and new grandbaby Evangeline are all active in The American Legion Auxiliary and part of the American Legion Family. As a family they are active members of their church and community. Jeremy has spent 15 years as a full time rural mail carrier for the United States Postal Service. You can easily spot Jeremy driving around in his orange Jeep, helping people when they need it and living by the principles
and values of a “good American Citizen.” Shortly after joining Post No. 354, Jeremy was voted the Trempealeau County Adjutant and Treasurer, now serving his 7th year. Along with being the County Adjutant and Treasurer, he has also served as the 10th District Sergeant at Arms for the last seven years. Jeremy served two years as Assistant Department Sergeant at Arms and is currently serving his fourth year as Department Sergeant at Arms. He also served two years on the Department Communications Committee. Outside of The American Legion, Jeremy is a charter member of The American Legion Riders, and a member of the 40/8. Having received endorsement by unanimous vote in his post, Trempealeau County, and the 10th District, this “young” Legionnaire, seeks your support by being reelected to the high office of Department Sergeant at Arms.
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
Department Membership Committee Update
modified, if needed, and printed. Once the letter appears on the screen: • click the blue icon with the green arrow pointing to the right • select your preferred download method. When the letters have been downloaded, you can print all of the letters at the same time or choose which to print. Labels can be printed similarly. Please note that when labels are printed, only one label will appear on the initial screen until you download them as a PDF file. You can find holding post memNow is the time to use all the tools bers or those whose membership available to get to 100%! The has expired by: most important tool is myLegion. • clicking on Find Members In org. Through this program, Posts My Area on the left side of the can: screen • find members within a certain • entering your zip code and a radius of their zip code radius around that zip code you • print form letters for their would like to search for members. members who have yet to reIf you are familiar with Excel, new or are in the holding post this report is best downloaded as (2930) such as it gives the opportunity • print labels for the same target to sort the data. Other download group methods give the same informaThese letters can be found at a tion, they just won’t be able to be Post level by logging into sorted. This report can be, then clicking: loaded by clicking the same icon • Reports/Labels on the left side as you would use to download a of the screen, letter. • Post Reports Membership rallies are another • UnRenewed Letters or Letters great tool. This year, rallies have – HQ Transfer Invitation. been completed in the Districts of Follow the directions after click- 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 10. The transfers ing the link. The letters are to be from these rallies amount to almost downloaded as a Word (or other ½ of the total amount of transfers type of document) so they can be to-date from the 2930 list. This At the writing of this article, Wisconsin is currently at 92.05% for membership. This means that in the remaining 4½ months of the membership year, we have less than 4500 members to renew, transfer or sign up. Right now, there are: • 67 posts at 100% or better; • 359 posts that need 30 or fewer members for 100%. Of these 359 posts: o 182 need 10 or fewer members, o 124 need 20 or fewer and, o 53 need 30 or fewer
number doesn’t include the number of members who were renewed during this time. Rallies are easy to do! Contact me at 920-382-4028 or, send me zip codes for the locations to rally, determine a meeting location, date and time and find people to help. I will download the reports, remove duplicates, attend the rally and go over any training needs for the team. Remember, membership isn’t just a number to make a Post, County, District, or Department look good. Membership is the lifeline of The American Legion. From the National Commander’s January 11th message, “We need to retain current members and recruit new ones to continue effectively serving our communities, states and nation in ways only The American Legion Family can. Our dedication and the strength of numbers will allow us to continue standing tall for veterans and service members as we near the beginning of a second century of service. We will fight to ensure that veterans receive the health care they deserve, that our troops are poised to succeed, that rewarding career opportunities are available for veterans and their spouses, children are educated and our nation’s flag is treated with the respect it deserves.” Thank you, Julie Muhle Dept. Membership Chairman
DID KNOW? The Secret YOU Foundation It is definitely unfair that a few of you know about the secret club within the Department, but most of you don’t. So, I will spill the beans here… The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin has a charity arm called the Wisconsin American Legion Foundation, Inc., formed in 2007. During this past decade, the foundation has been involved with approximately $500,000 in funding to assist the Department, Camp, Posts and Community projects (including the Delafield Memorial and Greendale Memorial, of
Keith Kreul
which fundraising is currently in progress.) Many of you are finding that local businesses and foundations have a high interest in participating in providing funds for veteran’s charities. However, when you learn that your post operates under Section 501(c)(19) (as do all veterans organizations), your interest may decline due to 501(c) (19) charity guidelines. The Legion Foundation operates under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. We can and have received funds on behalf of a post or camp, purchased the item(s) needed and
given the item to the designated Post or Camp. Over the years the Foundation has purchased an out-board motor for the Camp pontoon boat, a reunion cabin for Camp, assisted in the funding for the road assessment of Post 38, and many others. We will be back in the news more frequently as we alert you to things we have been able to assist with. In the interim, please feel free to call on things you are working on. We may be able to help. Chuck Roloff, President Wisconsin American Legion Foundation
(continued from Front Cover)
ity to exercise that right and educate others – particularly our youth – in the responsibilities that American citizenship confers.” The 40th anniversary of the signing of the original GI Bill also happened while Kreul was leading the Legion. Kreul said that anniversary “serves as a reminder to every Legionnaire that we are here to serve. The GI Bill provides a standard against
which we can measure our efforts.” And Kreul also made it a point to praise Legionnaires doing the organization’s work at the post level. “It is the Bluecap – with a dedication and zeal unmatched at the grassroots level – who has created and kept alive the dynamic programs for which we are known. It is you, the Bluecap Legionnaire and your families, who
are the lifeblood of our great organization.” Kreul is survived by his wife, Dolores, of Fennimore, four children, nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren along with several nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions can be made to Fennimore American Legion Post 184, 960 Lincoln Ave., Fennimore, WI 53809; or to the charity of choice.
Milwaukee Admirals Donation
American Legion, Department of Wisconsin’s Service Officer James Fialkowski recently accepted a check in the amount of $5000 from John Bitter, Milwaukee Admirals Vice President of Ticket Sales. The donation is the result of a Military Appreciation Night during the Admirals’ Veterans Day match. Admiral players wore camouflage jerseys which were then signed, auctioned off and received by the high bidders in the clubhouse from the players.
The 100th Annual Department Convention is shaping up to be a “can’t miss” event. Save the dates of July 12th through the 15th and join us in beautiful Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Do you have to be a Delegate or
alternate to attend? NO, all Legionnaires are encouraged to attend and experience the wonderful speakers, share in the camaraderie and learn more about the great organization they belong to.
CONVENTION SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: THURSDAY: • Sub-Committee Meetings • Department Executive Committee meeting FRIDAY: • District Caucuses (this is where all Posts will receive manuals for the year, including Administrative Manual updates and appendixes, Officer Manual, transmittal forms and more) • General Session to include speakers/special guests, awards and nominations for Department Office • Convention Committee Meetings to decide on Resolutions SATURDAY: • Election of Department Officers • General Session to include speakers/special guests, awards, Resolution results and election results • 100th Anniversary Parade SUNDAY: • Awards and Installation of new Department officers Registration forms and housing options can be found at www. Do not wait until delegate forms come out in June, REGISTER NOW! For available housing options call 920-303-9200 (M-F 8 AM-4:30 PM) or go to the Wisconsin Legion website where many options are listed, including camp grounds.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE Legionnaires and Veteran Advocates, I have a simple request for your consideration regarding Fundraising requests. We are all frustrated with the amount of letters we receive but I have a simple solution for you, IF IT DOESN’T COME FROM THE WISCONSIN AMERICAN LEGION, throw it in the trash can. If it has a return address in Oklahoma, throw it away. If it has an Indianapolis address, throw it away, even if it says The
American Legion on it. Your donation won’t do our Veterans in Wisconsin any benefit if you send your donation out of State. The Wisconsin American Legion needs your support and we ask that you only give what you can, when you can. It’s not worth getting upset over, look at where it’s from or where the return address is, and if it isn’t the Wisconsin American Legion… you know what to do with it. –David Gough
The Last
3 Antigo Stanley Koss II 4 Athens Frank Schreiner II Clarence Weiler II 6 Stevens Point Alois Klein V Carl Pawelski V William Dombrowski V Francis Eiden V Clifford Freda K 8 Waukesha John Mielke II Kenneth Fuller II 9 Wisconsin Rapids Robert Janz V Don Nepper K 10 Wausau Marcell Langenhahn II Louis Schultheiss K Franklin Kluck K James Erickson II 11 Green Bay Lloyd Windhauser II Elmer Dalebroux II William Jenkel K 13 Richland Center John Curnow K 14 Iola Gary Richards V 27 Milwaukee Thomas Schulgen II 27 South Milwaukee Jeff Haas G/L Albert Clasen K 29 Kewaunee Robert Heiter K 33 Neenah Wesley Thoma K Lawrence Tessen II 38 Appleton Delbert Carter II Allen Hansen K Richard Jahnke II Myron Stanke K Francis Carpenter G/L Robert Gauerke II Kenneth Greely V John Killa V Norman Flom K 41 Kaukauna Charles Schuh V 44 Wabeno Ronald Tschohl V Demetrio Verich K 46 Merrill Alan Malm II 47 Portage Howard Latton II Robert Newkirk K 48 Beloit Kenneth Endthoff K 51 West Salem Rich Garbers V 52 La Crosse Ronald Bakken V Judd Bowman K Alvin Fritz K Myron Gabielson II James Hansen K Gale Hendrickson V Lawrence Hengel Raymond Hengel K Harland Johnson K Donald King K James Krett K
12/22/17 01/12/18 01/23/18 12/01/17 12/28/17 01/12/18 01/12/18 01/14/18 01/01/18 12/30/17 12/07/17 12/19/17 08/31/17 12/02/17 01/03/18 01/19/18 12/30/17 01/07/18 01/20/18 01/11/18 12/31/17 12/25/17 01/14/18 11/04/17 01/20/18 12/26/17 01/14/18 12/18/17 12/21/17 12/22/17 06/11/17 12/27/17 01/09/18 01/12/18 01/23/18 01/31/18 04/27/16 08/17/17 04/15/17 01/04/18 12/27/17 01/04/18 12/28/17 01/23/18 02/07/16 06/08/17 12/31/16 10/02/17 02/06/17 09/21/17 02/19/17 12/04/17 10/17/17 05/21/17 12/01/17
Robert Leisgang II WIlliam Miller II Ronald Murray K Donald Parmenter Duane Risberg K John Schubert II John Stellick William Towner II Arthur Yost II 53 Eau Claire Charles Yaeger K Keith Reichenbach K Robert Bergevin V Dennis Meyer P William Coulson II Theodore Tatara V George Vobornik V Dale Lampman II 54 MarshďŹ eld Walter Stecker II 58 Hurley Norman Mieloszyk V 59 Stoughton Roland Metzler II 60 Kimberly Martin Conrad K Lawrence Wippich K Herbert Paul K 65 Rome Thomas Whalen K 69 Mayville Donald Roll V Oswald Vollmer II 74 Oconto Gerald Beekman K 75 Fond du Lac Robert Knipple II George Burke II Royal Carey II 77 Chippewa Falls Wayne Waldusky K 80 New Richmond Virgil Krumm K 81 Mauston William Smith K 82 Port Washington Dustin Brede PG Edward Ruffin V 88 Manitowoc Norbert Zelinski II Frank Hlinak K Joyce Amato Richard Dryja K William Torrison V 89 Minocqua Bernard Krueger K 91 Oconomowoc Jeff Berger V 93 Tomahawk Fred Brogle II Edward Crofoot V Richard Devinger K James Ward V William Holmes II 95 Delavan Joseph Vantuyle II William Wenger V 98 Cumberland Leroy Orth K Robert Talbot II George Stoeberl V 100 Sparta Harlan Lueck II Rudolph VonRuden V 105 Shullsburg George Ubersox K 110 New Lisbon Teddy Duckworth V 113 Mount Horeb Willis Martinson II Richard Lornson K 114 Eagle River Stan Boebel V 117 Shawano Earl Peterson II Irvin Rosenberg II 118 Thorp Robert Bodamer K 121 River Falls John Hauschildt PG Gerald Matteson V Dick Williams V
09/20/17 09/15/17 03/18/17 08/19/17 10/10/17 05/31/17 11/21/17 07/02/16 11/03/17 12/17/17 12/23/17 01/10/18 01/04/18 01/13/18 01/16/18 01/17/18 01/19/18 12/28/17 01/02/18 01/28/18 01/20/18 12/06/17 11/18/17 01/07/18 11/27/17 12/22/17 01/05/17 10/17/17 12/27/17 10/28/17 12/28/17 01/29/18 05/08/17 9/23./17 12/01/17 01/03/18 12/14/17 12/16/17 12/18/17 09/21/15 12/20/17 01/01/18 12/19/17 12/23/17 12/29/17 01/01/18 11/16/17 12/27/17 12/27/17 12/18/17 12/24/17 01/12/18 12/25/17 12/01/17 12/18/17 12/29/17 10/19/17 11/07/17 12/21/17 12/26/17 01/02/18 12/10/17 12/31/17 01/09/18 01/24/18
John Hill K 126 Brillion James Meyers K 133 Camp Douglas Ralph Roddel V 134 Boscobel Lavon Reynolds K 137 Turtle Lake F F Anderson K 147 Medford John Gallistel K Theodore Bueschel K Larry Brandner V 157 Horicon Steve Williams G/L Donald Miescke K 160 Brooklyn-Oregon Leonard Tronnes II 161 King LaVern Hanke K Richard Bishop II 163 Wautoma Patrick Fox V 164 Jefferson John Vogel V 167 Sauk City Jack Foell K 171 Union Grove David Spaulding V 172 North Freedom Harland Zick II 179 Chetek Robert Arneson II Curtis Haugestuen K 180 Milwaukee Gregory Wernsman V Walter Mielke II 183 Genoa City Robert Miller K 185 Grantsburg Laverne Sandberg K Robert Peterson II Steven Coy G/L John Bruzek K John Erickson V 187 Wisconsin Dells Denis Kelly II William Van Wie V Bernard Zaja V Joseph Kaiser II John Trumble K Ed Lybek V 188 East Troy Robert Welch II James Wenzel II 189 Watertown Pedro Perez K Robert Zimmerman K 198 Marion Vinson Simpson K 199 Reedsville Rayfield Schroeder II 200 Black River Falls Harold Aschenbrenner K 202 Chaseburg James Johnson II 209 Orfordville Michael Ponkauskas V J W Hanawalt V Louis Mercer K 210 Waupun John VanderSanden V 212 Barron Gerald Osborne V 216 Lodi Laverne Green K William Sonsalla V Charles Cook II 218 Hayward Harold Cadotte K 218 Milwaukee Ronald Beaudoin V 218 Hayward Harold Cadotte K 220 Soldiers Grove Richard Turk K 230 DePere Robert Barrette K Vernon Silbernagel K Roy Wagner V 233 Waterloo Donald Grueneberg V
08/07/17 11/22/17 01/25/18 01/08/18 01/03/18 08/26/17 04/21/17 11/20/17 12/29/17 12/11/17 08/03/17 12/09/17 12/04/17 01/11/18 12/16/17 01/21/18 01/23/18 01/17/16 12/17/17 12/30/17 01/15/18 01/19/18 01/14/18 01/12/18 07/10/17 01/07/18 11/19/16 03/31/17 10/08/17 11/02/17 11/26/17 12/15/17 12/13/17 10/02/17 01/09/17 01/12/18 12/22/17 01/16/18 01/01/18 09/30/17 01/10/18 12/21/17 11/14/17 12/04/17 11/08/17 01/01/18 12/16/17 01/04/18 08/25/17 01/16/18 01/11/18 07/09/17 01/11/18 01/26/18 04/02/17 10/15/17 09/26/17 01/17/18
238 Greenwood John Suda K 240 Baldwin Gerald Larson K 242 La Valle James Pistello II 243 Plymouth Warren Schmidt K George Streeck V 250 Adams Leo Bassetto II 258 Little Chute Paul Strick II Paul Hietpas II William Verhagen V David Andres K 262 Luxemburg David Patterson V Donald Lensmire K Leroy Simonar V 268 Bruce Richard Elwood V Everett Bullis K 272 Butternut David Mertig V Lynn Rominske K William Tank V William Tank V 280 Coleman Alfred Kostreva II David Kostreva V 284 Holmen Allan Lindvik V Robert Solberg II James Haug K Allen Lindvik V 288 Cedarburg Franklin Krueger V Helmut Koepp K 293 Silver Lake Richard Tarczynski II 299 Hales Corners Valerian Pach K 306 Green Lake John Barrows II Frank Kiener K Donald Bruendl K 308 Gays Mills Patrick McGinley K 309 Kendall Frederick Moser K 312 Peshtigo Peter Brown V Daniel Lea V 317 Wautoma William Bowman II 318 Lake Tomahawk Gerald Eastman V 324 Osseo Edward Schaefer II 329 Briggsville Charles Gaffney V 330 Wilson Phil Irwin K Lloyd Greenway II 336 Onalaska Robert Peterson K 340 Berlin Gordon Werch K 350 Reedsburg John Bernien II John Traeder II 351 Montello Jerry Frohling K William Burns K/II 355 Grafton Eugene Trombley K James Boehnlein Herb Mentzel K 360 Waunakee LaVern Blado II 364 Winneconne Edward Kuemmerlein II 365 Plum City David Catura V 372 Forestville Hugo Klessig II 382 Menomonee Falls Llewellyn Tietz II 384 Kewaskum Robert Peroutky V Gerald Staehler
SEPTEMBER FEBRUARY 15, 25, 2018 2014 01/20/18 12/04/17 12/03/17 12/21/17 01/30/18 01/24/18 12/25/17 12/31/17 12/28/17 01/31/18 01/22/18 01/27/18 01/26/18 01/07/18 01/23/18 12/18/17 12/26/17 01/08/18 12/26/17 12/24/17 11/30/17 12/10/17 01/18/18 01/11/18 01/10/18 12/28/17 01/01/18 01/10/18 12/12/17 12/30/17 01/09/18 01/22/18 12/31/17 01/25/18 12/04/17 01/20/18 11/18/17 01/23/18 01/10/18 01/14/18 12/27/17 01/22/18 12/30/17 12/18/17 12/13/17 01/03/18 12/28/17 01/20/18 12/22/17 12/14/17 01/17/18 01/02/18 11/16/17 01/03/18 01/02/18 12/22/17 12/25/17 01/12/18
Clayton Stautz II 385 Verona Dorian Hermanson II 400 Wauwatosa Von Jones V 403 Webb Lake Keith Scherf V Gary Anderson V Keith Scherf V 406 Milwaukee Raymond Hopkins II 413 Crivitz Richard Kaminski K Donald Boehmke II 427 Milwaukee Edmund Brozynski V David Dey V 431 Three Lakes Gary Stebbeds V 440 Clinton James Bird K Lawrence Hood K 447 Viola Spencer Fox K 449 BrookďŹ eld James Reinders K Arthur Rozga K Clarence Graff II George Andrekopoulos II Eldred Zimmerman K Eugene Schulist II Erwin Kiefer II Harold Boche II 454 Mt Calvary Alvin Schmitz K Leroy Boeder K 457 Mequon-Thiensville Thomas Knapp K Theodore Klocko K 460 Belleville James Root K 467 Ontario Don Jones II 468 Milladore Yvonne Freer V 469 Marathon Alfred Joswiak II 480 Presque Isle William Waugh V 481 Madison Ronald Hoffmaster K 483 Allenton Dewayne Grauden K Roy Weyer II William Pies V 484 Glenbeulah Norbert Fleisner V 490 Milwaukee Joseph Donahue II Wayne Soward V Prentice Jones V 494 Caledonia Dennis Long V 501 Madison Richard Scollon V Donald Bobb PG 509 Rosholt Thomas Haroldson II 518 Green Bay Ronald Gruselle II Gary Pagel V 519 Stetsonville Darrell Damm V Winston Jochimsen II 521 Fox Lake Gene Green K Oscar Beale II 534 McFarland John Lynch V John Wiechers K 537 Milwaukee Richard Gravelle K Wallace Morden II William Weed II Alton Peterson V Robert Koeslin K 546 Racine Jerry Jones II 2930 Portage Thomas Spata V
01/20/18 11/06/17 01/25/18 01/06/18 02/16/17 01/06/18 01/09/18 12/28/17 12/25/17 01/15/18 10/13/17 01/19/18 01/13/18 01/24/18 12/16/17 12/28/17 12/29/17 01/15/18 01/20/18 01/22/18 01/26/18 01/22/18 01/28/18 12/22/17 01/07/18 12/04/17 12/28/17 12/26/17 11/26/17 09/04/17 12/18/17 12/25/17 01/20/18 12/21/17 01/17/18 01/16/18 01/03/18 12/03/17 12/24/17 12/31/17 12/09/17 11/27/17 01/17/18 01/01/18 12/20/17 06/13/17 11/08/17 01/02/18 12/28/17 01/15/18 12/12/17 01/08/18 09/12/17 12/25/17 06/28/17 03/11/17 03/08/17 01/02/18 04/30/17
FEBRUARY 15, 2018
Post No. 522 • Hubertus Cdr Carl Heiman
Post No. 521 • Fox Lake Cdr William Linke Jr.
Post No. 123 • Owen Cdr Curt Garret
Post No. 375 • Mukwonago Cdr Donald Braun
Post No. 103 • Galesville Harold Vaugh, Cdr • Don Stoner, Adj
Post No. 478 • St Cloud Cdr Gary Buechel
Post No. 372 • Forestville Cdr Donald Viste
Post No. 470 • Saukville Cdr Denise Jamrozy
Post No. 199 • Reedsville Pat McCulley, Cdr • Dan Rabideau, Membership Chairman
Post No. 313 • Black Earth Cdr Dennis Wood
Post No. 161 • King Cdr Gary Mader
Post No. 488 • New Berlin Cdr Ken Albrecht
Post No. 147 • Medford Cdr Jim Shaw
Post No. 387 • Franklin Cdr Allen Nohl
Post No. 377 • Elcho Cdr Larry Anderson
Post No. 446 • Steuben Cdr Jeffrey Miller
Post No. 121 • River Falls Cdr Larry Larson
Post No. 484 • Glenbeulah Ron Biskobing, Cdr • Steve Rortvedt, Adj
VA DISABILITY APPEALS Post No. 434 • Oak Creek Cdr John Edelblute
Post No. 145 • Random Lake Lloyd Merkel, Cdr • Ron Merriman, Adj
Tom Hagen, Attorney at Law Lt. Col., U.S. Army (Retired), JAG “A Veteran Helping Veterans” Bradley Berkland Hagen & Herbst, LLC Woodbury, MN
The City of Appleton’s annual Flag Day Parade has been referred to as the largest and best of its kind in the whole United States. So much so that military bands and performance groups from throughout the country, and other civilian groups have accepted invitations to participate regularly. Annually there are 75,000+ spectators and 100,000+ television viewers. In an effort to accentuate the American Legion Family’s exposure in 2018, all Posts, Units, Squadrons and/ or Districts are welcomed to be a part of a mass march as one large American Legion contingent. Appleton American Legion Post No. 38’s Scarlet Guard Color Guard will serve as the main color unit by carrying our National,
Department and POW/MIA Colors. Other Posts, Units, Squadrons and/or Districts will be assembled right behind by marching with their individual Post, Auxiliary and/or Squadron flags. American Legion Bands, specialty vehicles and floats are welcomed too. Leading the whole American Legion contingent in her hometown’s parade will be our Department of Wisconsin Commander Laurel Clewell. The 68th Annual Appleton Flag Day Parade is scheduled for Saturday, June 9th, 2018, at 2:00 PM. If your Post, Unit, Squadron, Band or District is interested in participating, please contact Eric Stadler for more information at or by calling 920-450-6907.
(507) 593-4098